THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1M4 "‘•’Hi N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N , FOREST EXCHANGE Oapartmant of the Interior, United Statea Land Offloo, Roeeburg, Oregon, May 10th, 1934. Nolle« la hereby given that on May Iltlh. 1934. Mary Norberg, of lin k I I I ov«. Oregon, filed applica- linn No. 031406 under Ibo act of Muri li 20. 1922. (42 litat.. 4M I to .»change the H W I4 Roc It, NW >4 H KI4. K % H K Q Hoc 21. and NB14 N R H Bee. 2«. T. 12 »., R » W . W M , within the Hlualaw National Fore«!, for the 'linber from the N K IiN K S Hoc 12. T ’ O S . H 3 K W M . within the W illamette National Purent ........................ ........ ..... The purpoao of thia notice la „ to allow all peraona claiming the land« «elected, or bavin« bona fid« oh- Jectloua to such eppllvOtloo, an op- purlunlty to file their protest« with (he Register of the United Htatea l.uiid Office at lloaeburg. Oregon, Any such pruteata or objeetloua ioiiat he filed lii thia office within thirty days from the date of flrat publication of this notice, which flrat publication will he June 7, 1834 W IL L IA M II. CANON. Register. (Je 7-14 21 38--Jy I ) — W ELLS A W IL L S L. L. AAV Attorney! at Law Attorney at Law Sank of Commoroo Bldg.. Sugona Minor Bldg., Sugano, Oregon n o t ic i o r F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notte» la hereby given «hai the iiudeialgued. Dorothy Bredhuru HondorauB, Admlnlalratrla of Iti» Eatate of Kathur I, Vernon. da ceaaiil, liaa fllad her Fitta! Report and Accollili aa aneli Adnilnlatra Irla with the ('torli of th« County Court of Latte County, Oregon, and that Halurday, the 30th day of June, Hint, at 10 00 o'clock In tha fJrenoóñóf «aid duy. In the County c ,)Uri Roam at the Court llnuae >t Bugen». Oregon, haa boon aol by (|,n | | (l,i y r,,|| Flak. Judge ut aald court, aa Ui« time and place of hearing objection« to th« «am«. If ,lt,y «nd for the final aottlement ________ «alato. DOROTHY BRADBURN H E N DEHHON. Admlnlalratrlx W ELLS * W ELLS, Attornoya. (M 31—Jo 7-14-21-28) 1 N O T tc I o p gH ER IFF'B BALE RBAL PROPERTY n o t ic i or hearing ON F IN A L ACCOUNT" NO TIC E IH H E ItE B Y G IVEN Tim i Ilio underalgned administrator of Ihe volato of <>I ku Aldropp, de , aaotl, baa Iliad III« account for the final »ettleinent of aald «alala in Ho, County Court for Lane Coun (y, Oregon. and that Haturday. th« 7th day of July, 1934, at tha Court Room of -aid Court, to th« Countyi Court llouae, In Rugano at tan o'clock In the forenoon, haa boon by «aid Court fixed aa the time and place for hearing objection» there- to. and for final aettlemwnt of aald «alate MAGNUH M A N H E T II, Admin latrator of the Ratal« of Olca Aldropp. d«ceaaed. L. I. HAY. Attorney for Katale (I.- 7 14 71 23- Jy I ) ______ THE RFRINOFTELD NBT/B T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y pa o it h m b world's history—end» with the col­ lapse of the plan and a return to tho ancient system under which tha competent gat moro than the incompetent, the Industrious more th. in the laxy, and the competent nml Industrious have to take care of 'h>- others. Callform.-n Hara- Mallas Brown, Coat to Salam— John D. Cylc was California r» -blent, vfalted In thia u vlallor In Mal«ui Sunday. i ity Saturday. Drive North— M r and Mr». Loyal | BRATTAIN PRINCIPAL Hand I-fa d e d — K. E. Saul, farm K. Scott spent Sunday on a m »tor CALLED TO CCC DUTY er tiling ea t vt Springfield has a drive to Mt. Ranier, badly Infected hand which Is being Lieutenant Glen Wood, principal M treated by a local physician. Violtor from Rainbow — F of the Brattaln school, left Wednes­ I'uque of the Rainbow vicinity waa day for Medford where he haa been Grove People Hare—Mr. and Mra. a huatcesa visitor In Springfield H IS T O R Y ......................... and law« assigned to duty with the district Ham M iller of Cottage Orove were Saturday. The key to the future Ilea In the ! CCC headquarters. Woods Is an at- weekend gueats of Mr. and Mra. I tudy of the past. If you want to Visit from Portland—Mrs. Allan J. M loraon In this city. I fleers In the army reserves. ! know whether thia, that or the Htewart mid two children of Port­ Visits Daughter— Mr«. Ella Prum. other scheme for saving mankind _ land are visiting with Mrs. K Cuts Head — Kenneth Cox waa moth r of Mrs E. C. Stuart, .pant from the consequence« of Its own g Bute«. the week-end here from Junction! folly will work, read history bead last Thursday evening at the School Term Over— Orval Eaton City. ! Prom time immemorial people 1 office of a local physician. haa returned 'o Springfield from have had‘ a belief In the magic of Mr. and ; laws la w » can m ake people good. V tits from W a lterv illa Portland where he la studying M r. Herbert Platt of WolUrvHlel y The pr„h,bltlon 'Sharp Stomach Paina optometry. Upset My Whole System' were business v l.lto r. In Spring w#rs g((|ng , (> every Oregon City Mon Hero— Delbert field Haturday. ,^mperalH. _____________ ___ Hay« E. Hcnlgcn: "I tried a |1 M artin of Oregon City la here visit Roseburg People Hare— Mr. sr.d Two thousand or more years ago |„»ttle (3 weeks treatment) of Dr Ing with friend« and relative« thia Mra Glenn Radabeugh and Mr and the Oreek philosopher Plato wrote: Emil'» Adla Tablets under your week. Mra. E. Weimer of Roeeburg were "How charming people are' Are guarantee. Now the pains are gone Visit In Corvallis— Mrs. C. E. week-end visitors here at the horn ; they not a good aa a play? Trying __ Pettyjohn and granddaughter, Mias of M r and Mrs W A Taylor tb«lr hand« at Icgl.latlon and Im- CALL FOR W ARRANTS Edna Purcell, are visiting In Cor e . M a «1 lav.ta ,hBt by " ‘ T * “* Notice 1. hereby given that C ut. Hand on N e l l - M r L e o t a mal(e „ th<1 le . vallta with relatives. Rod ..hough painfully Injured h o r. raacaMtlaa of m ankind"' « v . ™ X v “ ' î : pö " ± 1 “ ,d, z . h * ^ o f L id X « « . Clover spent several day« In Port-j ci(U, hl „ on a n j.ty nai| ghe waa same thlr g ; eo did Saint Paul To w.,rran„ , o and lnciud,ng 33M , land last week attending the an unable to remove the nail without day aa In the past, h 1» Impossible 2 i 1M3 interest nual Ro :e show. aaalstance. to legislate avarice, selfishness and Jung J#34 JAMES K. KINO Attornoya Minor Bldg.. Eugona, Ora. NOTICE TO CREDITO RS NO TIC E 18 H E R E B Y O IVEN NO TIC E la hereby given that by that the underalgned haa been ap- virtue of an execution and order p„ |nted Executor of the Estate of of Bale l««u«d of the Circuit ( ourt > i^tvla II Tucker, deceaaed. by the of the Hlate of Oregon for Lane County Court of laine County, Ore- County thia 23rd day of May. 1234. Mon. All peraona having Halma upon and pursuant to a decree duly ugalnat aald eatate are required to given and made by aald Court the l>reaent them with the proper 20 day of Pebruary, 1834. In a suit voucher« Io the underalgned at the pending therein In which L. H. Mul- iaw office« of James K King. 410 key was plaintiff and Melvin Han- Miner Building. Eugene. I-ane Coun- sen and Ethel Hansen, hla wife, j ty. Oregon, within a ll ( • ) month« and Alex liodner and Catherine | from the date of thia notice. Bodner. ble wife, were defendant«.I Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia which execution and order of sale 7,1, ,|ay of June. 1234. was to me directed and command AR LEA N T U C K ER . Executor «d me to sell the real property ,,f the Eatate of Lewie R hereinafter described to satisfy Tucker, deceaaed. certain liana and charges In aald (Je 7-14-21-38— Jy 6) FRED E. S M ITH Visits Mother— Mr«. Merle Caa Portland People Hare— Dr. and (r e d out of the human race C. F. BARBER Clerk. Attorney at Law decree specified. 1 will on Saturday ------------------ —---------------------------------* A LLEN teel went to Bandon Sunday to w illiam C Foster and family the 23rd day of June, 1834. at the B. D Minar Bldg., Sugane, Oregon Attorney at Law .............alway» «etfi«h hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M., at the visit with her mother. Mra. J e e s ^ port|and spent the week-end PLANS - NOTICE OF S H E R IFF'S BALE aonthweat door of the County Court; F77 W lllamatta, St Eugene, Ora- Men of imagination have tried Catron. here vlaltlcg at the home of Mrs. OF REAL PROPERTY . . . . . . House In Eugene. I«ane Gounty. Foster'« parent«. Mr. and Mra. their hand» from the earliest day» bn the 3Mb day of June 1834 a t , Or#g00i o(jar tor sale and eell at IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF Aasista at Confaetionary— Mr«. T H E S T A T E OF OREOON FOR at working out plans for the Per­ tho hour uur of 10 A M- • ! H»e front pull||,. BUC(|On for cash, subject to May Soule of Iloakin« Is here thia Frank A. DePue. T H E CO U N TY OF LANE door of Ibo Court House la fect State, in which everybody redoIIJp ,|ol, a. provided by law. all In the M atter of the Guardianship week to aaalat at Kgglmann'a con lame County Z iL a ii* «‘ I of ,h " rl«ht- ,ni.’ House Guest— Misa Ina Clement would be happy and cortentqd. of Virgil J Hllle. and Arlene T. sue II thin to the highest b dder for d«f«„danta In .aid «ult and fectlonery during the ah eece o f , ((1 a house guest at the Fred Louk Plato. Franclt Bacon. Sir Thomas Hills. Minora. ah the following de.crlbed real ,, c,a, mlo< by, through or cask Mra. Egglmann who la at Astoria. home for two week« while she 1» More. Edward Bellamy and many operty located In Lane County, * |hem or any o( th„m, |„ ORDER property rauaiwu unow v w u . , , undl,r , hem or V on Coast— Mr. and M r., completing her work on record» at others have written fascinating Gregou to-wlt: U to tho following described real J 8 Hills guardian of the above named minora having petitioned Karl Olrurd and daughter . Done 'he high school where .he I . aec- books telling how a planned econo­ Beginning a a point «0 rod. > p „ rty , , o . wr « ■ ■ t i t «»F f 8» » M n e l l i M M a l i-<»w ttaaa* « i f th li court for license to mortgage South of the Northeast corner of * Beginning at a point 310 feet my would operate. tbs J. B Southworth Donation or «ell the following property, via. thy and Dor!», and Mr» Bert Doane retary. Weat of a point on the North None of them ever worked, be­ North 78 feet of Lot 7 In block 7. went to the coast at Heeeta beach t^ind Claim No. 80. running o au„hter Born— Mr and Mr». line of the L. E. Davie D. L. C. Io »klnnera Donation to Lane thence South 80 rods, thence cause all of these schemes have No. 42 at a point 18.08 chains W illard R. Humphreys of W ealth county, situated In Laoe Coun­ Saturday. Weal 10 rods, thence North 80 been based on th ” Idea that the East of a point 8.88 Chains ty. Oregon, for the purpose of rods, and thence Ea«t 30 rods R e tu rn , from School - M l . , »re the parent, of . baby daughter South of the Quarter Section discharging taxee due against the Blanche Bate. ha. returned to her “orn to them at the Pacific boa- masr. of umanity is Imbued with to the place of beginning, In Hec Corner on the line between elemental Justice and wants every-, ■am« and for tha support of aald lion Twenty-one (21) Township pltal In Eugene on Saturday. June Sectlone 23 and 24 of Township minora. It 1« ordered that Vida O. home here following the closing of Sixteen (18) South of Range Five ltody to have a square deal. The: 17 8. R. Four West of the 16. 1834. Ray. Amoa A Hllla. Darllla Trine. the spring term at Monmouth Nor 18) Went of the W illamette fact 1 that few of us care whether W illamette Meridian, and run Melba Trine. Zella Urich, and Dolla »tudving Meridian. In Lane County. Ore nlng thence South 334.84 feet, , Kincaid, next of kin of «aid minora mal school where she la atudylng To Conference— Mr» Emma Ol- the other f How gets a square deal gon, together with the lenMueMa. thence Weat 180.74 feet, thence i and all others Interested In their an d Mrs aon left thia morning for Portland or not. If we get what we want, Iietedllamwnta and appurtvnan North 234 84 feet, and thence (•«tale, show cause before the court | Leave ,or ‘ , o attend the annual conference whether squarely or otherwise, the cea thereunto belonging, or In East 180.74 feet to the place of at Ita chamber» In the court houae r „, j W hite left Monday for their . .. . .. .................... .. anywise appertaining; of the Methodist church. After the other fellow can have what's le f t ., Pick up your telephone and beginning; In Eugene. Oregon, at 10:00 A. M home ln Aru„na after vlaltlng here Said sale la made under execu­ of Friday. July 18. 1834. why aald w)lh Mr and M rt conference «he will go on to Ta­ nrovided someone else doesn't get ¡ call 7. Your ice will be de­ tion Issued out of the Circuit Court Also. Beginning at a point coma to ylalt with her brother. John It first. Itcenae ahould not laaue aa naked " ,r of the State of Oregon for the 234.84 feet »outh of a point 388 • • • Ordered further that »aid next of i J. C. Welty. Cuuuty of l.ane, to me directed In Hallin until after the Fourth of feet West of a point on tha livered as soon as you ibe case of State luitid Board of North line of the L. E Davie NA TU R E -g,.............................. ,n T .n .11. O u t-V e rn u n and Veda J„,y Uregon. etc., va. Effie L. Itanklna. want it—or you can have It IJ. L. C. No 42 at a point 18.08 The trouble with all human plan­ publication of the aame for four Jackson, «on and daughter of Mr H et al chains East of a point 8 88 H. T. Mitchell ning Is ’ hat there are always Incal­ weeks In the Springfield New« , . d Mrs B M Jackson of Fall R C. A HW ART8. Sheriff of delivered regularly every chain« South of the Quarter • J . / P r,nEfl«>d. Oregon ( h#(| , hp|r , aken out left ( ’« ^ ^ adni- h Lane County. Oregon. culable factors which may up et Section Corner on the line be Ashland after »pending several By A B. HULKGAARD. Deputy June 8th. 1834. week on the days that you tween Section« 23 and 24 of aU the plans Nobody can ever be j at the office of a local physician FRED FISK. County Judge dav here rla ltlrg at the home of sure that he has taken all of them Township 17 8 R. Four West ; Friday H D. A LLEN. Attorney for specify. Keep your food of the W illam ette Meridian, hla son-in-law and daughter. Mr Into account. Guardian. and running thence South 200 and Mr». Dallas Murphy. He also At Eaglet Meeting— Mr». P. J (Je 7-14-21-28— Jv 6) For example, the plans of the fresh! It will save you more feet, thence Weat 141.742 feet, Inman ha» gone to Marshfield attended the Cray-Trihub wedding AAA for a reduction of wheat and thence North 200 feet and NOTICE OF G U A R D IA N ’S BALE than the money you spend where she will attend the conven in Seattle Friday evening thence East 141.742 feet to the corn acreage were aU very well OF REAL PROPERTY place of beginning, all In Lane tlon of the Fraternal Order of if anyone could have taken the Home — Ml»« Nellie for the ice to do it! County, Oregon. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN spec IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E Eagles being h-ld June 21. 22. and Dated thia 23rd day of May. 1834. Stuart 1» expected to return home w eath-r Into account. But Nature N a tu ro p a th ic Physician STA TE OF OREOON FOR T H E C A 8W A R T8. Sheriff 22. thia week-end from Tacoma where stepped in and did in one grand CO U N TY OF M U L T N O M A H . By A B. HULEOAARD. Deputy. I ’bone 81-J PROBATE D E P A R T M E N T Instructor Here — Georg- Wll- 8he haa been visiting for the past wholesale effort what the Govern­ (M 24-31—J 7-14-21) No. 33.167 llama. Instructor In the Benaon week M i«t Stuart spent the first ment was trying to do with the Office Hours: 1 to 8 P. M. In the M atter of the Estate and Polytechnic »chool at Portland, and week of her vacation In an Fran- cooperation of millions of farmers. FRANK A. DE PUE 4U8 Fourth Straut Guardianship of W IL L IA M FAR­ Attorney at la w The drouth In the Northwest cut part owner of the McKonale Silver cisco. Stanley Bldg.. Springfield. Ora. MER. Incompetent. down production and sent prices Lum F ADder NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN , FOX,U » f ^ o n d Y v ’ * NOTICE TO CREDITORS that pursuant to the order and llc- tor in Springfield Monday. j # |n hlg up more speedily and more effec­ tively than any human plan could Notice I , hereby given that the <>n«e of the Circuit Court of the Watchmakgr and Jawalar Guests Coming— Mr and Mra A l r m which has cau ed several »ev I>os8ibly have done It. underalgtied ha* been duly appoint- State of ( ‘ , dulv S P R IN G FIE LD E. Cray. Seattle. Mr. and Mr». Le- ere body pains A small Infection ed Executor of the estate of Mary County. I ’robate The main trouble In getting pian» Bo. Paolflo Watoh Inspector I. McPherson, deceased, and any entered In the lard Cray. Mrs. H. T. Mitchell, of |„ his arm se-med to have spread for the benefit of humanity to work, Flrat Class Work at Reasonable Bn.i all (wn84>nn havtnc claim» ter on June 9, 1934 tne un■»>' <’f J«lF- D. B. Murphy home. | F#|(| H#re _ M r and That can only be done by force. torney for the estate at Springfield. Build ng. 1 ^ ,* ^ ' hf ; h7 “ nan"d ¿ 4 In private business the force is the Oregon In Lane County, Oregon, nrlv’ te ^ale to the highest and be« I. M. PETERSON Leave on E»«t«m T rip — Ml»» Mrs. W. W. Stoner and daughter. w lth ^ a lx month, from the date of b M d e r ^ .M h ^ right, title. I n t e r . - threat of loss of employment if one Atu>rney-at-Law Thelma Sweeney and Mra. Crystal Mrs. Francis Hyatt, and Mlaa Itelen doesn’t do team-work. Government j City Hall Building Male. Springfield achool teacher», Stoner, all of Grand Junction, Colo- Dated and flrat puhUahed. May d~- can compel general compliance left Tuesday on a two-months trip rado, are here vlaltlng with Mrs. Springfield, Oregon Date of laat publication. June 14. " during which they »rill visit Loe »toner's slater. Mr». F. C. James. with any plan only by fines. Im ­ prisonment and. If those fall, ma­ ; 1834. Ix>ta A and 1 to 37. both In Angeles. New Orleans. Washington. The Colorado people expect to lo- LESTER McPHERSON. Execu chine guns. C. and New York. cate In Roseburg. elusive. In Block 1; Ixita 1 to 6. tor of the estate of Mary L Me That sort of enforced cooperation both Inclusive, and Lot« 8 to 18. Pherson. deceased is only possible under dictatorship. both Inclusive. Block 2, all In Family Returns — Emory Pyle Bletera H«r» — Mr». Arthur H I FRAN K A. DE PUE. Attorney Oaklelgh: and. drove to Aetna. California the past Brooks and daughter. Orlinda Ruth, (or eatate. Beglnnlne at a point 26.75 feet R U S S IA ...................... then and now (M 17-84-81—J . 7-14) East of the Northeast corner of week-end to bring hl» fam ily back of Tucaon. and Mrs. Louis Fl»cel of Pittsburgh. Pa I knew the Grand Duke Alex- to Springfield. They had been vlalt- of Florence. Arlxona. arrived Wed Ix>t 10 of Block 2 of the plat of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oaklelgh; thence North 287.07 Ing with friend» and relatives for nesday to visit with their brothers, ander of Russia, cousin of the last Notice 1» hereby given that the feet; thence East 8.28 chain» to several weeka. S. R. Klngdoo of Thelmer and Norwald Nelson ln Cxar. pretty well. That Is, I met j undersigned haa been duly ap­ the Southeast corner of the land pointed Administrator of the ea­ Eugene worked at the creamery Eugene. They came to attend the him a number of times at the described In the certain deed to tate of John W. Stevens, deceased, here during his absence wedding of their brother. Norwald. homes of. New York friends, and Max Am being on the weat bank and any and all peraona having Represented By had numerous conversations with ; which la to he held Saturday. of the W illam ette River: thence claims against the state estate are Southeasterly along aald weat him. I have Just finished re-reading hereby required to present said Collage Term End« — H. H. E. H. TURNER hank to the Northeast corner of Church haa gone to Pasadena. Call- claims, duly verified aa by law re­ Returns from Portland — Mra. his book. “Once a Grand Duke,” and the tract of land now owned by 848 ▲ Bt. Bprlngflald. Ore. quired. at the office of Frank A. fornla where he w ill meet his Clifford Wilson has returned from I am again convinced that the com­ Harold A. Roeaman being at a DePue. In Springfield. Oregon, the Attorney for the estate. In Lane ( point due east of the place of daughter. Miss Dewm, who Is a Portland where she attended ses- mon people of Russia enjoyed a beginning; thence West 8.30 student at the Pasadena Junior col sloni of the Grand Chapter of O. great deal more liberty under the “ IFith prices » in g up I want County. Oregon, within «lx months chalnR. more or lees, to the place lege. She will return with him to E. S. laat week. She is worthy ma- Romanoffs than they have had to buy a lot o f thing?. B ut not from the date of thia notice. of heglnnlng. containing 3 acres, spend the summer at her home i tron of the Cascade chapter. Arthur Dated and first published, May Ince the revolution under the another thing till I get a Maytag. more or leas. In Donation Land 24. 1834. Baugh, worshipful master of Lib­ Soviets. Because with a Maytag, 1 can Claim No. 46. In Township 17 bere Date of la»t publication, June 31. erty lodge, attended the grand South. Range 4 West of the W ll The only things the Cxarist gov­ save money to buy other things.” 1934 FRANK COGILL, Administra­ lamette Meridian. W ill Return Home— Mrs. Clay lodge meetings ernment demanded of them was j • T h a t’s sensible buying. Be­ Formerly Walker-Pool» tor of the eatate of John W j The property, except Lot 18 ton F. Barber and children are ex -----------------------------f that they keep order among them­ Block 2. _____ Oaklelgh. la owned by the cause i t is buying auality you Stevens, deceased _______ .. ____ selves and pay their taxes. Address: Springfield. Oregon wardi w illiam Farmer. Ineompet nected to return to their home in* can use — quality that pays a EUG ENE— lltb H P H IN U FIE LD Now the poor Russian people are ent. and Caroline Farmer, the un Springfield this week-end after FIVE COUNTIES LISTED FRAN K A. DePUE. return on your money. and Cbarnelton, 328 Hain derslmed In her personal capacity »pending two week» visiting with FOR DROUGHT HELP compelled to live according to a weekly Attorney for Estate. • T he M aytag washes clothes a« husband and wife and tenants relative! at Bend. Mr. Barber spent (M 24-31—J 7-14 21) Telephone 733 Phone 63-J prepared plan, to conform to stan­ faster, washes them more thor­ hv the entireties; Ix>t 18. Block 2. last week-end vlaltlng with them Five Oregon counties had been dards imposed upon them whether Oaklelgh I« owned by Howard P. oughly, more gently and a t FORECLOSURE BALE added to the secondary list of the Arnest. subject to the Internat of H« will go over to get them. they like them or not. They are j ^ e r-'coat per washing because 733 counties Included In the offtcl the ward therein a» a tenant by the Notlce 1« hereby given that by punished If they protest. Under the | ¡g ¡a a better design«/, better GET RID OF T H E FLIES! ally recognlxed drouth areas as of Cxars the newspapers of Russia en- ¿„¿/j w asher. • Select y o u r virtue of an execution and order for entirety. Term» of sale: All cash, or one- aale Issued out of the Circuit Court ...................... Our household fly spray does June 16. These Oregon counties are Joyed greater liberty of expression M aytag e t today’s low prices, In and for I,ane County. Oregon. In holt cash and the balance evlrtenceo a suit wherein Ole O. Haugen was hv the note of the purchaser, upon the trick every time. Scott’s Jefferson. Crook, Harney. Malheur than those of almost any other ■ and Wheeler. Following the ap- Continental nation. Now the press T h e Ma a y ta g C o m p a n y plaintiff and A. J. McKy and others term» »atl«factory to the under- Mana«Zacti>rw» were defendant«, to enforce a Judg I signed, secured bv mortgage upon Prug Store._______________ polntment of W . A. »choenfeld. is musxled ard the people have no NKW-rON. IOWA ment entered and docketed In »aid the Property sold Bids may be aUD- NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION dean of agriculture at O. 8. C. as voice. sult and court on the 24th day of! milted unon any «Ingle end—or FOREST EXCHANGE ' drouth relief administrator in Ore I hav? not heard that they are May. 1934. 1 have levied upon the eomblnatlnn of lota In Oaklelgh; following real property mentioned and upon the unplatted tract.In Ita Dspartmsnst of the Interior, United ROn the iatter designated P. M happy. Btetee Lend Offlee, Roeeburg, Brandt and E R j acgman of the In said order of sale, vlx: I entirety Lota A and 1 to 30. both Orsopn, Jilvw xna« « Beginning at a point on the Inclusive. Block 1. Oaklelgh. wm Notice le hereby given that on station anu extension staff to pro- S E C U R IT Y ............... rather limited east line of lot 1 block 18. In I he sold subject to Incumbrances May 31st, 1984, J. 8. Van W inkle, ceed at otice to the regions affected The whole Idea back of most Fairmount, according to the i consisting of a mortgage In favor of of Prineville. Oregon, filed «police and determine which If any of the Bank of Hglsev securing the «urn original plat thereof, which Is plans for the regimentation of MarchN W 0 18MR ». »aid sale will he aubjoct to redemp-, 1934 gas add a spoonful of Adler- . . . o n « , - h i e — C A RO LINE FARM ER. Guard­ which first publication w ill he June with Optometrist tlon as allowed by law. Ik». One doee cleans out poisons1 IJs In full power. Eventually, every ian of the Eatate of W illiam 14th. 1834. C. A. 8W A R T8, oAsouNf ^MueftSSaro« W ILLIA M H. CANON. Register. and washes BO TH upper and lower I experiment of that kind- -end they ta u tô ? Farmer, Incompetent. Eugen« Sheriff of Lane Countjr, Oregon «1 W «s* 8*h bowels. Flonery » Drug Store. 1 haTa trtad many tllIiaa the (Je l« B l-8 8 -4 y 4-18) (Je 14-21-18—Jy 8-18) (M 34 8 1 -J 7-14-31) Ì ICE/ Business Directory Springfield Creamery Co. Edward G. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. THING I’M GOING TG 3HY-IS A MAYTAG POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Wright & Sons