THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS » I SC O ita » * • ' IIIIIT Y -K IR N T YEAR HPItlNGHKIJL LANE COUNTY. OHLXJUN. THUKHOAV, JUNK 21, 1934 LIONS WILL SUB! * • » M a * PLAINTIFF WINS Wins Civic Cup TWO BALL TEAMS IN SCHOOL CASE Kentucky Girl Wins NO. 23 fQfl Lodge honors SCHOOL OFFICE Selection Announced Friday Purchnte Of First Prlie For Morning At Annual Senior* I ' Circuit Court Jury Allows Cirla League Breakfast Scout Achievement Contaat Mrs. Sticksls Sum of 9193 Authorized By Member* For Death Of Small Son The honor of being chosen Ibe Active Worker BESI BALL TEAMS WILL MEL! HEBE Activity As Correspondent Of Jacobson Proves Surpris« Of Rebekahs Brings Special Undefeated Hills Creek And Recognition to Mrs. Louk Election With Large Major­ Springfield Nine« To Play ity; More Cast Ballots On Brattain Field Sunday Three conaecutlv« years as cor- moat outstanding girl In the Spring Dr W .N Dow waa named s c h o o l''T ™ denl ,or Ju4D,U RBbakab T llD lu n ilT C ¥ D c r T c n director to succeed Dr W H Poll lod«*' lhe w,nn‘n« ° f S*COD<1 BIC TURNOUT EXPECTED ard. Incnmbeat and candidate for laat year at ,be *U t* — •«“ ‘«ly In re election, and Severt Jacobson ran ' tba «-ub'lc“ Jf aDd **r B # ,t T # a m O f Season« away Dorn bla opponents, C. F Bar <#nt “¡'J**“»®*” » “« chairman of To Represent City On Dia­ ber. Incumbent, and George Proch- tba d,atrlct BUB,," r 10 P“b»c“ > mond Says Manager Davis > Friday morning al Ibe annual sen- now. with an overwhelming major " « • combined reason. ----------- lect *10.076 damages following the I Springfield l.lun « member« j lor breakfast sponsored by the Ity in the ooetoat for district clerk. why niemb*r’ ot th‘‘ lo,18e honored Perhaps the most crucial came In accidental death of her 22-months ’ will play liaaeball i liila aum dirla League The breakfast waa I LEXINGTON, Ky. . Mlaa Cleta In the annual school election, held Mr* Frwl Louk at the,r ww,kly tbe Cascade baseball league, and old son. John, on the high school mer. Th« club Bern Ip rotini held In the Methodist church base Moody. IS. (above), wins the prise, „ new Mon Monday evening. one of the moat interesting games ground* In October. 1931. The trip to Europe In the eighth annual ! Monday • f ’*'’“00" •»* ♦’ ««•■g- ni thelr meeting Prilli sponsor i ment Member of the lodge, through ro be played in Lane county this Htlckela buy was playing on Ibe Ivo enfi hall tea ni a tblt in and Not for many years have the peo Hrs. W. F Walker, presented the week end will be played in Hprl_ Mlaa Sandgathe baa taken a very > MI.„u„dll Bfter nebool hours with his Leegue of Nations competition for tnatructed thè executlt ■nnilt- active part In school affairs during hrolher. Bnd , tater, wben one of high school students of the United pie of Springfield evinced such In- honor guest with a gift of a cake Held on Brattain field Sunday when Ine tu n a t ile captatila, •late the past two years This year «be , h„ older thll (.bl|d lnBUn„y peruilttixl tu play ito thè Ino 9* a ter member of the National Honor record*. So unusually heavy was Walker called to start at 2 o’clock accord Tn-tllmiiny of several wltneasea wlll be decided before the .«etna society when It waa Instituted In Ibe election balloting, that the final Following the buainee: meeting ng to BID Darla, manager of the revealed that Ihe awing had been are named. datnea will he played Ihe local school votera had to wait while additional the Girl Scouts entertained with a Springfield nine, moved in make a larger baseball ballots were prepared Iwlce a week If found practicable, The following program waa prea- field and that the awing had not presentation of their skit, "Mrs Since starting the second half moat of them on Rrattaln field, ented at the breakfast: Welcome. The contest between Dow and Apple and Her Corps." Of the present