Wi «o ova THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TIURTY-FIKHT YEAH SI'Itl.M ¡KIELI). LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGI Hl NORMAL CHOP BF HOPS EXPECTED SERA WORK AI LIBRARY STOPS Opening Certain IN BALL LEAGUE Federal Funds For Complet- ' Project Discontinued, Work-', »on Of Remaining Sections Irish-Murphy's Take Two ers Moved To Eugene; Allocated By Commission Straight From Fulop's; Sec­ Funds Saids Expended ... , . , ,, ond H alf Schedule Starts r Final ,-oUract« for (he remaining h w Early Varletie« Ready This Month, Major Picking First Week Of September N O . 28 RED CROSS SWIM PROGRAM READ! S taff Of Six Lifesavers To Assist Arthur Porter At River Swimming Pool H E 11 A p m > ct wwrk at the ««“ «m pM ed •eetton . of the WH The Irish Murphy hatter, drove Hprlngfleld library was dlacontln *am*“ ’’ h‘«hway *•» TW O WEEKS SESSION io of the Fulop department .to re', ut-il 'h i. week, two w eek, before and w,,e“ *' b*w1 Old Yaide Suffer In Growth; aoftball pitcher from the mound Special Class For Men Inclu­ the project w u to huve been rom- i pleled another connection route Tuesday evening to win the de- New Fields Expected To P íe te , I It W .I announced yesterday 1 Tb” *♦«•»«« < highway will , idlr g game In the flr.t half of the ded In Daily Schedule At Bring Larger Returns by M r’, David Haltnman. librarian ’ have toen opened according to In. al league 17-0. They had de­ Willamette Park The project win to have con- I f a r i G. W u .hh iirnet memi»-, of the feated the »a me team Monday luin» « tiunly Imp production thin 1 I In u,Ml for two m onth, with four ¡ "l*hway ____ Complete plan» for another learn- evening 5-0 and are now holder, of year will la- about the same un last The Hlate Highway Commission ' , hp ha„ ,.hamplonghlp C H IC A G O . . . Miss P a tríe la women each employed for four NEW YORK , , . Bill Bonthron ">,wlm Program to be sponsored « -a s o li with pomlh • «Unlit In- Marquant, t l , (above) la one o f the week». The flr.t two were given H um m I locatod |M&,000 of federal ('lay In the second half of the (alxivej, of Princeton Uaiversity, tnr local people by the Red Cross 'ittle. uc iren .v In lb» uunib 1 raon of hundred, e f * * woihing gulls " at The work for four w eek , and the aoc- fund, for a 2.86 connecting link round robin tournament was sche Am erica ’• world record breaker in were announced thia week by M laa lordlug (o L. M C, Century o f Progrès» here. . , . Hlie between the forest service work duled to he resumed again th l. the 1500 meter run, head, the P rince­ Rowena Nl»»en, field worker for of the haa beea «elerted “ 1934 Q u e rn " end two worked only two w eek, Patterson l.lnud, prt and a section now under construc­ evening on the three local dia­ ton and Cornell track .ta rs now in thia district. when It w u. announced that the from the hundred, employed in veri* which E ngland to face Cambridge and hop grow er, for thh fund, had been used up The local tion. Another allocation of $1,2.000 mond» hut may have to be post­ O xford team«. The swim program will be held y and „UM , » p a r i t l e . nt the fa ir. include, nil of Ixuie provides for the Improvement of workers were tran.ferred to Eu at W illamette park It will »tart poned If the weather d oe. not dear. »owe of l.lnn county gene to work on the county achool ihe section Gold lake to the Lain- Monday, August «. and will con The .ante teamr will be entered The crop In the oil will Klamath line book binding project. Hnue for two week», until August In the second half except the Lsr- be lee. thl» year, but I. a Federal forest .ir v lie totaling | -on Service Station which la drop- The local library now contain« IX with classes for al! ages from considerable uitmunt ol c ra­ nearly 3000 volum e. All of the $225.000 were recently allocated to I ping out In favor of the ""Merle 10 in the morning until 8:30 in nge which will genera. ’ a I the evening. fiction and the children'» book, ih l. highway. I Good Orchestra team All game» good yield -The new 'd. j n» were