PAOÍ POUR NORGE ENOS GREATEST SIX MONTHS IN HISTORY THÈ áPRINOPÍELÍ» NEWS Warrant Statement Given CERTIFICATION SERVICE AID TO OREGON FARMERS n 'V t » Doctor 97 Turns Skipper THURSDAY. JULY 12. 1934 WE6T YELLOW BLIGHT PHARMACY STUDENTS BAD ON OREGON TOMATO STICK TO CALLING Transm itted From Riant la Riant; Mur« than 75 per cent of tha llv Purer Saads Raaulta In Develop­ •e a t Leaf Hopper C a rrie r lug «raduatea of Hie (). 8. C. auhuol ment O f Naw Induatry F ar "The City Council. In tasulug lhi» F ar Qsrm Virus of pharmacy are tiow enguged In State Saad Grower« , statem ent and causing it to be pub T H IN K S C H A N G E N E E D E D llahcd in the local pre»», are doing sums phase of the professlon for ao for the purpose of giviug the Curly-lup diaeaaa. which on tutna- wblcli they wer« tralued. aceordlng Plaid inspection of the 1934 grass Portland, Ore.. July 4, 1»S* public a better view of the City's tnaa ta commonly called westwrn tu a aurvay of the ttf’.'t graduates financial condition and to aak th« and clover aced crop», »mall grain« I l»ear Old Springfield k 's w i: yellow tom ato blight, has definitely of that schont inuile hy the offt and potatoes and other crops for j co-operation of the general public 1 always took forward for my npp<>ured this year In moat parts data. of Springfield iu aolving our pro­ certification la now under way copy of The New« to arrive, for it blems of western Oregon for the second throughout the «tale, according to Of the totul 45.3 per celll ure generally gives an account of what j "In regard to the City a deiaultevl t'nic In r cent history. Ill 193(1 curly eltlier regtstered phurmlsts. mau county agent and extension »er has takeu place the week before, j bond indebtednesa. on Feb. * lat, top appeared In ihe W illuiuelte val uger nr proprli lors of drug störe»; vice specialists. These Inspection» and often mentions name« of old 1932. default occurred pn 135,000 ley after continued east winds 6 I are iihysldans, 5 per cent aro bonds due on that date. No tunda are made to determine purity, true neighbors and acquaintances, and were on handa with which to pay which are believed to huve aided ding nianufuciurera* i'epreseiitu ness lo variety, freedom from noxl therefore. I enjoy reading it. these bonds, and an effort was the migration of the leaf hopper tives, 3 3 per cent are im collego on» weeds and seed horn«* dlseas ■ I never expected to see the old made to sell refund bonds to take and other points. which c u m the virus of the way of thinking My father ceived. leaving «1 this lime $13.000 take on a purplish color. Fruits of N O T IC E alble for ihe growth of th ■ small affected plants ripen prematurely in sal s targe at the store We will was a firm believer in the BiMc as still in default interest on all OF F IN A L 8 E T T L I M E N T seed production business of ihe written, and briught up his chil­ bonda. including the defaulted ia- and the plants gradually die. employ more Intensive a d v en ts!« ; Notice Is hereby glevn that the su >. has been met promptly and the state from a half million dollars a B U F F A L O , N Y . . . . D r. Eliaha and promotion than ever before dren to believe that way Every City Treasurer now has sufficient undersigned. Bertha A. GUI. Admití few years ago lo between one and 1* llussey, »7, (abuva) I» home »gaia Adults Carry Germ In W in te r word was true ard no mistake till siiftimer. Isratrtx u( the Estate of John <> funds on hand with which to a fte r skippering a »mail r r a f t o i » two million at the pre ent tltnir t'ntlke most virus disease, curly- S l l i a t " . ,le . e .is e il, IlS S filed tier ■'Plan? for a summer sales drive, because it was th word of God • romptly pay all interest to become cruise lo Ihe W e il Indie«, Heriioids Lading Clover Hera Only and V irg in lalanda. I'hoto »hon» the top Is transmitted from plant to Final Report and Account as such heginuln;; July 15th. are being en­ Snuday school teachers and preach­ due for sometime to come. The Oregon, for example. Is the only Council feel that good progress has Doctor Skipper hr put into pe t j plant, only by the bael leaf hopper. Administratrix with the Clnrk of thusiast Icallv received by ihous- er» also (aught it that wav There been made in retiring defaulted state that produces Ladino clover i at Naw York Kutetlx tenella The adults carry of the County Court of tame Cnuli was a Heaven and a Hell. A plac aads of Norge dealers who an* at­ ty. Oregon, and that Saturday, the bonds and that the bond situation > Hie virus over winter tn their llth day of August. 