THUftSI»AY. JtU Y 1». 1M< THÈ âPR lN ûflfiL Ô NEWS PACK POUR Pacific Wich President LOGGING BR0PS » AS STRIKE WAGES HOME OWNERS LOANS * 1 AVAILABLE FOR REPAIRS * I - Federal Fund« Alee A vailable Thoee Already Having Financing L ean t To TRAIL’ PAGEANT EPISODES TOLD DÍTTH D fttC tR dav«" with Hie hlelorlc Chaiiiixteg episode, trapper«. proepeetore, puck trains, pony asnreaa, «(tack of ludiuus and many other Inter eating and thrilling feulures Lone Cowboy To tin g An Interlude next will portray the cow trail». with a "lone eow boy" alndlii* plaintive songs of Ihe range. accompanied by a ttfSlodlou» chorus, all mounted on horseback. The World War memorial, the "post win Miidlie a," and Ihe "Ore gnu Trail of the Future," will con- I i luile Ihe nlglll event. Federal Home Owner'« loans Interest Centering In Final may now be had In addition to j Scenes Of “War Madneee" refinancing their mortgages. Many \ And "Trail Of Future" : people are under Ihe tiupreaeiou that if they already have a Home The triennial epic "The Oregon An order of the Pacific North­ Owners' loan they cannot borrow T, ...... h|t west Loggers association. Seattle, .none» front the government to fix (>r , ht> „„ the code ageno (or all log pro­ up or remodel ihe interior and the (|V Ju|y ag, duction In the West Coast Logging Pioneer Parade Friday exterior of their home». This Is 2? and 28. will not only have the and Lumber division, approved The world famous pioneer pur ! not Ihe case, as (hose who have mu Iblee outstundltiK testaros ade will be held on Friday Entries July 11 by the Lumber Code au­ i already borrowed from (h Home as before, the pageant, pintieci j for the Parade of Progress. Hal thority. Washington, is announced, 'Owners' l.oon Corporation are en parade and parade of proarea«, ba: urduy. are coming In from «cores which calls for a reduction of ‘ titled to the reconditioning the each of these have been expanded of communities slid other orguul 155.090,099 feet iu the total log same a those who are now mak­ far b yonil anything ever liefere quota tor the third quarter of 1934. tut Ions. ing application to have their mort- attempted, a survey Just compieteli The reduction, the official order «ages taken over by the corpora-, 4|t(lwa states, is "entirely due to the long­ Attend Funeral i tlon Again, those who own their The pageant, the cast of which shoremen's strike, the said strike Mr. and Mrs. W. J »coll drove homes clear of mortgage hut who ha grown from 1200 iu 1929 to retarding the cutting of lumber" to Milverton Tue da« lo atlend ihe ire unable to obtain recondition more (hull 20«! this year, will alao and o piling up log Inventories funeral service« tor Mrs. May lug loans from private lending have at least five new and orlgliitl which are now tiecoming exces­ The wend impressive "dense ef Scott Merlrellu who di d there agencies are entitled to the bene-1 the broad PaeiOr oceaa »hoard features, la announced by Mis. PANAMA. Oaaal x » ~ ^ V w l i T a e . . ^ V , «hip e « . Me 1 0 .« * death" w ill be one of the enueual last Huudic Mrs Marlnella wo» a h it 10,«X» sive. fits of this department. the U.8M Hooeten. President Doris Seilth. nationally known di­ eight! accorded people who attend Photo above The program of reduction, ac­ mile vacation trip anti! they pet ia . t Hawaitoa Uto«> • niece of Mr Heoli'a. Three distinct operations have rector. who la in charge The new Eugene’s Oregon T ra il pegeent ebowe the Prreident end h>» eoa 1 renklia D . J r„ iwrelving ut» proeioe v cording to the order, is intended been earmarked by the govern July 26, 27 and 23. The denoe w ill when they - e a t » b o re at M a y « — . P w ~ to «too. .h ito the additiona include a children's cover­ ee done by a real Indian girl, at­ to bring total log inventories into Visit Qlrl Scout»— Mr and Mrs ment Repair and maintenance la ed wagon prologue, an Impressive tractive Thelma Knowlton, whoqp line with the averages of the pre­ trnisor Houston »iood by in ihe .dllng II. E. Uerbor drove lo Ihe Girl first. Including all work designa­ verse speaking chorus of 4li voices, Indian name i t "Sul-Kauta." Her vious three years by October 1. Seoul eamp Cleawox near Florence ted to restore a house to its con­ frontier