three TUR 3PRlNüff!BtP-,NBW8 THUR8DAY. AUGUST 2. 1084 sum mo n « IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STRAW MULCH BOOSTS APPLE « rru t TREE IR IK CROPS VHV Monmouth »elk Hare Mra Edna Yarnell and her daughter Edna June. »•» here vtattlag at Ihe W illis Bertach home S TA TE OF OREOON FOR LANK CO U N TY - - - I About 100 puunda uf atraw, Kvedua L 8 lark, Plaintiff, va placed almut the baae of each apple Jam»« Lao Btark. Defendant Week-eng Visitor»— Mr. and Mrs. To, J a tnaa Lao Stark, Defendant. tree In hla 10 acre urchard. give« i laud© Abercrombie of Moeby Portland Man H e re — D IN T H E NAM E OK T H E STATE j,-,) Hollowny of llruwnavllle an In creek were visitor In Springfield O F OREGON- You are hereby re­ approximately one-third | ,orm * r Hprlngg«.!«» Jeweler, w a. over Ihe week-end. quired to appear and anewer •h e !,IM“ l,,' we k end vlaltor In Springfield. complaint filed agalnat you In thaHn rlald, The atrnw la applied otici Weekend Visiter»— Mlsa Eleanor above entitled ault within four «very I wo or Ihree yaara and ha Corvallis Man Hare— Herbert M Elbow Infected— Sam Bartholo­ Smith, Spriugflald leacher. was weeka from the date of the ftrat been found to decra ■aa cultivating mew of Douglas garden« district Taylor of CorvaUD was a business here over the week-end from New­ coala conalderably hua (teen confined lo hla home with visitor In Springfield Monday. ffitlli oo Government loan, pay you fall to appear and anewer for port where she la spending the an Infe. I d elbow want thereof the plaintiff will ap S. O. A LLEN Visit« Father— Miss Helen Mar luenta «10 00 per month located ply Io the court for tha relief pruv summer W ith her to attend the B ^ e n a . Ora 31» 'H' HL, Springfield. Ore. ed fo rln plaintiffs complaint whl. h Visita at Roaeburg— Misa Jean- tin of San Francisco 1« here visit ; tageant were Miss Jey Hardy and for a decree of aald court dl»- * ni tu- Wlthera haa goue to Roaeburg Ina with her father II A. Wash W ill trade lor clear property or | Mias Helen Larry, both of Astoria. PIN A L HBARINO aell reasonable. Inquire F. M aolvlng the marriage contrail now to apend a week vlaltlng al the hum© | etlallng between the plaintiff and Form er Residents H era— M r. and Notice la hereby given that the home of Dr. and Mra. C. G Van Caebiuan Realty Office, »41 W II d^7ndant” h a » a in _a » i— for «u«ii court haa fixed 10:00 A. M. aa tba Monmouth Folk Here— Mr. and , Mr«. Ralph Hardy of Monmouth luiuelte Ht . Eugene, or Jumer other and further relief aa the lime when a( the chambera of the Valxah ¡have been visiting at the Charle» Mrs Fred Roth of Monmouth were Gott. »1» "A" St., Springfield a» Court may deem Juat and proper. county juda<- In the court-house In here Sunday aa gueata at the home I Myer» home. Mr* Hardy wa» form­ Visit Parents— Mr and Mra J. — — ------- Thia aummona la publlahed pur the city of Eugene, the hearing auant to an order of the Hon. O. F on the final account of the admin­ A. Hart of Koaehurg were week of Mr ami Mr». Fred Louk. D E T R O IT . . . Mr Robert E. L. erly Mias Bertha Newton and re­ Sklpworth, Judge of the above nn istrator of the estate of fllenl- end vlaltor» here al Ibe home of Hill (above,, uf Columbia, Mo., la sided here when a small girl. They IS YOUR COMPLEXION Albany Folk Hara— Mr. and Mra tilled court, made and entered July wnrth Shumaker will be taken up Mr» llazt'a parents. Mr and Mrs the new praaldeal of the Rotary alt'-nded the Oregon Trail pageant. BLOCHY AND PIMPLY? 17th. 1934. and publlahed In. T H E for allowance and an order made H. (' Itelpb of Albany »pent the laternatMaal for 1P34. He was SP R IN G F IE L D N E W », a news assigning the residue of aald estate. John Lenhart. week-end here visiting at the home elected to the highest ofllre by 10,000 If your cotupleilon la dull, mud­ paper of general circulation pub I ’eraona Interested In aald matters members gathered bere from all parte ARMY ENLISTMENTS IN Former Resident Hare — Mra. of Mr and Mr». 