-THURSDAY, J1TN1C -L lg 3 4 _ IMPLEMSNTS of farm pack two i come up here and »ee you but l ..lay up there a nigni are much improved Nancy, when can I com e’ he add ¡»topped him Don't you think you ought to tell h im - about the money cd gravely. Many farmer« who expect yearly She trembled She could make Improvement- In autoinobllaa and you borrowed. Nancy?" Ihibllahad Every Thursday at Nanny. »tiling on the »Ida of her no more promise«! I—I don't know trucks may not reall.e the mod.ru S»rln(fleM . Lane County. Oregon by bed now slipped her arm« about — don III a»k me tonight. Page, my farm Implement» are showing equal her mother» «»cU. laying her head ache« »o! Improvement from year to yarn THE WILLAMETTE PRESS He hulked up earneatly He could cheek against her« enable« them lo laal lorgar H. E MAXEY. Editor not read the eyea so fat above him (hat service than the 1 11 tell him I'll tell y»u and give next week I promised lhal. Ob. hut he felt a change, an Incredible Entered a» »«.comi . la»» matter. February 24 older model» Springfield. Oregon Mama, don't a«k me- 1 w»» ao glad change. In her. Walk r. agricultural eti.ln "Arc you really III Nancy* he to get It for Rod.lv " ... „.»chines »ml ha» positive pre. M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Ml», Gordon drew a long breath, i cried. • he luodein farm Implemelil I» bet One Year in Advance $1.50 Six Month» Where he «I wm I. with hl» face sob In her throut; her face puck ¡lifted and unshadowed. -he »«w m l. ha» heller heating« <>>*» »«•»«. Two Year» in advance .... »2.50 ered and quivered with tears like a j him plainly She could see the te. daelaned. m ail- of »*««"'• hlld'a TIIVRHDAY. JVNE 21. 1»34 ar machine a-d ha» positive presl I look In hl* eye» It »*t her heart "Oh. Nancy!" «lie sobbed. I SYNOPSIS____ .th ey even find It oul sure lulirlcallon. To get fifteen thousand dollar» to Her father merely » lan d , llicic They clasped each other weep­ 1 healing again and her finger» Many part» of m-xlern maehl»»« MORE INTEREST IN SCHOOL AFFAIRS tightened < > lt the »III save the family honor. Nancy U or | dul. us, hut her mother uttered a ing are welded logelhrr Instead of he "No." »he «»Id faintly, "not real They held each other for a long •Serving on a school board is one of the finest services don promt»««.to -hoked cry U,g boiled or rlvlied. he »«.Ini» .ml do Dr. Richard Morgan. Oh. Nancy! Ilow did he get it ’ time and then Mrs Gordon felt th e 1 ! ly but mV head did ache dread Sew alloy» »'•• now »»''Baht- mak a man can render tins com m unity yet it is the most th an k ­ i loved brother, Roddy, ha» come fully 1 can't talk to you tonight. Who lent him all that?" girl's hot cheek. She drew back, I less one." rem arked an em inent jurist to us a few days home from New York to confess I Page. Indeed I'd come down II I Ing It |d»»oble to use the atari lype Nancy held her breath. If »he looking at her that he ha» taken that amount of metal heal «tilled for a pgrllcttlar could hut I—can't!" , from the bank where he work» told them, she did mu know what ago. j. His sum m ary of the situation is about right. "You're III. child!" Her voice broke and he caught job. because a woman ueeded It—and More people took an active interest in the Springfield that he will be Jailed If he 1» found her father might do. He loved her. ."Only my head. Mama, didn't | the change In It. Hope mounted In IkoirhilK* ur «<1 babbit U» he might take II hard, he might school election this week than ever before. Continued in­ out before he returns It So Nancy. even go to Richard about II. and sleep last night." ‘ to certainty; l»e wa» aure »he loved most matanee» with now »ml the., In love with the penniless Page Her mother ros -. "You lie down.' terest of a constructive nature can be of great benefit to Roemer, decide» to borrow the he could not pay II back, it would »he said gently, struggling to he Itlm. hut »he w»» coquetting with a hronge one. Now hall and roller He bearings are (requenlly found lu money from Morgan, and pledge» our schools. The board from now on will meet in some herself to marry him In return. He ruin him. She looked from one herself again. "I’ll gel you a cup of It. playing with II. like a girl confi the better farm machine» The lifted hl i handsome head worn white face to the other and public building and it invites the criticism and advice of the agree» to the bargain, feeling sure lea." old »lopped up oil hole« wllh their her eye» misted; »he was doing It The hoi lea and l»a»l revived danily. public. Few people ever