rin'itsD A Y , aihivbt a, m ai THE DALLES TO SEEK LEGION MEET IN 1935 j Fraternity Holds Annual Election on High Seas TOW N AND A b Active campaign to return the state convention of the American Legion to The D alb s in 1*35 will be launched at Astoria when the delegate« convene there August 23 for their 1*34 convention. The Dalles entertained the con­ vention In 1*22 and will send their drum and bugle corps to the con­ vention again thi» year as a ges­ ture for the convention Early days when The Dalles was un army outpost will be coaunem- orated during the Legion conven tlon in IMS It the sessions are given that city. III at Hospital— Mrs Jane Cru- ■an is III al the Eugene hospital Very III— Mrs Eil Ms bey Is re­ ported Io be very ill this week Visit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs Waller Isrxtoii spent Saturday In Salem ti lling with friends. Visits In Portland Miss Nellie Stuart spent the week-end in Port­ land. where she vlstlcd friend«. Visits from Newport— Mrs Floyd o f N e w p o r t is visiting wltli her sister. Mrs. Itcn Jacksou al her houic on Tail Creek \ \ illiu t n s Visits With Aunt — Coustauce Slang of W allervllle is visiting In Springfield with her auut. Mrs general martin starts GOVERNORSHIP DRIVE Delayed by buetueea. Ilicldsut to On Coast Outln(y-— Mrs William 1 he visit of President Rooaevnll Itous. left Wednesday of Westlake uud members of Ills cablust Io Io spend Iwo weeks Portland and Monuevllle. Contras Portland Visitor— W A. Taylor made a busln«‘«s trip lo Portland Oklahoma Ms« Here Clarence man Chas II. Marllu, candidate for Colerlck of Oklahoma City I* h*r* governor. Is this week making hie Friday visiting with his brother In law and Oral extendeil lour of oreaun since Sos Presidan»— F 11 Flauery Ills returu flour Washington In mid ard daiighter. Dorothy. Harry M ! sister Mr and Mi« llnnery Foss July. Stewart and J M. Laraoii wenl t o 1 Vislte Parent» — Mrs llufoid Portland and llotun ville Frlday to j Kiglil of North llcnd Is here Ihl I I'm, ressmun Marlin's lour Ir st e aml liotti Prealdent Itoosoyelt , week visiting at the home of her Inking him Into slgleeu counties parents Mr and Mrs Karl lllrurd (or Hie purpoae of meetlug the Fiatt Sundsy— Harry Wlrltir y | l o i n s personally and (amlllarltlug Frank Sldwell and Eme»! Sklnnet Haturns from Coast— Percy Rob l.tni-i ir more Uiorouahly with local t u n ie down the McHensle rlver In crsotl leturued Monday from I Ilia ' loiidllloiis No set speeches are la a hoiti »n a fishing trtp (rom Ilon monk where lie had been vl it Ing ■ lu d e d In Iris program d rlck s btblge Ruudin with his brother. Allot! The itluernry (or the trip lu Back from Trtp— Miss Thelma SEKA Payroll Large A total 1 hole the following Cillas aud S tw eeney and Mrs Crystal Male of »M3.&8 was paid In checks to hiwiis lu latne county Florencs. returned Saturday evening from a workers on SERA projects In slid Reedsport, aud Gardner trip «o the middle wo I and astern near Springfield Saturday at the of (bo country d ty hall STUDENT HONOR GUEST AT FAREWELL PARTY Quest at Hotel— Kay lim its of >etttr. .1 Saturday evening from underwent a minor operullon for W a ll,* Ku*t. B E R M U D A . . . The Alpha Delta Phi, oae of the oldest Aatencaa College frateraitiea, celebrated its l«2ad year by koldiag the aaaual eoaveatioa sad sleetioa of officer« on the high seas earoute here aboard the Queen o f Bermuda o f the Fur sea Liats. Photos show, (ise e rt), Dr. Fredrick Sill of the Keat School. Rest, Conn., elected Alpha Delta Phi ITeaident for 1*34. (Above!. W. L. Monnen, secretary of Kieeative Oraaeil, Eugene C Worden. chairmen Esecutive Council, and Irw in U. Cbraeil, committee shairman of the Columbia V. chapter, apouaurs of the voyage. V IC IN IT Y Movts to Sprlngtlsld— Mr and Mr» (>»• ar Moore and family have moved from Treut Io Spiluglleld Home from T tM O — lloinu HvuJ Tonslla Removed— James Ira n i Altadena. California was registered , Texas whet.