THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T l 11 K T Y - F I KB T YEAR BIBLE LEC TO R WILL SPEAK HERE NO. 24 Hi'KINOFIKLI). LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, THUKBbAY, JUNK 2», 1*34 three Vf in Posts CORNELL At (i.A.R. Meet FAMILY 80A51SIRIPLEIS May Be Bride B E PASEDB IS L° 4 " GRANTED RETURN CITY B I S FDD SERI PROJECTS Eunice Gerber New Noble Rev. Dean C. Polndsxtsr Re­ G rard; Special Installation , Acceptance Of Federal Money Practice Set For Tonight Implies Expenditure B y appointed To Springfield City and Debt Increase And Coburg Churches Local Delegation Return* On Two Girl* and On* Boy Are Dr. Arthur I. Brown Coming Saturday W ith Secretary- 13; Complete Grad* School »hip and Registrar To Springfield For Four Will Attend High School Mooting* To Start July 3 Three Hprlngtleld residents, all Mist Eunice Oerber will be in­ stalled as new Noble «rand of Juan Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor Its R.-hekah lodge for a ll months CANNERY IS DUE HERE member» of Inks circle number >7. Not to be oulduue by the rnaoy of the Springfield Methodist ep is­ Monday evening. Mlsa Maxine SPONSORED BY BAPTISTS won offices In the latdles Auxiliary ugier communities In Oregon which copal church, was returned to the Snodgrass will be vice-grand; Horta Armory Not Completed But of the (I. A It during the 34th an are boasting about their triplet», local congregation for the next Girard, recording secretary; and National Guard Unit Moves Prominent Surgeon Loft Pro­ nual departmental convention held people of Hprlngfleld are proudly year at the closing session of the Mrs Marie Pohl, treasurer F, offering the thirteen year old Cor­ Camp. Field Equipment fession For Bibioal Work, at Astoria last week. Mrs. state conference of the church held A special Installation practice Kgglmann was named department nell triplets to equal anything any I* Author Of Many Book* in Portland all of last week and The city of Springfield to not re­ secretary and Miss Kva Isiuk was other community may present. UHKHAMMEBUAU, Bavaria . . . which closed Sunday The appoint­ will be held at the lodge hall this fusing to accept several thousands evening tinder the direction of Mrs. Two girls. Frances and Fern, and Miss Clara Mayr (above), the Mary Karly Indlcallou are that »he »ar­ chosen as assistant secretary. Mrs. ments were read by Bishop Ernest , Glenn Stone, deputy diatrict preal- of dollars of federal money to be Magdalena of this year’s Passion ia* oi four nightly meellns« Io be (»race laindsberry was re-elected as one boy. Floyd, make up this fam Lynn Waldorf of Chicago who pro I ,n(|la,|ln(! off|ceri. electWe used for civic Improvements. Con­ lly’s triplets. They are the children Play, is to bo s bride and live in bald In Ihe Springfield Baptlsl departmental registrar. U H. if Ik« » « » » » • will | sided at the sessions I „ n tr.- . and appointive officer» are tinual assertions that this money MrJ Fredda Peterson of Itallas of Mr and Mrs. Chas Cornell who great periaiasroa Khr will wad iburrh. July 2-4. Uwli«l»«. will Members of the local congr.g. to available, but that the city, draw mora atlatitlon and arger was named departmental president live north of Hprlngfleld Just north Aatos Lana, Jr. so» of Georget«»» •Ion r quested that their pastor be annua) )nter.ra|ley through It« council, does not want for the new year Other officer« east from the Intersection of Fifth University faculty audiences for Hr. Arlhui ' Brown returned when they held their ftaal for lodge gToup. of tbe w u . to accept the funds are beard here, nationally known lecturer, than were from scattered parts of the street and the Wendllng road. quarterly meeting In May He has . TlU, „ , to but all meet with a vigorous denial The three rhlldren were born on have any previous aarlaa of meet- state served the church here tor three h-|d Creek rancb on from the council members and Mrs. Kgglmann Is a past depart December IS. 1S2I at Albert Lee. togs h»ld In thlw city for many years, coming from Hood River Ju|y dUruf(B8d , be bug1. other city officers. As has been re­ inent president, and served as de­ Minnesota and lived there until years He .too serves the Cobnr, church waak peatedly stated all SERA funds partment secretary two years ago. they came to Oregon, to avoid the and his reappointment Includes also discussed for a Joint