UI THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PRIVAT FAMILY ioung People of HILL STOPS ALL [ - Church Are Busy CYCLE EXPERTS DISPLAYS RELICS “TMIL” PROGRAM OPENING TOM I Guild Girle Spent Week-end Bible Display Of Four Cone- At Cascadia; B. Y. P. U. Los Angeles Rider Dashes Delegates Meeting Over Top In Exhibition rations Shown In Window After Meet Ride Of Local Jewelry Store Young people of the Baptist Springfield People Take Part In Large Pageant. Have Pioneer Parade Entry MOTION PICTURES TAKEN Night Show, Pioneer Parade Friday Induetrlal Parade Saturday Highlights People of Hprlngfleld are sell»« Ih the Oregon T rail pager* celebration io be staged in today. Friday and Haturday. * • Hprlngfleld residents are ta • p arti In tb« acting and uiut porllnn. of tb« pageant, and » Chamber of Commerce baa ante ed a covered wagon In tbe plonee. parade to be beld Friday morn­ ing at 10:10 Oeerney Bowerman. native ion of thia community w ill drive tbe covered wagon to be pulled by hto span of mules. On either aide of tbe wagon will be bannera reading Springfield or Bust." Charles Cornell and otber resi­ dents of Hprlngfleld bave taken an acUwe part In the buabwbacker (wMaker growing) organlaatlon and have won several prises NO. 27 HHtlNGKIKLli, LANE COUNTY. OKKOON, THVRHDAY, JULY 2«, li»34 TH1HTY-KIHHT YKAK Pioneer articles dating hack to, 1804, most of them actually used In tbe families of her ancestors are being exhibited thia week by Mrs. E. G. Privât In tbe window of the Privât Jewelry »tore. Perhaps (be oldest of tbe collec­ tion la (be copy of Ibe Massachu­ setts Missionary magasine printed In 1804. Other publications In« clods four generations of Bibles Vincent C. Hascall, Ornaba law- which have been handed down to *. chosen president of Mona In ­ Mrs. Privât, a school reader of vi Iona I al Grand Rapida. Mlchl- 1831, and a Christ Ian Almanac of M in g . IS M . church are busy with church meet­ ing« of various kind« the«« days A group of seven girls returned Bunday from a week-end outing at Caacadla where they attended the housewarming party of the World Wide Guild. Included In the party were Ixirna (.’base, Gall Chase. Ger­ aldine Chase, Hblrley Crawford, Jewel Farnsworth, Dructla Ogilvie, and Eileen Wilts«. They were ac­ companied by Mrs. Bernald Holtan and Mrs. Merle Chase. Monday evening Roland Farce- worth left for Cascadia to spend 10 days attending the sessions of the State Young People's assembly. Farnsworth and Miss Ogilvie, who remained over, are delegates re­ presenting the local B Y P. U. The Baptist church receotly ac­ quired a tract of land near this mountain town and have establish­ ed a permanent summer assembly there At tbla time the yonng peo­ ple, the adults and tbe boys’ groups are all holding session« at the same place. 14,000 Bananas 3 TEAMS TIED FOR SOFT BALL LEAD Irish - Murphy Climba Into Top Place With Fulopa In Ball League Tueeday Fourteen riders in 43 starts fail­ ed to reach tbe top of Beacon hill Sunday afternoon In the profes­ sional motorcycle hill climb spon­ « sored by Hill Itavis and Ray Tau ser. Many spills and plenty of thrills were provided for the audi­ ence. a targe part of which did not contribute anything towards KART ORANGE, N. J ___ Three meeting tbe financial expenses of year eld Alas Zeleay (aheve/, d«e the meet. to digestive allineata, has aaheisud The meet closed sensationally lee the tost two year« an a dwt of only baaaaas and water A t tbe rato when Bob Keller, champion of of 21 baaaaas a day it is isti»«te.: Southern California begged per-1 ba bat eaten 14,000 bananas. mission to make an exhibition ride and was successful in going over the top. The ride made by the Lon i Angelé« boy w n mail« after the official race had be-o concluded and his feat was not recognized officially by Ray Garner, A. M. A. representative. His time was 14 3-5 seconds. Only three other riders have successfully scaled the hill ¡ Francis Waechter Paases On In official meets They are Al Foe- Sunday At Home Here; Fu* berg of Seattle and BUI Davis who nera! Service« Held tied for time with 9 1-5 seconds each, and Tommy Sifton of San < Francis Waechter. well-known Francisco. reddest of Springfield, and Lane A m ateur W inners county, passed away at his home Winners of tbe amateur event I here early 8unday morning follow­ were Marlon Deltrtck. Portland, j ing an illness of several months with 246 feet, first place; W infield j duration. He was born ta Orange Kellogg. Portland, second with 227 ¡ county. New Jersey on June 21, feet; and Charles Farrier of Port-! 