T ttl SPRINÓFtBtn N e w ! THURBI j AY, JULY If), 1*34 JAMBS K. KINO Attorney* at Law Minor Bldg., Euyana, Or*. NOTICB TO C R E D IT O R * SUMMONS MANY PEOPLE VISITING IN THM C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E NATIONAL FOREST AREAS STATE OF ORBUON FOR LANK COUNTY ttvedna L. Htark. Plaintiff, va Camp Site* And Paellltlo* Doubled Jatuea I ok > Stark. Defendant During Foot Year By To. Jatnea l,ao Htark. Defendant. C. C- C. W orker* IN T H E NAMK O F T H E STATE O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ A lotal of 34,(73.125 paranna en quired to appear and anawar the complaint filed against you In the t«r«d tho national foraata of the above entitled suit within four United Htatea lasi year, the U. 3. weeka from the date of the flrat liubllcutlon of thia summon« and If foreat aervlca announcad today. Of you fall to appear and answer for ihla nutuber, over threa and ons- want thereof the plaintiff will up- half tulliton vlalied the national for- plv in the court for the relief pray­ ■ >ts of Oregon and Waablngton. ed for In plaintiff* complaint which for ii decree of aald court dis- w Inch was a alight increase for thia solving the marriaB*_oontra”ct now -region over the previous year, nc- i exlatlng between the plaintiff and I cording to C. J. Buck, regional for- defendant herein and for such , , (w Uilurl nmy d X hjJ a /.’ id'proper'h’ < umpl..« In .he national fo r.a t. EAPC THftmi «*• party to do mucR damage of their representative* aa to why There It, however, a good deal of they let “W all Street ' stand In the money on the Republican aide. way of monetary inflation, hy Campaign funds are going to count either th * silver or the greenback heavily thia year In moat districts. route, when they had the power la Hero. agnln. the feeling in Wash­ their bands. Visitor from W aKervllle— Mrs I Movo to City— Mr. a*4 Mr» ft ington I* 'but tb- distribution of Iowa ('rump of W aliervllle wax a P. Kelso of Portland. but more re- immene* «:■>« of ‘government MANY LODGE MEMBERS visitor In Hprlngfleld Friday. i cently of Eng ne, have moved t * 1 money I d various forma of welfare ATTEND JOINT PICNIC Hprlngfleld, and are now living at ! activity, such a* the PWA. CWA. Vid* Man Hoc*— John Yarnell of 743 O »tree! COC. F E R A *ard the farm benefit* Nearly 1400 persona were esti­ Vida was a business visitor In and Lonuaed will go a long way Io mated to have attended the Joint R eturns H em *— Mr« Mary Howe Hprlngfleld Monday make voters! friendly to the admin- picnic of the W illam ette and Dee- returned to Hprlngfleld where she Tonnll* Taken Out— Mia* Geneva make* h *r bom* with Mr. and Mrs. latrntlon. add presumably to th * chutes valley J. O. O. F and Rebe­ kah lodge* at Lost Creek Bunday Wyooff had her tonsil* taken out Fred fx>nk. a eon-ln-law and daugh­ D mocratlc party at the office of a local physician ter. Monday after spending two Congreee Face* the Voter* Among thoee attending from Doubtless all the beneflclarle, of Hprlngfleld were Mr and Mr*. Friday weeks visiting at Creswell. Federal spending are grateful to Ernest Black and chlldken. La- Expected Home— Mrs W. K. Bar Leave for Homo— M r and Mrs. Mr Roosevelt— But Mr. Roosevelt Moyne and Bobby. M r and Mr*. uell and daughter. Barbara, are *>• Inland M Hover left this morning Is not running lor re-election this Lee Putman and children, Roberta pectml home from tb * Washington f(jr , bB|r bom. a, Aru„na year It la rongreas that baa to and Tommy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred benches the end of thia week after spending a few weeks vlalt- face the voter*, and mingled with Look and daughters. Mary Ann Hmlteon Fischer Mr*. FletuBer was »'««> relnttvoe here and In Eu the feeling t*a t congrats ha* been and Jean. Mr*. Sarah John*. Mr. nothing morg than a rubber stamp and Mr*. Bert Doene, M r*. Wanda formerly Ardlce Cog and lived here 8*t»*- several year« ago when her father 0ooU „ Mot. , __ Among the which the president used to make Barnes. Paul Myers, M r and M r*. operated a store here. . guest-i registered at the Springfield hla personal hctlon* legal and con­ Elmer E. Pjrne and son. Ramon. stitutional. Is a good deni of dis­ Mrs. Nellie Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Leave fee Fair— M r* Ella l-orn hu“ ’1 dur,n« ,b* we«k* nd O. satisfaction In many agricultural Linn 