PAOB THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. AUGUHT 9. 1W34 SUMMON! IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T U B HTATK O F ORKUON FOR I-ANK COUNTY. Kvedna I-. Stark, I'laln tlff, va Jam«« Leo Htark. Defendant. To. Jauiaa Lao Htark, Defendant. IN T IIK NAM E o r T IIK HTATK O F ORKOON: You are hereby ra­ il u I rad to appear and anawar tha complaint filed agalnat you In tha _____ __________ abovn entitled suit within four weeks from tha data of tba flrat FOR HALE 8-ltooiii lullin' with publication of thia aummnna and If l.'iilii (Ml Government loan, puy you fall 1® appear and anawar for ■....... .. • > « » ............... .IIP It HI., Hprlngfluid, Ora H(| fuf |„ p|a, nt|( ,a complaint which W ill tiaila for clear property or 1« for a decree of said court dl«- a II reasonable. Inquire F M j solving tha marriage contract now ..................... »" latnalta HI.. Eugene, or Jumea j (,th„ r an(1 further relief aa tha Gott. 311 "A" HI., Springfield all Court may deem Juat and proper. • — Thia autnmona la publlahed pur- , nuant to an order of tha Hon. O. F CONE!— THE HIGH COST Sktpworth. Jud«« of «!»• •»*>*• oc aa a c* lj T D O l l D I P titled court, made and entered July OF STOMACH TROUBLE , 7th , M4 Bnd Rbn,ba4 ta. TIIK Don't pay »2 50 to »5.00 for r . l l . f S I ’R IN Q F IB I-D N E W » a new.- (ron. atomach pal.... Indignation P«P« •» ™ Try >«h« * • • LP . J , u l Try Dr ttmll'g Adla T a b le t.—3 ty. Oregon, publication thereof be weeka treatment only »1. Relief or lug once each week for four succes­ your money back. Flanery'a Drug sive end consecutive weeka. The Htora. dale of first publication being July 18th. 1824 and the last publication JAMBS K. KINO being August 16th. 1834. five pub Attorneya at Law Illations thereof Miner Bldg.. lugana, Ora. ALTA KINO. Attorney for Plalutlff. Post office address, NOTICB TO CRSOITORS C ottage Orove. Oregon NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN: (Jo 18 26 A 28 1 6 ) that tba uuderalgued baa been ap- polnad Executor of the eetale of W W. HARCOMBE Abbta J. Haskell. deceased, by tha Attorney at Law County Court of Lana County. Dra­ Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon gon All persona having claims agalnat aald aatata are required to NO. 28I2S present them with tba proper IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E vouchers to the undcralgncd at tba H TATE O F ORFA1ON FOR T H E l.«w Office of James K. King. 410 CO U N TY O F LANE. Miner Hulldlng. Bugene. t-ane County, Oregon, within a ll (6) Orsce H all Hitter, Plaintiff, VS. montha from tha data of thia notice. Dated at Eugene. Dragon, tbla Amy Louise Dunn, Adns It Deg- glee Fredrelck Stanley Dunn and 12th day of July, 1»84. Anna M Dunn, his wife. Irene JAMKH K. K IN D . Executor of tha E atal. of Abbta J. Haakell, . W illiam and C. S W illiam , her husband. Lulu Dorris and George deceased A. Dorris, her husband, Qeonge (Jy 12-19 38— A 3-9) O. Yoran surviving husband of I-aura Yoran. deceased; Frances Estate of Inat P. Flannlgau. Da Yorsn Doe. whose married name ceased. la unknown and John Doe. her NOTICE husband, and Ads Yoran surviv­ OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ing wife of Frank E. Dunn, de­ leaved: Lucille Dunn Dyott and Notice la hereby given that Ar- Cavln Dyott, her husband, and Hate I Murray, administratrix of any other person or persons un­ the estate of Inaa P. Flanulgan. deceased. baa filed In tbs County. known who are heirs at law of F B Dunn and Celia Dunn, de­ Court of tha Btata of Dragon In ceased; Underwood nnd Co. and and for 1-ane County, bar final re­ Its successors and assigns: Ella port aa auch administratrix and V W alker. George W Dorlson. that 10 o'clock A M on Tuesday Anns H ill and C M H ill, her the 2»th day of August. 