TIÎURSDAY. AUOV8T, 2, 1934 THE SPRING FtRLD NKWd PAÖtC TWO —-nsa*- — THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E. MAXEY, Editor lud never knuwu. Mr«. Kingdon «tarts V«o«tlon — Mlee Rd,l# lladdou well und ehe dld not llke 'lould la u e counlv health nur«*. her started her anuual vacutlou y*Bt*r I "8h*’« con.e to eee you. Nancy. I <1„ »'»’ »•« •»'“* tor .« } lund und poluta uorth. Wie lotend« Nancy pushed her shaking hands. Io visit III Canada with a party of ! “Go out there and talk to her—In Portland friends before reluming } the other room. Don’t Id her conic to her home lu Springfield IT C H IN G SKIN T R O U B L E S If anyone hae the Itch now, says a famous doctor. It’s because he would rather have II than bother to end It. ror nothing could be more atm pie thau the modern home treat, iiient with Emerald Dll. «•>«« act« to give relief Soothing, I Inatautly IIB IM U II/ I healing. antlaepUc. Km- merald Dll Is magic for an llchlag akin ju»t follow direction«, says your druggist and you are »ure to be help Mon«*' hack mile»« you are } in her«!“ Mr« Gordon, reluctant and eui “SHARP STOMACH PAINS UPSET WHOLE SYSTEM" } linrrass d. allowed heruelf to be M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E i pu lied Nancy thrust her through Says K llentgea “I tried a $1 $1.00 O e Year In Advance . $1.60 Six Months ¡the portieres, drew them behind bo ttle 13 weeks tre a tm e n t) of Dr &0c T,.o Years tn advance „50 Three Months 1 her. and went buck to her lounge E m il's Adla T ablets undet your gone She mean* to an upstair» hot «he guarantee Now the pain» are Drug THURSDAY, AUGUST 2. 193« and I eat anything Flanery« WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE---- '.rouble. Mr. HaddOU.” alt »old > moll' I II faint un«l III Store. Nancy Gordon trade« herself In 1 otl> "They're very fond of Naucy ,,il hit »lie he. «m e uwur of TUB ISSUE OP TH E fall campaign very i roud of her; she’s love* voice» Now the word* took «hape The issue of the jtolitical cam paign this fall between marriage for fifteen thousand dol ! lars—the price of her family hon* )v , V(. known |,er ,,n ,uy ,|f,. MUl| mid became sentence« It waa llel lhe dem ocrats and republicans is becoming well defined, or—and the freedom of her brother, , p, j ui„a „ - i t M rs Gordon ■ nu's vole« her full soil, drawling AB S H E R IF F OF L A N l C O U N T Y O F IO O N « “«toy 1» «loing e c u asrs iw ruo.. it Is simply w hether we are going to adhere to constitu­ Roddy. who stole, for a woman. that amount from the hank tn which (old me so herself ' voice tional law made by representatives of our own choosing or Period commencing July 1st. 1933. and ending December Met. will we be governed by rules prom ulgated by bureaucrats he works. Nancy, desperately In Hntduu listened with III« luay. "He a takl « cure ol Kin« von 19SS. both datoa Inclusive. love with young Page Roemer. ,.e„d hulllor,^ smn ,. -| W|K|, | had ’‘now my hu timid ding» to a do. tinder extraordinary powers granted to the president by neverth. le a agrees to a secret a M e n d lik e you." lie »aid TAX HULL FUR THE YEAR 1932 »>"’ hsughid softly. He mid congress and which that body c an not now recapture with­ elopement with Dr. Richard Mor­ $1,468,777.78 Angle blushed crimson. "Id feel Richard Morgan are great friend« gan. and with the money he loans Delinquent Including Hr. Patrol. July 1. ! • „ out a two thirds m ajority vote. 304 »1 her prevents Roddy's arrest. Dr. very mean not to stand up tor my now; I in glad of It for I wu» afraid Sheriffs Assessments since last report — 2,608 03 Republicans as well as dem ocrats took the president Morgan Is loved by Helena Had- friend . Anyone would I should he wouldn't like Richard Men are collected since l»»l re p o r t----- •- 114 99 »uch queer creatur«.». As n boy Overcollectlona at his word when he asked for extraordinary powers to don. a sophisticated young married 4.782 3« woman, hut he adores Nancy and think m eet the em ergency following