fA 0 « TWO .4 m m lcal number Including see- .m l gospel songs and Instiuiuenlal • Roddy,'* ahe breathed In catch) numbers at ih» Baptist ' hurch Hun gasps. "| ran all the way—here'» the tuon y go to New York and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Klshpaugh day evening. Knelt pereon playa , pay It all back!" of Minnesota presented a program several different Instruments. Roddy, utterly uuiaiod. stood starlug blankly as the thrust the 1 bulky package Into hit hands Sh hud never looked sm aller or more 1 childlike; her pah> face a little j drawn, tears of excitement misting her blue eyea. only her lipa touched with red. moist and trembling She musl have gone mud. he thought We have malty item» »tillable for graduation gifts soberly. which ilic HtmlciiiH will In- proud to have A gift at "Take It. take It. Hod! Ila all. graduation time I» always rem em bered la l lie yearn to SYNOPSIS | she heard Page Roemer's voice, theni rh h t bonds and securities us good To get fifteen thouaaMl dollars tu | mchard's. then the movements of tt!t gl,|d, you cun cash them, lake conic and la a very fin«* rew ard for yearn of study. save the family honor. Nancy Oor -I |h , m -n out (h,,re | n n,,, bsll. |fc,>m and go q u ic k , q u ic k , b e fo re don promise« to murry the well-to- . ... do Dr. Richard Morgan. Her be 1 *«» hi,r»> was ending him away and |f g too la te ’” loved brother. Roddy, has c o m e 1 she felt like death. If Page came ||^ took the bundle, glanced at home from New York to c o n fe s s, into the room. If he dreamed what; | | , contents and stared at her with that he baa taken that amount ' ghe hat, dona_ hl(r fai. , burned h it mouth open. from the bank where he work«— Where In mischief did you get because a woman needed It- and * ‘«h Horror ••«»*’» her' that he will be Jatled if he la found 1 clung to the arms of the old ma It. Nancy r out before he returns It. So Nancy, • nogany chair In which she sat. It "1—I got It—" ahe stopped, lean- In love with the pennlleaa Page g..,.mad h„ , ha, , hp had Ing against a tree, breathless. She Roemer, decide« to borrow the | • _. power of nt «bought thought and ectlon action I was so pale that her blue eye« nionev from Morgan, and pledges I all P»*«* herself to marry him In return. He Then she heard the front door shut looked dark "It doesn't m atter—11 I h Eggimann'g during theae hot sum m er day«. We agrees to the bargain, feeling sure and Richard coming back alene. borrowed It. you can have It,, have every kind of »off drink ami ice cream In full he can make her love him Sh« did not look up. she c , no’ Roddy.“ N o w Go O n W ith th e S to ry - flavor». Drop in here when you feel thirsty, hot or He came In alewl) and »t.ippel He was turning the papers over.) bonds and securities and cash His • i« .- fatigued and we will g u arantee to change condltiona. IN S T A L L M E N T FO U R "Nancy, you don't quite hate me ' Nancy.” his vote« was kind, hot uniasement deepened ss he counted there was emotion In It as deep as and assured him self that all were —do you?" There'» a drink here to »uit tin* ta»te of everyone. She blushed; she remembered hers. "I'm going out now—to the genuine. Fifteen thousand dollars— We know how to m ake them like you like 'ciu. suddenly her cry to her father: "I bank. Stay here, please, with Mam­ the whole sum—from the gods! . hate that m an!” And she win go­ my Polk. I'll bring It straight hack How In the name of h eaven —? H e| stared at his sister, the red glint-| ing to marry him. She felt ill and —the sum you need .' weak and trembling, but she rem­ She tried to answer him but she Ing In his wine-brown eyes. "What have you been doing? embered her father's ashen face In could not. She had risen and was "Where th«> Servin- 1« Different standing weakly, and he made her Where In the world did you g e t : his sleep. "N-no. I don't hate you!'' she an- ait down again His touch was gen­ this. Nancy?" he demanded hoarse I ; swered faintly. "I—oh. don't ask tle and his face, close to hers, flush­ ly. "I didn't steel It!" she said In a ed and paler) almost like a wo­ me, Richard." He did not; be was silent for a man's. There eyes met. and for the low voice. He turned on her. “Don't rub that ■ while, looking at her. and then he first time, he kisser) her. In '” he cried almoet fiercely. There "Nancy!" remembered. She was trembling violently and seemed to be no gratitude, no re­ "I'm going to get that money for you. Nancy. Fortunately. 