th e THURSDAY, June 14, 1934 * 'r? • N O T IC E POR P U B L IC A T IO N , P O R IB T E X C H A N G E Departm ent of the In te rio r, U nited Statee Land O ffice, Rossburg, Oregon, May 14th, 1 IM . Nut leu la bernby a ir» » Hint on .Muy IHlIi. 1U:I4, M ary Norborg. of Oak G ro”», Oregon, filed applies tlon No. 021406 under the act of M arch 20. 1*22. 142 Hlat . 466) to ■ xi-hang« Ihn SW14 He 23. N W % HKLt. K tyH K Q Bee. 21. and N E I4 N H U Hoc 2«. T . 12 H . It 9 W W M . w ith in lb« Hlualaw National i ', H - i , for the iItnboi front till H K t» N E % Be« 12. T . "0 H . R 3 K. W M . w llb ln tbe W lllnin ntt« W ELLS A W ELLE Attorn«y» at Law Bank of Commarea Bldg., lu g a n a L. L. R A V A ttornsy a l Law M inar Bldg,, lu g a n a , Orsgon N O T IC I OP F IN A L I I T T L I M E N T Nntlc» I I hereby glren Ih a l Ih " iiudsrslgned. Dorotby Hradhurn llerid«r«(in. A d m ln la trn trl* of Ihe Katat» of E»th«r I,. Vernon. de i'»o»i-d. hit» filed her Pinal Report «a «4 A ..» .» k « •»« 4 aa m at aa ai ka l i d l m li I lalra * I ra and Account aa auch A m I ln trlx w ith th» C lerk of the County Court of Lane County. Oregon, and that Saturday, the Noth day of Jun«. 1934. at 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon of auld day, In the County Court Room at the Court Houae at Kuaene. Oregon, ha» been «1 by the lion F r-d Fl»k. Judge of «aid Court, a» the tim e and place of hearing objection« Io the tain®. If any. and for the fin a l aetllem eBl of anld eatnte D O R O T H Y R R A D H I'R N H E N D KRHO N. A d m ln la tra trlx W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorney« (M I I - Je 7 14-21 28l N O T IC I OF H I A R IN O ON P IN A L A C C O U N T V G T t i'F IH H F R F R V G IV F N T h - t Ih » iind«r«lgm-d » ('m ln l»'r» tn r „1 Ih * ««tate ni O la» Aldronp. da- «««d h«« filed hl« account for n ,,. r*n«1 »»-ttl«roent nf «nid »«tafo * a . . . . . . a » . . . . _a ar. — f _ _ — r« h th * a-a Connie Court fe» I,»n» Cone tw Oen»0» «ed the* the ’ th da» of tu l» 19*4 »t th» Court ft---ei f-r »Id Court I« the Couetv r*->e»t Honk», in Pu ren » at t«h i «•, n'el-(-tr In tbe forenoon b»« been hv , , id Court ft» d aa the Ilm « »nd ten ro» hearing eh1»ctlon« there­ i >„ to n -d for fin a l »«Hieronet o f »aid eatnte ' * 4 f t N CR M ‘ *IR F T H ’ drnln t~t — fni> ,,r the F »tnfe o f Oiva »1dr--oe decenaed ’ t R - V » Ite m » » fo> Patate I te 7 14 21 ?« Jv St apRiNompn.n m es . news TOWN AND VICINITY PAO V ie lte r Parta la « W t with Hmlth ' III W ith F lo —Jack I jr a o n la 111 V lalta on Coast— Mra. J. M Lar- at lit» horn« thia wack w ith an a t­ aon and children spent the w eek­ tack of Irflutrnxa. end vlaltlng on the Coast W ttk tn d In Portia»«*—- M r and Parents of Son— M r. and M r*. K. Mr«. P II. H am lin »pent tlie week­ P Purls of Mabel are the parents end In Portland. of a baby eon burn to them a t the Nel on M ate rn ity home in Eugene Visit« Parent»—-Mra. W A. Grout on M orday, July 11. 1*34. and aon, S ’ nnley. of E v e rett. Waah- lugton. are her« vlaltlng at the Visits Bister— Mlee Eleanor Nel- horn« of her parent», M r. and Mr«. won >f W inlock. W ashington woe A. L. Raker. here last week-end vlaltlng w ith her Psopis Her« — Mr«. Lebanon and Edw ard U c h y tll of Lebanon wore Leaves for C a lifo rn ia — M artin here Sunday vlaltlng w ith relutlvea. C lark le ft Tuesday for hla home at J A M E S K K IN O Attorney» M en er. C alifornia a fte r apeudlng Visit» W ith M other — M r and M iner Rido P o o *» *. Ora. N O T IC E OP S H E R IF F 'S SA LE the past year attending the Eugene N O T IC E T O C R F O IT O R R Mr«. John luim berty of A lb an y, REAL PROPERTY V .l l i .l l l l l Pnri-H l N O T IC E IH H P R P H Y G IV E N were here Sunday evening fo r a Hlhle College. T ho purpoa« of tbla nolle» la