schedule on June 19 been placed for use In a new loca- with a few at picnic outlnga which Pollard waa quite close with the Edna Severson, new president of ,|on but hB() |,een BBt «KB|n»t the Refreshments were served in the nelthei of these two teams have the club may arrange later In the former receiving 216. and the latter dining room by the committee. Mrs. been defeated. They are also the Girls sesgue; response, Mias Hand gymnasium wall. aummer galha; awarding of cup by Mlaa The Htlckela children, none of Compliance Committee Dis­ 189. a margin of 26 votes. In the Maude Bryan, Mrs. Ernest Black, only undefeated teams In the lea- Hoy Seoul work oleo occupied Anne Vogel, dirla League advisor; them high school age had been solved By President; State clerk race the uccessful candidate and Mis - Crystal Bryan gue. each having won two vlc- much of the time of the meeting ahort taika by Mr«. Audrey McPar- received a total of 267 votes, much playing on (he grounds after school Office Takes Over Work A special practice meeting of tori**- The Hills Creek team loet Keporta by Dr. W N. Dow, chair­ larger "than the 48 for Prochnow the Installation team was held nn,y one game It, the first half of land Pa^Ujk. and Miss Virginia hours and unattended by Ihelr par- man of the Hcout committee. Indi­ t’hrlatle winners of the cup In pre- or ,,ni compUtot, toncernln, Cha’terton. recently named teacher | began this week Plow, are used to pRA ¥tol„ lon. , bould gent Ham Cos. or Bert Manley. CRAY-TRIHUB CEREMONY ceptlon of the last four years, died In the high school where he will loosen up the gravel and It Is load- )he ru|u Plana for a high school band In Friday at the Sunset Home for the SOLEMNIZED IN SEATTLE aged in Eugene. She was 84 years be assistant athletic director, will | 1-d Into wagons by workmen with Kpringfleld were dlsruaaad at tb e: fill short stop, and Doc Taylor will I shovels. The materials are oelng 1-ettera conveying the thanks of luncheon by John Stahn, director I old. | used as a fill near th» Kirkland ,b® pre Went and the admlnlstra- Springfield Couple Wed Friday , Mrs. Vincent was born at Niles. take second. of the University of Oregon bend. Evening At Home Of Groom's W rig h t Ready A gain tlon have been sent to all compli­ Floral company greenhouse Mr. fltehn declared that be believed Michigan on March 8. 1850 and on Parents On Anniversary _ _ _ _, . . Gordon Wright who waa out of ihere were sufficient band instru- ®*n *o r* Lead Other Classes; Only a small area In the renter ance boards In Ihe United States by December 1, 1875 was married to .. Buchanan tbe s“me 8 'H“lsF following In­ of the triangle la to be excavated General Johnson for the services meats not now In use which could Sophomores Second With Surrounded by relatives from the ■ wllllam A- Vincent at juries in an automobile accident and planted to shniba and roadside rrndered. He pointed out that al be found In local attics and store 13 Names on List Michigan. TTiey came west in 1883 scattered parts of the northwest will be in condition to play by this plants A concrete curb will be built | «hough the Boards were originally Inland nanna to form a worthwhile band , - —— Cray and Mis. Nellie Trihub loca‘ln« n ^ t a a D d theD weekend and Davis think, he will ■ period of only at the school He urged the club Fortyelx students were listed on around the entire area but this »®* “P lo 8erve ,o Sprln^eld sixteen years fhe or were married In Seattle Friday members to undertake the task of, fhe honor roll al Springfield high will be 40 feet In from Ihe center; <,r’ dAy«- fh*1 P«rlod had been ex­ evening at the home of Mr. Cray's later. up on the field for this game than tended from time to time and each locating these Instruments and sec school for the final quarter which of the highway on all sides accord- She waa a member of