picnic be­ accepted mean» that the city pay Re*. II K. Rolan», puelor of Iba The Hprlngfleld delegation re­ wind and bail storms, settling In Baptlat church who 1» arranging that church tween the Rebekah and I. O.O. F for the insurance and materials turned Haturday evening from Hprlngfleld In the fall ol 1*1*. When Only twenty-one shift. In pastor , utter pan pf needed. for Iba v I h II I o Hprln«fl»ld of Ur. * Portland where they vlalted a few only »1« years old the three babies I ages were made at the conference I July or the first part of August. Brown, says ha la roMlvlag isle days following the close of the con Despite an urgent plea of County contracted bronchial pneumonia pbona call* «very day and ha» ro- i this yes- Nearly all of the Meth Mr. and Mrs George Crapsey of relief officers made here many enllon While at Astoria they and for three weeks It was not rer Ceremony Friday Evening I* 1 odists pa U ra In Lane county wer»- j calved several written communica­ Ashland were gue"ts at the meet- weeks ago that the city prepare drove out to the national guard en tain whether or not they would Surprise To Friends; Leave returned Including Rev. Cecil F ' tion» In nearby coin-, campnient at camp Clatsop and wit- project« to be worked under the non» from iron people , a Ing. live. Since that lime they have munltle» seeking mora details <»f| .. J ... Ristow of Eugene. For North Bend Home SERA setup, and despite the fact nessed the review and drill Wed survived nearly all the common IB Hr. W H. Pollard represented , the meeting». that two major and one minor pro­ neaday morning nes«es of childhood without appar Mias Dorothy Helen Girard, the local congregation as lay dele-. F irs t M eeting Tuesday jects were prepared and submit­ cat harm to themselves. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gir­ gate at the conference. Mr». Poll- , Ur. Brown will ba unable to open ted. Springfield unemployed work­ Retained W eigh t ard. became the bride of Buford ard. Mrs Emma Olson and several his meeting» here on Monday avao- STIC K EL CASE NOT TO BE men on the relief rolls must still When born Floyd and Frances Klght here Friday evening at a others attended some of the sec-. ing. July 1. as had been previously APPEALED BY D IS T R IC T each weighed ala pounds, and their travel back and forth to Eugene ipilet ceremony at the home of sloes. announced The speaker Is now con­ to their work awaiting approval sister. Fern, five and one-half her parents. SOX street. St S On arcount o f the small amount ducting a serlea of mrattORa In Bell by the state committee of the local pounds. They have remained quite o'clock. Rev. Veltie Pruitt read the Ingham. Washington at the I’resby I of the Judgment. 81SS. the school project». MRS. M URPHY NEW HEAD terlan church and will conclude board der ided at a meeting Monday hunky although Floyd Is now con ceremony. Library Only Project slderably shorter than his sisters OF KENSINGTON GROUP New Community Committees Miss Ikjrls Girard, sister of the these with three lectures on Run night with Attorney laiwrence T. At this time only the minor pro­ whose average height Is 68 Inches bride, was bridesmaid, and Elmer ______ Named This Week; Field day and will not arrive here until Harris, not to appeal to the sup- ject. that of library Improvement There Is also one other member l*yne attended Mr. Klght. Other Club Schedules M onthly Meetings inspection Is Started Mondav He will speak at the local reme rourt the caae agalnat the work which provide« employment of this family, another daughter guests at the wedding Included Mr D u rirg Summ er Instead Of , h urch Tuesday. Wednesday, district of Viola Stlckel The ooat for only a few women, haa been olene. also born at Albert Lee, on and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett and daugh The second set of community T a k in g Usual Vacation Thursday and Friday evening« at I of appeal would amount to nearly approved and work actually started. May 14. 