Io N O T IC E la hereby given that by lf,„ nnder Itrn ***, b«n bn^n rd allow all peraona claim ing the land» , virtu e of un execution und o rder n„ |n,,.,| j-’ v -c u to r of th» P alate of abort vlalt w ith hla mother. Mra O rganiser V isit»— Mra. Beatrice a«l»ct»d. or having bona fide ob­ of Male laauiil of the C ircuit C o u r t, , , w | , |t T u c k e r decenaed, hv the N. A. Rowe. Hhadvlne and daughter, T rd d y , jection» Io such appll atlon. an op of the S ta le of Oregon for I-n n e ! Pountv Court of Lane C uinty Ore- visited for a short w hile In Spring- portunlty to flier th e ir p ro te ita w l'h i ounty thia 2.lrd day of M ay, t» -H -j v,,n All neraona having claim« Loaves H ocpital— M r . Lloyd El­ field Sunday evening enroute from the Reglater of Ihn U nited Htatea upon and purauant to n decree duly « * « t n « t mM »»M*«»!* «rs r«ouiiNMl to I lio tt wan dlxmlna d from the Paci­ I.and O ffice at Ito ,« b u rg , Oregon. given and matte by «aid Court the Halem to Bend. Mra. Shad vine la a th»**»* w ith th * nron* r n r e « -> n l Any aucli prnteala o r objection» 20 day of February. 1934. In a ault » O l i r l i » ’ , ♦ n tb#» »»•'d<*r*, **’**4 M tb«* ! fic hoapltal F riday and la now re-i grand organlxer for the Neighbors a t the home of her uniat bo filed In tbla office w ithin pending therein In which L. H M u l­ flFffi •<•«« t»f , î »» t »4 am K K in * <101 cuporatlng of W iexlcraft. th irty itaya from tbe date o f f l r a t ! key waa p la in tiff and M elvin linn- « V ip e r P e i t i t t e » P u * r c » e I « P « C o tttl mother, Mra. J J M anw artng publication of tbla notice, which aen and Ethel llantu-n. hla w ife, t v O r e c i i » w ithin ■ l v 161 m o n t h « ) flra l publication w ill be June 7. ' and Alex itodner and C atherine fre e , |b - Ante o f tbl« »»tice. Jasper Man H e re — Percy Milas, 1034 Bodnar, hla w ife, were defendant», t»,t„i1 et Ptieene Oregon, »hl-» ¡ m alinger of the Jasper M ill at Jaa- DROUGHT SPEEDS ACTION W II.I.IA M I I C A N O N , which execution anil order of aale p> r wua a visitor In Springfield ON FARM AID PROGRAM Reglater I wua to me directed anil com mand­ 7lh Ae» »V »n-» t »34 »I»! «’ AN T t ’ i'K P R E v e n te r (Je 7 14 21 3» Jy 6) i ed me to aell the real property Saturday. »« the P «tat« of Lew !« R I By ea rly June th ree Oregon COUB- h ere in a fte r deacrlbed to autlafy T u c k e r dec»n«ed F R E D I . S M IT H At Parents Horns— Mra. Donald tlea. Jefferson. H arn ey and Mal- certain Ilona and chargea In aald /t o 7 tv ’ I «a tv f.t A tto rn ay lit Law dm-ree apeclfled, I w ill on Saturday W ll»o- alili »m al. aon of Halem are heur had placed t „ e »aec. ) M ln ar Bldg., Eugane, Oregon the 23rd day of June, 1934. at the A d allpn here vlaltlng at the home of her ondary- of drouth countte. by hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M., al the Att«»n»v at l a w N O T IC I OP S H E R IF F 'S SA LE parents, M r. and M m. Hro- the A g ircultural A djustm ent ad-1 outhw est door of the (bounty Court »77 W H'arnette RV Fuovee. Ore-1 OP R E A L P R O P E R T Y ebnow. Houae In Eugene. lAinn C ounty.' m ini (ration M eanw hile W . A. Sch-I On the 30th day of June 1*34 at \ Oregon, o ffe r for aale and aell al IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T OP the hour of 10 A. M a t tho front W ork» at store— Mra. C arl Koep «enfeld. dean of agriculture at O re-' public am lion for roah. auhjev t to T H E S T A T E O P O R E G O N FOR door of the Court llouae In Eugene, pel Of Eugero i- hack at the desk * on H u te college, bad been named redem ption aa provided by law, all T H E C O U N TY OP LA N E, J u k i « County. Oregon, I w ill aell al ! of the rig h t, title and Intere»! of In the M atte r of the G uardlanahlp in the offh . of th Irish M