NEW BANKRUPTCY Party h eld to r Wedding Events LAWAIDS FARMER Act Prevents Selfish Creditor From Taking Property Of Debt-Ridden Farmer Interest In the Frasier-Lemke mendment to the bankruptcy laws of the United States la indicated ’rom various part* of the state, ac- ordlug to L R Brelthaupt. Ore- . on State college extension econo­ mist, who has supplied each of the 260 state and county farm-debt ad Ju tment committee members with a copy of the amendment. The Frasier-Lemke amendment is in accord with the program of the Farm Credit Administration "since it attempts to prevent oc­ casional selfish creditors from fore­ closing an distressed farm debt­ ors.“ according to W. I. Myers •overnor of the Farm Credit Ar- nJnitratlon. it Is believed, however, says Frelthaurt, that perhaps only one farmer in several hundred will be unable to reach an agreemect with his creditors, either directly or through the farm-debt adjustment committee or the county concilia­ tion commissioner. Consequently, the number of c a e s which are like ly to be appealed from conclllatloc commissioner to the court under the provisions of the Fraxier- Lemke amendment is not likely to be very great. Refinancing Aids The farm mortgage refinanc­ ing program of the Federal Land hanks has been a powerful factor in cutting down the number of dis­ tressed farm debtors, according to Breithaupt who is secretary of the state farm-debt adjustment com­ mittee. Durirg the past year the Farm Credit Administration loaned almost a billion dollars on farm mortgage security and made com­ mittments for 6700.000.000 more. The F. C. A. will soon hold $2.600,- 000.000 of farm mortgage notes, or more than 30 per ceot of the total farm mortgage indebtedness in the United States. The county farm-debt adjustment committeemen and county agricul­ tural agents have been well sup­ plied by the state farm-debt ad­ justment committee and the coll­ ege extension service with Infor- maxion of value to farmers who are in need of assistance in the refin­ ancing and adjustment of indebted­ ness. Have Musical Program We must unload hundreds of New Suits and Topcoats, Pants Hats and Shoes. at Bargain Prices You LOVE. COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE IS THEME Tensile Out — Junior Dickens, Orovs Folk Hero— -Mr. aud Mrs Thomas Sykes of Cottage Grove son of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Dick­ ens of Springfield route 1, had hla were vlsilore hero Tuesday "The Groat Miracle." wilt be the Burned with Steam— Elmer Pratt subject of the sermon at the 11 of Marcóla was severely burned o'clock worship service at the , with steam at Marcóla Sunday. Friend» Honor Anniversaries j Springfield Methodist Episcopal Recovering— Mrs. Mary McPher­ For Hugh»*, McElhany, church by Dean C. Poindexter, min­ son la reported tu be recovering ister. Frank Bailey will act as And Van Valzah Tuesday I Church school superintendent for now from a aerlous lllneas at her home on north Mill street. i Two wedding anniversaries and the school which meets at the 9:46 hour. two birthdays were the occasion Visits Son— Mrs. Harry Barber For Sunday. July 29. and the j of Betid Is here to spend some for a large gathering held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Eugene Mc­ four Sundays In August the even­ time visiting at the home of her Elhany In Garden Way district ing church service will be at 7 son and daughter-in-law. Mr and o'clock. These five services will Mrs. C. F. Barber Tuesday evening. Those honored were Mr. and be given to a series of sermons California People Hero—Mr and Mrs. William G. Hughes who cele­ on the general theme. "The Christ brated their twenty-ninth anni­ Ian Home.'* The young people of Mrs Jess lia born of Oakland. Call- ! turnia are here to visit with Mr. versary on Wednesday; Mr. and the League* will participate In snd Mrs D. B. Murphy and Del- these services and following each Mrs. McElhany who will observe I t ert and James Mitchell their thirty-sixth anniversary on service they will have an outdoor Friday, July 27; Mr. McElhany. campfire service In which they will Speeder Breaks Ankle — Fred who will observe, his sixty-sixth discuss the theme of the evening. Crabtree received a broken ankle The thought of “Love. Courtship birthday on July 30; and Mr. and at Marcóla Tuesday when a speed­ Mrs. A. B. Van Valtah who recent­ and Marriage." will be taken up. er ran over his leg breaking an The question of the origin and ly celebrated her sixty-sixth birth­ ankle. day Mr. McElhany and Mr Van history of the family, the problems Valsah have been observing their of the family, education for family Leave for Home—Mr McCulley birthdays with Joint gatherings relationship, the family in foreign and his mother of Oakdale. Cali­ countries and the changing family fornia and Leonard Lepley of the now tor the past 10 years. Mrs. McElhany. Mrs. Hughes, will be discussed. The theme for same city, left this morning for and Mrs. William Gants were host­ ’he first evening will be: "The their homes after spending several esses at the potluck supper which Christian Home; An Ideal of God.