THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS H P H IN d K IB L D . L A N K C O U N T Y , O R B Q O N . T H U K H U A V . TI1IH TY-FlltH T YKAH N O . SO \ l 1» involv-d In the Total number of warrants re­ Salem; Mra. Ada J lliirlhult of later In the »eaaon an attempt will Springfield request according to forwarded soon bv the Willamette No auccesaor to Mr Barber baa be made Io mow »ome of the larger turned to the clerk alnre taking Mi-Glynn; Mra Ruby Clark of Co­ Rlevr Flood Control »«»oclatlon. Laurence C. Moffitt, county super­ been named by the mayor. tracta The early «eaaon and the over hl» new office July 1 amount burg; and Mrs. Florence Dunbar «aya H. E. Maaey. aa«oclatlon preel- intendent of school». Io 93.694 38 Of Ihla.NUm 93.091 00 of Cottage Grove Four other chil­ ■anitner rain» have united to pro­ Precedent Established i dent Any Individual» Interested In duce a crop of weed» here even have been called or paid during dren have passed away. One daugh­ Demand for the payment-ln-full 1 flood control In the county are Warrants totaling ter pa. »ed away when 19. and two greet jr than uidal aay councllmeu tha ala week» of the school levy waa atarted hy urged to »end Information and pic­ 9603 99 were turned lu on luges sou». Howard and Robert have A ll to So Repaired the arrival In Lane county of copies tures of flood damage direct to the Congretsm an James M ott The city Jail. the little hollow during the second half of the year, both passed sway after serving tn oflces of the Dlatrlct Engineer of of a Judgment order from the Cir­ the United States calvary and mar­ aoucrete block back of the city hall cuit Court of Wa llington county the War Department at Portland, everyone Is Invited. Local people J ine corp» during the war. which but few Hprlngflvld realdenta who do not care to attend the din­ where the clerk of a district sued or give to Mr. Maxey. Mr and Mrs. Klaer were mar­ have vtalted. la to bo Improved and and won a court order compelling Much of the Information gather- ner may come tn about 7;45 and. ried near Fossil In ««stern Oregon made more confortable councllinen u . m k s r « f i i M e th n d ia t C o n - the treasurer of the county to cash ed bv the flood association and take part lu the m eeting. on August 19, 1994 They lived derided A new roof and celling t'barlea R. Coe. division chief of warrants drawn on the elementary used In demanding the survey or­ there for many y«-ara. coming to plaster will have to be provided, HChool tund to the full amount of der will probably he u- ed by the plant Industry, from the state agri- g re g a tio n H o ld A n n u a laine i ounty and Springfield 24 ception H e re W ednesday (he gchool fund ,eyy dt>. and new bedding muat be procured 1 cultural department, will «peak on engineer« year» ago. They have lived In and ______ Io make the place fit for occup regula'fons r-gardlng grading and trict. Members of me congregation of > near the city -Ince that time Farm - W R IG H T T A K E S ancy «ale of farm produce. The chamber Also included tn the papers re- Ing and later mill work ha» been , 1 ’ VVKIUFI I l A K t S Three application« for refunding Camp Creek Resident Passes will consider whether all regu la-!1“1 MeU-‘«*».-t church gave th eir, ce| yed B copy of an opinion L E A D IN S C O U T D R IV E lion over the farmers produce are P»»tor Kev Dean t Co udexter. han(le(, down th i Attorney of obligation» to the city were re­ In Eugene Sunday; Lived th - occupation followed by Mr Klaer ceived There ha- been lees Inter necessary and to the best Interest **d hla tarnily their official rccep- Oenera,.g o|flce to the ettect that In Oregon 40 Years Total point« counted up to the of producer and consumer. Mr. Klaer la a pioneer Oregonian, I » « “ “““ welcome to the local' the elementary school fund, which eat »hown tn thia movement than f'.rat of thia week in the Boy Scout his father and grandfather came to liven expected when II w»» Congressman Molt will also tell tl,u^ Wednnadny evening. The t>keB precwl Funeral aervlc«w were held thia atarted. Coder the plan a property morning ai 10.30 for Jesse K. Oregon In the early fifties and he achievement contest now under of what has been accomplished t o , ret«puon was held in the so t iU t e leyy f(>r general owner who can ahow all tag*» paid ¡•tail» of Camp Creek who died waa horn near Rowland In Linn way among boy a of the Springfield date In the W illamette River Rood ruolu', ot tUe “,“1 w" we j pxpenaes. when both cannot be paid to date, and all Intereal on aaaeaa- Sunday morning at the Sun.