days episode which will in­ husband w ill give th« old Indian Many Worker« Idle dition when new. such as painting, ehant, accompanied by tom-tome Suudav lo vlalt Ihelr daughter. M c D onald brings film clude Ihe historic Champoeg event, while she dances A decrease of close Io 20.000 in Kunlee. who 1» leader of Ihe FEATURING KAY FRANCIS pointing of masonry, calking of a world war memorial, and several the nutnbqr of employees in the Springfield troop and now aervlng doors and window frames, roofing, entertaining and thrilling Inter­ Clark entering the Oregon country, as eninp tiurae for the aecond year logging and lumber industry of "Doctor Monica" coming to the replacement of gutters, down­ ludes In all 10 episodes, four la- guided by Sai-ajawes Western Oregon and Washington spouts. floors, plumbing, etc. McDonald theatre in Eugene Sun­ i terludes and the prologue are on is reflected in current production Down from Blue River—Mr. and Remodeling is next in order, in­ the program. day for four days, is one of the The covered wagon episode will reports as compared to the week Mrs Sam Scott of Blue River were volving structural changes, such most fascinating triangular tovq i A new thrill will he added iu Ihe come next. In whleh will occur the preceding the longshoremen's dramas ever screened, in which as enlargement, addition of a bath­ pageant by the use of "wagon" famed and powerful "Driver's In Springfield on Tuesday strike. The decrease in employ­ the wife and the "other woman" room. a porch, window, rearrange­ stag««, an innovation that Is al­ Song." Ihe gay “Oh Susannah," ment is due primarily to the effect Pengra Men Here — Irl Dead both attempt to sacrifice them­ m e n t of rooms, or any other alter­ ready attracting national attention and a faithful repreaentatlon or of the strike but in part to a sea­ mond of Pengra was a vlallor In selves to give the other a chance ation in the design. life along Ihe Oregon Trail. This sonal reduction in production and Moderniilng. the third operation. to Eugene. Complete sets are con­ will be followed by the "frontier Springfield Saturday. for happiness. structed on wheels, and the whoie eniplyment which usually occurs it is enacted by an all star cast | »uvolvwg Installation of new equlp- appearance of the huge stage. 240 at this time of year. In April there headed bv Kav Francis In the title '»*"’• »>" '> a« Insulation, heating feet in length and reaching a were about 51.000 persons in the role and Including Warren Wil >>«"« ele« trlc system or running F a ir and R easonable P ro fits helgjth of 35 feet, can be changed industry. Ham. Jean Muir and Verree Teas *ater. In a few seconds. This has been Fifty-eight large tidewater mills dalv Those who wish to repair or With congress out of the way made possible by the genius of in the Douglas fir region., which until next January there can be no Miss Francis, as the beautiful "*•**• tb*,,r home" "»•«•* «»able and during the week ending May 5 new legislation, and the nation can Doctor Monica, is very much in attractive should make Immediate Fred Harris, former university ilrutii’. instructor and now a na produced 42 per cent of the cut take time to sit hack and evaluate love with her author husband. application to Edward F. Bailqjr, tionalle known stage designee. reported by a total of 594 mills, what has been enacted, and find district Home Owners' loan Cor­ John, a part played by Warren STILL GOING STRONG . . Another feature worthy of nn were not operating during the out whether it looks, on the whole William, and is unaware that he poration manager In the Miner tlonal attention will be Ihe appear­ week ending June 30. and are still beneficial or injurious Io private is having a clande-tine affair with building In Eugene. Anticipât» Your Needs and Fill Them at Th»t» Un­ ance of Raymond Marlowe, celebra- down. These mills sell more than capital and enterprise. Mary, one of her girl friends of heard of Price». CITV UUADDAMTG m a v c t *>r*< tenor, who wilt sing "In- half of their output in markets gj.,, | ove Cair |n |>on). |n There seems to be a feeling that her own social set. a part portray CITY W A R R A N T S M O V E requiring water delivery. The RAPIDLY WHEN CALLED episode Mr Marlowe, hear- EUGENE. OREGON docks of practically all these mills the president will not willingly use e«l by the gorgeous ravishing Jean 63-E BROADWAY ----------- mg of the community enterprise are load d to capacity with lumber the broad powers granted to him -Muir. The husband and the girl have All but four of the city warrants her»-, volunteered to take part which is sold and awaiting ship­ in any injurious way. that he Is es­ established a love nest, but after! ,-»lied for payment Friday under Pageant Episode« Olven sentially conservative, in his re­ ment Even after it becomes pos­ The pageant proper will open sible to move this lumber, resump­ cent statement expounding his the first flush of pas-ion the con- the new financing plan adopted tion of production will be slowed plans for the future he took pains sciences of both begin to bother recently by the Council had been! with a depiction of pro-civlllzatlon until piling space becomes avail­ to lav stress on the statement that them. They finally decide to end i presented for payment by Monday | or Myra times. Thia will Include there Is to be no interference with the romance, the husband going to afternoon according to I. M. Pet-¡a new feature, the "dance of able. Europe, where he discovers his terson. city recorder. The unpaid death." to be done by a real In­ (air and reasonable profits. love for the girl was merely a pass- warrants are held by persons llv- dian girl, with the accompaniment The administration's friends be­ CIVIL WAR PAPER TELLS of tom toius. The second episode lieve that as things quiet down dur­ ing emotion and that he really D |n g at distant points. OF DISLIKE FOR NORTH ing the summer, business men will in love with hi-» wife Cnder the new finance plan the will depict the life of the early Still hopelessly in love. Mary city will operate on a warrant coast Indians A cannon shot scat- begin to realize that a good many An interesting copy of an early of the things that have frightened becomes reckless and at a week hast» and call ail old outstanding j ters the Indians and projects the Democratic paper of the Civil war them are bogies, without real end party narrowly escapes serf warrants for payment as fast a s ) third episode, that of the arrival days which was published on wall­ of Captain Grey’s ship Columbia power to do them harm. Also, it ous injury when, riding like the funds are made available paper during the days General ------------------------- Thia will roll in on the wagon looks as though the whole admin­ wind, she tried to jump her horse. Grant laid siege to Vicksburg. Stage, until Ihr ship, life site, with istration program has now been over a high fence and sustains a REMODELING STARTS Mississippi, was received here this bad tall. disclosed IN DENTIST'S OFFICE "T" h« h " V " ,," ” " ‘D week by Dr. W. N. Dow. who pur­ Doctor Monica who is also pres »lew Sea < hanties and other at chased it from a collector in Hie^BRAIN . . . . doesn’t w ear out ent at the party, attends her. Remodeling, which will Include tnospheric music will make this East. The human brain doesn't wear Although called “Doctor Monica" scene unusual. The paper, the "Daily Citizen.” out. It grows with use. Not long it is not In any sense of ihe word enlarging rearranging, and lm- J A C K O J K I E . B E N B E R N IE . A B U R E JUDGE Wagon T ra in Planned . .. , ,, . proving the dental offices of Dr. j was dated July 2. 1863. It is print­ before his death I asked Thomas L I’ X ? T ir » «a» tx A W e n * T * h a e s The pony Indians will be the DOROTHY DELL AND MIS U N 9 SKIPWORTH ed on the reverse side of wallpaper A. Edison how he kept his youth­ Rather it is the amazingly colorful W. X. Dow be«an Monday. The j motif of the fourth episode. The . , . .. | east wall of Ihe present office Is - and was published by the north­ ful outlook. He had been talking, -Iran., and n.m ance In which t h * f i f t h ............. w ill ahnw l a w l . and ern troops after they had taken at 82. of things he was going to do central character happens to be a enlarging the office room. The of­ the city from a form left by the next. doctor. fice Itself will be changed about editors. "You can keep your brain young with