1884. at husband. Jane Doe Pengra, sur the Court room thereof has been vlvlng widow of W J. Pengra. i,t the Court fixed and appointed deceased; and any and all other aa the time and place for bearing persons unknown who may be objectlona to aald report and for heirs at law of B J. Pengra and the (Inal settlement of the estate C Emily Pengra. both deceased; of the deceased. the unknown heirs at law of R A R TIS T E I. M URRAY. Admin E Stratton and Sarah M Strat la tra trli. ton. hls wife, both deceased; the W. DOUOLA8 HARRIS. unknown heirs at law of J. B W IN G A RD A REID. Attorneya Underwood and Margaret I. Un­ for the Administratrix. derwood. hls wife, both deceased; (Ju I»— A 39-1888) .................................... . ■ ■ ■■ '■ the unknown heirs at law of Mever Rosenblatt and l-ena Ros enblatt. hls wife, both deceased; the rucceesors and assigns of J W St •'Wart Company, who are unknown to the plaintiff and also all other person or persons un­ Or. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real Naturopathie Physician estate described In the camplatnt. I'hone 91 J Defendanta. ™£ S. D. ALLEN Move to Naw Home— Ita», and Attorney at Law Mr . Frank H Clamo moved Into »77 W illamette, St Eugene, Ore- a naw residence on “C" street near F IN A L H IA R IN O Eighth thia week. Notice Is hereby given that IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT O F court has fixed 10:00 A. M., T IIK HTATE OF OREGON FOR urday. September I. 1884. as the LANK CO UN TY time when at the chambers of the I., the M ailer of tha Guardianship1'’« « t y Jud*. In tha court boua. In of Virgil J and A rlen. T Hills. I “ »• «»ty "f on tha Heel account of the adtnln- . . . . . . „ -Ile tr a to r of tha estate of Glent- ,N otice la hereby given that on wor, b Shumaker will ba taken up und after 10:00 a. in. of Saturday for a|h,wanc« and an order made Amusements_______ August 25. 1934, at tha office of assigning the reetdue of said estate H D Allan, 877 W illam ette Street. Persons Interested to said matters THE WINTERGARDEN Eugene, Oregon, tha undersigned may appear at said time and be Mtb and Charnelton. Eugene as guardian of said minors will beard thereon. Anna B. Orswell. Mgr proceed to Join with other owners C LYD E W. SHUM AKER . Ad­ Ln mortgaging the following pro­ W illamette Res, Ph 27F14 perty, vis: The north 75 feet of ministrator Modern and Old Tim e Music S. D A LLEN , attorney for Estate. lot 7 In block 7 In Skinner's Do­ (A 39-18-28) for All Occasions nation to I-ane county, for the sum or »2600. said mortgage to NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION Auctioneers run three years. Interest payable semiannually. and Io be made to Department of the Interior, Gen­ eral Land Office at Roseburg, W. L. BRAY the person or persons who will Oregon. July 24. 1984. G EN ER A L ACCT1ONEER furnish said money on terms most NO TIC E Is hereby given that beneficial to said minors. The In­ Earm Sales and Livestock Our terest of said minora ln said pro­ Joseph A. Baker, of Marcóla. Ore­ Specialty. perty Is an undivided one fourth gon, who, on April 26th, 1932. made Community Sale« part thereof. Held mortgage will Homestead entry. »erial. No,020.- be made pursuant to an order of 104, for NH NW 14 and B W fc N W K , Every Wedne day license therefor Issued out of said Section 11. Township IS H. Range 111 Main St. Springfield 2 W . W illamette Meridian, has court July 13, 1934. filed notice of Intention to make J 8. H IL L S . Guardian. Auto Dealers_______ _______(Ju 26 A 29 16 28)______ final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, WELLS A WELLS before E. O. Immel. U. 8. Commie ANDERHON MOTORS, INC. Attorneya sloner. at Eugene. Oregon, on the Expert Repairing — A ll W ork Bank of Commerce Bide-. Eugene 17th day of September, 1934. Guaranteed. Claimant names as witnesses; J WHO IS WHO and What They Do • A Classified Directory of Reliable Business Firms and Professional People This Newspaper Recommends to You. F e e d -S e e d -H a y Orthodontist ADAMH FEED & SEED STORE DR .1 E. RICHMOND orthodontia Full tine of Feed. Seed and Hay. Phone 2253 J Cu tom Grinding. Cleaning and 1175 Charnelton Kugeue Mixing A Home Owned Institution. 