THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ws e« oua > •» ' TH1RTY-F1RHT Y KA II SPHIMiKIKLU, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THUHBDAY, JULY 12, 1934 council TALKS I On, B,, bawd, UinflllllCES CITY REVERSES I DEBT PAYMENTS SCHOOL STATUS m i Bau IM,,, Operating Fund With Caah Payment« To Employee« Must Co Saya Councilman Board Elects Hamlin Teacher For Next Year; New Mem­ bers Sworn In At Meeting • -jr - All Funds Will Be Appropria­ ted As Received And Paid On Oldest Obligations P H IL A D E L P H IA . . . Otto Detra (above), gtaat C aliforalaa, eraakad through to the V. 8. National Oatf Championship la tba Mth aaaaal playing o f tba cíaosle. I l l and play­ ing under great p l j u t i l atraía D utra cama from hablad la tba deal 4 *y to aaaa eat Oaaa Hasassa bp LODGE GROUPS TO HAVE BIO PICNIC Lata W arranto Callad The money« now on hand and I that received In the (uture w ill be apportioned to the various fund» , and paid accordingly a* It la re ! Many Springfield People To Attend I. O. O. F. Sectional Outing At Lost Creek Nearly — ..., , every member o( the i elved, thus accounting (or the (a n that aome of the warrants written this year are helng called at th l* iliac The council member« through the office of t'lly Recorder 1. M. In the opening tilts (he Irish lie waa extended an Invitation to attend, and ineinberM of the board Murphy nine played a close game were disappointed at the small at- ■ ,o w,|i 9-8 form Ihe Larson Service ¡tendance. I)r W N. Dow waa s HteUon nine. Shorty» nine ram j sworn In aa a new director for MW*X with Kirkland s Floral team three years, and Hevert Jacobson | H - and Fulopa t e e * had 28 point« ' chalked up to 6 for W right Hard i took over hla dutlea as clerk The unnuul financial statement ware when they finally stopped playing. I o f the district as prepared by C. F. ) Barber. retiring clerk, waa present- AU teams have been doing con­ siderable reorganising since the cd and discussed at the meeting. opening games and closer scores Total receipt« for the year from all sources were 866.360.79 Dis are expected In future games ; Games are ty> be played every bursements amounted to $64.063 96. leaving a balance on hand of 82.-) Tuesday and Thumday evenings, two on Brattaln field and one at 296 84 Of thia sum 8400 of war ) the high school. rani« from the W altervllle d is tric t) for tuition Is Included with 81.-1 The schedule of games for to- nlght are Fulop’s versila Kirkland's 896 84 rash on hand on the high school field; Shorty's Receipt Item« were divided dur­ versus Irish-Murphy on north Brat­ ing the year as follows W altervllle taln; and Larson's versus Wright's tuition, 8880; county high school on the south Brattata field. tuition fund. 86627.14; state school Next Tuesday K irkland’s and fund. 8889 10; elementary school fund. 83486; county school fund. Larson'« teams play on north Brat­ 87160; district tax. 811.861.58; taln; Fulop's and 8horty's on tnv bonds. 89130.00; cash on hand June high school; and Wright's and 30. 1933. $1.666.18; and warrants Irish-Murphy's on the south Brat­ Issued during the past year $14.- talo. ’ Hpringf.eld I O. O. F. lodge and of Juanita Kebeltah lodge are plan- 1 nlng to attend the annual sectional picnic which the I. O. O. F lodge» of the W lllum ette valley bold each summer together with lodges from 18264 I'eteraon, ha» prepared a atatetnent the Deschutes district East o( the _ _ ______ ___ _____ Disbursements Listed o f their action and the reasons (or | Cascade*. The picnic will be held Disbursements were made under doing so nt thia Hble This state ment la published In another part of Ihe papor,' Thia actlag on the part of the city government does not Indicate that the city finances are In any worse condition than they have bags (or several year«, rather they erg gradually Improving. Second Round Of Six-Cams Series Scheduled For To­ night On Three Fields Hprlngfleld suddenly becume baseball minded Tuesday evening F. II. Hamlin was elected Vo, laarh In Hie Hprlngfleld school aya- "f ,,I,M w‘‘* h * * “■“ *** l * mB of ' fen, Ihe next year at (h . monthly “ ,no <,f' ba" >’U j',r a ' * ,oU I of 64 or more players from this city meeting