his election. But the ten ­ hopes to win her after marriage/ Major Lomax looked around at R ichard was »o much In love with j Undercharge on Roll ...... $1.471.48697 dency has been to extend these powers to other m easures In Washington they are married. j her w|,h a (trim smile, "Mv dear. me he offered to fight King for besides em ergency and m ake out of congress a rubber Nancy Is Richard's bride—and there are a mighty lot of Judases trying to marry me!" 1 j Treasurer to County $ 23.633 21 aira «1 of him She paused and Mrs. Gordon Aug 8th. 1933 stam p. In the world," he remarked dryly. Now Go On W ith the S tory------------- 226.18 1933 Aug. 8th, mumbled aomctlitiig. an Indistinct i Haddon assented, buttoning up 16.69160 W hether the people wish to continually advance power Sept. 6th. 1933 hl» loose spring overcoat, coughing sentence or two. evidently bewllil 244 66 IN S T A L L M E N T E L E V E N Sept. 6th 1933 to the adm inistrative departm ent of our governm ent at the 23.767 13 ered Nancy »at up strulght now ! Oct. 6th 1933 "S melhlng lerrltl-' must have a little a» he did It. expense of the legislative and judiciary will no doubt be put 336.33 Oct. 6th 1933 Major l.omax glanced up at Had­ and listened, although ahe knew } happened!” cried Angle, with a to the test when electing congressm en this fall. 28.708.08 Oct 28th 1933 that Helena wanted her to listen don without rlalng. “Going right fla h. “ I— 1 know It!” 128.331.39 Oct. 28th 1933 "I cared for him, too. of course— T here are those who say the constitution is obsolete 21.801.33 The major no£d< d, looklug past over to see Gordon?" he asked Nov 1st 1933 73.107 06 who wouldn't? Hut my father—you but it is the only guarantee of hum an rights we have in her out of the window. Nov 6th 1933 shortly. 60.63306 Nov 10th 1933 this country. T ake it away and our governm ent is not un­ Haddon. half way to the door. remember him. Mrs. Gordon?" “There’s Klug Iiaddon coining In 36,790.84 Nov. 16th 1933 like a m onarchy or dictatorship which other countries are here." he exch.lmed "Go let him turned. “Oh. I shall send for him "1— I think eo, yes. I do." Mrs 31.840 46 Nov 21st 1933 not entirely enjoying. In the end we feel certain the people In. Angie; I'm going to finish my to come to my office—when he Gordon's tone showed confusion 24.066 42 Nov. 24th 1933 26.286.61 "He really Instated that I should of this country are not going to surrender any of the liber­ breakfast Hadlon or no Haddon! gets to the bank to-day." Dec 2nd 1933 SOI 69 1933 marry Kingdon I—well. I broke Dec. litt« ties given them by the constitution. How long they will You can tell him ao—If you've a "You needn't—I’ve bought It my- 14» 4» 1933 Dec. liti*. my engagement and—" she laugh g ran t certain powers to the president and bureau heads in mind to." self.' 128.18 1933 Dec 11th th e name of em ergency rem ains to be seen, but we ven­ "By Jove! You're quick at a bar­ ed softly again, regretfully, "dear 139 91 Angle, flushed and angry, hur­ Dec. Uth 1933 114 89 tu re to sav not for long. gain." Haddon exclaimed after a Mrs. Gordon. Richard fell It so Dec Uth 1933 ried out of the room, glad to escape to 144.66 1933 much that I'm afraid sometime«— Dec. Uth moment. "It was Just put lu the shrewd old eyes. 173 26 1933 Dec Uth he'll never marry now. 1 really wish ! Haddon would not wait tn the market." 23,413.34 1933 TAX LIMITATION AND SPRINGFIELD SCHOOLS Dec Uth Lomax nodded. "Took tt over the he would. It's so lonely over there 143.02 Dec llth 1933 The “Tax Lim itation” m easure to be voted on in Nov­ library. 201 76 Dec Uth 1933 “Where's the major? At break­ telephone before you came In." be for him «Ince his mother’s death!"} 48.874 32 em ber provides am ong other things that the maximum Dec. 20th 1933 } Mrs. Gordon evidently did not 689 147 88 fast? I ll go right In—If you don’t said grimly. 204 03 am ount th at can be raised for the operation expense of the Dec 22nd 1933 Haddon reddened and then rise to the occasion for Nancy only j mind?” and be went, in spite of public schools is 5 mills the first year. Applying this pro­ 30L64 laughed. heard a murmur. There were a few BDd Soldier Widow'« Exemption since last report 464-33 posed m easure to the 1933-34 budget of district 19 which Angie's protest«. “I concede the honors of war!" words more and then Helena's j Krrt,rg „„,1 Double Assessment« since last report "Hello! Still at breakfast?” he 6.14 provided for only eight m onths school we find th a t we he said Ironically, making for the voice rose again, keyed to carry pndercollecllnns said, as his eye fell on the old 9OI.U7.60 door far. as her listener knew Delinquent Including Fire Patrol Dec SI. 1933 would lack $6.144 of having sufficient funds. man's engrossed attltud*. $1,471.436 97 • • • i WM so • orr5r ,ha* Kingdon The major started up. half rising It required last year $27,194 for operating expense Mrs. Gordon opened the old worn didn't buy your house when Mr t h e Y F A R 1931 from the table, but Haddon stopped (above debt sendee charges) to run the Springfield schools. gate timidly, and approached the Gordon offered It. IU. quite a.love |ncludlng Klr,. ,*B',rol July 1. 1933 $ 111,107.1$ Of this am ount the county school funds contributed $15,- him. 11.17 » ABaeMmenta . . „ . . m e n t . since «> give, since last last report report "Sit down, Lomax. I don't want house with a hesitating, reluctant ly old place You must naie IO 050 according to the budget estim ate. This left $12.144 to 6.614.74 step She was trying to realise that it up ao suddenly. Mrs Gordon T‘ Jn| rt, , ci>l|t,cted since last report o starve you.” he laughed. “I car be raised by property taxation for this one item. A five $ 889.36374 mill levy would raise about $6.000 so we would be $6.144 wait—Angle didn't want to let me the place, which she had called "Major Lomax wants us to «lay home ever Ince Roddv was a baby, on—to rent It from him." explalu* short. Operating on a nine m onths basis we would be !n here anyway.” _^ou?‘L T[S?!Ur*r "1 «aid I wouldn't see you until waa no longer her* She had Just .1 Mr«. Gordon, her voice break P»W t“ Aug $18.014.24 about $9,500 short. O perating less than eight m onths we ltth 1933 been down to the bank to sign the ¡ng. “1 do hate to leave It!" 1.216 93 14th 1933 Aug I'd finished. What's tha matter at would not get the $15.050 from the county. 7.931 99 Sept 6th 1933 "I should think you would! And this hour anyway? I haven't robbed rapers, making over the house to 681 93 S.*|.l 6th 1933 Few people are acquainted with the drastic cut made Major l.omax. and her hand had your son. Mrs. Gordon. What do bank.” 13.296 08 Oct. 11th 1933 in the operaing expenses of th e schools here last year will the trembled so that ahe had to apolo- you hear from him?” she let her in. Angie.” he said as the girl tried 1.128 48 i h I 11th 1933 claim th a t m uch fu rth er economies can be made. If this 21.340 34 Kingdon Haddon laughed. "Come glxe for her signature. She went } voice rest a moment and then, Dec 11th 1933 bill is to pass and we are to have school then other sources to pass quickly through the room Into the house, feeling a little slowly drawling. "Is he doing 1,977.07 Dec 16th 1933 6.700 66 Dec 20th 1933 of revenue m ust be found. We have just voted down a sales fo the kitchen. “I haven’t come to faint and giddy. She did not know} well?" 71.91104 632 83 Dec 22nd 1933 tax—w hat next? Nancy knew, without seeing it. talk secrets and your uncle’« crusty there was anyone In the library; . ------------------------- - 68.60 Widow's Exemptions since last report Angle stopped, smiling and flush­ she went straight In and sank the crimson flush that went up | Soldier and Soldier 810 Errors and Double Assessments since last report w akly into a chair, «taring blank over her mother's face ed, and leaned on a chair. looking MY HOW THE BABY’S GROWN! 