THURSDAY, JULY 6. 1984 TH E BPRINOFTOLD NEWS L. L. RAV Attorney at Law Miner Bldg., Rugene, Oregon LUMBER IN A C T IV IT Y KEEPS O U TP U T DOWN N O T IC R O F H K A R IN Q ON F IN A L A C C O U N T M a r it in * » trik e , Building In a c ti­ v ity Citad Aa Cause* O f Pro­ duction Declina PAGE THREE TOWN AND VICINITY affect higher education In this country the general collage of Minnesota, will be described by Dr F L Horde, assistant director o f this Institution. Tha work of thia liberal school tn being watched rloaelr by educational authnrllle National Political, Social, and themi«hont tha country. conférence w ill bring togeth Educational Problems Will 1er The a rumber of outstanding men Be Talked at U. O. Meet I rrom the Northwest, who will de- Eugene. Ore.. July 6— The flrat liver addressee, act aa chairman of practical conference on higher edu­ -ne-llrws or head discusión groups cation In relation to present nation- i Included are Dr Boyer. Dr. W J al and world conditions, scheduled Kerr, chancellor of higher educa­ for the University of Oregon for tion for Oregon; Dr. Norman F. Reed College; Burt July 11. 12. 13 and 14. will not only Coleman, draw a number of authorities In Brown Baker, vice-president of the political, educational and economic unlver-Ity; W illard L Marks, chair­ Reids, but haa already attracted man of the Oregon State Board ot George W. national attention. It wae announ­ Higher Education; ced h re by Dr C. V Boyer, preat Peavy, president of Oregon State ■tent of the unlveralty. Proceedings College; J. A. Churchill, president of the meeting hare alreudy been of the Oregon Normal School; Dr. requested by a number of period­ Frank M Erickson, acting presi­ icals and by educators and other* dent of W illamette University, and in many parts or the United States Dr. John F. Dobbs, president of A special Invitation to attend this Pacific University. Conies of the condensed program < (inference and take part In discus­ sions has been extended to the for the session may be had at the readers of the Hprlngflrld News by public relation office at the uni­ Dr. Boyer. Many of the meetings versity. WORLD TROUBLES WILL BE STUDIED NOTICK IH HEREBY O IVEN That the undersigned administrator I _______ Vielte Brother- Honnle Holm left F arm er V ielte— B R Boyles of erased, "ha* "filed bis account* f«ur * genera! Blackening of building ¡ Friday fur Newport to vielt over i Rprlngfle Id route t, »aa a huol­ ille final settlement of aald retate throughout the country coupled it be holiday*-with her brother. ¡ r e e visitor In B-r'ngftold Monday, In Ibe County Court for Lane Coun . with th lougaboremeii «trike are i Leaves for Klamath Falls— Miss ly. Oregon, and that Saturday, the »,|Btnw to North 76 feet of Lot 7 In block 7, average production of thia group I'rom h l* position In Washington «ion held last Thursday evening evening visiting with relatives at tn Hklnnsr* Donation to lume exchange the N W U Hec 28. T 16 Tule Lake district near Klamath as chief of the higher education at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. county, situated In Lane Coun­ of sawmills In 1*34 has been 91.- Junction City. H . It 9 W . W M . within the Wua Falls to visit with relative*. division. Dr. F. J. Kelly ha had Hamlin. ty. Oregon, for the purpose of 361.686 feet; during the same per­ law National Fore«t. for the timber Visit at Klamath Falla— Mr. and ample opportunity to observe »fclz 11 ■ from portions of N K t* 8 E U Her discharging taxes due agalnat the iod In 1*33 their weekly average Mrs. 8. M Delph and daughter, i Visits Pareris — Mr and Mr*. field and tts developments In all MAN'S H EA R T STOPPED, IS. T 20 H . It 3 E . W M . within same and for the support of aald was 66.236.05S feet Byron Cowart and ton. Jack, of minors. It la ordered that Vida O. the W illam ette National Forest. parts of the country For this rea- STOMACH GAS CAUSE The new bnslneas reported last Betty turn, hare gone to Klamath The purpoae of this notice la to Ray, Amoa A Utile. Darllla Trine. Los Angeles arrived here Sunday son his address us "Present Educa- Falls to visit friends and relatives. _______ Melba Trine. Zelln Crick, and Polls week hy 561 milt« was 46.672.334 allow all persona claiming the evening to spend two weeks vtstt- tlonal Trends” w ill be watched with W. L. Adams was bloated ao with landa selected, or having bona fide Kincaid, next of kin of -aid minora hoard feet against a production of Leaves for Washington— Miss Jo- |n* B| (j,? home of his parents. M r great Istere t by experts all over gas that his heart often missed objections to such application, an and all others Interested In their 49.016.406 feet and shipments of Ijin a Putman left Saturday for an(( Mrs A J. Cowart. opportunity to file their protests estate, show cause before the court the United 8tatea. beat" aft«r eating. Adlerika rid him __ wttli the Register of the United «' I'» chambers In th - court house 38.233.0*6 feet T heir shipments pe|||nKhani. Washington where she , ... of all gas. and now he eats any Minnesota Experim ent Up th , ng gn„ fee,g fln e Kia nery-, Drug Hlalee tmnd Office at Roeeburg. i In Eugene. Oregon, at 10:00 A. M were under production by 22 1 per w,|j summer mocth». Visitors from Arizona— Mr. and An experiment that may vitally store. Dregon Any such protest* or oh- of Friday. July 13. 