« I no ova « * * ' THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BERING WELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1»84 THIRTY-WEST YKAIl HEILIN OFFICER ^ a ^ i n SAVS1ES1 WELLS. FOUR -H CHßUPS OPEN FAIR 100« MORE FUNDS 10 O lli SCHOOLS ! BALL PLAÏOFF10 OECIOE winners Tw*nty-*ight Rncniva Recog­ District 19 To Receive Nearly Should Taka Advantage Ofi nition For Achievement After Two Week* Period $4,000; Net Warrant Debt Fran Service To Protect _ , ... Will Be Less Than $5,000 Many Private Welle Two mu lor aud three Junior life Placing Of Award* In Early Judging Started; Will Pas* On Club Cardan* Today CONTINUES THREE DAY^ Twenty-Two Half Schola. •hip* To Summer School Included A* Firet Prize* W Va. . . . " I karaa'I Tli« 14IU« County Kour ii luir la going io be the major event In lo n e counly thl« week end «tartInn today (or thr«« day« The exblbl tlon. lb« third annual l-nne Four-H (ulr, 1« held In tb« club bulldlnx« ou III« Lnittl county fair g r o i i u t l « whlrb Include on« tiundtrrafl pro Jed mik I recreation bulldlnx und two llveslork barua NO. 31 aavanapa •ÄaAidlkldl tad will hitch bike aad a threufh the district a gel that oeaüaa- Bryant (abeve), ji peaaat reader, Ooatireea appeal»* POINTERS WORK OH C llf SCHOOLS AIIhough there are no knowo > aaea of typhoid fever In the city and no »udtlen development of the disease la expected, I*. W, H. Pollard, city health officer, thia w ok Issued a warning Io citizens urging them to have their water supply examined and lealed for 1 dangerous bacteria Thl» 1» the time of Ihe year when wuler »upply become» low. especially In many private wells und aprlng-t, and contamination of lb« source 1» most likely to take place, »ays Dr. Pollard Tho»«| using city water do not need to have their water tested us It 1» (««led frequently before being pumped into the city main» There 1» no expense Involved In testing water aupplle» The proper »hipping bottle» are available at Dr Pollard's office and »ample» of ihe water are placed In Ihe bot­ tle and »enl to Portland of exam i­ nation The only requirement la that the Individual pay the poatage aavlag badges were awarded Bet Near|y , 4ggg , roB the non.h|gh urday at ibe conclusion of one of , chf>o, , und an„ , he ,.|«tn«n the moat successful two weeks' life lary acbool fund will be went to Ravin« elaaM« held In Hprlntftehl Hprln(tfh.M <„Hlrl<.f thia week Senior award« w eal to Irene Ixiuk County School Superintendent and Susan Flegle» Those earning |, aur,,nce Moffitt. the Junior badges were Richard T he net warrant debt of the dla and Robert Richardson and Isaac w |„ redlli.ed , rom about Kndlcott. Swimmer« buttons w e r e |>g4## to , ba„ by , he given to Rose Ogden and Hill Load., n,.w money re’ Robinson. IJewellyn Snyder, Mild­ The non high achol tuition fund The Fnlop team closed the sec­ red Powell. Jean Thompson. Joan will send the district *141500. ond half with five wins and no de­ Ward, Pearl Perry, fe lla Share. leaving orly *157.24 balance to be feats, settin g a new record for the Florina Proctor. Dorothy Lee. Rob­ paid for last year. All together entire season. They were tied with ert McCheaney. Lawrence Thomp­ there 1» to be paid the district the MahMurptxy teem for first son, Merlin Lee. M«lvln Lee. Ted from thia fund *4242.2* but a pay­ place with four wins each la the Loud. BUI Lend. Bernice Griffin. ment of 126*9 94 was paid last first half, making nine win» and Agn«« Griffin, Virginia Pohl, and i March one defeat. In the playoff the Oro- Blilrley Haack. I From the elem entary school r I 1 'I I I l l*FT v IgT I I I “ 1* I d I ■ ™ 4 x l ' J4J1 » - • _ __ ! kd I A ft Arthur Porter had charge of the fund th(. dlatrtcl receiving at D ,,t r ,c t Engineer Make* Un- «era defeated the Merchandiser's Instruction aad wa» assisted by Ed lb |„ ttme *2492 9b favorable Report To Coun­ the first two of a series of three games to claim championship of Ijlfferty, both of Eugene; Irvin W|fb , h)„ farther rpducUon j„ ty Committee Wednesday _______ the first half. Davit. Springfield; and C la u d e ,,hp net worrant deb, „ rXperted (’onatructlon of a sidewalk bor-: No P layo ff In H a lf Needed Miller of Cottage Grove. that teacher« salaries when paid There la no need for a playoff Classes were held at W illam ette i for , bp , lrxt llmr <)ctober , or dering the Pacific highway be park pool which waa donated for :be , all , erm w)„ ca, hed wRh. tween Eugene and Springfield will ln th® second half as Shorty'- LODGE PLANS FOR probably not be started thia year. shlnp parlor team, the closest rival the purpose by Mr Loud. Trana-, ou, discount. Efforts to have the sidewalk made *laH only four victories. Kirkland ANNIVERSARY EVENT portatlon was provided by the city Into a SERA project have repeat- •'’lorlata have three and Irlsh- of Springfield. MANY ATTEND BAKER Com m ittee Nam ed Te Prepare Spe­ edly been unsuccessful. Two dla- Murphy ’wo. Wrights won one cial Observance O f Rebekah DotainFVTFD TO PDFACW FAMILY REUNION SUNDAY j trlct engineers' reports have been » m e and H offm ans, who started P O IN D E X T E R T O P R E A C H ------------ ¡„ „ ed . one favoring the walk con la,e ,B ,hp "*•’<». to win a Founding Neat Month N EW TOB K . f a beve), 0 . B. Women's fkam ploa, tkoeg* defeated w the F ag lia i ebaapUaablp, la kerne ta d»f.ad bar oaUoaaJ title a t Fovea» H i l f , H. I ; la l NO SIDEWALK NOW SAYS NEW REPORT Tba fair atarled off bright und «arly thin morning at II o'clock with announcement» of winner* In lb« ■owing and home-making exhibit« The«« were placed and Judged Eight Painter* Applying Kal- Wmlneaday. •omin* At Lincoln and High Today at 10 o'clock Ihe health examination contnnt waa atarled to I Building* Thi* Week determine the heallhleat club work era In the county who will compete^ It «pair work at Ute Springfield I school» which It being carried on at Ute «tale fair In Salem Krom II until 2 So the time ! u u HERA project swept Into full given over to Judging of foroatry. i awing tbla week when eight paint- handicraft. fluwere. cooking, crop» era began kulaomlnlng at the Lin and garden«, and the crop Judging ‘ coin und high acbool building*, coolcat Crew» of workmen bave been W ill Eaplam Awards bnay al all three building» during Klrat large gathering of Ihe club lh„ HUI„ ,Iiar rimming up Ihe build AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY Group» From N orth and South Con- glruction and tbp |a te r One. pre»- aame member» will be held al J :80 when I lngH and i«k|„g op »eala prépara Preliminary plana for the observ­ ----------- vene At Jefferson For Annual ,.nted to the county relief commit- i A »bree-game playoff between home economic» and foreatry metn ,„ ry reflnlxhing the floor» Only ation of ihe elghty-tblrd anniver­ Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pa-tor Picnic Gathering Wednesday, discouraging such wlnners of the first and second bera meet to hear explanation» or „ , niaU amount of Ihe floor »pace sary of the founding of the Rebekah of Ihe Springfield Methodist ----------- , project at this time half ’r,n Rtart on Brattaln field to- Judge» for lhe uward» a» mad« ball rinlahed yet. however due lodge which will fall on September church, will return to Springfield Thirty-seven persons attended | Construction of a »idewalk be- n,,fh* with the first game schedn- Llveatock Judging and home eco (bp («dure to receive the ma 20 thl* year, war« made here Mon­ ill time to fill his pulpit here and the annual reunion of the I. W. tween Eugene and Springfield Is led for alx o’clock- The secoad nlmoca démonstrations will be held ler|a |a which had been ordered