The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 16, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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    TH U KH DA Y, AVOUBT 16. 1M4
The minimum price on tomatoes
The Girl From Ml»«ouri, the new
Metro-Uoldwyu-.Muyer picture opeu- to the retailer in Oregon and Wash
mg Sunday at the McIXtuald then lugton will be 4(1 cents for each 20
ire, brings Jean Harlow In one of pound box it was announced this
Special Relief For Drought the most entertaining pictures In week by the melon and tomato'
marketing agreement committee
recent months.
Stricken Areas Planned; To
Miss Harlow Is seen as Kadie The price Is a reduction of 111 cents
Hold Control Ground
Chapman, on the hunt for a million for the minimum avd became effec­
wire husband. In a role that only tive Monday.
Thv areal drought, which ha» re-
Two case- of vldation by grow
Jean Harlow could handle.
duct-tl grain and hay crops to re-:
Lionel Barrymore plays the part ers of the $1.25 per crate minimum
cord low levels, has alerted a eoun
of T. R. 1‘alge, a financial and poli­ placed on cantaloupes by the Mar
try wide discussion of the agricul
tical power, who tries to turn hea ketiug committee are now helng
tural adjustment program and af­
veu and high water to prevent proa««cuied by the State Depart­
fected materially the agricultural
Kadie from marrying his son. Tom. ment of Agriculture.
refinancing program of the govern­
Under the new ruling the buyer-
taken by Franchot Tone.
ment. according to information re
Lewis Slone appears briefly as and the sellers are now liable for
ceived by the Oregon Agricultural|
Cousins, millionaire bachelor, uud prosecution when either one viola
extension service.
Hale Hamilton enacts another play les the price scale except in In
In answer to those who feel that
hoy bachelor who crosses Miss stances where prices ase tedu. .1
agricultural adjustments are no
to avoid lo» by spoilage.
Harlow'« trail.
longer necessary, Secreetary Wal­
lace of the Unite«! States depart- j Patsy Kelly serves admirable us
a foil for Miss Harlow in her role WARNING ISSUED IN
rnent of agriculture says that un­
as Kitty, Jean's showgirl pal.
doubtedly the drought will make i t !
She first attach» herself to Cou­
necessary to change many of the
sins. but he commits suicide. She
Salem Aug. 1« — (Special) —In­
agricultural programs for 1935.
trails the elder Paige to Florida surance agents who attempt to re­
To Continue Control Plan
and quite bv accident runs across place nr eneoura** the replacement
Regardless of what revision«
his son. Toni Tom is madly In love of life insurance policies already in
may be made, however. Secretary
with Kadie hut dodges the wedding force by one in another company,
Wallace says there will not be an«
which n«'w policy Is purported to
abandonment of the principle ot
Disillusioned. Kadie returns to he more suitable to the insured'a
government assistance to farmers
New York and Tom relents and of­ needs usually do the policyholder
in establishing the necessary bal
fers to marry her. But Tom's father a grave injustice, declares A H.
ance between supply and demard
"frames" Kadie. has her arrested— Averill, in urance commissioner, in
and giving Just compensation for
and the manner In which Kadie a statement issued as a result of
their cooperation.
gets her revenge provides a series Inquiries from numerous policy
Already nearly 4 million checks.,
of exceedingly humorou Incidents holders as to whether a policy In
amounting to approximately 30d
another company would not be
million dollars, have been Issued
more beneficial than one which has
as rental and benefit payments to FISH PARASITES TOPIC
already been carried for a number
farmers. Payments on the corn-hog
contracts for 1934 production are;
A life insurance policy has a de­
Just getting well started, while the
Parasites of one kind or another finite property value which In-
wheat, cotton and tobacco con­
have been found in every import­ crew es with the age of the policy
tracts already in effect run through
ant species of game fish which oc­ and a change front one company
the 'year 1935.
curs in Oregon, although in most Io another usually means a finan
Refinancing Slows Up
in lances these parasites do no clal loss to the Insured, for the new
Owing to depreciated security,
serious damage if present only In Insurance purchased must he paid
the farm refinancing program of
small numbers, says a new bulle­ for at the advanced age rate. It
the Farm Credit Administration is
tin published by the Oregon State should be remembered that with
beign slowed up in the drought
college experiment station, entitled the first payment on a life policy
area . both as to mortgage loans
“Some Dis-ases of Oregon Fish and an Immediate Insurance estate has
and production loans, saya the col
Game and Identification of Parts of been created and the acqnt Itlon
l-ge extension service, hut drought-
Game Animal ." The mere finding costs have been paid.