-iet county on January 12. 1963 He had troop give Scott Wrlgbt firat place control bill and advise local land in fuH by , he TBrloU8 counties, nienta. may have hie obligation to Home for the aged In Eugene. He a twin brother who dl«*tructed the School Superln- Mr» Klaer wa» born In Iowa In ' < mmlttee Frank Stuart Is second ment» »Blending over a period of Mr I’latla wa» an early aettler now dl cussing with the war de uual meeting ol his church recently t0 |»«ue warrants on the 1996 and came to Oregon where with 23 point". Bruce Maaey la SO year» In thia aecllon coming Io Gregon 40 pariment engineers the prellmln- for the lourth y«»ar, com ing *“ ’r“ i fund oniy a8 these were accumu- »he has llv««d alnce at the age of 'bird with 21. and Billy Dow fourth H e a r Land P etitio n year, ago from Nile». Michigan, ary survey to be made of the Col- troiu iluod River. lated and It may tie necew-ary to A request front the Stata I-and where he wa born on Septomber 6 year». She haa two »liters. Mra with 20 points. umbia river and Its tributaries. A short program during which mandamas the county superintend- Laura McConnell of Portland, who The troop went out to the City Hoard at Salem that several tracta 97. 1964 He settled at Camp Creek O E Crowe Is president of the heads ol «meh of the departments Jf the demand Is carried out. of land tn the Keeney addition be and ha» lived In that district ever will be here Sunday, and one In park Tuesday evening where they county chamber and he will pre , the church 0 ~ k e and responses im p e llin g him to Issue th - war Bend who la III and cannot come , held examinations for the merit vacated waa received and conald- alnce. side at tonight s m eeting' Large »ere made hy the pastor and Mrs. ranta Brother» and »later» of Mr K laer1 badges. »red No action waa taken escept He la survived by one half delegations are expected from all Poindexter, was concluded with Harmony is expected to prevail Glen Martin, scoutmaster, has re­ who are coming Include C. P. and Instructing the Hecorder to com­ brother. Mlltou Flatts of Fresno, municate with the laind Board to 'allfornla; two nieces Mrs. I D. Francla Kiser, both of Rowland tn turned from hl» stay at Camp th e oth r elites and communities ' group singing and refreshments. A at tba _____ _ by the County Court to discuss the Members of the legislative com hour <°»"wed determine Juat what they want. lairlmer and Mrs. B O. Saukey Linn county. H L. Klaer of Albanv, Lucky Boy and will soon make new situation. Members of last leg­ plan« for an outing for the local and Mm. James Watson of Donna. luittee ot the County Chamber are In charge of details for the an- Member» of the Council Indicated of Springfield, two nephew». J. Vln islature. Court m -mbers. Mr. Mof­ that they were willing to vacate ent of Camp Creek and Lari Vln Mr» Martha Bardwell of W apato.' troop Wbllc at camp Martin won lu charge of the program. H. O. uual event were Mrs. A. B. Van fitt and school representatives Washington will not I»- here. , the classification a» a star scout Dilihlee. W. K. Baruell and J u liu s; Valxah and Mra. W. H. Pollard. the property »o far aa atreeta and cut of Walton Margaret Klaer. 10 granddauah-j for hlmse'f. Pulop are making local arrange program; Mrs. Lawrence May. Mra. have been Invited. Any action taken alley» were concerned. but they He wa» a member of the Bi ptlst meuts foi the dinner which Is to be Charles Myers, and Mrs Vaughn, following the meeting will be In ter of thelrt and daughter of their Tuesday evening Martin wltness- were not ready to permit aettlng hurch. the nature of a friendly action aaya Min. Robert, who has passed away, ed the accident near Creswell In served at 9:30 Miss Molly Small refreshment». of the property outalde of the city Hi-rvhne were held at tha Foote e --------------------- ----- Mr M offitt llmlta The Land Board acquired Funeral Home h-re. Rev. Kenneth makes her home with them h ere.; which the