attend a school board meeting but he can make her love him Imparfacl lubrication •o**1 "Nancy, come down!" he cried for them because »he loved them, her a little, and the touch of her rapidly giving way lo pr.wu.urr White they rre talking at hl« nearly e v e n o n e has an idea he can run the schools better She said nothing, and In the atilt house. Roemer comes to see him. she loved them so much It wa» an mother's hands on her hoi forehead naas the pine branch tapped greasing appliance« which reduce than they are now conducted. If these ideas were present­ ; "Oh. Richard, don’t let him come In gutsh lo »ee them suffer. soothed her. She felt like a child tire lim e for oiling nnd make p«w "I borrowed II. Mama." »he an again, being comforted after a hurt ugainst her window like a warning ed to the board instead of being discussed on street corners here." begs Nency when she hears finger Again he felt that there «tide much more adaqnala lubrlea his name. And a.« Richard look» at » wered softly. "I got It and—and "Don't go yel!" »he Whispered, they m ight be made practical use of. j her the pitiful little secret of her was »omethlng amlaa. lion Roddy and I will pay It back." and In the twilight Mr» Gordon for Page is revealed to him "Nancy, come down"' thia lim e | With half of the taxes delinquent the last two years love Mr. Gordon half rose from hl» sat for a long time h»»lde her Now Go On With the Story-------- GOVERNMENT IS AFTER chair. "Who did you gel the money daughter’s bod. bolding her hand his voice pleaded school finances are facing a critical situation all over the 'I can't !•»<». I—good night!" from. Nancy?" he demanded hoarse­ country. Yet in the face of this situation school district 19 They «11.1 nol talk much. The SHADY SEED DEALERS "If you stay—If they come to get older woman was thinking of her »he waved her hand to him has by m ore careful m anagem ent than ever before im­ you before you pay It back—It will ly Nancy backed away from them; "Cruel!" he said, and then "to Federal enforcement official« are proved Its indebtedness more than $15.000 in the last 1- kill them both—I mean father and they were both .taxed hut their »on; the girl, of tomorrow Hui morrow. Nancy!" "cracking down" with considerable after a while they heard the front mother. You must go, Roddy!” months. O utstanding w arrants a year ago were $20.000 eyes followed her. "1 can't tell you door open and Mrs. Gordon rose She did not answer She was regularity on read dealer» who mar­ "You're a trump. Sis'" he said and now have been reduced to approxim ately $10.000 The ' thickly, today." »he gasped, “that'» part of hurriedly. leaning »galnsl Ihe window now. ket »red lo farmer» lhal la not aa "you've saved me— I—1 feel bonded debt has been reduced $5.500 in the sam e period. I like a brute to let you do It. I—I'll it- the pledge, mean, but I'll tell "There's Papa; I'll go gel his watching him go He swung his represented In Ihe way of purlly or dinner for him I hope he can eat! guitar under his arm. waving his germination, according lo word re- All this has been done not by raising taxes but with a live go. but I've got to tell them fir t. I you n XI week." She broke away; she must not You needn'l come down, child. If hat lo her. Bui half way lo Ihe gate calved by 0 R llyslop, head of the mill lower tax than last year. Since the schools were con­ I mean the governor and mother " tell them, »he dared not—yet! She your head si III aches." plant Industrie« division »• 0 H C. »he called to him ducted this year with practically the same faculty personnel (e„ ,hem.- Nanc shivered turned a ll’tle wildly and ran out Nancy lei her go; her head did In a recent caae a dealer waa pro- "Goodbye. Page." »he called lo th a t has been here the last several years it can not be said -You .a n t stop for it if y»u lose of the room. nol ache so badly now. hut she wa« hint softly, “goodbye!" ».