119 — 5th St. Springfield. Ph. 3 Physician - Surgeon Oregon Feed A- Seed Co., Ine. MELVILLE H. JONEH. M. D. Good Luck Manamar Poultry and Surgery and Dtsea«e« of Women Dairy Feed« Springfield, Oregon Prosper W ith Manamar First National Hank Bldg Ph. 43 Seed Cleaning a Speciality. Delivery Phone 689 Plumbing <& Pipe Fitting ' 205 E. 5th St., Cor. High Eugene A SUPPLY CO EUGENE EGG DEPOT PACIFIC F E E D We Pack and Grade Egg» for the Merchant« of F.ugen- and Spring field. Cor. 5th and W illam ette St. Eugene. Ore.. Phone 148 NIEI. POLLARD P L U M B IN G Res Phone 153-J Springfield Electric Supply W iring. General Contracting I. E. Lamps, Universal Household Electrical Supplì«» General Repairing Springfield I t«2 Main Fred Dorsey. Fenton B. Dorsey. Gas. Oll. Tire« and Batteries Furniture John Hull. A. C. Ewing, all of Mar 6th and A Sta.. Springfield Ph. 49 cola. Oregon. Notice Is hereby glevn that the JOHNSON FURNITURE CO.] P h o to g ra p h e rs -F ilm s W IL L IA M H CANON. Register undersigned. Berths A. Olli, Admin- BROWN MOTOR CO. Range» and Circulators (Ju 28—A 1-9-16 23) Isratrlx of the Estate of John O. Carl R. Baker Film Shop C H RYSLER and P L Y M O U TH Several Line« Including Montag ■ Hlaats, deceased, has filed her Kastman Film« — K odaks — NOTICE Sale« and Service Final Report and Account aa »uch L inoleum —Inlaid and Felt. Base OF SHERIFF'S SALE Frame« — Album«— Motion Administratrix with the Clerk of Attractive Prices on Furniture , Complete Automotive Service ____________ NO TIC B Is hereby given that by Picture Cameras. of the County Court of Lane Coun and Rugs. Open Day and Night ty. Oregon, and that Saturday, the I virtue of an execution and order of We Photograph Everything Se» Us Before You Buy Phone 1757 11th day of August, 1934. at 10:00 sale Issued out of the Circuit Court 195 Eaat Broadway Anywhere. We Deliver Phone 1188 i o'clock In the forenoon of aald day. of the State of Oregon for Lane Eugene. Oregon Mall films to P. O. Box 667 In the County Court Room of the County this 13th day of July, 1934. «49 W illam ette Eugene 698 W illamette. Eugene Ph. 635 Court House ut Eugone. Oregon, upon and pursuant to a decree duly HUIIERER MOTOR CO. has been set by the Hon. Fred given and made by «aid Court the ________ Groceries________ | H I'IC K — O LD 8M O B ILE — Fisk. Judge of said Court, as tba 12tb day of July. 1934. In a suit Restaurants time and place of hearlug object­ pending therein In which The Pa­ PONTIAC TOOMB S GROCERY ion« to the same. If any there are. cific Saving« A Loan Association, IRENE’S CAFE Motor Car« Fancy Groceries Fruits. Vegetables and for the final settlement of «aid a Waahlngton corporation was Dalrv Products. Soda Fountain ' Breakfast 15c up - Dinner 25c up. S A L E » and SERVICE plaintiff and W. A. Sweet and estate. Chili 16c Free Delivery BERTHA A G ILL. Administra­ other« were defendanta. which axe- ?(h an<) ()|lre 8||, — Phone 855 Home Cooking cullon and order of sale was to me trix. 521 — 5th St. Springfield. PH. 90 Eugene. Oregon. dlracted and commanded me to sell Ice Cold Beverage« on Tap W IL L S « W B L L8. Attorneys. the real property hereinafter das-1 BROWN. Executrix 841 W illamette. Eugene, Ph. 469 F A L L TER M BEGINS SEPT. 4 Northerly thru the Eaat half of W ELLS A W E L I.8 Attorneys Ladies Ready-To-Wear Section seven (7) In Township (Ju 26— A 2-9-16 23) Phone 666 Miner Bldg. Battery Service eighteen (18) South of Range Eugene. Oregon ANGELINE DRESS SHOP HERBERT W. LOMBARD three (3) West of the W illam e­ Eugene. Oregon Attorney at Law tte Meridian, aald Interaectlon See the Modern Machine Method I^ANBCO BATTERY Popular Priced Dresses being at a point 738 1-8 feet NOTICE FACTORY of Shorthand North of the mod Northerly Allen A. Hosiery OF FINAL SETTLEMENT SPEED and ACCURACY A HO M E IN D U S TR Y Northeast corner of the W illiam 63 E. Broadway Phone 533-W Notice Is hereby given that the Luckey and wife Donation Land Eugene with Ease undersigned has filed herein her Eugene. Oregon Claim No 52 In said Township 857 Pearl Phone 1008 final account as the Administratrix SCHOOL