- he hud spent a month the removal of Iris tonsils at the as a guest at the Springfield hotel ( visiting with Ills parents and other office of a local physician Wedniw Saturday. relatives. day. Miss Battalia Miller was honor al a party given Friday even lug by Miss Marge llurkhart at bsr Here from M tdford-M rs K P. *»•“ • Bpohsne — Mrs Visits at Monmouth— Ml»" Mary home on Willamette heights. The ' Mortensen ol Medford arrived h e r e ' Henry Schmtder arrived here Frl Ellxaheth Wlilluey. daughter of Mr parly was s surprise affair. Mias last week end to visit with her par j >'“> 6 » » Spokane »“ *»•»« * " h her and Mrs llsrry Whitney. Is visit Miller leaves today for Hsu Fran enta. Mr. and Mrs A J. Schnetsky «later. Mrs. Ilarl McPherson and lug with friends al Monmouth this c l co where aim will attend school THREE-C BOYS FINDING CALIFORNIANS LEARN OF Iter mother. Mr» Surah Cox. during the next year week Returns from Portland — Kay OREGON FOREST CAMPS NEW JOBS IN NORTHWEST Guests at Venata— Hev and .Mrs Tausser returned Friday from Californians Mere— Mr und Mrs Figure compiled by the war de- J Portlaad where he has been visit- It E Rolens and son. Robert, were A complete list of the Improved To Lead tervlo»—P II. Emery J A Cox of Sail Bernardino. Call partment disclose thal more men guests of llev. und Mrs Braun al forniu. arrived here Tuesday to will lead Ihe uild week devotional ng fur several days. forest ramps of the national for­ Veneta Sunday Rev. Roteila Is on visit with old friends ests of Oregon hs» just been issued left the civilian conservation corps Mr Cox services at the Baptist church to Visits From Portland — Miss _ a vneutlnn _______ from the Baptist pulpit for distribution by the Automobile camps in May and June to accept j operated a large depart merit store night during the absence of Rev . ________ private employment than during Jerry Harvey of Portland Is visit dur,M g August Club of southern California. here several years a g o before tuov It K Itoleus pastor, who le vans This list gives the location of auy previous two months since the wl,h Mr- >nd Henry Fan-| Honing. • Ing to California Visits Parents Mr nud Mrs. ' 147 Improved camps on the thlr- emergency conservation work pro Return fn>m Lah, vlew _ Mr and Itussell Olson of Portland spent , teen national forests of this state. gram was Initiated In 1*33 The ! These camps, according to the for- war department figures, compiled Mrs P1, lKerald o, Ka„ c r(,„k have the week-end here with his par­ , helr holne afler ap«,ud ent«. Mr and Mrs Carl Olson Mrs I est service, are located In uatural from reports received from com re|urhed forest settings, and are for the ’ i mandlng officers of the ulne army j jna e v e r u l months at larkevlcw Olson is remaining here this week while Mr Olson Is working In ad­ I free use and enjoyment of the corps area , disclosed that 10.02«. public. The improvements include CCC men had been successful In j Salesman Here— William Moyer, jacent territory. •JTitA price* going _ up . f uunt i water supply, sanitary accommo- I locating private employment In , former resident of this city, was Pastor on Vacation—Rev lk>un fo buy a lot t o 0 / f things. But not s dations and fire wood. Usually ! May and that an estimated 10.286 j hero Monday front Grants 1’ass C. Poindexter left agalu Tuesday another thing till 1 get a Maytag. ¡there are tables and camp stoves | had dropped out of the corps In where he Is now located. morning for the coast near Flor­ Because with a Maytag, f can ' or fireplaces. 