I M W THURSDAY. AUGUST. 2. 1884 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS F a O l FOUR I l ■- ■ LARGE PROJECT I DENTIST OWNER ANCIENT COINS »%> •WlkMPMi NtJ-S/- A Recant Purchase Contains Hand Carved Bronze Money Dating To 123 Year» B. C. Efforts To Control Wind and Climate In Plains States Is To Be 10 Year Job An unusual collection of old One of the most extensive and coins, most of them dating back pj'sible far reaching projects yet • to the early Roman era la now In t< be originated under the New the po session of Dr. W N. Dow. t < Sl forces at Washington, D. C. Springfield deullat. Dr. Dow also I> the 1000 mile windbreak to be i owns many more modern coin« and punted in 100 rows through the ■ 'XB> W f t f t PwJM. I ‘ccs of paper money. central slate from tbe Canadian to It eluded In a recent collection the Mex can borders. An immedi­ which he purchased from New ate start on this work has been j York dealers was a $3 gold piece authorised according to instruc- minted in 1878 Another one minted ti ns received in Portland by C. J. 1 k, regional forester. “B E F O R E A N D A F T E R ''— Qua dr» ng 1» at state fa irg io u u d s . Salem , planned and started In ISIS. Jest I In 1864 was in almost perfect con ditlon. Although the tree planting pro­ completed and w ill be dedicated Labor day September S. the opening day of the stale fa ir. T h e building ol the wings on each end of the t - ric u ltu r.il building and of tbe 37# foot long eunresaiona building turns an u n - A silver trade dollar minted In gram will not include the Pacific j l - t - ' l r grease J -lu t row Into a beautifu l « r m o - of its»« a - ' flowers. \ rob« proof f i r •» av...rcd by this 1873 has the woman s heud facing cortat states, residents of Oregon LOOO fool long -Indoor T ra il" rocn ecling principal exhibits buildings, tonsc U the fats if U rain s. , to the left. Il contains 420 grains ant all other state in the Vtlon i of silver or 900 fine grains. will eagerly watch this huge un . - .... 1 ... .............- • • I, d< -takl-g as it progresses during existing fences will be utilised, The early day coins were all M ARINE E N L IS T M E N T S the 10 years estimated as ’he tim e. Will Establish Nurseries NOW BEING RECEIVED !:nni"1,,r,,d ®ut bx bttn