urphy ''‘•present the federal govern- urn Hun to the hlghcat bidder (nr the defendant» In »aid ault and of of V irg il J H ill» , and A rlene T J alore this week during the absence ment *n adm inistering the re lie f cnah th« following deacrlbed real 1 H llla . M inors property located In la in « County, all parties claim ing by. through or of Mrs. D It Murphy In Seattle. ,o be exceeded through th e AAA ORDER under them or any of them . In or Oregon, to-w it: and which w ill be coordinated .with J. 8. H ills guardian of the a b o v e ; to th« follow ing described real lluglnnlng a l u point 60 rod» 5 named minors having petitioned Daughter Born— M r. and Mra. that of the regular re lie f agencies. South of the Northeaat corner of property, to w it: (hl court for license to mortgage F rancis Gates of W endllng are the | n (pg “p rim a ry ” drouth counties i Beginning a l a point 210 feat the J H Southw orth Donation or sell the follow ing properly, v lx .: W eal of a point on the North pare: ta of a baby daughter born to mostly in the north central west, Ijin d Claim No. 60. running N orth 76 feet nt Lot 7 In block 7. line of the L. E Davis I). L. C. thence South 60 roda. thence In Bklnners Donation to Lane them ut the Eugene ho p ital on tbe firs t move was to Inaugurate No. 42 at a point 18 0* chains \ \ • „1 80 rod«, t h e n c o N o r t h 60 county, situated In l^ane Coun­ Sunday. June 10. 1934. the program of cattle buying which East of a point 6 * 6 Chains • rod«, and thence E a»l NO rod« ty. Oregon, for the purpose of i had been planned even before the 1 Bouth of the Q uarter Section to th« place of beginning. In Sec- V is it at Forest Grove— M r. and illacharglng taxes due against the C orner on th« line between drouth struck as a move tow ard lion Twenty-one (21) Tow uahlp - -am e and for the support of aald Mrs. E. C. Stu art and son. F ra n k , Sections 23 and 24 of Tow nship Hlxlecn ( lilt S o u t h - f H o n g .- p i t . beef ra ttle a d ju s tm e n t It Is now -«Inore. It Is ordered that Vida O. I and M ra. E lla Erum of Junction 17 R H. Four W est of the |6 | West o f lb«- W illa m e tte W llla m e tle M «rldlsn. and run­ I Ray. Amoa A H llla . D arllln T rin e ,! C ity spent Shtnday visiting w ith re­ being rushed Into effect as a means M eridian, In la in » County. O re M elh . T rin e . Zelln U ric h , and Dolla of relieving tbe acute feed a itu a -, ning thence South 234 94 feel, gnu, together w ith the tenement». . , ... 1 K lrc a ld . next of kin of -aid minors latives at Forest Grove. thence W est 160.74 feet, thence tlon and saving th e cattle owners - liorodlluUMtita and appurtenan and a ll others Interested In th eir North 234 94 feet, and thence cea thereunto belonging, or In I «state, show cause before the c o u r t, Guests a t Hotel Charles Chrlety from complete loss of many o f East 160 74 feet to the place of anyw lae app ertainin g, j at Its chambers In the court house of Slaters, and Henry P lum m er of Ih e lr stock beginning: Said aale la made under exocu in Eugene, Oregon, at 10:00 A. M Sum m it. Oregon were overnight No C a ttle Buying In Oregon lion laaued out of tbe C irc u it Court j of Frldnv. July 13 1934 why aald Al«o. beginning at a point of the S tate of Oregon for tin- C a ttle buying w ill not be e x -' license should not («sue as a ked. guests at the Springfield hotel Mon­ 234 *4 feet Bouth of a point 36* County of Lane, to me directed In ) Ordered fu rth e r that said next of - day. tended to the secondary drouth re­ feet W est of a point on tne till- ca«e of State Land Hoard of - kin and other le fe re ste r p ersona; North lin e of tbe L. E Davis gions for tbe present a t least, re- . t, v« E ffie I. Itunklna. Student In ju res A nkls — Miss 1 lie »»rved w ith thia order by the D L C No. 42 at a point 18 09 ct al. , v. . . j . . . .. 