1918. and who Is now six Wheat Control officers are being tera. Betty and Margaret, and Mrs o’clock. »400 and even If the district won a Both the school district and the Mrs. D. B. Murphy was elected I elected In mo t Lane county sec E. E Pyne. Subjects for the evening meet reversal of the circuit rourt Judg teen years old city park and sewer projects have Kaeh Have Hobbles The bride wore a dresa of old president of the Kensington club tlons this week according to O. S. lugs have been announced as fol men! It would be farther behind Frances does a great deal of rose silk, and carried a shower for the next year when members Fletcher, county agricultural agent, been approved by the county com­ 1 than If the Judgment were paid mittee and have been In the hands lowa: Because many attorneys and singing and Is accompanied by her boquet of Talisman rosea and small of the club were entertained at who is assisting with the meetings. of the state group for many weeks. Tuesday — "The War Against older sister. She has always won their annual meeting Friday at the The new officers take the place of surety bond companies contend white blooms. The school project which would God.’* honoi« when appearing on the NJK The couple left Tuesday noon tor home of Mrs Paul Basford Mrs those elected last year to handle provide labor for repainting exter­ The Amaslng Jew." I that a school district can not be Wednesday programs over radio station KORE Hus-ila’a Challenge | sued for damages the case here at North Bend whare they will make Oily» Rebhan and Mrs. Melville local administration work in con­ iors and Interiors of the buildings Thursday -- In Eugene Fern likes to cook, and their home. 8. ¿ones were assistant hostesses. nection with the wheat limitation traded considerable attention In was submitted soon after the SERA to God.” Floyd Is extremely Interested In Other officers elected by the program of the federal government. Mrs Klght haa been active In The Imminent Return ¡legal circle» Government It la setup -farted functioning. Members Friday Meeting for the Springfield dis­ »aid ran not he sued as such and woodworking and manual training lodge and social work in Spring club are Mrs. Levi Neet. vice-presi­ of Christ projects, having made several field where she haa taught school dent; Mrs. E. G. Privat. secretary- trict was hqld Wednesday after­ of the School Board are becoming Impatient as this project requires Or. Brown Is a fellow of the I for that reason a good deal of the pieces of furniture for their home treasurer; Mrs. Mary Kessev. re­ noon at the Will White farm ea«t for never«! years. Royal College of Surgeons of Bdlo- argument In the rase was around skilled labor and only skilled labor Two Deck, One Light porter; Mrs. Clarence Chase, chatr- of the city. C. W. Ruth of Thurston Mr. Eight’s parents live at Tilla­ hrough. Scotland, has the title. M whether the placing of the swing The two girls have dark hair, mook. He lived In Springfield be­ mat of the flower committee; and was chosen committee chairman actually on the relief rolls to eli­ n C M„ and has been engaged that caused the Stlckel gible for this employment With while their brother Is quite light. actively In hla profession for many death was goevrnmental or minis Frances has bine eyes and the fore being truasAtrred to the coast, Mias Edna Swarts and Mra. Donald Welby Stevens and Glenn Stafford the known shortage of available are the other members of the com laborers members of the board feel as an employee of the Maintain Toomb. years before retiring to devote his terlal other two have dark eyes. Outgoing officers are Mrs. John ralttee. Mr. Ruth, as chairman of States Power company. entire time to a study and Inter If the amount of the Judgment that the project should be started All three completed the eighth Friends of Mr«. Klght honored Henderer. president; Mrs. Harry the community committee, aotoma pretatlon of the Bible In the light had been larger the directors would grade at the U ecoln school this her with a miscellaneous shower Whitney, vice-president; Mra. W. tically becomes a member of the at once to prevent unnecessary In­ of current event» He Is Interna have appealed the case but It was month and are planning to start terference with the functions of last Thursday-evening at the home E. Buell, secretary-treasurer; and board of directors. tlonally known now as a result of i concluded that It was for the beet the school activities in the fall. high school In the fall. All the of Mrs O. H. Jarrett. Mrs. Sam Miss Edna Swarts, reporter. Earlier In the same afternoon the hl. years of lecturing on Blblcal Interest of the district to pay the Committee Will Meet children In the family have been Richmond was assistant hostess It was decided to