TH » BPRINOF1WLD .4BWR THURSDAY. JUNK 28. 1984 U L. RAV Attorney a t Law Minar Bldg.. lugana, Oregon N O T IC I OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICK IM IIKHKHY O IV IN : That the undsrsl40.000 was earned bp men and women during the past school year from Jobe obtained through tha studant employment fftce* i t I regon State collage, ae­ on’ Ing to the annual report made ts> -hose In «barge. Moat of thia i from more or leas sternly poel tloi s where students earned either boa'-d or room or both, though mu- h wsa from more than 1000 ca l l for part-time labor. .Men were willing to undergo a g n - t deal of privation to remain In < ollege, Jnat aa parents In many Instances made eiceptlonal sacri­ fices to keep children there, the re­ port of Mrs. Lula Howard, men's employment secretary shows. Many men batched, even after some board and room could be had for 815 a month, as they said they got by op 87 a month cash outlay by getting farm produce from home Several mothers cooperated In operating a house for their chil­ dren. taking turns c«x>klng. and In bringing supplies from home. Bowie Improvements In the gen­ Plans lor «Handing the govern­ eral lev«(L of (arm prl< es has re- ment program of cattle buying aa i ulted from the drouth conditions a drouth relief measure already - now Invalving nearly the entire under way In Minnesota and South | contral and western portions of Dakota to all emergency drouth the United States. according to a areas of tha west wars made by a review of th» agricultural situa­ conference of llveetoch men and tion Just released by the office of agricultural college officials from the extension economist at Oregon 13 western stales which met In State college. Denver recently to consider drouth JAMBS K. KINO Orelae. ^ -y . cotton and dairy pro­ relief measures. Attorneys ducts eepeoially have Increased In Minar Bldg.. lugana. Ora. All the etatas represents«] at Den­ price because of (be prospect tor N O T IC I TO CREDITO RE ver have -,ome counties In which smaller sapplies of these commodi­ N O TIC E IB H ER EB Y G IVEN that the undesigned has been ap drouth conditions are as severe aa ties. Well-finished meat anlrnals- pointed Kiecutor of the Estate of |n (he districts In which govern- have alsq te e d d to tncrea*« In Lewls R Tucker, deceased, by the now huy|n< cattle, aald F. price, says the report, bnt this Is County Court of U n . County- L Ballard. Oregon r.Htnty agent counter-bajanced by lower prices gun. All persona having claims . . . against said estate are required to leuder, who attended the confer- and heavy marketings of poor preaant them with the proper «nee. In order to reduce numbers quality stock from drouth areas vouchers to the undersigned at the of cattle In these areas In Hoe with No Food to Fatten Livestock law offices of James K King. 410 prospective feed supplies for (be The six'een north central and CLUBBERS END BIG TIM E: Miner Rulldlng. Eugene. I-ane Coun­ western states, in which small MORE ADULTS AT SCHOOL ty. Oregon, wllhln s li (8) months coming winter, liquidation beyond normal la nm-easary, and many from the date of this notice. grains hay pastures and ranges Deled al Kugene. Oregon, this farmers will undoubtedly sell to The Four-H club summer svasion bare bee* most seriously damaged 7th day of June. *.834. the government. contain ¿bout 46 per cent of tbe broke all records for numbers at AR I.KA N T U C K E R Kiecutor Meat Kept Off Open Market nation's bay and pasture-consum Oregon State college and the regu­ of the Estate of Lewis R Frlc««e paid by government buy­ Tucker, deceased Ing animals and about 54 per cent lar adult session showed an early F R IO I . S M ITH |Je 7-14 31-21—-Jr 6) ers are determined by an appraisal of the hog?. From these states Increase of 100 students over the W ASHING TON . . . Kroo oat of the mid west comes photographs of Attorney at Law committee or an Inspector from the la the droaght areas to supplement reports of the dire come a large proportion of the total low point of a year ago. which Miner Bldg.. lugene, Oregon B. O. A L L E N harry the Ucdersl Government in administering that hurttau of animal Industry, and Attorney at Law market supply of livestock. Nor­ college officials point to aa an N O T IC I OF •H S R IF F ’S B A L I Upper photo shews half starved cattle vainly seeking grazing 877 W illam ette. St Eugene. Ore- range up to 310 for cattle two years mally muck of the thin, unfinished Indication of tbe lightening of both OF R IA L P R O P IR T Y d aa a drought stricken farm near Dallas, 8. Da. . . . Center photo stocls arriving at markets are re­ the financial and educational de­ On Iho 3(»th day of June 1834 at IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT OF old or over. The animals are turned ; a congressional delegation from drought states leaving the White the hour of 10 A. M at the frunt T H E S T A T E O F ORKOON FOR over to the Surplus Relief corpora-1 Heads after eonfering with President Roosevelt. Left to right, Sea. turned to the country for further pression. dour of the Court House In Kugene. T H E CO U N TY O F LANE. Arthar dapper sad Rep. Kathryn McCarthy, Kansas, Mea. Joseph T. (loll where they are eiamlned and Total club registration was 787 grazing and flrlshing but recently, laiue County. Oregon. I will sell at In the M atter of the Guardianship lUlIssos, Ark , Men Lynn J Frazier, N. D a, sad Sen John E Erickson, those suitable for canning are sent compared with 541 last year. Of says the import, demand for these auction to the highest bidder for of Virgil J. H ills, and Arlene T. of M ont . . . Bottom, a partly dust buried farm house In Month Dakota as to canneries The canned meat la Stockers and feeders has been these 319 were boys and 468 were ■ ash tha following described real Hills. Minora. • ilis t* ad shokmg dost storms during m e a t weeks. property located In la n e County, then turned over to relief agencies, greatly curtailed by short-fa* of hay girts. Leaders commented on the O R O IR Oregon, to-wit: J M Hills guardian of the above none of It going on to the open and feed grains, both present and exceptionally high type of young­ Uagluulug at a point 80 rods named minora having petitioned sters present and their Interest In potential. Huuth of the Northeast corner of Ibis court for license to mortgage market Cattle too poor to stand their work and the uolformally the J. H Boutbworth Donation or sell the following property, vli. shipment are killed on the ranch. Fruit Average Normal I I .and Claim No. 80. running North 78 feet of Lot 7 In block 7, Fruit crop prospects cannot be good conduct. The adult session Government cattle buying will be i thence South <0 rods, thence Io Sklunere Donation to Ia n » accurately measured as yet. but, brought an early enrollment of 370 Io emergency drouth ! Weal 80 rods, thence North <8 county, situated In Lx>e Coun­ •unfilled according to tha report. United not counting those to come for rods, and thence East 80 rods ty. Oregon, for the purpoae of areas, of which Oregon has two— Io the place of beginning. In Sec­ 'e ,r parties. Bartholomew and family spent the Sixteen (18) Mouth of Range Five minors. Il Is ordered that Vida O. til all the rattle offered In those of the week and not taore than 10 per cent be­ week-end on the coast (6) West of the W illamette Ray. Amos A Hills. Darllla Trine. districts are moved, and will then low average The pear crop, esti- , cvn o r rm c P V N - Meridian. In lain» County. Ore­ Melba Trine. Zells Urlck. and Dolls be eitended to the secondary Vlslt in Salem— 3. N. Roberts mated on June 1 at 21.425.000 bn- T K L IK ii H U N Hand, Arm Inf acted — Melville gon. together with the tenements, Kincaid, n eit of kin of «aid minors heredltanw-nta and appurtenan­ and all others Interested In their drouth areas. In which conditions Hanna Is suffering with a badly went to Salem Sunday to visit with sheis. Is a Uttle larger than the ISH YOUR S T O C K . Our ces thereunto belonging, or In estate, show cause before the court are severe but where a real emer­ Infected arm and hand this week. bis daughter. Edith Alderln. short crop of last year but about stock fly spray will keep them anywise appertaining; gency does not exist at present. at Its chambers In the court house Said sale la made under eiecu- In Eugene. Oregon, at 10:0o A. M Three Oregon counties— Malheur. In N .w Residence— Mr. and Mrs. 5 ”* r ce,rt leM than I off. Scott’s Drug Store. Salem Pwople Hera— Mrs. V irgil tlon Issued out of tha Circuit Court of Frldav. July 11. 