-ruled for selling 1 baa« •>< rye this train train they Nan. v lav quite still, face down­ glad lo escape her father'« qnes that efficiency has been greatly impaired. She could see hl« figure reced­ (or »eed labeled a» having »2 per you. they may ward on her bed. hands clasped lion» .en l germonatlon which tested only ing down Ihe long quiet «tree! He in spite of the depression Springfield High school tins n ow '” close over her eye», »hutting out She had work to do She packed 3’ per .en l Rome 40 hag» of the was going out of her life and he She kissed him suddenly. "Oh, the light H r head ached terribly, year graduated one of its finest and largest classes. The a handbag with a few thing» »he did not know It II wa» Incredible lot »1111 tn Ihe hand« of a local Itod. he sood now !” she sobbed. it ached so that the throb» ran would need and she hurried, lumhl dealer were «el»ed. and released future looks better. __ He could not speak. but he down through her body and ahook but It wa« trne. f " ing thing» over. Her wardrobe wan only after bond waa given lhat the ■ wt W je her hand: then the gate her with anguish. It was fearful, (T O BE C O N T IN U E D ) rye would be ground or otherwise »mall enough; »he had not much HOW TO LIVE lammed and he was gone vet It was a blessing. while It ached choice, but »he «elected the »Impl denatured The government main Nancy rose lowly , steadying her­ like that «he could not think If Education has two purposes: (II How to m ake a liv­ est thing» »he had. a dark blue MRS. OLSON WINNER IN tall)» «eed leatlng laborgtorle» self an instant with one hand on he tried to lld"k she would rem ing and (2) how to live. E. B. Lemon. registrar of O. S. C here accurate te«<» may be had by «erge nnd a plain hat. told the graduation class of the Springfield high school. i ’he old bench where she had sunk. ember thnt she had promised 1» The moon had risen splendidly CONTRACT BRIDGE PLAY grower or dealers, one of which ! -and ’hen she w nt slowly Into the marry Richard on Monday. She Most of tm whose time is pretty much taken up trying to end aero»» the window was stretch 1« located at O. B P. High »core In contract bridge did not want to think m ake a living lose sight of the second reason for edm at ion. i house I ed the long branch of the pine H»-r mother was sitting In a Throuvh her went the crashing etched black against the silver »ky wa» won by Mr«. Carl Olson last A m an m ay have a good education and be working at I rocker by the wirdow. her face and rushing of Roddy'» train going IMINT LHT F IJB 8 PUN­ Thursday afternoon when members a job of common labor If his education has taught him i hidden in her hands. Her father sat to New York; she felt a» If the ll w»» very still ta »he hou«e. of Ihe contract bridge club were ISH YOUR STDGK. O u r how to live and be a better citizen of tins countrj then it is ' ’n the s -me chair where he had steel wheels passed over her ivnd Nancy knew her father and mother guests of Mrs. Harry Stewart at ntock fly npray *111 keep them serving a useful purpose. The salvation of the hum an rat e 1 slept that morning HI gray hair left h r bleeding. She had »aved bail finished dinner They were an­ dessert bridge Mr« William Moyer off. Scott'» Drug Store is through education. No m atter how humble o n e s occu­ was standing up on lop of hi» heud hint, he would get there in time to ting In the library now. on the wa» a guent at the meeting pation m ay be education is not a loss, if it has tmjirov. d »-d h - hrd not shaved; he'looked pay the money back, they would other side of the house. She could The next meeting of Ihe club will rot even hear their voice«, but the character and taught that person better how to ihe. ! older than ever. never know And she had spared plt-e tree» »winging a little, tapped he held In two week« at the home He stared around at Nancy. the two down .talrs, too. on her windowsill Then »he heard of Mr» Waller Scott "Where's Roddy?" he demanded “Is it sensible that in a world where men button up ' hoarsely- "Where's he hiding’ I It had crushed her father to think another sound «oft and sweet but CARD OF T H A N K S of his girl shamed for her brother. ¡penetrating, the faint note of a their coats to hide the fact that they have no shirts, a Con­ haven’t seen him this morning gress should discuss a bill to vanish the farm er who grows my Ood I can't think where he got Nan. v'» III«, twitched with pain at lovesnng strummed on a guitar 1 I wl«h to lake this opportunity T hl» Summ»r— K»»p Coal more cotton than a governm ent bureau tells him he n u iy ._ his streak from—my «on a common the thought; he had looked so like Page' The girl tremblrd like a leaf; to expr •»« my appreciation and Lose — Fat Look and Fast Younger death in his sleep The feeling had Only th e brain he had come, of course, with h is , thank« to the voter« for their loyal asks a farm er. Who can answ er him 'h lef!" conte to her with a horrtble »wtft guitar. «upport In electing me clerk of Mrs JesNla Marlin <4 Han Fran trust. "You shan’t »av that of Roddy!" I surprise—her father was growing Nancy stumbled to her w indow 1 Springfield School district No IS daco 1« happy because «he li»» dl» Mrs. Gordon rried for the htindred- old! Sli ■ clutched at her pillows, covered the right, »afe way to rw- and looked down The moonlight j Severt Jacobson It seem s th at the longshorem en's union is feeling the I th time. “It Isn't true, ho never shaking. Her world might tumble made the old garden like day Be .luce—read her letter: pressure of public opinion more than the Portland police meant to take it. It's some mistake down and -he would have no one low her. thte grass-plot looked as III "I have taken Kruechan Halt» a VARICOSE OR SWOLLEN month and find great benefit. I force and is “pulling the punches” of its leadership. It He mernt to pay it back!” left—no one hut—It was too much hoar-frost had whitened It. Near-1 have lost 14 lb» In that tim e and "Yes.” her husband assented seems silly that 300.000 people would let less than 1000 She rose on her elbow and stared er still was Page Roemer VEINS — ULCERS would lose more If I »tuck to a diet ) harshly, “he did You're right about m ake a fool of them and they are waking up to that fact. out of the wirdow with pain blur­ »■ I ahould I take them every Nancy looked at him. How tall j ________ _&— ------------ | that. Sarah. I never knew a thief red eyes— Richard! She gave a lit­ and slim he was—ao much lighter i You pooa sufferer» from bail morning regular and hope other» who didn't meant to pav It 'back. tle cry and plunged her head down In build than Richard. Rite could J“*";,, " hHl misery you have en will profit by them a» I have." Congress has adjourned at last after m aking a record ! Thev all do!" We have letter, from men and What crippling dle.-omfort! again into her pillows, sobbing and ee hl» clean-cut profile and h l» ' Bui here nt ln»t 1» help (or you! women who have loet «« much aa It appropriated more than seven billion dollars or a greater "We've got to pay It back then!" shaking with fear w hile forehead He strummed on No operation» nor Injections. No 10« pound» of fat—from people who amount than any other legislative body ever did at any j his wife cobbed, "we've got to save Then the pain In her head began the guitar again, calling h-r with enforced rest nor time off from have reduced high l.l.swl pressure other time in the world. I him—if I take the clothes off my -from folk» who have no more again and she stopped thinking, »he the old »oft note» appealingly work A - linplf home treatment with Emerald (Ml heals your »ore» bloating or shortness of breath. hack If Roddy’ sent to Jail I shall lay after a while very still and Nancy answered. Page slopped like magic, reduce» swelling, end» Kruachen helps stomach, liver, d ie!” limp, like a shot bird unable to use playing Instantly, and In the moon­ pain, nnd make» your legs »» good bowel« to function properly —In "Dt-?" Mr. Gordon raised his a» n e w - while you go about your creases physical attractiveness all its wing- Sheer exhaustion, a light »he »aw the Joy In hl« face I haggard face and stared at her. "I'd while losing unhealthy fat Juat sleepless night and the long rack "Come down. Nancy; 1C» a lovely dally routine aa usual Follow tile ea»y directions— you take a half teaapoonful In « gla»» rather see Rod dead this minute ing of her nerve» had told. The night!" are »ure to he helped or money of hot water every morning before J than a common thief. God Knows I girl had fallen Into a heavy, dream She clung to Ihe windowsill. “1 back For »ale by druggl»t» every breakfast- gel II at druggist« any­ the fin» line of which reads, "The Holy Bible," I wish 1 had him in his coffin now where. less sleep. can't. Page, my head arhes terri­ where. I—nailed down tig h t!” and which con taim Four Great T r.ia j rei . . . . . . . . She wa» still sleeping when her bly." "Papa!" Nancy's tone startled “The moon will cure It. Come him. he raised his eyes again to her mother quietly opened the door and down.” he pleaded. "I've got some came In. The huddled figure on the face, his Ups twitching with Intoler­ bed startled her; there was some­ thing to »ay to you tonight. Nancy, TH E UNFORGETTABLE SENTENCE able pain. thing In Nancy's very attitude that please come down." S h ’ swayed toward him. her blue A few weeks ago two young men desiring to enter the Nancy knew what he had to say suggested misery and apprehen­ Chrif ian m inistry were asked, “ Do you believe in the eyes beautiful and soft; she loved sions. Mrs. Gordon came hurriedly to her; It had been trembling on When you're planning a uuinnier party, a dinner, him In his agony. She understood