PAGE THREE THE BPRINQHBLD N E W THURSDAY, JUNE 7. 1984 rated In these nonproductive van 8M 0KING AND DRINKING? WATCH YOUR STOMACH turea I MANY PICK BERRIES ON NEARBY HILLS NOW T A X A T IO N ............ It Is distributed Since capital Is merely the a«r- Blackberries are ripening on the plua product of labor above what burned over lands now and aeveral Fur quick relief from Indignation labor received. the question Springfield people have visited the ■ nd upa»t KtoniBch due tu au ee slv* ■ moklng and drinking try Dr whether that surplus belongs to the berry patches In thia vicinity and III al Homo—Mra. Mary Naet 1» Takaa Vaeatlen — Mlaa Nellie Kmll'a Adin Tablet» Mold on money | employer or to the labor which pro­ gathered a considerable quantity of back guarantee. Plenary'» Drug Stuart left Saturday for Man Fran- reported to be III al her home duced It Is a vexed question that. the berries. The larger patches are elaco to apend two weeka vacation Store Montana Man Hero—C. C Oa- In Its turn. Is the subject of contin­ located In the W altervtlle. Jasper Portland Man Here— Lee Cog of good of Broadlea. Montana, waa a uous compromises, out of each of and Coburg regions. TEACHgRB* E X A M IN A TIO N B Portland waa here Friday vlaltlng bualneaa vlaltor In SprlngftoM Mon­ which labor get* a proportionately tilaaa which haa become cloudy i day. larger share. W ater spots on waxed wool may ________ NOTICK I I h®r«by given that tba with relatlvaa. will be quickly raatored to Ita orb glnal rlaarnaaa and luatra If a lllllr County School Huperlntnndant of Stnce public capital I» exactly be easily removed by rubbing In Return« from Cat« — Thelma Vlaltor from Jaapor— Mra. Mark .. - „ .. . Lan« County, Oregon, will bold lh» like private capital— that Is, the circles with a flannel cloth mois­ rlncgar II u .«1 on It. Or. If waah M gular FMaro|n»tl..ii of applicant« Sebring of Jaaper waa a bualneaa Lip«» returned recently from a two- , surplus of wealth above what I» tened In turpentine. lug anda la uaad In warm water, , fog «tat« Inuchar»' cartlflcataa at vl Itor In Springfield Monday year trip which took her to New C A P IT A L IS M .......................defined consumed In the course of Its pro­ Inalaad of aoap, the Banta «1 fact the Ijana County Court Houaa aa York and Mon Franefaco. ,, , u , .... People apeak of capltallam aa If duction— It follow» that the larger will r«*ult follow»: Commencing Wadneaday. Boy III— Richard Flattery, »on of ________________________________ Juna I I . I »34 at 9 o'clock a m and Mr and Mra. F B Flanery waa III Mother III— Mr. and Mr*. Jim It were aome aort of an organized the share of capital accruing to SAVE------ continuing until Friday. June 16. Mai'Manlman left for Portland Sat ' plan liopoaed upon people unable to labor, the larger the share of taxa­ EVERY DAY NECESSITY al hla home here thia week. 1934 at 4 o'clock p m C. A. W IN TK R M K IK R urday afternoon where Mr» Mar- help themaelvea. Capltallam la tion must be borne by labor. There DEAL L C. M O FFITT. Attarnay al Law Marcóla Realdent Haro — Mlaa Manlman'a mol her la III. Co S c h o o l S u p i merely a name for the «yateni I» no such thing as taxing capital Package, double edge 764 W lllamatta lugana, Oragon I j a 7 . Abbie Ford of Marcóla waa a bual Razor Blades 15c which haa grown naturally out of out of existence. Individual capital­ Licensed to Wed—George Baker mankind'» ability to produce a aur- N O T IC I TO CRKOITORS re»» vlaltor In Springfield Tueaday Golden Mist. French powder 50c W IL L S A W IL L S ists may be taxed Into poverty, but In tba County Court of tba State and Ml M rod latrane Wetaelle. both plua of wealth beyond Immediate Attornaya at Law Linen Thread, spool .... 10c that Is merely the conversion of of Oragon for I^tne County Weak-ond In Portland — Mlaa of Marcola obtained marriage lie Bank a* Commerça Bldg., lugana I|Oth)„ g wea)(h Shoe Strings. 