Jones brothers were In- will play violin numbers during t h the property through loan* and (eel Toblaa conducted the service and Tliey alto have 11 grandchildren jured and administered first aid dinner and will be accompanied ACCIDENTS LEAVE TOLL wl" Dr*,n CouBt* The before -onilng here for the scout by Miss Barbara Barnell. IN J U R IE S K th* de,nan,’ i “” v (hat they can dlapoae of th» pro­ Interment wa» made lu the Laurel and 2 great grandchildren OF AU T O In lJU K lfcw twlcgt Bva|labIe caah ln an Coun- noon honoring Mrs. Matt Hart. Mrs. county road southeast of Hayden Dr. 8. Earl Childers. |>aator of the Warrant» Called bridge. The machine was badly ty funds, leaving the county to William Curtlta and Mrs. E. C. First Christian church In Eugene, FIRE DEPARTMENT CETS A warrant call Issued thia week Carl Brann of Vida and four damaged. operate on a warrant basis with will expend 91400 Including Inter will exchange pulpits Sunday morn THANKS FOR EFFORTS other passengers with him In a Stuart were hostesses at the home Sam anu Pred Jones » " r o ^ I ' wirranta craduallv deprectat Ing. At the service here Mr. and of the former. eat. The total warrant» taken up light sedan narrowly escaped poa escaped death Tuesday evening jnR )n yalue unt„ |h ey won|a be A litter of appreciation to the •Ible death or serious Injury here will be about 91100. the balance Mr». I). It. Murphy will slug a duet Among those present were Mrs. when the motorcycle on which they aImogt worthleM Rev. Pruitt will return to hla fire departments of Eugene and being taken up In Interest. Some last Thursday about 9:45 p. tn. when At Pohl. Mrs. C. A. Swarts. Mrs. were riding skidded and crashed Thp gtate three ml„ leyy ,a the warrants will be laaued thia month church In the evening with an evan Springfield for their work In check­ Brann attempted to pass one of Cochran. Mrs. N. L. Howard. Mrs. Into a logging truck on the Pacific onJy t#x W y wbjch countieg have but the total warrant Indebtedne»» gellatlc sermon Special music will ing a fire In the vicinity of the Free the Springfield Creamery trucks John Tomseth. Mrs. E. L. Hop- highway near Creswell. Sam was forced tQ fu„ and u ,e will be leaa on September 1. than fealure more old lim e gospel song« Methodist church In Went Spring driven by George Thatcher In tho #. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Mrs. The Bible school will meet at field wa» sent out this week by Intersection at Seventh and Main Merle Sasteel. Mrs. William Rouse. thrown under the wheels of the g|ate hgg congjgtenGy demanded It waa August I. according to I. 9:46 and the Christian Endeavors Ernest F. Lee, pastor. H. E. I-ee streets. Thatcher had started to Me . Frank Logan. Mrs. E. O. Pri truck which ran completely over fhp fundg when due 8cboo, orttct. Peterson. recorder group at 7 p m. and J S. Phllllpps. trustees They make the turn Into Seventh street vat. Mrs. H. O. Dtbblee. Mrs. Lynn his body. He was badly bruised but ¡ (al reallae the plIght which other no bones were broken. His brother departnM,nta of the county govern- also wish tn thank the Southern ARMORY COMPLETION The sedan, belonging to A. L. Stone. Mrs. Cora Stearmer. the was bruised and cut when thrown m^nf wJU ,e{t ,p bnt see tbia aa Pacific crew and neighbors. honor guest, and the hostesses. Lint of Vida, was badly dnmaged. ASSURED BY OFFICERS METHODISTS WILL HEAR to the pavement. a means of forcing the state to Due to a misunderstanding the and the left front fender, a tire and Miss Marie Houk, daughter of either accept thetr levy prorated as PUBLIC SPEAKING MAN Eugene truck came over to the v rran gem elil» for the Immediate the bumper were damaged on the FISH AND CAME DISPLAY Mr and Mrs. R. O. Houk was taken taxes are paid tn or provide a new Methodist church here and arrived completion of the Springfield arm truck. The passengers w srs shaken Mr. John Costeel, professor of PLANNED AT STATE FAIR to the Pacific hospital Saturday means of ratatag funds for school ory were made here yesterday by public speaking al the university nt Hu West Springfield site after up but not seriously Injured. evening with a crushed chest fol­ purpose«, according to Mr. Moffitt. the Springfield truck had the fire Major Edward Hamilton and Colo­ will he the »peaker at the morning Monday the automobile belong lowing a motor accident. Several Among the new exhibits which Large Sum Due District nel Eugene Moahberger. both of service Rev. Poindexter has gone under control Monday. Ing to Harold W Barney of Ixiwell will be seen at the Oregon State of her ribs were cracked. The 9prlngfleld situation annly- Salem, who Inspected the building to Tacoma to attend an eight day and driven by Mina Barney was fair which opens at Salem Labor zed hy Mr Moffitt shows that last with C A. Swart». First Lieutenant graduate school for ministers. The FORESTER TO .STU DY damaged when Mrs. J. K Platts of day for one week will be a display CONTRACT BRIDGE CLUB year the levy amount was equival­ in command of the local National school Is being held at tho college NORTHW EST CONDITIONS Eugene drove her car Into the rear by the State Fish and Game com­ MEETS W ITH MRS. TOOMB ent to 9276 per grade school teach­ Guard unit. of the other machine parked be­ of Puget Sound There will be no mission and the United States bu­ er unit of which Springfield has 17. Plumbing datura» and connor Sunday evening preaching service R. A. Sllcox, chief of the United tween Fifth and 8lxth streets on reau of fisheries. Twenty pens will Members of the Contract bridge Of this amount only 940 per unit tloiiN, completion of the wiring, Imt the young people will have a , States forest service, will arrive In Main The gas tank and spare tire hoi» e the upland game birds and club were entertained at the home haa been paid above the previous completion of the painting and campfire service at 7 o'clock. rack were damaged. Mra. Platt Is sixteen specially built ucquariums Portland today and will spend of Mrs. IXmald Toomb last Thurs­ arrears, leaving a balance of 9214 other Interior work will be com week In Gregon studying condi­ reported to have become excited of plate glass will be provided. A Coburg Mathodlat day. She invited as guests Mrs. C. per unit remaining due District 19. pleted Immediately according to Rev. F. S. Clemo will preach In tions In the various forests of the In parking her automobile and large swimming pool will he provl E Wheaton. Mrs. Clayton Barber. This makes a total of 9397!. Major Hamilton. stepped on the foot feed Instead of the absence of the pastor, al 9:96. Pacific northwest area ded for wild waterfall. ThL year the county valuation Is Mr«. I. D. Larimer. Mrs. Clifford While In Oregon Sllcox will meet the brake. The Church school Is at 10:45. Wilson. Mrs. Arthur Roberts and slightly lower and the levy which LIFESAVING STUDENT Robert Fechner. national director Miss Crystal Brvan Three tables Is a little more than 2 per cent of the CCC work In the United CLUB MEMBERS HEAR OF EPWORTH LEAGUERS GETS PRACTICAL LESSON OPENINGS REMAIN FOR were iu play during the afternoon. should raise about 9130 per unit for »««-«■ a o a a v l States, and view som e of the work TRIP TO ATLANTIC COAST HAVE SWIMMING PARTY Mrs. W K. Barnell won high »core the first half or an additional aura YOUNG MEN IN done by b|a orKan| Moon. W illie watching u group of swim Member« of the Epworth League and she will entertain the club at of 92.210. .The two amounts equal- iners nt W illam ette park Wednea The planting of the 1000 mile Miss Eunice Oerber, Mrs. Stella ' ing 96.882 represents the approxi­ A number of openings still re­ their next meeting. windbreak 100 miles wide from Eaton and Mrs. Lottie Fischer will and friends held a swimming party day afternoon. Junior Endicott saw mate money which the local district main In the army posts of tho Lawrence Thompson, tire, call for Canadu to Texas ha- been assign­ constitute the membership of the along the river north of Springfield Pacific coast and any qualified would receive. help. Endicott, one of the members ed tn Sllcox and his organisation. August social committee of Juan Tuesday evening. Following the COUPLE HONORED W ITH young man who desires the educa­ swim the young people enjoyed a of the H-d Cross lifesaving claax, Ita Rebekah lodge It was announ­ BIRTHDAY EVENT SUNDAY tion to be gained from a term with KENSINGTON MEMBERS went In and rescued the swimmer ced Monday evening. They will be picnic dinner and a large bonfire. the engineers or In the mechanical