TO T BFIUNOrtCLDNSWt PAQEFOUB Spelling Champion PLENTY OF ACTION DUE AT MOLALLA BUCKEROO W ild Ridin®, Ind ian*. Baaaball. Dance*. Boxing, and Banda A ll Ready F a r Opening B ill CLUB LOSES IB HILLS CHEEK Fulfilled Promise e tte r . Springfield At Benton-Lane Park Sunday; Yoncalla To Be Hllla Creek Opponent P o lla rd M a kes S ta te m e n t Music will feature the entertain- mam at the annual Molalla Buck­ eroo to be held July 1. 3. 1, 4 at Molalla. Oregon There will be flee night* of danc- lug starting Saturday night June 30th. Stan Ely'* orchestra of Ore­ gon City will furnish the music. These dances are always popular sad are one of the attractions of the show. On July 4 there will be a fight card presented at the arena at night starting at 7:15 p. m. The ex­ hibit of fistic piow ees will be un­ der the management of Ben Heins. Well known fighters from different parts In the W illamette valley will take part in the contests. There is considerable Interest in the affair in all the town* in this section of the state. The Silverton ball team will play the Warm Spring* Indian team at Molalla on the 4th of July. This game will take place immediately after the parade at the high school diamond. The Indians have notified Buckeroo authorities that they are bringing a strong team and expect to beat their white brothers. A large number of Indians are ex­ pected to attenu the whole tim e of the show and take part in the acti­ vities. The Buckeroo at Molalla July 1. 2. 2, and 4 will have lots of peppy music to brighten up the occasion. The Junior Elks band of Portland, the Hubbard band. Stan Ely's or­ chestra. and the Spanish American fife and drum corps of Portland will each add to the enjoyment of the show. Besides these the public ad­ dress system car of the Cherry City Baking Co. of Salem will be used in announcing the show and will furnish music during the par ade and at the arena. The recent school election was of ! more than usual lon gest to tha I 1, hit by pitcher Kelsay Umpire* IMvIa and Carson. Hill* Cresh-Yeneall* Neat A good sited crowd of Interested spectator* turned onl (of tha game and gave their team the beat sup port of ths season Neat Sunday Springfield goe* to Benton -Las* park where they might find more trouble. Yoncalla and Mills Creek play at Jaspei and Ibis will be the moal Intarcsl- Ing game of the week-end In the Caarade league. The Eugene Mo dern Woodmen travel to Cottage Grove. community. As chairman of the Board I d e-1 Washington. — When President By U, K WHEATON alre to correct some very mislead- j llooeevelt starts ou his vacation Springfield'« chances fur captur- Ing and false statem ents used to I trip in the near future, to tie gone lug the second half of the t’aacade i (Ive or six weeks, lie will leave In Influence the voters. baseball league went glimmering The first one that fell into grasp­ I charge of thing* In Washington Sunday, when the Hill Hillis*, led j ing hands was to the effect that the^ quite a different set of man from by Mauney and Stenchell, put the | G R A Y , M aine Rarab Wilma, School Board was voting preaeuts, I t (tb evsi. »SS give« s reyal rseep- j those who seemed to he—and skid* under them by the score of to them selves, and what right had «»a shea sb» I thought they were— the Govern^ bo“ » HOLLYWOOD . . Joan Blondell ten to four. That the Hill Billies «hampteseh.p *» d k W fra«a »h* ment of the United State* a year they to do so. (above), was a Waiupaa screen star battery has the well known Indian At a hoard meeting of June 5, Mr. T e eth A usasi N aU eaal Spell»»« Be* ago. They will be men whom the choice In l»21. Now. three years algo ou the locals, was quite evi­ b *M a t W aahiagtaa. E. Stuart, (member of the board) President hat discovered are to be later, she Is awarded the achieve­ dent to all who saw the game Give made the statement that Dr. Poll­ trusted to use their own Judgment ment trophy by the same Judges a* "Hud" a few run* and he has the ard's office had been used for a NATIONAL LEADERS TO without getting him or the Admin­ having scored the greatest screen locale eating out of hla hand. Lane County Club To Ba Or­ good many years for board meet­ ATTEND U. OF 0. MEET istration Into a hole. In other advancement since then. The first Inning was the atari ganized At Court Houaa ing place, without coat to the dla ----------- words, moat of them are either ex­ ol our down tall. Ilrown the midget Saturday; Noon Lunch trict. namely lights and fuel used Eugene. Ore.— National leaders perienced Governmental sdininla Those, with Ml«* Perkins. Secre of the game, led off with a alngle. all this time, thus »svlng the sx- in educational, economic and poll- trators or men who have demon­ tary of l-abor—who. like Jesse Grover Kelauy then drove one at Grganlaatloa of the Ixtne county peuse at one of the school* In Id eal fields, as well aa leading edu- strated their ability by the hardest Jones. Is "a horse for work"- Dsn Mattison, with a perfect double chapter of the Oregon Republican recognition of this fact he moved cators and business men of Oregon kind of Intelligent work, without Roper. Louts Howe and Frauk play In sight, our second sucker clubs will be effected at a county­ that some gift be given Or Pollard j will be present for the conference bringing them selves too much Into Walker, are the real wheel-horses was In the land of dreams, and wide meeting nt the Ixine county to show the Board's appreciation, on higher education, to be held on the limelight or saying or doing of the Administration. before Lloyd found a place to throw court house Saturday arternow . This was seconded by M r Maxey | (he Cniverslty of Oregon campus foolish thing* which reflect hack the ball. Brown waa safe at second, Jan* 30. at 2 o'clock Delegate« and a record of the motion placed July 11. 12. IS and 14, It was an on the Presldsnt. and In hla hurry Io gel the hitter from all parts of the county are a l on the minutes. Here I* the motion nounced here by Or. C. V Boyer. Fraaident and H e lp e r* T ired at first, made a bad peg. and all parted to he preaent (or the meat 1 resident of the university. a* made and carried: Mr. Roosevelt Is tired, but he Is hands were safe. Stenchell neat Ing and participate In the organl Four main topics will be taken A motion ws* mude and passed neither III nor "worn, out." and up sent a sharp single and three satlon detail*. authorising tha Clerk to purchase up at the conference. These will while he needs the vacation real, were on, a fielders choice sent Frank II Held, who was named be: "Keeponstbllity of Higher Edu a suitable present for Or. W. H. there Is nothing In hl* physical Brown home and two more hits temporary county chairman at tha Pollard, re imbursing him for the istio n to Students'*; "Responsibil­ condition to worry about. So. too. and an error, accounted for four organisation of the stale asaocla use of his office for school board ity of Higher Education to Com­ are some of the older men In the more, by that time lllils Creek was lion ol republican club* In Port­ "Re>ponsibility of Cabinet and high administrative Dairyman meetings, over a number of years. monwealth"; Showing Unex­ tired and retired tor a real. land recently, today Issued an In The Chairman will say frankly | Higher Education for Social Plan- p chetwood 1 Lum Mays' home. son. and stock In thia part of tha coun W. H. POLLARD. ance-wheels to keep the youngsters their Income without Increasing Mulligan . 4 Several from Thurston attended try When he waa a youngster and from running wild their expenditures. 4 Squires the Sunday school convention at alao on the radio before going R o p er and W a lk e r B . < These meeting* are sponsored by Taylor Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. R. L. W alterville la»( Sunday. J. B Endi­ south. A m o n g th e old er m en w ho are • Total i . . I «he N a tio n a l Creamery association cott from Thurston was reelected Dickens of Mabel are the parents Hate) Warner, who la «aid Io closest to tne rre«i« Vlce-praald nt* o fth ,.n a tio n a l, Brown Kelaey one of raldo'a flneat popular • .. 4 was also re-elected secretary. day. June 2«. 1934 renk was re-elected to serve on the and the President's closes, friend, « -o e ta tlo n are named or each Kelaar vlollnlata. Bob I-e*. novelty guitar 5 Stenchell school board for a term of 3 years. lx.n l. McHenry Howe Col. Howe -«ate. and county or district chair 1st and pianist. Karl Hatch, who 4 As Mrs. E Gnistina resigned as has been 111 and almost Inactive for men are named for each county or 11 Park playa piano, accordlan and vlbra 1 clerk. Mrs McLeod was elected to - J™"'” 's " . ~ tary, Roper feeling other subdivision The Lane county I .a wson phone, all* In an outstanding man- SATURDAY NITE! 6 Parka chairman Is Glenn Harden, man take her place aer. And Bud Hatch, baaa player the strain. *o that his trip to the 5 6:25 — 8:35 — 10:45 Mrs. Georg- Brown "has been Northwest to look Into th- salmon ager of the Eugene Farmer's l^lrd Among the artlat* who made a I Tinker .. 4 chosen by tb- Pleasant Hill public fisheries tangle will be lengthened Creamery. big hit In the Northwe«! with him 5 : Mauney school board to teach the school Into a real vacation. laat year and who are with hla I «tut« .... 3 next year. As there will likely not Frank C . Walker, chairman of NEW SCHOOL OFFICERS Chetwood for «hull In sixth Inn­ present ahow bar*. Morey Amatea- be a regular dally attendance of 27 dam. Mabel Todd. Cal Pearce. Tooy the Federal Emergency Council there will In all probably be only and one of the elder men upon START WORK JULY 5 ing. Ixiwson for H. Parks In 7th; omano. Carlyle Bennett. Lord runs batted in Stenchell 1. H. a one room «chool. It llgewaler, Jackie Archer and tbe whom the President relle* heavily. The next meeting of the Spring- Parks 1. Laird 4. Stutz 1, Brown 1, Three Cheers. At the annual election of high Is laying off for all summer He Msltlaon 1. Chatterton 1. Earned school district No. 1 Fr-d Hill* of has carried a larger burden than Held School Board will be held a Manager. Janie« O'Connell, of the runs Hills Creek «. Springfield 3 — PLUS Jasper waa unanimously elected to anyone realizes. He does not get week from tonight. Thursday. July McDonald alao announce* that tha Base on balls Sword 1. Left on baae serve on the high school board for Into print very often, because he 5. A new clerk and a new director Springfield 5. Hills Creek 8. first comedy feature, "Here Comae the “HERE COMES THE CROOM!" a term of 5 years. There were 2» ha« the habit of not talking about will be «worn in at this meeting. bate on errors Springfield ». Hllla Groom" Will be screened at each votes cast all In favor of Mr. Hills. what he Is doing, hut his Job Is that This meeting and all later seaslons show. Jack Haley. Mary Boland, JACK MARY N E IL ) The Pleasant Hill woman’s of trying to get all the branches of i of the board will be held at the C re e k 4 Two base hit*. Mauney, and Nell Hamilton are featured In H. Parka, Mulligan and Sword. Library and all Interested persons HALEY :: BOLAND :: HAMILTON club will hold Its next meeting the Government pulling In the Passed ball D. Wright 2. Stenchell the film July 18 at the home of Mrs. Swift sam - direction at the same time are Invited to attend the meetings. with Mr?. Barnum acting as assist­ All Seats 50c — Kiddies 25c Not long before he went out of ant hostess office Mr. Hoover spoke of the fact Myrna Laird of Edenvale and that Thomas Jefferson, when presl Elizabeth Holcamb of Trent re­ dent, had only 150 persons in all turned from a two weeks summer the executive departments, hut that school at Corvallis Saturday after­ President Hoover had 750,000. In­ noon. cluding ihe army and navy, for làL!'1 REPUBLICANS IB NAME OFFICERS SPEAKERS TALK CREAM QUILin Thurston Upper Willamette MCVOHAUI AL PEARCE c and HIS GANG Have You Found It Out Yet? Rl NTI NG E FFIC IEN T PROM PT Inexpensive Phone 2 OOD printing service consists of more than delivering a certain amount of Ink and paper in the form ordered. Good printing consists of careful consideration as to the form in which the idea is to be presented, thoughtful selection of type faces, the right grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ ate composition and skillful printing. . . That is the kind of printing service you may ex­ pect from our shop. . . , and It costs no more than Inferior printing. G No matter what you printing Job may be or In what quantities, we are confident yon will find our esti­ mate of coat moat Interesting, workmanship moat efficien t and promptness in delivery moat gratifying. If you find It Inconventlent to visit our office, pitone and we will call. . . . Tou are under no obligation In asking u> for an estimate. The Willamette Press Opposite P. O. Springfield whose activities he was respon­ GONE!