“ days here during which the Mc­ Coburg Methodist Church was spread out-of-doors on a long Culleys visited at the Frank Smlt- The theme for the morning ser­ son home, and Mr. Lepley visited table with a large decorated cake mon at 9:46 is: "What Are You»*' his daughter. Mrs. Howard Morr­ as a centerpiece. Short talks by Rev. Dean ('. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor, preach- ell of Eugene. Poindexter, Mr Hughes and Mr. A 2->) Lower Than T lIVRHDAY. JULY 20, 19»4 THE dPRîNOFŒ Lt) NEWS PAOR FOUR W ill See Again On Such Qualities For a Long, Long Time SAVE NOW while savings are big! ERIC MERRELL Clothes For Men EUGENE Tons of paint and nails, and a wheel barrow load of steel wire brushes were the method* Used In the lejuveuallou operation on the State Fair plant, according Io Max tlehlar. Itx director "Forty-one buildings with a ground area ol about leu acres cam, out of Hie depiesslou maul cured, face lifled. or what have NEBRASKA PICNIC IS AT you. o Hint you ue d to be rein­ Return From Vacation—Mr aud CORVALLIS THIS YEAR troduced Io them to gel o i l speak Mrs 11. 11 Turner return d Tuee day evenlug from a two weeks Int terms," he states Eleventh annual Nelnasku pic vacation spent at Cascudla on the the Saiitlam highway, and al Luo* ulc will be held al Corvallis on Suuday. August 6. at the city park. COUNTY WARRANTS ARE lake below Scottsburg W M Ball of Corvallis Is presl CALLED FOR PAYMENT V isit at W a lte rv llle — Mr. aud dent of (he association and has Mrs Bryce Posey of Springfield charge of Hie program this year All general fund warrants of were guests Sunday at the home Featured ou the program will he a latue county up Io and Including of Mr. ajid Mrs E. I Reynolds at mm political addreas by Joe K iiunibvi 640 written In January, Waltervllle. Dunne, the Tabb family irlo, music and all road fund warrants Includ­ aud lap dancing; and the Oregon ing number .1*46 dated May io. l.eggers. Free coffee will he ser­ have been tailed for payment by SECTIONAL C. E. RALLY ved at the noon picnic. Grace Si Itlska. county treasurer. HELD AT WALTERVILLE Many holders of these warrants whlqh have leased drawing Inter Delegations from Springfield. Injured In Auto Crash Mr. and esl have not presented (hem for Trent, Lowell, Jasper, ls>aburg, Mrs. Harvey Schartner of Westfir payment and Waltervllle met at Wallervlllo were both taken to the Pacific Sunday for the sectional rally of hospital Sunday morning following the Lane county Christian Endea­ un early accident In which llieir KEYS Fdl'ND l.ealher Keytaln er and several keys found on vor. A potluck dinner was enjoyed cur turned over Mr Schartner re Sixth street Owner may have in the eveulng following the after I »elved a broken collarbone, uud them by id>uH(ylng them aud noon session. A special service | Hie Injuries sustained by his wife were more eerlous paying for (his adverlisemeul was held in the evenlug tonsils takeu out Wednesday morn Several realdetils of the Mi Ken Ing at (he office of a local physl sle valley arose or stayed up until clan. the early hours this morning when Burned with Urease— David Me- (hey watched the total eclipse of Cheatiey, five-year-old aou of Mr. the moon between 2 aud 3 o'clock. and Mia. Arthur Mu liei-eey w o The weather there was very clear severely burned Tuesday when hot aud the eclipse was eai-lly visible. gr ate splattered over his hair, (ace. chest, anti and leg Thurston Mr and Mrs. Grant Hendricks and son Normal, from California who formerly resided here are spending their vacation camping near their old home and visiting friends and relktlves. Mrs. Ray Baugh and son. Harry, motored to Yoncalla last week and visited with the Grace family. Mrs. Harrington who has been at McCredie Springs for several weeks is visiting her daughters, Mrs. William Henson and Mrs. Hubert Gray here. Mrs. Ray Baugh is III