catalogued during the 8 E. Arthur Porter, Red Cross llfe- i will he played In the sam e order a« will produce enough hop. Io off . It. A. work, and many book» were -avlng expert will be chief Instruc I during the flr.t half, and on the act the reduced yield In the o ld ! repaired under the «upervl.lon of _______ j ’" f and will head a staff of at least sam e field with the exception o/ field , where growth la apotted. one of the Fulop games. Churches Unite In Sponsor- ,lx other llfe ll“veri’ who »•« ilop picking will not .tart until Funeral For Retired Metho- Mr. Salt.m an who .p en t much ad- ! dltlonul time at the library with* j For the .tart of the second round ing Negro Quartet At M. « ‘»«e swimming pool . . a.l times. • h. I . , ' - . , p a i l ..I thl. I.... th on di, t Minister To Be Held j Kirkland', will meet Shorty'» Shine out additional remuneration. ° ” Porter »pent several weeks at th e e a rlie s t h o p ., with poa.lbly I. Loca, g h , E. Church Tuesday Hick« lake institute near Olympia All material, for the work here Parlor team; Irish.Murphy will few field , which may he ready _______ last summer studying swimming I meet the M u .ld an .. and Fulop'» earlier Tlmre are few ealy hop». Char|p, k Crandall, retired w ere furnished by the city. The ¡amous Cotton B lossom , .. Few parton, are unlng the llbr*; programs and community actlvl- will cross hat» with the Wright’» and the hulk of the crop of late minister who ha. mud«* slngers representing the Piney . .... . . . . . . . . " e • He has Just completed a soc- hops will not be ready for harvest­ hi» hnme In Hprlngtleld «luce 1930.1 ary during the summer m onth. Christian Traveling Men Of j Hardware men. W oods school In Mississippi will _ . .. . i cessful swim program at Cottage The following games will be Corvallis And Portland ing until the first week In Sept­ passeri away ,-arly W edneadsy1 says the librarian. appear at the Methodist church QroTp ’ Fulop versus Kirkland on the high Visit Here Sunday ember. mornlng al Haletn. Tuesday evening. August 7, In a c . _. school field; Shqrty's versus Irish- “ Five Cent Charge P icking Price Uncertain Ile wa» borii In Gawego county,! DOLL E X H IB IT E D HERE concert of negro pirltual. planta- , The Gideons are visiting Spring- Murphy on north Brattaln; and ---- . , ,, , ; — A xraxl* ' harge of five cents will No announcement a . to the price N ew York ori Aprii 20. ISSO and OVER 150 YEARS OLD ... , t . . ,lon melodies, and folk songs. The ’ „„, . . he made each day for the swlm- field this week Last Sunday Goad’s versa W rights on south lo be paid picker» thl» year ha» j wh#|| „ ,.h„d ,he fara||y moved to program will start at 8 oclock ___ _ L t ining instruction expenses. Those afternoon u party of 12 Gideons j B rattaln been made yet rill» w'll probably , g alu,ail where he married Mias Ella Marla, a rag doll with a ---------------- Their program here I. wfco cannot a nkul follow a meeting of the grower«' | Marnlva Jal„. | | ayUB„ jggj hand pnlnted plaster of Paris head from Portland traveling homeward. sponsored by the three churches, to sep MJm NlsBen th<> representatives from all parts of which has been battered during after a tri*, to California stopped ¡R PIG A TIO N TOUR FOR of .h e city. There will be no ad ! swimming classes form and she Five chlldran. are living front several hard fall» as It has passed j ,he « P "n* " p‘<’ hotel an,I held a th e s ta te . VALLEY A N N O U N C E D "><•»«“> ih »rge. but an offering n 'u n tie-- w ill h<- - b- rved on youth of the South. . . .r at noon, and at 1:45 returning at hops which manufacturer» are un­ ter A. Crandall of Columbia, Iowa. J W. Quarkenbush of Eugene who hymns and left two copies of t h e ir |lbe fifth a- nuai W illamette Valley- In eluded in the songs to b e ¡4.