1834. why aald Emory Pyle have moved this week ,hou* h O r*« on hag aD of the (Mate of Oregon for the license should no! Issue aa asked Harney and Wheeler— are now list- Bolton of Salem spent the week- from Fifth and “D" streets to Ninth croP of bushels, which is County of Lane, to me directed In Ordered further that said n e it of ed aa secondary drouth areas. W end at (he M B Huntly home. and "D" about a million bushels le-s than the rase of State l-and Board of kin and other Intereeter persona A. Srhoenfeld. director of the Ore- average, the three Pacific Coast Return from T rip — Mr and Mrs. Oregon, etc., va. Effie L. Rankins, be served with thia order by the gon experiment station, has been Drive to Coast— Mr. and Mrs states are expected to produce In et al. publication of the same for four appointed drouth relief director for «»• L Burkhart h .ye returned from C. A. MW ARTS. Sheriff of weeks In the Springfield News, Marlon R. Adams and son. Bob. excess of 16 million bushels, or this state, snd m a n tle , wishing to • m° * ° r l r l P ,o Lane County. Oregon. tniblbhed at Springfield. Oregon aud Mr. and Mrs. W alter Laxton about an average crop. Eastern By A. K HULKOAARD, Deputy. June 4th. 1834. come within the provisions of the Portland Man Here— B E. Nuell and son. Junior, spent Sunday at state have poor pear prospecta. F R ED FISK . County Judge federal cattle buying program may „ r Portland was a visitor at the Oregon, on June 1. had a condi­ Yachats. 8 D. A LLEN. Attorney for We picked out this letter for fat make application to him through M B Huntly home Friday tion of apple» somewhat better folks to read today—read every Guardian. their county courts. The work of Daughter Born — Mr. and Mrs. (Je 7-14-11 18— Jy 8) organising and directing the sale Visitor Here— Mrs. Sam M iller of B. F. Davis of Marcóla are the par- than a year previous and about word. 1 give you my full permission the same as the 10-year average. NO TIC E OF G UAR DIAN'S S A L I of cattle In theae areas w ill be car Cottage Grove spent the week-end ents of a baby daughter born to but prOBpe<.tg for , be V n ,ted gtate„ to print this letter. I used K™sch- OF REA L PROPERTY rled on by the county agricultural here at the J M. Larson home. • hem at the Eugene hospital on Kenera-lIy are much below .»erage en S alt, for reducing. I lost 30 lbs.. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN since I have been taking IL I praise IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E •BARla. Monday. June 35. 1934. Visitors Coma— Mrs. Mac Wilson Naturepathl« Physiols» It to everybody I know that Is fat. S T A T E O F OREOON FOR T H E Sheep Men Aek Aid «"<1 W. W Phllllppl of Albany vlslt- And I also feel years younger.“ C O U N TY OF M U L T N O M A H , Visiting from Medford — Mrs. Visitor From California — Mrs. Phoae 914 Miss Edna Hunn. Algiers. La. A group of sheep men appeared ed here the past week at the home Kenneth Giles of Medford Is here PROBATE D E P A R T M E N T Olive D. Bassett of San Jose. Cali­ A Jar of Kruschen Salta lasts 4 No. 33.187 at the Denver conference and ask- of Mrs. Mary Magill. orfica Hours: 1 to 8 P. M. liltin g with her parents. Mr. and fornia is here visiting with her weeks and the cost Is triflin g Are In the M atter of the Estate and ed that the government also begin you taking Salts to reduce or to 4M Fourth Street On Northwest Trip—George Zum Mrs. Chrta Hansen on their farm niece. Mrs. Fred Louk. Guardianship of W IL L IA M FAR­ a program of sheep purchasing as a ■ a please ypur palate? buhl left Friday for Portland and east of. Springfield. MER. Incompetent. Just try Kruschen ror a month N O TIC E IB H ER EB Y O IVEN . feed conservation measure, but the wJU v|>,t Taco(na and 8pokBne be­ To Visit Parent»— Mr. and Mrs. — beside« losing fat you'll gain in Otis People Visit— Mr. and Mrs. that pursue M to the order and lic­ m alter was referred to Washington fore returning to Oregon. W illiam Griswold of Otis, Oregon, Leland M. Hover of Phoenix, Arl- physical attractiveness — s k i n ense of the Circuit Court of the officials for consideration. Mr. Bal) grows clear— eyes sparkle with Watchmaker and J*w*ler State of Oregon for Multnomah ard reports Resort Man Here— A. J. Kuhn, were here over the week-end to xona are expected here next week health. Take half a teaspoonful In BPRINOrUBLD for their vacation. They will visit County. Probate Department, duly visit with her mother. Mrs. Dora manager of Cascade Resort, was a a glass of hot water before break­ So. Faelfle Wateh Innpeetor entered In the above entitled mat­ The conference also recommend­ business visitor In Springfield Fri Hubbard, and her grandfather. S. w ltk Mra Hover’ s parents. Mr. and fast every morning— you feel cool­ First Claas Work kt Reasonable ter on June ». 