THURSDAY, JUNE 2LJ188i THB SPRINGFIELD NBW8 PAO« POUR Haiti Wilson. Lucille Clearwater. LAKE SENDS 41 10 4-H SCHOOL U. OF O. WORK BRINGS IRRIGATION METHODS LARGE SUM IN GIFTS MAY CONSERVE WATER B.S.C. ¡MAN 1ELLS SPIDER FEATURE WRESTLERS DON GLOVES, PRISCILLA CLUB HOLDS Alys Thalclier, lone Rhode«. Thads PICNIC EVENT TUESDAY It hod »a. and Maxine Buudgrass. Tba FOR SLUQGINO MATCH A tO-round boxing match will fen Eugene.—Gifts. In cash and pro­ Watch Planta To Determine When turn* the weekly wrestling card at perly with a definite cash value, W ater la Needed Advice Of Ihe Eugene armory tonight I’arll- made to the Cniwrslty of Oregon Government Specialist cipants In ibis event will be Robin durlrg the school year Just ended >d R»he annual Rickard family reunion that even though oue does watch Miss Eva Louk. delegate from Identification given by Dr. Mole are at Benton Ixtne park last Sunday. The boys at summer school live for signs of Ihe need of irrigation In the college men s dormitory, and In the crop. It it always had prac­ Springfield Iuka circle 37. latdies the glossy black body with a round Ralph McUee of Monroe was elect­ the girls occupy two women's halls. tice to wait till the crop Is suffer Auxiliary of the G. A. R. Mrs. abdomen about the stse ol a pea; ed president of Ihe group for Ihe Myrtle Kgglmann. past department long, strong black legs that stick coming year, «»her officers are Waldo and Kidder. They spend Ing. president, and Mrs. Grace Lans­ up above Ihe back somewhat like Ivan Rickard. Bellfountain, vice their mornings attending classes Late Irrigation Means Loss those of a granddaddy long-legs; and their afternoons, following the "Any setback to an Irrigated crop berry. department registrar, are at and finally a distinctive red mark­ president; mid Mrs Rena Ednils- dally assembly, are spent In athle­ because of water shortage will Astoria this week attending the an­ ton. Thurston, secretary-treasurer. ing on Ihe lower part of the abdo­ tics and other forms of supervised mean a reduced yield at the end of nual department convention. Miss The record of Ihe family which recreation- Their evenings, too, the sea on." says Mr. Lewis “It Is Louk has been named page at the men of the adult female iiumbera 500 showed three deaths. Not All Red Marked are full, with parties, pictures, local probable that irrigation is delayed convention. three marrt»«e*. and eight birth* Though roughly described as In Miss and Mrs. Bcglmsnn talent shows and similar entertain too long more often than applied (he shape o f ’ an hourglass, these during the past year. During the uient. A number of new classes too soon. Most over-irrigation is drove up Monday morning and will red markings may be in a number: P«»< 1« >'*«r« slo e, the record keep have been added this year and are due to the use of too much water at visit a few days In Portland before of different forms or may even be "•« *»» '»«>'- h“" «*•» 41 meeting with great favor among a single irrigation than to too fre­ returning this week-end. Mrs. Lans­ rather indistinct, warns Dr Mole »narrlages. 49 births, and »«’ berry left Sunday for ihe conven­ the llubbers. quent applications.'* At times two triangular red marks: Programs Are Broadlast Type of soil, nature of ihe crop, tion city. may touch to form an hourglass J_A NE TO GET SHARE OF Spe ial programs, usually featur­ sixe and rate of growth of the crop I shape, while again there may be ing some prominent citisen or citl and the climatic conditions all af-1 PAGEANT COMMITTEE four spots Instead of two or the two MOTOR FUNDS JULY 15 tens of the state as speakers, are feet the time and frequency of irri­ WANTS OLD RELICS may no! touch. • . ... arranged for each assembly. These gation. making it impossible to set Lane county court will receive a Though the ordinary spider does nl for the sum of 848. programs are broadcast for the any hard and fast rule for all cases. Persons owning or knowing of benefit