The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 05, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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Governm ent
F arm ers W ith Equipm ent For
Listing Of Accounts
Between 10,040 and 12.400 (arm
Expensive Losses Result Of
account books have been distribu­
Damage To Stone Fruits
ted free to Oregon farmers who
Especially Peaches
have Joined in some phase of agri­
--------------------------- -------------------
old age penatoli» and unemploy. !
men> Insurance on a nntlnunl »culi*
conilug io the fore.
Government la now the only Im
port an ! anurie of credit on a large
acal -, and beside» Ila direct loan»
to liiduatry it own» a billion dollars
of preferred atock In (be banka of
the nation The government now
regulate» the tsaulug and trad in g1
ill of aecurllles. tells Industry «lint
rules must lie folio wim I in Imslneas.
I'tgtiliiies interstate communlca
Hons, tells the railroad» how much
they may pay Iheir officiala and
tells farmers what they may grow
ami how much of It. Thoae are only
,h ” high spots of the New Deal
There la little likelihood of any
Lieut Cal
change In the altitude of congreas G A. Lynch (a b o v e ), U . B Arm y,
at the next session. That Is. there ■ow detached, and doarribrd by tien.
undoubtedly will be a Democratic Hugh B. Johnson as * * the most od
majority In both house# of the 74th ra grad th in k » in the V . B A rtu y ,”
ta the new member o f the N K A admin
congress Whether or not It «III ta trative staff and understudy to
eal out of the president s hand as
readily as the present cutigrea» Is
not quite certain Hui it certainly TRAIN WRECK DEBRIS
will not withdraw any of Hie
powers that have been granted
Obsidian« Taka Entire Party
Of 71 To Summit Of Middle
Sister Suiidny Morning
Washington. I). C..—A great deal
cultural adjustment with the fed
Brown rot of stone fruits is al­
All ret olds for inouiituln climb
more Federal money Is to he dis­
eral department of agriculture, re­
ready appearing in many parts of
lig parti » sponsored bv the Eu
tributed lu various «ay designed
sulting in the greatest single Im­
wt'stern Oregon and experienced
gene (Ibsldlan club were broken
to get ready cash into the hands
petus to farm record keeping ever
commercial growers are preparing
when meinbera of Ihe club
of the consumers, w
n the in xt
experienced here, says G W. Kuhl­
to protect their crops of prunes and
took a parly of 71 persona Io the
man. emergency extension econo­
peaches by dusting or spraying
top of the Middle Bister on a regu
first of July, after the close of the
with ulfur in advance of h arvest, n,,!” .who h“ W n
tally ohediiled climb of (his peak
gnvernmeiit’g fiscal year on June
dlstrihution and cooperating with
time. says O. T McWhorter, exten -(
Clifford Blalaherg. Itfealdeni of
30. and the present program calls
county agents in advising farmers
sion horticultural!*! at Oregon
the dub. lead (he parly and llarry
(or expenditure at the rate of about
as to their use.
State college.
Wrlghl of Springfield brought up
$400.000.000 a month, for an Inde­
Though control methods for this j “Every farmer who is in a pro­
ihe rear guariL Other« aaalallng In
finite period.
annual trouble have been known
leading Ihe large parly to the
This money will go out through
for many years, delay or n eg lect, contracted relationship with Uncle i
mountain lop Included ten olher
Sam much the same as he would
numerous channels. The newest of
in their use or the failure to use
Join Ihem 011 tlieae trip» and ask
have with a landlord from whom he
pipe lines from the treasury
high grade dusting or settable sul­
Till- overnight ramp waa made at
is renting on the shares.” explains
to (he Individual la the drought
fur. have brought serious losses to
Camp Broil near Ihe base of Ihe
Mr. Kuhlman. "Every such renter
relief fund of $626.000.000, to be dig
growers. Last year one peach grow­
mountain from which the atari was
would have to keep some records,
trlbuted In the ten states where
er estimated his loss at 800 boxes
Bunday morning al 6 o'clock
and in the same way the govern
Ottcem of the record-breaking drought has
with a gross cash value of $1000.
following Hie wreck of a special The party traveled on snow and
inents experts every contract sign­ the National order railed upon F vw wrought havoc among all classes of
High grade sulfur dust (or wet-
freight train opcrallng from Eu Ice moat of the way up Ihe north
er to keep simple accounts and is »drnt Rooaetelt aad conferred upon farmers.
table sulfur spray, if dusting equip
him the title of Honorary Grand Ma*
gene to Klamath Falla near Natron side of the mountain reaching the
helping by supplying a book for ter of the Order of DoMolaya. Photo
meat is not available) may he ap­
Saturday m ijulng has been nearly (op at 10:30 g. m They were l>aok
the purpose free."
ahowv the President wearing the
There la still more than a bil­
plied any time during the summer
o f the order.
in camp at 2 o'clock Every mem­
Few Have Kept Cost Records
lion and a quarter dollara In the
when the rot shows up. In any
Six cars and Hie locomotive left ber of Ihe parly al (he start rearh>
Observations of field men who
fund for home loans to distressed
event it must be applied three
the tracks as the train crashed ed the summit of (he mountain,
have made cost of production
mortgagors. Some of this Is to he
weeks to a mouth before harvest
head on Inin a large rock which aouieihing unusual In these climbs
studies show that not more than
put to work to provide employment
if adequate control is to be ob­
hnd broken loose from a point.