and Miss Cora Calvert helping care for her. Mrs. Zora Culver entertained at a party at her home In Eugene last Wednesday evening announcing the engagement of her niece. Mias Ella Baugh, to Dale Smith, the wedding Is to be an event of au­ tumn. Miss Baugh Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh of Thurston, has lived her life here and is a graduate of Thurston high school. Mr. and Mrs. Hall left Tuesday for their home In Walla Walla. Wash., after visiting the past month with Mrs. Hall’s father. Mr. Morgan and sister. Mrs Charles Taylor. Upper Willamette ----- . ... - Mrs. O. Stutz gave a mlscellxne mis shower at her home Wednes day afternoon July 18, for Miss Helen Carter, who will become the bride of Alonzo Manwarlng of Springfield this week. The guests gathered on the lawn of the Stutz home where a short program was given before the gifts were pres ented to Miss Carter. Miss Carter is the daughter of Mrs. G. A. Brown of Pleasant Hill. She is a graduate of the Pleasant Hill high school and has been working in Eugene the past years. She received many lovely and useful gifts Chocoate cake and Ice cream were served to 72 guests by the hostess assisted by the Misses Myrna Laird and Elizabeth Hoi comb. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stutz, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hills spent the week end at the Hills cottage up Simpson creek above Oakridge. George Fairfield of eastern Ore­ gon is visiting with his brother and family at Enterprise. Norman Stgne of Salem Is visit Ing F. F. Cooper and family Mias Alice Swift who has been visiting at the Swift hame return­ ed to Portland Sunday. George Brown who has been visiting at the horn« of his grand father at Elmo, Washington re­ turned to his home at Pleasant Hill Sunday. Estate of Inez P. Flsnnigan, De­ ceased NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice is hereby given that Ar­ tiste I. Murray, administratrix of the estate of Inez P. Flsnnigan. deceased, has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Lane County, her final re­ port as such administratrix and that 10 o’clock A. M. on Tuesday the 28th day of August. 1934, at the Court room thereof has been bv the Court fixed and appointed aR the time and place for hearing objections to said report and for tiie fins! settlement of the estate of the deceased. ARTISTE I. MURRAY, Admin­ istratrix. W DOUOLAS HARRIS, WINGARD A REID. Attorneys for the Administratrix. FAIR BUILDINGS GET MANY PEOPLE WITNESS THOROUGH CLEANSING TOTAL MOON ECLIPSE 'd O Now 1$ the Time to Hit * 'the Trail for Eugene! Oregon Trail Pageant YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THIS PIONEER EPIC DRAMA OF THE WEST WHICH THIS YEAR IS BEING PRESENTED WITH A CAST OF 2000 PEOPLE. YOU ARE ALSO INVITED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING EUGENE FIRMS YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHILE IN EUGENE. Hosiery H eek ------------------------- A T Williams’ Sell Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY Cook With -GAS- EUGENE STOP HERE AND SAVE ON HOSIERY Larkwood Guaranteed Hosiery 6 9 c to £ 1 .1 6 HUMMING BIRD GUARANTEED HOSIERY 8 5 c to 9 8 c The Speedy, Clean Economical Fuel EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED TO WEAR FREE GIFT WRAPPING We will wrap any Silk Hose In a beautiful gift box nicely tied with ribbon Absolutely Free. Give Hosiery for Gifts Buster Brown Shoe Store Famous 2 t 1 Sale OF HIGH GRADE BROWN BILT F-O-O-T-W-E-A-R LADIES BRIN G A FRIEND W ITH YOU 2 PAIRS FOR T H E PRICE OF 1 PAIR Buster Brown Shoe Store All Latest Model Appliances ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE 933 W ILLAM ETTE ST. EUGENE frfVOIAIA SUN. - WED SOLD ON EASY TERMS (Ju 28— A 2-9-18 23) NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice is hereby given that Belle O. Brown, the Executrix of the Estate of S. W Brown, deceased, has filed her Final Report and Account as such Executrix with the Clerk of the County Court of lAne County. Oregon, Nnd that the Court has set Saturday, the 26th day of August. 1934, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the fore­ noon. In the County Court Room of the Court House at Eugene, in Lane County, Oregon, as the time and place to hear objections to the same, If any, and for the final set­ tlement of said estate. BELLE O BROWN. Executrix. WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys (Ju 24— A 2-9-14 23) Northwest Cities Gas Co. Eugene, Springfield