of parents and friends of Sandy soils often need Irrigation the whereabouts of any pioneer Im­ more good In eating Insects than 524.48 from the motor vehicle regie clubbers and for the thousands of once a week In the peak of the sea­ plements or relics having some con­ harm. It is a safe practice in re- (ration fund on July 15. It was an members over the state who are un­ son. Loan soils in garden crops may nection with the settling of Ihe gior where Ihe black widow Is nouuced ihls week by P. J Studel- able to participate in the summer need watering every 10 to 15 days. Oregon country are asked to notify known io exist to kill any black man. secretary of state who dlstri school. Each county delegation also Alfalfa or orchards on deep soil, on the Pioneer Pageant committee in snider, says Mote, but in doing so bules a total of 8800.000 on that day broadcasts over station KOAC be­ the other hand, may not need irri­ Eugene. The articles are wanted to be careful not to be bitten i from this fund. tween 7 and 7:45 o'clock in the gation oftener than every three to to be placed on exhibition during Bites Not Fatal Under an a d of Ihe 1933 legls eTenltu at some time during the four weeks even in the hottest part the celebration on July 26. 27, and The bites of the black widow do latune. a fixed amount la now re­ two weeks' session. The Lane dele of the summer, sava Lewis. mit prove fatal on humans so far < elved from ihe license fund by 28. gation will broadcast a 15 minute Weeds Good Indicators Pageant workers will call for (he as auhtenllc records go. though each county twice a year, with ap- program Friday Actual soil moisture records are I rttc|ps tr lt is desired there are some reports of death In portlonment made on the basis of Special programs, usually featur- Ihe surest way of telling when t o _________________ the southwest that may be true the 1931 registration of motor ve summer school, with the boys and irrigate bu, In the ab m .ee of these jj ^DERCLASS TEAMS WIN The distress caused by Ihe poison 1 hides In each county. With a fixed the girls having separate executive the best way is to watch tne crops. Is so great, however, as to wurranl ! sum available, county courts can bodies. Irene Etter of Pilot Rock is he adds The occasional weeds in INTERCLASS BALL TILTS every care to valod being bitten estimate budgets for road purposes president of the girls and Ivan Bier- an orchard are good indicators. Severn! days In the hospital Is a not more closely and depend on definite ly of Washington county is chair­ When they flourish there Is ample The two underclass baseball uncommon result of the bite of the amounts from such sources In each man of the Boy's Executive com moisture, but when they start toj teams Ihe freshmen girls and the black widow Ther- Is no specific of »he semi-annual apportionments junior boys defeated their senior - treatment, according to mittee. wilt the tree» will need w ater. - io medical rivals to win the interclass games I Field crops such a - ■ alfalfa will Lane Clubbers Present men. the only thlrg to do being to MISSOURIANS TO HAVE Lane county clubbers present are first turn bluish or a darker green at the annual all-school picnic at j ; nut the ratlent to bed and give sup- ANNUAL PICNIC EVENT Frances Calef, Helen Michael, Eve­ when n eeiln t water, and before Swimmer's Delight last Thursday. nortlve treatment lyn BJerke. Melba Andrews. Elinor th“y wither Sugar beets and corn In the «insolation games the fresh­ The spiders are not known to Annual meeting and picnic of Detering. Nonda Pirtle, Alfred Tay­ freqiiertlv wither in the daytime men defeated the sophomore hoys, and the sophomore girt, forfeited “" • ’,”r"“"d ,h‘" He -uf fered u slight paralytic Iroke re­ Donald Peterson. Brochner Mikkel- day afternoon and evening. Several Howard Parks. Homer Parks. Ro­ cently and will receive treatments sen. Cleo Peterson. Alvin Skovbo. teachers and many of the parents bert