of the school board h eld ! at the City Library last Thursday ) J ’" . / " I * opening games of a aeries announ eenlng. Hamlin was elected with out aaalgnnient, as are the other ced last week. Interest In the games ran high and each game was teacher» In the dlatrict. watohed by large groups of Inter Thia wa» the flrat meet lux of the new school board to which the pub esled spectators. CALL OLDEST WARRANTS A complete rever*ul of their (In- I uncial policy wu* aet by the Spring | field t'll» council at Ita monthly : Monday night when the I Itroup decided to quit 'h e p’-i-selit , practice of paying etnplv and) operating expenses In ci ■ t id to »tart writing regular ge fund warrants (or all these I. .»«. All | tund» now on hand, lacludlnx ' >me . $1800. and fund» recelt f om I time to lime are to be ap i on I the nldeat warrants In the r In ! which they were written A warrant call published a thia I lasee of the News call« (or pi ment on Prliluy of all general fund war rant* Including number ‘ 18.61*1 ) dated October 31. 1930; street tin i proveuient warrant» Including 18. KM dated January 13. 1831; and | Library warrants through number i lf..09K dated lin y 31. 1834 NO. 26 •to Hondav at l,oat Creak ranch. Several local people are planning Io leave early Sunday morning, although (he picnic proper does not alart until 10 o'clock Stunts and other form» of entertainment for the picnic have been arranged by committees In charge. Miss Maxine Hnodgraas. vice grand, acted as noble grand for the regular Rebekah meeting Mon day eveutng In the abeence of Miss Euulre Gerber. Miss Gerber Is at tending the annual Olrl Hcout ramp as ramp nurae G.O.P. Chairman Receipts For Six Months Per-j iod In General Fund Is $668.23 Above Expenses National Champions Entered In Motorcycle Events To Be Held HereJuly 22 Thr Hprlngfleld -pent a _ total of 84.633 13 out of a general LEGION POST IS SPONSOR fund budget total of 814,387.40 dur­ ing the first alx months of the I present year according to the semi- , annual audit report made at th e ! Council meet Monday evening by C. A. Horton, auditor. Thia leaves I an unexpected balance of 89764 26 of the 1934 budget. Climb Has A. M. A. Sanction; Records Set Will Be Of­ ficial In Northwest Receipts for the period totaled 816.194 20. and there was a cash : balance of 84,843.04 on hand Janu ary 1. Receipts by funds were bond sinking. 83989 40; bond Interest, 84.-' 628.98; general fund. 86.301.36; Im provement Interest. 8141.99; liens receivable. 8459.09; library. 8250 07; i street Improvement. 81609 31; and warrant sinking fund transferred' to general fund. 8421.48. «IDEAS COMING EOA HILL CLIMB W A S H IN G T O N . . . Henry P. Fletcher of Peaaayhraaie (above), to the w s ehainaaa o f the Repab Rena National Coamttteo Mr. Pletcher waa a Toddy Roosevelt rider to Cuba, former hmbas- to Ita ly ead a Hoover Motorcycle riders from all parts of the Pacific coast from the Cana- ) dlan boundary down to Mexico will compete In the largest professional motorcycle hill climb ever held In Western Oregon on Sunday, July 22 at the Beacon bill in Springfield, storting at 2 o’clock. All entries have rot been received yet. and it I expected that between 20 and j 25 riders will participate In the ! events of the afternoon. Among prominent riders who have already ben signed In the ' events which are being sponsored by the American Legion, will be Gene Ryan, 1932 national cham­ pion from Sacramento; Bob Keller, runner-up in the 1933 contests. ) from I-os Angeles; Otto Grager. northwest national champion rider from Portland; Don Weptergard urd Red Forsythe of Seattle; and ; George Faulders of Spokane. All makes of machines w ill be used by the riders. W hile the city kept operating ex­ penses down to 84633 1 2 for the six months period, the receipts total-j log 86301.13 were only $668.23 above the amount expended, due to non-payment of taxes More than half of the taxes that will be paid thl- year have already been paid ------------ W arrants outstanding on Janu- Episodes Of Pageant To In ary 1. 