-30 All those wanting to take . official Bibles. They promised to | rrlpa, | on tour Augugt 7 and 8 / heard 7 t h » w n ceit able lo use He became au ordained minister lives northeast of Springfield. included in her Ils, of oh. time! a larger number here from I nctalIg lh(. , W11 „ay itinerar> ' ’j - 7 — ^ X ^ n T « .] ’ Mr Crtstoffersou »«Id »4 bale» | n (hr Methodist church and came art.C e. were . foot warmer for ’he^r hlcago headquarters baTe BOW been announced by Art ( 1 I a r a n d - Ilalm ln Gilead ' fc r “ he Red c i L n f e ^ of hops the middle of July for 22 10 the Oregon conference In 18$1. Next Sunday a grewp of the GId , ,.xte .d u n specialist In soils. Special arrangements of these b len , are asked to register at the cents and others who trl««d to sell Mrs. Crandall died In 1801 and ln 11 e In wagon or buggy, a bBter cup to participate w l„ bp , b c u m b e r s h a v e been orenared i,v h .n T reg*‘ ter , slightly Inferior hops were unable j 190« t,„ married Miss Mary E In which water was allow,si to eon will be ...... .. -• - ........... ............. ------ . ln mortl|ng service- at both „.. . "ave been d ty hall or at the park any time to find a buyer. , Miller of Marquam. Oregon, »•■111» I til t« l U I H U U I I I , t JI «_ we * t_ .- t r. .« «_ » Membership of th© quartet in-1 before Monday or during that day. .. .. . . .. . . . . was used for a curative drink and the Methodist and Baptist churches TilP Iotlr h, , b* .) aiiau gtd «< , |U(je ^ \ y O’Neal, first tenor; I There will be a special class for l i e retired from the ministry b<- L I Other officers of the district hop , ............... .1 , . ... , . 1 a sand shaker h otter. Th s device rite Gideons Is an organisation ' .... . farlnerg a,0 do C . . hollow . . , . .. “ lurmera nHsoclatlon Include (’. W Murphy cause of hl- health and came to was s small wooden shaker <»f , Christian traveling men w h o jtrave, or from a.c o„ )Pr par(g of the **ugh Bea*ty, seound tenor; Ellis men each evening at 7:30 this year. of 'Harrisburg, vice president; I Springfield In 1»3U ■ t i l l . - I « « . . . » _ u — J _____ _ * w 1« kt t , a r .» l t n v > a . h . t 1 1 « ,, o l , f « »»V I t I with a sifter top and was kept fall li«ve themselves together j blatP a, any pom, ar<, ’ and T' J Thi is the first tim e such a class .h a s been held for several years u r o o se o f e x te n d in g th e ; , a .... t ... any . . , lme to . att ... thelr o w n , U1 ^as and manager. X " h X . X * f X ; i - of » e n d — W h a n •« I t - w »» X aaisw l » a a - « j for th e , i «rp«,.» nom© Ink the nand wa« lifted over influence of tbv BIM# among trav , onvenlenc© or they rftay mak© th©f fr6m the Piney W oods. and 1 » bein« tried emt to deter- delegate to the state meeting us I Crandall, and the following chll- the surface and then replaced In elers. Their ni el hod of carrying entire two-day trip I school have toured all parts of the raine Just how much Interest there Esther. Helen, - -------- and Roy at ually held In November j dren -------------------- — I th h out their program Is to place copie.-, Kidd- of varied crops now under ' , ’n,,ed States and Canada. The *8 h>c»Hy among men for this actl- j home. Paul in St. Ixtuls. and Jos- e * ® er- ,.f thdr official Bible, which they , rr, Kation will be Inspected Tues- ‘ Rroup eomlnp here haTe J“st , eph M In Eugene. The free use of the swimming have printed in large quantities ilav starting at Hillsboro and work­ eluded a three months engage C IVIL SERVICE W ANTS Funeral services will be held T R A IL P A G E A N T P R O V E S with their names stamped on the ing towards Corvallis where the ment with Dr. Lawrence L. Cross facilities of W illam ette park are C O M M U N ITY W ORKERS from the Poole Funeral chapel In F IN A N C IA L S U C C E S S co v er’. In every room of every , econ,| day start will be made A-i aBd his N B C" radio Pr°Bram beinx loaned the Red Cross for _______ • ’ Springfield Friday morning at ___ . top w ill ho made at Lebanon for “Croa,a ('ut from fhe ol ,h e ; 1“ '“ ’ " t“ Pr° Rr^ * J* hotel in the world The United States Civil S erv ice, 10:30. Interment will be ninde In; Expenses of the Oregon Trail Day ' The four singer- appeared Loud ,hp Proprietor, again this They have not been successful, lunch or Wednesday. Commission has announced open the Ixmrel lllll cemetery. The de l pageant and celebration held In A schedule of the tours may be at the Lions club recently and Jr*ar- Five cents for truck fuel, competitive examinations as fol ceased had re.