é < /A 4 A R Y M A R S H A L L
a fourth to a third of Oregon farm­
In the building trades, by the pro­
tllhara In the purty from B p riu g
Four of Ihe cars were loaded with
er - have kept any form of written
field besides Mr Wrlghl were
A number of growers this year
- > > > »
accounts in the past. Most of these
repairs amt improvementa to pro­
plan to apply to dust freely at
killed as Ihe cars toppled over onto L surem e M of flit and his sister,
keep only records of receipts and
perty on which home loans have
harvest time to reduce deteriora-
Mis Vs*" Mofflll. who Is visiting
the highway
tion of the fruit after picking a n d .
« t h y than making sum
been made or which are eligible for
James R Collier, fireman, sum here from Washlnalon
marie« of their various enterprises
such loans.
while it is in the field boxes. Pres­
taltiod a broken hark and R It
and for the whole farm at the be- Springfield People Take Parts
This was Ihe first of a aeriea of
ence of the sulfur on the fruit also
Money will go out faster now for
('hamhrrlaln, head hrakeman. was mountain climbing trips which (he
ginning and end of the year.
prevent rapid development of
In Night Show; Several
public works, under the P. W. A
scalded with live steam
Obsidians sponsor earh summer
“The AAA has called attention to
brown rot after the fruit is pack
More of the money will go out to
Donate Pioneer Relics
They Invite Interested parties Io
the need of some record which will
ed for saie.
finunce rural schools
Still more
CLASSMATES MEET HERE members of the outdoor club
aid individually and collectively in
Preliminary details for all the will be spent to continue the CUP
getting more reliable data for fu­
AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS only that registration be made
ture use and which will help the 1 three features of “The Oregon camps The Federal Emergency Re-
early In the week enabling the
l'e f Administration will put an­
Mr and Mrs Winfield Boyd of trip leader to arrange for bis as
"> eliminating weak spots Tr«’1 ' P|ony ' PpU
,h * * 7 '
In his business and encouraging be hp,rt
Jub‘ 26 2 ‘ other billion and a half into direct
Yakima. Washington visited In slstaiits and transportation
The United Stales Civil Service the strong ones." Kuhlman contili “"d 28 h“ VP b"*B <'o ’” P|*,ed bv , h ‘ unemployment and poor relief
I committee
mostly through and .11 cooperation
with Mr and Mrs. It. E. Maxey.
Commission has announced open ued.
Several Springfield people are w ith la te an d local arc metes
The four people are former rlans- JO LANA PUTMAN GUEST
competitive examinations as fol
May Use More Complete Syatem
taking part in the pngeanl. and
males ln high school and at the
Then there are the payments un­
■ "In the country as a whole the
others have loaned pion-er relics der the wheat, corn-hog. cotton and
University of Washington, hut hnd
Junior agricultural statistician. AAA has provided 2 ft million farm
not met for the past 16 year*.
Members of the Terplscbureao
$2.000 to $2.600 a year. Bureau of era with these record books and | for use during the three-day cele­ tobacco contracts, though much of
Mr Boyd Is an auditor for the club,
May, l^tMoyne
this does not come directlv out of
Agricultural Economics. Depart has arranged with the extension
Income Tax department, and was Black, Jean lamk. Irene Anderson
ment of Agriculture. Specified edu services for any necessary aid ini The epic will again have three I GoverrnipI1,
sent to Eugene to do some special and Faye Itolveraon gathered at
cation and experience required starting the work It has fran k lv: main features—the pageant, which through processing tax » and dis­
year will have a huge cast u tributed by government Rgeneie».
Closing date. July 24.
stated, however, tha- the ro n tra rt-L this
work In the office (here
His (he borne of Miss JoLana B u lin a li
mother lives near Goshen and they last Thursday to honor »od sur
A ssociv veterinarian (diseases ing farmer need not use that parti-
", .
P p , ‘nw‘r
The belief In Administration cir­
affect in. wild animal life). $3.200 a rular book If he prefer anv other
f P* ,o **,her «»»He»« of early cles i now that It will take about
are also visiting with her.
pris» her before leaving for W ash­
dav scenes, and thousands of pion­ another year of Government sper.d
ington to spend the summer
year. Bureau of Biological Survey, one. possibly one more complete.
eer relics and the Progres parade. Ing ut this rate to stimulate busi­
mouths llam es and dancing form
fled education and experience re-i always kept regular account hooks I
" " J ," ? P"tr,M fr"m conb ness to the point where private
EPWORTH INSTITUTE ed the entertainment of the even ­
qulred. Closing date. July 23.
are continuing with them and plan , , . '
" "*** ' '
"M 1 apital will find It profitable to
ing after which ihe group adjourn
All states except Iowa. Vermont
transfer the reeessarv Informa-
" 0rK8" 78 lnn’1 from every part come out of hiding and go to work
Nearly 12 young people of the •si to EtMUioann's parlors for re­
of the state.
in productive industries
Methodist church are planning to freshments.
Virginia. Maryland, and the Dis- tlen to the AAA hooks for what
The pageant, which will depict
leave here neat Thursday morning
trtet of Columbia have received ever inspection mav be made Some
Admit Some Slips
for Buttle lake to attend the an
less than their quota of appoint-; r.ther« Just starting are chooMnjt the development of the Oregon ter­
It is admitted by the Adniinistra
niial institute of the Epworth Lea- WILLAMETTE FOREST
inents in the apportioned depart-; to heaiu with the more complete ritory from prehistoric times to lion's friend that recovery has not
zues in the Methodist churches of
mental service in \\ ashington. extension service book which pro- present, and prediction for the come as fast as had been expected,
fu’lire. will he enaeted on Hayward
ila dlatrlct.
D- C-
vides eorvenl^n* spacn for labor
and that some of the gov rnnient's
field on a huge stage that will
A total of 4226.000 of the forest
Those planning to spend the
Pull information may be obtain- records summaries by enterprises,
',rejects to stimulate It have not
week there are Ila Bartholomew. highway funds were ulloled Ihe
er lrom the Secretary of the United blanks for keeping possible in cover (he football field Many thrill- worked There Is also a growing
Itw episodes have been added fori
,, .
, . ,
Velda Bartholomew. Donald Brown. Willamette highway Tuesday at a
States Civil Service Board of Ex come tax data adapted to Oregon’s ..
I realization that business men and
Faye Parsons, Rodney Veat. t ’har meeting of Ihe Oregon Highway
a miners at the post office or ens j a ws and otner material not pro-, this
u v-ar.
u« ^« and
. the attraction will capital! . ts are not , showing
Designed in Size«: JA Ä , 4B,
tomhouse in any city, or from the „ided for in the more abridged
’Pd \ bP ,hp
'"Bp,r,nE great amount of confidence in the «2, 44. 46. < SO and »
She 44
In Portlsntd. The
F ish
Florence Bell Flah, comm ission
united State Civil Service Commis- AAA account book " Kuhlman con
’ 7 ”” 7
? PP PrPr h ™ ' government. Until that confidence ratyriiW 5 yards al » tack aaa-
Wayne Kendall. Delores ('»steel, funds were apportioned some time
»’on. W ashington. D. C.
ented in the United States.
I ago for this highway, but mure
and liorolhy Robinson.
returns, there will naturally be llt-
1 . . All of the principal officials and 1 He inclination on the part of prl-
funds were made available and sev­
County agents have copies >J! directors who made the 192» e v e n t' va„.
Chiffon for Summer
have churge of Ihe Morning Watch eral groups sought a reapportion
Return, from Camp - Jim m ie| tK, , h k|nds
hf)oks ara„ ab|e
' such a -neceas are hack this year. | w h ere ,nvPHtlnentM arp moHt
Gott returned home Wednesday fJ)o|r ](x.a, off|ceg
meut In other parts of the state.
Pattern 8241 — The flattering j “• 8 46 each day at the camp
and with the event still nearly a | „ ped,.(| r)jfht ,1((W ar in the build­ cape bertha and surplice closing
from Susanville, in Grant county.:
month awa.v. plans and prepara­ ing Industry. More than 5.000.000 inuke this design an excellent one i
where he Is a member of the 3-C
tions are practically complete men. normally, are employed In for flowered chiffon or printed
Hugh E Rosson. graduate manager
voile. The skirt has Ihe slenderlx-
SEASON NEXT SUNDAY of the University of Oregon, Is the building trades.
Visitors from Pauline— M r. and
It lias been President Roosevelt's ing lines demanded by the larger
Mrs. F. A. Powell. Mr. and Mrs.