1934 were $29,864.51 and to elude New Sets; Children this has been added the sum of: To Open Big Parade $13.271.87 Issued since that tim e .: Experts in Charge Many of these warrants have been ' During this, the year of another) Ray Tauser. who has Just re- called In this week's newspaper, pageant, many relics and aged art!- and the total warrant debt will elec are being dug out of dark tnrned from five years of racing actually be about $26.000 as of closets and trunk bottoms to be and bill climbing In England and once again proudly exhibited Au8trKha. xnd Bill Davis, well- July 1. Warranto cancelled and paid dur­ Every week someone steps forward known Lane county rider who has A full ro-fer of each team will ing tbe alx months period total with something a little better than spent several seasons riding for the be published next week after pre­ $16.211.26 together with Interest of that already shown. Just recently Harley-Davidson company in the liminary changes have been com­ $719 82. an old almanac printed In 1866 was Middle Western ard Eastern race« pleted General bonds outstanding total 8hown E“ 6ene and now come« and hill climbs, are managing the M r . H. Burgher of East Main Springfield m e e\ The hill cl'mh 1- $108,000, and Bancroft Improve­ street In Sprlnvfleld who exhibits ssnctloned by the American Motor- ment bonds total $18.660.66 an almanac published In 1797, a cyc'e «»soclatlon and all records . Not one department In the bud leap year. The almarac was prlateo here wiI1 be o fflcial. A r=pres- get has expended more than half In Albany. New York and was left p n t,tlve of the A. M A. w ill be of tbe budgeted sum during the six to Mrs. Burgher by her brother ' r'r t>le climb. months period. Largest saving; are " I E rg ls h M achine Here .k « » . I . who acquired It from hla grand shown In the street and police de­ Tauser has brought back with mother. partments. fire department, emer­ Mrs. Burgher also displayed au him 3 Douglas machine of English gency fund, clean-up. advertising.) old book, “/burnal of th? T ra v e ls , manufacture and this motorcycle All Hunter« Muet Buy Migra­ airport, and audit funds. and Sufferings of Daniel Sander?,.” : wil1 n-ed for the first time on tory Bird Stamp and At­ ) The book was published In 1794 ,he Pacific coast In this meet. (he following heads: General con trol, operating expenaea. 1806 16; supervision. high school. 81136, grad - . school 81363.60, total $2.- 487 50; Instruction, high school 87712. grade school. 83*10 94. total, 816,122.94. Expense of operating buildings 83777.64. maintenance and repairs. Financial atrongth Sam« 8683 96; library. 8133.72. Insurance, With an operating fund the city 8669 44; new equipment, 8173 93; has managed to meet monthly eg- and debt service. 839..319 78 on penaea for the past several years bonds. Interest and old warrants, tach To State Licenee whoa Ibero waa no opportunity to | W arrants outstanding againet the dispose of more warrants The re W ild fowl hunters In nil parts of district on June 30. were $14,182.64. suit waa that persons holding the During the business session Mr». Subtracting the baiane; on hand the United States will have to ob­ warrants were not receiving their O. H Jarrett was re-elected captain this leaves an actual warrant In- tain a hunting stomp from tbelr money for several years, also that of the degn e »taff. Mrs. Fred Louk debtedness of $11.836.80. Bond In- postmasters before they will be al­ new warrants were no! being wrlt- waa reflected aa pre«« correspond- debtedness remains at $62.500.00 lowed to shoot migratory wild ten to jeopardise the earlier uvea ,.„t ,))r uni„b(,r mi)n,h8 Buildings are valued at $58.000 and gnme. The stamp will cost one dol­ t'ndei the plan adopted Monday lar and will be pasted on the hunt- The acting noble grand appointed cuolpment at $12.000 evening the City w ill merely write Mrs All». Doane. Mrs. Blanche During the year bonds to talin g 1 • ’ license issued by the »tote warrants for current expense« and ' Daniels, and Mrs. Mads Catching $5,600 and Interest of $3630 were | ........ «rNed by the postmaster use Ihe money paid In taklug up old The on,y ’,er8on,, exen” >t ,r e member« of the social committee relltred by the district. W arrants) er warrants, eventually cleaning up paid amounted to $19.142.28, am, 'ho«e under 16 years, person» oper- for the meeting next Monday. all old papor and creating a new Initiation and Ihe monthly social Intere I on wtiiraul» amounted to «ting nr owning their own property «erlea t’nrefUl management by city , gt vernment workers for propaga­ night will be held next Monday t t , $1047 50 official» and, reasonable wllllngties» tion purposes, or others designated was announced.' and ability to pay taxes on the part ] by the department of agriculture. FIRE EQUIPMENT NEEDED of property owners will eventually The stomps will be issued at make II possible to clean "up moat POST OFFICE RECEIVES IN FOREST AREAS NOW i poatofflces serving a population of . Ity warranto NOTICES OF CHANGES ------------ 2500 and It Is expected that the W ill Build Up Credit ' A shovel, axe and one gallon «tamps will be placed on sale here This w ill relieve the emberras Two changes In postal rule« were water container must be Included according to Hary M. Stewart, act­ sing warrant situation which now announced this week by H arry M In the equipment of campers enter­ ing postmaster. exists In which very few warranto | Stewart, acting postmaster. The ing the national forests of Oregon Proceeds from the sale of the have been written for the past few first deals with the delivery of In- und Washington by park train, stamps are to be used In establish­ years, but the old warrants remain sured, C. O. D.. special delivery and automobile, or other vehicle. If they ment and maintenance of game re­ unpaid, an uninviting condition to reglstet-ed mall for which an ad­ wish to obtain a campfire permit, fuges. Inventors. according to Regional Forester C. ditional charge of 10 Cents will be State licenses will be required In The actual Indebtedness by w ar­ made If the mall Is to be delivered J. Buck. Portland. Oregon. state« where they are now neces­ rants amounts to about $26.000 to the addressee only. The ad­ Campfire permits can be obtained sary and all state laws governing Thia la not much more then double dressee will hnve to pay the extra free of cost at any ranger «tatlon hunting will prevail. thnt of the school district number dime ’This will not effect many and are required where campfires 19 The school dlatrict has no war­ persons qxcept those who expect are to be built at any place other rant older than six months and mall and who Instruct the poet- than designated campgrounds. SUMMER SESSION these warrants are being purchased master not to deliver It to anyone "This regulation has been in ef­ ENROLLMENT LARGE for cash at face value. but themselves. fect for the past two years, front No provision has been made for The second change which be- i July 1 to September 30. Forest Eugene. Ore— Enrollment 'a t the the manner In which the city em­ comes effective August 1. provides users «» n whole have cooperated University of Oregon summer ses- ployees and those selling materials for the payment of the amount of excellently In carrying out this re- «Ion neared the 600 mark at the to the city will dlspoee of their the usual money order fee al post- qulrem(,nt „„„ „ prov<1<, t0 be ()f Hecond week. when , he warrants. This will be left to the offices where money orders are a il 'l-iltc factor In curtailing man- total climbed to 576. Since there Is individual to do Ihe beat he can cashed In other offices than those caitHed fore«t fire«.” said Mr. Ruck. no penalty (or late registration, with his pnper according to Mr. on which they are written. This Certain metis In the McKeuxle several students are expected to Peterson. He feels certain aome will apply here In cases where Eu­ or.d W illam ette watersheds are now complete registration In the near purrhHsera of the new warrants gene or Hprlngfleld people cash closed or restricted These places future. will be found and that these pur­ their order« In alternate poatofflces ere marked on trails and highways This la a marked Increase over chasers will not have to hold them from those on which the orders leading Into them. the total of last summer, when the for more than two years during were drawn. number reached 460. Other state which time they will draw Interest Institutions holding summer ses­ SHERIFF’S AID PLEADS nt Ihe rate of alx percent. WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS sions also show an increase. It Is NOT GUILTY TO TH E FT stated. W ith 680 students enrolled SET PICNIC FOR JULY 22 PREMIUM LISTS FOR early In the Portland session, spe­ Roy W. Potter, former deputy In cial and regular student late en­ Delnll» for Ihe annual Neighbors STATE FAIR SENT OUT chnrgc of license work at county of Woodcraft picnic Io he held this rollments are expected to bring this sheriff's office, pleaded not guilty Annunl premium list» for the month were completed at the re total to 800. Oregon State fair Io be held ul gular lodge meeting last night. The this morning before Circuit Court Growing Interest In specialised Judge, 0. F. Hklpworth, to a charge Salem on September 3-9 have been .„illug will be held al the Eugene fields of education, especially, printed and mailed this week The ‘ Hprlngfleld auto camp and will be of ,#r< ,‘nv of P',bI,c funds ____ ____________ ___ those __________ concerned with teaching __ chll- «tote legislature did not make t h e l nll «H day affair The lodge will | ,le W,“ H arrM ,ed »f,er 8 “ r* nd | dren with learning difficulties. Is usual $76,000 appropriation for pre- furnish coffee, cream, sugar and ,u r’' 1,’dlc,,” pn‘ and later released Indicated at Eugene, where the on ball. He w ill remain on ball un tulunis this year und the fair board i h e-cream. class In phychology of a typical will depend on Income from the a program of stunts and sports til given a trial. children under Dr. B. W. DeBusk Alec McKenste. former hank em­ State Khdng Commlaslon for Ita 1 W|’J he held leads all others with an enroll ployee In Hprlngfleld and now a premium money says Max (lelhar, _________________ ment of 60. Two other courses, resident of Eugene. Is taking Pot­ fair director. one In secondary education and the U. O. Art Student Honored ter'« place In the sheriff's office. Admission prices for each day or other In educational psychology Eugene, Ore.,— A pend) sketch, All losses to the county were cov- have 46 members each. evening will he 26 cents this year made by Mrs Almse Gorham, stu-l Including Sunday. There will he dent In art al the University of I ered by bonds of U. A. Hwarts, sher no passes, exhibitors, or concession­ Oregon summer session, has been | Iff. DEGREE TEAM PLANS ers tickets printed for the fair this used as the cover Illustration for a year says Gclhar. current number of School Llfp, BAPTISTS ANNOUNCE REGULAR PRACTICE mont lily organ of the office of edu- SERVICES FOR SUNDAY Members of the Progressive 22 cation of the department of the ------------- HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER Interior. Mr.«. Oorham's sketch de- Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor of the I degree staff of Juanita Rebekah SMASHES LOCAL CAR plcts n crew of C. C. C. workers Springfield Baptist church will lodge are to meat at the 1. O. O. F. Paul F. Potter was uninjured, but Inhorlng ln the forests. She Is n speak on the topic, "The Jungle’« hall Friday evening for the regu- tils light coupe was badly damaged student In Ihe Carnegie art class, Return," at the morning service a t |la r monthly meeting. The social Sundny evening about 8:80 when -a projcst financed by the Came- the church Sunday. For the evening' committee for the evening are Mrs. lie wa« struck by a hit and run gie Corporation at the university. service at 8 o'clock he will speak Clara Snodgras», Miss Maxine driver lu Eugene at Eighth and here in the west, and at Harvnrd Io i on "The Judgments— Numbers 2 Snodgrass, Glenn Stone and Mias Monroe afreets. tbe eaet. and 1.” 1 Edi IS TRAIL’ NEARS GAME STAMPS TO BE OFFERED HERE ÏDUNG PEOPLE 11 INSTITUTE MEET _______ _ . . pr.ngfteld Pastor Is Leader At Morning Watch During Week At Suttle Lake and has the original wood cover The climb w ill be no setup for and binding. , a ry rider T1^ eas, gl(Je Qf the hjn The book deals with the adven- T on which the climb w ill be made tures of Sanders, a mariner on lg rugged and steep, t boasts a 76 board the ship Commerce, out of percent grade and up to this Urn* Boston. Samuel Johnson was com- less than a half dozen rider have mander of the ship which wa^ cast reached the top. Davis was the first away on the shores of Arabia on to make the ettmh J a l, 10. 