8tone, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer bard and daughter. Maurtne. left K. Oweo of Leona, h * r * Friday, and lection ■ over the way some of the Findley. Mr. and Mrs. Bert 8ankey, Tuesday morning for Chicago to « A « < « • ot Roseburg. regute. recovery project* have worked out. Betty and Bert Hankey. Mr. and attend th * Century of Progress fair. ' d on Monday. Farm price* in general have gone Mrs. Fred Hlnaon. Store Front P a ln te d -T h e front »» N o w p o rt-M r. W H. up. but price* of good* the farmer* W ELLS A W IL L S of the 1-oop cigar .to r * w a. given *« « *•» left again Friday tor New- have to buy have gone up farther Attorney* a coal of light paint Friday of last «*"• • ' ' « spending * few days In and faster The NRA haa done a Bank of Commerce Bldg. Eugene weeg Springfield. They operate a bicycle better Job In Its field than haa the MOTICff sale* and rental agency on the AAA. That has caused a lot of OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T California Folk Here— Mr. and coast. dl grunt lenient Nobody yet know* Notice la hereby gtevn that the Mr*. Erneet Neet of Redlands, Cali­ how far and how deep that kind of undersigned. Bertha A. Gill, Admin, fornia are here visiting with Mrs., Attend* Institute— I^Roy Inman dlssatlsfi.—*m wRh rnent, but it has beyond doubt Fisk, Judge of said Court, aa the Ino. California arrived here Halur M f and Mrs w T#y,or and created an undercurrent of discon­ time and place of hearing object­ day night to vt.lt with M r. Jennie M f antat« O. Yoran surviving huaband of some 45.000 motorist« and other W H IT T B N WWAFFORD. Atty loiura Yoran. deceased; France* for eatate. Yoran Doe, whoae married name people who visited the national for- IJe 28 Jy 6-12 19 161 la unknown and John Doe. her eata of Washington and Oregon, pri­ huxhand. and Ada Yoran surviv­ marily to enjoy the foreat beauty. NOTICE OF F IN A L HBARINO ing wife of Frank E. I>unn. de­ The reports also showed a total ceased; Lucille Dunn Dyott and Notice la hereby gtveo that the of 21.284.*92 Incidental or transient Cavtn Dyott. her huaband. and undersigned Phebe Mann ha* filed any other person or persona un­ visitor* to the national forest* Th* her final report and account aa known who are heirs at law of extension of highways and good ndm lnlairatrlx of the eatate of F. It Dunn and Celia Dunn, de­ foreat use roada kept the flow of Charlie R Mann, deceaaed. and the ceased; Underwood and Co. and Countv Court of Lane County. O r* It- successor* ami axalgna: Ella motor traffic about up to normal gon. haa fixed Monday, July 20th V. W alker. George W Dortaon, ul 10 O’Clock A M at the County Anna H ill and C. M H ill, her COUNTY CHAMBER MEET Court room In the Court house at huaband. Jane Doe Pengra. sur­ P v -.i-,- Oregon, aa the ttm* , he ,mren, a „f a baby daughter dcbtH That Is the statement offi-i Mevnr Roieniilatt and l* n » Ro* rangements. boro to them at the Eugene hos­ d a ily made that in Great Britain anhlatt. hla wife, both deceased: unemployment has been reduced pital on Thursday. July 12. 1934. the surceaanrs and assign* of J H ER B ER T W. LOMBARD to the point where tt was ftve years W Stewart Company, who are Attorney at Law Fish A bo vs Balknap— W. P. T y­ ago. Recovery, according to the unknown to the plaintiff and also all other person or persons un­ son, Clarence Hover and Leland M. cables, began In Europe early in NOTICE Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN known claiming any right, title Hover spent Sunday fishing above 1932 an(1 ba„ continued without OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Naturopathie Physician estate, lien or Interest In the real Notice I* hereby given that the Belknap on the upper McKenale serious Interruption since. W hether estate (tescrlhed In the camplnlnt underalgned has filed herein her river. Phone 31 J Defendant*. It had not already started in Am er­ final account as the Administratrix of the eatate of M ARY L. BR IS­ tiff Ice Hours: 1 to 6 P. M SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATIO N Two Scouts Return— Billy Dow ein at the same time, and whether Rdan B. D«ggles. France* Yoran TOL. deceased, with the County and Scott W right returned Sunday It might not have progressed as 404 Fourth Street Doe. whose married namn I* un­ Court of t-ane County. State of O re­ from a two-weeks outing nt the Boy rapidly here as there If there had known and John Doe. her hsuhand gon. and an order has been made been no experimental efforts to Ada Yoran surviving daughter* of and entered of record directing Scout camp. Lucky Boy on Blue stimulate It, is what is worrying laiura Yoran deceased: the un­ this notice ar>d setting the 21st day river. of August. 