Virgo- Birth of Je su s? ” Upon replying that they did not luncheon or bridge, gpend all your effort» on the diiheH 111» lip» «o long, and he had delay­ across the room and touched her know how to answ er the question, nor regard the answ er j It. H e had lost his pride In his flushed cheek and her hot foreh ad ed It-—because delay 1» »weel. They that precede the desHert. For you know thnt Eggi- i son and he was too poor to p ay; as vital to their work as m inisters, they were rejected. m ann'a Ice Cream it* the one answ er to the deuucrt liked to wall; an unspoken love She had the skillful mother hands I he war. thinking of her and of her problem that can be counted on to Hatinfy everyone wa* »< » much more tender, more and she knew the feel of fever. It is no part of the purpose of our little book to deal mother Nancy's lip- shook but she from age one to ninety-one. Nancy started up on her elbow llliiHlve. more desirable than mere with controversial subjects, but in approaching the life of commanded herself. Jesus we may perhaps be perm itted to point out th at the "Papa." she said softly. "Mama--' "What Is It. Mama?" «he cried words. But now It was too late. Our fountain fx the anxwer to the challenge of u "I can't come down to night. question of w hether He was or was not bora of a virgin , «he held her hands out to them ten- feverishly. hot day. Page. No, r«ally! Didn't mother tell Her mother shook her head did not seem very im portant to two of the w riters of the ' derly. “I've come to tell you— Gospels. Mark m akes no mention of it. John ignores it. Roddy Is «afe- He's got the money. "Nothing at all now, dear. Papa you ?” He drew down hl« brow* anxious Paul does not once refer to it. and if Jesus Himself was a|| Of p. and he'» gone to pay It went out to the bank for a while m uch concerned there is no evidence of that fact. When I think he'll get there before had to do »omethlng. He wanted to ly. "Yea. but I didn't believe you'd T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S Fat Folks Lose W eight - Feel Fine A Dessert Everyone Likes He was assem bling His disciples. He called a certain Philip of Bethsaida: Philip findeth Nathanael, and »aid unto him. We have found him, of whom Mose« in the law, and the prophets, did write. Jesus of Naxareth. the son of Joseph. If this assertion on the part of Philip was a m istake Jesus did not rebuke it nor refuse Philip and N athanael as disciples because of it. Indeed, one astonishing fact about His life and the doctrines which have been built up about it Is this— that most of the points on which the bitter con­ troversies have been waged were apparently regarded by Jesus Himself as of lesser significance, and some of no sig­ nificance whatever. How many cruel debates have arisen over the ques­ tion of His miracles. He was often reluctant to perform them, and was as fearful that He might be advertised abroad as a wonder-w orker and thus have the real signifi­ cance of His teaching blurred that He frequently urged those whom he had healed to “go and tell no m an.” The question of baptism has split Christian com m un­ ions. Jesus, when His success began to bring great crowds to Him so th at His disciples were baptizing more than John the Baptist, ceased Himself to baptize anybody. k. ' „•** f When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisee» had heard that Je»un made and baptixed more disciples than John (Though Jesus himself baptbed not. hut his disciples,» He left Judaea, and departed again into Galilee. ' The question of form s and ceremonies and revisions of prayer-books occupies the time and discussion of many church assemblies. But there is no record that Jesus ever prayed in public. The one prayer which He gave to Ills disciples is the sim plest imaginable and consists of sixty-six words. As for the place and m anner and form of worship, He dismissed the whole subject with one great and unfor­ gettable sentence. "God Is a Spirit: and they that worship him must wor­ ship him In spirit and in truth. F G G I M A N N ’S "W here the Hervlca I» lilt(erallt " PANDORA’S BOX- by A. B. Chapin GOOD FOOD - Is H e a lth Insurance Meat in the center of e v ry properly balanced meal. It I h rich in protein, hlgli In energy and eaxlly dlgented. Our service in quality meatft lx an anxwer to the eternal question, "W hat to Serve?" axked b y t h e houxewife 3K5 dayx a year. Call on tix for xenxonable xuggextlonx for meat and what to serve with It, Independent Meat Co. E. C. S T U A R T , Prop. 4th and M ain St» — Phon» S3