4.867 69 Roddy always done well He'« County High School Tuition Fund cancelled since last report ly at the sunshine In the old south, 618.68141 Delinquent Including Fire Patrol. Dec 31. 1983 Starting with an estim ated personnel not to exceed 200 at him She liked Kingdon Had­ window. doing splendidly now " people the N. R. A. has had an am azing growth. When it don but she was afraid of his wife; "I'm so glad to hear II! Kingdon! $ 689.363 74 " 'In my Father's house are many observed its first birthday it had more than 3000 employees. she could not have explained her mansions—' ” she whispered trem­ was asking about him yesterday. fear of her. but It existed. Haddon TAX ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1930 The N. R. A. now occupies two floors in the largest office ulously. unaware that she spoke He knows someone In the trust Delinquent Including Fire Patrol. July 1. 1983 $ 330.18794 building in the world. It has 2600 telephone extensions, a was sitting on the edge of an company, I think, a Mr Heaver, a 3209 aloud. Sheriff- Assesmcnts sine« last report empty serving table. daily newspaper a postoffice, 125 lawyers, etc. Most of all 626 02 Interest and Penalty collected since last report Nancy rose suddenly from the cousin of Major Lomax." "I came In to ask you a question. it has a $500,000 a m onth payroll. Nancy started, trembling with Lomax," he said irrelevently. “You corner opposite Her mother had $ 320.696 06 The codes are all supposed to be adm inistered by self know about such things. How much not even seen her and the girl hart apprehension. Sh • remembered j Paid to County Treasurer financing m ethods— a tax on the m em bers of the industry is Gordons place worth now? I been silenced bv her first glimpse Roddy's description of old Beaver $16,843.11 Aug 17th 1933 with his no e to the ground Did 4.9S8 73 Sept Uth 1933 or business. And from all we can learn these assessm ents mean the house and grounds. In­ of Mrs Gordon's face. 28 91 Sept Uth 1933 "Mama what Is It? she cried j this woman know? are coming thick and fast. The second one since March cluding the river lot next yours.” 2.167 38 Oct. Uth 1933 (To BE CONTINUED) has reached our desk in the printing business. If it takes Major Lomax pushed his chair 'tell m«— even If I have done some 77.46 Oct Uth 1933 all this overhead and arm y of non-productive w orkers to back, felt In his pocket for his old thing—something dreadful. I’m not 11.037 12 Dec 12th 1933 36.669 86 419 66 Dec 22nd 1933 bring business back to norm al and the country can pay for pipe and began to fill It carefully. an outsider. I—you and papa don’t it then we are inclined to think th at we were not as sick “Near as I can figure—about six tell me anything! What Is It? 58.60 Soldiers and Soldier Wldor’s Exemptions since lust report or seven thousand. The house Mama, you're wretched! Is It as we’ve been told. 2,766 80 ounty High School Tuition Fund Cancelled since last report ------------ -4------------- 381.388 39 needs repairs. Why?" he added. about Roddy?” Delinquent including Fire Patrol. Dec. 31. 1933 Mrs. Gordon looked at her blank­ “What’s hit him?” STRIKE’S OVER—PEOPLE LOST $ 320,696.06 Haddon looked absently out of ly, absorbed In her own troubles. "Your father’s Just sold the The longshorem en’s strike is over. The w orkers are the window. “How should I know? TAX ROLL FDR THE YEAR 1929 $ 81,45106 Delinquent Including Fire Patrol. July 1. 1933 hack in their old jobs from the sam e hiring halls, working Family troubles. 1 reckon. The house,” she said weakly. 27.20 Sheriff's Assessments since last report “Oh!” Nancy gave a sharp little F arm Prices Generally Ad- the sam e hours and at the sam e wages. Oregon, however, bank holds the mortgage. Helena None Interest and Penalty collected since Inst report doesn't want me to touch IL I cry of pain, rising to her feet, "i vanee; Northwest States to has suffered a few million dollars damage. Maintain Fruit Quotas $ 81.478 26 The strike anyway was for a principle. How we like don’t know what to say about It tried so hard to save you both from this. Mama I did It all to prevent to County Treasurer to fight for a principle. The principle involved in this yet." The national level of farm Au* 17th 1933 $2.327.81 Major Lomax rose and began to this.