hold meeting Eugene-Coburg committee were all subjects Judgment and court costs and be The City project asks for the active In scouting si different times Mias Betty Jarrett and Mias La­ of the club once a month during re-elected for the next year at done with It. Colene and Floyd are now In the velle Paris entertained with piano the summer instead of disbanding meeting in Willakentie grange hall. cleaning up of the city dump No« An ■vangallst Olrl and Boy Scout troops of and violin selections during the entirely during the three months. Members of this committee are ground, extension of the scewer He Is not a preacher or evangel , 1st and has not taken any special N O R T H W E S T LUMBER Springfield The other two gtrla The members usually hold meet­ Frank Harlow, chairman ; Frank outlet, and improvement of the evening. ministerial training, being Instead | FIR M S ARE LIS TE D have dropped the acout work. Briggs. Coburg; and Ernest Math park projerty in the same vicinity. Many beautiful gifts were pres ings every two weeks. What other projects will be sub­ The triplets spend part of their ented the honor guest and refresh a professional man who can speak The next meeting will be held ews of Goshen. fluently and one who has found a I The 1933 census of manufactur- time taking care of a large flock ments were served by the host July 13 at the home of Mrs. Mary Tuesday the Pleasant Hill com­ mitted and what action will be taken regarding the playground satlsfactlon In doing his best t o | rrs as related to the lumber ln- of chickens which their parents are mittee was elected during a meet­ Kessey. esses. project left uncompleted by the Interpret. currant event» In the dustry In Oregon and Washington raising. ing at the Trent school house CWA are to be brought before the The three children never did look light of Blblcal prophecy. He to recently has been completed by the Members of this committee are city planning commission headed S T R E E T CLOCK TIC K S well versed on Russia, and the pacific Northwest Forest experl very much alike, stated Mrs. Cor­ H IG H SCHOOL TO HAVE Ralph Laird, chairman; Wm. A Communlatlr movement In thia nient station nell. PWA A R T IS T P A IN TIN G M IN U T E S ONCE AGAIN Cruxan. Dexter; and Orson Stutx, by F. B. Hamlin at a meeting to be held next week. Although the country. He to a Canadian, sold Thia canvass embraced 2373 con Creewell. route 1, lower Willamette river is not highly “Beth Israel Synagogue" to the The large afreet clock Installed hla home and does not now main- corn» and Individuals engaged In p ^ g T O R ’S M O TH ER DIES Elections have already been held title of the water colors painting on the front of the Masonic pro­ at Lorane. Cottage Grove, and recommended for swimming, the tain a residence any where. Hla wife (he production of logs, lumber, ven- DUR IN G CONFERENCE by Herbert Heywood which will perty more than a year ago Is once river at Springfield 1« much better and child are with him sometimes bWi and shingles The records Junction City. and the water mnch cleaner than be hung In Springfield high school again running and seems to be and again they visit with relative» , bow that during 1S33 there was Five crews of field inspectors Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor as a gift from the public works ad­ at Eugene where the city swim­ activity on the party of 447 saw- keeping time correctly. The clock each working under a supervisor, Has Written Books mills. 3» shingle mill», and 81 In- of the Methot’lat church, received ministration. Ten pictures for that was operated on batteries until re­ began work Monday morning ming pool Is maintained, and there The lecturer to dependent logger. In Oregon mid word of the death of his mother many high schools have been re­ cently when the electrical mechan checking planted and unplanted Is some talk locally of seeking number of book, and l*mpl>»«‘« Mwmll„ n s s in g le mills white he was attending the annual ceived by the county school super­ ism was revised to operate on elec­ SERA or FERA funds to maintain wheat acreage on all farms where Hla outstanding book I I and 14« Independent logging oper conference of his ctgirch In Port intendent. and five more are ex­ ° O" J to ’ ... tric light current by Jack Jackson wheat contracts have been signed a similar swimming spot here. land last week-end. She had