1792. two years before the and he d|d lt after three years of book was published. professional riding. Davis 1- a vet- Further details of the Oregon teran hill climb artist having pton- ------------ T rail pageant to be given in Eu- eered !n the sport 18 years ago Several automobiles left Eugene, gene on July 26. 27 and 28. were Ample parking space Is being Springfield and Wendling this released by pageant workers this provided for the spectators and morning for Suttle lake taking week. AU outstanding episodes of j their automobiles. The side of the young people of the Methodist the 1299 pageant w ill be retained hIU is being cleaned off and lanes church to the mountain resort and several others have been added. | for each rider will be marked off where they w ill spend one week This year the pageant will open with lime and stakp9 eTery „ f#e| attending the annual Epworth Lea­ with a miniature covered wagon to measure distances climber’ Elec- gue Institute from July 12-18 In­ train. In which BOO children 6 to trical timing devices perfected bv clusive. 9 years of age w ill take part. Each the Clark brothers, automotive ele- Eight young people from the wagon will have a driver, a "lady " ctrlcians in Eugene, w ill be used Springfield church. Ila Bartholo ln old ,ln5p drp«8- 3»d two boys to record the , ime of each rider mew. Velda Bartholomew. Donald as "oxen.” Cowboys on Shetland from the instant he breaks the Brown. Faye Parsons. Rodney Vest, i P°niP8 will ride alongside, and the »tartlng tape until he crosses the Charlene Fish. Florence Belle Fish, ■,r «11' will be harassed by little fini8h ,,ne a, , he top or 8top8 A „ and Coleen Cornell, together with brown-skinner Indians In full re- <-m be in plain view of the specta- thelr pastor. Rev, Dean C. Poindex * a,,a ! tors and w ill be easy to watch Other episodes added Include th e ) The w iu b D L , nk 8Ound trnck ter. left here this morning. Miss on , he Margaret Adair of Coburg accom­ Champoeg event, a range scene from EugBne w il, make the annonncement8 audb panied the group. A larger dele of cowboys herding cattle and yod-) gatlon from Eugene and a smaller elln,t undpr tbe stars, an impres- ble to everyone. one from Wendling are also In at- 8,vp world war scene and war m e m _________________ tendance orlal. and a hectic climax of mo- A a .,„ PORTLAND W RITER TO ing at 6:15 and concluding at 9:46 each evening will be followed. Rev. Poindexter has charge of the morn Ing watch hour at 6:40 just preced ing the breakfast. Bible study will be held from 8:30 to 9:10 and ctt|. The hUKe 8,“Ke for the P«Kpant SPEAK AT CHURCH HERE i 18 helng bulIt on wheeIs 80 11 can , ------------- be ro” e<, off and on ‘•omplftely set Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor ! In " B,U Harrla nationally of the Methodist church will not be known theatrical man from the El- here Sunday as he Is attending the ,lsion W b'te concert bureau In Port ) Epworth Institute at Suttle lake. For the morning service Rev. zenshlp and missions w ill be stu­ land. Is directing the construction of the stages which are to be Frank 8. Clemo will deliver the died until 9:55. Hobby groups meet sermon. at 10 o’clock and personal relation­ moved on regular railroad rails. Advance sale of reserved seat Sunday evening Ernest W . Peter- ship will be discussed at 10:30. tlckets has already been started. | son, automobile editor of the Ore- The afternoon w ill be devoted ----------------------------- ?on journal w ill speak on "Ieter- to organized recreation, rest, dra­ denominational Religious Situation matics. an evening speaker, and a STUDENTS FROM MANY PLACES ATTEND O S c . ! TodBy ” Mr Pete,raon bas Just re- bonfire. _______ turned from a five-day religious Churches participating in the In­ Students attending summer ses- me° l ,n8 1« New lo r k where re­ stitute Include those In Lane coun­ ty and those across the mountains gion at Oregon State college this Presentatlves of 40 nations gather a' 80 acted 89 °®e Ore- from Klamath Falls to Hood River year represent 6 foreign countries, ed' 1 territory, 9 other states and 32