THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TUIIITY-FtllHT YKAH HPHINOFIKLU. LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, TU U K H D A Y, JULY 1». 1934 /ban Shortage RIDERS WAIT FOR HILL CLIMB EVENT holds lip SCHOOL TO OPEN SERA IEBM SEPT HUH Currant Feeling la New Pro- Jecttt To Ba Started Only Nine Months To Be Taught When Others Finished Next Term At Extra Coat Of $3000 Board Vote» It 1« doubtful that any more Bill Davit Win» Tot» And Will Ride Tnuaer'» English Machine On Sunday SOFT BALL TEAMS INTEREST HIGH Pla" Special Commorative Servie»» For Sunday Fulop« Takas Lead In League With Three Straight Vic­ tories Since Opener Springfield churches are catch­ ing WE It A projects will ho approved _ the spirit of the Trail _ pugeant _ LARGE CROWD EXPECTED ALL SCORES VERY EVEN for Hprlngfleld than have already ALL TEACHERS REHIRED (o lM! glveu Eugene next week been started uulll more workmen ..... and two of them are bolding ape- Membership Of Each Team Many Pacific Coatt Ridtrti nre available from the relief roll». SERA Crew» Making Exten- , |aj services this week-end f This seems to ba tba general tiv t Repair» In All Build- At the Christian church follow Coming For Meet Which Listed; Two More Series sentiment among local and county Inga For Fall Opening I •»« lb« «’clock Christian Un- Hat A. M. A. Sanction Of Carnes In First Set dee vor service, a regular old faah- relief work officials at thia time Bchool will open this fall on 1 lotted evening service will be held Seldom does any activity take Kill Duvls. resident of Sprln» end seems to be working out In N E W YORK , . . When Miss Asa September 10 for a nine months ; starting at 8 o'clock. (told and nationally known at • reality. Middleton (above) drove her big such an Immediate hold on the pioneer of motorcycle hill climb At the present time Springfield term. Tills was the decision of the , For this service the Murphy- W hite freighting track out onto the people of a community as has the N EW YORK . . . Mias Mary In», will bo a participant In the workmen on the relief rolls are be­ school board at a special meeting Mushier quartet will sing old time streets thia week she beeame New1 six-team softball league which is Y o rk '• first woman truck driver lilt Weatern Oregon climb to be French (shove), daughter of Mr. ing given employment on a road last night when contracts with aonga and there will be old fash now preparing to play their fourth and the third in the U. ft. . . . The games tonight. hold al beacon hill out on Mill sr .I Mrs Juba Frrarh of Now York near Coburg, and on the school pro teachers were authorised lened congregational singing. Rev. other two are Emily L i be of Phillips­ ond Greenwich, to to bo tho Fall brido Salaries will remain the same as Veltle Pruitt will preach his ser­ burg, N J. and Mrs. Y. grm p of elroel Munday afternoon at 2 nf luiuranrc H Korktfellar, grondava Jects In Springfield. Urgauized about two weeks ago, o'clock. Ilavla will tide Kay TtU-l of John I) Koekefoller. Several other projects have been last year when a cut of more than mon on the subject, "Old Time Han Francisco. the teams have all played three aor'n Kngllah tnunufacl'.red Doug submitted, but nothing has been 26 per cent was ordered. Some of Religion." games and have. In moat instances, heard of them since they were sent the clerical work at the high school la a motorbike In Itt at appear ' All who desire are invited to BROWNIE GIRLS BACK finished their games with very Slice In Pacific Coat ompetitlon. | Io the state office In Portland. will be reduced and the commer-' wear old fashioned costumes. The FROM OUTING PARTY evenly matched xcorea. Local officials do not believe that dal department will take over a pastor will preach lu his Oregon A flip of a coin dee ded between j L'nder the rules of the league Tnuaer and Davla for the riding! the projects have been thrown out, portion of the duties It was agreed. Trail costume and Invites everyone Fifteen G irl. And Their Advisors each raugt llgt playerg Enjoy Outdoors During Two- but are merely being held up till Grade school teachers now draw | to Join with his congregation In thia week Uoth are eipert rldera and a player once signed on one and both are well knovn. hut aa ’ nore workers are available from 220 per month, high school teach- this old time feet of songs and N ig ht Camping T rip team Is not eligible to play on any present Jobs In other words new era from 22» to 2116 and the prin­ gospel preaching. they are also managing the meet other team even If dropped or he Members of the Brownie Pack leaves the team he starts with, ac- they felt that only one of them 1 projects are being granted only aa cipals 2106 and 2160 A devotional service will be held would be able to ride In the meet j Swimming