THUKtìDAY, AUGUST I«. 1»34 TU E 8PRINOFTBLD NEWS S. D. A L L E N •s c k from Hospital— Alva Chan Shoe Repairing Attorney at Law tller Is noin» »sain from the Pacific *77 W illa m e tte , St hugsna, Ora 'JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP ho pltal In Eugene wliere he spetti General Shoe Repairing F IN A L HEA RING £ A Classified Directory of Reliable ' sovsral tlays lasi week for medical Our work la Guaranteed. Oar Notice Is hereby given that the treatment. Business Firms and Professional prlcee are moat reasonable ! court has fixed 10:00 A M , Sat­ IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF urday, September 1. 1934, as the People This Newspaper Recommends Give Us a T rial and Be Satisfied. T H E HTATK OF OREGON FOR ¡time when al the chambers of the Opposite McKee’s Bakery county Judge In the court-house In to You. LANK CO UNTY I 507 Main 8t„ Springfield In the M ailer of the Guardianship the city of Eugene, the hearing of Virgil J and Arlene T Hills. on the final account of the admin­ Half« 8hoe Repair Shop istrator of the estate of Glent- ) Minora. We Repeat— We are striving to worth Hhuinnker will be taken up F»)R ItK N T I Asta row punture Notice Is hereby given that oh The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. Dentists _ Amusements live up to the Spirit ns well an the unii burn; will tuko milli, lobi 1 unit after 10: Oo a ui of Huturday for allowance and an order mnde: Furnishes a assigning the residue of said estate.) : Letter of the Natlonnl Recovery K umi Muin Ht. 2tp ¡ August 2b. 1*34, at the office of Per>ivns Interested In said matters THE WINTERGARDEN DIL C. A. BROWN COMPLETE HOME ) Act. H II Allan. »77 W illamette Htreet. may appear at said time and be 8lh and Charnelton. Eugen- Hours 9 A. M. to 6 t> M K ilit HALE H Huitín buina with Eugene, Oregon, the undrralgned heard thereon Building and Repairing Service. 4ie Main St. Springfield. Anna B. Orswell. Mgr. Phone 20 J 3680.00 tiu« « m luvut luun, piiy us guardian of said minors will For Service Phone Springfield 66 C LYD E W HH UM AKER. Ad si. W illamette Res. Ph 27F14 Mb and Main Sta. Springfield Swimming munin Ilo o n per month. Ix n u tv il1 proceed to Join with other owners mlnlatrator or If no answer, phone 34-J. In mortgaging the following pro­ Modern and Old Time Music 319 "II" H l, Hprltixfleld, Ore. perly. vlx: The north 78 feet of H D. A LLEN, attorney for Estate Springfield. SWIMMING and CANOEING (A 2 9-18 23| DR. WM. N. DOW for All Occasions. W ill truilv tur d ear properly or ' lot 7 In block 7 In Hklnner's Do­ D E N TIS T Swim at the ANCHORAOE In Laundries nation to I-ane county, for the evil ruuuuuublv. Inquire F M Í N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Eugene— In City W ater which la Auctioneers X Ray Diagnosis — Hours 9 to 12 l'unii luun iteally Office, M I W ll sum of »2600. said mortgage to O spedm snt of the In te rio r, Oore SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Tested Dally by a Doctor and Al­ run three years. Interest payable 1 to 6 and by appointment. lumelle HI , Eugene, or Juniini 1 semiannually, and tn be made to aral Land Office at Rooehurg, W I- BRAY We Specialise In Bilka. Woolens, ways Kept In Class "A ” Condition. Office Phone 8 — Res. Phone »7 Oregon, July 24, 1934. Gott, 31» "A" 8t.. Springfield ut» the person or persons who will O R N ER A I. AU CTIO NEER and Curtains. Also Canoes for Rent at 25c per NO TIC E la heroby giren that First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Springfield furnish said money on terms moat Farm Sales and Livestock Our Itough l>ry - Thrifty Damp Wash Joseph A. Raker, of Marcóla, Ore­ Hour. beneficial to said minors. The In­ W A R R A N T CALL Specialty. Phone 76-J terest of said minors In said pro gon, who. on April 26th, 1132. made Department Stores , 11th and Frankln Eugene, Ore Homestead entry, Berlal, No. 020,- Community Sales 309 Main 8t. Springfield City ut Hprlugfleld W arrauta are perty Is an undivided one fourth 104. for N t i N W i i and HW I4NW 14, Turner’s Variety Store hereby tailed tor puymunt ut the part thereof Raid mortgage will I Every Wednesday Transfer A Storage i 'IH Hull uu follow»: Generul Fund be made pursuant tn an order of Hectlon 11. Township 16 8. Range H I Main St. Orthodontist Springfield Crockery. Kitchenware. Stationery.) 