TH U R SD A Y, JULY 26, 1V34 T H F flP R IN G F îX L D N EW » IU M M O N I TOM ATO, MELON MEN IN T IIK C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H « | COLOR IS IM P O R T A N T IN HTATK OF OR BOON FOR LANK F IX M IN IM U M PRICES JUDGING HAY Q U A LITY CO UN TY Kvodn« I,. Stark. Plaintiff, va The minimum price at which a Collage Specialist Tails Methods Jumaa Lau Stark, Defendant. Tu. Jama. Leu Stark. Defendant. 30 pound lug of tomatoea may be Of Examining Hay Ta Deter­ IN T U B NA M E OF T H K STATE aold to retallera haa been filed at Jasper Man Here— L. W Me mine Food Valuó Visit on Coast— Mr. and Mrs. OF OltKOON: You are hereby re­ 60 centa by the Oregon. Wnahlng- quired to appear and anewer the ton melon and tomato agreement. Cumber of Jasper was a haalnee- flruce Robinson and family spent visitor here Monday. Gf nil factors Indicative of the complaint filed aaalnet you In the the week-end on the coaet. above «ntltled ault within four the flral of Ita kind and which haa, quality of hay. color la the moat aka from the date of the flrat i already gunu Into effect. The low i Visits at Junction City— Frank Orive te Fortlend Mr and Mrs. J A M E S K. K IN O telltale, says Eugene Ornss. of the _ „ publication of thia aummona and If eat melon price to the retailer It Htuart aponl tba week-end at Junc­ Floyd Hloiham spent the week-end Attorneya at Law farm crops department at Oregon M in er Bldg . tion City with hl- grandmother. In Portland. State college. W hile the Intensity N O T IC I TO CREDITORS Ply Io the court for the relief pray­ prices may he changed only by the of color naturally varies with the Visit Dallas — W illie Bertach Return fro m Coaet— H arry M administration board Including two ed for In plalntlffa complaint which typo of hay, certain colors are NOTICK IS IIK ItK IlY U1VKN I» for ________ n decree of aald court dl«- producers In Oregon, two In Wash­ made a bualneas trip to Dallas Htewart drove to Newport Hatur characteristic of hay that baa been Monday. that the uuderalgned haa beeu ap- solving the marriage contract now day and brought Mrs Stewart and ai m *’ I K? r t n °,f lh* •«•*«•»« between the plaintiff and ington and one neutral, non-pro­ cut too late, others are Indicative their eon. Morris, home with him. Abbie J Haskell dec.aeed, by the , Mnl h»re,„ Mtld for , urh ducer. Dentist at Astoria— Dr. and Mrs of damage from bleaching by the ounly Court of l-nne ( ounly, Ore other and further relief aa the Each crate of tomatoea grown In W. N. Dow and family left Sunday T ra v e le r . Step— M r and Mrs. C. sun. leeching by rain, or heating MU,1i having elalma Court may deem Juat and proper, the two atnlea will bear a three for Astoria lo viali relatives They , F A< kerman and M r- Della Cam from being stored In a green or ugalnat aald eatale are required to lii . l .« preaent them with th ? proper T h l. summon. I . publ ahed pur cent atunip. and each crate of mel­ a ip e c t to r e tu rn today wet condition. eron of Uingvlew, Washington »out her. to the under.tailed at the .° ? ,r ,b" ’ *?" 0 r on. a 7 cent stamp The Income were overnight gueata at the Hay of highest quality la of a Law Office of Jnraea K King. «10 ’ n" » ' « he above en- from the alampa Io be used to de­ Return from Portland — Melvin Spring hotel Friday bright, deep green color, because Miner Building. Bugene. lame ‘i 1* ¡ " “ r t m?d" F osh haa returned to hla home County, Oregon, within a ll I t ) ¿ p h i n * k i KT d N K w i T J" n T w f fray eipeuxeae of enforcing the that color la associated only with her«- fro m N e w p o rt w h e re he haa Questa Expected— Mr and Mra month, from the data of thia notice ” " ‘ N O F IK LD NBWB. a news- agreement bay that has been cut fairly early been working. D ated Ht Bugene. Oregon, thia J T K L .‘ > ,f m <’. F. Kggluinnn are eipectlng Dr , before blossoming haa progressed I 2 t l i tlu v n f J u lv iu-14 IlwhiMl nt Hprlusfltild In Lurie ( oun* and Mra. Peterson and their son. i la u J u i ¿.MM - . . Oregon, publication thereof be IN T O X IC A T E D D R IV E R 8 very far, and has been cured rapid­ Leaves for Washington— Mr and Harold, of Dallas to arrive here . . . " " KINO, Executor of |„g once each week for four auccei LICENSES REVOKED Mra. Cecil Squires left Sunday for Friday to spend the week-end with | <'H !