Miahap Fatal To fa«t aa others are completed and All last years' teachers will be following the Sunday school period of the Springfield Girl Scouts have tor(hng to Eau, Sch>nU>, leaK*r. Mike Hyren- Tauaer. an eipert rider, one-time coroner. choo! and Brattaln school pre­ old fashioned reed organ. Rer. J. Betty Jean Jacobson and June chuck’ Bil1 D»Ks, O. Mulligan, ▲. The hoy was a member of the 1 TWO MEMBERS TAKEN polder of the champlonehlps or Manwaring. Walter Gossler. J. paratory to reftnlshlng the floor. Franklin Day. early day pastor of Moore. Rngland and Australia, a wrestler. Baptist Bunday school In Hprlng-j BY REBEKAH LODGE A shipment of floor sealer that the church who now lives on a Member» of the troop want to Bab,ey- 9tart- Plsb^ a“d Belvtn Speedboat pilot, and parachute field, aod was a pupil at the Onr- was to lie used on this work has farm north of the city will deliver express their thanks to the Spring-; Doane. Miss Dale Daniel, and Mr Linn b(.vU tlw, up by , b# ,,ort,anj Jtitnper. will limit hla activities of n, gtr)kil gnd |f „ the day to management affaire. manager. Joe Gerber. Robert Mc- The entire service will take on store for their assistance. may have ,ald (be spirit of the Oregon Trail page­ Kay R Garner, northwest rep­ Randall and Wendell, besides his ship In Juanita Rebekah lodge of r|yt. |h(. -------------------------- I-agan, Lamar Brattain, Charles resentative of the A. M A. * « ’ parents, and his grandparents. Mr. Springfield here Monday evening. nff ant festivities. All former mem­ Cole. Everett Squires. Freeman and Mrs. J. II. Wheeler In Ala-j Seventy-five persons attended the The Totp<1 ,Q ,hat ,he bers as well as the general public SPRINGFIELD GIRL IS here last week-end from Portland Squires. Bruce Squires. Jack Lo- and will be back to supervise the bam» meeting. state send a structural engineer to are invited to attend the services INSTITUTE PRESIDENT Ban Jaine8 Darr- McPher event« and record all winning During the evening Mrs. W. F. gpyingfieid t0 make a physical In- Funeral services were held front _______ son and Elmer Pyne. Rev. Day was pastor here In climb« Any record« eel Munday the Springfield rhape) of tha Poole Walker, on behalf of the lodge, pre Bpe<.tlon of , he planta consider- 1293. having been ordained the Miss Marian Shipley was elected Fulop's Department Store _ ,hp L,„. will hold officially In the American Funeral home Tuesday morning a t , Rented gifts to two recent brides. gb|p He, „ |n({ |g note<, year before In a school house at pre ident of the Epworth League George Thatcher, manager, Allen grd hlgh gfhoo,g Motorcycle association A clerk of 10-30 Rev It R. Rolens, pastor of j Mrs Buford Right, and Mr«. Arab-' Creswell while a student at the student body for next year at the Sneed. Orval McPherson. Pete e r e ________________ _ lbe course will also come from the Baptist church officiated, and nell Brlckley. both of whom w opening of the Suttle Lake Insti- Taylor. Clifford Stacher, Rodney University of Oregon. Portland and the other officials j Interment wa« made In the Laurel i present. tute last week according to LeRoy Vest. Roscoe Cole. Doc Taylor. Mrs. F. A McKenzie was a guest COPPER COILS SHIPPED and asalatanta are being chosen III Grove cemtery. Inman who returned Wednesday Floyd Bloxham. Dale Cnraon. Kugene and 8prlngfleld. at the meeting TQ ,DAH0 CUSTOMER SNODGRASS FAMILY afternoon from the outdoor gath- Claire Hadley and David Privat. Following the huslness session Three Divisions In Meat shorty's Shine Parlor — Paul FEW CHANCES FOUND HAVE BIRTHDAY EVENT erlng. Miss Shipley succeeds Mis, the members were entertained The meet will be dlvldede Into Neil Pollard received an order Faye Parsons, another Springfield Schanto|, manager. Walter Schull. IN NEW WORLD FAIR with stunts and refreshments In re,.en(|y fron» Cascade. Idaho for a three events. The first Is open Tom Lusby Bi„ Mi„ g BaUey Riley Snodgrass and his nephew, girl in the office. only to amateur rldera and will the social rooms copper heating coll for a kitchen Jack Snodgrass, of Shedd, were About 150 young people are at- Carl Stevenson, Woody Ware, The magnificent Ford automo­ Include Bill Tattersall of Eugenr range. The order was placed guests of honor at a birthday din­ tending the camp thia year accord- George Logan. Irving Davis, Lloyd among the many entrants. The bile manufacturing exhibit and FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN ‘J»™ th* N^thwest manager for ner given at the Snodgrass home ing to a note sent down by Rev. Mattison, Everett Chetwood and second event« la open to both pro­ grounds were the principal addl-i ; the Monarch range company. Poll- here Sunday. Both persons have Poindexter. The camp has been Chick McPherson. fessional and non-professional lions and chnnges which Dr. W. VISITORS T H IS WEEK ard has developed a considerable their birthday, on the same day. greatjy improved and beautified. Scores Very Evan rldera. The third event la for pro­ H Pollard found at the Chicago ’ i business with these copper coils Those present were Mr. and Mrs. An electric lighting system has Results of the two series of Mr». Howard I otton and Mra gnd bgg perfected a special bend- Delmar Bryan and niece. Dora fessional rldera and will feature World's fair which he visited for been installed and a larger area game, played last Thursday even­ maUlng them Itavla, Gene Ryan, Otto Drager. the second time last week after Margaret E. Orr entertained for J ,ng d6T,ce uged May. Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis, cleared. the cloae of the Methodist church ing were: Wrights 0, Larson's 1; their sister and daughter. Mrs The advantagM of the colla are Don Weatergard, Red Forsythe, Mr and Mrs. A M Snodgrass and Many of the young people have Fulop 9. Kirkland 7; Irish's 10, gathering which he attended at I and many other title winners. Ruth Ellington and her husband jba( ,ney iake jess room in the sons. Jack and Merle, of Shedd, gone on hikes to Blue. Scout. | Shorty's ». and little daughter. Mr. and Mra. firebox, are In one piece Instead Admission ticket prises will he Kvanston. Illinois. Earl Hill of Cottage Grove, Lloyd Square and other lakes, the Meto­ Tuesday evening this week the Dr. Pollard Investigated the llq-l E. G. Gilstrap and four daughters, awarded during the afternoon and of many couplings, and they last Garrison of Marcola and Mr. and lius river, and Black Butte. uor situation In downtown Chicago scores were Irish 7, Wright 8; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Orr and longer and heat quicker. will Include a retread Job for two Mrs. Snodgrass and daughter. The names of Wayne Kendall Kirkland 20, Larson 16; Fulop 8. passenger car tires by the Hawk- and aaya he wa, surprised at the two sons, at a farewell party for Maxine. open saloons which were patron­ end Charles Poindexter were add- Shorty s 7. the Ellingtons and a birthday party Inaon process donated by the D. Player Injured e 383 Members nf the Progressive 22 LIONS MEET FRIDAY AWARDS AT CAMP CLOSE children of the third and fourth I Shorty's ............. ......... 0 met north of Springfield by an a 000 degree team will meet at the lodge generations of descendants on both ' FOR NOON LUNCHEON ambulance. Cuts, bruises and a EASTERN STAR PICNIC hall Friday for an all day meet­ Merit badges for completion of sides of the family tree from early TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY ing They will have a potluck Regular meeting of the Spring- broken collnrhnne constituted the work In leather craft, carpentering Oregon pioneers. Their father will SHOWER PLANNED FOR Injuries. dinner nt noon mid during the day field Lions club will he held Fri­ Annual picnic for members of I and woodworking were won by furnish four saddle horses for the BRIDE-ELECT TONIGHT they will redecorate and re-ar­ day noon at Taylor hall. W R. Cascade Chapter O. B. S. and their Scott Wright during the annual pageant and parade. range thp furnishing« In the so Buell and Clayton F. Barber will IUKA CIRCLE MEETS families will be held Sunday, July Boy Scoot camp which closed Sun-. -------------------------- Friends of Miss Helen Carter rial room. have charge of Ihe program. AT LOUK HOME HERE 22. at Swimmer's Delight. Dinner day. Awards were made on the Return to California—Mr. and have been Invited to the home of ----------- ; will be served at 12:30 and the final day of the camp. Mrs. Byron Cowart left Friday for Mrs. J. J. Manwaring this evening Visiting Mother — Mrs Ruth Return from Idaho—Mra. O. H. Members of Iuka Circle number chapter will furnish coffee which their home at Los Angeles after to attend a miscellaneous shower Fischer Is here on n motor trip Stiles and daughter. Frances, have 37, Ladles auxiliary of the G A. R will be made on the picnic grounds Quest from Roseburg—Mr. and' spending a vacation here with hla | being given In honor of Mias Car- finm Los Angeles to visit with her returned to their home here after will meet this evening at the home by W. E. Buell and Oswald Olson. Mra. W. E. Stacey have as their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cowart, ter who Is soon to be married to mother. Mr». J. J. Manwaring. a month'« vlnlt with relatives In of Mrs. Fred Louk for their regu- The Star party will assemble on guest this week Mrs. Charles L»- and with her parents. Mr and Mra. Lonnie Manwaring, son of Mra. She drove up the coast route. Boise, Idaho, and eastern Oregon. lar aaml-monthly business meeting, the West aide of the river. hour of Roseburg. Jamea Cooley. Manwaring. IN SLOUGH WATER