PAOE THREE TOT SPRINOFIBLD NBW« THURSDAY JULY U . 1884 t: W A S H IN G T O N ............... return« with any degree of aafety on any tort of private Inveetment 1« regarded aa having paaaed; five perreot la the Intereet rate talked of most on private obligation«. And runalderlng the abaolute safety of Work In Mill— Everett Chet wood a government bond, the effort will , Vida Man Here—John W ille of Vida was a business visitor in * and Blaine Fisher have gone to be to refinance the old laauea and , I work at the Penn I umber company laaue the new one» on a beats o f 1 Springfield Maturday " ■■■ . - i ' J .-' Columbia where they »pent a week I Tuesday starting July io and con- while the Doctor attended a medl-| tlnulng until fall, will be given over cal clinic. They took a boat from primarily to this service Every Beattie to Victoria and return. dean'» office will be open and .. i—— —, ■ either the dean or hl» representa­ tive will be there tu hold personal TUESDAYS SET ASIDE FOR col,f. r wlth prospective »tu CAMPUS VISITORS AT OSC *"« m ill. A weel ly "visito i ’ day" esp ei- Leona Man H e r e <1. K. Owen u VICTIM OF ROW A N D ally designed to aci ummodate par- uutue uld lag Ini'ome will carry the I eona wuM a business visitor at the Parente of Daughter— Mr. and ItUIUIKR BATHING HlIITH ATTACKER KNOWN HERE Washington. July I I — It 1« Ptggl-j 4o»Wed had of debt Mrs. Uoyjl Walker of Creswell are ents and high school graduates who Hprlnrfleld hotel flunday. Mild CAPS »re u »well outfit plan to enter college thia fall has the parents of a baby daughter ; dent Roosevelt's hup« and egpecta i Mrs. Maude Glaapy. who was air hw liiiiiihiK- H<*<> our tlln- linn that In the course of the U«It FARM BORROWERS Jasper Resident In— Mr» Thomas burn to them at the Pacific hospital been arranged for all this summer -lxxhe«l about tbe throat by Morris l>luy mid you'll want one. Itu liey of Jasper was a busln ss at Oregon State college, announces on Raturday. July 7. 1»34 six month» ■ that Is, befurn the RETURNING MONEY Knight at a danca hall In Eugene Scott's Drug Htore. K. It Lemon, registrar visitor In Mprlngfleld Tuesday. new I'ungress meet« In January— he Saturday evening lived lo Bprlng- i Takes Mining Claim William Difficulty In finding dean- and lt«payment of nearly 11.000.000 will have got the whole of the com­ eld a few years ago. She now Albany Peopla H e r. — Mr a i d , l(o. I 81, I »30; ; place several who are definitely cating that the pnrlud of drastic He is now being held for a grand Sti.-rt liiipriivi' Warrant« thru on the way out because they bare liquidation In agriculture la pass vis it in Texas— Reeal visit vsxae— Konia nom a » - • i has 8on ttlld MrR | va„ the campus for information they Jury investigation on a charge of Nil. 13X24 dated Jan. 13. I M I ; l.lbr not made good In their Jobs log, Frank A. Johnsiui. executive |«.(t on a trip Io Texas to vt It Ills H-|Uy of Mur(.(),M are |h# p ^ ^ , , want before starting to college, be assault with Intent to kill following ary Warrants thru No. ir«O»n dated President, announced today In | par-nts lie operates a shine perlor 1)f g |() a| (he lleve tbe O R. C. officials. May 3lat, 1(34 Inter««! «hall ceaae ! llow he Is going Io do Ibis w7Tn | his waiver of a preliminary bear­ and confectionary stand here pacific hospital on Huturday. July utter July I3lh. 1934 Raid wurranls ; nut disturbing (he morale of t lie 1 Hpokun«' To meet till situation, every ing. «hould be iireaented at the Hprlng June Is Ihe first month sine« or-1 udmlnlrtrallon Is Ills worry. And Vialta Brother- Mias Flora Whit 7. 1(34 field City Hull fur payment. ganlxallon of the regional In the Mr Itouaevelt doesn't worry much ney la here from Roaeburg visiting Tonal|i T>ktn _ N ad- Ool|1,ler W K BUELL. Treasurer. Springfield, Oregon. j about anything. >1« t-omva pretty fall of 1932 that the dollar volume at the home of her brother, Harry dBU(, b U r t)f Mr Bnd M r„ w N n H>1 M f Mr< everybody like« General Johnson N O T IC K O F F IN A L H K A R IN Q plant our ice cream is a popular food these hot days. Notice Is hereby given that tbe UPSET WHOLE SYSTEM" In starting the Hlue Eagle and Ihe Visit at N .w port Mr und Mr» ‘* “ « 7 Hlchxrdaon returned Friday Spec ial pucks tor pa nics and outings are prepared NRA off on a wuve of popular en­ undersigned Phebe Mann has filed Raya E Hentgea: "I tried a (1 thusiasm he did a magnificent Job her final report and account as Hoy l-ugh. Bum Bweeney and bis ; evening from He« eta beach near in our cold room. Order some today. administratrix of (he estate of father. Jam«« Hweeney, »pent Hun Florence where they »pent several bottls t l weeks treatment) of Dr. He Is still the Alfred I* Mann, deceased, gnd tbe Emil's Adla Tablets under your of propaganda day at Newport visiting relative day«. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for guarantee. Now the pains are gone great propagandist, but as an ad­ County Court of I^ine County, Or» and I eal any thing." Flanery'a ministrator. It la beginning to he <«n. has fixed Monday, July 30th Return from Portland— Mr and »«" B o r n - Mr. and Mrs. M. R Maid O' Cream Butter at 10 O'clock A. M at the County Drug more. realised In administration circles Court room In the Court house at Mr« P. J. Bartholomew returned Terw lller of Goshen are the parent's as It ha» long been realised by the Eugene. Oregon, aa the time and Friday from Portland where they N O T IC I FO R P U B L IC A T IO N • nine pound son born to them FORKKT IX C H A N Q I business men with whom he has place for final hearing thereon and spent several days visiting rela 1 Goahen on Bunday. July 8. 1934 any objections to said report and Ospertm snst of the In te rio r, United to deal, he 1» decidedly not a sue- account «hould be filed or made on Return« from Coast— Mr«. W H. States Land O fflee, Roaeburg, cees. or before said time. Bon la Born— Mr and Mrs. E. O J<»* ot Portland returned Oregon, Juno 2nd, 1994. llow to ease General Johnson oul Daled and first published June Buell of Creswell are tbe parent« » * *,r •*'»>* lhal c»y 8unday Notice Is hereby glveu that on without stlrrlug up too much 2Kth 1934 May Slat. 1(14. J. 8. Van W lakle. PHEBE HANN. Armlnlatratrlx o( H baby BtMl bwrB to them at the following a weeks visit here with trouble Is one of Ihe President's of Prineville, Oregon, filed applies Alfrerl P. Mann, eatate ,,n s.m.luv July Mr u" d Mr" ► ’’«yd Bloxham Eugene hospital on Hunoay. Juiy tlon No. 021426 under the aot of chief dlfflrultles lie must have the WHITTEN RWAFP o RD. Ally Atty March 20. 1(22. (42 Btat.. 446) to right man ready to slip Into his for estate. »• 1,34 V isits M other— Dr. and Mr». C. G. exchange tbe N W H Bee. 24. T. IS place before he ads. Huslue«« In- (Je 29—Jy 9 12-19 2« I W aahlngton Man H ir e — Frank Van Valxuh and small daughter It.. R. ( W W M . within tbe Mus- Dibble«- of Everett. Washington a r week end here visiting at law National FVrest. for the timber leresls are beginning to talk of N O T IC K O F F IN A L H K A R IN Q from portion« of N E ‘< HEW Bee. Clay Williams, head of Ihe Rey­ visit with 1 he home of his mother. Mrs. A. rived here Ha'urdav to Notice Is hereby given tbat tbe 12. T SO H , R. 2 K , W M„ within nolds Tobacco company, aa the underslgnt-d Phebe Mann has filed his brother and sister-in-law Mr B Van Valzah. the W illamette National Foraat Ideal man for the Job There has her final report and account aa and Mrs. H. (). Dibblee The purpose of thia notice 1a to Taturns rtom Coast— M rs W H. •llow all persons claiming the been no Intimation from the W hite administratrix of the »»tate of Charlie It Mann, deceased, and