OF and Range, and running thence of the estate of MARY L. BRIS- MODERN STENOGRAPHY South 2* 86' weet one hundred Mrs. Margaret M. Coldren TOL. deceased, with the County elghty-four (184) feet, to the Creameries-Dairy Products 841 W illamette. Eugene. Phone 117 M O DISTE Court of I-ane County. State of Ore­ south line of a tract of land con­ SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Office Hours: 1 to 5 P. M. Remodeling — Designing gon. and an order has been made Demand the Best—Costs no More veyed to F. E. Roberta. May >th. Edan It Deggles. Frances Yoran and entered of record directing Service Stations 40« Fourth Street Miner Bldg.. E. Broadway. Eugene 1925. by deed recorded on page BLUE BELL Doe, whose married name Is un­ this notice and setting the 21st day 460 of Vol. 143 of the Deed Re­ Phone 3346 Dairy Products known and John Doe. her h’ uhand. of August, 1934. at the hour of ten SPRINGFIELD SERVICE cords of Lane County. Oregon: I Ada Yoran surviving daughters of o'clock In the forenoon of said day STATION Ice Cream. Butter. Cheese. M ilk thence North 89’ 30' Weat along ¡Laura Yoran deceased; the un- as the time and the County Court Laundries Frank Sharman. Prop. the South line of said tract one EUGENE FARM ERS CREAM ERY. ! known heirs at law of F. B Dunn Watchmaker and Jeweler and Celia Dunn deceased; Under­ Room. Countv Court House, Eu-1 hundred thirteen (113) feet, G ILM O R E O ILS and GAS SPRINGFIELD LAUNDRY Phone Eugene 638 gene. I-ane County. State of Ore­ thence North 2" 36’ East one S P R IN G F IE L D wood and Company and Its succes­ gon, as the place for the hearing of W e Specialize In Silks. Woolens, 5th and Main Sts.. Springfield hundred etghtv-four (184) feet Ba. Paolflo Watah In apse tor sors and assigns: Ella V. W alker. objectlona. If any. to the final ac­ and Curtains. Convalescent Homes to the center of said twenty (26) First Class W ork at Raaaonabla | George W. Ixirlson, Anna H ill and count and the final settlement of Rough Dry - T h rifty Damp Wash A ST. SERVICE STATION foot road and thence East along Ptloee. C M H ill, her husband: Jane Doe said estate. SUNSET HOME General Ga«oltne. Oil and Greases said center line of said road to Phone 75-J Pengra surviving widow of W. J. Dated and first published thl« Rev. R. Bogstad the place of beginning, contain­ Goodrich Tires Pengra. deceased; any and all 1» day of July 1934 309 Main St. Springfield ing .48 acres of an acre, more Sanitorlum — A home for Elderly other peraons unknown who may General Law PrseUee “A Home Owned Station.” Datp of last publication August or less, ln Lane County. Oregon. People—Graduate Nurse In Charge. I he heirs at law of B J Pengra and 16. 1934 Lumber Wholesale-RetaH_ 5th and A Sts.. Springfield. Ph. 44 C. Emily Pengra. both deceased; I. M. PETERSON GRACE STEARN S SC H I8K A . Dated this 13th day of July. 1934. Rates »1.06 a day and up. Depend-1 C A SW ART8. Sheriff. j the unknown heirs at law of R. E. Attornay-at-Law Admlnlstrstrlx of Estate of EUGENE LUMBER CO. Your First and Last Chance to Bv A E HULBOAARD. Deputy ing on care needed. Centrally lo­ ’ Stratton and Sarah M. Stratton. Marv L. Bristol, deceased. Snider Red Cedar Shingles City Hall Building Patronise a Home Owned (Ju 19-18— A 2-S-lt) 1 hls wife, both deceased: the un­ H ER B ER T LOMBARD. Attorney cated In refined neighborhood. W hy not have the best? They known heirs at law of J. B. Under for Administratrix. Independent Service Station. Springfield. Orbgon Phone 1494-J C. A. W INTERMEIER Cost no more. I wood and Margaret L. Underwood, J 19 26— A 2-9-16 172 — 12th Ave. W.. Eugene THURMAN'S Attorney a t Law hls wife, both deceased: the un Phone 426 On Main 9t.. at the Bridge known heirs at law of Meyer Ros L. L. RAV Rail Road Blvd. A Grand. Eugene 784 Willamette Eugene. Oregon enblatt and Lena Rosenblatt, hls T H E IJ L L IA N V A N DARW ARK 100 Main St. Springfield. Ore. Attorney at Law wife, both deceased; the succes Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon CONVALESCENT HOME