—and It’s been useless—use­ strike was the closed shop. We can not imagine any medi­ 680.01 Sept. Uth 1933 prices In mid-June was 77 percent le ss!” she groaned. ation board appointed by the president as granting a closed tramp up and down. 726 93 Oct. Uth 1933 Mrs. Gordon nodded her head of pre-war. hut since the in ddle “Where’s Gordon going to take shop. In substance all it can say th at fair and like tre a t­ 6.068 42 Dec. 22nd 1933 1,426.17 m ent shall be accorded to a ll- u n io n and non-union. his w ife*’ he asked sharply, "she's Badly. “It wasn’t ally use, Nancy. of June farm prices have continued 311.10 rooted there—and so Is he. for that You know how your father feels. to advance on ull major Oregon County High School Tuition Tax Cancelled since last report Strikes would be silly if they were not so serious. 76,108.73 -------------- e-------------- He’s paid back seven thousand al­ commodities except cattle and Delinquent Including Fire Patrol, Dec. 81, 1933 matter." lambs, says the late-1 report on the ■‘Perhaps the young people think ready.” $ 81.478 26 We never went fishing on a battleship but sometimes It's old-fashioned,” suggested Had agricultural situation and outlook “To Richard?” TAX ROLL FDR THE YEAR 1928 along our stream s there is as much privacy fishing now don, "or Mrs. Gordon’s tired of the Issued by the agricultural econo­ Mrs. Gordon raised her eyes re­ 49,166.78 Delinquent Including Fire Patrol, July 1, 1933 I days as there would be in a football stadium. house-keeping and wants an apart­ luctantly to her daughter’s haggard mics department of the extension Sheriff's Assessments since last report 29 26 service. Wheat and dairy products, face. “Yes, dear. He—your father ment—my wife does.” “Shucks!” the major sank down would have It so. That leaves eight the two most Important Oregon $ 49.186 03 After all there is not m uch difference between the products form a standpoint of cash Paid to County Treasurer Into his chair again, strumming on more to pay, and he—” political situation in Louisiana and th a t of Austria. $ 499 66 Aug 17th 1933 Nancy rose and stood quite still farm Income, have Hhown the the table with his fingers. "You 380 28 Sept Uth 1933 greatest strength. know better, Haddon! There’s some and straight, her white face set. 148.76 Oct. Uth 1933 "Compared with a year ago the 642.08 Dec. 22nd 1933 1.668.76 "Who bought the house?” trouble. I’m sorry for Will Gordon June price Index of grains at 89 "Major Lomax.” He's a good man, and she’s a good High School Tuition Tax Cancelled since last report 106 66 Nancy’s blue eyes widened. “He was up 26 points; fruit and vege­ County woman. She’ll take It hard.” 47,410.62 Delinquent Including Fire Patrol, Dec. 31, 1938 The banker nodded, glancing gave four thousand cash." her tables at 108 up 34 points; meat thoughtfully across at Angie's pale mother went orf mechanically, "and animals at 64 down 2 points; dairy $ 49,186.03 there’« three still on the mortgage. products at 76 up 11 points; and face and pleading brown eyes. TAX ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1927 “I saw Miss Gordon on Monday He------’’ she hesitated and then chickens and eggs at 69 up 14, $ 29.679.86 None In Washington.” he remarked added more cheerfully: “He’s been says the report. Sheriff's Assesments since last report Apple Market Up kind, dear, he urged Pape not to thoughtfully. PREVAILING TROUBLES $ 29.679.88 "On June 15 the purchasing "In Washington?” Angie started, sell the furniture. He said It would­ I do not rem em ber within my m ore than forty years of “why, I didn’t know she'd been n't bring enough to make It worth power In percentage of parity of Paid to County Treasurer Aug. 17th 1933 1 131 60 