2 pair ........10c private capital Into public capital. In tba M altar of tha Katata of Thelma Sweeney, teacher In the en»r at the court house Tueaday N O T IC I OF I H I R I F F ' I S A L I Olalla McAlpIn alio known aa C. not requital for productive use at The only way capital 1« destroyed V A L V E «6« Springfield achoola, «pent the week­ R IA L P R O F IR T V MrAlpIn. deceaaed Mova» to City— Ml«» Jerry Ho­ the moment. Every man who haa a Is by wasting It. Private Individuals ALL FOR 45c end vlaltlng In Portland Notlce la haraby giren that the NO TIC E la hereby giren that by ward of Vaughn ha» moved to dollar In a aavlnga bank and doe» waste It by spending It on unpro­ 42 50 Corsets . ... 50e uuderaigned haa been appointed aa ¥lrtUB of an elecutlon and order Cornea from Bend— Floyd Magill Springfield and la making her borne not need it la aa much a capltallat ductive luxuries, great estates, admlnlatrator In tha abore entitled of aale laaued of the Circuit Court HOFFMAN'S a« a millionaire la. matter All peraona haring claim* of the State of Oregon for la n e of Bend came here Tueaday to vlalt with Mr». A. B. Van Valxah yachts. In other ways that serve DRY GOODS STORE agallili aald «alate are required to County thia 23rd day of May, 1634. with hl» mother. Mr». Mary Magill no legitimate need but are merely Capital la destroyed only when preaeat aald claim* duly aerified to upon and purauant to a decree duly Vlaltor» Monday Mra. Dora H ar­ who ha» been III for »ame time. ostentation. Government wastes It the underalgned admlnlatrator at glren and marie by aald Court the per of Glendale and ber daughter, It la consumed by Individuals, ft la by giving It away In return for hla offlre In Kugene. Oregon with­ 20 day of February, 1684. In a ault Return to San Diego— Mr» Ruth Mr». C. W Brook», of Eugene were not lost when It la Invested In per in a ll month* from thia 10th day pending therein In which L. II. Mul­ little or no productive labor, and Byrna and daughter«. Betty, left elettore at the Carl Olaon home manent things, like buildings and of May. IB34 key waa plaintiff and Melvin Han- by letting political grafters steal tt rallroada. The Individual« who in C. A W IN TK R M K IK K . Admin aen and Ethel llaneen. hla wife, Sunday for Man Diego where they here Monday. a* It passe» through their hand--. titrator and Aleg Bodner and Catherine will make their home veated may lose, but the building (M 16-17 3441—J 7, To Meet Huebend— Mr». U s iti remain». The outcry agalnat <-apl- Itodner. hla wife, were defendant! H IS T O R Y ......................,645 ruling Claaa Haa Píenle— Member» of Shipley left Tueeday for Bremer which «locution and order of aale waa to me directed and command the junior claaa at the high acbool ton. Waahlngton where «he waa to tallarri 1» not really aimed at the The first efforb to regulate the F R IO I . SM ITH ■y»tem. which 1» the only »y»tem ed me to aell the real property u»>- of private capital In thia coun­ Attorney at Law held their annual picnic at the join her hu»band who la in the under which real wealth ever ac­ hereinafter deecrlbed to aatlafy Miner Bldg„ Kugene, Oragon certain lien* and ebargea In aald Swim mera Delight reaort Saturday try is set down In the Proceeding» navy. cumulates. but agalnat individuals of the General Court of Plymouth decree «pacified, I will on Saturday N O T IC I OF B H BRIFF’S SALS who divert too high a proportion of Juror In Portland— IIarty Wblt Cornea from Michigan— Mr« Kitty the 23rd day of June. 1934. at the Colony for the year 1645. John 1 OF R IA L F R O P IR T V their temporary ahare of the On tha 30th day of June 1BS4 at hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M . at the ney returned to Portland Monday Aman of Lanilag. Michigan arrived Stockbridge of Scituate, who wa» the hour of 10 A M at tba front aouthweat door of the County Court where he la aervlng on the federal here recently to make her home world' capital to non-social u«ea. my earliest American ancestor, way • • • Eugene. Lane County. door of tha Court llouae In Eugene, i Houae In _ grand jury. with her aon-lnlaw and daughter. brought before the court and Lane County. Oregon. 1 will aell at Oregon, offer for aale and aell at auction to the hlgh«at bidder for ' public auction for caah, »“ Meet to charged with being a mopopolist. S O C IA L IS M ................State owned Aaalatant to Doctor— Mlaa Doria Rev. and Mra. Kenneth Toblaa. caab the following dearrlbed real I redemption aa provided by law. all Stripped of all of It» sophomoric in that he owned all the water­ Girard la a»alatlng Dr. Milton V Son Born— Mr and Mra. Codgel property located In la n e County, of the right, title and Inlereat of Oregon trnwlt- I the defendant! In aald ault and of W alker at hla office during the ab Zlolkoakl. Wendllng. are the par entaglement«, the eaaence of 8o- power» In the colony and had put Beginning at a point 40 rode , all partlee claiming by, through or ■once of Mlaa Ann McGookln who enta of a baby aon born to them at dallam 1« not the abolition of capi­ only one of them to u»e. with hi» Mouth of the Northeaat corner of under them or any of them. In or I» on her vacation grist mill. He wa» ordered to ag*Ae—e t a «M t the Nelaon Maternity borne In Eu tal, but the ownership of all capital the J B Southworth Donation , to the following described either build mill» on the unused by the State. The tendency In that gene on Wednesday. May 30. 1934 60. running j property, to-wlt: To California— Mr» Emory Pyle latnd Claim No direction ha» been growing strong water power» or »ell them to some- Beginning at a point 210 feet thence South 40 roda. thence and Ml»» Baaell Adam» left Sunday Former Jeweler Hero — D. W. er for more than a hundred year». one who would. He built a sawmill Weet of a point on the North Weet 40 roda. thence North 40 for California to vlalt with Mra Roof, former Springfield Jeweler, Private capital used to build and on one alte. and »old the other to line of the L K Darla D. L. C. roda, and thence Ra«t 40 roda Pyle'a mother. No 42 at a point 14.09 chain* left Friday for hla home at Portland operate highway» and bridge«, hl» son-in-law. to the place of beginning. In Sec­ Eaat of a point 6 9« Chain* tion Twenty «me (11) Townahlp It has always seemed to me that after spending aeveral day» here charging toll for every traveller or Vlaltors Hero— Mra Dale Hlnaon South of the Quarter Section Sixteen (14) South of Range Five vehicle that used them. Long ago a sound principle wa» established Corner on the line between and daughter, Carolyn, of Gawego, vlaltlng with friend». (6> Went of the W illamette those enterprises became Invest there Private capital might Justly Sertlooa 23 and 24 of Townahlp Meridian. In la n e County. Ore­ arrived here Friday to apend a few Return Homs— Mr». Ella Buley 17 S R Four W eal of the be required to go to work for »ome gon. together with the tenementa, day» vlaltlng with Mr. Hlnaon'a left Saturday for her home at Van ments of public capital. W illamette Meridian, and run­ hereditament! and appurtenan Agriculture.-fishing, mining and •octal purpose, such as building a parent». Mr and Mra. Fred Hlnaon ning thence South 334 94 feet, couver. Waahlngton after »pending cee thereunto belonging, or In manufacturing are still In the sawmill. In a perfect social »ys- thence Weal 150 74 feet, thence anywlae appertaining: two month» In Springfield vlaltlng Attend Vet Meeting — Mr and hand» of pjrivate capital The com­ tem It would not be a permissible North 234 94 feet, and thence Said aale la made under execu Eaat 150 74 feet to the place of Mr». M B. Huntly returned Monday with Mr and Mr«. T. C. Barker. lion laaued out of the Circuit Court plete Social program would make for It» owner to withhold more ot beginning: of the State of Oregon for the from Salem where they »pent the In Graduating Claaa— Mlaa Fran alt of those functions of the State. ita benefit» than sufficient to main­ Alto. Beginning at a point County of lan e, to me directed In tain himself and hl» family in rea­ week-end attending the annual aee ce» Trave»» of Springfield la a 234 94 feet South of a point 359 the caae ot State lan d Board of ■Iona of the Veteran'» of Foreign sonable comfort. feet Weat of a point on the member of the graduating claaa at Oregon, etc., va Effie L. Ranklna. R E G U L A T IO N .............. U. S. aim North line of the L. K Darla Such a rule would be absurd, War» et al Monmouth thia year. She will com What we seem to be heading for however, even wicked. In a political D L. C. No. 42 at a point 14 09 C. A SW ARTS. Sheriff of plete her work In July . chain* Eaat of a point 4 96 NOTICE FOR PUB LICA TIO N In America la a compromise be­ system riddled with inefficiency la n e County. Oregon. IB chain* South of the Quarter By A. K. H l ’LEQAARD. Deputy FOREST EXCHANGE UN Missouri Man Hara — Calvin tween uncontrolled private Capital­ and honeycombed with graft. Pri­ Section Corner on the line be Drlaaka Department of the Interior, United Smith of St. Joseph. Missouri waa ism and complete Socialism. Tbe vate capital ano Its owners, at the ( tween Section! 23 and 24 of 4 to 6 hour» to soinnth States Land Office. Roooburg. Townahlp 17 8 R Four Weat a business visitor In Springfield compromise Is tbe continuance of worst, are far more honest and far tra n s p a ra n t :tttüah.LIN-XUaciA>_ H n la h . L U t - X M a a w Oregon, May 14th, 1964. of the W illam ette Meridian, Notice la hereby given that on Friday. He was registered at the private Capitalism under State re­ more careful of the uses they put and running thence South 200 gulation We have had that In the their capital to than any govern May 16lh. 1934. Mary Norberg. of Springfield hotel. feet, tlience Weat 141 742 feet, vrator won't tuna i t white. W o a x Oak Grove, Oregon, filed applica­ case of railroads for fifty years. It ment I know of. thence North 200 feet and a heal aaarha. N o t aa orut- R e t u r n from Trip— Mr. and Mra tion No 02140« under the act of seems to be close at hand In the thence Eaat 141.742 feet to the ' vuraiah. N o t lac^ua«^ N o t Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN March 20. 1922. (42 Btat.. 465) to Riley Snodgraaa returned Thursday place of beginning, alt In lame matter of telegraph, telephone and D o w not aaaka flo o r »Up- exchange (he 8W«A Sec 23. NW14 Naturopathie Fhyelelan of last week from California where radio communications. County. Oregon r. Haa no iHaagratohia odoar- ! FOURTH IS COMING S B tt. EVkSElA Sec 21. and N E U Dated thia 23rd day of May. 1934 y to apply . . . n o p o lia h in g N E U Sec 24. T 12 8.. R. 9 W . they spent two weeka visiting rela­ Phone 61-J FIREWORKS ON SALE . . . no bruafa marks. G at a quart At the same time, there Is an In­ C. A SW ARTS. Sheriff. W M . within the 8luelaw National tives. By A E HCLBOAARD. Deputy creasing tendency to apply State today. Finish your linoleum to­ from the; Ports’ . for the timber —_ -_ Office Houra: 1 to k P |M 24-31—J 7-14 31) The sput-sput ot firecrackers has night. W a lk on i t in the morniag. S E U N E M Sec. 12. T. ’ 0 8.. R. 3 Cratar Lake Trip— Mr. and Mr» capital to long term enterprises 404 Fourth Street E. W M.. within the W illam ette Meaklns and her father. Rich which do not promise a direct re -1 already began on the Springfield , FRANK A. DE PUS Attorney at Law National Forest ard John*, have gone to Crater turn In dividends, but which are j streets as the fourth of July fire The purpose of thl« notice la to , Stanley Bldg.. Springfield, Ore presumably Justified by their social crackers went on sale In some of | allow all person» claiming the lands la»*** where they value. This includes such things as the local shops this week The com NOTICE TO CREDITORS »elected, or hovlng bona fide ob- summer months. M r Meaklns W atchm aker and Jawalar parks, many classes of highways, ing of June usually brings out early | Notice Is hereby given that the llectlon» to such appll-atlon an op-: ,,nip,oyw) a, the |«ark Hardware — Furniture SPRINO6TELD public buildings, and similar enter 1 displays of these noisemakers j undersigned has been duly appoint oorlunlty to file So. Paolflo Watoh Inapeetoc ed Executor of the estate of Mary «he Register of the UnltuB B U tto p , renU Daughter — M r and prises. Private Capital is not Inter-1 which please the chlldrei Radios — Paint First Ciato W ork at Roaaoaabla L. MclTteraon, daceaaed. and any Land <2 " !r \ M , ^ , " ’”*I’" r^ht»ctton» Mrs. Claud W ILon of Springfield Priora and all person» having claim» Any "«ch protawt» or oMawrUonn against the «aid estate are hereby mutt he filed In this office wtthln are the parents of an Infant daugh­ reuulred to present «aid claim», thirty day» from the date of first ter born to them at Miss Nelson's General Law Practice duly verified a» by law required, at nublleation of this notice, which Maternity home In Eugene on Tues­ ?h7 o f? ic e of m n k A. îtoPue. at fir.« publication will be June 7. day. June 6. 1934. I. M. PETERSON lorney for the estate at Springfield. 1934 Attorn»yat-LAw W IL L IA M H CANON. Oregon In iJtne County. Oregon. Register. Leave for Minnesota— Ml»» Pearl City Hall Building Ithln »lx month» from the date of (Je 7 14-21-24—Jy 6) Nelson and her mother. Mr». Ellxa thia notice. Sprlggfla'-d. Oragon Dated and first published. May Nelaon. w ill leave this evening for NOTICE I 7- ,#s* OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Albert Lea. Minnesota where they Date of la«t publication. June 14. Notice is hereby given that the will »pend the summer looking 1934. undersigned. Dorothy Bradburn L ESTER McPHERSON. Execu­ Henderson. Administratrix of the utter property Interest». tor of the estate of Mary L. Mc­ Estate of Esther L. Vernon, de­ Pherson. deceased. ceaaed. has filed her Final Report Return to California — M r and FRANK A DE PUE. Attorney find Account br such Admlnlutrn- t r i i with the Clerk of the County Mm. Hugh Cowart have returned to for estate. of Pittsburgh. Pa _______(M 17-24-31—Je 7-14)______ Court of Lano County. Oregon, and home al San Francisco after that ta t urday. the S^h . day _ of »pending two weeka visiting with NO TICE TO CREDITORS Notice I» hereby given that the June. 1934. at 10:00 o'clock In the Ills parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. undersigned ha» been duly ap- forenoon of said day. In the County Cowart polntrd Administrator of the es­ Court Room at the Court House Rrprastntad By tate of John W. Steven», deceased, at Eugene. Oregon, has been set by R. L. Dickens i and any and all person» having the Hon Fred Fisk. Judge of said Collect Bountle E. H. TURNER claim« against the state estate are ... I hereby required to present aald 64« A BL Bprlagflald. O ra any. and for the final settlement bounty on one bobcat at the office claims, duly verified a» by law re­ of the county clerk Saturday. Earl quired. at the offlre of Frank A of said estate. DORO THY BR ADBVRN HEN- { McKenxIe bridge also col- DePue. In Springfield. Oregon, the DERSON, Administratrix. . Attorney for the estate, In Lane W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys. lected on one coyote the -am County. Oregon, within »lx month* (M 31—Je 7-14-21-28) | from the dnte of thia notice. Dated and first published. May Dentist Visit»— Dr. C. G. Van V al­ 8. D. A LLEN 24, 1934 xah of Roseburg visited here Sun­ Attorney at Law Date of last publication. June 21. P77 W illamette. St Eugene, Ore- day evening ut the home of his 1934 Formerly Walker-Poolt FRAN K COGILL. Administra­ IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT OF mother. Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah. He tor of the estate of John W T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR came down to sing with the Rose­ Steven», deceased. EUG ENE--11th SPR IN G FIELD T H E CO U N TY OF LANK. burg gleonieti at McArthur court. Addreaa: Springfield, Oregon In the M atter of the Guardianship sad Charnalton, 331 Main FRANK A. DePUE. of V irgil J. Hills, and Arlene T. Telepnont 723 Phone 66-J The skin of tomatoes may be Attorney for Estate Hills. Minora. removed by placing them In a ba-1 (M 24 31—J 714 21) C IT A T IO N To Vida O. Ray. Amos A. Hllla. sin. pouring boiling water over FORECLOSURE BALE Notice la hereby given that by lla rrllla Trine. Melba Trine. Zella them, and allowing them to stand virtue of an execution and order for Crick. Dolla Kincaid, next ot kin ot a few moments. The skin will peel aale laaued out of the Circuit Court said minors, and all other persons off then, without trouble. In and for Lane County. Oregon. In Interested In the estate of said CLECTRtC COOKWY 9»»* V®“ FKBWOto tarn kltcto® c* a ault wherein Ole O. Haugen was Minors. G R EETIN G : IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E (^1 yee* kl»ch®« aeHy . . . ••»■*« 15 «•«««»•• k*tar» 4i«n*r Hme « plaintiff and A. J. McKy and others were defendants, to enforce a Judg OF OREOON. You are hereby cited M m ■ perfecta caekad. fe b ti® «, "►*•! Hgb» «" »««• Th®*'« * • 1 ment entered and docketed In said and required to appear In County •4 aa atactac reaga. H gragans gaHa«» «M ah whatba* yaa aaa t k ^ •» suit and court on the 24th day of Court of the State of Oregon, for HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE May, 1934. I have levied upon the the County of Lane, at tbe Court aa* aad h m «a.pfe fe «g®*»»« • « * w e«« « m » la garla«» following real property mentioned Room thereof, at Eugene. In the aafety Mara tfcaa aa« aSNiaa Aararteaa h«««®».»« b®»® «rato I t i T n Hare’s To-day’s Live Nawa County of Lane, on Saturday, tbe In said order of sale, vlx: 30th day of June. 1934. at 10:00 For Fat Woman— And Man, Too Beginning at a point on the Iraa. kltctraa dradg«ry wi»fc «feevrte caMary- W M Y k® ta d fe • Read It— Ptaaaa. o’clock In the forenoon of that day. east line of lot 1 block 18, In then and there to show cause. If PROTECT YOUR Fairmount, according to the any you have, why J. S. Hills, "1 have been taking Kruachen the way a4 y®ar parcfcara ®4 aa i original plat thereof, which la guardlnn of said minora, should not Salts for nearly a year for my E Y E S IG H T ! 133.2 feet aouth of the north­ raag* M yea at» a» aaa®. F®» • «h®r» Hra® t * h «®rag®ay ia i he licensed to sell the following health, and for high blood presaure east corner of said lot and run property of said minors or mort­ with «fectricat drafen ka* a r ra a g ^ fe «rak« it r iiu iM * fe» V®® 1 and rheumatism and it helped both thence aouth 50 feet, thence gage the same, vtx: an undivided My blood pressure waa as high aa weat 180 feet, thence north 50 Your eye» are your most pre­ chara ahaa®» aay arak® ®4 madan. d»g®ndafct® «feetrk raag*. one fourth part of the north 75 290 when 1 started to take Krus- feet, thence eaat 180 feet to the cious possession. Protect them wM> »h® «rararary whlag and wafer heating fecHMea fer ra few a» 94 « feet of lot 7 In block 7. In chen. 1 weighed 855 and now I place of beginning, being a part aa you would your life! . . .Now Skinner's Donation to Lane coun weigh 214 that Is losing 41 lb«.. In of said lot and situated In Lane raaath D® ara ataw Ibfc waadaatot ®gg®rt«a.ty fe gara y< ty, In said county and state about nine months and 1 feel fine. that the brilliant aun la likely | Cohnty, Oregon; and will sell the same on Saturday of Oregon to protect the ownership Wouldn't go without Kruschen to he trying on your eyea, you the 23rd day of June, 1934, at 1:30 of said minors therein and of their ta lts In the house." Mrs. W. Eek- owe It to youraelf to be aure that ' o’clock P. M. at the front door of Interest therein. off, Saginaw. Mich. you are not »training yotpr eyea, W ITN ESS, th e Hon. Fred Fisk, Besides melting away ugly, ex­ I he Lane County Courthouse In Eu perhaps with permanent dam­ gene,Oregon, to the highest bidder Judge of the County Court of the cess fat Kruachen constantly keeps age. . . . Come In for an exami­ 1 for rash, to satisfy the Judgment State of Oregon, for the County of the bowels regular and free from entered In said suit, via, 3«00. with Lane, and the Seal of said Court waste that Is always apt to poison nation today! Interest theron at R per cent from hereto affixed, this 31»t day of May, the system. ; April 10, 1933. 260 as attorney's 1934 Fat folks should give Kruschen a month's trial— it never disap­ fee and 126.70 costs of aald suit (Beal County A T T E S T: Court) W B D ILLA R D . points— you'll feel ao much better ta ld sale will be subject to redemp­ DR. ELLA MEADE Clerk. after taking one lnexpentlve Jar tion as allowed by law. OptomBtrlBt By S IB YL W E S TFA LL. C. A. SW ARTS. which you can get at any drugstore Deputy. In the world—keep» you cooler In Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon 41 W644 B»h Eugene (M 31—Je 7-14-31 (M 24-81—J 7-14-11) hot weather. T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y I AM THROUGH W IT H FLOOR S C R U B B IN G ! /n-x Business Directory C Wright & Sons Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors A KITCHEN RANGE SHE LOST FAT E le c tric ity IS AS CLEAN AS SUNSHINE » MOUNTAIN STATBS «Í?; POWER COMPANY