1 — 1 ports indicate. W’o rk w ill be under- u nhllratlnn of the »am« fo r four j Theda Baylea. student at th e local , , . rhatna East of a point 6 96 C, A S W A M T S . S h e riff of . . , _ taken there to assist c a ttle owners wp«k« In the Bnrtnrfleld News high school chains South of the Q uarter Is recuperating fro m a Law- County. Oregon. ! -u h ll h*d »• Springfield Oregon , ., . . especially In obtaining emergency Section Corner on the line be Ily A K IIU I.K G A A R D . Deputy l-adlv sprained ankh- which has ’ , , lim e 6th 1934 tween Sections 23 anil 24 of , , .. leed or In shipping stock out a t low prevented her from attending F R B D F IS K . Counfv Judge. Tow nship 17 8. It Four West rates to places w here they may b e 1 i n D A L L E N . A tto rn ey for of the W illa m e tte M eridian, school the firs t h alf of the week fed. Assistance In obtaining w ater and running thence South 200 Guardian _______ f j e 7 14 21-2*- Jv 61_______ Leave fop Homes— Irw in Elie supplies la also contem plated In feet, thenco W est 141 742 feet, thence N orth 200 fe r t and und Irw in H o llis te r have returned some area*. N O T IC E O F G U A R D IA N 'S SA LE thenco East 141.742 feet to the to th e ir horn e at M edford a fte r Since the drouth conditions be- OF REAL PRO PERTY place nt beginning, all In Lane vtfiilfng here fo r.o n e week. W h ile rom e so acute as to seriously re- Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN County, Oregon IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Dated this 23rd day of M ay. 1*34 Naturopathic Physician S T A T E G F O R E O O N FO R T H E here they attended the C h ristian ,!uce the feed supplies fo r stock, C A R W A R T R S h eriff. Endeavor outing on Blue R iv e r last , be A A A Issued an order rem oving COUNTY OF M ULTNO M AH , Rv A E H C L E G A A R D . Deputy I'hone 91-J PRO BA TE D E P A R T M E N T week the restrictions on th e planting of IM 24 31—J 7-14 2 1 | No. 38.167 - v a m feeds and forage of a ll sorts on o ffic e Hours: 1 to 6 I*. M Found Not G uilty— E A T u ttle .; ” I In the M a tte r of the E state and F R A N K A. DE P U E ■ ■ ,, 1, r . . . non-contracted acres and o f a ll ex­ 406 Fourth Striwit Guardianship of W IL L IA M F A R -, employe.? at E rn ie s Barb-Que who Attorney a t Lew . » eept corn an»• Install President— Jack W illia m s e n tire country. So. Pacific W atch Inspector L. M cllte rs o n , deceased, and any entered In e" 2 iL ™ i™ id F irst Class W o rk a t Reasonable No danger of a shortage of wheat and nil persons having riA'nis te r on June 9. 1934 tho undersigned was Installed as president of the Prices. Student Body at Springfield high cxi ts even If the drouth should against the said estate are hereby Caroline F arm e r. (. in re.,Hired to present said claims. ««»«<* of wL11,,am, T " ™ v t h e 1 W , s, hool F riday nt the w eekly as- continue, latest estim ates indicate, dulv ve rified as by law required, nt petent. w,111 ,ro " ' “ " d “ . semblv. He ucceeds Miss M ary M ore than ample supplies a re In G eneral I-aw Practice the office of Frank A DeUue. at- day of -» « *- »” «• sight, the federal crop reporting lorney for the estate at Springfield. Building. Port land - » ¿ k « "a " Stnltson in the office. I. M. PETERSON Oregon In Lane County. Oregon. Private ale to the highest an. bes board says. On W ay to G range M eet— M r. Attorney st-l*»w w ithin six months from the date of bidder a ll the righ . . j this notice “ "d «d« « » o f th<> *aW " ” ” .am and Mrs. G eorg* Randall of Oregon City H a ll Building Dale,I and firs t published. M ay F arm r. , ‘ pntan ‘ b!J, City stopped here M onday evening CLOVER COMBINATION Springfield, Oregon K ties. In nnd to the follow ing des I f . 1V3V. , ,, ___, »«•«saataxal nt the home of his sister, and Ont.'* of laut publication. June 14. <*ribe<1 r »» property situated BEST FOR PASTURES brother-in-law . Dr. and M rs. W . H . I.ane (’ ounty. Oregon, to-w lt: 1934 Lots A and 1 to 37, both In- Pollard T hey were enroute to Rpcent obge,.v a t,O M and reBearch! L E S T E R M C P H E R S O N . Execu­ elusive. In Block 1: Ixtta 1 to 6. tor of the estate of M ary L M c­ Roseburg where he Is attending tpp Oregon S tate college ex-i both Inclualve. a rd ls?ta 8 to 18. Pherson. deceased. both inclusive. Block 2. all In th ■ annual S la te G range m eeting as pe r|mpnt g, a, , on men bSTe le d 1 F R A N K A. D E P U E . Attorney O aklelg h: and. a delegate. th«tn to recommend a com bination fo r estate. Beginning at a point 26.73 feet (M 17 24 31—Je 7-14) Idaho People Here— Mrs. A lice o f L ad in ° a "d grass tor ir- East of the Northeast corner of of Pittsburgh. Pa. Pa itu r® Purposes In place Lot 10 of Block 2 of the plat of Burtonshaw and son. Edw ard, of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S O aklelg h; thence N orth 267.07 Boise Idaho are visiting at the ot "«ralght Ladino clover, N o lle - ts hereby given th a t the fee t: thence East 6.23 chains to home or the form er's sister. M rs undersigned has been duly ap­ A com bination using Ladino clo- the Southeast corner of the land pointed A d m in istrator of the es­ I , H Stiles Mrs Burtenshaw Is a ver ls o rd in arily recommended for descrllx d In the certain deed to tate of John W Stevens, deceased, 80lla “ f reasonably high Represented By Max A m being on the west bank tea. her In Ih Boise school system use P“ 1* and any nnd all persons having of the W illa m e tte R iv e r; thence T h e ir parents. M r. and Mrs. L. L fe rtility and which Is e ith e r irrl- claims against the state estate are Southeasterly along said west Burtenshaw of Council. Idaho stop aa,ed or ha" “ fa irly constant sup­ E. H. TURNER hereby required to present said h a rk to the N o rtheast corner of clalma. duly verified as by law re ­ ped here on th eir way back from ” '>• from " « « « 1 sources. T h e Lad- 846 A St. Springfield, Ore. the tract of land now owned by quired. al the office of F ran k A H aro ld A. Rossman being at a Portland where M r. Burtenshaw lno clov“ r la rath<>r !h a llt” rooted DePue, In Springfield. Oregon, the nnd hence requires these condi­ A ttorney for the estate. In I.ane i point due east of the place of was entered in the gun shoot. beginning; thence W est 8.30 County. Oregon, w ithin six months tions fo r m axim um growth. F or chains, more or less, to the place from the date of this notice. POOLE - GRAY practically all such conditions the of beginning, containing 3 acres, Dated and firs t published. M ay follow ing proportions a re now re­ BARTHOLOM EW VARICOSE ULCERS more or leas. In Donation Land 24. 1934 commended, says H a rr y Schoth, as­ C laim No. 45. In Tow nship 17 Date of last publication. June 21. — OLD SORES South. Range 4 W est of the W il­ 1934 sociate agronom ist of the station: F R A N K C O G IL L , A d m in istra­ la m e tte M eridian Ladino clover. 3 pounds: redtop, 4 F orm erly W alker-I'oo le Healed At Home to r of tho estate of John W i T he property, except ls>t 18. pound genuine English rye grass, Stevens, deceased. Block 2. O aklelgh. la owned hy the No enforced rest. No operations ■ *' Pounds, Addresa: Springfield, Oregon ward. W llllBn, F arm er. Incom pet­ S l’K IN G P IE L D E U G E N E — I lib F R A N K A D eP U E . ent a rd Caroline F arm e r, the un nor Injections. T he simple Em erald This makes a total m ixture of 13 228 M ain and Chnriielton, derslvned In her personal capacity, G il home treatm ent perm its you pounds of seed per acre. It ta lm- Attorney for Estate. Phone 62 J Telepnone 723 (M 24-31— J 7-14 21) ns husband nnd w ife nnd lenanta to go about your d ally routine as portant that the rye ragg uged be hv the e ntireties; lavt 18. Block 2. usual- -w h ile those old sores and o ak le lg h Is owned hv H o w ard P. ulcers quickly he«l up and your English rye for th a t ts the per­ F O R E C L O S U R E SA L E Arneat. subject to the Interest of legs become as good as new. manent species, latdlno clover la I N otice ts hereby given that by the ward therein as a tenant by the longer lived and is a h eavier pro­ Em erald G il acts in s ta n tly to virtue of an execution nnd order for entlretv. ducer than the other w hite clovers. Term s of sale: All rash, or one- end pnln. reduce sw elling, stim ul­ aale Issued out of the Circuit Court In and for Lane County, Oregon, In ’-nlf enah nnd the balance evidenced ate circulation. Just follow the ea’ y n suit wherein Ole O. Hnugen was hv the note of the purchaser, „non directions— you are sure to be help­ p la in tiff nnd A. J. M cK y and others term s satisfactory te the under ed or money back. F o r sale by PROMINENT NEWS MEN were defendants, to enforce n Judg­ s’ gred. -»cured h v m ortgage upon druggists everyw here. ON 0. 8. A. E. PROGRAM m ent entered and docketed In said t h e -ro n rtv sold Bids mnv he sub­ N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N suit and court on the 24th day of m itted neon anv single lot and— or FOREST EXC H A N G E T w o nationally know n newspaper M ay, 1934. I have levied upon the combination of lots In O aklelgh: enst of ths In te rio r, United „„ follow ing real property mentioned nnd nnon the unnlntted tra c t In Its Dspartm S ta te . Land O ffice. Rossburg. W’ » o n ' b* Pr ° « ram ° f I entirety. T ots A and 1 to 36. both In said order of aale, vlx: Oregon, June 2nd, 1934. ,he Oregon State E d ito ria l aasocla- I Inclusive. Block 1. O aklelgh. wdll Beginning at a point on the N o tlre Is hereby given that on tlon forty-seventh annual coraven- he sold subject to Incumbrances eaat line of lot 1 block 18, In consisting of n m ortgage In favo r of Mav 31st. 1934, J. S. Van W in kle , tlon program to be held at Rose- Fairm ount, according to the on an(, Sftturd June Bank o f H n l-e v securing the anm of P rin e v ille Oregon, filia l a p p llc a ,, b o rigin al p lat thereof, which Is THAT of »3.000 00. Interest. 7^, per an I loti No. 021425 under the act of 22 and 23. 133.2 feet south of the north­ nnni povahle seml-annunllv unnald M arch 20. 1922. (42 Stnt.. 465) to east corner of said lot and run YOUTHFUL W a lte r D. Allen, president of the «Ince Mnv 21. 1933. nnd delinquent j exchange the NW 14 Sec. 26. T . 16 thenco aouth 60 feet, thence nnd current taxes. T h e balance of j S., R 9 W .. W . M.. w ith in the 9tus- N n ttn ra l K d ltlo rial association and went 160 feet, thence north 60 APPEARANCE -aid real property w ill be aold sub- I ’aw N ational Forest, for the tim b er chairm an of the Joint N atio n al feet, thence enst 160 feet to the leet to delinquent and current ! from portions of NE14 S E % Sec. G raphic Ayts code a uth ority, and place of beginning, being a part PROPERLY fitted glasses taxes,, or free therefrom , ns tho I 12. T. 20 8.. R. 3 E.. W . M., w ith in of aald lot and situated In Lane Elm-. Scott W atson, editor of "P u b ­ keep your eyes looking urderslgned may at the tim e of 1 the W illa m e tte N a tio n al Forest. Cohnty, Oregon; T he purpose of this notice Is to lish >r's A u x ilia ry ,” w ill speak oti young. Crows feet a n d and w ill sell thp some on Saturday «nie deem best Any nnd all sales all persons claim ing the “Country Publishing." wrinkles make them look t h e 23rd day of June, 1934. at 1:30 w ill be made -uh ject to con firm a­ allow lands