1 Jun® ,o accept outside employ­ V aR s Sister— Ml s F^iinra Mas ence to spend a few days vacation save money to buy other things." ment. The service states that their pur- ( - e -,f Portland arrived here *4at- with his faintly who have been During the first six months' • T hat's sensible buying. Be­ pose in developing these forest , irdav to visit with her sister Mrs ! there for neurly two weeks. They period of emergency conservation cause it is buying quality you t k . s « a . sans and economical ad camps I- to meet the needs of the •;mery i will «11 return the end <>( the week work, ending September 30. 1*33, '' can use — quality that pays a “ ministration of stata affaira ln modern forest visiting public, and weekly return on your money. Returns Home— Helen Martin tba Interests of economy and to help concentrate campfires so 18.377 men were permitted to leave Former Resident Honored — the corps to take outside employ­ left Sunday for her home at San • The M aytag washes clothes ( that there will be less haxard to Friends of Mrs J C McMurray of reduced tasatlon. faster, wastes them more thor­ ment. F t anr.sro after visiting here with 1 the forests from fires built In un­ (Iranis Pass entertained with u pot­ oughly, more gently and at The figure« both for May and li»r talker. H. A. Washhurne. for Application of the Naw Deal safe spots. Elaborate improve­ luck social Frlduy afternoon In her lower cost per washing because principles to Oregon by an ad- ments purpo-ely have been avoided June di d o se that more men are »everal days, honor at the home of Mrs Olive a. i t is a better designed, better finding employment in the ninth mlniatration friendly to and co- so as to appeal to the lovers of na- Takes Vacation— Miss Ann Bid- Itehhan when she was a guest over b u ilt washer. • Select yo ur corp» urea, which Includes Mon- oparatlng with Preaidant Roaaa- M a ytag at today's low prices. ! tural forest beauty, and enable tana, Washington. Idaho. Oregon, well. stenographer in the county (b e w e e k -e n d vett. ! them to ret away from the more California. Nevada and Utah, than sh eriffs offlc-. 1« taking her an­ T h e M a v ta g C o m p a n y Nurse Returns — Miss Eunice sophisticated atmosphere of the Increased Federal Cconemle aid in any other section of the country. nual vacation now and has gone to Gerber has returned to her home i cities. IMS N IW T O N .IO W A Salt 1-ake city to visit relatives to Oregon through sympathetic here from Florenc- where she There are no restrictions on the cooperation with the national You can still spent several weeks as camp nurse Moves to Creswell— Mrs Mary ! use of these forest cam p2, except MORE MONEY BORROWED boy a Maytag administration. (). Howe has moved to her new ut the Girl Scout camp at Camp 1 a few simple requirements as to for aa little a* BY OREGON FARMERS home at Creswell. She has been Cleawox Tills wu the second I care with fire and sanitation, th» living with her daughter Mrs Fred year Miss Gerber served as camp reader Is told Oregon farmers received 12 A new "RooeeveBlan" (teal for Oregon and Its people. 1,011k for the past several month-' nurse for the Girl Scouts She ts times more money In Land bank I Pd Adv by Martin Campaign Cunnu also leader of the Springfield Scout ------------ - - .................. - ........ . 1.11 FARM LOAN HEAD TO and Land Bank Commissioner's Teacher V isits- Miss Glyde Dll troop. loans so far this year than in th- j )ey Qrahd Honde spent the TALK ON RADIO MONDAY first seven months of 1933. accord weekend here at the home of Mr Ms 9 NOTICE Far *Maaa Albert S. Goss. I .and Bank Com­ ing to an announcement today by | and Mra M j McKlln Mlsa Dilley « s t tlttir ic iir . OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T IkU U n u i m a , missioner of the Farm Credit Ad- E M Ehrhardt, pre ¡dent of the (s a teacher In the high school Notice 1« hereby given that tbe UatMnM-Mour ' ministration Washington. D. C.. Federal Lank Bank of Spokane undersigned. I rule M Smith. Ad­ ¡ litk i a O D I l io i* Loans so far total nearly »10.000.