< A G O . , . M ra. Hamual Iaa afl ly and sufficiently to prevent heat­ t h e Relate of Abide J. Ila a k e tl,; alve H|v^ and >..,1 consecutive rnaji«M ill,> week, The ing In storage. Mr. Gross says. Colfai. Washington to visit with ilei-en and dule of flrat publication being July them. (above), wife of the indicted u tilitie s (Jy 19 19 2« A 2 9) Texture of Hay Important A tremendous Increase In the Mra. Squires' relatives 19th. 19.1« and the laat publication magnate, ia here from Greece to stead Among the other important fac­ belli! Auguat l«th. 193«. five pub- number of arrest, for drunken Doctor Returns— Dr. M ilton V by her husband when he faces tr ia l W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D Portlander's H aro— M r and Mrs. llcatlona thereof driving In Oregon la shown In re­ W alker returned Friday noon from on the various roants which have been tors to be considered In Judging K a rl Kort of Portland were week­ Attorney-at-Law ports from court, from January ALTA KINO. Attorney for Seattle where he spent a week at­ pending so long In federal sad state hay are texture, leaflneaa. purity, Tiffaqy Bldg. Eugena, Oregon ' end gueata of Mr. and Mrs W alter courts. Plaintiff. Poat Office addrea«. to June 193«, which brought re­ odor, and temperature, and all of tending a poat graduate course In OoM.ler Collage Orove. Oregon N O T IC K O F F IN A L H E A R IN G these, with the possible exception vocations of the operator's licenses tb - University of Washington 1 .1 o 19-16— A M - H )______ NEEDY S T U D E N T S TO G ET ¡o f purity, can be controlled to some of 372 peraon« who were driving Notice la hereby given that the Major Operation— Blanche Jlncka medical school. W. W. HARCOMBE undersigned Phebe Mann haa filad while drunk, and laat year 17« or Coburg underwent a major WORK T H R O U C H SERA “I,M” by haying practices used, her final report and account aa Returns Home — Mr. and Mra. Attorney at Law ________ according to Mr. Orosi Court«. d rive r, were Involved In similar operation at the Pacific hospital udmlnlatratrla of the eatale of T iffa n y Bldg., fu g a n e , Oregon Fletcher of San Bernardino. Cali­ charges during the half year In In Kugeqe Saturday. Federal funds for assisting atu- hard "*em" indicate that the hay Alfred P Mann, deceaaed. and the fornia left Saturday for their home den;» of Oregon colleges through wa* c0’ when the crop was In an 1932. 139 persona lost Ih elr driving NO. 29121 County Court of lame County. Ore I Return, to Ship— Robert Wataon «Her visiting with relatives her» labor relief will again be available ’ advanced stage of maturity, and ton, haa filed Monday, July SOth IN T IIE C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E privilege, for the same offense In STA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E the first a ll months, and in the who has been visiting here on a f ° r a abort while ut 10 O'clock A. M at the County for the coming year, according to MUch hay. being high In fiber con- Court room In the Court houae at CO UNTY OF LANE. ►ame period In 1931, only 7« were furlough from the United States Kuaelle. Oregon, aa the time and Return Home — Mrs. Florence notlflcatlon received by E. B ., tent which fa low In digestibility, Hated The gain In 193« was 54« navy left Monday for the navy McKown and two children of San lo-mon. registrar at Oregon State low ,n ,ood value Good hay. he place for filial hearing thereon and Grace Hall Ritter, Plaintiff, va. any objection, to aald report and per cent over 1933. 96.7 per cent yard at Skin Diego Francisco, and Mra. Ernest Flak college. Funda for a limited num "ayg- has fine, soft stems that are Amy Ixiulae Dunn. Adna II Dec­ account ahould be filed or made on Teach er Visits— Ml-s Jeannette and daughter of Sacramento, left ber of students will be distributed Palatable, digestible and nutritious, line. Frndrelrk Stanley Dunn and over 1932, and 287.6 per cent over or before aald time Leaves Hava Mora Food Anna M Dunn, hla wife, Irene 1991. l>ati«l noil flrat publlahed June Wlllgerodt. teacher at Enterprise, Sunday for their home« after an through the atate emergency re- W illiam and (' S W illiam , her li f administration. l-eaflntess la normally conalder- 2klh. 193« spent the week-end with Mr and extended visit at the home of their huahand, loilu Dorrla and George PHBBK MANN. Adm lnlatratrli The percentage quota allowed ' d “ Indicating quality in legume W E LL S A W ELLS Mra. D B Murphy Mlaa W lllger father. Hans Furus-t in West A Dorrla. her huaband. George Alfred I* Mann, eatale. Attorneys will permit 22« «tudents to obtain hay* particularly, as the leaves are Springfield. odt la attending summer school at O. Yoran surviving huaband of W H IT T E N RWAFFORD. Ally aid not to exceed 220 a month and ( °nalderably higher In food values lotura Yoran, deceased; France. Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene Monmouth normal for relate Yoran Doe, whoae married name Cuts Finger — W illiam Smith, an average of not more than 915 ,han th® sterna. To retain the (Je IS—Jy 6-12-IBM) NOTICE la unknown and John Doe. her Flat» Box Canyon— Rev. R. E. employee at the Booth-Kelly lum­ a month H a lf of those receiving ,eaves on legume hay. It ia neces- OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T huaband. and Ada Yoran aurvlv NOTICK OF F IN A L HKARINO Rolens and hla son, Robert, return­ ber company, painfully Injured one tbls work meat not have been In * ary make the operations aa Ing wife of Frank E. Dunn, de Notice Is hereby glevn that the Notice la hereby given that the ceased; Lucille Dunn Dyott and undersigned. Bertha A. Olli. Admln- ed Friday evening from Box can­ of hla fingers when he smashed It any college or university last Jana- hPe* inlmum of surface exposed to ceased; Underwood and Co and of the County Court of Lane Coun­ Return Homs— Mr. and Mrs. Mlt gun. haa filed Monday. July SOth It« aurceesora and assigns: Ella ty. Oregon, and that Saturday, the such aid. Character and scholastic ,h® bleaching sun rays. at 10 O'clock A M at the County Nurses On Duty— Mias Anne Mc- V W alker, George W Dorlaon. 11th day of Auguat. 1924. at 10:00 chell Cottonware and Carl Nelson A sour musty odor in hay Indi­ records are con -ldered. Court room In the Court house at Anna H ill and C M H ill, her o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, left Saturday for thetr home at Oookln and Mias Edna Goold. cates that It baa gone through a I'ugrui. Oregon, aa the time and huaband. Jane Doe Penrra. sur­ In the County Court Room of the Winlock. Waslngton after an ex- Springfield nurses. w ill have P i C N i r p n iW T P O Q r i u p a i I lace fur filial hearing thereon and heating period, the seriousness ol viving widow of W. J. Pengra, Court House at Eugene. Oregon, tended visit here with Mr. and charge of the emergency tent at U U IIM T E R 5 G IV E N any object Iona to aald report and deceased; and any and all other haa been set by the Hon. Fred which differs with the duration of account ahould be filed or made on the pageant on Hayward field Sat- BY REC R EA TIO N LEADER Tnd ThVc“^ ^ persons unknown who may be Flak, Judge of said Court, aa the M r. Ned W illia m . or before aald time urday night. M is. Goold 1. county ------------ j under which It took place Mu ,ty heirs at law of B. J. Pengra and time and place of hearing object Dated and flrat publlahed June No Wednesday Drill— There was ( heaIth rur(je an(J tfae emer ’ C Emily Pengra. both deceased; Iona to the same. If any there are. No activity Is more conductive 29th. 193« mann , .. „ , y hay has lost most of its food va1.:«i the unknown helra at law of R and for the final settlement of said no Wednesday evening d rill for , . . . . gtock do npt nn(J R lat£?;e PHKBK MANN. Adm lnlatratrli eatat. member, of the Springfield na- 2“ 1 , , ^ , ' PartU,,y by to food fellowship and healthful E Rtratton and Sarah M (Brat­ Charlie It Mann, eatale. recreation than a picnic, and .1-; how w r ton. hla wife, both deceaaed; the BERTHA A. G ILL, Admtniatra- llonal guard unit thia week. The Pa epartment. W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. Atty most anv Cragoi community can v unknown helra at law of J. B ___ ,rlM’ boys served at patrolmen during y an exception to this fact as for ratate. Doctor Alda V igilantes Hr Mel- profit from at least one community i . * « A , Underwood and Margaret I. Un- W E L L S * W ELLS. Attorneys IJe 99—Jy 6-19191«) the motorcycle bill climb Sunday vllle S. Jones assisted the Eugene picnic during the summer says ” h ‘ ilerwuod. hla wife, both deceased ; I (Jy 12-19-2«_A 2-9) the unknown helra at law o f ! and they were given credit for that Oregon T rail pageant vigilantes In M1as Gertrude Skow. home demon d° ub*e‘” v mucl‘ of n ’ to° a vaIue Mover Roaenblalt and l-ena Roa time their tria l, of non-bewhlskered «ratio n agent at large, and author hM8 T l° 9t the heat'n* Pr°- H E R B E R T W. LOMBARD On V .c a t lo n -.M r and Mra. D on W lllanle»® « " H * Monday of a monthly recreation bulletin CM' ' r °"g Attorney at Law the surceasor. and iiaaign» of J W Stewart Companv. who are B. Murphy are spending several J"“ * * dU. ' i *° ' 8UCd by th~ Rev and Mra R serious stomach trouble, yet eat known heirs at law of F B Dunn a . the tim e and the County Court what you want. Adla gives relief or O , H I <»aa /To a»6>aaa« sx • 9 Ba ex 1 «. I O a swoa wm — zxea IT«« 19 __j ' E- Rolens and M r and Mrs. A. and Celia Dunn deceased; Under­ ¿*ene. 'Lin'e"coum y“ H ' 8 t e t Oil. 7 o f < £ Z nlce G*'r,* r " ,he Olrl S(,out camP on Fal1 rre e k Pr,day evening The Hc'ka'd“ ’ theft- T o ^ Z Z u ^ t e from u?“ r mO“ ey h“ ' “ F,anery'8 wood and Company and Its anccea-