1934. at the hour of ten some of the president's advisers. known heir* at law of F B. Dunn Watchmaker and Jeweler Vacationists Com* Down — Mr. and Celia Dunn deceaaed; Under­ o'clock In the forenoon of aald day Not that they admit there Is any­ S P R IN G F IE L D wood nnd Company and Its sucre*- as the time and the County Court and Mrs. Ernest Crum were down thing to the ldea. but they are ter­ Be. Peolflo Weteh Inepeotor *ors and assign*: Ella V. W51k*r, Room. County Court House. Eu­ from McKenxie bridge Friday. ribly afraid that the Republicans First Clan* W ork kt Reasonable Oeor«e W Ixirison. Anna H ill and gene. Lane County. 8tate of Ore­ Price* C. M H ill, her husband; Jane Doe gon. as the place for the hearing of They have a beautiful summer will pick up the theory that the Pengra surviving widow of W. J. objection* If any. to the final ac home above the bridge. New Deal has hampered. Instead of Pengra. deceased; any and all count and the final settlement of stimulated, economic recovery, and General Law Practice aald e*tate. other persona unknown who may Visits Nl*c*— A. F. Poley of Port­ adduce so many facts in support of Dated and first published this he heirs at law of B. J. Pengra and land stopped here last Thursday I. M. PETERSON It as to make a convincing cam­ C. Emily Pengra. both deceased: 19 dnv of July 1934 Date of Inst publication August evening to visit with hta niece. Mrs. paign argument out of It. And no­ Attorney-nt-Lnw the unknown heirs at law of R. E. D. B. Murphy while enroute to Cali­ Strnltnn «ml Surah M Strntton. 14. 1934 City Hall Building body In Washington forgets for a GRACE STEARNS 8CH1SKA. fornia. hla wife, both deceased; the un­ minute that this la a campaign Administratrix of Estate of Hprlngfleld. Orkgon known heir* at law of J. B. Under­ Marv L. Bristol, deceased. Raturn from Vacation— Mr. and year. _ wood and Margaret L. Underwood, his wife, both deceased; the un­ H E R B E R T l/IM B A R D . Attorney Mr*. C. J. McKee and son. Jimmie, “Outa" Must Hava Issue known heirs at law of Meyer Ros for Administratrix. have returned from a two weeks In all fairness. It ought to be J 19-24— A 2-9-16 enhlatt and Lena Rosenblatt, hla motor trip to eastern Idaho. They made clear that unless the Repub­ wife, both deceased; the succe«- were accompanied home by Inex licans do find some definite, posi­ sor* *nd assign* of J W Stewart a**»«««'« at Law Company and all and every other M1 „ .j y *.,»«■»* rtraoan and Beth Ople of Meridian, Idaho. tive Issue between now and the be­ person o"« °" person or or persons, persons. unknown clalBP ginning of the congressional cam­ Ing any right, title estate lien nr of Pittsburgh. Pa. NOTICE OF HEARING Rsturn from Lake— Mrs J. M. paigns In September, they haven’t Interest In nnd to the rent property ON F IN A L ACCOUNT I^arson and two sons, and her any chance at all of capturing the described In the complaint In the _______ N O TIC E ____________ IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : name of the Stnte of Oregon j -pbst the undersigned admlntstra- father. Charles Toftdahl. returned lower house of congress or the sen­ GRKET1NOB trig of the eatate of L illie 8t*w- Saturday evening from Tule lake ate. Their chance of an opposition You and each of you are hereby art. decea«ed. has filed her ac near Klamath Falla where they Represented By majority Is slight, at best; but If required to appear and answer the count for the final settlement of visited with relatives for a week. the only campaign arguments they complaint filed against you In 'he *ald estate In the County Court E. H. TURNER shove entitled enuse on or before for Ioine County, Oregon, and that are able to put forward are the Catch Flah Lim it— After fishing Inst day of the publication ot Snlurday. the 11th day of August, stale pleas of the “outs” to be put 844 A Bt. Springfield. Ore. the thia notice, which will be the 9th, 1934. a' the Court Room of aald unsuccessfully for many hours on day of Auguat 1934 and If you fall | Court. In the County Court House. the McKenxie Sunday morning. 