1884. the undersigned ed that a substantial sum of money Mrs. W. P. Tyson, in Springfield er In hot weather— get It at any Prloee. N Roberta. Caroline Farmer. Ouardlan of the day. ■ - s> drugstore In (he world. and with his parenta In Eugene. Estate of W illiam Farmer. Incom­ be set aside by FERA officials for Beattls People Here— Mr. and Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. John petent, will from and after the 13th the development of springs, water General Law Practice day of July. 1884. at I486 Yeon holes and the sinking of wells on Reynolds of Donna are the parents Mrs. Milton Cyr of Seattle spent Building. Portland. Oregon, sell at range of western states where j of a baby son born to them at the the week-end visiting with Mr. and I. M. PETERSON private sale to the highest and beet there Is considerable grass but no Nelson M aternity home In Eugene Mrs W ilbur Lloyd at Wendllng. bidder all the right, title. Interest Attorney at-Law They are former residents of this water. M r Ballard said. It was t 10 of Block 8 of the plat of drouth conditions are so severe Takes Vacation— M r and Mrs. H. Oaklelgh; thence North 887.07 that whole herds must be sacri­ ss guest» of Mr. snd Mrs. John imfest milk. H. Schaffeoberg and family are In feet; thence East 8.83 chains to ficed. as is the case In many states llenderer. Portland this week where M r. Scta- the Southeast comer of the land Returns to Home— Mrs Emmett affenberg Is spending his one-week Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for described In the certain deed to In the western plains area.' Represented By Max Arp being on the west bank Mr Ballard. Parrish left Monday for her home vacation. Mr. Schaffenberg is em­ Maid O’ Cream Butter of the W illam ette River; thence at San Francisco after spending ployed at the Mountain States Southeasterly along said west W ELLS A W ELLS E. H. TURNER two weeks visiting with her par Power company office here. Attorneys at Law batik to the Northeast corner of 848 A BL Bprtagfleld. Ora. the tract of land now owned by Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eusone ents. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Smith Returns from Coast— Mrs Mary Harold A. Rossman being at a NOTICE In Eastern Oregon— Mr. and Mr» O. Howe has returned to Spring- point due east of the place of OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT beginning; thence West 8.30 Notlre Is hereby given that the W. E. Buell and daughter. Evelyn, field after an extended visit with chains, more or l«»as, to the place Dorothy Bradburn left Tuesday for Moro In eastern her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Chase, at of beginning, containing 3 acres, undersigned. more or less. In Donation Land Henderson. Administratrix of the Oregon where they w ill spend two M yrtle Point. Mrs. Howe makes her Claim No. 46. In Township 17 Estate of Esther L. Vernon, de­ weeks visiting. home here with her daughter. Mrs. South. Range 4 West of the W ll ceased. has filed her Final Report Fred Louk. and Account as such Administra­ Inmette Meridian. Former Rsoldsnt Returns— W alt Formerly Welker-Poole The property, except lo t 18. trix with the Clerk of the County er Heflin has returned from Ash Block 2. Oaklelgh, la owned by the Court of Lane County, Oregon, and Returns from Coast — W H. ward. W illiam Farmer. Incompet that axturday. the 30th day of land where he has lived for several Adrian returned Monday evening EUG EN E— llt b SUKIN 4 UFI I 'IkILD June. 1934. at 10:00 o'clock In the years. He is a former resident, ent. and Caroline Farmer, the un and Charoellon. S II 8 M derslgned In her personal capacity forenoon of said day, In the County having operated a small farm east from another week-end business Court Room at the Court House trip to the coast resort towns drlv Telephone 783 Phoaa Sl-J as husband and wife and tenanta of the rltv for many year». bv the entireties; Ixit 18, Block 3. at Eugene, Oregon, has been set hy tng as fa r north as Taft this time. the Hon. Fred Fisk. Judge of said Oaklelgh Is owned by Howard P. Mr. Adrian renta and sells bicycles Court, as tbe time and place of Return from T rip —Mr. and Mrs Arnest. subject to the Interest of to vacationists and residents In hearing objections to the same. If the ward therein as a tenant by the Leland Cray have returned from any, and for the final settlement these towns. entirety. their wedding trip and are making Terms of sale: All cash, or one- of said estate. DO RO THY BRADB URN H E N their home at Seventh and Main half cash and the balance evidenced Cars Collide— Automobiles driven DER8ON. Administratrix. by the note of the purchaser, upon streets. by Joseph C. Tamlesle. Eugene, WELLS A WELLS. Attorneys. terms satisfactory to tha under­ and Frank A. Root. Springfield A CIVIC ENTERPRISE (M 31—Jo 7-14-11-88) signed. secured by mortgage upon Tonsils Taken Out— Donald Cook route 1. collided on the McKenxIe the property sold. Bids may he sub­ small son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION mitted upon any single lot snd— or highway east of Springfield Friday Cook of Eugene had his tonsils re­ FOREBT EXCHANGE «•omblnatlon of lots In Oaklelgh: evening at 7:30. Fronts of both end upon the unplatted tract In Its Dspartmsnat of the Interior, United moved at the office of a local phy­ «*ars were badly damaged and oc­ Etatas Land Offloa, Roaaburg, sician Saturday. entirety Lots A snd 1 to 3«. both Oregon, June Snd, 1994. cupants escaped with only minor Inclusive. Block 1. Oaklelgh. will Notice 1s hereby given that on be sold subject to Incumbrances injuries. Portland People Here— Mr. and consisting of a mortgage In favor of May Slst. 1934. J. 8. Van W inkle Bank of Hal»av securing the sum of Prineville, Oregon, filed appllca- Mrs. A. E. Herrington and fam ily THAT of »3,000.00. Interest, 7% per an­ tlon No. 081438 under the act of of Portland were here over the S O R E . IN F L A M E D num payable semi-annually, unpaid March 20. 1922. (42 Stat., 488) to week-end to visit with Mr. and Mrs. YOUTHFUL since May 21, 1938. and delinquent exchange the N W U 8ec. 88. T. IB SW OLLEN FEET Bronc Riding — Bull dogging — Calf Roping — Cow­ and current taxes. The balance of 8., R. 9 W „ W. M.. within the Slus- W. A. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. P. APPEARANCE law National Forest, for the timber Herrington of Eugene. said real property will he sold sub­ Go to any good druggist today from portions of N B U S E ’ i Sec boy and Cowgirl Races — Chariot Races — Clowns ject to delinquent and current PROPERLY fitted glasBea taxes,, and get an original bottle of or free therefrom, as the 12. T. 20 8.. R. 3 E.. W M.. within Nurse Moves Here— Miss Edna Moone's Emerald Oil. the W illam ette National Forest. — Trick and Fancy Riding and Roping— Relay Races keep your eyes looking undersigned may at the time of The purpose of this notice la to Gould, nurse In the county health young. Crows feet a n d sale deem heat. Any and all sales allow The very first application, will — Buckeroo Derby. Street parade daily at 11 A. M. all persons claiming the office, has moved to Springfield to w ill he made subject to confirma wrinkles make them look tlon lands selected, or having bona fide live with Miss Ann McOookln and give you relief and a few short by the ahoye entitled Court. treatments w ill thoroughly con­ old. Wear lenses that cor­ Free Parking. Excellent picnic sites. Further Information may be se objections to such application, an Mias Edith Jobe on north Ninth vince you that by sticking faith­ rect your vision complete­ cured by Inquiry of the undersign­ opportunity to file their protests street. fully to It for a sort while your the Register of the United ly. We have found Ortho- ed at 1428 Yeon Building, Portland. w«h foot troubles w ill be a thing of the States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Reserve Seats $1.00 Grandstand 75c Visitors Leave— M r. and Mrs. A past and best of all, free from all gon Wide Vision Lenses Oregon. Any such protests or ob­ Date of first publication June 14, offensive odors. E. Cray have returned to their jections must be filed In this office the beBt. 1934. General Admission 50c Date of last publication July 11, within th irty days from the date home at Seattle after a week-end And one bottlts we know w ill i of first publication of this notice, visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. show you,beyond all question,that OR. ELLA MEADE 1934 C A R O LIN E FARM ER , Guard which first publication w ill he June Optometrist D. p. Murphy. Mrs. H. T. Mitchell you have at last discovered the Ian of the Estate of W illiam 14th. 1984. way to keep your feet In a normal ------ W IL L IA M H. CANON. Register of Ashland, mother of Mrs. Murphy, ( healthy condition frea from Fr mar. In competent. 41 West Blh Eugene (Je 14-81-18—Jy 4-11) (Ja 14-1118—Jy t-11) la vtalUng here this week. | pain and I t ’s G rea t to Lose F a t and Feel Years Y ounger Business Directory Edward C. Privat MILK » - The Complete Food Reliance Life Insurance Co. Springfield Creamery Co. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors 1 1 th A N N U A L Molalla Buckeroo J u ly 1 -2 -3 -4 The Old West Revived