% THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS wi •© owe THIRTY-FIRST YKAK SPRINGFIKLh, LANK COUNTY, ORBGGN, THURSDAY, June 14, 1934 NO. 22 'GRANGE LEADER City Seeks Check MANY TO ATTEND School Clerk Is CITY PROJECTS Court to Protest GRADUATES WAIT On Dog Poison Lively Contest funds Transfer TELLS DESIRES AWAIT SERA FUND DIPLOMAS «1 H.S. 13836778 Would Abolish Representa- tive*, Establish Stats Gaso­ line Stores To Cut Price Poiaon Permit* Being Investi­ Jacobson And Prochnow Seek Lane Delegation Fears Ef­ gated; Officers Ask Coop­ Springfield Troop And Busi- Barber's Place; Dow, Poll* Council Promise* Insurance fo rt* Underway To Steal Annual Commencement Ex­ eration In Hunt For Guilty ard W ant Director Post n**« Men Plan Week-end Willamette Allocation Money And Approves Play- ; ercises To Be Concluded Trip Up McKenzie With Graduation Friday An Investigation of permits to Names of three candidates for ground, Dump-Sewer Plans Apparent efforts of other dis buy poison Is now living made In — Springfield's Boy Hcxxii troop, BILL FOES Hprlngfleld and Eugene and other recently reorganised under aus- l-ane county drug stores In ah ef Wants Liquor Options By Pre- fort to locale the source of the poi­ j pices of tbe Lions club and moved to quarters of their own In the oincts Instead Of County; son being used freely In this city Meacham building, will take their to kill many doga recently. Every first major outing this week-end People Blamed For Taxee RAPS POWER Abolition of the house of repres enlatlre« by mvane of a constitu­ tional amandment to ba voted on In llM« and tha subsequent elec- lion of aanatora from separate dis trlrta was advocated Tuesday morn Ilia l>> Itnv W GUI. state grange master. In hla opening address to the delegate* assembled at Rose­ burg for the state grange meet. The present liquor legislation In Oregon also came In for criticism by the Grange head who declared that the Orange should use Its In­ fluence for an amendment which will provide local option by pre­ cincts Instead of by county only as Is now contained In the state Knog law. Highw ays Public Property ♦ 4 k The highways of Oregon are built at public expense and belong to the people The public la entitled to safety and to security of life and property a n d sucb regulations should be provided, but any attempt Io eliminate competitive uae of our highways for passenger and freight MANY FR IEN D S A TTEN D should be resisted by the Grange B U E LL-W ILLIA M S EVEN T Oregon finds herself In the post lion she now occupies regarding Wedding Ceremony Rssd A t M. E. laiallun because millions of dollars. Churcht Saturday Evening; In tax revenue were lost while the To Live At Tillamook people of the state were arguing »bout Incom«- and gift taxes and Before an audience of a large Improving Inheritance taxes. There number of friends and relatives. Is still need for greater economy Miss IxMidelle Williams became the a n d efficiency In government bride of Fred Buell In a beautiful through consolidation of overlap­ church wedding service at tha ping functions and economy In ad i Methodlat church Saturday evening ministration and purchases. The at H o'clock. Rev. It E. Rolen« read Grange should continue to oppoe* the ceremony. a sales lax In Oregon, but must The bride, the daughter of Mr stand ready to support additional and Mrs. W N. Williams, was dress­ state school financing, declared Mr. ed In a long gown of white satin Gill. and her veil was gathered In a Home Exem ptions U n fa ir cluster of orange blossoms. She A proposed measure providing a carried a wedding boquet of pink tax exemption of *1200 of aaaeased rosebuds and sweet peas. valuation of hnmea property Is dis Her attendant was her slater, criminatory agaltwt the farmer who Miss Annette Williams, wearing of necessity must own more pro­ a long drees of lime moes crepe. perty than the average cttlsen and Her boquet was made of yellow thia exemption would throw a new rosebuds and sweet peas. Mr. Buell burden on the farmer who now car­ son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Buell, ries too heavy a load. was attended by hla brother-in-law, Favorable action on the State Paul F. Alley, of Moro. Oregon. Powvr Act and constitutional Kent Munroe of Eugene and M. C. amendment. Initiated by the Orange Kirkland were ushers. and passed by a large majority, Before the ceremony Mrs. Buford only to be tied up by referendum Roach sang two numbers with Miss requiring another vote this fall, was Margaret Jarrett playing the ac­ demanded by Mr 0111 as a necessity companiment. Miss Jarrett also In the establishment of cheap