1 hack 'Tn”. baaed upon nothing con »tractive but merely upon dislike so Io appear In answer for want In Eugene at ten o’clock In the M. Peterson and Harold Stewart* thereof the rlatn tlff will apply to forenoon, ha* been hy *ald Court of the New Deal program, then drove up on W lnberry creak and the eourt and take a decree against fixed a* the time ad place for hear they will capture mighty few seats von for all and ringutar the relief Ing objection* thereto, and for final caught their lim it of fish within a in either house. prayed for In the complaint of the settlement of said eatate. short white. E D IT H FIX1SSIE F U N K E . Ad plnlnttff on file herein. It would not be a novelty If they m lnl’ tratrlx of the Estate of Ynu nnd each of you are further Doctor at Seattle— Dr. Milton V. did even gain control of congress Lillie Stewart, deceased renulred to appear on or before the Formerly Walker-Poole W alker Is expected to return Frl That has happened more than once snld dav nnd set forth the nature L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate (Jv 12-19-26— A 2-9) day noon from Seattle where he In our political history— but naver nnd extent nnd claim and Intereat EUGENE— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D von may assert In the following has ben since Sunday. He Is at when there was as good a politician 228 Main mid Charnelton NOTICE OF HEA RING described real property towtt: the tending a four-day post graduate and popular personality as M r Phone 62-J ON F IN A L ACCOUNT Telephone 723 North 40 feet of Lot 4 In Block NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : course In surgery at the University Roosevelt In the W hite House. No 2 the original nurvey of Snrlngfteld In fame County. Ore­ That the undersigned administra­ of Washington. In 1890. for example, the greatest tor of the eatate of Edward C. M or­ gon. opposition landslide In our history gan, deceased, ha* filed his ac­ Thia soli Is hrnirtht for the pur­ Family at Newport—Mrs. H arry pose of obtaining a decree In the count for the final settlement of Stewart and son, Morris, and her occurred. Benjamin Harrison had said estate tn tke County Court been elected president In 1888. with nbnv« entitled eourt quieting the title of the plnlntlff In nnd to said for fame County. Oregon, and that daughter. Mrs. Theran B. Sauaser a strong working majority In both nreinl-e* nnd that It be decreed Saturday, the 11th dav of Auguat of Portland are spending a few houses of congress behind him. But and ndludged that the title of the 1934. at the Court Room of aald days on the coast at Newport. M r In 1890 the combined Democrats plnlntl.'f In and to said real pro­ Court. In the County Court House 9tewart spent the week-end with and Populists captured 85 Repub­ perty Is good and valid nnd that In Eugene at ten o'clock In the the defendants snd nnv or either forenoon, has been by said Court his family. lican seats in the House ot Repre­ pertv Is good nnd vnlld gnd that ftx-d a* the time ad place for hear­ sentatives. Vacationists Stop— Mr. and Mrs. of them have no estate or Interest ing objections thereto, and for final In T a ft and Wilson Reign* whatsoever In and to said real pro­ settlement of *atd estate. G. H. Turner who are now on their H ER B ER T E W A LK ER . Ad p e rty and that said defendanta and In 1910 President Taft had a Re­ summer vacation stopped In mlnlstratnr of the Estate of <-nch nnd all of them he enjoined Springfield for a short while Sun publican congress, elected with him Edwnrd C. Morgan, decensod nnd debarred from nssertlng anv YOUR EYES ARE clnlm whatsoever In nnd to said I I L. R 1 Y Attorney for Estate. day enroute from the upper San In 1908. turn sour on his hands and (Jv 12-19-24— A 2-9) re«l property adverse to the plain ALL-IMPORTANT tlam river to Loon lake. They are go Democratic. In Woodrow W ll tiff. planning to be gone for two weeka. son's second term, the congress NOTICE OF HEARING This summons Is served upon, Of all the Henaes. vlalon heads Mrs. Charles Myers Is managing elected In 1918 was dominated by ON F IN A L ACCOUNT you hv publication thereof In the I the Republlcaa opposition. But In the list In Importance to man N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N their store during their absence. Serlnnfleld New* a newananer of these and