and day evening at the weekly meeting at Coburg Sunday morning acrord- Baker family which was held at dea| rable. yet due to the many con- *am'“ w,u P1’ *’«1 Monday eveo- after 3 o'clock and In the evening wb|,.b were tied tip on coaat dock» of Juanita lodge The local lodge Ing to a letter received from h im , Jefferson Sunday. Six relatives, tw o , ditlons surrounding it it would be ln*' and *he date for ,h e third »tartlng at 7:30 the public Is In­ durlng Ihe »hipping strike group decided to hold their annl thl» morning. He Is now at Tacoma sors In California, one daughter „„w ise to attempt its construction ma,ch will be decided later If a vited to attend the style show and This week four painters began regular meeting night. attending a ministerial conference. and her husband and two grand- at th- present time. >aid FVank S. ,hlrd *a,m' ia other entertainment featuring club at the high »chool und six at the A com m ittee Ml«» Edna • la tt.! "That God May Win.” Is the children, were unable to he present. Koehler, district engineer, In his Close scores were recorded by work Ole Fuller and hl» Forestry Lincoln building They are era-1 Mlaa Thelma Sweeney, and Mrs theme of the m essage at 11 a. m A large picnic dinner was enjoy- report to the county committee. Kirkland'.- and W rights in their Showboat will he at the fair­ ployed by the county relief body Wild« Colton was named to make The Sunday achool will meet a t . ed at noon and sports and other Pending highway work at Jud- Tuesday games. The Hardware ground» and provide a continuous and are permitted lo work only 30 arrangement« for the anniversary 9 45 with classes for every age recreation were enjoyed. The group k|ns a doubt that women and m,‘n remained Just one point be program of educational motion pic hour- per month. visiting comm ittee comprising Mrs At 7:00 p. m. the pastor will con- of relatives living south of Jeffer- others would use the walk If It hind the florists when the score turea Effort« will be concentrated on Cora Hinson and Mrs Genevieve tinue the series on the Christian son competed with the group from were gravel and not hard surfaced, pnded 12-13. Shorty's team ran over The Friday program will Include tb(, interior of the buildings before Louk. was also named by the noble Home emphasising "Home for the the north In presenting a stunt. uge of the sidewalk as a parking' ,h " Hoffman nine 21-12. the following 9:00 a. m Judging a<.h(M(| „pe„a (he middle of Sept grand Oblldren " The young people will Those from Ijtne county attend- place for automobiles If no curbing Ball League Success of livestock, 10 00 health examlua ember School board member» Following the business m eetin g , have an outdoor campfire service ing were Mr. and Mrs. Baker. Mr. were constructed, and lack of room Paul Schantol. organiser and Ilona; 10 00 Judging of rabbits; doubt that the painting of Ihe ex the mouthly social wa« held ar.di at 9 o'clock to follow up the theme and Mrs. Alex Stevens. Springfield; a( Judkins point now for a side- manager of the softball league, is 10 30 poultry Judging contest; 1 00 , er)or of , ba i4 ncoin building which home-made Ice-cream and rookies j of the evening service, Mr and Mrs. Charles^Parls and two waik without building a* wooden » ell pleased with the manner in p ro. further poultry Judging. 