’ AO K TWO THEÎ SWUNG FIELD NRWsü THE^FRINGFIELD NEWS don't go—atay. I'll make you love Trouble some where? The major's the new price llala were Issued by an order of the administrator. ou me. I'll win you Nancy, give me old moulh hardened W,A» July It. which specifically eelab my chalnce! Stay with me. dear," "Gordon called me up Isle last Published Every Thursday at he urged her almoat violently; his night—wauled (o know about sell­ llshee (he Individual prices and Springfield, Imne County. Oregon by love had broken down his prlte ing some securities," he ruminated makes (hair observance obligatory T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS She broke away shaking all aloud, more lo himself Iliad (o to all operators In the reaps-cllve ______________________ H K M AXEY, Editor over; auger and shame and fear Angle. "He had about five thous­ divisions of the Industry. That Is. minimum prices bused upon as held her. and III Liberty bonds '* (Entered a- second < lass matter. February M, I »03 at the post office. i-ertalned coats of production have I "You promised to lei me go you (TO BE CONTINUED) Springfield. Oregon thus been ordered ns part of the said you didn't want a wife who Lumber C o d e In the same wuy us didn't love you I don't, you know LU M B E R R E D U C T IO N IS M AIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE . the minimum wages fur employees I don't! Father will pay II hack O n e V e m In Advance *1 50 Six Months ....... . ......... »1.00 W R IT T E N IN T O CODE which must he paid by the opera le t me go!" Two Years in advance.....$160 Three Months ________ 60c tors In each branch of the Itidualry He let her go and stood like a New Illln ln illlU price, oil West THURSDAY. JULY 3«. 1*3« ' man turned suddenly to stone "GiMMlbye Richard forgive me, Coast lumber became effective WHAT HAS GONE BKFUH “Page I V»—I've got to go goodbye!" Psr-pra Man Hare—Harold Fos Friday. July 30. and will run ns D U T Y IS T O B A C K G O V E R N O R Nancy Gordon trade« herself In home*“ >h>- gasped n r of Pengra was a visitor In mm li as II per cent according lo He was silent and she ran out of marriage (or fifteen thousand dot "You're t ot going homo to dial i Is hou e into the night Col. W II Greeley, manager of the Springfield Saturday. W h e th e r we agree w ith G o v e rn o r M eier o r not as to tars—the price of her family hon­ man's hou-e!" ho answered haorse- West-Coast Lumbermen's saaocla or—and the freedom of her brother. th e a d v is a b ility o f c a llin g o ut th e N a tio n a l G u a rd in th e Koddv, who stole, for a woman, ly "Yvu've ootno to mo tor help j lion The reduction Is being made Angle Fuller kept house for her P o rtla n d s trik e it is th e d u ty o f e very ritis e n to su pp ort that amount from the bank In which amt I'm going to holp you, Nancy." j T H IS H E A L IN G O IL uncle Major Lomax hud never mar­ by the lumber Itidualry as a con he works Nancy, desperately In his a ctio n . P erhaps th e s trik e could have been se ttle d b ut sl'o shook hor hoail weakly, try­ love » (th young Page Koerner, ried. There hud been an early and trlhutlon lowwrd th« president's Bnnith«« Eczema and th e re is no d o u b t th a t an em e rg en cy existed. n ev erth .les agrees to a secret ing lo take a step toward the door, a tragic love affair. Diana Aylett housing and home betterment pro­ elopement with Dr. Richard Mor­ but bo still hold hor Ho was hold­ Skin Trouble gram. R iots, blood shed, p ro p e rty dam age, trespass, closin g gan. and with the mousy he loans ing hor when they hoard a slop had accidentally allot herself on In order to give code price the Here's a surgeon's wonderful pre the eve of their marriage. It wus her prevents Roddy's arrest. Dr. o f in d u s try and loss o f business to both shippers and ship Morgan Is loved by Helena Had In tho hall and tho door—halt ajar hard lo associate romance with the complete hacking and unquestioned scrlpllon mil a patent medicine— ow ners had o c cu rre d fo r weeks. T h e P o rtla n d police de­ don. a sophisticated young married —was thrown wide open Hugos will do more to help you rid old major Yel there had It. eu a legal enforcement of the adminis­ that yoursalf of uiulghUy s(tots and woman, but he adores Nancy and arm foil from Nancy's waist, ho tration. an amendment was mails p a rtm e n t bad fa ile d to e n fo rce o rd e r and c iv il g o v e rn m e n t common skin troubles than any­ hopes to win her after marriage. straight, noil himself and looked love affair that seared. had b ro ke n dow n. No m a tte r whose fa u lt the s trik e was When the smoke of that tragedy In the Lumber Code under which thing you've ever tried. In Washington they are married. around Go In any druggist yuu ran trust Narcy is Richard's bride—and cleared away. Lomux found It hud o r w h ic h side w as rig h t no g o v e rn m e n t th a t is a g o v e rn ­ and gel a laitlie of Moone'a Kmer afrad of him Richard Morgan stood ou Iho killed the power to love another m en t can to le ra te th is c o n d itio n fo r long. aid (ill Apply a llllle at Intervals Now Go On W ith tbs Stary-------------- threshold woman. And once. In the Gordon’s as directions advise; with lha vary One doss of AIM JCHIK A quick E n co u ra g e m e n t o f ra d ic a ls w ho m ig h t have courage Tho two mon facod oach other garden, he hail caught Nancy Vir­ llchlna. ceases IN S T A L L M E N T T E N ly relieves gas btoeUng. rival" first application and with continued use out B O T H upper and lowei to res'ist th e n a tio n a l g u a rd is c le a rly an a tta c k on law and "Nancy.' attain he took a step thon Klchard'a glance swept from ginia reaching high for a sprig of bowels, allows you to eal am you'll soon see a rapid o rd e r. T h e g ua rd sm e n had no p art in c re a tin g th is s trik e toward her. "what Is It? What has Pago to Nancy. It seemed to Ignore lilac. She looked for just one min­ sleep good Quick, thorough sc change for the belter If Page as unworthy of any consider ute as Diana had looked the day lion yet gentle and entirely mUr you don't get complete happened? You got my letter? You and no choice a bo ut s trik e d u ty . If a n y o f th e m a rc in ­ atlon and flxod Itself upon her -he died. Nancy did not know why I f J satisfaction your money ju re d in th e e a ry in g o u t o f th e ir d u ty those w ho e ncourage will be cheerfully re- She waved him back and. uuable I Rlchurd camo quietly Into (he the old man stared nt her She Flanery's Drug Store funded resistence are as g u ilty as th ose w ho a c tu a lly ta k e p a rt room. toased her sprig op lilac lo him to speak, sank weakly Into his I It is no tim e fo r loose ta lk . “Haney.” ho said, “Tvo come to The old man pul It in his button swivel chair and hurst Into wild ' take you homo hole, patted her hand, and went on and passionate tears Pago turned on Richard. “What Nancy hud no Idea (hat she had The storm of Nancy's passionate OW NERS T H E PEOPLE grief spent Itself slowly. She lay does this moan? What have you won a champion for all lime The morning after Nancy's re­ Some people persist in ta lk in g a bo ut big c o rjm ra tio n s helplessly In the old chair, her face done to hor? She says you've mar hidden in her hands, aud her whole tied hor — look at hor; she's turn. Angle had to get the break as if th e y w ere ow ned by one o r tw o ric h m en w h o w ere wretched fast. She came Into the dining slight frame shaken by her soba A little o f M aid O 't'ro a in m odern Ice crea m w ill b en t on ro b b in g e verybo dy, in c lu d in g th e ir em ployees. Morgan was startled; she had room, her face rosy from the fire go good along w ith ho m uch old tim e o ffe rin g s th is "Nancy, wat Is It? Tell me------" She set the plate of ruak down week. W hen you eat a dish o f o u r Ice cre a m you can he pleaded. “I know you've been told Roomer of her marriage thou A m e ric a n T e le g ra p h & T e le ph on e em p lo ys 270.000 In front of her um-le and retired a p p re cia te w hat the old tim e rs missed. away, your mother told me so. »hat else had she told him? l>ersons. b ut it is o w n ed by 680,000 s to c k h o ld e rs , n o t one "I've corne for my wife,” ho said behind (he old silver coffeepot You're in (rouble—what can It be? o f w ho m o w n s o n e -h u n d re d th o f the shares. G eneral M o­ Let me help you!" sharply, "and what I've done—or She was thinking of Rod Gordon S pecial p acke rs fo r p icn ic and hom e use are to rs has 137.000 w o rk e rs and 351,000 sto ckh o ld e rs. G eneral She lifted her head slowly at what she does—Is no concern of prepared fo r you In o u r Ice p la n t. No m a tte r w here It was the first time he had ever E le c tric , U, S. Steel, R. C. A. P e nn sylvan ia R a ilro a d and that and looked at him "You can't your«." you ure going o r w h a t you are g o in g to do you can been In town without coming to m a n y o th e r b ig com p an ies have m a n y m ore persons o w n ­ help me—ever again!" she said in Pago Roemer's face biased with see her. They were old neighbors tu k e o u r