1934. at 10*00 for departed spirits The good will adjust Itself and be taken care seed In volume, much of which Is tending a series of 47 country­ W . W . H A R C O M B E certified. Without field Inspection. liiMlies. and while the young are o'clock In the forenoon of said day. wide m tetings. now being hold. spirits went to Heaven, and lived of without further increasing the A ttorney at Law tax levy The Council have kept in Ladino seed cannot he lold from I tree of the virus at first, they he- In the County Court Room of the We Will also u-e a friendship cam for ever and ever in enternal bit s. mind at all times that any pavment T iffa n y Bldg., Eugene. Oregon f idlin' carriers ns »non a» they feed Court House at Eugene. Oregon, ordinary white clover seed. The paign. among the thousands of The had spirits went to Hell. a ”d on th bond principal reduces the has been set by ihe lion Fred acreage of laidino in Oregon has I on an Infected plant. NO. 23128 lived in eternal fire and brimstone Flak. Judge of said Court, as the bond interest levy correspondingly Norge own rs. backed up by a ra­ Increased from 134 acres In 1928 ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE time and plant of hearing object tion-wide ow ner advertising con­ for ever and ever—-eternal suffer­ for the next year." No "cure'' for Ihe disease 1» Ions to the same. If any there are, to more than l l . 000 acre« this year. STATE OF OREGON hOR THE "The warrant situation of the test. We expect to maintain our ing. known and no satisfactory control nnd for the final settlem ent of «aid city has been, ard ««ill is embarras­ and the seed of this giant white' COUNTY OF LANE' present tuples momentum right Now don't think I am making sing of the Insect carriers has been estate. Early in 1932. one of the lover is finding and expanding Grace Hail Ritter, Plaintiff, through the summer." said Blood. sport of anyone« religion, for 1 am batiks of our city had already BERTHA A. GILL, Admlnlslrn developed. East of the Cascades vs. market in many states Bent grass trlx. Wright and Sons are dealers for not. The old Jewish handbook, our rloaed and the remaining bank re­ Amy Louise Dunn. Adna 11. Dog­ fair control has been obtained on seed production, another develop- fused to take any more city war­ gies. Fredrelck Stanley Dunn and a small scale by keeping plants WEI. 1,8 A WELLS. Attorneys. the Norge refrigerator in the Bible, has accomplished more in its rants The two banks here had al­ m nt of recent years In Oregon, has (Jy 12-19 2« A 2 9l Anna M. Dunn, his wife, Irene covered until about July, after Springfield trade vicinity. teaching in regard to the relation­ ways handled practically all our also been materially aided by cor- William and C 8. William, her ship of man to man. than any other cNv warrants. The hanks inability (ideation. and this state now pro-1 husband. Lulu Dorris and George which they seem lo resist Ihe vlru» book written. I do not condemn to handle city warrants longer A. Dorris, her husband. George If not previously Infected Shading duces approximately 90 per cent of came at a time when general and LIONS BALL HEADS CALL the Chinaman for bowing down lo | (). Yoran surviving husband of has alsn helped as the hoppers pre­ economic conditions in our city the domestic seed supply of this Laura Yoran. deceased: Frances fer hot, dry. conditions GAME FOR MONDAY images of atone. Il repre ents to I were such as to leave practically grass. Yoran Doe. whoae married name him deity, power, something ini- i no market for city warrants. In the Many C e rtify Grain« Rogulng out