— THE HIGH COST sible Now this total has reached OF STOMACH TROUBLE more than 1.250.000 Federal em­ ployee*. without any Increase in Don't pay »2.50 to »»5.00 for re­ lief from stomach pains, Indlges the army and navy. Through th* Rank* tion. Try Dr. Emil’s Adla Tablets —2 weeks treatment only »1. Re­ The one among the older men In lief or your money back Flanery’s high position who doesn't seem to Drug Store. mind the work is Jesse Jones, chairman of the R. F. C„ who la GET RID OF THE FLIES! termed here “a horse for work. Our household fly «pray doeR Incidentally. Mr. Jones will not be the trick every time. Scott’s the next chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, although Chairman Drug Store. Black Is on the way ont and his N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G successor is said to have hi-en Notice Is hereby give® that the picked undersigned Phebe Mann has filed Cheater Davis. Administrator of her final report and account as administratrix of the estate of the AAA. is near a breakdown and Alfred P. Mann, deceased, and the will have to lay off for his health County Court of Lane County, Ore­ most of the summer, It la reported. gon. has fixed Monday. July 30th at 10 O'clock A. M at the County Nobody would be surprised to see Court room in the Court house at General Hugh Johnson, NRA ad Eugene. Oregon, as the time and mlnlstrator, “blow up" at any min place for final hearing thereon and ute. any objections to said report and There la a good deal of talk hera account should be filed or made on to the effect that Secretary Wal or before said time. Dated and first published June lace I* not living up to expectation* 28th. 1»34 as an administrator. Hla apeaklng PHEBE HANN. Armlnlstratrlx trip out West left Profeasor Tug Alfred P. Mann, estate. well In charge of the Department WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Atty, of Agriculture Just at the time for estate. (Je 28—Jy 5-12-1» 2«) when Mr. Tugwell’a personality waa under Investigation by the sen­ NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING ate committee which had been ask­ Notice la hereby given that the undersigned Phebe Mann has filed ed to report whether he ought to her final report and account as be confirmed as under secretary. administratrix of the estate of Tugwell’s Rating Charlie R. Mann, deceased, and the Mr. Tugwell la decidedly not County Court of Lane County, Ore­ gon. has fixed Monday, July 30th popular with either house of Con­ at 10 O'clock A M. at the County gress. Mr. Rooeevalt still like* him Court room In the Court house at very much personally but has Eiivene. Oregon, ns the time and -dare for final hearing thereon and found that hla advice la not always anv objections to said report and sound. account «hniild he filed or mads on Two young men who are growing or be fo re said time i ,n the pgdmation of the President Dnted and first published June um! of thoae whose business It I* 28th t»3< , „ PHEBE HANN Armlnlstratrlx | to appralæ personalities are Her­ letary Mergenthau—very close In I Charlie R. Mann, estate i WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Atty, deer Io the President—sod W I. for estate. ! Myers. Farm Credit Administrator, (Je 28— Jy 5 -lS -lB M l Visit our Grocery, enjoy the interested service, warm courtesy, and * consistently low prices on dependable merchandise. These things are a direct result of Home Ownership, Home Control and Home Operation. We are a Springfield institution from beginning to end. Yakima Apricots, 1C L LB U G 3 PKG. PEET8 3 BARS Granulated Soap 23c Palmolive Soap ONE 23 OZ. PKG. FREE 14c ONE 9-OZ, PKG. 3 PKG8. Peet» Granulated Soap Supersud» 25c 1 PKG. FREE W ITH 10 BARS C. W. SOAP Yum! Yum! Everything in Good Eat« for Your 4th of July Picnic COMPLETE LINE OF SPECIAL 49c PAPER PLATES. 1 pt. Wesson Oil CUPS AND NAPKINS AND QUICK MAYONNAISE MAKER FOR THAT OUTING We have a few Glasa Bake 1’/ 2 q t Round Casserole» and Pie Cover left with 4 Cans med. HEINZ BAKED BEANS - 99c Yes we have 24-piece set of MONOX DISHES FREE with the pur­ chase of 40 0 2 . Package of NUBORA SOAP GRANULES. Come In and let us tell you about i t White Front Grocery W. A. TAYLOR Phone 9 Springfield. Oregon