selected, or having bona fide P. M. at the fro nt door of tion hv the nbnve entitled Court. old. Wear lenses that cor­ o'clock F u rth e r Inform ation may be se­ objections to such application, an the Lane County Courthouse In Eu­ rect your vision complete­ gene,Oregon, to the highest bidder cured hv tanulry of the undersign­ | opportunity to file th e ir protests ly. We have found Ortho- for cash, to satisfy the Judgment ed at 1425 Yeon B uilding. Portland. w ith the Register of the U nited BURNING, GNAWING PAINS States Land O ffice a t Roseburg, IN STOMACH RELIEVED gon Wide Vision Lenses entered In said suit, vlx, $600. w ith Oregon. Date of flra t publication June 14. Oregon. Any such protests or ob­ Internal theron at 8 per cent from the liest. jections must he filed In this office A p ril 10, 1933. $50 as a tto rn ey ’s 1934. N eutralise Irrita tin g acids w ith D ate of last publication July 12. w ith in th irty days from the date fee nnd $26.70 costs of said suit. DR. ELLA MEADE of firs t publication of this notice, Dr. E m il’s Adla Tablets. P reven t Snld sale w ill be subject to redem p­ 1934 Optometrist C A R O L IN E F A R M E R . Guard which firs t publication w ill be June serious stomach trouble, yet eat tion ns allowed by law. what you want. A dla gives re lie f or Ian of the E state of W illia m 14th 1934. 0 . A. 8 W A R T S , W IL L IA M H . C A N O N . Register. your money back F la n e ry 's D rug Eugene F arm e r. Incom petent. 41 W sat 9th S h e riff of Lane County. Oregon. Store. (Je 14-31-38— J y 4-13) (Je 14-31-38—Jy 6-13) (M 24 31 ^1 7-14-31) Business Directory •o u th — M ra. Bo-a | V is it at O akridge— -Mr. aad M ra. from C alifo rn ia to 1 C. E 9 wart» and Mlaa Edna B wart a M r. and M ra W illia m ! drove to Oakridge Sunday to apand ibe day. M aid O ’Cream ICE CREAM k> the only cream made in Springfield. Its flavor, pur* ity and texture is not surpassed by ice cream any­ where. We have had unanimous votes on its goodness at many picnics and parties. When you want bulk ice cream for outings come to our plant or phone and we’ll put it in special pack­ ers for you. This is one of the many services perform­ ed at our Springfield plant. Ask your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O’ Cream Butter Springfield Creamery Co. A FREE TICKET on yoiVL W Q m y S FAIR TRIP! $5 7 35 $86 Go East through San Francisco and Los Angeles. Return on a northern line for exactly the same rail fare as for a trip straight East and back! STOPOVER ANYWHERE. S outhern P a c ifie C A R L O LS O N , Agsot WILLIAMS’ for Guaranteed Footwear WOMEN’S SPORT OXFORDS In White, Elk, Black or Brown, made in the popular moccasin toe style. Guaranteed for Wear S 1 .9 8 Pr PETERS SHOES FOR CHILDREN Visit Our New Peters Weather Bird Shoe Department. A complete stock in A to E widths. Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. $6 8 M COACM S 1 .4 9 to S 2 .4 9 Father s Day, Sunday, June 17th Hundreds of useful wanted items for Dear Old Dad! Free Gift Wrapping on any purchase. Williams’ Self Service Store EUGENE 77 E. BROADWAY THIS IMPROVED New Magic Chef Funeral Directors Now Yours It’s 1934 styling— 1934 convenience—a gas range that will immeasurably lighten your cooking tasks and give you new hours of leisure every week. * Come in let us show you the Magic Chef Auto­ matic Top Lighter, the Non Clog, Fast Cooking Burners that give a thousand even heats, the Red Wheel Oven Regulator, the Drawer Type Broiler with automatic drop door and two-piece grid pan, the Folding Cooking Top Cover and the many other features. Look where you will, no range offers you so much for so little. Don’t delay—we expect the price to go up soon. Look for the RED WHEEL When You Buy a MAGIC CHEF Northwest Cities Gas Co. Eugene, Springfield