the diseased plants is unknown and John Doe. her A call to all members of the perishable. We believe we have a I face of this situation, the Council LADIES SHOP Grain certification work was rar-j husband, anil Ada Yoran surviv­ Is recommended though not as a Springfield Lions club to turn out better conception of deity than they decided to pay city employees in ing wife of Frank E. Dunn, de major means of preventing spread 829 Willamette Street on Brattain field next Monday have, hence we send missionaries cash out of current funds as they rted on in 22 Oregon countlea. in­ censed: Lucille Dunn Dyott and came in. thus leaving old-r war- evening at 7 o’clock for the pur­ over there to teaeh'them the better) rants of the city unpaid This sy s­ volving ihe Inapactlon of 4.988 Cavin Dyott. her husband, and Transmission by contact of a dis- C le a r a n c e pose of starting a series of games wav. But the church has changed tem has been followed for more acres of wheat, oats nnd barley last j any other person or persons un­ eased plant with another has never Of All Silk Summer known who are heirs at law of been observed Beets are the favor­ between members of the club was its ideas and methods of reasoning than two years, and all salary and year, according lo a report of E R. DRESSES F B Dunn and Celia Dunn, de­ ite feeding and breeding plants (or agronomist, issued this week by W. K. Barnell -Ince the days of our fathers, many labor warrants have been raid In Jackman, extension ceased; Underwood and Co and Values to $9.95 cash and som e oldest outstanding and in addition 4.050 acres of alf­ and Thelmer J. Nelon. members of times. Hell has been discarded by warrant have also been paid out its successors and assigns: Ella the hoppers, hut tomatoes, liens <)!> suit* III 2 prit-«- groupa alfa. Ladino clover, red clover, and squash are seriously affected V. Walker. George W Dorlson. the baseball committee. most of the Christian de lomina- of surplus moneys. Also at the $2.96 and >3.98 Anna HUI und C. M. HUI. her time th - hanks of our city closed bent gra-s and Ruglish rye gruss Members will be asked to decide lions as taught by our fathers. large amounts of clip- warrants were inspected and certified husband, Jahe Doe Pengra. sur­ A Special On KBHP TH E EIJEH AWAY viving widow of W. J Pengra. Monday evening whether they want Puoisment for sin is still taught, were held hv the hanks The City total of 1431 acres of potatoes in deceased: and any and all other them hot Haya. Our house­ S L IP S to choose (earns each evening and for sin brings its own puuishment. had a deposit in each bank and ob­ 16 counties also received certifies persons unknown who may he hold fly npruy I m guaranteed Value« Up to >1.96 play once a week, or have the We can see that in our own lives. tained nn offset of the deposit tinn. heir« at law of B J Pengra and •’«air ’ cltv warrants. The offset >1.00 to >1.49 result«. I*1nt 2Bc. team s chosen in advance and kept We don't have to ask any theolog­ was mad’ against the latest war­ C. Emily Pengra. both deceased: to get New certification rules and ap­ ilitiH-ciit utlJuHtable atrapa. ian to tell us we are sinners. Most rants held hv the bank instead of the unknown heirs at law of R Scott’s Drug Store. intact during the season. plication blanks have Jnst been Is­ _______ Pur«» Silk_______ E. Stratton nnd Sarah M. Strat­ of the infirmities of the flesh are the oldest thus leaving the oldest sued by Ihe extension service and ton his wife both deceased: the Texas Folk Here— Mrs. Nellie caused or brought upon us because warrants outstanding. As a conae- can be obtained at the office of GUARANTEE TREATM ENT unknown heirs nt law of J B Pageant onence of »he foregoing fact«, the Day and Miss Tommy Day of Cen­ we have transgressed some law. oldest outstanding warrants of the any county agent Growers de (ring Underwood nnd Margaret I. Un­ FOR TENDER STOMACH Costumes and Borfneta derwood his wife, both deceased: ter. Texas arrived here Tuesday Th? man that Jumped off the Col­ cltv are now nearly four vears old certification this