Hammond. Karl Mclxmd and at the Portland Institution Eldon Johnson. Folmer Bodtker. Harold McLeod. accompanied the children and ser­ Raymond Smith. Albert Forcht. and Blanche Wheeler, Floyd Mauney. ved the picnic supper. Carsen Adams. Junction City; William and Grover Kelsey and Sam Bartholomew has been Ilene Trunnel. Edna Grubb, Cot­ Sheldon Stutz have returned from tage Grove; Phvllis Rankin. Van- r,on " ho haa moTed ,o The Misses Myrna Laird and len. Mapleton: George Bertie. Ven- r>,nald Br"wn haa b“'‘" nam“d a r Elizabeth Holcomb are attending eta; Homer Hull. Latham, and Wal- sis*ant MARY 4-H summer school at Corvallis. ter Robertson. Blachly. Bailey Mamett. Dwight Brown Leaders from Lane county are GUARD REPORTER WILL Designed In Sizes: 36. 38. 40, 42. and Everett Holstrom have Joined R. C. Kuehner. county club agent. GO TO JAPAN FOR VISIT the national guard. 44. 46. 48. 50 and 52 Size 44 re and Hazel Ed miston. Miss Betty Ann Macduff. Spring Thomas Tinker of Redwood City. quires 4 7-8 yards of 39 Inch ma -------------------------- field reporter for the Register- California arrived Monday to spend terial with H yard contrasting Spending Summer Here — Mrs. . Guard, will leave a week from today the summer at the home of his A Daytime Frock Ruth Olmstead and two sons, j for a two month's visit to Japan. uncle. E. B. Tinker, at Pleasant Pattern 8203— For general all- James and Neal, of Mt. Vernon, i In Japan she will be met by her Hill. around usefulness, choose the be Washington, are here to spend the I mother. Mrs. N. F. Macduff, who Mr. and Mrs. Blrdwell and Mrs. coming and slenderizing design pic­ summer with her sister-in-law and left recently for the Island empire, Birdwell’< daughter, Margaret Eng tured here. The rippling Jabot col brother. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis They plan to return together. llsh, of Lebanon are making their lar adds to the appearance of length as do also ihe side panels home In Eugene. Membars of lha Priscilla dub held ihelr annual picnic for ihelr taailllea at Ihe John Seavey ranch on Hop Island Tuesday afternoon. Fourteen members and Ihe follow­ ing Invited guests were praaent: Mis Stewart. Ml»« Holly and llasel Seavey, Miss Hetty Seavey. Mrs. Howard Freeland. all of Eugene. Mrs. Lillian Mathews of Portland Miss Eunice Gerber Miss Maxine Snodgrass, Misses lone mid Theda Rhodes. Don Mover. Mis Catherine Moyer Donald Howard Donald Cook. Miss Jolxmu Pulman. Miss Eilns Plait, all of Springfield, and Miss Helen Dunstmi of Jamestown. North Dakota This was Ihe final meeting of Ihe dull until Ihe second Thursday In September. MANY LOCAL GIRLS ON M c D o n a ld b a ll t e a m other members of the learn which Is coached by Jerry Hlalr are from Eugene. The girls liava played three games and have won one and Io I (wo A weak ago they defeated the llelllg team, and on Monday dropped their flrsl game to Dlnty's learn 10 11 Ixtsl night (hey lost a game 13 2 with Ihe Keglaler-Gttard leain. Gaines are played one mid I wo limes a week starting al 6 45 al Ihe Cnlv rsliy athletic field Oaoghler to VIsH— MI«» Ellas hath Hughes, daughter of Mr and Mrs Win «1 Hughes, will arrive here Saturday evening from Ta­ coma Io spend one week vtslllng with her parents She will he ac compaiilnil by Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm and Infant daughter. Jane, al o of Tacoma They are on a vacation trip and will drive south. Takes Over Beauty Shop— Miss Seven Springfield girl < are play­ Maxine Swart» hss gone to Grants ing on Ihe MeDonuld theatre aofi- hall baseball learn In Ihe Kilgene |*as< to take over a beauty shop In serlss. They are Angelina Rrattaln. that elly. Irish-Murphy Co. Fruit Canning Supplies We have a large stock of all iy|»*H of Jara and seal- era. The cunning season Is on and thia 1« the place to get your supplies from the heal k n o w n standard makes. THREE SISTERS Green Beans 3 CANS FOR 25c Devil Meats QUARTERS, 3 FOR 10c Upper Willamette