all the other Ic ances ot Regardless of occupation, age, eenernl rtrculntlon printed and | Thnt the undersigned, as executor _______ ... lame of the Lsst W ill and Testament of published In Snrlngfteld Tourists Start Hom*— Mr. and a mid-term upset In th * complex­ sex or other factors, we depend Oonntv Crevon under an order for Pearl H. Hlney. deceaaed. haa filed Mrs. Ralph McFarland, and daugh ion of compress there was a defi­ on our eyes every waking mo­ the publication thereof made and hl* account for the final settlement nite Issue before the people upon ment. Our whole system of ont°red I p the above entitled suit of said decedent’s estate In the ter, Pearl, and their ton and hla bv the Honorable Judge O F Sk1p- County Court for Lane County wife, Mr. and Mrs. W . P. M cFar­ which such Issue ha* a* yet shaped teaching and learning J m baaed So while the preeldent's wnr’h JndgS of the Circuit Court Oregon, and thnt Saturday the 11th land. all of Wllklnaburg, Pennayl Itself. on sight bih I vtsunl memory of the State of Oregon for the day of August. 1934, st the Court vanla. arrived here Sunday from friend* conceded that they w ill pro Crtnntv o' Lane, on the 7th day of Room of said Court In the County Periodic examinations will bably lose tome «eats, they are not Julv 1934 The dote of the first Court House, In Eugene at ten Ix>s Angeles and were dinner safeguard your vlalon. publication of this summon* I* o’clock In the forenoon, has been guests at the home of M r. and Mrs greatly scared of toeing control of They have a feeling, Julv 12. 1934, the date of the last fixed hv ■•nld Court as the tim e and Sam Richmond. Mrs. W . P. Me congress. Examinations are Free al service thereof will ho August 9th place for hearing objections there Farland and M r*. Richmond a r* which many old political observer* to. and for the settlement thereof. 1934 The young McFarland with Republican leanings ehare, DR. ELLA MEADE JO HN STUCKEY. Executor of cousins. W M W HARCOMRE Attor the Last W ill and Testament couple are on their wedding trip, all that there Is not, at the present mo­ nev for Plnlntlff, P. O, Address, Optometrist of Pear’ H. Hlney, deceased 301 302 Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene. having been In southern California ment enought political acumen and L. L RAY, Adornev for Estate. I Oregon. Eugses 41 W *t1 gth smart leadership In the Republican 1 and are enroute home. (Jy 12-19-24— A 2-9) (Jy 13-19-34— A 1-9) -«¿Si -'¿I W A S H IN G T O N •Y RAO^OftO MQBUT Business Directory Ice Cream in Special Packers Picnic and outing time is here and there is no bet­ ter place anywhere than Lane county to enjoy one’s self. A good time calls for good refreshments. Maid- O’t’ream ice cream packed by us specially in our ice plant is always firm and delicious no matter how far you travel or how hot the day. Ours is a service that many are taking advantage of. Next time you go on a picnic or week-end at mountains or seashore try us out. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE F u n e ra l H o m e Pageant Costume Material 1000 YARDS FINE QUALITY FAST COLOR PRINTS Beautiful New Print Dresses for Your Pageant Cos­ tume. See the Exceptional Showing of Prints—All New Patterns. Yard 15c Match Your Costume With a Bonnet Made to Your Order— 15c each. For the Pageant “Gent” Men’s Cowboy Hats ...................... ......................... $1.85 Pure Silk Scarfs ..........................................—- 59c Men’s Waist Overalls ...............................- ....... Pr- 89c Extra Size Bandana Hdkfs. ............................... ea. 10c Red Broadcloth Shirt ........................................ ea. $1.25 Rockford Work S o c k s ...........................................Pr. 10c Boys’ Department Visit the Complete New Boys’ Department— Boys’ Frosh Pants ............................................ Pr. $1.39 Boys’ Broadcloth Shirt ..... ....................— ............... 39c Boys Baseball Caps Boys’ Genuine Reds ......... 25c ........... ................. 79c Boys’ Sport Shirts .............. ....... ..................... 69c Boys Sanforized Pants ..._...... ...................... Boys’ Leatherette Belts ...... ............... $1.69 15c Important Announcement— "Torn Sawyer’’ Boys’ Shirts, Pants and Suits all coming soon. Williams’ Sell Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE 1