2 W., W illam ette Meridian, has MOVING— Our Plano and Furnl thru No. 13.701 ilatv Nor 12. 1030; license therefor Issued out of said Hosiery, Notions. Summer Hats, l filed notice of Intention to make DR. J. E. RICHMOND Street Improvement thru No. 13,182 cowl Itilv 13. 1*34 tnre Movers are Experts. Auto Dealer» final three year proof, to eatabllsb Perfumes, Pottery and a complete J 8. H IL L S . Guardian dated Feb 10, 1*31 and Library O RTHO DO NTIA STORAGE — Concerts Building. claim to the land above described, (Ju 2» A 2 9 16 23) line of Novelties. CANDIES thru No. 16,122 ilulvd uJue 30th. Phone 2253-J before E O. Itnmel, U. 8. Commis­ ANDERSON MOTORS. INC. Reasonable Rates, Reliability. 1934 I n I er eat on »aid warrant» Main Bt% Bet 3nd and 4th W E LL S A W ELLS sioner. at Eugene. Oregon, on the 1175 Charnelton Eugene PACK1NO — Experienced H e l p Kxperl Repairing — All Work crave« aftvr Au«unt 17th, 1*34 Springfield. Ore. Attorney* 17th day of September. 1934. W K IttlE l.L , Trvumirvr ut Means Safety and Protection. ' ! ■! II ■ ■■■■ 11 W 1 I Guaranteed. Claimant names aa witnesses; Physician - Surgeon Hprlugfleld. Oregon. Bank of Commorco Bldg., Eugene Fred Dorsey, Fenlun B. Dorsey, Gaa. O il, Tires and Batteries Dry Goods. Men's, Women's and PACIFIC TRANSFER & John Hull. A. C. Ewing, all of Mar 6th and A Sts., Springfield Ph. 49 NOTICE Children'« Shoes and Clothing CO. C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S cola. Oregon. OIL MILTON V. WALKER 59H 5th. STORAGE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Ave. W Eugene Ph. 74 W IL L IA M H CANON. Register Surgery and Disease« of Women C. J. BREIER CO. Notice la hereby given that Ihs Notlru 1» hvruby given that BROWN MOTOR CO. If no answer Call 104-R (Ju 36— A 39-16 23) Phone 1828 4th and Main Sta. Springfield School Dtatrlct No. I*. In lain« undersigned. Dale M Smith. Ad CH RYSLER and PLYM O U TH mlnlatrator of the Estate of Ifaael 96» W illamette Eugene Phone 32-J NOTICE county. Oregon, will pay at thv at- M Upholstering-Mattresses Sales and Service Relchenbach. deceased, has O F S H E R IF F ’ S SA L E flee of clerk of mild dlutrlct. all filed his Final Report and Account Complete Automotive Service Electrical Industries Furniture Upholstering NO TIC E Is hereby given that by warrauta to uiid Including number as such Administrator with the MEi-v ILLE 8. JONES, M. D. Open Day and Night Clerk of the County Court of I-ane | virtue of an execution and order of And 347» d'l'vil February 1. 1*34 In Springfield Electric Supply Surgery and Diseases of Women Phone 1757 County. Oregon, and that Hatur sale laauvd out of the Circuit Court 198 East Broadway Mattress Shop Iv rv it do o m s after August 1», 1*34 day. the Ktb day of Bept. 1*34 at ( of the State of Oregon for Lane Wiring, General Contracting Eugene. Oregon Springfield, Oregon Expert Workmanship HKVKHT JACOBSON. Clerk (1. E. I-atnp«. Universal llou-ehold First National Bank Bldg. 9 30 o'clock In the forenoon of j County this 13th day of July. 1*34, Ph. 43 Phone 155 said day. In the County Court Room upon and pursuant to a decree duly Electrical Supplies. SCHERER MOTOR CO. 736 Charnelton St., Eugene. Ore. In the Court Hoitae at Eugene, ‘ given and made by said Court the General Repairing Injure» Finger— Holla llagvr ot l-une County. Oregon, has been ! 12th day of July. 1*34. In a suit Plumbing A Pipe Fitting BUICK — O LD 8M O B ILE — 442 Main Springfield i Mari-ulu »uulalnvd a fractured fin­ set liy the Hon Fred Flak. Judge pending therein In which The Pa- PONTIAC Woolen Mills NIEL POLLARD ger Sunday. Htie wa> brought to ut said Court, aa the time and place1 etfle Havings a Loan Association, Motor Cars a Washington corporation was of hearing objections to the same, I EUGENE P L U M B IN G Hprlugfleld fur roedlral rare. Inspect our New Installation at HALES and SERVICE If any there are, and for the final j plaintiff and W A. Sweet and Kee. Phone 153-J WOLLEN MILL CO the State Game Farm. others were defendants, which exe- 7th and Olive 8ts. — Phone 856 Fatal« of In e i P. Flannlgan. De settlement of said estate. 420 Main St. Springfield. Ore. Manufacturers of Woolens. Westlnghouse Lamps and DALE M S M IT H . Admlnlstra i ui loti and order of sale waa to me Eugene, Oregon. ceaued directed and commanded me to sell Specialising In Ladle« tor Appliances. N O T IC E the real property hereinafter dea- Photographera-Films W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys COATINGS A N D SUITINGS. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Auto Repair crlbed to satisfy certain liens and HENDERER EI-BCTRR’ (A 9 16 23-30— 8 81 • i Retail Department at Mill. chargee In said decree specified. Carl R. Baker Film Shop 420 Main St. Springfield Notice 1» hereby given that Ar East End 6th Ave. Eugene, Ore. MARSHALL'S I will on Saturday the 18th day of tlute I. Murray, admlnlatratrtx of N O T IC E Ezztman Films — Kodaks — Res. Phone 148-J August. 1934. at the hour of 10:00 BODY AND FENDER WORKS OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T the estate of Inea P. Flannlgan. Frames — Albums— Motion o'clock. A. M.. at the southwest HUNTING SEASON OPENS deceared, ba* filed In the County "Auto Rebuilding" Fruit Packers Picture Cameras. Notice Is hereby given that Belle ' door of the County Court House In Court of the State of Oregon In FOR DEER SEPTEMBER 20 Tope and Uphol«terlng. Gia*«, We Photograph Everything and for Lane County, her final re­ O. Brown, the Executrix of the { Eugene. I-ane County. Oregon, of­ Radiator Repair», Auto Paintong. Eugene Emit Grower’s Ass’n port a» such administratrix and Eslate of 8. W Brown, deceased, fer for sale and sell at public auc­ Anywhere. Just five week« and Oregon Duco. Woodworking. Diamond A. Brand Fruit Packer* that 10 o'clock A. M on Tuesday has filed her Final Report and tion for cash, subject to redemp­ Mail films to P. O. Box 667 sportsmen will begin stalking Phone 901 and Shipper*. Ice and Cold Storage. the S8th day of August. 1*34, at : Account as such Executrix with tion as provided by law. all of the 698 W illam ette. Eugene Ph. 535 through the woods in search of the the Court room thereof has been the Clerk of the County Court of right, title and Interest of the de­ 59 W. 6lh Ave Eugene. Ore. i College Ice Cream Manufacturers. by the Court fixed and appointed luine County. Oregon. Bind that : fendants In said suit and of all cautious deer. The open season Coco Cola— Klst Beverages Printers as the time and place for hearing the Court has set Saturday, th e , parties claiming by. through or set by the state game commission AVTO BODY & FENDER CO.) c ,der Vinegar objections to said report and tor | 26th day of August. 1*34. at the ¡ tinder them or any of them In or will be from September 20 to Octo­ Radiators. Fender and Bodlee , Phone 1480 the final settlement of the estate^ hour of 10 00 o'clock In the fore to • the following described real THE WILLAMETTE PRESS ber 25. both date* Inclusive this noon. In the County Court Room property, to-wlt: Repairad — All Work Guaranteed. ! Ferry near 8th Ave E. of the deceased. Eugene. Springfield A R TIS T E I. M UR RAY. Admin of the Court House at Eugene, tn year. The lim it w ill remain one Beginning at a point tn the W RKI KS A S P E C I A L T Y -------- ----------------------------- U n e County, Oregon, as the time Istratrlx. Phone 2 center of a twenty (20) foot road, A Home Industry—Give Us a Trial. mule deer or two black tall deer Feed-Seed-Hay and place tn hear objections to the W DOUGLAS HARRIS. one hundred elghty-rfour (184) during the season. same. If any. and for the final set­ Phone 249 W IN G A RD A REID. Attorneys Business Stationery—Office Forms feet West of Its Intersection ADAMS FEED & SEED tlement of said estate An open season on bull elk with for the Administratrix. with the County Road running Cor. 7th and Charnelton, Eugene) Booklets — Placards — B ELLE O. BROWN. Executrix STORE _______