year are urged Loely Old Fashioned the unknown heirs al law of to visit at the W A Taylor home. umbia river bridge head first into nnd if the present svstem of paying to make application immediately. Dr. Emll'a Adla Tablets bring Prints Mover Rosenblatt and Lena Ros­ later warrants first i ■ cortlnued to quick relief from stomach pains Mrs. Day is an aunt of Mrs. Taylor the Columbia river at a Fourth of enblatt, hl« wife, hoth deceased: hr (ween meals due to aridity, In­ Heady to wear and made be followed the old warrants now July celebration, was killed be­ and Miss Day is a cousin. L. L. RAY the «iici-e«KorH nnd a«»lgns of J. digestion and heartburn to order. outstanding are hound to he much If not A tto rn ey at Law cause he broke a law. He took older than four years as at present, W S t ’warl Comonnv who are lour money la refunded Flattery'* M iner Bldg., Eugene. Oregon unknown to the plaintiff nnd al'n Drug Store chances with life and death simply ) "The City Council feels that gen­ «•I other ner«on nr persons un­ for money. Death claimed him. It , eral ard economic conditions nre N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G known claiming any right, title is r ported, that ten thousand peo-1 now somewhat Improved so that It ON F IN A L A C C O U N T o«t»le Hen or Interest In the real NOTICE (S HEREBY GIVEN V a rico se U lcers — Old Sores pie witnessed the transaction. Had is pos -Ihle to find a market for estate deacrlbed In the camplalnt SUN. — WED. cltv warrants and esneclallv so If That the undersigned administra­ R elieved At H om e Defendanta he gone out there all by him self I •he business and investing public of trix of the estate of Lillie Stew ­ and Jumped into the river the re­ our cltv will cooperate by accenting art, deceased, has filed her ac­ No sensible person will continue port would have been that he com-j cltv warrants wherever possible count for the final settlem ent of S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Fdan B D ggle». Frances Yoran ».■ suffer when powerful, penetrat­ ’ • a littl > discount as possible un­ said p.state In the County Court ing. yet h a r m l e s s antiseptic mitted suicide. He simply broke' der conditions The Council has for Ijire County. Oregon, and that D e e w h o s e married name Is un­ known nod John Doe her h ntinnd M 'one'- Emerald OH can readily a law of nature. therefore voted to hereafter apply Saturday, the 11th day of August. 'da Yoran »urvlrlng daughters of h- obtained at any drugstore— the all tax recelofs. with the exception 1934. at the Court Room of said We need to change our ideals in t nurn Yoran deceased • the un- d - •< (ions are simple and easy to of a small emergency fund, to the i e F onomical too and vour tezard to our church singing. A navment of th » oldest outstanding Court. In the County Court House, knew" heir« a* law of F I) Dunn in Eugenp at ten o’clock In the ruatgls’ guarantees one bottle to different expression in our songs warrants In the various funds, and forenoon, has been hv said Court «nd Celia Dunn deceased; Under wood and Comnanv and Us succea- give pt-ndid results or money is demanded today than the ones h>- this means hone to clear tin all fix ’d as the time ad place for hear «or« and aaaiens Elin V Walker. hack. written or composed in the days of old outstanding warrant within a Ing objections thereto, and for final Georve W Ixirlson Anna Hill and C M HUI her husband: Jane Doe JA M E S K. K IN G our fathers. I presume there is no reasonable time. The fact that the settlement of said estnte Oldest outstanding warrant Is row EDITH FLOSSIE Fl'NK E. Ad Peoera surviving widow of W J Attorneys at Law song written that has been sung nenrlv four years old does not mini tratrix of Ih e Estate of Penirrn. deceased: any mid all M iner B'dg.. Eugene, Ore. oftener than that old hymn. "There mean that the cltv is four vears Lillie Stewart, deceased other ner«n"R unknown who mav N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S is a fountain filled with blood, behind in Its warrant debt Mater­ I,. I, RAY. Attorney for