been man. What of the Nlghtr Co*l*. |p WllJ(h)ngl(W Cannery Here Full Week pected The chimes have not been connect to see that all regulations are com­ ailing for some time. Both Rev. of this and other work» by him self1 Another relief project which will The pictures were all made by ed up yet, but It is expected thit plied with. The checking crews and Mrs Poindexter are now at Oregon artists who were financed wBl be brought here and placed on | _ c.U F p A1 . e a V E FOR benefit local needy people will be began work in the Springfield dis­ sale Another booh which la now SEVERAL LEAVE TOR Moscow. Idaho and are expected by PWA funds and are now being they soon will be. the visit here all next week of the The clock was purchased from trict first being printed entitled "Ood and) HOM EM AKERS CAMP to be hack In Springfield Friday county protable cannery. Thia can­ distributed In this state. the closed bank at Cottage Grove This checking work is requiring Vou." promises to exceed In popu evening. nery Is being operated this year Coburg and Pleasant Hill schools and moved to Springfield by the more time and costing more money Heveral housewives from this Regular services will be held at will receive wood blocks entitled larlty any of bis earlier work» by FERA funds by three persona. members of Liberty Masonic lodge. than the community committees There will be a »mail amount of I community have gone Io camp the Methodist churches here and The procedure while here will River Scene" and "Back Door.' had anticipated. Word received yes congregational tinging, but very Cleawox. Olrl »tout xummer camp at Coburg Sunday with Rev. Poin­ be similar to that of previous years. terday from the Wheat Section of little special music to being plan- near Floresce. to allend the annual dexter In the pulpit He will preach GUARD REPORTER GOES the AAA states that the benefit The cannery unltl Wtll be stationed LEGION M EETS T O N IG H T ned according to Rev. Rolens. Re- I-ane county Homemakers outing, In Springfield at 11 a. m. and 8 p. TO JAPAN ON T O U R I payments will be 29 cents per al at Sixth and Main street», and per­ ports from Roaeburg and other Miss Oertrude Show, former Isine m. and at Coburg at 8:4S a. m. AT HOME OF MR. H A M LIN sons on the relief rolls must se­ lotment bushel less the expense of cities where Dr. Brown has visited , county home demonstration agent cure cards at the City hall before Miss Betty Ann Macduff. Regis­ the county and community associa­ Indicate that his audiences would and originator of the ramp Idea. Is Regular meeting of Springfield L IG H T N IN G STORM IS ter-Guard reporter for this city, tions. The price had been announ their produce will be canned. rather hear him than special mu again In charge of the outing American Legion post number 40 All common types of fruits and will leave today to start an ocean ced at 28 cents so the farmers w TROUBLESOM E MONDAY wll be held thia evening at sic and he will be given almost Among the people from this com voyage to Japan where she will actually receive more than they vegetables which are now available the entire time each evening here, munlty attending and who are ex- o’clock at the home of Mr. and The sharp flashes of lightning Mr». F. B. Hamlin. A special meet spend two months visiting the Ori­ had expected even with higher ad In sufficient quantities to can will Dr Brown Is In auch demand as peeled to return Sunday are Mrs. be handled at this visit. It has not a speaker that he haa a complete C. E. Wheatbn. Mra. Ralph Laird, which accompanied the hard down Ing of the executive committee ent with her mother who has al­ ministration costs. been announced yet whom wtlli pour of rain Monday evening was held Monday evening at the ready gone to the Islands. A num­ schedule during the entire balance and Mrs. E. Oulstlna. assist the packing of the produce ber of students from the University caused linemen of the Mountain of this year. I Th* ‘•P,’ne<> Tuesday morning from the W. K Barnell. local manager. M EETIN G OF SEASON turned to their homes In Spring- and the Installation of the plumb­ C H U R C H M EN TO AS8IS England coaat where he left ing fixtures, but the National Guard field Tuesday afternoon following IN B U ILD IN G CAMPS the united States naval fleet, with Marriage Lleanaaa Isauad Preceded by a 4 o'clock dinner two weeks of Intensive training