the Baptist time the compliance boards wtll- parents. Mr. acd Mrs. A. E. Cray, i church, and of the Q. A. R. auxili­ has ever represented this city for urlng Ihe consent of ths owners to ended Friday. Ths senior class, i Ing to the specifications, This waa tbe thirtieth anniversary a good many years. The local team When the excavation has been Ingly and voluntarily continued to have them used by the school stu­ with 14 students on the roll, waa of the marriage of Mr. Cray’« par­ ary. Mr. Vincent died In 1927. la perhaps the best batting outfit dents Minor repairs to the In­ high, and was followed closely by completed fertile soil will be haul- d?vote their time and efforts to aid Survivors include eight children, ents. in the league and with Improved struments would be taken rare of the second year students who had ed Into the area and the shrubbery in the drive for national recovery. O. G. Vincent. Indiana; Mrs. E. E. upportlng strength will be a dan- Before the ceremony Mr*. D. B. Approximately 76.000 cases hare planted In groups. No action has and the school could assume rea- 13 names on the list. • Br»,,oln. Cuahman. Oregon. Mrs. L The roll Is divided Into two dlvl- been taken to provide for malnten- pa sed through the hands of local Murphy, a cousin, sang “I Love You D. Larimer. Springfield; W. H. Vin­ ponslblllty for the Instruments If Local residents are urged to loaned for band purposes, he a s slnns. the firs! for the last 12 weeks ance of the park area after It la compliance boards during the pest Truly." She wg* acompanled by cent, Blue River; Mrs. B. O. San- dared W. K Buell and D. B. Mur­ of the year, and the second for the completed and no arrangements nine months Many of them were Miss Margaret Foley of Loatlne key, Springfield; John VInoent, turn out for thia game to support phy were named on a committee entire yeur. It was prepared by have been made fo provide water adjusted locally without need for who atao played the Mendelshon Camp Creek; Earle Vincent, Walt­ their team. The Hills Creek resi­ wedding march. dents always follow their team and further action Io make a canvass of the city seek­ Mbs Ina Clement, high school sec­ for the plants. ervllle. and Mrs. Sawp. a large crowd from that commun­ retary. as follows: Following the ceremony the cou- To assist the state compliance ing these Instruments and secur­ 9he also leaves two brothers, ity is certain to be hère before Freshman ple left for Eastern Oregon for a , JegM K P,Bttg Eugene: and J. M directors and field adjusters In the ing permission to uae them. The EASTERN STAR HOLDS game time, says Davis. The usual few days They are expected to 12 weeks—Joseph Andrews. Cecil work of securing compliance, local Inatrumenta should be obtained Platta, Fresno. California; along low admission wlD prevail. FINAL SPRING MEETING NRA adjustment boards will be est­ return to Springfield this week-end and pul In working order during Crafts, -Burton Gibson. Margaret with 24 grandchildren and 26 great­ Game 11 Innings ablished In eaoh state. The local and will make their home In this grandchildren. Ihe aummer so band work might he Meek. Hannah Ohlsen, Goldie Plan* for Ihe annual picnic of I It required 11 Inning* here last started early In the fall If one la Rauch. Gladys Shelley, Katherine Cascade chapter. O. E 8. lo be held adjustment boards will follow the city. Funeral services were held Mon- week for the Springfield team to standards of adjustment laid down lo be formed here, said Mr. Stehn. Williams. Dila Wilson | day morning at 10 o’clock from the at Swimmer's Delight park on July win their second game from the Final—Joseph Andrews. Wendell by NRA In performing their duty STORE FRONTS GIVEN Pooie-Gray-Bartholomew chapel In Reports from Ihe rish fry com 22. were mude at the (Inal summer Modern Woodmen of Eugene. 