1 have It she could not raise her eyea. He sponse In him He stared at her as here In the hank, in such shape I held her close, pressed to his heart, If he thought her a thief, she had can get It. the whole of It. today. and she felt his breath soft and hurt him cruelty. Her face crimsoned under hl« But It's only eight o'clock, the warm on her cheek banks aren't open, won't be for an “I'll make you love me!" he said eyes. “It's mine!" she repeated hour. Will you breakfast with me? again "If I thought I couldn't—1 with stiff lipa. "Don't stand there, I've only got Mammy Polk here, wouldn't dare— but 1 will. Nancy. don't atare at me, go hock to New York. Oh. Roddy, go before ll'a too but she's a good cook. Come to I w ill!” Her head sank lo w e r und there late!" breakfast with me. Nancy, for the A light broke over his perturbed was a little silence more eloquent first time.” The she raised her eyes Involun­ than word«. Then ahe gasped. face. R elief or something akin to It. "Oh. Lord. I'm thankful!" he tarily to his and her heart seemed "Please don't—not now. Richard! I breathed, folding the envelope up to stand still. How his face had — I can't bear any more." changed! She would never have "I know—forgive me!" He was up and staring at her. "I'm going— but known It. She trembled If he loved and half way to the door, then he —Nance, where on earth did you her like that It was terrible to turned back, hla heart In hla eyes, get It? I must know that!" Her eye» durkened suddenly, she treat him so; to come Into his life hot with wrath. He was thinking and wreck It— for— for— money! of Page Roemer But something In i choked back a eob. Every noble instinct In her nature her attitude. In the appealing pro- I “I'll never tell unless you trust i revolted against It. and yet there file, the air of grief and helpless me and go—right away " Roddy stared, his Jaw dropping, was Roddy and her mother and her ness, went to his heart. He did uot ; father! Suddenly she covered her speak; he opened the door and he turned w hite and then red "Nancy Virginia, did you tall—to face with her hands and groaned. went out To Nancy the shutting of that get It?" "Oh. Richard!" Nancy, who felt his shamed mis He was startled ; he felt a change door snapped the tension. She sank In her. and his flush deepened. lower In her chair, her eyes fixed ery. threw her arms about him "I didn't 1 vow I dldn t. Rod' I Something almost like hope qullk- on a space of sunshine outside the ened In his heart, but he did not window where ahe could see t h e , Just borrowed It. soft green tnrf. and here tuid there j “Borrowed It—on co security? speak. I-ord. Nancy, how can we pay It Neither did she. they had no time the yellow flame of a crocus. A TELEPHONE u only • few Those yellow crocuses out there | back?" Mammy Polk came to the door. cent« a day Order from our Anger welled up again In Nancy “Breakfas' a' ready. Mist’ Rich- leaped up like tongues of flame. business office or any employe« she watched them, fascinated. If | She had suffered and he took It thl ; ard.” She was a tall, old black woman, she could only get out of that win-j way—without thought of her! gaunt and erect In her striped pur- dow and run away—she caught her . "We'll do It somehow. Rod! Cant T he P acific T elephone a m » T u x c r ip ii C ompany breath at the thought. It would be , you trust me—I won't tell. I won't ’ pie calico and her long apron "Mammy Polk, we've got com so easy! Could sh e ’ But there was truly! Oh. Rod. do you want Io go Business Office 126 4th street Telephone 72 J pany to breakfast,” said Richard Roddy to go to Jail, and her father' to Jail? Can't you wake up, lake It quickly. "Miss Gordon Is going to She remembered rnd shuddered, and go—go Their eyes met. She was clinging eat breakfast with me.” hiding her eyes. She heard Mammy Polk's voice, to his arm. pushing him away, urg­ Mammy Polk courtesied. "Howdy. Miss Nancy? We'se got but the words were blurred, the old ing him to go. and they were very waffles an’ coffee; de doctah. he woman was babbling about Rich­ close together. “I did It for father,” she aald , don' eat noffln momln'a. Can’t I ard. Nancy's ear« were strained, drop yo’ egg on a bit ob bacon. listening for his step coming back; flatly, “It was killing him. Now go she heard. Instead, the clock strike, —go. There'a a train, you can catch Miss Nancy?” "No. no! I like waffles. Mammy a single flutellke bell, half post It!” H e hesitated. in an agony of Polk 111 take anything you have.” nine. Mammy Polk sat a dl*h down shame. H e wanted to fling