Ice cre a m w ith you. a choked voice. anger. “It's this much my concern they hud been boy u n it girl sweet in g th e ir sto ck th a n in d iv id u a ls w o rk in g fo r them . He caught at her cold hands and —she camo to mo for help!” hearts. He had walked straight by It m ay com e tru e , as some believe, th a t e v e n tu a lly a held them. A«k yo u r dealer in Eugene o r S p rin g fie ld fo r Richard's thin lips tightened, ho the house and never looked at It, dozen o r tw e n ty b ig c o rp o ra tio n s w ill do a ll th e business “Y oh love me, Nancy?" turned his eyes on Nancy, mot hors and Nancy had said nothing about M aid 0* C re a m B u tte r Her white lips moved without | and hold them o f th e n a tio n . B u t w ho w ill those co r,M ira tion s be? Ob­ his visit home! What did It mean? words. She disengaged her left 1 "Is that so?” ho asked hor In a Springfield Creamery Co. viou sly. a ll th e people o f th e n a tio n . Major Lomux ate a piece of rusk hand from his and held it out. On low voice, “did you come lo this 1 e — ■ with an audible crunch and turned the third finger the new gold of i , inan for help?" F IR S T S E T T L E R W A S A W O R K E R her wedding ring caught the light Nancy, still loaning on tho table. over his newspaper. "Hello!" he exclaimed, slopping He stared at It. uncomprehending, 1 swayed a little. E lias M. B rigg s, w ho cam e here w ith his fa m ily by then something changed sharply In "I don't know—why I camo." she to read an advertisement more w agon tr a in in 1849, founded th e to w n o f S p rin g fie ld . He his look. carefully. "The Gordon house (or replied at last, faintly was th e fir s t s e ttle r and fo r m a n y years ra n a fe rr y across "Nancy, what do you mean?" Ricard ignored him and wont to sa le- whole outfit—furniture and all!" hor. "It's—my wedding ring." th e riv e r fo r the fa m e rs and o th e rs c o m in g by w agon tra in He rose slowly (o his feet, star­ "Nancy. I've come for you." ho Angle was astonished A shaft of across th e M cK e nzie and W illa m e tte passes. ing at her. his young face turning repealed in his low deep voice, hh terror shot through her. Had some­ We did not com e here in un ox c a rt h u t « till we B rigg s also d ug th e m ill race in 1852 and erected a old from red to white. He had never eves searching her face. thing happened it^Rodd.v? "Why. are b ecom ing pioneer« in the ca nd y buHineua in Lane looked more boyish, more as she flo u r m ill and a s a w m ill at its m o u th . A ll w o rk was done She met them and her face quiv­ uncle. It just can'l be true—they c o u n ty . D ure I h the old est e xclu sive c a n d y sto re and e n tire ly bv hand. M ore o f th e e n te rp ris e o f M r. B rig g s is had always known him. Nancy's ered like a child's. She lifted her love the old house so!" c o n fe c tio n e ry in Lane c o u n ty . O th e rs have com e and lips twisted and she set her white bauds from the table slowly, grop­ He shaved the paper acroa> the needed in th is m o d e rn age in Lane c o u n ty . gone since us hut we re m a in s e rv in g th e people o f th is teeth hard on them, winking back ingly. and tried to walk toward the table. “Read that!” he said crossly c o m m u n ity as w ell uh m a n y v is ito rs . f»esh tears. door, but her steps faltered and He was cross because, like An­ “Are you crnxv, Nancy?" he she swayed Richard put an arm gle, a shaft of alarm had shot Jo hn D iliin g e r. whose ca re e r o f c rim e cost th is c o u n ­ We a pp re ciate th e p a tro n a g e o f b o th the old gasped. around her. guiding her. through him. He had heard some­ tim e rs and the yo un gste rs. tr y hun dred s o f th ou san d s o f d o lla rs, is dead-------S h o t to She began to move her hands "Nancy," cried Page. "I won't let thing from a cousin of his In New restlessly, pleating the fold of her you go like this! It's got to be ex­ death by an u nnam ed fe d e ra l agent. M ost o f D illin g e r ’s York, old Heaver, accountant In the plained: you're too wretched. Look v ic tim s w ere in n o ce n t people w ho had n o th in g to do w ith ! skirt and pressing it down Greenough Tru»t Company Old "Do you remember where you at her. Morgan, does she look like h im u n til he a rriv e d on the scene. He had courage to ta ke Beaver said Roddy was running went Saturday morning. Page?" a bride? What have you done? If after a fast woman and was In a chance b u t he never was sp o rt enough to g ive his v ic tim s "Where Ih.