- Tonsils Removed— Morris Rich ministrator of (he Estate of Hax>*l and former Master of the Washing- farmers alone. , nrdstin of Deerhorn district under M. Reichenbarh, deceased, has _ SF-IU-ZJ-M ! ton State Grange, will be heard 000 to Oregon In th e f ir s t s e v e n m o n th s o f k.n went an o »eratlon for the removul filed his Final Report aud Account throughout the eight far western year both types of Mans number of h .s.o n ( .Ir(Saturday at .b e office as^snch ^ m ^ r . U . f with ^ b e states during the noon hour, about county. Oregon, and that Satur- 12:15 p. m., Monday, August 13. ed 1«6 for a total of »714.« 18. The of a local physician P icn le-M r and Mrs S ,h5 18,‘> ‘¡,y S;P» »934 at : on the W estern Farm and Home increase this year Is 1274 per cent __________________ 9 :30 o clock lu the forenoon of ’ Hour program of the National Delph and daughter, Betty »-'°u , Haid day. In the County Court Kootn j Broadcasting company Mill Head Vacations O. H. Jar- went (o Elkton Sunday to attend in Ihe Court House at Eugene, Hardware — Furniture In plain, simple language that rett. superintendent of the Spring -j , hp annuai picnic for state high Larne County. Oregon, has been workers In this district. /,he .Hon F»sk. Judge Radios — Paint everyone can understand. Mr Goss field plant of tbe Booth-Kelly Lum- her company is now taking his an "f ’ 8l,l ourt as the time and place will tell how a farmer may apply _ L O W PtICES O N ALL M A Y T A G » Here from T ex ee-M Iss Dorothy ; "f h“nr "« ‘»»Jectlons to the same ¡Q U iP PfD W IT H G A SO LIN E M ULTI-M O T for a Federal Land bank loan or a nual vacation He and his family ; If any there are, and for the final Neilsen. Taylor arrived here Friday from settlem ent of said estate are at Suttle lake. Mr loan from the Land Bank Commis­ former superintendent at the Wen Texas to make her home with her DALE M SMITH. Admlnlslra sioner's funds appropriated by Con­ dling mil. is taking Mr Jarrett's' uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs W TH E IIEHT .MHA'l is not ( x | m ‘ ib im when yon compare gres to enable the farmers of the A Taylor. She Is a sister of Pete " ELLS * W^ELLS^ Attorneys, its fodil value w ith o th e r th in g * you e u t. Good meat country to refinance their indebt­ place. (A 916 2330—S 6) and Doc Taylor. is the foundutiou for any meal. Il I m both appetlxliig edness on a long-term basis, so putting them on their feet to ride S U M M O N » and butiHfyiug and is unually < obhbii M m I without any Visit at Dam— Among tbe Bprlng through the present emergency. field people who went to Bonne­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Ions from “left over«." THE STATE OF OREOON H)R Too. he will touch upon the Fra- Arch Shough left for Medford ville Friday to hear President I.ANE COUNTY xler-I^mke amendment to the Fed­ last Thursday where he will have Roosevelt were W H Hobbs. Bert Juhn w M(m>> ^ nn|e Mos< an(, Gootl nifiri in I lie kind wc fe ll in fill tliial I iuh eral bankruptcy laws, which was several weeks employment. Matthews and George Plummer. Emelloe Moss. Plaintiffs vs. bi't-n (n o p fily but* lifit d. cooled and c n l. Our expert passed during the closing hours Walter Edmlston spent the past They went up on the special train. Mary E. Potferf. Amanda M Lingo. herviec is always a l your dlaponnl. Wc enjoy tturviiig John W Richardson. May Rich­ of the last congressional session. week-end with his daughter, Mrs. ardson. Bethena Gibson Ixrrd. Home from Coast—W. H. Adrian He will explain Just what