7 SO waa included In the project will were served by the noble grand. Coburg^M pthodist children of Marcola: Mr and Mrs. ,ralk extending over the grade o f ’ which the athletic program was evening program be completed at this time 'Faith W ill Find a W a y w ill be Austin McPherson and Mr and , bp highway, are reasons "cited In' supported by local people and their Demonstrations on Saturday All material« and Insurance for CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO , subject of the sermon at 9 45 Mrs. Orval Peerce of Eugene. Mrs. Ibe report as making It Inadvisable attendance at the games. Getting The Saturday program starts a l , worbmen are being provided by HAVE MUSICAL PROGRAM u 1 ,1 Th* »‘"k001 a' Purls and Mrs. Stevens are daugh- to construct the walk at this time, six full ball teams to play tw ice a 10 30 a in with a program of live lhl. acbool district and the labor 10:45 every Bunday morning. j ters of Mr. and Mrs. Baker. Many Ixrral people expressed surprise week on the sam e nights is no »lock ahowman»hlp. and crop» and ( ,a furD|ahed from the relief fund« j I other relative- cam« down from «-hen they learned of the action small task and credit for the feat ‘WI ki I s on the Gird s Side" will llveatock demonstration by inem . ____ ■ I Portland and cities in Washington. tahen by the County Committee In i belongs to Schantol and managers her. starting at l oo o'clock MANY HEAR MOTT TALK he the subject of the sermon to he k IZF.R FAMILY HOLDS Mr. and Mrs. Baker went to tabling th-» sidewalk request i of the six teams. preached at the Christian church Elmo Chase la flower Judge. Ben GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Portland from Jefferson Sunday - A road will always exist he- These Bunday mornltMt by Rev Veltle AT LANE CHAMBER MEET managers are Harry Keeny will Judge Ihe poultry. Ben and will spend some time visiting tween th e J w o cities and the road Wright. W right’a Hardware and Pruitt, pastor Rev Pruitt will also Hodenwold of the animal huaban A total of 43 children, grand w|t b their daughters. Mrs. John will follow closely the present Furniture; George Thatcher, Fu- Nearly 7U perxous heard Con- sing a gospel Yolo dry department at Oregon State children and other relatives were Qrimm and Mrs. Riley Wakley route In the future. Construction iOp’g Department Store: William I greHMinan Jamen W Mott »peak In Ihe evening the pastor will . . . . . . . . . . . . .„¿I here last Thursday evening at the preach a sermon and a mixed quar present tor the reuniou dinner of They make their home on E a s t, o i sjdewalk along the highway from Cox. Irish-Murphv Company; Lerov and L J. Allen, assistant state club u I. .a, I monthly meeting of the Lane to u u let comprising Ruth Orrick, sop­ the Otis F. Klxer family on their Main street here. both ends up to the narrow point Inman. H offm ans Store: Gilbert leader will conduct the livestock ' . _ u ... ly * t in itu b er of Commerce. More Mor* rano; Miriam Yoder, alto; Orin Golden Wedding anniversary Sun- at Judkins point where some re- F i,h. Kirkland Floral Company; .A l.iAwf..« M < «ea*^ M *a» idlae and crops Judging contests. Miss 11 ban 46 persons were present from Rickard tenor, and Gerald Moiri- AENEAS MEMBERS HAVE location or widening work Is to and Schantol for Shorty's Shlne Sarah Wertx. county home demon­ ! various parts of the county for the son. baas; will sing a JO-mln— ' Af,er 2 o'<,'ork "”*mberR of be done will not cost much with Parlor. stration agent In Josephine county, Juanita Rebekah lodge, and Pine LAWN PARTY TUESDAY ______________ { dinner, and others came In later program. materials being e --------------------------- _______ w furnished ________ __ by t _ h la Judging the sew ing and home The Sunday school will meet at C,rcle- Neighbors of Woodcraft, j Aeneas club and col,nt>' c<1,,rt has hepn Promised. I to hear the address. economics projects. ” ” a“d and ............................. Charles Coe. representative of 9 45 and the Christian Endeavor ,o « * 'h(‘r w,th m“ny ° ,her ,r ‘e"df' It will provide a greater sense NO CLUES FOUND OF Expenses of the fair are being Many gifts were left by a number of guests were entertain j the State Department of Agricul- society will hold Its meeting at 7 called ed Tuesday afternoon at