- Service Is Dtfferenl' He frowned. "What on earth has you're a man you'll let her go." debt. Lomax knew that William a chance. K illin g in an a lle y was re a lly to o good fo r D il­ that to do with It?" Richard stopped, turned slowly Gordon's resources were narrow iin g e r. "You went to see Richard Mor­ and measured him. i gan— about half-past eight o’clock This is no affair of yours. Roe­ in the morning, didn’t you?" mer." Richard said shortly, “nel- T he CCC boys have seen n o th in g yet. R oosevelt now He tried to collect hts thoughts f ther you nor any other man will p lans to p la n t a b e lt o f tree s one h un dred m iles w ide fro m still dumfounded. interfere between me and my wife. Canada to M exico. T h in k o f th e holes to be dug and th e “1 suppose I did. Yes, 1 did.' .Come. Nancy." b u cke ts o f w a te r to be ca rrie d . "I was there. Page. I heard your Without another work Nancy voice—it—It was after that----- ” turned weakly and went out with "Good Lord, have you married , her husband. People ta k e o ff th e ir h ats w hen se na tors e n te r ele­ Morgan? it had turned cold; a February v a to rs in W a s h in g to n . B u t its d iffe re n t in P o rtla n d . W hen She nodded, without looking tp wind touched her face like an Icy S e n a to r W a g ne r visited th e d ocks una nn ou nce d th e v shot ward him. hand. She stood waiting on the his h a t o ff. There was a terrible pause. She curb while Richard whistled up a did not lift her eyes to Roemer's taxi and helped her Into It. She face, but she was aware of It. 8he leaned back in the corner and shut W a te r costs less in Eugene th a n m ost c itie s i f you b uy could feel his eyes on her her eyes She felt weak and III enough say c ity o ffic ia ls . B u t w ho is in te re ste d in w a te r Then he walked across the room and. when her eyes closed, she since the repeal o f th e e ig h te e n th a m e nd m e nt. drew forward a chair and sat down seemed to behold visions She saw — <»_________ He sat there for a while before he Roddy's blank face and open mouth P o stm a ste r G eneral E a rle y has n ow been in itia te d in ­ spoke. His voice was hoarse and when she gave him the money, to the Eugene b ush w h acke rs. T he R epublicans have c a ll­ .-hanged. and her father! Then she felt Page ed h im th a t fo r a lo n g tim e . There s no one on earth to force Roemer'» kisses on her face, and you to do anything. Nancy.” he , the hot blushes burning her own said »lowly, “There’» no reason on cheek». A newly wedded wife In earth, that I can see either. unless another man's arms! Nancy groan- you want«M to do It. Morgan's a ed suddenly and hid her face In rich successful man—I congratu- her hand“. late you. The taxi stopped and Nancy stir- She had not expected this The i red and looked up. Irony In his tone cut her to the "Be careful of the step," said heart. Here, too, she was to meet, Richard calmly, holding out hla not sympathy, but condemnation; hands. here, too. she would get—not He held her firmly, keeping his Y O U R F A M IL Y D O C T O R bread hut a stone! He had hit the hand on her arm. while he paid nail on the head, too. hit II most and dismissed the man. Then they Y esterday an old n e ig h b o r— he a d m itte d being 75— horribly. Money, money—how they went up the path together. Not a! dropped in to m y o ffic e to sh ake hands and “ see a b o u t a flung It at her! word was said, but Nancy found It I sm all n atch th a t has appeared o ver th e r ig h t ch ee k-b on e; He caught her look of misery, of difficult to walk alone. He opened it is s lig h tly th ic k e n e d . Itch e s a little , and announces its appeal, and sprang to his feet, the door and she walked unsteadily presence e ve ry tim e I shave.” "Nancy, you don't love him—you Into the house. She had no other ( never did!" place to go. It d id n ’t bleed, w h ich was fo rtu n a te . I t was ju s t a s k in - duced average rate on the electricity you use. She did not answer that. She wa- "I’ll telephone to your mother at - lesion on an aged face. I had seen h u n d re d s o f th e m . . . A fter ha has scoured and scrubbed the pets and vered. standing weakly, not looking once." said Rlchadd. "they're anxl we b o th w ere th in k in g a b o u t sk in -c a n c e r, te c h in c a lly e p ith ­ toward him. ous. Sit down here, Nancy, until I eliom a. P ro b a b ly least fo rm id a b le o f th e m align an cies. A V I YOU bean trying fa p s n u s d a year pans, explain that electric cookery Is a. clean "You love!" Page Roemer cried, ( come.” 1 be p a tie n t u s u a lly goes to th e d o c