8. C. Delph dy. «allow dU" to clogged bowel« llahnd at Springfield In la n e Coun­ may appear at auld lime and he of the world. lake Adlerlka Juat one doae rlda ty. Oregon, publication thereof be heard thereon Mary McGrath of Seattle la here At Albany Tuesday — W. H. TWO BRANCHES OPEN your ayalem of polaonoua waatea Ing once each week for four succes­ CLYDE W SHU M AKER . Ad­ Io visit wdth her nleee, Mrs. N. L. Adrian made a bualneaa trip to dial cauae pimple« and had akin. sive and consecutive weeks. The ministrator Vacation T rip — Roy Carlton left Pollard. Mr«. McGrath bt a well- Flanery'a Drug Hlore. Enlistments In the United State« Albany and return Monday even­ Tuesday for a vacation trip up Ihe dale of first publication being July 8 D A LLEN, attorney for Estate. known dormer resident of thia city. IA 29-16-23) army, field artillery and calvary 19th. I »34 and the last publication ing. McKenzie. JAM B« K. KINO being August l«th. 1934. five pub are now open for young men be­ Attorney» at Law Returns to California— Ml»» l»-la Visit at Newport — Mrs. H. O. llcallona thereof W E LL S A W ELLS Vacations at Newport — Mias tween the ages of 1» and 38 years. Miner Bldg.. Eugene, Ore. Squire« he» returned to San Fran­ Atta maya Dlhhlee and her guest. Ml»» Mabel ALTA KINO , Attorney for »pending part of Those Interested In horsemanship Plaintiff. 1‘oal Office addrett". | •» Commarce Bld«.. Eugen» cisco where she 1« spending the loir »on of Willamette, »pent the June Clover Is N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R « her auiutner vacation at Newport. can find an opening at the Presi­ summer with her slater. She wa« Collage Grove, Oregon week-end at Newport. NOTICE NO TIC E IS IIE R K H Y G IVEN : dio of Monterey, and those inter­ IJu 19 2« A 2-9-161 home for about one week. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T that the uuderalgned haa been ap- Home for Visit— Jack Hulet of ested In mechanics can Join the Visits W ith Slater— Mr». May Notice la hereby glevn that the polned Executor of the ealate of Silverton 1» here this week vlalt­ field artillery at Fort Lewis. This W. W. HARCOMBE Visiting Parents— Mr» llemard Soule 1» »pending «ome time at undersigned. Ilerlha A. GUI. Admin- Abbie J. Ilaakell. deceaaed. by the Attorney at Law Isrutrlx of the Estate of John O. lliila d a y . formerly Edith Whalley, W altervllle vlaltlng at the Trotter lng with bis parent» at Camp unit la now horse-drawn, hut Is County Court of la n e County. Ore­ Eugene. Oregon Htaata, deceased, haa filed her is here from Everett, Washington Creek gon. All persona having clalma T iffa n y Bid«.. soon to be motorised. horn©. Final Report and Account as such Io visit with her parents. Mr. and agalnat »aid ealale are required to This Is the flrat time enlistments NO. 2S12S present them with (he proper IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E Administratrix with the Clerk of Mrs. Joseph Whalley Resort People Here — Mr. and have been open for northwest On Fishing T rip —Charles Pum- of the County Court of I.ane Coun­ vouchera to tha uuderalgned at the S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E phrey and two companion» left Mrs. Bert Vincent of Blue River young men outside of the barracks ty, Oregon, and that Saturday, the Law Office of Jamea K. King. 410 Returns Home— Ml«» Faith John- CO U N TY O F LANE. Tuesday morning on a fishing trip were visitors In Springfield Sat at Vancouver, Waahlngton. during Miner Hulldlng. Eugene, la n e l ll h day of August, 1934. at 10:00 urday. o’clock In the forenoon of aald day. of Portland, coustn of Mra. Fred Up the McKenzie County, Oregon, within alx (6) Orare Hull Ritter, Plaintiff, the past six month*. In the County Court Room of the Look, and a »later of L. H John­ months from the date of thia notice. va. Any Information can be obtained Dated at Eugeue. Oregon, thia Amy Ixtulaa Dunn. Adna H Deg- Court House at Eugene. Oregon, son, both of thia city, has returned California People Here— Mr. and Return from Trip— Mr and Mr». 13th day of July. t»34. glea Fredrelck Stanley Dunn and haa been ael by the Hon Fred Io her home after spending several Arthur Neet and Jimmy Knight Mr». B A. Box and son. Billy, of by addressing the recruiting of­ Anna M Dunn, hla wife. Irene Flak. Judge of aald Court, aa the days visiting with her relatives returned Friday from Ea-tern Ore­ Ixta Angelea. California are here ficer nt Portland. Oregon JAMES K. KING . Executor of W illiam and C 8 W illiam , her time and place of hearing object­ the Estate of Abbie J. Haskell, gon where they spent several day» visiting a l the W illamette ranch huaband. Lulu Dorrla and George ion« to the same. If any there are. here. deceaaed NOTICE FOR PUB LICA TIO N this week. on a fishing trip. huaband. and Ada Yoran surviv­ OF F IN A L B B TT L E M B N T parade Saturday. While here they ing al the home of hla mother, cille Beeson of Council Bluffs. Iowa gon, who, on April 25th, 1932, made ing wife of Frank E. Dunn, de­ Notice 1« hereby given that A r­ NOTICE were gue'l» of Mr and Mr» W . A Mrs Riley Snodgra»». ceaaed: Lucille Dunn Dyott and were week-end visitors at the home Homestead entry. Serial, No. 020.- tiste I. Murray, administratrix of OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 104, for N H N W H and SW %NW 14, Cavln Dyott. her huaband. and Taylor of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight K e ‘»ey. the estale of Inea P. Plannlgan,, any other person or persona un­ Tonsils Taken — Mra. t>eraon Section 11, Township 1« 8, Range Notice 1» hereby given that Belle deceaaed. has filed In the County J known who are helra at law of 2 W „ W illam ette Meridian, haa Visits Uncís — Misa Thelma Wright underwent a minor opera- Plan Extended Trip— Mrs. Harry filed notice of Intention to make Court of the State of Oregon In F II Dunn and Celia Dunn, de­ O Brown. Ihe Kzecutrlx of the Wheaton of Kallspel, M ontana.' tlon for Ihe removal of tonsils at M Stewart left Tuesday morning final three year proof, to establish and for I-une County, har final re -: ceased: Underwood and Co. and Exist© of 8 W Brown, deceaaed. port aa such administratrix a n d 1 Ila ailccesaora and aaalgna: Ella haa filed her Final Report and visited here Saturday al the home the office of a local physician Sat- with her daughter and son-in-law, claim to the land above described, that 10 o'clock A M on Tuesday V W alker. George W Dorlson, Account a» such Executrix with of her uncle. C. E Wheaton. She urday. M r and Mrs. Th-ron B Sausser before E. O. Immel. U. S. Commla- the lath day «1 August. 1934. al J . sloner, at Eugene. Oregon, on the Anna H ill aud C M H ill, her Ihe Clerk of Ihe County Court of had been visiting In Ixts Angelea I-ane County. Oregon, nmd that Minor Operation— Mrs. E. M. for Portland. M r and Mrs. Sau ser ! , 7th day of September. 1934. Ilia Court room thereof has bean husband. Jane Doe Pengra. aur ihe Court has »*1 Saturday, the amt wa enroute home when she by the Court fixed and appointed 1 Peterson underwent a minor oper- stopped here Monday enroute from ’ claim ant names as witnesses: vlvlng widow of W J. Pengra. day of August. 1934. al the Moppwl here aa the time and place for hearing deceased: and any and all other 25lh short visit to North Bend, and Fred Dorsey. Fenton E. Dorsey, hour of 10 00 o'clock In Ihe fore ation for the removal of tonaila objections to said report and for person» unknown who may be will take Mrs. Stewart with them John Hull. A. C. Ewing, all of Mar- noon. In the County Court Room Out-of-Towo Vlaltor« — Mr. and at the office of a local physician (he final settlement of the estate cola, Oregon. helra at law of H J. Pengra and on a motor trip to British Colum­ u i|gworth Crocker of the, Monday. WILLIAM H. CANON. Regtoter of the deceased. C Emily Pengra. both deceased; of the Court House at Eugene. In Mfj| Lane County. Oregon, as the time! ,, , „ . . „„ i A R TIS T E I. M URRAY. Admin bia. They w ill be gone two weeks. (Ju 26— A 2-9-19-23) the unknown helra al law of R. and place Io hear objections to th" : Ht-yden Bridge district have aa Flsft on Coast— M A. Pohl and latratrlx. E Stratton and Sarah M Strat­ same. If any. and for (he final ae t-|ih c lr guests Mr. Crocker's brother W DOUGLAS HARRIS. children and Henry W aldorf spent ton. hla wife both deceaaed: the (lenient of said estate and family. Mr. and Mra. J. M W IN G A RD A REID. Attorney« unknown helra at law of J, B the week-end at Newport fishing BELLE O BROWN. Executrix for the Administratrix Crocker, their son. Stephen, and Underwood and Margaret I. Un­ in the bay. They brought Mrs. Pohl W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys (Ju 26— A 3 9 1 4 231 derwood. hla wife, both decea’ ed: daughter. Beth, of Rock 8prlnga (Ju 2«— A 29-16 23) hack with them the first of the the unknown helra at law of Wyoming, and hla sister, Mrs. C. week Mever Rosenblatt and I^ n a Ros­ H ER B ER T W. LOMBARD A. I.cucka of Portland enblatt. hla wife, both deceased; Attorney at Law the tuccesaora and aaalgna of J IN T H F C O U N T Y C O U R T O F G u ,,t* Hgglea. France« Yoran and entered of record directing g jy Allen, 877 W illam ette Street, 40« Fourth Street ity butter at home you can readily see that it is to your Doe. whoae married name la un­ thia notice and -ettlng the 21at day Eu(cent,. Oregon, the undersigned ler, and Mr and Mra. Andrew Car­ known and John Doe. her h»ubnnd of August, 1934. at the hour of ten ! ag guar