7-6. Bartholomew, Burton Gibson, Mar­ of recommending what action mlltee, given by W K. Barnell In­ NEW COAT OF PAINT Springfield with Rev. R. E. Rolens The Springfield team scored two meeting of the organlxation held should be taken In a particular case ______ i In charge. Interment was made In dicated that the total expenses for garet Meek. Hasel Nesbitt, Hannah here Tuesday evening. In the first and one each in the to the NRA field adjuster. (he affair would amount to about Ohlsen. Gladys Hhelley. Juan Strat­ The green and white front of the th® 0 A R P'°‘ Laurel ° TOTe third, fourth and sixth innings to About 50 persons attended the ton. Via Weight. Katherine Wll *26 more than the aum to be re­ potluck dinner which preceded the Membership of the local commit­ Independent Meat market became cemetery. make 5 points. The Woodmen ceived from (he convention fun8. llama. business meeting at which time tee Included H. E. Maxey, chair- red and white Tuesday when E. C. “cored one in each of the first, Sophomores F. B Hamlin and F. B. Flanery, Mrs Clifford Wilson, worthy-ma-J man. I M Peterson, secretary. Sev Stuart, proprietor, had the front LIBRARY PROJECT IS second, sixth, seventh and eighth 12 weeks l.eater Anderson. I-s- delegates to the convention, also Iron, reported on Ihe sessions of I ert Jacobson, B. A. Washburn«, of his market repainted the conven­ STARTED UNDER SERA nninga. No score was made In the Moyne Black, Charles ('lenient. Hol­ reported im Ihe work of the con­ the state gathering held In Port­ Mrs. L. K Page, and L. E. Danks tional colors of the Red and White I ninth and tenth Inning*, and in land Farnsworth. Tom Goods!«. vention. stores. The Ideal Grocery, owned land Inst week Mrs. Alberta Me Work on the Springfield library -he eleventh Inning single by Sword Caroline llli-ks, John Klckbu»ch.| by Mr and Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee. was SERA project calling for repairing, and a double by Taylor started the Thermal! ljuinlng. Lois Manley, Murphy a past grand worthy ma­ GIRL SCOUTS CAMP OUT tron waa a guest at the meeting. also given a new coat of paint. cataloguing and checking of a ll! scoring. M E T H 0 D I8 T 8 LEAVE FOR Florence May. Kvalyn Rohley. Ro- MAKE SUMMER PLANS The Ideal grocery Is a Red and book'' ,n ,be c,ty llbrary b<« an th,s Hills Creek was barely able to PORTLAND CONFERENCE ber‘ s"'" Warren Vail I week under the direction of Mrs eke out a 2-0 win oer the Benton- _____ Final — Lester , Anderson. La- CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS Members of the Springfield Girl White store, but there Is no connec­ David Saltsman. librarian. I-ane club the same day, and Yon­ Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, paator Moyne Black. Charles Clement, SPECIAL SUNDAY MUSIC Scout troop and their leader. Miss tion between the meat market and these stores says Mr. Stuart, the! Pour ’rome,, wln be •■‘»»«l"« calla defeated Cottage Grove 6-7 of the Methodist church. Is In Port -j Holland Farnsworth. Tore Good ale. Eunice Gerber, held an overnight Sermon subjects for thp Christian hike Tuesday evening. The girls pre colors having been chosen because' from tbe rel,ef r° ns * ch for tw o ' Thi week-end the Yoncalla and land all this week attending the Caroline Hicks, John Klckbusch weeks on the project. Modern Woodmen meet, and Cot- church Sunday have not been an­ pared their -nipper and breakfast In of visibility and brightness. annuul conference of his chlirch Therinan Lanning. Ixtls Manley, _________________ This Is the only SERA project tae-e Grove goes to Benton-Lane He will nol relurn for service« In Florence May Robert Suul. Warren nounced by Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pas­ the open. ODD FELLO W S T A K F NEW b*“ approved for thls c,ty as X**-’ P*rlr. tor. Special music Is being planned the