the bor­ Mammy Polk smiled. "I reckon rowed money back, to say he’d face y o ll like de waffle«." she said and turned quickly. Jail first, but his courage ebbed as " 'Clare t’ goodness, dere's Mist' proudly "Mammy's famous for them.” Richard coming back now!" she ex the temptation pressed against his j heart, he held the package ginger said Richard. "Come. Nancy, let's claimed. Nancy sank lower In her chair; to out to breakfast.” He bent over her, his face aglow a deep blush mounted. Then she there -th e money to save him! TO BE CONTINUED offering his arm. Nancy took It rose slowly to her feet, gripping and tried not to look at him. To­ the edge of the table and st gether they walked Into the dining swaying a little, her face tu STRIKE BLAMED FOR LOW room, following the fall figure of toward the door, watting for this PRODUCTION OF LUMBER man who wa roon to be—her hus­ Mammy Polk Richard led her to a chair op­ band! •r Lumber manufacture In the West Richard had brought the money, ern Oregon and Western W ashing­ posite hl< own. Nancy sat down weakly, hardly daring to lift her all of It. and he had asked no ques ton areas has been decreased by j eyes, she was afraid the old negro lions, not even when he saw the fifty per cent during the period of | I woman would see the traces of haste that Invaded her like a tem ­ four weeks. The chief reason for ; pest, the secret haste that she the sudden collapse In lumber pro- ; j tears. "Try to eat something, Nancy, wanted to hide from him and could duct Ion Is the longshore tleup ac­ you'll be 111 if you don't." she heard not. cording to the West Coast Lumber | "Richard. I've got to go home!" 1 Richard's voice. men's association. she cried trembling. "I—I must go "Indeed I can’t eat, Richard." Production In the areas during She felt his eyes on her and tried alone, too. Don’t ask me why!" the curent week have been as fol­ And he had not asked. Suddenly lows: Week ending May 12. 96,771,- to hide her own. toying with her ' fork. Her lips trembled. W as he hts voice and his eyes were kind 262 board feet; week ending May wondering why she wanted that as If he knew The passion seemed 19, 64.916.467; week ending May to have died out of them, hot there I 26. 61.376.026; week ending June 2, I awful money? ''Don't ask too much. Richard!” was tenderness. 46,172,942. "I'd come If I could help— could 1 ¡sh e cried, agonizingly. “ TeA Ruth, t h r r it a tempta- He shot a look across at her, and I, Nancy ?*' tion a! firtt to buy expen ¡ive. LIONS MEETING SET She shook her head, speechless, j ¡his own color died away, slowly. ¡bvwy ihmgt and do without FOR FRIDAY NOON "I wish you'd try to eat—see poised for flight, and he as gen­ practical household helps. Rut eroit . He let her go unquestioned : these waffles,” he offered Mammy take my advice, and let the It guiar semi monthly meeting of and undelayed. ! Polk’s best. luxuries wait. Buy things that Fear winged her feet; she al­ the Springfield Lions club will he Nancy took one and sat looking save you energy and money held Friday noon at Taylor hall most ran down the long str e e t; I at it, her lips still trembling. My Norge, fo r inttänee, helps "I don’t want to cry into a waf­ she was possessed with a horror Laurence C. Moffitt and Dr. M. 8 me tave money to buy other fle," she said in a choked voice, of being too late, of having done Jones are In charge of the program tbingt, and there it nothing It all In vain! Her Imagination, a for the noon meeting. "don’t watch me. please don't!” that I enjoy more." "I can't—there’s someone at the vivid, restless thing at best, pic­ Many owners have testified j door now to see me.” Richard rose. tured Roddy’s arest Just as sh» en­ WEIGHT REDUCED that they are saving up to $ 1 1 tered or. worse still, he'd he on "I’ll send him off In a Jiffy—why, FROM 180 TO 137 a month with their Norge. his way to New York with the de­ It's Page Roemer!" Preserving the freshness of “Wonderful,” th e Baye Nancy sprang up. her face white. tectives. quantity food purchases per­ She turned the corner, had e ; "Oh, Richard, don’t let him come mita saving in food costs. The Here's today's story of a woman glimpse of the old house and gar­ i In h ere!” she gasped. exclusive N o rg e R o lia to r who knew she carried too much fat Richard, who had started for the den. quiet under the fin e old trees, and decided the right way to get c o o lin g mechanism effects s u t^ r jg e t a Z i» r s door, turned and looked at her, his and drew a breath of relief. When rid of