tbe V is it , from W aahlngton _ Mr«. A drl» ° returned the first of the lands selected, or having bona fide House ax to who may be tbe uexl objections to such application, an head of NRA. but a change Is re­ County Court of Lane County. Ore- Nellie tlllllatn of Raymond. Wash- **-*',‘ frun‘ Newport where she ^ " .O o Æ W ^ . l^ Æ Inglon spent Friday evening and ’‘t*’"' several days at their bicycle opportunity lo file their protests yarded aa certain. with tbe Register of tbe Uhtted Court room In tbe Court bouse at Saturday here visiting at the home rt101“ 1 -bop Housing Act Moving State» Land Office nt Roseburg. Fred [xjuU H arry Hopkln«. head of the Km Eugene Oregon, as the time and' bf Mr aud Oregon Any such protests or ob­ Return from Trip— Mr. and Mra. jection» must be filed In this office ergency Relief, and not John Fahey. place tor final hearing thereon and Newport People Here— Mr. and W. E Buell and daughter. Evelyn. wltbln thirty day» from the data he««l of the Home lx>an Board, any objections to said report and account should be filed or made on .Mr» John Sweeney and fam ily of relurne«! this week from Moro, In of first publication of thia notice, which first publication will be June will be made the administrator of or before said time Dated and first published June Newport are -pending a few day« Ea tern Oregon where they visited the new Housing Act. A campaign Meat is high in food value and also very palatable. 141b. 1124 2Xth. 1934 here at the home of Mr. and Mrs with their son In-law and daughter, W IL L IA M >1. CANON. Register. of propaganda to '"tlx up the old PHEBE HANN. Armlnlatratrlx K ,, h Mr. and Mr». Paul F. Alley tor the (Je 14 21 29—Jy 4 12) It gives zest to the appetite and is your best health house" Is to be begun soon The Charlie R. Maun, estate past two weeks. hope la to get activity in the build­ W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, Atty Plana Vacation— Mr and Mrs. insurance. Our service in quality m eats will please you. ing trades started off thia year for estate. Lar on W right and family will Return from Trip— Dr. and Mrs. tJe 29—Jv R-lt-l»24> and a big building boom In 1935 «pend the next week at the W right M. V. W alker returned Saturday Keep on hand som e of our assorted cold m eats for What 1a still lacking la confi­ N O T IC K O F Q U A R D IA N 'B SALK cabin on Horse creek near Me- noon from Vancouver, British OF RKAL PRO PKRTY dence on the part of private bual- sandwiches these h et summer days. We are glad to Kenxle bridge. Mr Wright will take Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ne « and Industry. II la reollx -d IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E a week'» vacation at that time. make seasonable suggestion s about what to eat. Naturopathie Physicien iha'I xEometElng must be done to STA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E I I f ooostipauun causes you Oa», CO U N TY OF M U LTN O M A H , Leava for North— Mr. and Mr». asaure business that If It puts Ita Phone 91-J Indigestion. Headaches. Bad PROBATE D E P A R TM E N T. Ralph Fullerton and ajnall »on have money to work now there will be Sleep. Pimply SUn. get quick No. 32,1(7 ; g„ ne („ Brad wood where Mr. Fuller- Office Houri: I to I F. M rebel with ADLERIKA Thor- no further radical legislation or ad- i action, yet gentle, safe. wi|| be employed Mr» Fuller- 4U4 Fourth Street nilqlstratlve actions lo impair Ihe In the M atter of the Eatate and E. C. S T U A R T , Prop. 4«h and M ain Sts — Phons »3 ••'‘“¿dl“n"h lP of W IL L IA M FAR- , Hon , o return In two stability of Investments. MER. Incompetent. | No word has been furthcoming NO TIC E IB HER EB Y G IVEN , week» Flanery'» Drug 8tore on what ths President will do under that pnrauant to the order and lie Drive to Turner— Mr and Mr». E. ense of the Circuit Court of the the powers granted to him under Watchmaker and Jeweler State of Oregon for Multnomah E. Pvne drove to Turner Bunday, the Silver Act. Secretary Morgen- County. Probate Department, duly HPRINOF1BLD evening to bring »ome of the young •e . Paoille Watch Inapeeter thau declares that he will adminis­ entered In the above entitled mat­ people home from the Christian First Claaa W ork at Reasonable ter It "enthusiastically." but that ter on June (. 