Estate t-e heir« at Inw of B J Pengra and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: i drawn from Immanual’s veins and ial progress ha been made in re­ I Jr 12 19 28—A 2-91 C Emllv Pengra both deceased: that the undersigned has been ap- • ducing the warrant dpbt by (Jrastlc th ■ unknown heir« at Inw of It E sinners plunge beneath that flood, poined Executor of the estate o f , economy, even In the face of ad­ «t-»t»on n n d S ’ r a h M Stratton N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G lose all their guilty stains." Now Abbie J. Haskell, deceased, by the i verse conditions, and the warrant his wife hoth deceased' the un­ ON F IN A L A C C O U N T County Court of Lane County, Ore- i we know what it means, for the debt a* the present time Is less NOTtCE IS HEREBY GIVEN known heirs nt Inw of J B Under­ gon All persons having claims blood is the life. But who would than at any time within the past That the undersigned administra­ wood and Margaret I, Underwood four vears. or since 1929 The pres­ tor of the estate of Edward C Mor­ bi wife bo'h deceased: the un­ against said estate are required to Cary G rant present them with the proper jump into a fountain filled with ent warrant debt, less funds on gan. deceased, has filed his ac­ known heirs nt law of Mever Roa and tha W IT H JEAN P A R K IR vouchers to the undersigned at the blood if he had a chance. Could hand amounts to around $28.000 count for the final settlem ent of enblntt n’ d L’ pa Rosenblatt, hla 13 Wampaa CATHERINE ALEXANDER Law Office of James K. King. 410 not llie wording of that be changed which Is less than two years of said estate tn the Connty Court wife both deceased' the «ucrea Miner Building. Eugene. Lane J so it w-ould not lose any of Its our tax levy as made this year So for I-ane County. Oregon, and that • o r « and aaalrn ■ of .1 W Stewnrt M-O-M Baby Stars In fact, the ettv I • not more than Saturday. Ihe 11th day of August. Comnanv nnd all nnd every other County. Oregon, within six (8) | months from the date of this notice power, and not sound so terrible. I two vears behind In actual war­ 1934. at the Court Room of said • er on or nersons. unknown claim Dated at Eugene. Oregon, t h is ' am not a hymnologetst. and there­ rant indebtedness Warrants writ Court. In the County Court House. 'nr anv right title estate lien or 12th day of July, 1934. ten at present will probablv not In Eugene at ten o'clock in the interest In nnd to the real nropertv fore cannot say. run more than two vears. and It Is JAMES K. KING. Executor of' Your Old Neighbor and Citizen. the poller of the Council to so man­ forenoon, has been by said Court -»«scribed t" the complaint In Ihe the Estate of Abbie J. Haskell, fixed as the time ad place for hear name of the State of Oregon age the city that the warrant debt Ing objections thereto, and for final deceased. R. W SMITH GREETINGS (Jy 1219 26— A 2-9» will b- gradually reduced to the settlem ent of said eslate. You and each of you are hereby end that the city mav be eventually HERBERT E WALKER. Ad­ required to appear and annwer the on a rash basts, thns reducing In- ministrator of the Estate of complaint fll«-d against you In 'he tere t r-qnlrempntr:. the time will Edward C. Morgan, deceased above entitled cause on or before come when the City Tax Rate may RAY. Attorney for Estate. the last ilav of the publication of he materially reduced. To accom­ L. L. (Jy 12-19-28—A 2-9» tills notice, which will be the 9th plish this end will require careful day of August 1934 and If you fall management on the part of city of­ N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G ao to appear In anawer for want ficials. and patience and coopera­ ON F IN A L A C C O U N T thereof the nlalntlff will apply to tion on the part of the taxpayer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the court and tak« a decree agalnat “Such patience and cooperation at this time will b- of much bene­ That thp undersigned, as executor you for all and singular the relief of Ihe Last Will and Testament of nrayed for in the complaint of th fit and -read y appreciated. “SPRINGFIELD CTTY COUNCIL" Pearl H. Hlney. deceased, has filed Plaintiff on file herein his account for the filial settlem ent Yon and each of you are further of said decedent's estate in the required lo awoear on or before Ihe We have eerything th a t is necessary at the lowest County Court for Lane County. said dnv nnd set forth the nature SEVERAL ATTEND MEET prices. Jars. Tops. Rubbers, paraffin, etc. Oregon, and that Saturday the 11th and extent and claim and Interest AT EUGENE ARMORY day of August. 