It—Just a few words that marked savings in operating heart In his e y “s. For a full min­ she opened the gate she saw Roti wise fat folks should heed— worth Cotts. The sturdy, long-life THE R O LLA TO R ute they stood thus, looking at each dy walking up and down Inside the reading. construction of the Norge as­ A ro lle r ro lls a n d in ., i , ^ . i „ .. ro«tlc«>iiv "I use Kruschen Salts to reduce, other, and Nancy’s pitiful little sec­ lilac hedge He pa. ed r « tle s s |y . , t-„ wonderful. Take It dally and there's ice. That's a ll sures more years of service. there it to the simple ret told Itself. Richard knew It. He hut with a dragging, dejected gait pat wha, , want an(, at)H ,oae , That’s three-way econ- operation of the Koi- seemed to he Rate, to be thinking He wanted to escape It all. hut d|d weigh 180, now 137. Want to See the Norge. 'K Ä ? ' l a t e r c o ld -m a ttin g mechanism. hard, and his strange eyea deep­ there whs no escape—except by the get down to 126.” Mrs. Leonard road He bad promised Nancy n o t, B®"«' P*- Atkinson. WIs., Feb 6, : ened and darkened wonderfully. lent'. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published E very Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS e H. E MAXEY. Editor Entered a- second e ia ., matler. February 14. 11WÌ. at the poatofflca. Springfield. Oregon „ m a il s u b s c r ip tio n r a te One Year In Advance T uo Year. In advance St.&O 62,50 slx Month. ------ --------- Three Month. 61.00 60c T ill RSDAY. J l’NR 14. 1934 LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT With law enforcem ent breaking down everyw here, m a­ chine gun bands roving over our country in high powered automobiles and the president making law observance oue of his major activities, it is time to take stock in our home couniy. The following from the Junction t ity Times is but one angle to the situation in l-ane county: Thi- paper d oe. not agree with Sheriff Swarla that the arrest of Brnaat Kleppy for killing Black!« W ilcox in line of duty w m a serious blow to law enforcement On the con­ trary we believe hts exhonoratlon by the graud Jury will be an add to officers who have the courage to enforce the law. Had he not been arrested a certain class would have said many things about the incident. But being arrested and cleared is an edict of the court that law enforcement will be upheld. ’’’he vary first step toward law enforcem ent is the proper backing up of the sheriff and state police by the district attorney s office. And that is the thing they seem i o t w be getting in Lane county. Officer» can not be ex- nected to risk their lives running down hardened crim inals and take the necessary steps to affect an arrest if tne> are going to be faced with ail indictment themselves and see the crim inal freed or half prosecuted. A situation of this kind is most demoralizing on law enforcem ent. The Portland police departm ent bus shown a weak- kneed policy through the longshoremen strike. W ithout taking sides in the strike order could have been kept, the rights of citizens protected and Portland saved much un­ favorable advertising. Reason instead of violence might have been a basis for a settlem ent that is not now in sight with both sides mad. __ The dom inating position of labor unions under NRA Is not born out bv the findings of the National Industrial Conference board.' It finds th at collective bargaining under NRA has progressed as follows: labor unions 9.6 per cent, other organizations 46.6 per cent, and individually 43.8 per cent. The report says that the individual basis of employ­ m ent still predom inates in small establishm ents. The United S tates debt at the end of the w ar was 26 billion dollars. It was reduced by Republican adm inistra­ tions to 16 billion. It has now been built back up to 32 bil­ lions. and the end is not yet in sight. W hat to do about it will be a problem for future years. We are now on a spend­ ing spree without seeing much of the affects of it. After all there is only one that m atters, the farm er he has to sell his product for less than It cost to produce It. Remedy this one thing and all the other schem es th at take expensive bureaus to carry out will not be needed. The right to declare war seems to be about the only thing left congress. Now if the peace advocators will take th a t privilege from our national body we can adjourn con­ gress forever. -------------- ------------------ ANDY GOT HIS— To keep Andy Looey, popular musician, in LaGrande. the school board