1860 and was 74 years of age at the land, third with 148 feet. time =: his death. Riders, their distance in their Mr. Waechter win active until first and second tria l- In the ama -j 1931 when he retired- at his home teur division were; on “L" street in Springfield. Speed Jorgenson. Salem. 145 He to survived by one daughter. feet, out; Louia Kalita, Seattle, 124118; Charles Farrier, Portland, Miss Mary Waechter of Portland, 148 168; Irving Downing, Chehalis. one brother, Carl Waechter of Bear Washington. 45-out; Marion Delt- iA ke, Michigan, and two sisters, rick. Portland. 246-none; Red Rice, Ml«a Josephine Waechter, and Portland. 157(6-136; BUI Tatteraall. Mary Waechter. both of Norge, Eugene. 112-111; and W infield Kel­ New Jersey. NEW SERIES TO START Play-Off For Winnara To Ba Held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings The first series of games in the oft ball league now under way in Springfield ended Tuesday even­ ing with the Fulop and Irish-Mur­ phy teams tied for first place and a playoff has been set for next week by Paul Bchantnl. manager. Fulop and Irish learn« hav« each won four games and have lost oee each. They will play a series of three game« on Monday. Tues­ day and Wedne-day evening« next week to determine winners of first and second places. Among tbe many otber articles ere two band made homespun table clothe, one colored and tbe otber white. Women are especially \ incsnt Htscatl. Omaha. Nebr­ Interested nl this as they study aska. was chosen president of the types of stitches used In tboee Immediately following the play­ Lions International tor tbe next days, says M r Privât. off the six teams to the league year to succeed Roderick Beddow A folding fan with a cloth back­ will resume play following the at the dosing session of the Lions ground and embellished with little same schedule on which they first International convention nt Grand metal disk« has been In tbe family started for another round. First Rapids Friday He was elevated for more than 100 years A buck- games in the new serie« will be to tbs presidency from tbe position nklu money belt, entirely made by started next Thursday evening. hand and still serviceable la of first vice-president. Results of the games played last He Joined (be Omaha IJone club shown. Thursday evening were as follows: W a lt Queen A rriv a l One of tbe Mampler needlework as a charter member In 1*10 and Fulops 19. Laraons 4; Irish-Murphy Kugene baa everything In readl- since that time haa attended every pieces made In 1824 to shown A 17. Kirkland 5; W rights Hardware neaa for the opening of the big International convention. peculiar thing about tbeee are that 5. Shorty’s 22. show tbla afternoon with the a r­ M r Hascall to a lawyer and to tbe alphabet, both the capital and rival of the queen at I o’clock. In carge of the legal affairs of tbe small letters are nil completed, Tuesday evening tbe Irish-Mur Several d tlee in the atal^ are Standard Oil Company of Nebr­ but the verse on all of them to phy and Fnlop game proved the sending princesses to take part In aska. left unfinished. upset of the league when tbe gro­ tbe events of the week-end Total membership In tbe Nation­ A home span shawl and a wed­ cers def-ated the drygoods men Return Sunday, Six During the big drvae rehearsal al Association now stands at 80.