The baseball game between the again manager: Mrs Doris Smith, hope tha' under the carefnlly work woman. It Is truly an all occasion
C. M Follose. and E. A. Witham
and Cottage Grove nationally known dramatic direc­ ed out plan for insuring mortgage (rock perfectly appropriate for
and daughter, all of Pauline, Ore­
afternoon will tor. Is directing the pageant for the capital again t ,oss. private funds weuring In the city with the smart
gon were visitors here Tuesday
third time; Cal M Young, noted In enormous amounts would be­ new large size hats—and equally I
for this sea­
pioneer antbority, Is again In come available for new residential at home in the suburbs for after­
son In the Cascade league. The
of the 1 pioneer parade, and Construction. It now begins Io look noon tea or any evening festivity.
•’" s i game wild be played on Brattain
one of the best as if. while there is a great need The < apelei is more interesting
g | Held at 2 o clock.
. .
known business leaders of the for new homes, few people are will- and cooler because It is open at
The game will be interesting.
state., heads the Progresa Parade Ing as yet to run into debt Io buy the center back
The Grove team started strong in
i or build houses
A lovely outfit could be assem ­
the first half and slipped in tlje
bled by using chiffon print'd in a
High Spots of New Deal
second opening, but has been gain- NO CHAMBER MEETING
The Federal government Is now delicate daisy pattern in green,
ing strength again. Springfield was
1 in control of the activities of all of white, reil and yellow on a black
making a poor showing in first half,
and began to look very promising
Th<* regular meeting night of thOjits citizens to ail extent that. Hireo ground for the dress, and black
In the second until the past two Springfield Chamber of Commerce | years ago. would have been deemed cloves, hat trimmed with green and
weeks when they lost games
to came on the Fourth of July and > impossible in America Three y ars black slippers
both Hills Creek and Benlon-Ijtne. I the meeting was called off by W. | ago congress was debating w h e t h e r --------------------------
------------- -------------
K. Barnell, president. If a meeting It was any part of the government's
Visitors from Albany — Frank
i is found necessary during the I duty to share the burden of relief Rawlings and son-in law and daugh-
Visiting in Canada— Mrs. Olive J. | month It will be called by him self 1 for the destitute. Now It Is the gc- 'er. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Uchytll of
Rebhan and daughter? have left for
I he announces.
| i opted thing, with proposals for l,elianon are visiting here today.
a vacation trip which will take
them Into Canada. They were to
be accompanied by Mrs. Constance
c o u r se y ou can. If
Z< Z c / V AZ
Miller of Portland, and other rela­
by A. B. Chapin
y o u d iv id e the c o st
tives of Albany.
o v e r a p e r io d o f o n ly tw o
o r th ree years, it figures
o n ly a fe w cen ts a day.
A n d you m ak e m o st o f
Fifty-eight guests helped Grant
that up in w h a t you save
ma T e e t e i s enjoy her 86th blrth-
o n fu el and fo o d . O n that
1 day til ihe home of her daughter.
b a sis, you c a n ’t afford to
Mrs. Ellen Needham last Wednes-
d o w ith o u t th e c o n v e n ­
' day : flernoon. Several from Co*-
Ruth, there it « tempta­
ie n c e , c o m fo r t and sa tis­
tage Grove, Mrs. Teeters' forme"-
tion at f ir it to buy expen live,
home were present.
fa c t io n o f a m o d e r n
ihowy thingi anti do without
Mrs. Howell from San Francisco.
practical boutehold belpt. Bal
M a g ic C h ef. M any m o d ­
California is here on an extended
take my advice, and let the
e ls , a ll p rices.
visit with her daughter. Mrs. James
laxaries wait. Bay tbingt that
yoa energy and money.
My Norge, for hutamce, belpt
Mr Alberta Davenhlll is plan­
me tave money to bay
ning Io leave soon for Los Angeles
tbingt, and there it
to join her husband who Is there.
that I enjoy more."
Mrs. Holt from Portland Is visit­
ing Mrs. Arch Shough.
Mxay o v o e n have tesrifted
Mrs. Charles Taylor is enjoying
that they are saving up to $11
a visit with her sister from Seattle,
a month with their Norge.
Preserving the freshness of
Mr. and Mrs. John Edmiston
quantity food purchases per­
and family left Monday for Crater
mits saving in food costs. The
Lake to spend the Fourth of July.
exclusive N o rg e R o lla to r
No Critics For This Eagle
c o o lin g mechanism effects
marked savings in operating
costs. The stuay, long-life
construction of the Norge as­
sures more ^ears o f service.
That’s three-wav econ-
omy. See the N forge.
Northwest Cities
Gas Co.
at Th* New» Office
/le ^ r À p a r e i f i a t i
THE H Ö L L Ä T « !
A r e lie r r e ih a n d
tbere't ire. T b a d i a d
l i t r e i t !e t ie lim p ie
eperatlen e f th e Rol­
la t e r c e ld - m a il n g
Wright & Sons
it « m u (iCLusivs savtsTser
in rolutss