1*34. why said cent and their current sales were M r, Leland M Hover of Phoenix, Jectluns must be filed In this office license should not Issue as n»ked. under production by 7 per cent. The ; Tonsils Removed— Authren Win- Artfona arp j,ere visiting at the within thirty days from the date I Ordered fu ilh er that said next of of Drat publication of this notice. I kin and other Interester persons orders booked last week by this frey underwent an operation for home (>f Mrs Hover's parents. Mr. which first publication will be June b- served with this order by the group of Identical milts were under i the removal of his tonsils Saturday , Bn(J Mr> w p "j>ygon They will publication of the same for four the preceding week by about 1.400.- at the office of a local physician. a)R0 ylgJt gt tJje home ot hJg par. 14th. 1*34 W IL L IA M II CANON. Register weeks In the Springfield News, 000 Goes to Portland — Miss Doris •'»t In Eugene published at Springfield. Dregon ts A and 1 to 37. both In­ meet. In a measure, the general clusive. In Block 1; lx>t* 1 to 6. trend of depressed values; (3) the Enroute Home— Delbert Martin both Inclusive, and Ix»ta 8 to 18, of Dregon City stopped here for a both Inclusive, Block 2. all In so-called Cochran fire of October. ____________ 1932. which raged through the short visit Saturday with friend*. Oaklelgh; and Begtnnlnv at a point 26.75 feet | northern end of Ihe county; and He was returning from a trip to of Pittsburgh. Pa. Kaal of the Northeast corner of , h#| hoio<.aUH, of , 833 Unown I San Francisco. Ix>t 10 of Block 2 of the plat of Oaklelgh; thence North 267.07 ( froni coast to coast as the T illa - | parent* of Son— Mr. and Mrs. feet; thence East 6.23 chains to mook fire R(iy , rv,n Rrp , he parenta of a baby the Southeast corner of the land _________________ ___ * n ., i i.. »n **•> *> born to them at the Pacific described In the certain deed to c#mp A|(>nB and Mra Represented By hospltnl in Eugene on Friday. June Max Arp being on the west bank J of the W illam ette River; thence " N. Dow and family spent the 29. 1934. E. H . TU R N ER Southeasterly along said west Fourth of July camping out at Oov- Returns from Camp— Mrs. C. E. bank to the Northeast corner of i ernment camp near McKenzie *46 A 8 t Bprlngflsld, ore. the tract of land now owned by ■bridge and at the Boy Scout camp Wheaton returned Sunday evening Harold A. Rossman being at a| point due east of the place of ‘ heir son. Billy I* enrolled. from the coast where she attended beginning; thence West 8 30 Ends School W ork — Miss Ina the annual Lan- County Home- chains, more or less, to the place Clement who has been staying at maker'- camp held at Cleawox. Girl of beginning, containing 3 acres, the home of Mr. and Mr*. Fred Sr(MI‘ camp site near Florence. more or less. In Donation Land Claim No. 46. In Township 1 7 1 Louk since school closed, has com- Former Resident* Here— Mr. and Soilth. Range 4 West of the W tl-i pleted work on all school record* Mrs. A. N. Plckr.rd of Oxnard. Cali­ Formerly Walker-Pools Hm ette Meridian. , , , 1g and has returned to her home on fornia have been guests at the The property, except Ix)t 18. i Rlock 2. Oaklelgh. la owned by the| lhl> McKenzie. home of Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Rolens. EUG EN E— 11th SPRINGFIELD ward. W illiam Farmer, Ineompet- The Pickard family are former reel- NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA RING ] ent, and Caroline Farmer, the un­ 238 Hain sua Charnsltou, Notice Is hereby given that th * dents of the M cK enile valley. dersigned In her personal capacity. Phone 63-J Telephone 723 I as husband and wife and tenants undersigned Phebe Mann has filed California Folk Here— Mra. E. K. hy the entireties; Ix>t 18, Block 1. her final report and account a* Oaklelgh Is owned hy Howard P. administratrix of the estate of Swim and son of Alhambra. Califor­ Arnett, suhject to the Interest of Alfred P. Mann, deceased, and the nia are visiting here at the home the ward therein aa a tenant by the County Court of Lane County. Ore­ of her parents. Mr. and M r*. John T h * fuel rang* belong* with th * antiques ef £ V I N In hour* of diversion tb it shadow can gon. has fixed Monday, July SOth entirety. Terms of sale: All cash, or one at 10 O'clock A. M at the County Ketels. th * horse and buggy age. Electric cookery is “ lurk in the hack ef your mind — if house­ half cash and the balance evidenced I Court room In the Court house at Manages Blk* Rental»— Morgan by the note of the purchaser, upon Eugene. Oregon, as the time and th * modern way — th * healthful, happy, joy­ work to yeu mean* a tiresome round ef hard terms satisfactory to the under place for final hearing thereon and Chandler has gone to Newport to any objections to said report and ous way for housewives to avoid unnecessary signed, secured by mortgage upon manage the bicycle rental business duHea. But it needn’t. Electrical appliance* can the property sold. Bids may be sub­ account should be filed or made on for W. Hi A lfrlai. Mrs. Adrian kitchen drudgery.This company in cooperation miraculously shorten and lighten nearly every mitted upon any single lot and —or or before said time. Dated and first published June made a business trip to the coast ¡combination of lots In Oaklelgh: with electrical dealers ha* solved your financ­ household task. Woman's work, modern style. Friday. i and upon the unplatted tract In Its 28th, 1934 PHEBE HANN. Armlnlstratrlx entirety. t