1934. the undersigned young people« conferenoe held dur­ Prloes. Caro.llne Farmer. Guardian of the does not satisfy oonaervatlvea. Estate of W illiam Farmer. Incom­ ing the past week. There 1« a strong belief here, back­ petent. will from and after the 13th General Law Practica ed up by statements from finan­ day of July, 1934. at 1426 Yeon D rive to Salem— Mr. and Mrs R. ciers who usually know what they Building. Portland. Oregon, sell at E ¡goahier drove to Salem Batur- I. M. PETERSON ."ne,h‘2 rt'.M lKHHe *ln<«r«S d»F «<> with her aleter. They are talking about, that the amend­ At lorasy «t-Law bidder all the right, title. Interest ' , , ,, _ .„i,« ments to Ihe Securities Act now and eelate of the »aid W llltam brought several of the Springfield t'tty H a ll Bulldlag make It reasonably possible for the Farmer, a» a tenant by the entire- young people home from the tnetl- Springfield, Oregon flotation of new stock and bond Is­ tles. in and to the following dea- | U(e held at Turner. sues to provide working capital, crtb«l real property situated In Lane County. Oregon, to-wlt: Reports Heard— Member» of Iuka which Is badly needed, for many I M k A and l to ’ ]• J*?1* *■ circle number 37 heard reports of large Industrie«. rlualve. In Block 1; Lot» 1 to 6. both Inclusive, and Lota 8 to 18. the state convention at Aatorla. In Threatened Btrlkee H u rt both Inclusive. Block 8, all In June last Thursday evening when Business confidence Is not being Oaklelgh: and. the group met at Egglmann's. ---------- O F SPRINGFIELD ---------- ■■ ---- helped any by the continuous ¿ w z S o S h -» «' '» " » threats of strikes In major Indus of Ptttaburgb. Pa. I .ot 10 of Block 2 of the plat of I ing. tries. The American Federation Oaklelgh; thence North 287 07 of Labor ha declared lie Intention feet; thenre Eaat 8 23 chain« to Complete» Thr»«-C W ork— Lloyd to devote the summer to the com- the Southeast comer of the land Mattison ha« completed hl» third Genuine Fast Color English Prints. Yd. ........................... 15c plete organlxatlon of the whole described In the certain deed to >nd f|na, t(,rn, w|tb tb(1 Three-C Blue or Gray Chambray, for shirts or cannery uniforms, Yd.,............... 12c Represented By automoble Industry, preparatory to M. a\ . Ar£ , 1>n ln,'.? n o '* « " '“ “ «» He waa .tationed In Beautiful Assortment of Voils, Floral patterns. Yr., .......................... 19c of the W illam ette River; thence, a. . . . making demands next Fall which It Southeasterly along ««Id weet Eugene for .ome time, and later 50 Percent Best Linen Toweling, Yd................ ........................................ 12c E. H. TURNER will hack up by a general atrlke In hank to the Northeast corner of was transferred to the Wendltng Marshall Fields Best Bleached Sheeting, 81x90. Yd., 39c S4I A BL B prlagfleM . O re the automobile factories if they are the tract of land now owned by , ,.an, p, Light Weight Sheeting, 81x90 Yd., ......................................................... 22c Harold A. Rossman being at a not granted. High Grade Cretonne, Big variety of patterns. Yd., 17c jmlnt due eaat of the place of Formar TMChaP Here— Mr«. Dan The outlook as seen by Impartial beginning; thence West 8 30 Curtain Marquisette, Yd.,....... y.............................................................. 10c observers here 1» for a slight fall­ chains, more or leas, to the place Phlnney of M orrill. Nebraska Is Daisy Outing Flannel, Yd,, ..................... • ................................................. 