THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TH IR TY -FU W T YKAR HPKINUFIKLD. LANK COUNTY, OREGON. .THURSDAY. AIJÜUHT 9. 1934 HIGHWAY W AIKIO RECEIVE ACTION BOARO HIRES NtW IEACHER Al H.S. to NO. 29 . LUMBER MARKET Wed Tonight SHOWS INCREASE m aox m o ! VALLET IS SEEN Simple Ceremorty To Unite Ann Vogel Sends Resigna­ Theimer Nelson and Selma Production Leaps To New Staisberg At O’Clock tion; Springfield Girl Given Levela; Lumber Code Meet Position On Faculty Is In Eugene Tonight Tbalm er J. Nelaop reporter for Proposed Project Linking Eu­ gene end Springfield Put Before Relief Committee Commissioner Crowe Says Federal Government To. Discourage Migrations the Springfield Nev a for the paat The realxnatlon of Mlaa Ann Recent development. In connec­ aererai year*, sue Mlaa Helma WOULD TAX RESOURCES Vogel from the high achool faculty tion with the lumber code will b* Stai .berg, Eugene, *111 be married wsa accepted by the achool board dlacuaaed at a general Industry New Dietriot SERA Engineer Rural Rehabilitation Program ... It . monthly meeting Monday I ,on'« ht the h° B” ol 8tMl* meeting to be held In Eugene this berg'a parente, M r an Mra. Knut Promisee Survey Soon Of Now Being Formed; To evening. Mlaa Iowa Carlton, daugb evening, August *, under the aus­ ter Of Mr and M r. Roy W Cart- BUtob* r<’ Eu«e,,# “ ’ «’' < * * * Conditions nnd Work Aid Oregon Folk Only pice. of th>- Went Coast Lumber ion. waa employed aa a new teacb- Only Immediate member, of both i association. The purpose of Efforts to have a pedeatrlau walk After months of discussion rural fam iIItea will be preeent for lb* ||,,. meeting la to acquaint lumber OCEAN C IT Y , N. J. . . C lifta » : er at the high school. const noted a lo ll a the W illam ette H . Haavar, IS , (a b o v e), e f Hpring- .Im ple ring ceremony to be per­ men with the strengthened poal 1 tehabllltation work In Oregon la Mlaa Carlton la a graduate of highway between Eugene and * d d , Maas , la th * aatiuaal m oriito formed by Rev. R. Bogatud. man- Hon of the code resulting from con­ soon to get under way according to aniploa o f tka U B. fe r 1984. Op I Hie Springfield high achool and of Springfield wan- given uew I • O. E. Crowe, county commissioner, the University of Oregon where “ « * * ,he 8u o ,* ‘ h‘” n" • » “ ference* held recently In Washing­ • a ever a b ig .to ld from all parts o f pet us thia week whan the propoa for many ton. who has recently returned from a touot ry .be wa« an honor student She ba. friend of both farnDU finally cam* before the county r O years. meeting of the state committee In --------------------------- Matters whlcb will be explained been teaching at Elm ira and at llaf committee for action Portland The federal government Mr and Mra. Norwald B. Nelson, In detail Include Administrator Bridgeport. Washington. Tlia prupoai-d HEHA project waa ha- a blanket rehabilitation pro­ brother and slater pf the couple, Jobn-on'« order establishing mini­ Reason, for M is. Vogel', resign­ presented Wednesday uoou by O. gram outlined for all slates, but ation were not stated In her com­ will be attendants. Junior Nelson, mum price* and the new basis of DEM M O IN E S , la . . . . The “ I R. t ’rowa. county commlaaloner, munication to the board member». brother of Mr. Nelqon. will sing, code enforcement. Speakers will in­ tim e* ’ ’ erep for the droaght-strtekea this cannot be followed very close­ and F H Koehler, district auxin und Mlaa Freda Hult^ren. an aunt, clude E. W. Demarest, president middle waet has beaa fouad. . . . I t ly in Oregon and a new plan of Ml«» Vogel I . one of the oldest ••ar. promised Io make an Iminedl-I is soy beaaa, aererdiag to Poderal operation la being worked. First members of the school faculty In will play the w*ddl4g march and of the aasoclation. and W. B Oree- aad atat* sg rie alta ra l autberittoa. . . . ate lliapectlon of the alte to detar- j accompany Mr. Nelson Both are ley. secretary manager All lum­ Boy beaa crop* a r* bow la shag to by out lines of an Oregon plan are ex­ veara of »ervice. She had taught mine what work and materlala » III from Salem. bermen attending the meeting will fa rm e r* to kelp keep th * * * * * * * f r a * pected to be ready within 30 day«. ~ ■ biology and algebra, and waa ad- ba needed If the project I* pre* The plan now Is to aaalat tboae i. The toy b e a s h Mlaa Staisberg I. a teach*r at | Invited to offer suggestions for Rebekah. L O. O. F. Groups visor for the Girt«' League for aev eMail to the atata committee and already located on acreage before I the Condon achool In Eugene She 1 Improvement of the code or Its ad To Hold Outing At River- "ral years approved any new plan of moving people i la a graduate of Htate Teachers > mlnixtration Home shifts In subjects will have tide Park; Session Busy from the more thickly settled Member* of the county commit Production of lumber In West to be made at the opening of the i a l Mlno1' Nwr,h .1 communities to small rural tracts P h y a lc a .and h“ “ • « • “ *"«•«» »be Unlver Coaat sawmills has shown a great, The Monday evening session of school year this fall I* undertaken .greed that a sidewalk la necessary improvement during the past few whlcb I . to be alternated w l t h l " 1’' of Ore»on ,or Juanita Rebekah lodge was a busy bo t wa s u the two cilia* and ara See* Little Migration M r Nelson Is the ton of Theo week», especially since the long | meeting for the lodge member«. chemistry, will be taught thia year willing to prepara and approve a Mr. Crowe does not see any great Misa Eunice Gerber, noble grand, by Miss Carlton. The biology O. Nelson of Salem He studied at »horemen'g strike was ended. Dur- suitable project If the Inapectlou danger of an Influx of settlers from Nortb Dakota State college I n 1“ « the * « « k immediately follow-| waa present and presided following classes will be taught by Marlon prove, that lb« walk can be con­ an abaeuce of several weeks the drought stricken areas of the Hall, athletic director, who la to Fargo before comlug to Oregon Ing the strike settlement the out­ structed so aa to ba effactlvr and middle west. The people living put of lumber doubled that of the ' Two uieiubera. Mrs Mary Strunk be assisted this year by Robert where be graduated from the Unb also acunoinlcal In the use of ma there now are In the most part previous week und the average1 veralty at Eugene. Chatterton, a new member of the terlala o ffen d by the county court and W illiam Htrunk. both of the production of 644 mills was 74.-I Portable Relief Unit Put Up unable to finance a trip from thelT Present for the ceremony aside Coburg lodge, were taken Into the faculty More Than 3000 Can* For present homes to the Pacific coast. Mr Koehler cam* to l.ane county from those already mentioned wilt 572.737 feet so far in 1934 com-1 bulge here by transfer The federal government is also do­ Needy During Stop Here to succeed Mr. Sinclair, aa HERA be Mrs. Nelson. Harafcl and Merlin i barw’ w,,h 71.820.983 feet In 1933 Paat Noble Grand pins were pres . ing all It can to prevent a mass engineer He haa bad considerable New business reported by the 1 Nelson, brothers of M r Nelson, all Mnre than 3000 cans of fruits and migration from one section of the experience In construction of side­ ented to Mis« Thelma Hweeney from Salem; Mr. and Mrs Clifford West Coast lumbermen's asaocla- i vegetables were canned for needy country into another. The rehabili­ walks tiling highways In Multno­ and Miss A lin Ixive during th e , Hlalaberg. Eugene, brother and lion was nearly twice th* amount people of Springfield during the tation program Is designed to care mah county and In bla experience, evening sister-in-law of Ml«* Staisberg: of production and shipments for past week by the portable cannery only for residents of the state. Pinal arrangements for the large! the week. he says, that unless a highway Mrs. Arthur H Brook* and daugh­ The federal government realties sidewalk la constructed with a picnic for members of the Rebekah None of the federal government< operated here by Ben Marks and ter. Orlinda Ruth, Tucson. Arlxnna. his assistant it was announced last that a sudden influx of these desti­ curbing along th* highway aide the and Odd Fellows lodges to be held j mid Mrs. Ixrula Flseel. Florence. money for home remodeling has reached this part of the state yet. I night before the equipment was tute families into any or all of the gravel will soon spread out and at Riverside park Bunday. August1 Baxter Rhinevault Ar,Ion>- slaters of Mr. Nelson, and but it is expected that consider- ‘ moved to Eugene where it will Pacific roast state* would Imme­ usually motorists use the walk aa I t . were made The last car will! George Mrs. Bogstad. diately develop a large relief pro­ leave the hall Bunday morning for' Died Monday; Survived By a parking place Thé couple will leave Immedi­ able home remodeling and Im -. work today and Friday. Widow and Two Sons Less cautious pedestrians will the picnic grounds at 11:30. nnd ately after the ceremony for a provement work will be under-, The run« last week were rather blem such as none of the state* continue to use the hard amootbe the dinner will he nerved at 11:46 ! short trip to the coaat after which taken when that money is made| light. 39S on Thursday. 29« on F ri­ would be able to handle without Funeral service* for George Bax­ day. and 361 on Saturday. Monday aaslstanc« from the federal gov­ pavement fur a walk rather than Committers from both lodges are they will return to make their available. Retail business at the local the total number of cans Jumped ernment. the rougher gravel walk think* Mr on arrangement* for the ter Kblnevault. 31. lifelong resident home at 136« Hllvard street in Eu­ of Springfield who died at the annual affair Booth-Kelly sawmill has been to 659 and on Tuesday It reached Price Advances Offset gene. Koehler. Pacific hoapttal In Eugene early showing Improvement and la now «84. It was well over the *00 mark Effects of the unprecedent The sidewalk project baa been Monday morning were held here exceeding the usual volume at this when they quit last night. drouth are being reflected here In dormant for several month* with ( UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR WHEAT FARMERS TO GET Wednesday at 2:30 from the Poole I season Bean*, tomatoes, prunes, oluma. prices of most articles. Price gen­ out anyone «eemlng to know w h a t! BENEFIT CHECKS SOON TO BE M. E. SPEAKER I Kuneral Home Dr E V Stiver* peaches and a few pear* were the erally and especially those of foods was delaying It when apparently of On-ben officiated and Interment --------- — - principal Items canned thia week. are advaaclng rapidly with every all preliminary plans had been Rapid progress In measuring and l>r Charlea O Howard, professor was made In the Laurel Grove Almost everything is canned by indication that they w ill continue completed cemetery A large number of | computing the acreage under the of law at the University and an the portable unit says Mr. Marks to climb as the shortage In other Member* of the Hprlngflehl Lion* active Christian worker among the friends and relative of the decea whw“ ®<»Ju««nient contract* Indl excepting corn and carrots. The sections becomes more apparent In