local church Bunday morning. Vail. _________________ Plans for the aummer outing to O D D FE L L O W S TA K E N EW Severa| others are awaiting favor- for the services however. In the Dr. and Mrs. W H. Pollard. Mrs. Juniors he held at camp Cleawox near Flor­ MEMBER AT MEETING able action by the state board 12 weeks—Obert Andrews. Mar-1 forenoon »he Murphy-Moshler quar- MANY SCOUTS TAKEN TO Porter, mother of Mrs. Poindexter, ence are being made by the troop. left Wednesday afternoon to at-IJorl® Currant. Clair Hadley. Fran- tet consisting of Mr. and Mrs. D. TOP OF CASTLE ROCK Howard Cotton was taken Into EPWORTH LEAGUE PLANS tend the lay meetings. They expect j <’»» Stiles. Esther Strunk. Mary B. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ Ten girls from the local troop have already signed up for the camp membership of Springfield I. O. O. M F E T S U N D A Y land Mushier, will sing. For the lo return Saturday morning. Mrs Trotter. Accompanied by Dr. W. N. Dow. O U TD O O R M E ET S U N D A Y period. Miss Gerber will attend the F. lodge at the regular meeting Final—Obert Andrews Marjorie evening service special music will Emma Olson will also attend the E. C. Stuart. Larson and Harry last night. Mr. Cotton was a mem camp again this season as camp Currant, Clair Hadley, Bob Lajole, he provided by Merton Ferebee and The high school division of the Wright. H. E. Maxey, and Bert lay meeting*. nurse, a position she filled last ber of Spencer Butte lodge in Eu gène and transferred t o 'the'loèèl EpW° y‘h at tbe> MethfM,,8t “ «»««y assistant scoutmaster. 20 Member,« of the local enngrega LaVerne Pugh. Frances Stiles, Winifred Bnlfour singing a duet. aummer. The Sunday school will meet at organization. Plans were also d i . - ! ^ “^ Wln b0,d “ ° Utd° ° r d*T<> mPmbers of ,he troop tlon have requested that Rev. Faye Stratton, Esther Strunk. Mary 9:45 and the Christian Endaevor cussed at the meeting for a local; ' ¿ T p 'r- Su"d a y ii^ n'n'' Cast.e rock near McKenxIe Poindexter be returned to the Trotter. group meets In the evening. CRASS FIRE SEASON Seniors Miss Collene Cornell will be the bridge Sunday. The boys went to church here for another year, and picnic. Refreshments were served 12 weeks-Flora Clement, Beatrice leader. All young people of the high : McKenzie forest camp Saturday BRINGS USUAL BLAZES following the session. final announcement on thia will be school are invited to attend. They ' afternoon and camped out. M. B. made by the Bishop, Tltua Lowe Elnter. Evelyn Klckbusch. Betty BRIDGE JOBS TAKING Mersdorf, Dorothy Nice, Lela Pet- are asked to meet at the church Huntly was camp cook for the out- Calls to pul out two grass fires at Ihe close of the conference. MANY TO COAST TOWNS son, Violet Potter, Eugene Richey, at 6:30 at which time the place for| Ing. were sent to the city fire depart­ LARGE DOLLY VARDEN DeEtta Sandgathe. Grace Shelley, the meeting will be announced. ment Saturday. The first call came TAKEN NEAR OAKRIDGE A fair siaed Invasion of the coast MISSIONARY CIRCLE HAS Marlon Shipley, Mary 8mltaon, towns has started already as work­ from residents on the south side of ILLEGAL VENISON SENDS MEETING HERE TUESDAY Rllxaheth Vail. A dolly varden trout which weigh­ KENSINGTON MEETS AT men begin moving In with their Willamette heights but the blaze MAN TO COUNTY JAIL Final—Flora Clement. Beatrice was put under control before the ed six pounds when dressed and BASFORD HOME TODAY New officers of the Hattie Mit­ Elmer, Evelyn Klckbuach. Betty families In hopes of securing em­ truck arrived. The second fire was shrunk was received at the Rennie ----------- | Curtis Miller. Eugene, was fined chell missionary circle of the Meradorf, Dorothy Nice, Ixda Peter- ployment on the construction of the on the Pacific highway south of the Kooser farm near Deerhorn this Mrs. Allene