raised his salary. That made his salary higher than the prin­ cipal's. so the principal's salary was raised. That made the principal s salary higher than the superintendent's, so the superintendent's salary was raised. That made the teachers feel they were entitled to be protected from unjust discrimination and to avoid wronging them their salaries were raised. Everybody is happy but the taxpayer, who not only must pay these increased salaries but also pay thousands of dollars of interest on school warrants outstanding because of tax delinquency. Our authority for the facts is Eastern Oregon News. If President Roosevelt desires equity in the New Deal he ought to annex LeGrande school board as his College of Strategy.—Oregon Voter. ----------«---------- Holy Bible,* aad which eon tain» Four Great T tesai re« ®BA44TON LUKE USHERS IN WOMEN Paul, the most adventurous of the early Christian mis­ sionaries, was often sick, and had as a physician a Greek gentlem an named Luke. Luke had a friend named Theo- philus v ho, as he thought would be interested in the story of Jesus, but not in the form set forth by Mark or Mat­ thew. Accordingly, Luke wrote: forasm uch as many have taken In band to set forth In order a declaration of those things which are most surely be­ lieved among us. Even as they delivered them unto us. which from the beginning were eyew itnesses, and ministers of the word; It seemed good to me also, having had perfect under­ stand lag of all things from the very first, to write unto thee In order, most excellent Theophilus. You will not that he does not criticize the accounts al­ ready written but observes merely th at he does not find theni adapted to Theophilus. fie did not claim to have been, and in fact was not, an original disciple, but he said th a t he had enjoyed exceptional opportunities for hearing the story from reliable men who had first-hand knowledge. These are perfectly straightforw ard reasons for writing a hook and they furnish a pleasing introduction both to the Good News as Luke wrote it and to th a t later book, partly compiled from his own experiences as a companion of Paul, the Acts. Luke did not care a fig about quotations from the Old T estam ent which might be very convincing to a Jew, for Theophilus was not a Jew. Hut he did tell of the Good Sam aritan, and of the Prodigal Son, and some other exalted stories of the appreciation of Jesus for folks beyond the narrow walls of Judaism. M atthew never could have writ­ ten this book any more than Luke could have written M atthew ’s. One other fact is significant about the third Gospel, in some way the writer got hold of a fresh source of inform a­ tion about the women of th at early Jerusalem community. Who told him and what was told we can only guess, but the tact Is clear th at Luke knew more and tells more about the women who were friends of Jesus than any of the other writers. T hat element gives an added quality of fineness to his hook, which is probably the most beautiful book in the world. Years later, in Ephesus, where Greek philosophy had tinged the thought and vocabulary of all educated people, a man named John wrote another story of Jesus. It Is hardly the ilfe-story; rather Is it an interpretation, and a very fine one. We should have lost some of the most beauti­ ful sayings of Jesus of it were not for this fourth Gospel, and one has only to read It through to understand why in every age it has been so greatly loved. BAPTISTS LISTEN TO EVANGELISTIC PAIR Graduation Gifts at Very Special Prices SCOTT’S DRUG STORE The Place to Cool Off F G G I M A N N ’S * A TELEPHONE does so much, and costs so little, A ih a i i i sitnpiy does n o i p a y io /se with­ out one. 3 WAY ECONOMY IN FOOD SAVINGS LONG LIFE SERVICE CHEAPER OPERATION NORCE “1 sha’n’t bring him In here Nancy," he said quietly, and went Into the next room. Nancy sank down again Into her chair at the table. Every nerve In her body throbbed and quivered, to go until she came back. And w hen you take one half tea- then It might be too late. ( spoonful of Kruschen In a glass of Nancy was thankful that he was hot water—you not only lose In alone. She could tell him to much *<*i«ht but you put healthy ac_ ■ ■ than she U „„..is o i l f#e| tlvlty younger lnt0 y°ur whole ,t_ body— more easily could toll her and look gH „ -you at parents. They were h er real prob any drugstore In the w orld. Wright & Sons H A R D W A R E — F U R N IT U R E — R A D IO S — P A IN T »« * »IT‘ l ' «HUSIVt »DV»ST*Ot IN HOIUTOR RtratscaaTWR