‘ ' but h.uve «»«tHbuted | obtained from the office of the were heard in a short concert at “ eals for the instructors and other small incidentals together with a the D. B Murphy home was announced yesterday by Hugh rall,lon" ° f <»P|p« from their head-! county agent Associate meteorologist. $3,200 -■ • ............ bathing suit and a towel are neces­ quarters In Chicago. They carry, -------- to $3.800. assistant meteorologist, j SECOND CAM PFIRE FOR sary articles. ; on the work of distribution them S T A T E F A IR F IN A N C E S $2,800 to $3,200 a year. Weather I r a / » , 1C. z -n / i n n m » m i r r , complete ebeck will have to be, D a ily S c h e d u le Bureau, Department of Agriculture LEAGUE GROUP PLANNED (lptprmlnp (hp . „ m(11 «elve. and visit churches and oth er’ W A N T E D L IV E R A T T L E R C A R EFU LLY MANAGED Schedule for the daily classes O F F E R S R E P T IL E N O W Closing dale. August 21. 1034 Thp (j|pd.,ni, K* anx «P’ "« »»‘1 ‘»ken In Underwriters «ro“ P" to P*P>“"‘ their work and has been arranged hv Miss Nis­ .... Olpdon'' .... .... bp p. The *"> P r o f i t and ............x ,w .. •« .„ ......... . . . I a « a « contributions wltn with which to to! During the pa t months since the Community worker, and super­ I partlr participate In the morning service '* “r ‘ ‘ ‘M y would fll|am.p , hp prtntlng of , hp Blhleg When P. J. Bartholomew de­ sen as follows: visory head, and assistant com­ al the Methodist church Sunday. a ' s p y « or age. __________________ ,-lared that he had never seen a • lose of the 1933 Oregon State Fair I 10:06 a. m.—Boys 7 to 10. 1 the sums of $13.560 has been paid munity workers, with salaries 1 At 7 p. in. the discussion on the 16:36 a. m.—Girls 7 to 10. live rattlesnake he did not suspect ranging from $1.620 to $3.8000 a "Christian Home" will be con- SEAVEY FAM ILY HOLDS DEACONS HAVE CHARGE that O. C. I.uchterland who catches off on old grand-stand bonds, and 11:00 a. m.—Boys 11 to 17. $15.747.36 has been paid out for year. Indian Field Service. Depart 11:30 a. m. Girls 11 to 17. " “ «• mi REUNION ON SUNDAY OF BA PTIST SERVICES; lbpm a,,ve np“r his home on Fall improvements just completed to ment of the Interior. Closing date. The young people will have an -; _______ 2:00 p. m.—Junior Life Saving. _______ { creek would fulfill that desire. the fair buildings and grounds.’ August 21. 1834. oilier camp fire service to discuss Member» of the pioneer Seavey 3:00 p. m.—Ladies class. Luchterland caught a nice fat > Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor of the This makes a total expenditure of The salaries named are subject further the question of love and family held their annual reunion 3:30 p. m.—Advanced Swimming. Springfield Baptist church, began snake with about 10 rattles (spec- ! more than 229.600 In permanent ln- tu a deducion of uot to exceed 5 conduct. Rev. D,- hii C. Poindexter Sunday afternoon at the Seavey 4:00 p. m.—Senior life saving. a mouth's vucation August I, and tutors do not count them very care- ; vestment out of less than $22.006 percent during the fiscal year end will lead the discussion hop Island with a large attendance. the deacons of the church are in fully) and left it nt the chapel for 7:30 p. m.—Mens class. received In outside gate admissions Ing June 30. 1835. as a measure of Kstella Ednefleld of Vancouver. charge of the services during his Bartholomew. ln-t fall, according to Max Gelhar. economy, and also to a deduction : F Q R M E R R ESID EN T DIES Washington, a member of the fam­ absence from the pulpit. The snake did not remain there ! of 3Vk percent toward a retirement air director. R ESTR IC TED SHO O TING ily, spoke on the early history of This Sunday the Gideons from! very long and was moved across RECENTLY IN COLORADO one of the families. It was voted annuity. R eceipts from part-m utual racing FOR DUCKS ANNOUNCED Corvalll will take charge of the ’be street to the I-arson service Full Information may be obtain Friend- living here have receiv ed ’ ,o me‘“ nt hop '"land pl gan"“ guiar meeting at the home of Mrs. "» «“ “««» convention Just held at hut Rev. Poindexter will return has Just finished a new official re-. : was railed for darkness. ern Oregon city. Mrs. Peterson, will Grace Lansberry. A potluck dinner Oregon State college where plans '’ere for the Sunday services to cord for production which e n title s, move here later. Meetings of both the Ladies Aid ; and social meeting will follow the ««re laid and money appropriated!"“ ' Me"“><"st church. her lo entry 111 the advanced regts-j Guests From Middle West I society of the Methodist church business session ‘° e,ld hy the Oregon Poultry- ter of the American Guernsey cat­ and of the combined Foreign and ! Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah Is enter- Inspect, Coast Work __________________ men's association which holds I ts! tle club. This animal is three year Homo missionary societies were | tuining a number of visitors nt her Mayor nnd Mrs. W. P. Tyson re­ annual m eeting each year in con- M ISSIONARY EN TER PR ISE old Peggy linn 301138 with a pro­ turned liiHt night after spending held at the church basement yes I home this week from the middle MARCOLA T H R E E -C BOY SUBJECT OF SERM ON ectlon with the convention. duction of 7365.0 pounds of milk several dnys In Coos and Douglas terday. Short programs wore given «est. Included In the party which DIES FROM INJURIES nnd 396.» pounds of fat in class counties Inspecting SERA projects. and refreshments served after the has already visited the southwest “The Greatest Missionary En­ EEE Joseph Webb. 23. of Marcola ARMORY GETS L IG H TS business sessions. nnd Mexico and which plans to go Mr. Tyson Is a safety engineer for terprise Ever Undertaken” will be --------------------------- ' Into Canada before returning are. died at the Pacific hospital In Eu­ the federal government. He will GUARD HOLDS SESSION J 1“* subject for the morning ser- Mrs. Claire Knapp, Miss Nela Buys gene Tuesday from Injuries sus- go to Albany nnd Linn county com­ LIONS M EET FRIDAY Obsidian, Will Leave _______ mon at the Christian church Sun- The Eugene Obsidians are plan­ nnd Miss Paulyne Mehrlnger, both tHln<-d In May when he fell from a munities Friday. Wires were strung and the elec- day. Rev. Veltle Pruitt will preach, FOR NOON LUNCHEON ning to leave Sunday for their an­ of Jnsper, Indiana, and Miss Iris truck on the South Fork road trlclty turned on at the armo’-y for and there will be special mualc. Regular meeting of the Sprlng- nual camp and outing on Crescent Wll on, Monro«« City, Indiana. Mrs. while working with the Belknap ; the first tim e W ednesday evening. For the evening service the pastor Return« to Seattle— Miss Stella llann left today for her home xt field Lions club will be held a t| lake The camp will be on the Knapp and Miss Bays are nieces CCC eamp crew. ; Fixtures have not been, installed will preach and there will be spe­ Seattle afler spending a few days Taylor hall Friday noon W K. northeast shore of the lnke Sev of Mrs. Van Vnlzah. The party He Is survived by his mother, but light was provided for the cial music. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burnell and H. O. Illbhlee are mem eral mountain climbing trips and a came here from Crater lake where ¡three sisters am. one brother. weekly drill session that evening The Bible schonlmeets at :46 and Fandrem. She teaches school ln hers of the program com m ittee for trip to Crater lake are Included In they met and secured autograph.« Funeral services are pending at No plumbing fixtures have been In- the Endeavor society will convene the meeting. 1 the schednle. ' of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. ' the Rranaletter-8lmon chapel. stalled yet. ' at 7 o'clock p. m. Seattle. PICKER'S PAY UNDECIDED CRANDALL RITES SET ERR FRIDAY GIDEONS VISIT GROUPS IR CUT a w aw