Unit moved Its field and camp Marriage licenses were Issued attended by members of the their which he Is enlisted, for his first B A PTISTS TO HEAR OF equipment Into the building on re­ during the annual summer encamp­ Roland Farnsworth and Stephen ext8nded furlough. He will leave “T H R E E LIFE SECRETS the past week at the County Clerks families and of the Eaatern Star turning from summer camp, and ment at Camp Clatsop on the north Rice are spending the week at Cas |n two for California to re- office to the following: William chapter, members of Liberty Ma­ plan to put the building Into active Oregon coast. Rev.. R. E. Rolens has chosen Cox and Eltxabeth Wright, both of cadla where they are working with jQto W(| lh ,p Fo,„ ian(,d wtth the use. sonic lodge held their final busi­ Nothing unusual happened at the other volunteer workers from 'n#Ty through the Panama canal "The Problem of Humam 8uffer Marcóla; William Williams and ness meeting until fall Tuesday camp Oils yeartaccordlng to Walter Baptist churches In Oregon In the pp t0 pubB and on up t0 tbe New Inga." as the subject for hla ser­ Lillian Tenell. both of Eugene M AN’S BACK BROKEN IN evening. Many visitors from nearby construction of buildings on the Fn(t|and coast to be reviewed by mon at the Baptist church Sunday Mike Dutchuk and Barbara Bauer, lodges were present and advanced N. Gossler, second lieutenant of ACCIDENT AT SAW M ILL the local company. The weather morning at 11 o’clock. For hla even' Baptist convention camp site. Dor- Preg|dent Roosevelt. The fleet wtll both of Eugene; Cal Robbins and degrees were given two members was windy and blustery such as lng sermon e will talk on the sub- Elisabeth Woodruff, both of Spring- mltorlea. a dining room, assembly goon return f0 pacific waters, The condition of Joe Strehley, of the local group. it has been here for the past two hall, and other buildings are being | Jett. “Three Life Selreta.” field; George Halton and Beatrice day„ | employee at the Booth-Kelly Lum- The usual morning Sunday Morris, both of Eugene; Robert erected. B A PTIST LADIES GROUP Milton Doane, Springfield boy her company who was seriously In- M E E TIN G OF IUKA IS school will be held at 8:46. Sparks. Eugene and Lenora Peter- and member of C. company In Eu-; Jured Tuesday afternoon when a TO CONDUCT SERVICES POSTPONED T H IS W EEK eon, Portland; Norwald Nelson and gene, received two fractured flu-; heavy dry k»n door fell striking N EED LEC R A FT MEM BERS Agnes Stalsberg. both of Eugene. The regular mid-week service« PROGRESSIVE 22 TEAM The meeting of Iuka circle gers while at camp and Is at th e1 him and breaking his back, was HAVE FA M ILY PICNIC TO PRACTICE FRIDAY at the Baptlat church tonight wtll Ladies Auxiliary of the O. A. R post hospital in Vancouver Bar-¡better this morning, but he la not Juror to Return — Mrs. Harry Many member« of the Needle- be In charge of the Women’« Mis­ which was to have been held this racks where he will remain for a >et out of danger according to a A meeting of the Progressive 22 Whitney and daughter, Mary Ellxa- sionary Society with Mr». Homer craft club end their families at­ evening has been cancelled and the few days before being returned report from the Eugene hospital degree teem has been called for beth. drove to Portland Wednesday home j where he Is being treated. Aalde tended the annual picnic meeting Chase In charge. A special candle next meeting wBl be the regular practice Friday evening at 7:30 and will return the latter part of from the badly Injured back the last Thursday evening at Swim­ lighting service Is being planned meeting on July 6. Reports of dele­ by Mrs. O. H. Jarrett. The team the week. Mr. Whitney who has Vlalt In W aahlngto^M rs W K mill worker apparently has no for the evening. mer’» Delight park. The picnic out­ gates to the state convention at Different groups within the church will prepare tor Initiation to be been serving on the federal court Astoria will be heard at thia meet Barnell and daughter. Barbara, are other serious injuries stated his ing closed the club season until Jury expected to return with hli held July 16. They meet In the visiting at Seavlew. Washington. phyaiclan. fall when activities will be ra- have been taking turns In conduct­ Ing. tastily. O. O. F. hall. ing these meetings. BOROIHY GIRARD MARRIED AI ROME CONTRACT WHEAT PRiCE IS RAISED 9