Pork & Beans Cream Cheese I LB. CAN 5c r* m McKenzie Valley Rl NTI NS E F F IC IE N T PROMPT Inexpensive Phone 2 OOD printing service consists of more than delivering a certain amount of ink and paper in the form ordered. Good printing consists of careful consideration as to the form in which the idea is to be presented, thoughtful selection of type faces, the right grade, weight and color of the paper, accur­ ate composition and skillful printing. . . That is the kind of printing service you may ex- pect from our shop. . . . and it costs no more than inferior printing. G No matter what you printing job may be or in what quantities, we are confident you will find our esti­ mate of cost most interesting, workmanship most efficient and promptness in delivery most gratifying If you find It Inconventient to visit our office, phone and we will call. . . . You are under no obligation in asking us for an estimate. The Willamette Press Opposit« P. O. Springfield The Walterville-Leaburg Christ ian Endeavor groups ended their 1 society contest Sunday evening and the loser will entertain the winning socle y with a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Kozer Frl day evening. Waltervllle Is accepting the coun­ ty-wide challenge for the couple In the county who have been married longest. They believe It to be Mr. and Mrs. Zara Potter who were married In August of 1867. Their names will be entered with the Oregon Trail Pageant committee. Members of the Leaburg I-adles aid met at the home of Mrs. S. J. Godard Thursday. The Farmers are busy with hay harvest The weather has been Ideal the past ten days for haying. Do You Thurston d riv e a horse and b u g g y ? Mr. and Mrs, Ray Baugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Edmls- ton and family. Harvey Calvert and Kenneth Platt and Genevieve j llenry attended the Richard re- ! union at Benton-Ia«ne park last ' Sunday. Little Norma Hart who under­ went an operation for appendicitis sometime ago 1s Improving and was able to walk a few steps for the first time Monday. Mrs. Phil Bishop and children visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. Berg last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Endicott are I visiting relatives here. Mrs. Mollie Price from Texas Is i here to spend Ihe summer with her • Inters, Mrs. Roy Edmlston, Mrs. i Ernest Bertsch. and Mrs. M. ,1. j McKIln. The annual school meeting for ' the grade school was held Monday i afternoon, Lawrence Gossler was re-elected director. Designed in Sixes: J6, 36. 40, 42, 44, 4«. 4«, 50 and S2. Sue 44 re­ quires 4 » yards of 34 inch n“ - terial with M yard contrasting. of the skirt and the flaring sleeves and iindercuff, , A printed dark blue voile Is sug­ gested for this frock, combined with a white chiffon collar and veatee. Or a printed silk, either In black and white or with light back ground and colored design com­ bined with while for contrasting would make up attractively. II could alsp be nisde of dark triple sheer with only a white voatee. COURSE you don*». No one does any ently. I t It no longer considered sinful to spend more. Tim o is worth too much these days part of your time outside of your kitchen in to poke along at 7 or 8 miles an hour when a healthful pleasure snd wholesome recreation. car w ill whisk you there and hack at 30. 4 0 . . . Yet, today, there are people whose kitchens 50 mile« an kour. In the horse and buggy days are still back in the horse and buggy ago. An mother worked in the kitchen from early in old fashioned fuel rsnge is just as wasteful of the morning 'til lato at night— and was proud time, effort snd money, just as old fashioned of it. She gloried in the endless hours of cook - in comparison w ith an Electric Range as a horse ing ever a hot stove, scrubbing, cleaning and and buggy would bs in comparison w ith the scouring. Now-e-days wo look at things differ­ i today MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY