THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ut T lIlR T Y F IH rtT YKAK NIMUNtiHEIJJ. LANE COUNTY. OREGON, TIIIHthUAV. JULY 6. CROWDS LISTtd 10 BIBLE TALK Cannon Leaving Court FINAL LECTURE FRIDAYl Great Peraecution Of "Amaz­ ing Jew" Predioted To Uphold Prophecy Ur Arthur 1. I I k i w i i , (ha urgent! lecturer (rum Vuncouver. British Columbia. who opened a »hurl oar l«s of lectur«» si U te Baptist h Tuesday evaiilua w tt greet- ml by large Slid attentive audiences for hl» flrtl (wo talk*. Tumid *■ i "The War Again»! God." anu night on lb« subject. "The Ami .lew." ® Furaaklng hl» medical profes, C WAHHINUTtlN . . . Photo above III which hr had made a mar I »hows Bishop Juno- - Cannon. Jr., of aerc«««. Ur Brown turned to V he Methodist Episcopal Church lllhl« and made a careful study M '»ulh. as he left the District Hup- thia book from a actentlflc ai me Court where he appeared for prophatlr angle He now dlacuam «1 (or alleged conspiracy, having world problems and event» In th H do with the presided llal cam light of Hlblral prophecy eelgn between Alfred Smith and III hla opening lecture Ur. Brown Herbert Hoover. •aid In part "There can b« no doubt that to­ day we are witnessing the cloalng stage« of the age-long war against God. waged by Matan and hla co­ horts Thia attack comes from varl ous angles. There are the blatant and blaaphemous atheists whose grnaaneaa largely deteala lhair pur­ pose Then I here la a class of ai I entlsfa who ufflrm that the disco»- erlea of modem science demand a "New Uod." one of their own mak­ ing. The last angle of attach comes from those calllug them selves Christians and yat who ridicule the tlrtbodoi belief In a Personal Creator. 001 SCOOT CAMP SEASON OPENED Springfield Troop Sends Two To First Period Starting Sunday; Martin Assistant Tow members of the Springfield Hoy Seoul troop, Billy Dow. and Scott Wrlchl, are attending (be first period summer camp for Wal- lamet council which began at Camp Lucky Huy on Blue, river Sunday. July I. Two more ramp periods will be held during the latter part of the summer. Each period continues for two weeks and new units of boys move In for each ramp al (hough a few remain for two or more of the camp periods. Mu» NO. ¡44 PDSTOFFIGE W I L L - h e r » « FIRMS ORGANIZE School Projects KEEP LOCATION 50FTBALL LEIBÖE Each Building To Share In New Five-Year Lease Given Improvements; Work Ex­ Each Of Six Teams To Play pected To Start Monday On Bank Property; New Garnet Every Tuesday And Mail Carriers Start Routes WKIIA projects (or painting and Thursday Evenings at 7 Surgeon Evangelist Speaks Tonight At Baptist Church On World Communism i L STUDENT COSE II BIBB SCHOOL LOW Clerk’s Annual Report Shows Average Student Cost Dis­ trict $54.78 Each ------------- I repair of the Bprliutfleld school The Hprlngfleld postoffice w ill: b„lldlngx hav„ granted by the FIRST GAMES NEXT WEEK FERA GRANT SAVES MUCH remain In the present location for ata, a l o „,mlUw,, according to word I another five year» It was announ- ' received by the board of directors. Managers Of Teams Busy New Clerk and Board Mem­ ! ced here this week when Harry Th» first work hl egpected to start Signing Up Players; Sec­ ber Take Office Tonight; M Hlewart. acting postmaster ra-t nwkl Monday mon.A.g ond Meeting To Be Soon I reived a copy of a communication Tlle rlra, pKJ>t, ___ tIH.,ud Grade Reports Dus Then — — paini sent to A A Schram », state bank ltl< , Jn<.o,„ gchoo| -( pa|lllln|t tba Brattata »«'bool nrH, b orgaIlllw1 Springfield Commercial Htate Bunk, owner of roof and t Interior decorating of policy of school district 19 directors the . . " during the past year were revealed the poatofflce site and building. | h|gh w.hofll bulldlnM Another pro for many year», has been formed this w-ek In Ihe preparation of the aunoum-lug the awarding of t h . . Je<., for MDtJlnK waMlng a„d luring the past week by a group of **7 wax'"K an‘* local buxlneas tnen and firms, each annual report for Springfield high contract At least two other site , reconditioning the floor. In th e , , “ had been offered the government Mgb a(.h(a), an„ Bra, lalll , cllool “ w'"”“ 8pon8or 8 team '» school which showed that the per Hight to heat the building with a ge„ Hral repalr W1)rk Thl(( ",P 8,J“ “am lea ,u " capita coat of educating »tudents private heating system to be In w,„ atayl „ „ | ™ e Initial organisation meeting j in the local high school during the staU ad w ith in ( h e p o slo fflc e 1» case lba aUp „ ¥la,on of lh„ T| *'a" “ Mon‘U r aer past school year amounted to only - ....................... __ ' >uf . ! *1«'* ’••“ Hon when many of the pre-, Il I. found undesirable to use the w lllU llg work w,„ „,ar, wbpn fM.78. the lowest figure ever estab­ Ilrnluary detail« were Ironed out. lished her- and probably lower large stesm heating plant now pro I rlt.lent ar„ p„roll(d f(>r WASHINGTON, Ark. . . . The than can be shown by any other The final meeting before the actual vhllng steam for the targe corner work by tl)B 8 K K a wj| (lien of this town, too busy to bold w,‘“ start of the tournament will be call- office called upon the women to run first or second class high school Moek was xllpulaled in the con- mated. The hteh .efceea ed «"««"time this week-end. Actual the city affairs and Grandma Char- In thl- county tract. T palnlPd P'»y will star. Tuesday of next lean it. Williams, 65, (above) was A few other minor Items are to last year and when these project Only financial figures for ihe ^ 0 ? .r .“ i S e i X X Z £ t h, Und’,r the PERA wWoh «*“ Wunsch was wsfiring north from n'sh th - equipment for the team nn Wa'dorf of the Chi di trict would have been |1718 or climbing, usually one of the Three which la the greatest tragedy of funeral services were held from ""e . m and ,be,r name" Included cago area, will preside at the see approximately »7.75 per pupil more Slaters peaks, swimming In a na­ fourie n from Eugene, and Mrs ibis twentieth century. Many of H en d erso n o f W estminster. Callfor- P»»'e-Or«.v.B«riholomew chape! ! 'e Z T slons. Bishop Waldorf Just recent- ’ban the 364.78. the world'» moat eminent scientists tural uutdoor pool, nature study, nla ! ’n Springfield Saturday afternoon Hh ° f 12 player8 “ 'h ' ly visited the Pcclflc Northwest The «cb° ° l operated for 178 days and work on many of the merit have renounced thia theory because Mrs Glenn Stone, district deputy w,th R" * « « '„ P- Simon, p astor! ‘ " X ,hat m0; t to preside over the annual M etho-; witb an average dally attendance badge projects. It has failed to prove any o f Its president, was the Installing offl- ° f ,b *> Ora~ f’« 'b^ . » church of * 'r "D* ma" S h i e l d will diet conference held In Portland. ° 7 239.8. Eleven teachers, three H. B. Sallee, scout executive, la tenants.” Mrs Alberta Walker was mar- E,,” np ° ™ atl«W- Interment was , "°°n he p,ayln* ba8pba" men and eight women, were on the In charge of the camp thia year Jaw la Puxxle Of Age staff during the year full time. 1 mndp In Teatirel Grove cemetery • hall FAMILY REUNION HELD In hla lecture on "The Amailng He la assisted by Edwin Christie. There were 98 in the freshman YOUNG PEOPLE ATTEND Installed officers were Mis Eu­ Jew." he made the following state- Eugene; Carl Merryman. Corval­ HERE GN JULY FOURTH class. 75 in the sophomore year, 67 nice Gerber, noble grand; Miss MAXWELL HOME BURNED TURNER CONFERENCE lis; and Glenn Martin. Springfield men ta: in the Junior division and 49 sen­ Maxine Snodgrass. vice-grand: Mr. and Mrs. George W. Carson iors. all of whom graduated. IN JULY FOURTH FIRE "The Jew la the great puxxle of acout master. Miss Doris Girard, recording secre­ Four members of the Christian s r.. entertained at their home here the age. The story of Israel 1« (he Bprlngfleld Boy Remits are busy tary; and Mrs Marie Pohl, treas The home of Mr and Mrs. T. J I •'-“’leavor society of the Christian Wednesday. July 4. at a family Btudy load carried moal fascinating ever told. Here sow working on their merit badges urer. Maxwell in Garden Way was level- <'burcb *“ Springfield, and two from reunion. ' t was four subjects. A we aee a people mlracously begot­ and other forms of self Improve­ Those present for the day were and several of 'the 'f lr e Z e a r sfu . Appointive officer- named by the ed by fire believed (o have been £ reewe" are attending the annual ten. preserved and guided, and ment. The local Lions club scout noble grand are: Warden, Wllda caused by a spark on the roof Wed- ' oun< People's Conference of their Mr. and Mrs. E. Larkin and family rr « , ~ made cuatodlan of the Book which committee headed by Dr. W. N. Cotton; conductor. Arahnell Brick- nesday morning Fire trucks from chureb h«1"« bpld »t Turner this of Alpine. Earl Mathews of Toledo. ' twelve taking music / r cume by the breath of Uod. Dow began n tw elvem onth contest ley; chaplain. Bertha Rouse; musi­ Eugene and Springfield fought the j week Tbo8e pre8e“t ^.»m Spring- Mr and Mrs. Charles Carson and rredit * "The Jew la atlll with ua after July 1. among the boys of the troop cian. Mrs Pearl Rehanlol; right blaxe with their chemical tanks. | arp Mary Hadley, Margaret family of Mabel. Mr and Mrs. J. n , . tM phlM tnr « sa ck . Florence Vail, and Mina P. Adame and family and Mrs , Z centuries of peraecution. not as a and a number of prises Includ'ng a supporter to noble grand. Mrs. but were hindered because of a Petereon. Elizabeth Vail and Mr. Sarah J. Adams of Junction Cltv. “• mummy In a case, but aa a living sleeping bag donated by the Lions Clara Snodgrass; left supporter to lack of water ihat number. Four also taught only noble grand. Glenn Stone; right There were a few small grass P e,,y arP ,bere from O eaw ell. A Mr and Mrs. John Carson and fam (actor In human affairs, youthful club will be given winners four classe'. while four others supporter to vice-grand, Millan fires reported during the day. but colnPlete program of class work ily of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. and virile. The secret, of course, Is Black; left supporter to vice grand. no serious blaze resulted from fire | aDd recreation Is followed at the Clifton Phillips and family of On- taught six classes dally. The small- that Uod Is not finished with the TWO PLAN VACATION set number of pupils taught dally Erma Nolt; Inside guardian. Crys­ works here July Fourth, according conference dally. Jew. tarto. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Adams o u tin g on mckenzie tal Bryan; outside guardian. Oene- to Hugh Jolllff. fire chief. Thirty tw o members of the local and son, Bob. Mr. and Mrs. W alter by any one teacher was 50. and the "Every effort to get rid of him church attended the Thursday ses-1 I.axton and son. Junior, and Mr. largest number was 130. leve Ixwk; pa-st noble grand. Lot­ has failed. I’haroah tried Io drown Miss Clara Jones, nurse In the tie Fisher, substituting for Miss slon of the church conference at and Mrs. G. W Carson, all of h>m. Nebuchadnezzar to burn him; office of Dr. Melville S. Jones, and MISS HUGHES TO SPEAK MOTHER OF MINISTER Thelma Sweeney. Turner last week. Several remain- Springfield. Darius threw him to the lions and Miss Aille Manning, Springfield AT CHURCH PROGRAM I in* over for ‘he balance of the BUPIED IN WASHINGTON Committee appointments also an­ Haman tried the gallows. AU failed teacher, left Wednesday for Mc­ week. nounced by the noble grand are: Kenzie bridge to spend a week's and (he Jew has outlived all hla Mrs. Sedalia Poindexter. 