to r in tim e — a m easure as sunshine. Never fear, ha’ll sea the light. husband fa buy yau an (lacfric Range f and caught her violently In his He pushed a chair forward and o f H K j HES I IM P O R T A N C E . N obody loves a b lotched face. Chance* are, ha doesn't fu lly re a lis e fh a Just as seen as ha understands the difference armi'- j she sank Into It. She was lying I could speak to th is old m an w ith a u th o r ity ; here is between eld fashioned methods and m a d a m drudgery invelved in preparing meals wifh your She swayed, her first Impulse to back In the chair with her eyes w h a t I said to h im : electric ceakary ha w ill insist that the extrava­ •Id ceeh steva. But fh af't easily co rrec ted . resist overwhelmed, beaten down closed when she heard Richard's by her weakness, her head dropped quick step In the hall. Persuade him fa half» you wifh naxf Sunday's gant waste at energy, time and menay bo step­ "This is n ot yet u n m is ta k a b le ; it m a y be m a lig n a n t, "You will be my guest, Nancy, dinner. Civa him yaur apron — for just ONE ped with the installation of a naw and up-te- and m ay not be; b u t we m u st proceed w ith c a u tio n . Do ¡back on his shoulder and her eyes n o t 's c ra tc h “ th is little o ffe n d e r— you g e t a h a b it o f d o in g j closed. She felt his kisses on her 1 until you can decide what you wish DAY! data Electric Range. face and she had no strength to to do,“ Richard’s voice said grave th a t. Do not shave o ve r th is sp ot— tr im th e beard here resist them. j ly, "If» t^e best way to avoid Make him yaur partner In the w atch in g , w ith scissors. You m u st use no ir r ita tin g soaps even to Through the company's cooperation w ith “You love me," he repeated hoar- scandal I"—he hesitated—"I can basting, turning, tasting, peaking — all at the use no soap here is well. D on’t p ro voke ble ed ing w ith ro u g h •lactrical dealers ydu can purchase almost any sely, "and you married him. Why 1 send a marriage notice to the to w e l o r a cc id e n ta l bruise. Be excee ding ly kin d to th is worry and drudgery associated with eld fash good make of modern electric range completely I why? I can’t understand—Nancy, 1 newspapers. Afterwards it will be fe llo w . iened cooking. Then explain that these new Hell me—you must tell me thej as you wish. I—" he stopped again. installed with all necessary wiring and water automatic electric ranges arc net only clean, “ Do n ot even su bject it to s u n b u rn — I mean to the trl,,h! She was leaning back on the pll- heating equipment ter at lew at $3 a month. p o in t o f I r r it a t io n ; w e a r y o u r h a t fo r shade. Above a l l - | "I can’t tell you,” she whispered ' lows, her face averted. cool and convenient. but that the use e t an This otter may be withdrawn a t any tim e. brokenly, "don't ask me. Page. I— I She drew a long breath. "Thank do h o t buy patented o in tm e n ts o r "s a lv e s ” th a t m ay be re­ electric range w ill entitle you te a greatly re­ Phone ter complete details now. com m ended to you let th em a lo n e ; nine o u t o f ten o f th em , ln t! j you.” she said simply. co n ta in some ir r it a n t th a t lig h ts up a fire so m e tim e s— a His 'ace flushed darkly. "You j Then she arose, passed him. and fire th a t becomes d e s tru c tiv e - ta k e no chances Get a can't tell me why you married Mor- went to the door She put out a sm all b o ttle o f pure c a s to r o il and p a in t the s k in here w ith gan? What can you mean-?" I steady hand now and opened It. a ' 'east tw ic e a day leave the o il ly in g on the su rfa c e She stirred, trying to disengage | looking I nto the front hall. It was a il th e tim e ; It o u g h t to he w e ll in th re e o r fo u r w eeks— herself. "Let me go, Page, It’s—oh. 1 empty She was going without a I can't tell you!" word, but Richard reached her. He “ B u t. suppose it is n o t! T h e n we w ill be In good shape Bu: his arms tightened around j caught her In his arms, pressed her lo r a p p ly in g th e X -ra y . . . th o u g h le t’s n o t cross th a t b ridg e her. He saw her misery, be was j close to hla heart, u n til we com e to i t . " T h is applies to a n y aged p a tie n t w ho determined to wring a confession "Nancy," he said hoarsely, paa lias a s im ila r lesion. from her. I ,|onately. "my wife—stay with ma £ -o m a c h Gas D L E R IK A A G a la W e e k W e’re Pioneers E G G IM A N N ’S FOR JUST Q & FAMILY , DOCTOR. ¡¿•JOHN JOSEPH GAINES MO H MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY