f H V RBDAY, JUNK 7, 1M4 PAGE FOUR ELECTRIC LINES BLANKET STATE Only One-Tenth Of Popula­ tion Unable to Obtain Ser­ vice; Few Are Scattered M c D onald b r in g s film W IT H G AYNO R-FARRELL James Dunn and Ginger Rogers Have F eature Rolee In Fox F ilm -‘Change of H e a rt” FUTURE FARMERS SCHOOL IO S ilfi! After is in out hs of separation o. S. C. Campus To Be Scene Janet Uaynor and Charles Farrell. I Of 2Oth Summer School the servon'» moat rumanti»- team. ' For 4-H Club Members will be reunited in Fox F ilm s lat­ ent releaae. "Change of Heart." j The twentieth annual 4-H dub which comes to the McDonald summer scho»»l to be held on the theatre, on Sunday. Heeding the Qregon sta te college campua June requests of thousands of fans to re- u (o , s w,„ |h0 |arjwa, ever team these two acre»‘n sweethearts. („ with an enrollment IhV studio started an intensive |e#st „0 per cent greater than search for a story that would be last year. Judging from advance re- suitable for their reunion. Kathleen gtatration reports recelvtxl at the Norris' great modern novel. "Man­ state club office at Corvallla. For hattan Love Song." was finally sel­ the first time In history every coun- , ected out of hundreds of stories ty In the state will be repres«mted. as the perfect vehicle. Lane county clubers are planning The screen play adapte»! from to have a strong representation at ; the novel is a modern drama of the srhiMd. youth's epic struggle for love and A number of new ftytiurea for happint'ss in the turmoil of Man­ both boys and girls have been add­ hattan The film relates a big ed this year to the already compre­ city’s grim challenge to four young- hensive program of instruction and sters just out of college, two boys recreation for the two-weeks p»»r- and two girls, who. banded together lod. These include a course In by ties of loyalty and common ln -|p |ant propagation, a practical terest. enter its portals, accept its course in welding a - applied to challenge and begtn their brave farm machinery; se»*d cleaning and fight to achieve success, realise testing, home-made electric brood­ their dreams of ambition and pos­ ers. coddling moths, their life his sibly tame tory and control. Judging and man James Dunn and Ginger Rogers are billed as featured plavers tn , »»» methoda of vegetable cookery support of the two stars. They » tllm pae of the activities in the complete the quartette of youth home management houses, and a around which the drama revolves j cla9s ,n gnnies. STRONGER BUSINESS INIISTRMfF’ I W «» F. M I LW A o u lf ii 4 wet ices BssAcvs 4 tterishsa TEACHER EXAMINATIONS STAR MEMBERS HAVE S. E. R A. GROUP WORKS SOCIAL MEETINO HERE ON LOCAL PROJECTS LISTED FOR NEXT WEEK Teacher examinations for grude school* will lie held III I he County A c tio n O f S ta te B o a rd ; P la y ­ Court house commencing Wednee grou nd , D u m p C le a n u p day, June 13, at 9 o'clock and con- Au effort to make Hie cleanup| tinning until Friday. June 16, at of the city dump ground an SERA | 4 p m project will he brought h tore the Tin- following schedule for the City Council at their mooting next j examination» hi« been prepared Monday evening by the elt> plan ; Waduesdav forenoon V. S HI* tory Writing I I'etimanslilpl, ' nlng cm ,m ission Two Springfield projeets have al­ ntciry, lloiuny. Wednesdav afternoon Physio ready been approved by the county committee, one calling for achool logy. Beading, Composition. General improv euients, and another for History Thursday forenoon Arithmetic, work on books at the city library, liut neither have hen pnakk»-eplng nients at this time. The SERA | funds «re alotted for labor otslv and nil material and compensation In­ LEGION CIRCUS OFFERS surance for the workmen must be MATINEE FOR CHILDREN paid by th»> city or political until A special matinee performance derlvln* the benefit I’niler the CWA setup most of ol the American Legion circus now the materials were paid for. hut yet playing nt the Armory In Eugene In- city had to expend nearly »900 will he given for children Saturday o, fund, not budgeted nor collected afteruonn. The circus perfortn- There la usually a considerably iinc,' will start al 2 o'clock, but amount of employment for these the doors will he opened at one needy person« during the summer o'clock. All children to 16 years will be mouths and the actual ne»>d for relief I- less than It will be again admitted for 16 cents at this spe during the coming winter Any ex­ d a l matinee performance It has penditure of funds for SKIIA work been announced The enllre «how for the after now will certainly mean un In crease In tuxes next year to meet noon will feature children's enter lalnmeiil with special added al the city's share of the expense tractions. Animal acts featuring the educate»! pony "Sparkles " will Chamois gloves should he washed be augmented by dow n numbers 1» castlle soap and warm water, directed by Rue Enos, and oilier with a spoonful of ammonia added events. to each quart of this solution They Saturday night is the final per should soak for fifteen minutes, forniunre of the show which has after which they should be press been playing to large audiences ed out with the hands Rinse them each night this week in cold water Io which a little am monla has been added Dry them Former Teacher Vlelte — Mlee In the open air ufter blowing In the Juanita Deiumer. former high fingers to puff them out school teacher here, wan a visitor al the school 'Ills week Oilcloth will brUhten up If wash ed with a solution of borax and Has Bad Splinter— K t x iiid h Me water, and wiped with a flannel Cuiie ran a very large splinter (er i loth that lias been dipped in inllk up under Ills thumb nail Tuesday and wrung a dry us possible It was necessary to remove H ie n n l l In extracting the splinter cheol and L ib r a r y W e rk Pende Members of Cascade chapter O. E. B i state as speakers trend toward control " business tiv area, the survey finds. and may be obtained from any J and parties, movies, sm okeless government. They fear taxes beyond county agent P riv ate Companies Lead smokers, and other entertainments their power to pay These are real of No changes tn the potato certt- I to be tsaged in the evenings The sources of worry and when they are Private companies serve 176 In­ reassured along these lines they corporated and 237 unincorporated f b at ion rules have been made and assembly programs will be broad will be more Ib'-Hned to lake a fresh communities and operate 7.098 oily minor additions to the o th ers.: le a st ov r KOAC. and at some thne look at the future and to make plans miles of transmission and distribu­ Hereafter the presence of any dod-, I during their stay on the campus to go forward. With tion lines, according to their re­ dtr in a field of alfalfa grown tor each county delegation will put on As a matter of tact there are tan ports. Municipal plants serve 10 in­ seed will automatically put the seed | a program over that station gible evidences ol recovery. The Juinea Dunn corporated and 6 unincorporated into the yellow tag class Hereto- Federal Reserve Board oBldally Many Have Scholarships tore the old rule allowed two pa’- has stated that prices, wages, husl communities and operate 124 miles Ginger Rogers The girls will be housed at Waldo ness activity and production were of lines. Two small government sy s­ ches before the seed was put into Ainu ’ hall again thia year, and the boys back to the highest peak since early tems. at Crater Lake and the Ore­ the yellow tag class. The chief change in the ladino at the men's dormitory. Any 4-H In 1931. Commercial failures In the gon Caves, are included in the re­ certification rules has to do with ,-lub boy or girl of 12 years or older United States are being cut almost port. -T H E BIG establishm ent of tolerances for , who has his or her club project In In half at comparj.’ with the same Purpose of the survey was to period last year It has been re­ gather together Information regard buckhorn The market for ladino | good shape is eligible to attend. ported that the dec.Ine in export BAD WOLF" Son in Hospital— David i’oindex ine the extent of electric service in clover Is expanding so that it is Hundreds of members will attend and import trade waa deB uilely Fire Truck Makes Run — Tin- a ter. small son of Rev and Mrs Oregon, according to Mr. Snow, being sold in som e states w h ere. on scholarships won for outstand- checked In tile middle of 1933 and Billy Symphony Desired information waa received j growers object seriously to large | ng club achievem ent, others arc replaced duriLg the last half of the Dean C Bolndexler Is In the P ad i Kplrngfleld fire truck made a run A ll in W est Springfield io extinguish being sent as delegates of their year by a substantial recovery flc ho pltal thia week from all the major companies and ; amounts of buckhorn. Gorgeou* Color! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u »mall roof fire Mond morning -— ----------------------- I clubs, and still others have saved movement. although reports from some of the ! III at Fall Creek— A T Brewer * The fire was almost mil when the Among favorable factors is the ; their own money to pay the 812 small companies and municipal Take the vinegar and sp ice, from >f (hp week> se. slon. A„ Improved condition of the banks. It Is ill at his home nt Full «’reek this 'n ich arrived and no serious dam plants were incomplete the omis- ' your sweet pickles and preserve raUr()a(1 and bus , lneB are offerlng is doubtless true that the banking WH9‘k He Is unable to leave hl» » f *»» caused according to Hugh sions are too slight to affect the them until your are making a salad structure of the country ha* never Jolliff. fire chief. T H U R B . - F R I. - BAT. -ummarixed results. Mr. Snow dressing. You’ll find it gives your the lioys and girls special rates of been In a sounder, stronger and bed. i e-------------------- ---------------------------- « I 1 cert a mile for the round trip. stated. more liquid condltlot than it la lo- dres ing a new and delicious flavor. "STAND UP day. My authority for that stale- DON’T SLEEP ON LEFT • • • A copy of the survey has been i SIDE— AFFECTS HEART . ----- ----— q —- — - - ment Is the Comptroller of the Cur AND CHEER!" presented to the Oregon State Bon­ Mr. and Mrs Ray Baugh and fam- rency. No longer is their any fear or Ask your butcher to cut off the neville Dam commission, the State If stomach GAS prevents «l-ep ‘ »> M* «" ual1' Designed in sixes. 34. 36. 38. 40. f<>r lhp of banklni. ; c -ased, has filed his account for There were four high school gradu­ I the flnnl settlem ent of said estate when served this way. them face to face and toast the 42. and 44 Sixe 38 requires 3*4 Standard courses are furnished In the County Court for Lane Coun ates. Chester Moon. Alfred Fox, George Thompson, and Mias Elsie ! outrides as you would a single piece yards of 35 Inch material. with able and experience!, teacher*. i ty, Oregon, and thut Saturday, the Beals. There were also four grade To prevent scum from forming on I of toast. The butter will melt, leav- ] 7th day of July. 1934. al the Court Thia work I» done under the direc­ A B ecom ing F ro c k cocoa or chocolate, beat it with an I lug the inside soft and delicious tion of the American institute of Room of alii Court. In the County rhool graduates one from Thurs Pattern 8221: Women who make Banking Section of the association. Court House, In Eugene at ten ton and three from Mt. Vernon egg-beater until a frothy foam ' while the outside can be toasted to forms on top. The foam prevents | a nice golden brown. It’s a good their own clothes will appreciate Over two hundred chapter*, or local o’rlock in the forenoon, has been’ by school. Court fixed as the time and ! variation on just plain toast. the style and value in the design banking school*, are In active oppr ’ said the scum from forming. place for hearing objections there- pictured here. Most of us have to atlon throughout the country and I ,o an(, for flna, Bettlemwn» of snld thousands of the younger genera estate. tlon of bankers are being grr duated MAGNUS MANSETH. Admin­ istrator of the E state of Olga --- ------------------------------------------------ •» each year. These students »re Si'hnol closed for the summer Aldroop. deceased taught not only banking practice* j vacation at Leaburg Friday with a and pollcb i. but they are also well i !.. 1- RAY. Aftnrnev for Estate IJe 7 14-21 28—Jv 5| i iimmunlfy picnic. grounded In th> highest ‘deals and Thursday evening commencement standard* of buslnesa ethics A pro NOTICE TO CREDITORS i - j rclses at l.eahurg were held with posal Is now ander consideration to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN establish a central school, whb h hat the undersigned has been ap- I Dealn Wayne L. Morse of the Uni will offer advuneed or graduate K, p(.1Iti,r of the Estate of I i- Hy Law school delivering the work Io a selective list taken from l.ew ls It Tucker, deceased, hv the I N e w F ra Charles Allen presented those v.lio have »(iiipl.led the County Court of U n * O’’” I dll bunns to John Blttle. Bruce Cur All persons having claims , ,, _ . . ,,, standard cotir-i ». F. M Law. Pre* gon B a la n c e d »' »• and Warren Guru is the leading grocery store in thin part of ident American Hankers Assocla against -aid estate are required to i ' ' • present them with the proper Re, d. Rosalee Fountain. Shirley Lane county. The best food brands, fresh from the tlo n. * F * if* o • r • m - 4 u . l a , JMMr- I vouchers Io the undersigned at the Williams Arthur Grav nnd I,. H ttck m anufacturer and grower are always found here. B a n k s R e p a v in g L o a n * F rena ! law offices of James K. King 410 ,.t|M ,.|K|,ti, grade graduate R F C Miner Building. Eugene Lane Conn ................... m ,........ , Our service is modern and fast and our prices are l.eayiirg high »onlor class was tv. Oregon within six (6t months COSTS LESS «- < lyip'dimeuted with a party at the I not to be beaten. A ltlio u y ti banks and tru s t compa j f r „ m |h d a te o f th is n o tic e PER JOB PER YEAR Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this I home of Mrs. John Currie Monday nles have been I lie laris -st borrow ers from the H e, -oustruction Finance 7th dav of June. 1934. e V eilin g 10 Bars WHITE ARI.FAN TUCKER Executor Corporation, liny have exceeded all Dr. Melvlll,. Jones iisslsti-cl by of the Estate of Lewis R WONDER other classes of borrower!, In the Miss Della FHzgernld, conducted Tucker, deceased rapidity of their repayments Since (Je 7 14-21-28—Jy 6» the pre-erhool axe children's clinic the Inception of the R F C. In Fel) I al Deerhorn school 9 Io 12 Tuesday ruary 1932. loan.» have been author 8. D. A L L E N Seventeen c-lillclren were brought Hardware — Furniture Bulk, Gallon and I zed by it to 7.08» banking Institn i A tto rn ey at Law for examination, from Deerhorn, 1 Bar BORAX SOAP tlon* In the amount of 21.1 !lf>.O» I ronsr or sell »he following property, vlx, North 75 feet of Lot 7 in block 7, Indication of returning normal tln.iii In Skinners Donation to Lane 2 Boxes clal and banking conditions. county, situated in Lane Coun- 1 Per Can - ty, Oregon, for the purpose of discharging taxes due ngalnst the For Canning Purposes Designed in Sixes; 34, 36, 38, In place of an egg-beater, rinse »ante and for the support of said 40, 42 and 44 Sixe 38 require* a fruit Jar with cold water Io pre minors. It i'/t yard* of 35 incn material. ... . , Rav, Amos A. Hills, Darllla Trine, CASH PAID vent sticking, break your eggs Ini- i Tr1nP, Zeijn Urlck. and Oolln spend a certain amount of tim e do­ the jar anil shake It's simple und Kincaid, next of kin of said minorai ing house work and need a dress satisfactory. and all others Interested In their; Royal Ann's Must Have Full Blush and Contain Sugar. r-state, show cause before the court ; which combines charm with utility nt Its chambers In the court house as tills one does. The cutting and Bings Must Be Black But Firm. Must Be Delivered In Eugene, Oregon, at 10:00 A M making can he accomplished in a of Friday, July 13. 1934. why said Warm your pie plate - on top of Same Day Ae Picked— at few hours, hy following the instruc­ ihe oven before tattling the crust license shoulil not Issue as asked 5 Pounds Ordered further that said next of j tions step by step as they are writ­ In to hake. This will prevent a sog kin nnd other Interester persons j ten. t» crust. tie served with this order hy the Printed percale is the first choice publication of the som e for four for a dres- of this type for it Is a weeks In the Springfield News, ninterlal which com es In pretty de­ r ubli hed nt Springfield Oregon 4th and Pearl Sts. In cooking candy, preserves or June flth, 1934. signs and colors and stands up well FRED FISK, County Judge. Em pty Lugs Can Be Obtained Here. under much tubbing. Oay buttons sugar solutions of any kind, grease 1 Pearls of Wheat Circus With Each Package for the the Inside of the pan near the top , ALLEN. Attorney for and belt buckle to match make a Children. In. order Io prevent boiling over. nice trimming. (Je 714-21-28—Jy 5) D McOOgALD Change H e a r t” Thurston -> » > • VW , /.ÀTfST MARSHALL McKenzie Valley Irish-Murphy Co. tfMEQUALITY HOUSE PAINT Service, Quality and Price SO AP Salad Oil Wright & Sons 55c 25c Shredded Del Monte Wheat Corn - 23c 10c Ray-Maling Company R oyal A nn and Bing Cherries Broken Rice 15c PARK S W A REH O U SE Pearls of Wheat, Pkg.