SUMMONS The Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. sore and assigns of J W Stewart Mitchell Service Station Furnishes a Lillian Van Darwark. Prop. NOTICE OF HEARING IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E Company and all and every other A LL R IC H F IE L D PRODUCTS ON FINAL ACCOUNT STA TE O F OREGON. FOR Eugene person or persons, unknown claim­ COMPLETE HOME ing any right, title, estate lien or — Yale Tlrea — NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : ’ T„ 1409 Oak St. Ph. 3078-W j Building and R-pairing Service. of Pittsburgh. Pa. Interest In and to the real property That the undersigned admtnlstra- Greasing - Battery Recharging L- V im b M Co F O For Service Phone Springfield 55 described In the complaint In the trlx of the estate of L illie Stew M orrill Sturgeon Lumber Co.. F. O. Expert Radio Repairing by Cleaning A Dyeing name of the Rtste of Oregon or If no answer, phone 34-J. Stuart. Leonard Hlner. Naal art. deceased, ha» filed her ac­ LEE CRAY Hlner., Clifford H lner. Herbert Springfield. C.REETINO8: count for the final settlement of Jimmie’s Cleaning Shop Phone 48-J L. I-ombard. Margaret A. Ball. You and each of von are hereby »aid estate ln the County Court , “““ " ~ ~ ” JAMES M IT C H E L L Fay Elisabeth Bond. Leola D. Representad By required to appear and answer the for I-ane County. Oregon, and that 7th and Main Sts Springfield Printers Chaning. Preesing. Alterations Hemenway. Frieda M. Herring, complaint filed against you In ‘ he Saturday, the 11th day of August. all unknown heirs of T. L. Ball, above entitled enuse on or before 1934, at the Court Room of aald We Call For and Deliver. E. H. TURNER OREGONIAN deceased, also all other persons RO YAL Made to Measure Suits. the last day of the publication of Court. In the County Court House, SERVICE STATION THE WILLAMETTE PRESS this notice, which will be the 8th In Eugene at ten o'clock In the 84« A BL Bpiingfletd. Ore. or parties unknown claiming any At the Springfield Junction right, title, estate lien or interest 309 Main 9t.. Springfield. Ph. 75-J ' day of August 1934 and If you fall forenoon, has been by said Court Springfield so to appear In answer for want fixed as the time ad place for hear In the real estate described in OAS AN D OILS Phone 2 Dentists thereof the plaintiff will apply to ing objections thereto, and for final the complaint. Defendants. Service Day and Night. TO Fav Elisabeth Bond. Frieda the court and take a decree against settlement of said estate. Business Stationery—Office Forms Grocery Sundries, Tobacco’s and you for all and singular the relief E D IT H F I-O 8 8 IE F V N K E . Ad- M. Herring, all unknown heirs of DR. G. A. BROWN Booklets — Placards — Picnic Goods. prayed for In the complaint of the m lnPtratrlx of the Estate of I T.L. Ball, deceased also all other Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Dodgers, etc. plaintiff on file herein. Ph. 9pr. 33-J West Springfield L illie Stewart, deceased persons or parties unknown claim- Phone 20-J You and each of you are further , Ing any right, title, estate, lien or L. 1, RAY. Attorney for Estate. A Modern Print Shop Producing S h ()e R e p a i r i n g ______ 5th and Main Sta. Springfield required to appear on or before the (Jv 12-19-26— A 2-9) I Interest In the real estate described Formerly Wslker-Poole said day nnd set forth the nature I In the complaint. Defendants. and extent and claim and Interest Up-To-Date Printing JOHN NELSON SHOE SHOP NOTICE OF HEARING , N THR NAME OF TH E STATE Department Stores EUG ENE— 11th S P R IN G FIE LD you may assert In the following ON FINAL ACCOUNT OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ Phone and a Salesman W ill Call. General Shoe Repairing 228 Main und Charnelton described renl property towlt: the Turner's Variety Store quired to appear and answer the N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : ----- Our work Is Guaranteed. Our North 40 feet of Lot 4 In Block Phone 62 J Telephone 723 amended complaint filed against