GIDEONS CONVENTION Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. while Arthur Porter and other In- HAVE PARTY ON LAWN division Is urged lo communicate OPENS SEPTEBER FIRST In charge of the monthly social to May honored their birthdays Sun -triictors watched their pupil tarry be held next Monday. AENEAS CLUB MEETING with Major W aller R Mann, army day with a picnic at Swimmer's! Mrs. Levi Neet entertained on out their Instructions in u practical Following the business meeting The Gregon and Washington Old recruiting officer In the postoffice PLANNED FOR THURSDAY Delight park. Those present were the luwn of her home here Friday manner. Miss Thelma Sweeney, a member eons state convention will be held The Red Cross swim claa es will j Ht Portland Mr. and Mrs. W K. Barnell and 1 for members of the Kensington at Corvallis Saturday, Sunday and of the lodge, told of her trip which Members of the Aeneas club will daughter. Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. W. I club at thetr monthly meeting She contluue through this week with she Just completed to New York Moiday. September 1-3. Delegates be entertained Tuesday afternoon N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whit-' was assisted by Mrs. W. (.'. Wright, junior and s nlor llfet-.avlng ex BAKER FAMILY PLANS will be provided lodging and break on the Atlantic coast, and New Or­ at the home of Mr«. John Parker ney. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderer. Guests of the club for the afternoon aminations to he given Saturday REUNION AT JEFFERSON fast during the convention, and spe leans on the south. for their monthly meeting. A lawn Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson. Mr. and were Mrs. Jim Elder of Portland More than 70 peraons attended party will he held If the weather elnlly low rates for meals. George Sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Olson. Miss Florence and Mrs. Carl Olson. SCHAFFENBERGS GIVE Waldo. Corvallis. Is In charge of the Joint picnic of the I. O. O. F permits Mrs. Parker and Mrs. L May. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart Others present Included Mrs. Mrs I W Raker and. their (ami and Rebekah lodge« at Riverside CARD PARTY FOR GUEST arrangements. K. Page will be hostesses. and son. Morris, and honor guests. Harry Whitney. Mra. J. P. Moore. lies are planning to meet at Jef­ park Sunday. --------------------------- Mrs W N. Dow. Mrs. Mary Ko« Mr. and Mrs. H. Schaffenborg ferson Sundny for the annual fam­ TWO WILL REPRESENT Preaches Funeral LION MEMBERS TO MEET sey. Mrs Paul Basford. Mrs. Mil entertained with a bridge parly at ily reunion. The gathering Is be­ McBEE FAMILY HOLDS LEGION AT CONVENTION FOR LUNCHEON FRIDAY V. Walker. Mr«. P J- ®ar,b“‘" their home Tuesday evening com ing held al Jefferson this year mak­ Rev. D«ian C. Poindexter con­ ANNUAL PICNIC EVENT mew. MI rr Edna Swart», Mra. Clar« pllmenllng Mrs. J. D. Singletary, ing It closer for those front Port­ ducted the funeral services Tuee Members of the McB«»«- family J M. Larson and Major M. B . . u . . . —.. _______ Regular meeting of the Spring-; once Chase and Mrs. D m m M sister of Mrs. Schaffenherg. who 1« land and points In Washington to for the , late Harrison D. Lud- held their annual picnic and re­ day Hnntly will represent the Spring Ingt.rn of Creswell. The services Held Lions club will be held Frl- Toomb Mr». Chwae and Mra. attend. visiting here this week. Guests Those from Springfield who plan Held American Legion po«t at the union Sunday. August 6. at the 8 were held at the Schwerlng chapel, day noon at Taylor hall. Dr. W. N. B. Murphy will entertain the club were Mr and Mrs. Clayton F. Bar­ E McBee maple grove. All children annual convention to be held with interment ln Rest Haven cem , Dow and F. B. Flanery are in at their next meeting on Saptam- ber. Mr. and Mrs Donald Toomb, to atteud Include Mr. and Mrs. were present except two son». Mel­ Alex I Astoria on August 23, 24 and 26 et«ry. 1 charge of arrangements. her 14. Mr. and Mra. W alter Ooaaler, and Baker and Mr. and Mra vin and Loria, who are in Canada. It w a s announced thia weak. ■ta Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fnndrmn. 1 _____k PLATTS FUNERAL S E R E 100(1 J PASTDRS FAMILY