practice, when so m any patients cam e to me with ailm ents away!” 243.66 while, and—he wants us to keep leading commodities grown by Ore Sept. Uth 1933 of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. Many have been honestly 38.68 Oct. Uth 1933 gon farmers was as follows: Corn Haddon nodded grimly, consider­ the house—to rent It from him. 649.00 137.17 Dec 22nd 1933 alarm ed at th reats of paralysis. The great cause of these ing her pretty flush and her round, "On father’s salary? Why Mama, 72, oats 80, barley 67, wheat 78, complaints and “breakdow ns” is the awful, nation-wide soft eyes critically. there’ll be one pinch after another! rye 66. flaxseed 81. hay 67. pota­ County High School Tuition Tax Cancelled sines list report 38.44 depression. "She was there all right. A de­ He—he hasn't sold anything else, toes 76, apples 104, hogs 40, beef Delinquent Including Fire Patrol, Dec. 31, 1933 29.097.42 Now, nervous disorders are either organic or func­ cided beauty, too. I hadn't noticed has he?" she added fearfully cattle 63, veal 56, lambs 89, sheep 1 29.679.8« tional; bear th a t in mind,— for there is all the difference in It so much before. How’s the boy Her mother sighed. "He's selling 54, eggs 67. wool 102, horses 47 the world between the two. An organic disease is always turning out, Lomax?” all his securities except his life In­ and chickens 81.” PROCEEDS OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY $762.41 the more serious. Functional nerve-disorders, give rise to Purchasing power of farm prod Proceeds of Sale of Real Property for delinquent Taxes "Roddy?” The major twisted his surance. He hopes to net about • m any disturbing symptoms, but they are most generally old mouth Into a queer expression. two thousand more. That will be nets generally In the United States Paid to County Treasurer $ 2.87 Sept. Uth 1933 curable, if the patient can avail himself of the m easures "Sowing wild oats, Haddon, I nine paid. But, oh, Nancy, I don't was about 63 per cent of pre-war, 449 28 Oct. 11th 1933 necessary for a cure. reckon. He’s In New York, Green- know where In the world he’s going Hay In Western Oregon Dec, 22nd 1933 310.83 $762.41 Som etimes rest is a very expensive treatm ent. I meet ough Trust Company, gets twenty- to get the other six thousand The heavy hay crop of western Oregon has largely offset the short­ heads of families, broken down from worry over the m ort­ five dollars a week—or did six from!” REPORT ON FEES $ 912.90 gage. This sole w age-earner of the family is down and out months ago, I haven’t heard that Nancy rank down on the lounge age east of the Cascades so that Total Sheriff’s Fees collected for various services .............................................. 1,603.60 from simple exhaustion. The Income stops when he stops; lie s Increased In value,” he added "Mama, I never thought of It In the total crop will be nearly equal Total Auto License Fees 106.00 «ar< astically. that way,” she faltered. "I had only to the 1.9 million tons produced Total Fines collected and turned over to County Treasurer unless he rests his worries continue. $2,622.40 Haddon. who was observing An­ last year and a little In excess of the one thought to save Roddy Pnld to County Treasurer No m atter w hat your symptoms, consult your physi­ the 5-year average. July 1st to December 31st 1933 $1,702.30 cian. Let me say here; in m ost functional nerve-diseases gie, »aw the girl’s wince of pain from prison.” Balance due Iru past. Your functional flur­ C. A. SWARTS, light to the last ditch for love. I—I will not!" years, annual production has aver ries arc often not nearly so severe as they seem. Bbariff of Lane Connty, State of Or "They haven’t got any family Mrs. Gordon looked aghast. She aged around 86 million tone. .ntered a* second class matter. February 24. 1903. at the poetofflce. Springfield. Oregon 0 Semi-Annual Report of C. A. Swarts HAY STOGKS FOR NATION ARE WEAK FAMILY , DOCTOR. fo%JOdNJOSEPH GAINES MO