new quarter» for the labora­ Interest in the paper centers hy working it hard.” he replied. “It JOHNSON DENIES NRA tory. and special rooms for dental about the various statements the trows in power with use. The only FAVORS LABOR CROUP work and for patients to rest. southern writers made about local thing that grows old about a man conditions, their fafili in confeder­ is his body. If my stomach holds "The duty of NRA Is to see that CONSTIPATED 30 YEARS ate victory, and their comments out I'll be inventing new things men are represented hy their own AIDED BY OLD REMEDY about food conditions. The paper and better things at 100 ' freely chosen representatives. The is four-columns in size and had "For thirty years I had constipa­ administration will not favor any tion. Souring only two single column headline«. food from stom ach. particular form of organization choked me Since taking Adlerlka Small hands pointed to the start TURKEY GROWERS PLAN —neither the American Federation I am a new oer-mn. Constipation Is : of a new article. TOUR OVER COUNTY nor any other." , a thing of the past."—Alice Burns ' One article dealt with the steal­ . . ’ . t _ was __ .„ F ia in n e rv ’s Drug Store. This ' statemen made ing of food and how mule meat and Specialists To Speak And Give Portland Monday morning by Gen NOTICE cats were eaten O em o nstiltio ns Monday; Tour eral Hugh S. Johnson, in speaking OF SHERIFF’S SALE W ill Start Near Goshen to representatives of the Four-lJ NOTICE Is hereby given that by WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS I virtue of an execution and order of association and to quiet many ru-. Ba,p |BBUPj ou» nf ,he Circuit Court: SET PICNIC FOR SUNDAY A tour to study turkey produc­ mors that the NRA body was j of the 9tate of Oregon for Lane tion problems will be held on Mon favoring the one labor organiza-! County thi« 13th dav of July. 1934, Members of Pine circle. Neigh­ day. July 23. by O. 8. Fletcher, tion as against another. u,non »"«» P»r"»«nt to a decree duly given and made by said Court the bors of Woodcraft, will meet at county agent, cooperating with a 12th day of July, 1934. In a sult| the Eugene-Springfield auto park committee of leading Lane county nendln« therein In which The Pa­ Sunday for their annual all-day pic­ turkey growers. C. C. Edmunds, cific Ravings A- Ixian Association, nic The lodge will furnish coffee, executive vice-president of the I McKenzie Valley n Washington corporation was nlalntiff and W A. Sweet and Northwest Turker Growers Asso­ ci earn, sugar and ice-cream. Some of the announcements of others were defendants, which exe A program of sports and stunts ciation; J. C. Leedy, manager of general Interest the past and com­ entlon and order of sale was to me Oregon Turkey Cooperatives; and ing week were Waltprville Ladle«' directed and commanded me to sell b planned. H. E. Cosby, extension poultry spe club day last Thursday when Mrs. th- real pronertv hereinafter dee-1 Bail Games Cancelled — T h e ciaiist of O. A. C. will take part in E. I. Reynolds entertained the Mt. crlbed to «atisfv certain Hens and i Lions club baseball game set for the tour and discuss problems of Vernon Thimble club all day. The charge« In said decree specified. | I will on Saturday the 18th day of Monday evening was cancelled be­ the turkey grower. Mr. Edmonds Workers' society met with Mrs. 'neust. 1934 at the hour of 10:00 cause of the inclement weather. will given an address at the picnic A. A. Campbell. The Ladies' Aid o’clock. A. M.. at the southwest A new date for the initial game dinner at noon. met all day at the church. The door of the County Conrt House In Following Is the schedule for the Camp Creek Needle club met with Eugene, l.ane County. Oregon, of­ will be set at the club meeting fer for sal« and sp II at public auc­ Friday. day: Mrs. William Strunk. tion for cash, suhlect to redemp­ 10:30 A. M.