62, Miss Elizabeth Hughes will speak I was one of the program speakers, DOCTOR ATTENDS CLINIC finance. Mrs. Clarlne l*utman. Mrs. conquerors and walks unscathed vacation During his absence here S. G. AT VANCOUVER HOSPITAL rnother Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. , W ills McKlln, and Mrs. Fisher; on her work in Christian Social umlri (he general wreck of empire» Mrs. Alice Mae Hurd will assist ----------- Pastor of the Methodist church in and floral. Miss Mary Ann Louk Service among the unemployed of Moshler spoke at the morning ser- at the doctor's office during Ihe Jewish Troubles Ahead Tacoma at the Methodist church vice In the Christian church, and Dr and Mr8 Ml,ton v Walker Springfield, was buried at her old and Mrs. Sarah Johns. "The greatest persecution the absence of Miss Jones. The July social committee was Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. The Rev Ren H ollister delivered the left Saturday for Vancouver, Brit-¡hom e at Farmington, Washington, Jews have ever experienced Hen evening sermon on the subject "My evening sermon. j •8b C«lu"’bla to attend a surgical on Wednesday. June 27. with Rev. not named at the meeting. Just ahead and la predicted by the IUKA MEETS TONIGHT i l l ------------------------ — i ellblc at the Vancouver General 8. P. Purdy, pastor of the Metho- Following the business meeting Ixird Ilelayeth His Coming." w Hcrlpturei. This persecution Is he preached by Rev. Dean C. Poln- CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO ¡Hospital. They plan to return to j dist church at Motcow. officiating. the outgoing officers were host­ AT EGCIMANN PARLORS brought on largely by the unique dexter. Springfield on July 7. Mrs. Poindexter passed away at esses during the social hour place the Jew has come to occupy During Dr. Walker's absence Dr. the St. Luke's hospital In Spokane The Church school m eets at 9:46 1 HAVE SERVICE TONIGHT Regular meeting of Iuka circle Initiation of new members will I d world affairs. He controls so Melville S. Jones will take care of on Sunday. June 24, following an and the morning service will start Ixtdles Auxiliary of the G. A. R. be held on July 16. A service featuring visitors Is hls pract|ce, M|gs An„ M c0ookln. _____ much that (ha Gentile population Illness. Her husband passed away at 11 o'clock with the pastor being planned at the C hristian! offlee Iiurge w)n bp at doctor abwit will he held this evening at the 16 yeara will rise In protest. preaching on the subject. “Salt.” home of Mrs. Myrtle Egglmann. COUNCIL TO HOLD ITS '" " c l l° prosram , Walker’s office during the usual Seven children survive, two of "What la going on today In Pales­ Reports of the convention dele­ Coburg Methodist starts a. 7:30 with a vocal solo by bourg daJ,y , them „re min|gterg „ „ Rpy tine In direct and astonishing ful­ gates. Mrs. Egglmann. Miss Eva MONTHLY MEET MONDAY "Where the Eagles are Gathered J , a “ ? X 1 D’”" 1 p° 'Pd« ‘er- and Rev. T. Earl fillment of prophecy, Is one of the Together," will be the theme of the Ixmk and Mrs. Grace I^ansberry. Regular monthly meeting of the message at 9:46 a. m. The Church strongest proofs that this age Is will be given during the evening. n T winlfrid Tyson H o Z r LI° N S T ° HEAR PLANS ( of Kendrick. Idaho, Springfield City Council for the school meets at 10:46. about to close with (he Personal T on a . Z u con r c c r - r , . , . „ a i Others surviving «re Mrs. William month of July will he held next a v . Z ok a .