stricken farmers are receiving
of parasites in fish and tame. It
some aid through special emerg­
goes on to say however, should not
ency drought relief loans as well
be reason for condemnation for
as from the crop adjustment bene­
food, as all meat-producing animals
Mi« Norina Hurt spent last week
fit checks. The cattle purchase pro
serve as hosts for parasite««.
visiting relatives al Harrisburg.
gram Is also affording relief from
The new bulletin reports of
Mrs. John Endicott ard son.
the distress caused by the drought
studies of problems concerned with James. Ray Baugh and son. Harry,
and plans are being made to pur­
diseases of Oregon fish and game and daughter Ella, D. O. Baugh and
chase sheep in the drought areas
some of which were begun a - early Miss fora t'alverl and Mrs. Loren
President Roosevelt has already
as 1925, by the department of vet­ Kdmiston. motor d to Junction City
Lsued orders for the purchase of
erinary medicine at O. 8. C. in co­ la t Sunday and attended the birth­
fruits and other food supplies
operation with the Oregon State i day party of James Calvert who
where such would be wasted under!
Game commission Authors are Dr celebrated his SOlli birthday. Mr
normal conditions and has ordered
J. N. Shaw. Dr. B E. Simms and and Mrs. Calvert have reured a
additional sums of emergency re­
O. H. Muth of the veteranary me­ family of twelve children all hu(
lief funds to be expended in the
dicine department.
one are living, they have 26 grand
middle west.
Some of the fish eating birds are chlldr r and nine great graudchil
Rising prices for foodstuff are
expected to continue although known to be carriers of parasites dreu. the most ot them were pres­
there is no real shortage in this which live a part of their ll\es In ent lust Sunday
Mr and Mrs. Bert Weaver and
country. Government officials are fish, the bulletin say-«, and such
determined to prevent excessive in­ birds may severely contaminate family and Mr. Lafe Moore at­
creases. An average increase of 7 lakes and streams. Because life tended lahe Hollaud reunion tear
percent Is all that need be made cycles of many fish parasites are Crow last Sunday.
Mrs. Needham and son. Ray
say- Secretary of Agriculture. still unknown, further gtudla will
be necessary if control measures Mitchell and grandma T.-eters mot
Henry Wallace.
are to be worked out.
ored to Globe lust Sunday and
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Comb
The proposed 20 mill tax limita­
tion amendment and other subjects
of interest to citizens In Oregon
cltle- will be broadcast over sta­
tion KOAC every Wednesday
from 7:66 to 8:15 p. m. by a corps
of experts under te auspices of the
League of Oregon Cities and the
Bureau of Municipal Research of
the University of Oregon.
The program for the next three
weeks follows:
August 22—"Principles of Sound
Municipal Utility Management." by
J. W. McArthur, general superin­
tendent of the Eugene Water
Augu-t 29—"How to Secure and
Maintain Low Fire Insurance Rates
In Small Cities.” by Percy E. Tail-
man, chief of the fire department
of Corvallis.
September 5— “Everyday Prob­
lems of Municipal Utility Manage­
ment.” by F. M. Bennett, office
manager. Eugene Water Board.
M aytag
"With prices going up I want
to buy a lot o f thing ~
another thing till I get
save money to buy other things.”
• That’s sensible buying. Be­
Several flowers have already
cause it is buying auality you
and many buds are appear-
can use — quality that pays a
weekly return on your money. | lng on the two wild azalea plants
• The Maytag washes clothes ; in the front yard at the Maxey
faster, washes them more thor­ home. The flowers are white. The
oughly, more gently and at i early spring weather and advanced
lower cost per washing because growth at this season is credited
it is a better designed, better with the unusual occurrence.
b u ilt washer. • S elect you r
Maytag at today’s low prices.
T h e M a y ta g C o m p a n y
M in u /g rlu rg ri
You can still
buy a M aytag
for a t little as
Upper Willamette
1 -
1 ■' “•
.......... ..... R
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B Tinker
and children. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.
Elliott and daughter of Phoenix,
Arizona, Thomas Tinker of Red­
wood City. California, and Fred W,
Smith spent the week-end at Dia­
mond and Crater lakes. Mr. and
Mrs. Elliott and daughters, who
have been spending the past two
weeks at the Tinker home left for
their home In Phoenix Monday,
August 13. They went by way of
Portland and will visit the Bonne­
ville dam and Yellowstone park.
Mrs. Fred B. Godbolt. son Jimmy,
and daughter Sally, of Red Bluff.
California. Miss Nell Godbolt of
Sacramento, California were guests
at the Tinker ranch last week.
Mrs. Godbolt Is a sister of Mr. Tin­
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laird and
two children returned Saturday
from a week, ramping trip at Salt
Creek Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Miller who have
been spending several months In
Washington have returned to their
ranch at Pleasant Hill.
Fred Smith received the news of
the death of his sister. Mrs. Nettle
Benjamin at Oberlin, Ohio, Satur­
day, Augu l 4. Mrs. Benjamin
visited In Eugene several years ago
where she made many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Olson and
sons Henry and Bobble, motored to
Bend for a pleasure trip last Sun­
sst t h t l r i c t l j r ,
tf tíS M Z Z
Kas UitUi-Utjior
M iki »Ut-
Wright & Sons
Hardware — Furniture
Radios — Paint
W ith
B E T T E D A V I8
Richmond Is visiting here from
236 U. 0 . STUDENTS
Portland al the home of her par-
1 elite
Students W anting P art-T Im s W ork
Ended — Mies
Goold. county health nurse, has r»
Here from Fall Crook — Mrs.
Hotel Quest—C. Groom of Cot­
tage Grove waa a guest al Hie Dave tllaspey of Fall Creek was a turned Io her work She returnad
home Tuesday from a vacation trip
visitor In Sprlugfleld Salurday.
Spitngtleld hotel Salurday night
to Cauadu
Son Born— Mr aud Mi- A. W
Sunday' at Blue River
Moves Here— Mrs Albert Petal
amt Mrs M B Huntlv spent Sun Weight are the parents of a baby
daughter born to I hem at their sou arrived here Suuilay from
day on Blue river.
home here Sunday, August 1^ 1394 G rillit Puss Io make her home
The Pel rson's have taken a house
Preaches Sunday— 11« v II K
C u lt Arm — Irving IhiVls received at Eighth and C »Ireels
Baker of Eugene preached at both
services In the Baptist church Sun a long gush on Ills arm Sunday
Visile Slater— Mrs John Whist
Mauy stitches were required Io
lei and daughter, Alberta, of Or
close the wound
Vlxit at Sl.edd— Mr. and Mr
utige California are here to visit
At Crater Lake— Mr and Mis with Mis Whistler'» slater. Mrs
Idle« Snodgrass are vlslllug at the
A. M Snodgrass home ut Shedd Walter N Gossler. Mr and Mrs Kd Maybe, who I» very III
Clayton F Barber, and Mrs II 1.
for several days this week
Barber spent the week end on a
A t Sorority Meet— The Mis is
Visits in Portland— Miss Mar­ motor trip to Crater luke.
Ruth Carlton, Myrua Bartholomew
garet Gorrie spent the week-eud
, .uni June Cloven alteuded the meet
Ill at Home George Cumuli. Sr
In Portland vlslllug with friends
mg of te Alliini Gmlcron PI sorority
and relatives.
; m Eugene Monday evening.
slightly Improved over the pusi
R osebu rg Folk Hara— Dr aud C. week
Friends Visit— Mr and Mrs Will
G Van Vsliah and small child
; Spear- of Walla Walla. Washing
Vialta from Leaburg— Mrs. Lee
were here from Roseburg for the
! Ion were visitors here al Ihe lieri
Fountain of Leaburg was a bust
week-end Io visit relatives
1 Doane home Sunday. The families
Hess visitor lu Springfield Satur­
i were old friends about 26 years ago
Sister Visit»— Mrs Harry Cal­ day.
kins has as her guest this week
Vacation at Cabin Mr. aud Mrs
Attend Store M eeting— M r and
her sister. Mrs. Hughes of Port­
W C Wright and family are spend Mr- II B. Murphy went Io Toledo
tng their vacation al the Wright I Tuesday In attend a meeting of
Creswell Folk Here — Mr aud cabin on Horse creek
managers of Ihe Irish affiliated
Mrs. Cline Walkley of Creswell
grocery stores They drove on Io
Visits Mother—Mrs
were Sunday visitors at the H K.
Newport returning Wednesday.
of Portland la h«>re to be with her
Gerber home.
mother. Mrs Mary Magill who Is
M, h, Ob„ d, . n Climb- William
SERA Checks Given — SERA very ill.
| t.OM Wayne Bailey, and Mark Cole
check - totaling 9476 94 were given
On Coast Trlp-M r and Mrs II A«»«««’»» "••' Obsidian parly at Cres
workmen at the City hall by Lum
E Gerber are spending the week
**»•»«*•> ■'»< climbed Dlu
on a vacation trip along the Pacific
peuk "i a party led bv Hay
Falla from Wagon—A. K. Braw h««srhes driving from Florence to s,,u *.
d.v badly Injured his arm Saturday Astoria.
Wisconsin Folk Hare— Mr. aud
when he fell from a buy rack while
Hospital Patient — Mrs 8. C. Mrs William Farwell of Stanley.
working near Thurston
Wright Is improving very nicely Wisconsin, uud Mrs II Welta and
G ro ve M a n Here— Earl Hill of now at the Pacific hospital In Eu­ daughter. Maale. of Lu Cross«, Wla
Collage Grove was a caller at the gene where she underwent a ma­ .ouslu lire visiting at the homes of
M r e n d M r . It G II..o k
sod M r
Riley Snodgras home here Friday jor operation recently.
M r and M rs U G H o u k aud M r
noi .Mr« K C II..ilk
Daughter Born Mr aud Mrs. R
Albany Man Here— Mr A Bex K Dure of Vida are the parents of
xant of Albany was here on busi­ a baby daughter horn to them at
ness ut the office of the Mountain their home on Wednesday. Aug
States Power company Tuesday
ust 15. 1934
Walterville Man Her»— Walter
Meet Postponed — The
Ednitston of Walterville was a meeting of Ar tuula Guild ache-1
business visitor lu Springfield Sat duled for Wednesday evening was
N o meetings will he
Blood Poison— Vernon Wilkinson held until September.
Funds haw hcon made available
tu the University »( Orvgun to pro
vid» employment during the com
lng school year for 236 students
under the tedernl muergetldy eilu
cation program. It was n iitio iliio d
here by Dr. C V Hover, ulllvoi
slty prceldeut.
Tills represents an Increase of 20
percent over lh>* total of 196 allot
led lust year. The sum of 93,626
per month will he dlalrlhuleil Io
the tudeula beg Inning with the
school year The average pay per
mouth per student will he 916. on
a prohabl baala of 36 cenls par
hour. This sum will he In addition
to funds ullolled by the uulverslly
regularly for work done by «tu-
dents llulf of Ihe recipients of Ihe
federal money must he students
who w re not In Ihe uulverslly last
January This will permit attend
mice of UN Hew students
Applications from I h i II i new and
old students are already coming III
al the university. Theae uppllca
lions, which should stale typam of
work students can do. may be mail­
ed lo Miss Janet Smith, employ
men! secretary, at the university,
To Vialt Here— Mias Jeanotle
Thompson arrived here this week
lo visit al the home of Mr. and
.Mrs I* J llartbolouiew She lived
here and attended »«bool one win
Says t* S Gross: "After taking
*,r Emil s Adin Tableta the pains
“ r ‘’
“ " d 1 ’ * * » n X‘ h ln g
A (||b , r<m, w e n ,
,,u r m(, n<y
g u ai s u le e
lie n n y »
D rty
formerly Loudelle Williams. Is here
Visit III Mother—Lloyd Magill of
from Tillamook visiting with her Bend was here Suuday to be with
par nts Mr and Mrs. W N WII hi mother. Mrs Mary Magill, who
Is very III Her grandson. Dwlglit
I .ester arrived Saturday
Return from Yoncalla— Mrs Lei-
A safe, sane and economical
Application of the N ew Deal
principles to Oregon by an ad
m in istratio n friendly to and co­
operating w ith President Rooae
increased Federal Economic aid
to Oregon th rou gh -sym pathetic
cooperation w ith the national
adm inistration.
A new "Rooeeveltlan'
deal fo r Oregon and ita people.
I’d Adv by Marlin Campaign Cumin
. ■ ■ ______ I ......... .......... "" - -X-M"»
Factory-to-You Sale!
Now Is the Time to Stock Up at
These Reduced Prices.
Flanery’s Drug Store
Slock Up With Seasonable Merchandise
Williams’ Sell Service Store
m in istratio n of state a ffa ir« In
the Intereeta of economy and
reduced taaatlon.
SATURDAY - the la st day
to Save at Our
Clearance Sale
T ry
is recovering from an Infection In
Visits from California — Mrs
his hand which developed blood Pauline Mlxe of L o ; Angeles, Call-;
pol onlng He was at the Eugene fornla Is here visiting with her i
hospital for a few days.
niece, Mrs. Fr d Ixiuk, and her
Mrs. Mary <>. Howe
Virits Parents—Mrs Fred Buell,
(ha Rvchard aud daughter, Mrs
III at Daughter’s — Mrs. Mar.
Arthur Bailey, have returned front Howe Is here from Creswell and I*
Yoncalla where fhey visited with recovering from an Illness at til»
relatives for several days.
home of her daughter, Mrs Fred
Visits in Portland— Miss Nadine
Neet. daughter of Mr. and Mrs
C oests fro m Id a h o — M l and Mrs
Levi Neet. left Saturday for Port­ O H. Sllles have as their guest«
land where she Is spending the thl we»k. Mrs Stiles sister Mr*
week visiting at the O. R. Neel Alice Burtenshaw. and Edward
Hurtenshaw. and Merlin Young, all
of Boise, Idaho.
Car Falla on Hand— Merle Carr
W yom ing People V is it
Mr aud
received a painful hut not serious
Injury to his hand Saturday when Mrs. Jack Morrison aud son.;
the auto he waa working with slip­ Charles, are here from Cheyenne.
ped from the Jack onto hla hand Wyoming, to visit with his brolhei
in law and sister. Mr and Mrs
No hones were broken
Charles Gulley.
Visiting in Portland— Miss Jean
Return Home—Mrs. Jennie Klet
nine Withers left Wednesday for
Portland to spend some time visit­ ter of Pipestone. Mlnnesnta. and
ing with Mr and Mrs. Klery Fay. Joe Itenhart of Glendale, Callfor
She returned recently from a nlu. left Monday after spending a
week here visiting at the home of
weeks visit at Roseburg
Mr and Mrs. Frank Bartholomew
Week-end at Coast—Mr. and Mrs
Leave for South— Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Tyson and daughter. Muriel,
returned the first of the week from Merle Good and Mr. and Mrs. Ever-;
a week-end trip to Gardner, Reeds­ etl Crowley left Saturday for
port. and Marshfield. Mr Tyson In­ Fresno. California to spend lb»
spected SERA projects while there. summer. They hare been playing at
several dance pavilions during the
Home for Vacation— Miss Audrey past few months.
McPherson has returned to Spring-
Plan Trip— W 11 Hobbs and
field to spend the remainder of her
vacation at the home of her par­ daughter. Cynthia, are leaving to- '
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W W McPher­ day for Sls’ers. Oregon to visit '
son. She has been at Newport since with his slater, latter they will go '
her school term at Klamath Falls on to Wapato. Washington, to visit
was ended. She will teach there with hl mother before returning
by way of Portland. They plan to
again this fall.
he gone two weeks.
Visit on Coaat—Mr. and Mra. P.
Visit Roosevelt Ship—Mrs. Clara
J. Bartholomew and children and
his two sisters. Miss Mildred Bar­ -Malo and Miss Miriam Male have
tholomew of Corvallis, and Miss returned from an extended visit ;
Zola Bartholomew of Portland, with relatives at Independence and
spent the weekend on the coast. Portland While In Portland they
Ml«s Zola Bartholomew remained Inspected the battleship, 8. 8
President i
here for a few days visit while Mis Houston, on
Mildred Bartholomew returned to Roosevelt made hl* long ocean
Corvallis Bunday evening
■e«~ .....
Should M ake Appilsatlens
Ae Boon Ae Possible
Reaches friends
A telephone brings them
closer to you and you to
T he P acific T elephone and
T elegraph C ompany
12» - 4th »L
Telephon« 7«