- ding drees worn by Mrs. Prlvat’s Two 6-1 In a laat minute rally. W right’s held Tuesday evening officials de­ 000 enrolled In 1,480 clubs. great grandmother to also shown. dropped another game to K irk ­ More Start Week’s Outing clared that everything was set for Included In the oollectlon to a land 11-17. and Shorty’s ran away At Camp Cleawox tbe opening show Motion picture badly worn Union army cap wore from Larson’s 18-4. by Daniel Usher, great-uncle of companies were on tbe ground Many Springfield G irl Scouts Standings of the six teams at Mrs Privai nt the time he served | went to Florence Sunday to visit Tuesday evening to shoot many of the close of the first series play­ tbe scenes from this historical In the Civil war In Washington. their camp, Cleawox south of that off are as follows: •how D. C. city. Six of the girls remained for Team W L Performed oo a newly designed Several large docks one dating the current week, and the others Fulop’s »...... ...........„........ 4 1 stage 140 feet long that rises to a back to ISIS and made almost en­ returned that evening Peggy and Irish-Murphy .............. 4 1 tirely of wood, and another from Teddy W right who attended tbe height of 46 feet, the pageant will 2 The Rosary was said at the Kirkland's Floral ---------------- 2 logg. Portland. 227-225 undoubtedly be tbe greatest per Remain« Sant To Pendleton; 1S46. a Beth Thomas model, are first camp period returned with 2 3 Poole Funeral home here Tuesday Shorty's _______ Keller Is W in n e r exhibited TVese were described tbe group Bunday evening rom ance of thia type ever attempt 4 Funeral Services To Be Bob Keller wou first. Don Wes-1 evening at 7:30. Mass and funeral W right’ ? Hardware _____ 1 some time ago In an article about ed la America It Is declared by Those attending camp now are 4 services were held Wednesday Larson's Service ________ 1 Held There Today tergard. Seattle, second, and Otto! M r Prlvat’s clocks drama experts Flora Bertach, Virgie Buxxard. No playoff w ill be held for the morning at the 8t. Mary's Catholic Drager. Portland, third in tbe sec­ Also Included in tb« dl-plav are Rob-rta Putman. Thelma Burk Tbe Oregon T rail w ill again Mrs Elma Rychard passed away church In Eugene and interment two teams tied at the bottom posi­ many tintype pictures of the an­ hart. Frances Orham. and Inez ond or expert event. have three feature events, In ad­ at her bom« hare. <07 D. street was made in Laurel Grove ceme­ tion says Schantol. Riders and distances: Bill Devi« cestors of Mrs Privât dition to a lively program of teaser Orham. Tuesday morning following an ex­ tery. Unusual interest in the softball attractions Tbe pageant w ill be In the group vtoltlng the camp 156(6-200; Ixmto K alita. 138-123; tended Illness. league games has been shown dur­ Boh Keller. 237-nnne; Don Wester held each nlgbt. Friday the pion­ Bunday were Frances and Fern Hh« was born at Freewater. Ore­ LIONS TEAMS START ing the first weeks of play and gard. 214-164; Charl”^ Farrier, 147- eer parade will take place, and on Cornell. Hazel and Virginia Hicks, gon on November IS. 1806 tbe large crowds have followed their BASEBALL CONTESTS and I^ o ta Bertsch. 136; Marlon Dietrick. 192-187(6; Saturday practically every city In daughter of Mr and Mrs Luigi favorite players. It to possible that Red Dallberg. Portland. 168-171; j tbe state will Join I" for the par­ Both groups were accompanied Bellomo An 11-run lead gained In the first the winners of the local games w ill Red Rice. 118-out; “SUck" Tindall. ade of progress. In April. 1813 eh« was married half Inning of tbe baseball game by Mr and Mrs W illis Bertsch. be entered in the state play at Portland. 184-164; Otto Drager. Pageant Episodes Told to Ralph Rychard at Freewater played on Brattain field Monday and Mrs. Pearne Crowe. Salem this fall. Tbe pageant will open with a 208-167. Miss Eunice Gerber, leader of where they made tbelr home until evening was more than enough to D rager la W in n e r miniature covered wagon train three months ago when they came cinch an opening victory for W. K. the Springfield troop, is acting as Open event winners were Otto prologue, composed of children to Springfield. Barnell’s Lion club team over the camp nur«e and w ill remain during Husband, Two Sons, Five PRAYER MEETIN HAS Drager firs t; Bill Davis second; from five to nine years old. Small She to survived by her husband, club team headed by Thelm er Nel­ the entire camp period, another EARLY DAY ATMOSPHERE Daughters. And Other and Red Dallberg. third. boys ns "oxen" will draw covered two weeks. an Infant son. Gen« Allen, six son. wagons made from express wagons, Riders and distances were; Bob Relatives Survive Church Groupa T a k e A ctive P a rt months old. her parents, and one This was the first game of the liny pioneer women w ill rids In Keller, 141-165; Otto Drager. 138- brother, Augustine, all of Free­ season and after a few shifts In REBEKAHS AND I. O. O. F. C reating Atmoephere F or Mrs. Agnes Ellen Lindsay, wife 192; Red Dallberg. 157-161; BUI them, and on the trail "Indiana" Pageant Days water. player positions both teams work­ SET JOINT PICNIC DATE Davts. 167(6-out; and ’’Slick" T in ­ of S. J. Lindsay, died at her home will beset tbe caravan. Tbe body was taken to Pendle­ ed smoothly. Game« are to be on route 2. Springfield, Friday Tba ancient Mayan clvllliatlon. Members of the Springfield I. O. dall. 147-out. Old fashioned is becoming the ton Wednesday noon by the Spring- played on the field every Monday believed by some to have preceded No one was injured during the morning* at the age of 62 years. O. F. lodge and of Juanita Rebekah style for church programs now that field chapel of tbe Poole-Gray-Bar­ evening at 8:45. Teams will be tbe Indiana In Oregon, w ill first afternoon but Rice had his motor She was born in Allegheny county, Eugene to about to open the third tholomew Funeral Home. Funeral ■ chosen up for each game from lodge will have a Joint picnic at be portrayed In tbe opening epi­ broken. Jorgenson broke handle­ Pennsylvania, on January 28. 1872 D llly’s Riverside park on Sunday, big pageant.and men in all parts of services and Interment are being; those present on the ball grounds and lived in Kansas. Idaho, and sode. Regal splendor and glory August 12. tl was decided at the bars In his first ride, and Daria Lane county are raising nice crops conducted there today. at playing time Washington before coming to Ore­ will mark this, and this phase has was forced out when the English of whiskers. Clark E. Wheaton officiated at meeting of the Odd Fellows last j a thrilling climax as tba barbaric Wednesday evening and agreed to made Douglas froxe. "Slick” T in ­ gon in 1932. She was a member of Last night at the Baptist church the game Monday evening. MEETS hordes descend upon tba people FISHERMAN by the Rebekah lodge Monday dall gave the large crowd plenty the Rebekah lodge. an old-fashioned prayer meetln* She Is survived by her husband, and wrack them. The second epi COUGAR ON FALL CREEK evening Mrs. Wiida Cotton. Mrs. of thrills with hta daring rides and was held under the direction of SERVICE GROUP HEARS five daughters. Mrs. H. N. Calhoun. sod« depicts tbe early coast In Lillian Black and Mrs. fla rln e Put­ dodging from the path of his hurtl­ Mr. and Mrs. W ilfred Cook. Mr. Three fishermen relum ing from I NEGRO QUARTET SING Ione, Washington. Mrs. O. W . Van- dlnns, busy about their work or man from the Rahakah lodge and ing machine. and Mrs. Douglas Riggs, and Mr. derholm. Newport. Washington. fishing, bunting and other peace­ a trip on Fall creek Monday told Lee Putman and Lynn 9tone from and Mrs. Roy Carlton. The old Mrs. Ida Lindsay. Spokane. Mrs. ful occupations. Then n cannon to of having seen a large cougar on Member« of the Cotton Blossom the Odd Fellows constitute tbe »y-teni of men sitting on oDe side Lucetta Bonner and Miss Florence board, and tbe ship Columbia the upper waters Inside the forest singers quartet entertained mem Joint committee In charge of ar­ YOUNG COUPLE ARE TO and ladies on the other side was Lindsay, both of Pasadena, Call- moves on to tbe huge stage, full reserve about nine miles. The cou­ here of the Lions club nt their rangements for the affair. BE MARRIED ON FRIDAY The carried out. fornia: two sons. Richard Lindsay «tie oo n unique "wagon" device. gar was seen by Homer W right of luncheon Friday noon with a short lodges will furnish Ice-cream, cof­ A week ago tonight the mid-week Men In the rigging chant lusty Eugene who was fishing with concert of favorite numbers Includ fee. cream and sugar. Mise Helen