a lawn of 8ecur,t’r ,o both n’o,or,f,t “ d CITY NIGHT PROWLER paid from a *700 contribution made Ihe friends in addition to two pres­ ■ oeteJan *• i lure, spoke on the marketing and o'clock. from Ihe County Fair fund. Approx­ party held at the home of Mrs. oedestrian. enter! by the lodge groups. : grading regulations. These are only a few of the com- The night prowler who stole aev- imately **00 will be used to pay The rooms were decorated with John Parker. Mrs. L. K. Page as- ments heard on the street here to- eral Jars of fruits and vegetables The program waa arranged by WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS o, M, tB. general expense« and the remain­ -.Istprl the hostess. member» of the legl»latlve com ing *500 will be apenl for prlxea Guests present included Mrs. day wherever discussions of the from the Roy Pugh home late Fri­ HAVE BIC MELON FEED odist church, and members of Mrs Dean inlltee. day night and then attacked Mr. C. Poindexter. Mr». Susannah > want I" were heard. The fair management la offering — ----- Kizer's Sunday school class pres- Pugh when he encountered the 20 half arholarshlpa to Ihe 1**6 Mrs t'larlne Pulman was elected enied the couple with a large Porter. Miss Ada Porter of Chicago. man while making an inveetlga- Mrs. A. B Van Valxah. Mrs. D. B FORMER RESIDENT IS Four-H aummer achool, as first SOURCES OF SCHOOL senior guardian of Ihe Juvenile b| rthday cake, Sallsman. Mrs. N. C. Nielson. Mrs. BURIED HERE SATURDAY tion. Is still unknown. No clues prlaea and Montgornary Ward and DISTRICT FUNDS TOLD circle of Pine circle. Neighbors o f __________________ I as to his Identity have been found Company are offering two half- John Bell and Mrs. M. M. Peery u r . n e X g 1 “The" m e n .ir lh lp rcon M A N Y WATCHERS SEE EuRt>ne j D pyJe M„ of Mrg H aip, Renne Brlddell, 2B, according to Lum Andereon. police Organixatlon of school finances Hcholarshlps MACON ON TR IP SOUTH Rosen. Mrs. W H. Pollard and died at Lebanon last Thursday ch iei- who made an investigation. Awards In the 1-ane County Four- for district 19 together with an teal between the red and blue I Mias Edna Swarta, besides mem- morning. 9he was bom in Spring- Anderson attributed the theft to 11 garden ronteat are to be de­ explanation of the various funds team s wa- discontinued and appli [ ----------- field on November 1. 1908 and had transients, saying that there are cided today aad first place wln- and I heir sources was given mem cation of one member was consld-, Streets filled quickly \ \ ednesdav hers of the club Mrs. C. E. Sw arts will entertain made her home In Eugene for the more persons of the drifter type tat ners In each of the seven districts hers of the Lions club at their Frl ered. A melon feed was enjoyed po 011 when the droning of the large ! the city now than usual. motors of the dirigible Macon an­ for the club members at her home past several years. of Ihe county will reetve garden day noon meeting by I^urence C. | fo||ow |ng lbp business meeting. nounced the passing of the United Moffitt, county achool superlntend- Funeral services were held a t : for their next meeting. Septem ­ cultivator. I enl Many questions were asked 1 States only large llghter-than-alr ber 28. Landaoape Project Interaats Branstetter-Simon chapel Saturday L E L A PETERSON ATTENDS MISS JOHNSON LEAVES aircraft. The Macon came In a One of the outstanding features and some discussion was held. at 2 o'clock and Interment was C O N V E N T IO N made at Laurel Hill cemetery. C' E' C O IM V fclM I I UN of the fair will be the group ex-1 The club a h o urged further ac­ TO MARRY IN NEW YORK wide sweep over the city of Eugene F |N A |_ ARMORY WORK ________ circling the University district and She leaves her husband and a , hlblt by the Norkenxle Home Beau-1 tion on the Eugene-Bprlngfleld Miss Ruth Johnson, daughter of then pointed her nose due west to UNDER WAY HERE NOW „ 7 7 7 ; , “ .