15c ing off of buslnes during the aunt- of beginning, containing 3 acre«, here to visit with her mother. Mrs. Ladies SUtnmer Night Gowns 39c more or less. In Donation Land vorla who was Injured recently In mer. which does not now look as Ladies Cotton Vest 9c I'lxlm No. 46, In Township 17 accident Mrs. Phlnney was promising as 1933. with Increased South. Range 4 West of the W tl . Ladies Silk Slips ....................................................................................... 98c goernment speiidvwt to take up the lamette Meridian formerly Miss Mary Vorls and La France Full Fashion Silk Hose .................................. 69c Formerly W alker-l’oole slack while business men and flnan The property, except I«ot 18. taught school In thia city for sev- Rayon Hose, silk plated ........................................................................... 29c Block 2, Oaklelgh, la owned by th e ! ,,ral yearg elers are studying und analyxlng EUG ENE— t lt li HPRINGOTKLD House Dresses, 80 Square ........................................................................ 89c ward, W illiam Farmer, Incompet­ the probable effects and benefits, and t'harnelton 22S Main ent and Caroline Farmer, the un Sher Voil Dresses ..................................................................... 89c or otherwise, of the things which derslgned In her personal capacity, Téléphoné 723 Phone B2-J Ladies Slack, pair .................................................................................. 59c TODAY’S L I V E N E W S linve been undertaken by the gov­ ns husband and wife and tenant« Ladies Aprons, fast colors, .......................................................................... 19c ernment. before making very long by the entireties; Lot 18, Block 2, FOR FAT FOLKS Ladies Taffetta Rayon Slips ......................................................... 59c Oaklelgh Is owned by Howard P. comments Artiest, subject to the Interest of Ladies Summer Blouse Sweaters ........................................................ 89c One of Ihe things which will the ward therein an a tenant by tha 3 Great Letter« Ladies All Wool Skirts $1-98 come in for a great deal of hard entirety. V X Read Them All Ladies All Wool Bathing Suits. Latest styles $1.98 Terms of sale: All eaah. or one- study will he the national debt. It Men's Sweater Coat, or Slip Over 98c half cash and the balance evidenced Is now 27 billion dollars— twenty (Yorn all over the country— by Ihe note of the purchaaer. upon Men’s Summer Union Suit, Short sleeves, long legs ................. 69c seven thousand millions. That Is term» »atiafactory to — the _- ____ under- north — south — e a s t— west come Men’s Flannel Pants $2.98 the highest point our national debt signed, secured by mortgage upon j lettera of praise for the world'» Men's Heavy Bib Overalls 89c Ihe property »old. Bid» may be sub- »nfp and healthful enemy bf fat has evt r reached. mltted upon any single lot and—or don t mis» these 3 letters, Men's and Ladies Garden Straw Hats 10c Tbs Debt T a x Load " I am using Kruaoben Salta on combination of lota In Oaklelgh; Men’s Genuine Fur Felt Hats $1.48 Nobody worries much about pay and upon the unplatted tract In Ita advlca of my Doctor. Have used Men's Handkerchiefs, good grade, 5c each; 6 for 25c lug off a national debt — nobody entirety. Lota A and 1 to 88. both three bottle» and lost 16 lba.. and Boys Fine Broadcloth Wash Suits 49c gladly recommend It to all my SMART Inclusive. Block 1, Oaklelgh, will hut Andrew Mellon, that Is Mr. friends." Mra G. W. Bryant. Fox Men’s All Wool Coat Sweater $1.98 Mellon upproarhed Ihe public debt be «old subject to Incumbrances boro. Mass . 1934. RIMLESS conalRtlng of a mortgage In faTor of Men’s Rayon Dress Sox, pair ............................................. 15c "I am using your Kruachen Salts us a banker tines all debts, as some- Bank of Halsev securing the aum Men’s B. V. D. Union Suits ........................... 49c for constipation and reducing. STYLES thing to be paid. Statesmen look at of (3,000.00, Interest. 7% per an­ All Ladies White Shoes to close $1 98 Have taken 3 Jara and have lost debt» as something to offer lo the num payable semi-annually, unpaid Old Ladies Strap Comfort Shoes ............................................................ $1.49 »Ince May 21. 1933. and delinquent about 20 lba. I cxn recommend It Investing public as a safe source of and current taxes. The balance of I to be great." Mlaa A. J. Harber, Rimless popularity has risen Ladies Heavy Work Shoes ....................................* $1.49 Income. "Buy a government bond said real property will be sold sub­ Pineville, Ky„ 1934. rapidly the past few year«— men Men’s Soout Work Shoes ................................ ,............... $1.69 “I have taken 8 bottles of Krua- and you can't lose your capital." ject to delinquent and current and women chooae rlmleag be­ Men's Heavy Work Shoes $2.48 chen. I weighed 166. I reduced 68 cause Its Inconsplclotts, attrac­ And that Is true so long as Iho taxes., or free therefrom, aa the Men’s White or Black and White Shoes $2.98 undersigned may at the time of lbs., and felt better each day. have tive, light In weight; because government’s credit Is, good. So sale deem beat. Any and all sales got my 4th bottle," Ed Jordon, Le­ there are no rims to obatruct Children's Shoes 98c to $1.98 the Important question Is: How Veen. A ril.. 1984. w ill be made subject to confirma­ vision. Loxll adds the feature Beautiful Assortment of Ladies’ Cotton Shirt Waists, 49c to $1.48 If you are proud of your double much of a debt can the Doited tion by the above entitled Court. long desired by rimless wearers All Wool Camp Blankets, single, $1.48 Further Information may be ee chin and bulgln- abdomen don’t —strength! Loxlt lx available Stales carry without Impnlrlitt Its cured by Inquiry of the undersign- lake Kruschen Salta. Ed Jordon All Wool Camp Blankets, double, $2.75 ju ly with rimless mountings . . . A m s a s i «-»_ _ . J . — .a _ __ L I - b m I m «8 4 a I b L « \ a F F K A AS« credit? And the generally accepted <>d at 1426 Yeon Building. Portland. made up his mind to take off 60 or 80x105 Cotton Bed Spread ................................ 98c styled and made by the Rausch | answer here is SB billion dollar». more pounds of fat—and he did— Oregon. ti Lamb Optical Company. Date of first publication June 14, Ed was sick and tired of lugging To pay Interest on double the It around with him— persistency debt of 1932 would aeent to call for 1934 Date of last publication July 12., won for Ed as It w ill for any fat doubling the tax Income; hut the man. DR. ELLA MEADE 1934. deilnlte effort Is to reduce all In- A half teaspoon In a glass of hot C A RO LINE FARM ER . Guard­ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Optometrist ian of the Estate of W illiam water before breakfast every morn­ lereat rates to percentage» compar­ ing— get Kruschen at any drug­ Farmer. Incompetent. 44 W att 9th Bufane able with those prevailing In- the (Ja 14-21-88—Jy 8-18) store. older nations. Tbe day ot < percent around 3 In 2H penent. so mat the The Queen of Ice Cream Springfield Creamery Co. Balanced Meals Always Include M EAT Business Directory Constipation Independent Meat Co. Edward C. Privât Sale Now On Reliance L ife Insurance Co. Save at Sale Now On FUIOP’S DIPT STORE July Clearance Sale of High Grade Merchandise POOLE Funeral Home iü) fij Fulop’s Dept. Store