the Fra- John Lucy at McMinnville. Mrs. George Uropp, Itba Padrone. returned Monday from Newport zler-L-mlfe amendment means and Mrs. Ira Gray motored to Med­ Dan Padrone, Ernest Bnnlfleld Just the kind of farm ers’ case for ford last Thursday and visited where he spent the week-end with Vada Banfield. Orville Banfleld. Alice Banfleld. Arl Banfleld. Har­ which the amendment was design­ until Monday with her daughter Mis. Adrian, who Is managing a 4th and M a in Sts — P ho ne * 3 riet Banfleld Lucinda Green and E. C. STUART, Prop. ed to offer a solution. and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Earl branch bicycle repair and rental Walter Green, Defendants. shop in that city. In Lane county during the past Simms. To Mary E Potterf. Bethena month a total of 43 loans In the Mrs. Silas Gay and daughters of Minor Operation — Bob Adams, Gibson Lord, llha Pedrone and Dan sum of 1118.900 was closed. The Silverton visited at the Conley on of Mr, and Mrs. Marion R. Padrone. Defendants. / ' A i course you eno. I f IN THE NAME OF THE STATE filing fee has now been reduced so brothers home last week. Adams, underwent a minor opera- OF OREGON FOR LANE COUN­ you divide the c o « that it costs only 111.00 to secure a Edith Nelson from Harrisburg lion Monday for the removal oL/rts TY You are hereby required to over a period o f only tw o loan of »5000 or less. spent the past-week with her cou­ tonsils and adenoids at the office appear and answer the Fourth Amended Complaint filed against o r three yearn, it figures sin, Norma Hart. of a local physician you In tbe above entitled soil with- only a few cents a day. A. B. Mathews went to Bonne­ NEW SCHOOL TEACHES Back from V acatlon -K W Al f""r "T«*" ,ro'" »he ville last week-end to hear Presi­ And you make m o « of first publication of this summons, MACHINE SHORTHAND hers, superintendent of the steam an() )f y(m fa„ , () appf,ar or an. dent Roosevelt speak. that up in what you save plant of the Mountain States Power swer for want thereof the plaintiffs George Travis and Jame« Edmls- The School of Modern Stenogra­ on fuel and food. O n that company, returned to his work thia will take a decree against you for phy Is the latest addition to I.ane ton spent the past week-end at basis, you can’t afford to week following his annual vacation the relief as oraved for In said Heceta on the coast. Oounty’s educational Institutions fourth amended complaint as fol­ do w ithout the convexs- leave Hubert Allen who Is a radio lows: One of the most attractive courses ience, com fort and — A decree that the plaintiffs and DRASTIC REDUCTION IN EVERY DEPARTMENT of study offered by the school Is operator In the navy, stationed at Vacation Delayed— Word recel- defendants are the owners In com f a c t io n o f a m o d e rn machine shorthand. By the mach­ San Francisco, visited al John Ed- ved here this week stated that mon of (he following described E lliu l c l f l l i n i l C f o f R U IH B H T gOOtlH B f H lll’f Io l B H | l f f l M a g ic Chef. M any mod- ine method the stenographer takes miston's last Friday. Kenneth Delassus, son of Mrs. premises Miss Dorothy Hart left last Sun­ Riley Bnodgrass, would not be able N>,4 of NW% of Bee 6 Tp. 18 Ih fH f w o n d e rfu l vu I ih ’H o ffe re d fo r filia l clearance. dictation at great speed and the aia, a ll prices. 8. H 4 W of W M and all that notes are easily read capital Eng­ day for Sian Francisco where she to be here this week on his vaca- part of the Arl Cantrell D. L. C. lish letters. In the use of the ma entered a hospital to train for a j tlon as he had expected. His vaca­ No. 39 Notlf No. 3350 which lies Every department I h conlribiitlng extraordinary nurse. chine, (the "Stenotype” ) most of In 8ec 6. Tp 18 8 R 4 W. of tion was delayed for a few weeks W M All of the N% of NF,’/« the hard, difficult features of pen­ values SHOP NOW! and N*4 of NW ’4 and lots 1 and Quests Leave — Mrs. Claire cil shorthand are eliminated. "Cold 2 In Bee. 1. Tp 18 H R 5 W Knapp, Miss Iris Wilson. Miss Nela notes.” eye and nerve strain are of W M All being In Lane Buys and Miss Pauline M ehlnger,! County Oregon and In the propor­ relieved with this method of tak­ Two »howers complimenting the all of Jasper, Indiana, left Friday tions as set for'h In the fourth ing dictation. The school Is cen­ 49c Values, Women's Pure Silk Hose, 3 Prs, $1.00 trally located at 841 W illam ette Drury family whose home burned for Canada enroute to their home amended comnlalnt and particular­ ly Marv E. Potterf 48-1200; Bet after a stop of a few day« at the street. In charge of Instruction Is last week with all contents and To $1.98 Val., Small size Women’s Footwear, pr. 39c hpna Gibson Txird. 45-1200; Itba Mrs. Hadle Hall Pyke who for the con Iderable outside loss have been home of Mrs. A. B Van Valzah Pedrone and Dan Pedrane each Regular $1.69— Women's White Sport Oxfords, pr. 96c 1 360. That said prem bes be par­ ] past five years has been In charge a practical expression of sympathy here. titioned and If It can not be par­ of the commercial department of by their friends. Reg. 15c Val., Men's Rockford Work Socks, pr. 10c titioned then said premises be sold SORES Saturday about 40 gathered at O I.D the Gold Reach Union high ichool and after costs of sale and suit SOON HEALED Reg. 49c Val., Boys' Broadcloth Shirts, 3 for $1.00 but recently resigned to come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. balance of proceeds be distributed In proportion set forth In fourth Eugene. Others active In the Sehwering. Monday afternoon at or Money Back Reg. 69c Val., Men’s and Boys' Tennis Shoe*, pr. 59c amended complaint, and to defend school are Mrs. Blanche R. Mack the home of Mrs. Charles Jessen. Never think you have to pul up ¡mis last named ns set forth herein, and E. N. Hathaway, business At both events dainty refreshments with sores You don't And you und for »uch other relief ns to the Reg. $1.00 Val., Men'* Work Pants, pr. 77c were served. Many towels, tea shouldn’t for they may lead to court may appear equitable, manager. Reg. 25c size Colgates Tooth Paste 17c towel . early varieties of canned j something serious. The order directing service of No matter how long you have j this summons by the publication Visitor Leaves— Mrs. Mary Mc­ fruit, too late to re-can and assort- To $2.69 Val., Women's Summer Hats, 49c tla>l them. K®» after them at once ther -of Is dated August 8th, 1934 Grath of Spokane who has been ed other presents were brought. I bad " with Emerald Dll a n d , mid directs publication once each visiting at the home of Mr. and The Workers’ society on Satur­ they'll heal over as nice! week for four successive week and M tr . N. I,. Pollard, left Sunday for day gave Mr». Drury, one of their as can be In no time. ] the date of the first publication Is If this soothing, heal- August 9th. 1934 Harrisburg to visit with other j members, a nice get of dishes, Ing. antiseptic oil does- U, A WINTFRMEIER. Attor- friends and relatives She Is an , Monday a pair of all wool blank n't quickly clear them ney for plaintiffs Residence auot of Mrs. Pollard and a former * eta was presented by the Ladles' up, says your druggist, get your, Eugene, Oregon. resident of this community. I Aid. money back and see a doctor. (A *-16-23-89— 8 6) guest THING I'M GOING TO 3 IIY -IS A M AYTAG lîlfl«Tin_ GQVERnOP $69 m /in p / a £ Wright & Sons M EAT Is Your Best Choice! Thurston AFFORD Independent M eat Co. S RAN! W IL L IA M S ’ 10-Day CLEARANCE enzie Valley 0 Northwest Cities Gas Co. * Shop Williams’ and Save!