° °: ° R B A S E B A L L T E A M S O Hoback. Mrs. Dr. Eugene Relief. Return of Jasux Christ. The Jews Monday evening. July 9. at the City a visit with her parents. Mr. aad ----------- „„„ , , __ , , _ , ." „ . are preparing their land and alao MILL CLOSES DOWN FOR Mrs. W. P. Tyson. Dudley Strain, Tbe ba-eball com m ittee of the ’ n e er, a o . Hall al 7:30 o’clock. Regular bust- VISITING PASTOR TO their hearta to receive their Men Moscow. Idaho- Mrs. Bert Stamp. WEEK OF JULY FOURTH j ness will he taken up. Further con­ SPEAK AT CHURCH HERE Z B”»er “v 7*" be « Z , Z r â ’ " Z * * ‘° Z * À PatoU8e' Washington'; and Gilbert aiah whom they rejected lf>00 years the speaker. Rev. Veltle Pruitt w 1 report at the regular m eeting of D sideration of SERA project» for ago." i - .a .................. .h . K. K ... Poindexter. Portland, Oregon. The Booth-Kelly sawmill In the city, and a study of the finan­ the Springfield club to be held Fri­ Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the lead ,be 80nK serylce- Dr. Brown will apeak Again to­ Springfield closed down this week day at Taylor hall. John W. An cial condition of the city after the Christian church, has been called night and Friday. Tonight he will for their annual Fourth of July derson and P. J. Bartholomew are HENDERER, WILSON first six months will he made. unexpectedly to Ehstern Oregon CHURCH PEOPLE TO take aa hla subject, "Russia's Chal­ vacation. This has been a practice In charge of the program for t h e ! BRIDGE PLAY WINNERS for h missionary tour and will not! SPEND DAY AT OAKRIDGE lenge to Hod—Who W ins?” He of long standing with the local mill, noon-day meeting. he here next Sunday. Dr. V. E. I _______ will speak on the present menace during which equipment Is given a ENDEAVOR GROUP HAS High score In the Contract bridge Several members of the Christian ■ PARTY FOR STUDENTS Hoven of Eugene will preach at of Communism, especially In the careful Inspection and necessary ! club play last Thursday afternoon Ihe morning service and sp ecial| church here are planning to spend AIRMAIL POSTAGE IS United States. Prlday his cloalng repairs are made. went to Mrs Jack Henderer. Mrs. Members of the Christian En­ music will be arranged. ( Monday nt Oakridge for the fifth subject will be "The Imminent Re­ REDUCED TO SIX CENTS Clifford Wilson, a guest, won the deavor society of the Christian For evening service C. A. Phl-tUoounty Christian convention. A pot turn of Christ." ----------- ' honor score. Mrs. William Moyer church held a surprise party on the lips will bring the message, and I Inck dinner will be held at noon. Called to C. M. T. C. Camp The public Is Invited Io these Airmail stamps were reduced was also a guest at the meeting, lawn of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mlsk ITIdine (lartln will h a v e’ -------------------------- - meetings from eight io six cents effective The party began with a one o’clock Robert Richardson left this morn­ D. B. Murphy Frlduy evening to charge of the music. , Visit Parents—Mr. and Mrs. Don- July 1 in all parts of the United dessert at the home of Mre. Walter Regular Sunday services will bn ing for Vancouver, barracks. Van­ honor Miss Dawn Church who has ------------------------— i aid Wilson of Salem are here for States according to word received Scott. held at the Baptist church next couver, Washington, where he was recently returned from southern Spend Day on Coast— Mr. and 1 a few days to visit with Mrs. Wil- at the local office. The new sis-1 Mrs. Donald Toomb will enter- Sunday according to Rev. R. E called for the Cltlxen'a Military California where she attended Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee spent the Fourth | son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George cent airmail stamp will bear an tain the club at her home on July Rolens, pastor. Training camp period. school last year. on tbe coast. Prochuow. Imprint o f Crater take. ‘ 13 for their next LODGE OFFICERS START NEN DUTIES