C a rte r To Become of Springfield, and Earl Lindsay service of the Christian church Marlon Adams and Floyd Church­ of Pasadena. sen tunes, and then tbe scene to B ride Of Alonzo M anw aring Ing ”O Mary Don’ To’ Weep No A short practice of the entrance was held at the D. B. Murphy Ten grandchildren, six brothers brought to a climax ns the mem ill. At Ploaaant H ill More," " C a rry Me Back to Old drill wa« held after the business home. Featured at this service W right, who to a taxidermist In and two sisters also survive. b e n of tbe cast sing "H a ll Colum Virginia,” "Old Man River,” and session Mqnday. I was the Cotton Blossom singers Eugene, declared It was the larg­ several others all specially a r­ The marriage of Miss Helen Car-, Funeral services were held Mon­ from the Piney Woods school In The pony Indians, the coming of est cougar he had ever seen. ter. daughter of Mrs. O. A. Brown day afternoon at 2 o'clock from ranged. FORMER HIGH SCHOOL Mississippi. Only recently one of the Klnts- Lewis and Clarks, and other early of Pleasant H ill to Alonso Manwar- the Veatch chapel In Eugene. Dr. One of the singers took a short Oo Sunday special old-fashioned STUDENT IS MARRIED Irg , son of Mr. and Mrs. J J. Man- E. V. Stivers officiated. events are each given an episode, ley brothers took some varmint while to explain the history of the services were held in both the dogs Into the country where the and then the main part of the epic waring of Springfield w ill be held Piney Woods school In Mississippi Word has been received In Christian and Baptist churches. to reached, the pioneer days. Hun­ men were fishing and they treed which the quartet represented. Friday evqplng at the home of Springfield the past week telling DR. POLLARD TO DISCUSS two cougar and a bear according dreds of cltlisns, many of them Dr. and Mrs. Brown at Pleasant L ittle business was transacted at of the marriage of Betty Lou An­ descendants of pioneers, and even to the forest ranger stationed on the meeting Friday. Dr. Dow an­ LIQUOR AT MEN’S CLASS CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO H ill. derson. dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. a few pioneers themselves, depict ¡H e e Hee mountain, Rev W alter Meyers, pastor of nounced that the Boy Scout com­ A. A. Anderson of Tillamook, to A comparison of the present situ­ HAVE F 0L L 0W 8H IP TOPIC the struggles of the wagon train, the Christian church, w ill read the mittee was planning an outing for Norton Ferguson of Portland. The ation with free flowing liquor and the early settling and otber phases RALPH SWEENEY PASSES the local troop sometime In Aug­ service oofore only family mem­ "A Challenge to Fellowship,’’ ceremony was held In Portland of pioneer life. The Champoeg ust. bers and a few close friends at 9 that of prohibition days and the will be the subject of the service where they will make their home. IN EUQENE ON MONDAY pre-prohihitlon era w ill be made event to Impressively depicted, as o’clock. Mrs. Ruth Fischer of Los at the Christian church Sunday Miss Anderson lived here several are many other scenes. Angeles, sister of Mr. Manwaring. Sunday at the meeting of the well-known VIGILANTES CLEAN Ralph Sweeney, morning with Rev. Vettle Pruitt, years ago with her parents, and and Coy Leathers will attend the Men’s class of the Methodist W o rld "M adness" Shown Springfield resident for many was a student In the local high OUT EUGENE RADICALS church at 10 o’clock by Dr. W. H. pastor, speaking. Special music The pageant than trace, the <>4Viyeart dled Bt 140| Oak , treet 1n couple at the simple ceremony. will be given at the morning and elopment of the Oregon country I „ Mon„ H# WM „ f '^ T T u p p o .e d ly via- school. Following the ceremony a recep Pollard. Dr. Pollard has Just re- | ilo n an d rofreshmems w.i. he held. 1 turned from a trip to Chicago and i - e n in g services. The p .s t .r down to the time of the W orld war. „„ . A froup “ .m en’ Colorado on March 27, 1896 and (untM, raided the radical labor BASS FISHING BETTER The couple plan to spend several, * HI discuss conditions as he view. P»*a