¿ i llflcatlon club. A model house built sidewalk project. Mr. and Mrs. Fred B Johnson of the coast for the return to Sunny­ ----------- . . . . this week attending the state con­ by the Eugene Lumber company ing In various parts of Linn and ... Contracts tor the final work on 1 vention of the Christian Endeavor Springfield who has been visiting vale, California where the ship Is for the Pioneer parade has been HOP PICKING STARTS Lane counties. the Springfield Armory have been society as delegates from the here with her parents for several stationed. loaned to the club and they will let to three local ...... persons - . and IN MOST EARLY YARDS weeks, left this week for Buffalo. . . . work | p a r t y 1C G I V E N Springfield society. landscape the yard around the is again under way at the public! L tim rtic .it i t io u iv c n ¡^igs Peterson was accompanied New York, where she will be mar- i _ _ house In addition to their Indivi­ Picking of the early cluster hops fled to J. Richard Parker of Mas- IUKA CIRCLE MEMBERS building. Nlel Pollard has the con- FOR VISITORS SUNDAY to Turner Monday by Miss Mina dual landscape projects. and som e of the fuggles has been sachusetts. Mr. Parker Is an eu- NAME PATRIOTIC LEADER , tract for the Installation of the ----------- Peterson, Miss Uldlne Gartln. Mias There Is no admission charge to started this week In yards where Mr and Mrs. Roy Houck enter ! Beulah Thurman, and Leroy In- plumbing fixtures and Is almost glneer. and Miss Johnson is physl- the fair. All persons Interested In these varieties are grown. There cal education director at the Buf Miss Melba Harris was named through with the Installations. Roy tallied at their home Sunday with man. They returned the same day, this work are Invited to attend, j Hre not many of the early hops In falo Y W C. A. patriotic Instructor for Iuka c ir c le ; Conway has the painting contract j a dinner honoring guests who h a d , and Miss Peterson expects to ru- It Is a strictly educational nffalr this county, and the later hops --------------------------- . number 37 last Thursday evening and Is painting the upper rooms, been visiting for several days, a n d ; turn Saturday. and no concessions or detracting will not be ready for pickers until SEVERAL ATTEND SILVER when Mrs. Walter Laxton was h ost-1 John Henderer has the contract others. Those present for the din- --------------------------- entertainment Is permitted, says nexl w««k ln most yards. Pickers ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY e8S for the * rol,P- She *»eeeeds with the Veterans State Aid Com- ner were Mrs. Hiram W ells, and R. H. Kuehner, county cluh leader. nr|4 rerP|ving one cent per pound Mrs. Nellie Carr who was unable mission for the Installation of the daughter, Marie, of LaCrosse, WIs- MISS MANNING HOSTESS . fur I heir work thia season A number of Springfield people to »»eve out her term. The group lighting fixtures and will place eonsln. Mr. and Mrs. Will Farwell AT NOON LUNCHEON WEED CUTTING STARTS attended the silver wedding annl- j wln nit again on August SO at the them when they arrive, of Stanley. Wisconsin, Mr. and ----------- Mrs E. C. Houck of W est Spring Miss Altle Manning, assisted by ON CITY PROPERTY LOCAL GROUP ON TRIP versary gathering held In Eugene home of Mrs. Lee Putman. Spe field. Mr and Mrs. F. W. Houck of Mrs. Elva Adams, entertained with ABOVE OAKRIDGE AREA Sunday afternoon honoring Mr. and c,a ' business will be taken up at LODGE CROUPS GET Cutting of weeds on city owned Mrs. Erik Johnson Mr. Johnson hat Hnie. PICNIC INVITATION Eugene. Mrs. N. E. Bradford and; a noon luncheon for a number of son. Leslie of North Bend, and her friends Tuesday. Guests In- lots and nlone sidewalks and I)r. and Mrs Milton V. Walker, has been employed at the Booth- ! _______ Gordon, Ruth and Ruby Houck, eluded Miss Uldlne Gartln. Miss streets began hern Wednesday her father, Prof. W. (1. Patterson, Kelly lumber company mill here for CITY SPRINKLER PUT Members of the Eugene and Mrs. W ells and daughter left Tues- Dawn Church. Miss Clara Jones. morning nlong Malli atreet. letter of London, Ontario, and William many years and both Mr. and Mrs. INTO ACTIVE USE HERE Oakridge I O. O. F. and Rebekah , . . . . . . u„» Miss Emma Rogers. Miss Mina dav iui for »!»«« their in-.«--. home. In the season many of the weed* Bouse left Wednesday morning on Johnson are well-known In Spring lodges are sponsoring a Joint pic- , . .. . . . . --------------------------- Peterson. Miss Mary Hadley. Miss will be burned and an attempt will M camping and fishing trip on the field ___ l _ . „ __ . i Residents turned their heads and ulc at Mossy Maples grove above . .. .J « n » .. u. u D E L E G A T E S A T A S T O R IA Beulah _ Thurman. be made to mow some of the larger U|,p*.c W illamette above Oakridge . „ I-eroy „ „ __ Inman. 1 stared Tuesday as the City aprlnk- Lowell on the W illam ette highway l x c l c l »« I c o « 1 « o i u m n . . .. . . _ . ,, u . .. William Cox. and C. B Manning, patches. They will be back In Springfield MRS. CASTEEL INVITES er was being used to wash paved Sunday. Members of the two FOR LEG ON MEETINGS ~ ——— — — — — on Friday. PRISCILLA MEMBERS atreets. This was the first tim e j groups In Springfield and all other --------------------- r n il W O l l V A C A N V N O T EUGENE ALL-STARS TAKE _______ the tank wagon had been used for Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in this Springfield American Legion L U U M V H . v sL s n ti rx v i Members i f the Priscilla club several months and has become vicinity have been Invited to at post Is being represented at the FILLED BY APPOINTMENT IRISH-MURPHY TEAM FORMER PROFESSOR IS tend. Earh family should bring a state convention at Astoria this -------------- —------- SPEAKER FOR BAPTISTS will be entertained this afternoon som ething of a novelty. at Ihe home of Mrs. Merle Casteel. ------------- • basket dinner. Coffee and cream | week Major Mrs. M. B. No appointment to the City Coun- _______ by _____. . . and _____________B. j Members of the Eugene A ll-Stars! ----------- Huntly and J. M. Larson. Mr. and | ell to take the place of Clayton F. softball team defeated the Irish- Professor Oscar Gladdisli, Pull- Several special guests have been i Back from Fair—Mrs. Ella l-om- ■ will be furnished. Mrs. Huntly left Springfield Mon- Barber, resigned, has been made ! hard and daughter, Maurlne. re-| -■ Murphy learn 18-2 ln a practice man. Wnshlngton. a former profes- Invited for the affair. turned Wednesday evening from a Horn« from Hospital— Mrs. S. C. day and spent several days at New- by W. P. Tyson, mayor. The mayor game played on Bratlaln field sor at Springfield high school about Monday evening The two learns 5 years ago, spoke al the Baptist Home from Idaho— Mrs. George motor trip to the Century of Pro Wrlght was brought home from the port before proceeding to the con -! has not Indicated whether he will will meet Friday evening on the church Sunday evening on Ihe sttb- Hoffman returned Wednesday greas at Chicago and other Inter- Pacific hospital Saturday. Her, vention city. Mr. Larson left Wed- attempt to secure a successor to Falrgrounds ball diamond In Ell ■ Jed. "The Changing Order As It evening from Jerome. Idaho where eating scenic apota In the middle daughter. Mrs. Jim Elder, of Port- nesday. The sessions started to- i fill the vacancy prior to th* general election to bn bnM ba day. land In caring for she had been visiting relatives. gene. Appears ln America."