Crockery. Kitchenware. Stationery. No 2 the original survey of That the undersigned administra­ you In the above entitled suit w ith­ prices are most reasonable. Hosiery. Notions, Summer Hats, Springfield In f-ane County. Ore­ tor of the estate of Edward C. Mu* in four weeks from the day of the WHO PAYS FOR Give Us a T rial and Be Satisfied. Perfumes. Pottery and a complete gan. deceased, has filed hls ac­ gon. first publication of this summons Opposite McKee’s Bakery ADVERTISING? line of Novelties. CANDIES. This suit Is brought for the pur count for the final setMsment of and If you fall to appear or answer 607 Main St., Springfield pose of obtaining a decree In the «aid estate In the County Court for want thereof the plaintiff will Main St. Bet. 2nd and 4th A manufacturer of baked beans above entitled court quieting the for Lane County. Oregon, abd that take a decree against you for the BE FAIR TO Springfield. Ore. spends one cent per can for selling title of the plaintiff In and to said Saturday, the 11th day of August. relief as prayed for In said amend Hall’s Shoe Repair Shop premises, nnd that It he decreed 1934, at the Court Room of said ed complaint aa follows: expense and another half cent for ____________ W e Repeat— We are striving to YOURSELF AND Court, In the County Court House, and adjudged that the title of the Goods, Mens. W om ens and , advertising. The housewife who uTe up to the Spirit as well aa the A decree quieting the title to the Dry plaint)..' In and to said renl pro­ In Eugene at ten o’clock ln the following Children's Shoes and Clothing , |,ujrg a can. of these beans pays le tte r of the National Recovery described premises: YOUR FUTURE forenoon, has been by said Court perty Is good and valid and that North one-half of Lot three ln C. J. BREIER CO. one-and-one-half cents for the coin- Ac, the defendanta and any or either fixed as the time ad place for hear Black eight of Christians Second Kyes that see clearly pos»e«s Ing objections thereto, and for final perty Is good and valid and that Phone 1828 blned cost of selling nnd advertts- 420 Main St. Springfield. Addition to Eugene, I-ane County perfect vision. They are always of said estate. | of them have no estate or Interest settlement Eugene i |ng |„ addition to the actual coat ■ n E « R i( B K E e R i( T i E. r W nm -iM u R n . Ad « « -. Oregon and the cloud on plain 968 W illam ette H A L K E whatsoever In and to said real prt>-’ alert. They "take” perfect pic­ m ln r of the * t « . . of | of production This same manufac- Transfer A Storage perty nnd that said defendants and tures ln°tantly and easily with­ Edwnrd C. Morgan, deceased. turer has found that If he does not MOV ing — Our Piano and Furnl- , each and nil of them be enjoined Electrical Industries right, title, estate, lien or Interest out strain and needless waste of nnd debarred from asserting a n y , I L. RAY. Attorney for Estate. advertlse. his sales department tnre Moverg Bre Experts, In or to the aforesaid premises or (Jy 12-19-26— A 2-9) Inspect our New Installation at energy. claim whatsoever In nnd to said any part thereof and that the plain­ has to work harder and he Is {,> j > oe AQE — Concerte Building, real property adverse to the plain-j the State Game Farm. tiff as against you and each of you obliged to spend two cents per can Reagonable Rates. Reliability. NOTICE OF HEARING tiff. Westinghouse I-amps and be decreed to he the owner In fee Thousands of ambitious men ; for selling expense. Then the p ^ p ^ IN G — Experienced H e l p This summons Is served upon I ON FINAL ACCOUNT simple of said premises and each Appliances. and women, handicapped by you by publication thereof In the I housewife has to pay two cents for j Means Safety and Protection, N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : I of you be forever' barred from confused thinking and Impaired HENDERER ELECTRIC .......................... the selling costs when the beans PACIFIC TRANSFER ft Judgment, see their fond hopes Springfield j are n(}t a