—Farm of Joseph Rev. E. L. Wlnterberger preach­ tion as provided by law. all of the Relatives Visit—Mrs. Chris Thy- Kupetz. about five miles northeast ed at Waltervllle Sunday night. rlgh» title and interest of the de­ fendants In -aid suit and of all g»en. mother of H. O. IXbblee, of Goshen. Mr and Mrs. Wlnterberger were Mis. Ixiuis Rossick. a sister, and 12:00 noon—Basket dinner In week-end guests at the Frank Page parties claiming hy. through or under them or any of them In or her daughter, all of Everett, Wasta grove on Kupetz’s farm. home. Mr. Wlnterberger Is a form­ to the following described real Ington came down over the week­ 2:30 P. M —Farm of W. Y. Ford, er pastor, now stationed at An­ nronertv. to-wit: Beginning at a noint In the end to visit with Mr. and Mrs. 12 miles west of Engene on Crow chorage. center of a twenty (20) font road, Dlbblee. road. The sectional rally of the Lane one hundred elehtyffour (184) 4:00 P. M. — Farm of Jensen County C. E. will meet at Walter­ fee) West of its Intersection Work at Astoria — John Dale' brothers, 1% miles northwest of vllle church Sunday 3 p. m„ have j with the Countv Road running Adams left last week-end for As- Junction City on old west side Pa- potluck supper and evening meet-' Northerly thru the East half of Tile functionH of udverllHiiig art- lo aearch out buyer» and inform them Section seven 471 In Township toria where he will be employed, elflc highway. of new merchandi»« »Lyle», explain value» mid tell where and at what Ing. eighteen (181 South of Range ♦hree (3) We«» of th" Wiliam", Mr. and Mrs. Grand Hendericks prices they nmy be had. G etting these business meHHuges delivered In uh tte Meridian, «aid Intersection and son. Normal, of California are an efficient and Inexpensive m anner, as 1» consistent with good taste, and, being at a point 733 1-3 feet camping on the McKenzie. North of the mn»l Northerly through a medium that insures attention and acceptance, Is a m erchand­ Northeast eornpr of the William ising problem th at was solved years ago by the establishm ent of the good, I itekev and wife Donation T^tnd | Claim No 52 In «aid Townahln reliable and dependable newspapers. . . . The Hpringfleld News is a good and Ran-rp and running thence newspaper . . . .It. will get your sales message, Mr. M erchant and Business South 2’ 30' west one hundred Mr. and Mrs McFay, from Ixie | elehtv-four 41841 feet, to the Man, Into the homes of this comm unity. Advertising display space In the south ,lne of a tract of land con- Angeles, and daughter. Nedro, Springfield NewH Is the most economical method of parading your mer- . veved to E E. Roberts Mnv 9th. spent last Wednesday night at the 1925 hv deed recorded on page chandlsing offerings before an attentive audience who are the home new s­ A. W Weaver home. 400 of Vol. 143 of the Deed Re- Mrs. Beulah Harbit Is In Salem paper readers of thlH community. cords of Lane County. Oregon; visiting her daughter, Mrs. I^ester thence North 89" 30’ West along the South line of said tract one Peterson. hundred thirteen 41131 feet, M r. and Mrs. William Weaver thence North 2’ 30' East one At 2 O’Clock from Portland are here on an ex­ The Springfield News Is equipped lo supply u complete advertising servlcs to Spring hundred elehtv-fnitr 41841 feet tended visit with selatlves. to the center of said twenty 42411 field business and merchant advertisers. This Includes fine merchandise illustrations font rond and fhenc» East along ADMISSION 40c Mr. and Mrs. Branch and daugh­ attention-compelling layouts and merchandise moving copy. A phone call will bring a •aid center tine of «aid road lo ter from California are visiting at representative to explain all detail and assist with sales promotions, If desired. the niece of beginning, contain­ Auspices Springfield Post American Legion E. V. Stivers home. They with Simply Phone 2. ing 48 acres of an acre, more several members of the church had nr le»« )n Lane Conntv Ore-on Plenty of FREE Parking Space a basket dinner after church ser-| Dated »hl« itth dn n» .Tnlv 1934 C * O W ARTO S h e riff vices List Sunday near Hendricks Rv A E HI’I.EOAARD Deputy bridge. tJu 19-26--A 9 H I ) West Coast Log Production Cut Ordered For Third Quarter; Many Mills Idle S K lO Angeline Shop's U N LO A D IN G SALE tFVOKALD sun . - wed . KAY FRANCIS In Dr. Monica Mm THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Gets the Business Message Into the Homes of Buyers Professional M otorcycle HILLCLIMB! BEACON Springfield H ILL SUNDAY, JULY 22nd Complete Advertising Service