1934. at the Court von may assert in the following SPECIAL—A new jar th at takes anyone of four Room of said Court In the County described real property tow lt: the kinds of tops. Several Springfield people are in Court House, in Eugene at ten North 40 feet of Lot 4 in Block No 2 the original survey of Eugene this afternoon attending a o'clock In the forenoon, has been fixed hv «aid Court as the time and Springfield In f^ine Connty. Ore­ reception which the Geary Post of place for hearing objections there gon. the G. A. R. is giving for all allied to. and for the settlem ent thereof. This suit is brought for the pur JOHN STUCKEY, Executor of nose of obtaining a decree in the organizations. Among those in Eu­ the Last Will and Testament above entitled court quieting the gene for the afternoon are Mrs. of Pearl H. Hlney. deceased title of the plaintiff Tn and tn said Grace Lansberry. Mrs. Myrtle Eggl- L. I,. RAY. Attorney for Estate, nretnl es. and that It he decreed mann. and Miss Eva Louk. (Jy 12 19 26— A 2-9) and ad fudged that the title of the plalntl.'f In and to said real pro­ perty Is good and valid and that Three Charming Smiles in Beauty Finals the defendants and any or either nerfv Is good nnd valid qnd that Aluminum und enamel- of them have nn estate or Interest whatsoever In nnd to said real pro- w are; gluHHware a n d oerlv and that said defendant« nnd -neb and all of Ihem h- eniolned every tool th at'a necea- nnd debarred from asserting anv claim whatsoever In nnd lo »aid Kary for the big Job of real properly adverse to the plain- •Iff. prem rvlng la here. This summons Is served upon vott bv publication thereof In the Cold Pack Canners Rnrlnefleld News a newsnaner of general circulation printed and >1.59 - >1.89 - >2.89 published In Snrlngfleld, I^tne Countv. Oregon under nn order for Pressure Cookers Ihe publication thereof, made and ent-red In the above entitled suit 12 Qt. Size >11.85 • - 18 Qt. Size >14.90 bv the Honorable Judge 0, F Sklp- wor'h Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the 25 Qt. Size >16.90 Coitntv of I,a re . nn the 7th dnv of Collendera, Steven, l^adlea, .Ttilv. 1934. The date of the first nnhllcntlon of this summons Is Jiilv 12 1934. the date of the last C HICAG O . . . More than 25.000 beanlifal A a c rx a ii girls strived for service thereof will he August 9th tha honors won by these three young ladies. Now the three are coming here to 1934 compote tor the honor of being the * • Queen of Dental Charm. ’ ’ They were WM W HARCOMBE Altor- picked by McClelland Barclay and committee of beauty experts They pev for Plaintiff P. O. Addresa, HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT are, (le ft to right) Mias Mary Elizabeth Bort of Long Beach, Calif., 301-302 Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene Norge manufacturers »hipped Z3.- in»O refrigerator unit* In June, clos­ ing (he greatest half-year In It« history, with all »ale» records »mashed Hlitpnirnts during the all- month p- clod were 194 percent and order« w r it 210 percent of the like month« In 1*33. I'»filled orders, on June 30th, were over five times those of the corresponding date last year Half-year orders exceeded • ntlrv 1933 production by better than 4o per cert, according to Ho­ nan! E. Blood. president of Norge Corporation. R MOORE’S BROKEN VEINS e 4 Irish-Murphy Co. Full Line of Canning Supplies The right tools for the efficient job Wright & Sons Mias Uoorgie Berry of Richmond, Va., and Mis» Mildred M ------ », Waah Bmith of Oregon. (Jy 12-19-2«— A 2-9) •*