Basford will be host-( *E0 and committed to the county Christian church were Inatailed at eraon. Violet Potter, E u g e n e new bridges according to W. H. Junction. week. The fish was sent down from ess at her home thia afternoon at Jail when he could not pay the fine, a meeting of the organlxation held Richey, DeEtta Handgalhe, Orace Adrian who spent several days of Tall gra^s and weeds are a real Oakridge by Mr. Kooxer who Is Tuesday evening at the home of Shelley. Mary Smltaoo, Echo Tom- Inst week at Florence, Waldport, fire hazard at this time of the year working near that city. The fish a one o’clock luncheon for members Tue day by Justtlce of the Peace Yachats, and Newport. Actual work of the Kensington club. Mrs. Olive Da- Johnson In Eugene. Miller was Mias Ix>la Peterson. The group aeth, Elizabeth Vail. has started on only one of the and Fire Chief Hugh Jolllff urges measured 26 Inches. Rebhan and Mrs. Melville 3. Jones accused of having venison In his meets monthly. bridges, but the workmen have everyone to be careful with their will be the asslctant hostesses. possession Illegally and Is alleged SERVICES FOR BAPTIST hopes that the other contracts will lighted matches and burning cigar­ NO IUKA MEETING TO to have been spotlighting deer on AENEAS CHANGES PLACE the Wlnberry road at night. CHURCH ANNOUNCED be let soon. Mr. Adrian left again ette and cigar stubs. BE HELD TH IS WEEK N 0 SERVICES LISTED FOR MONTHLY MEETING today for the coast towns. FOR M ETHODIST CHURCH Rev. R. E. Rolena, pastor of the BAPTIST YOUNK FOLK Regular meeting of Iuka Circle. NEEDLECRAFT PICNIC AT Members of the Aeneas club will Baptist church will preach on the Student Home—Robert E. Rolens, TO CONDUCT SERVICES Ladles Auxiliary of the O. A. R. There will be no church services RIVER PARK TONIGHT meet at the home of Mrs. Ella Lom­ subject. "How to Become Beauti­ son of Rev. and Mra. R. E. Rolens, number 37 will be held this week at the ethodlst church this Sunday bard nerl Tuesday afternoon at ful,” at the 11 o’clock service Sun­ arrived here Tuesday from Red­ Young people of the Baptist because of the absence of several | as the pastor is In Portland attend Members of the Needlecraft club 2:30 It was announced today. The day morning. For the evening ser­ lands, California where he has church will have charge of the re­ meeting for thia month had pre­ vice at 8 o’clock he will talk on tho been attending school at Redlands gular mid-week servicee tonight. members at the state convention at I Ing the annual conference of his will hold a picnic for themselves viously been scheduled for the subject, "Ijost—An Opportunity." University. He was accompanied by Short talks are to be given by Astoria. They will hold their m eet-: church. The usual meeting of the and families this evening at Swim­ home of Mrs. C. E Swarts, but later The weekly B. Y. P. U. meeting will several of his classmates who have Roland Farnsworth and Wayne Ing on Thursday evening of next Sunday school will be held at 9:46 mer's Delight park. They will meat week at which time reports of con-' and the Epworth Leagues will meat on the west side of the river and changed. be held at 7 o'clock. gone to eastern Oregon. Bailey. vention vlaltora w ill be givaa. in the will have d in ner nt 7 eft Springfield achuol district 19 waa R E P O R T field high school during the peat | ordered to pay Viola Stlckel *193 year, and the right to have her Idle Instrument« Are Sought name engraved on the cup donated by the Circuit Court Jury Monday By Committee For Uae In by the Hprlugfleld Civic club waa when It completed hearing the case of Mrs. Htlckela again«! the school bestowed on DaKlta Handgalhe. - Forming H. Band district In which ahe nought to col-! COMMITTEES V C IIÏ N.H.A. BOMB ENDS WORK HERE MOTHER OF EIGHT PASSES AT HOME a HONOR ROLL FOR H.S. IS RELEASED