dis­ played the wedding march. tribution systems over the state Relatives and out-of-town gueata to he used In conjunction with the attended an Informal reception at Bonneville project. the home of the bride following the Oppose Chain Stores ceremony. Chain stores not locally owned The couple left Saturday evening which often times operate their for Tillamook where they will make own farms and In many Instances their home. contract for and finance crops, are a detriment to Oregon farmers and W EEK BRINGS MANY ought to be opposed by the Orange. The discontinuance of these stores' V IS IT O R S TO HOME HERE advertising In the Orange bulletin A large dinner gathering was held was recommended. Touching on the price of gasoline Sunday at the home of Mrs. C. I. Oorrie. Sr. Coming from out of In Oregon Olli declared "the ex- borbltant prices charged In Oregon town were Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Fay for gasoline are such a glaring case of Portland. Harry Withers, Jr., of Bums, and Ben Daley of Lakeview. of profiteering that action on the part of the state Is demanded. The The latter two visited at the Oorrie state should take drastic action to home this week following the close reduce the price of gasoline even of their school at Corvallis, and to the extent, If necessary, of set­ were to return to Eastern Oregon ting up Its own selling system. This late this week with Mr. Wlther's would be an emergency measure father, Harry, Sr., who arrived the to Insure reasonable prices to the middle of the week for a short visit. Mrs. D. C. England and fam­ public. More than 1600 Grangers are as­ ily from Eugene, Clifford Martin­ sembled In Roseburg for the state son of Portland. Juan Stratton, Grange meeting. Attending from Miss Jeannine Withers and the Oor­ Lane county are the following: Mr. rie family completed the Sunday and Mrs. F. B. Harlow of Eugene, gathering. the former deputy for the order and the latter the past chairman of the B IR TH D A Y PARTY GIVEN home economic department; C. E. FOR W ILLIA M M ILLS Illrkox, Mrs. Mary L. Dowell, Lydia Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mills were Severy, Alice Holden, Geo. Mea­ dows. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beaver, hosts at their home Sunday even­ lleryl Besver. Mrs. C. 8. Calef, Mr. ing at a surprise birthday dinner and Mrs. E. 8. Rice, Mrs. J. D. for William Mills. Ouests Included Ilnhllng. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Over- Hartle Olson. Frank Olson, Mr. and «»rd. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hawe, Mr«. Dale Olson, Miss Evelyn Johnson. Miss Opal Stlndt. Mr. and Leon 8. Ayotto, David Francis. Mrs. Carl Koeppel of Eugene, Mrs. FOOLS AND FOUNDATIONS Martha Mills and the honor gueat. B A PTIST SERMON TOPIC Rev. R. E. Rolens will preach on the subject. “Fools and Founda­ tions” at the morning service In the Baptist church Sunday at 11 o'clock. His evening subject at 8 o'clock will be. "Has Ood Forgot­ ten?" The B. T. P. U. will meet at 7 p. m. b efforts Is being made to locate the place where the poison Is being procured and by whom used ac­ cording to Dr W. II. Pollard, city health officer Persona noting any unusual events or actions about their premises are urged to notify Dr Pollard or Lum F. Atidoreon, city police chief. Already bonee on which the poi­ son, apparently strychnine, had been placed have been found In the localities where the dying doge have been found. The serious dan­ ger. apparently overlooked by tbe poisoners. Bee In the fact that many small children have been playing near these bones covered with deadly poison and at any time one of them Is apt to handle one of the objects and place a hand or fingers In the mouth. Revere penalises are promised for (he dastardly culprits If caught In the act. or If convicting evidence points to them, says city officials. Former Resident Here — Lillian Mathews of Portland spent the first of the week here visiting friends. She Is a former resident of this city. LAST CALL for Loganberries. If you want to can, can now. Order from R. B. Oldham, West Spring- field.— Ph. M-W. NEW ASSISANT H ER E IN FLANERY DRUG STORE Miss Florence Long arrived here Tuesday from Corvallis to be em­ ployed at the Flattery Drug Store. M I rs Long graduated from tbe Ore­ gon State College School of Phar­ macy, and Is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. O. B. Long of Taft, Ore­ gon. Dr. Long waa a classmate of Dr. W. H. Pollard, Springfield phy­ sician, at Willamette university In Salem. Visiting Slater—Mrs. Mollie Price of Baird, Texas arrived here Sat­ urday evening to spend the summer visiting with her brother-in-law and slater, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McKlln. clerk of School District IS. and of two candidates for director will appear on the ballot to be voted at the school election next Monday afternoon and evening at the public library. The polls will be open from, 2 until 7 with John Ketels. Rev. Frank H. Clemo, and Frank Gordon constituting the election board. Tbe last minute filing of George Prochnow as candidate for dlsirlct clerk brought about a three-way contest for this office with Clayton F Barber. Incumbent, and Severt Jacobson previously entered In the race. Only two individuals finally en­ tered the school directorship con­ test and a close race Is expected between Dr. W. H. Pollard. Incum­ bent who has served many terms on the board. and Dr W N. Dow, who has never held a school office, but who has taken considerable In­ terest In tbe local schools. It Is permissible to write-in name« of candidates If thia la de­ sired. but It la doubtful If any write-in candidate can be victori­ ous. trlcts In tbe state to gain a portion LIBRARY WORK GRANTED of tbe foreat funds already alloca­ LEMON. O. 8. C„ SPEAKER ted to the Willamette highway, School Board Still Awaits Ac­ above Oakridge will be fought by Class H a* Two Salutatorian*; tion Of State Committee On members of the Lane Count Court i Interclaaa C am ** Today; when they appear before the High-; Repair, Refinishing Work Announce Cup W inn*r way Commission In Portland Sat Workmen’s compensation Insur­ urday It waa announced today By i E B. Lemon, registrar at Oregon ance will be provided by the City , O. E. Crowe, commissioner State college will deliver tbe annual of Springfield for all SERA projects The allocation of funds, a total I commencement address to gradu­ passed on by th- local planning of *435,000. was made tbe Willam­ ates of Springfield high school at committee and approved by the ette highway last December, but tbe Methodist church Friday even­ Dr. W. N. Dow, chairman of tbe state board It was Indicated here there has aparently been some ef-I ing. The commencement exercises Lions scout committee, Olen Mar­ Monday night at a meeting of the forts made to have the matter re-’ will start at 8 o’clock. Dr. W. H. tin, scoutmaster and Mr. Manley, City Council. The Council ro-ltera- considered, presumably In an ef-l Pollard, chairman of the school his asalstant. are handling details ted It’s attitude towards the ex­ fort to reopportion the money,, board, will preside. of tbe outing. Each Scout ts to penditure of funds for materials at says Mr. Crowe, as the Highway | Tbe complete program for the bring his own bedding, eating this time and specifically Investi­ Commission has invited tbe County 1 graduation exerclsee has been pre­ utensils, and sandwiches to eat at gated tbe possibilities of completing Court officials to meet with them pared by W. E. Buell, principal to noon Sunday. M B. Huntly will be the playground project with SERA In Portland Saturday at which time Include the following; camp cook and two dinners and funds for the labor. The materials the matter will be discussed. “Priests March” played by Mar­ one breakfast will be served In will be purchased from funds raised Contracts for ell but about seven garet Jarrett, invocation by Rev. camp. On their return to camp locally for that specific purpose. miles of tbe highway right at Odell Dean C. Poindexter, selections by 8unday afternoon the boys have An extensive project for the city lake have already been let. A con­ the high school orchestra under the been promised a steak dimer to dump grounds was carefully studied siderable portion of the money ap­ direction of Buford Roach, saluta­ be furnished by E. C. Stuart of the at the meeting and approved by the portioned being Intended for oil­ tory talks by DeEtta Sandgathe and Independent market. Council members. The project had ing purposes. Evelyn Klckbush. vocal solo by Harry Wright will be guide on been carefully worked out by the It is now believed that efforts Morris Stewart, address by Mr. the climb with Dr. D o w and Larson planning commission and maps of Lemon, selection, “Bells of the Sea" Wright bringing up the rear. the area showing tbe work to be are being made to obtain a part of by the mixed sextet, Ruth Pollard. this money for work on tbe North Lloyd Harris Is new senior patrol done were presented by E. E. Kep- Juanita Seaman. Pearl Olin, Robert leader. Other patrol leaders of tbe ner, city engineer, and F. B Ham­ Santiam and South Santiam high­ ways. Brown. Morris Stewart, and Irving troop elected recently are Scott lin. planning committee head. Davis. Wright, Joe Keever. obert Richard­ IN V IT A T IO N S SENT TO The dump ground project pro­ Richey Is Valedictorian son. David Privat. and Billy Dow, V IS IT GRAND R EVIEW vides for the cleaning up of all rub JANE ALICE PENCRA TO The valedictory will be given -by bugler. bish and removal of this farther PLAY IN PIANO RECITAL Eugene Richey, and Dr. Pollard will Use of the new Scout rooms la Official Invitations to attend tbe down the river where It will be o u t. present the diplomas after which being donated to tbe troop. Tnelr annual review and combat demon­ of sight from the highway and Mill Young Student of Mrs. John Stehn Rev. Poindexter will pronounce the only expense being the payment of stration of the Oregon National street. A new bridge will be con- j le W in n e r O f Honors In Na­ benediction. tbe light bill. Ouard at Camp Clatsop on Satur­ structed and several driveways I tion al Music Tournam ent Selection of a salutatorian for day. June 23. at 2:30 were re­ would be opened up. the class of 1934 finally rested be­ ceived by several Springfield peo­ Tbe Council also ordered that the ; Miss Jane Alice Pengra. twelve tween Miss Sandgathe and Miss N EED LEC R A FT MEM BERS ple this week. The two weeks guard practice of hauling loom from the year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klckbush. both of whom had made PLAN PICNIC FOR JUNE 21 ramp opened Tuesday of this week city property be stopped and that Norton Pengra, will be presented the same grade average. Rather and will continue uctll June 26 In a piano recital the coming Tues­ than decide between the two. It waa Plans for a picnic for their fami­ when tbe units will arrive at their no more trees be cut down there. For years residents of both Spring- day evening at 8 o'clock in Gerlin- decided to allow each girl a few lies at Swimmers Delight on June homes. field and Eugene have been haul­ ger hall on the university campus. minutes in which to speak. 31. were made here Thursday of ing dirt from tbe river bank at this ' Miss Pengra received national last week at a meeting of the “We haven't reached the top, but point and In many Instances the I honors in the recent piano tourna­ Needlecraft club held at the home SPO R TM EN IN V IT E D TO we are still climbing," is the motto entire tree roots have been bared. ment sponsored by the national of Mrs. R L. Drury, Mrs. Floyd BANQUET IN PORTLAND The property including two blocks music sqlld. She is a pupil of Mrs. of the class, which have chosen Thompson was the assistant host­ blue and gold as their colors and from "A" to "C" streets and ex- ' John Stehn ess. Among the guests present the Talisman rose as the class Sportsmen from Bprlngfleld are tending to tbe river belongs to the The public ts cordially Invited to flower. were Mrs. E. 0 Privat. Mrs. W W. invited to attend the sessions of the attend. The following program will Alllngham. Mrs. Fred Fisher of Western Association of State Fish city. Officers of the graduating class Marcóla. Mrs. Franklin Drury of and Oame Commlaetoners which j Another part of tbe project would ( be presented. are Bruce Squires, president; La­ Coburg, and Mrs. Myra Rnpert of meets In Portland today and Frl ' provide for the deepening and nar- j Sonatina. Clement; Polonaise mar Brattain, vice-president; Alys Eugene. day. A large banquet Is planned at rowing of the sewer channel and Bach; Sarabande. Haendel; Mlnnet. Thatcher, treasurer; Miss Sand­ Tbe prise In the afternoon guess­ the Congress hotel for thia evening construction of dykes near the river Dussek; Finale from D major Son­ gathe. secretary; and Marion Ship- ing games was won by Mr» W. H at which time Dr. Irving E. Vining so as to provide for faster carrying ata, Haydn. ley, social promoter. Pollard. will be the principal speaker. away of city sewage. A full set of j Folk song. The Marry Farmer, Senior members of the honor so­ First Loss. Knight Rupert, all by ciety are Ruth Button. Evelyn Kick- Schumann. busch. Miss Sandgathe. Miss Ship- The Shepherd's Pipe. Reblkoff; ley, Mary Smltson. and Elizabeth Song of the Lark. Tschalkowsky; Vail. For Elsie. Beethoven; Among Forty-Eight In Clasa Northern Pines, Cadman; Hide and Forty-eight students, one of the Seek, Thompson. largest classes to be graduated plans for this have ben prepared by from the high school will receive Mr Kepner. their diplomas Friday. Pictures and There would be no expenditure names of the students appear else­ for materials for this project. The where In this issue of the News. city agreeing to furnish the In­ Class activities were brought to a close this week with the senior surance money and a truck. After about six weeks of waiting class day exercises at the high the state committee has finally re­ school auditorium Wednesday fol­ turned an approved project for the lowing two days of examinations. repair oi books at the city library. Thursday the entire student body The other Springfield SERA pro­ will adjourn to Swimmer's Delight ject submitted by the school dis­ park for the annual all-school pic­ trict In which repairs and refinish- nic. Interclass baseball champion­ Ing would be done in the school ships will be decided and other buildings with the district furnish­ sports enjoyed. The baseball cham­ ing the funds tor materials, has not pionship rests between the Junior been acted on by the state body. and senior boys and the freshmen Both of the projects taken up and senior girls. Friday will start with tbe annual Monday night have already been apprqved by the county committee Girls League breakfast at which and Springfield now has four pro­ time the announcement of the win­ ner of the Civic Club cup will be jects waiting action in Portland. made. A final assembly Is sche­ duled for Friday morning after B A PTISTS PLAN W EEK which report cards will be dlstrl- OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES but the graduating senior«, by the graduating seniors. Canadian Scientist Coming For The grade schools are also wind­ Series Of Interpretiva Lectures ing up their work this week. Moat Week Of July 2 to 6 of the classes have enjoyed picnic outings on different days and these Dr. Arthur I. Brown. M. D. C. M. students will also receive their re­ a fellow of the Royal college of port cards Friday. • Science at Edinbrough, will come to Springfield the week of July 2 to hold special services at the Bap­ “ NEW CALVARIES" TO tist church on July 2. 3. 4. 5. and BE M. E. C H U R C H T H E M E 6, it was announced today by Rev. R. E. Rolens, pastor. "New Calvaries," will be the Df. Brown Is a Canadian, living theme of the message at the 11 at Toronto, Canada, and Is a na­ o’clock worship service at the tionally known scientist His lec­ Methodist church Sunday. The tures are interpretations of coming evening messages at 8 o'clock will events tn the light of Blbical pro­ be: "And Is This, Life Eternal?” phecy. The Sunday Church school meats He is now at Roseburg where he at 9:45. The Leagues will meet at has been addressing packed houses seven o'clock. for the past two weeks, and has Coburg Methodist Church speaking engagements scheduled At 9:46 the pastor will preach Into 1935. It was very fortunate from the theme: "The Croat That that we were abje to secure the Turns Not Back." The Sunday SENIOR CLASS ROLL speaker at all says Rev. Rolens. school will meet at 10:46. (Left to Right) when they and a number of their fathers and other local business­ men leave Saturday to ramp out at the McKenile forest camp and to climb Castle Rock on Sunday Springfield High School Graduation Class Top Row; Echo Tomseth, Lamar Brattain. Theda Bales. Morgan Chandler. Mary Smltson, Robert McLagan, Boatrlce Carson. 2nd Row: Morris Stewart, Alys Thatcher. Bruce Squires. Dorothy Robinson. Wayne Kendall, Dorothy Nice, Helen Swarts 3rd Row: Marion Shipley, Rodney Veit, Velma Severson, Henry Trfnka, DeEtta Sand- gathe, Jack Sandgathe, Vloldt Potter. 4th Row: James Davis, Betty Mersdorf. Raymond Davis, Luclle Dari*. Everett Lajoie. Ethel Current. Robert Marx. 6th Row: Elisabeth Vail, Lloyd Ellison, Flora Clement, Mark Smith. Lela Peterson, Eugene Richey, Beatrice Elmer. 6th Row: Robert Brown. Juanita Clark. Kenneth Hayes, Grace Shelley, Eugene Cooper, Charline Fish, Phebe Lee. 7th Row:Ruth Button, Donovan Montgomery. Elisabeth Klckbush, Harold Krogstad, Ruth Ebert. Arlow Atkinson, Lucille Perry. JOE CRANDALL TO W ED EUGENE G IR L SUNDAY YOUNG PEOPLE TO HAVE SERVICE SUNDAY N IG H T Announcements of the forthcom­ ing wedding Sunday of Joe Cran­ dall, son of Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Crandall of Springfield, to Miss Ona Mae Bond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bond of 1646 Lawr­ ence street, Eugene, were received here this week. The ceremony will be read at the Methodist church In Eugene Sun­ day evening, June 17, at 8 o'clock by the father of the groom. Young people of the Christian church will have charge of the evening service Sunday. Moat of these young folk attended the sum­ mer conference of the church nt Blue River. The morning service will be on the subject. "Some Things Funny and Oood About Our Young Peo­ ple.” The choir will sing. Rev. Veltle Pruitt will preach.