THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS --------- — -------------------------------------------- Jane *î _________ _____ SPUING H E U ). LA N E COUNTY, UKKOON. THt'ItHDAY **»***«••- 1934 WS M) OU« TH1RTV*F1KHT YEAR, BALL TEAM BEATS COTTAGE GROVE LIONS WILL PUSH Girl Scouts Set CITY GAINS FROM f o r fun Program STATE BLIND AID EERA SCHOOL AID H.S. GLASSES ID OFFER W fflllW l Grov* Pitcher Struck On Arm By Hit Ball and Forced To Leave Game At Start Conv«ntion Delegates Take Stand For State Legislation Giving Relief To Sightless Interest Rune High at School In Queen Conteet; Lion*, Fulop'* Sponsor Girl* CHATTERTON JOINS TEAM Rumor« to the effect that the ■ LEISURE PROBLEM IS UP pack are sponsoring their first operation of the Springfield schools I benefit fun carnival at the Metho­ Fieh Fry Captures Conven­ dist rlxurch next Tuesday evening. an extra month under the FKRA grant li Increasing the warrant In-; tion; Many Attend Stunt June 12. starting at 8 o'clock debterlneea of the district are un- - Night Closing Gathering The main feature of th- carnival founded and untruthful says Dr W. | Scout droop and the Brownlee Owl Davie Facee Reorganization Work At National Guard En* campment Draws Players ______ <- I'laylng without the «ervlce» < 'AMMON, Wii. I'lofeasor llulihell. their regular pitch»* el Kugro (above), French In member» of the Cottage drove hall ( at tli« university of Wis and the father of three i luh went to pieces In their Hunday Is w in n i'i 0» III. t l l l. lt O l i game on their own field agnlnat I *£ tj, I l ls aovsl, " b u l k at the Springfield and lost the contest by I'l 'If«, •* the bad score of 19 4 Hubbell was struck on the arm by a fast hall hit by I) Wright of Springfield early In the contest and had to leave the lineup The Cottage drove game marked the doae of the first half of the Cascade league schedule during which Springfield annexed two wins In five atari* Both of the vic­ tories came following the reorgani­ Local Couple Married Here Friday Eevening at Home sation of the team by William Davis ns manager Of Mr., Mrs. D. B. Murphy This Hunday the Yoncalla team Htandlng under an archway cov­ again meets Kprlngfleld. with one victory to their credit. The game ered with pink climbing roses and will be played on llrattaln field and flanked on either side with large baskets of flowers. Miss Barbara will tart at S 30, Right now aa he gets hla team Adams became the bride of Carl working smoothly llavla Is fared Koeppel of Kugene here Friday with the necessity of eliminating evening at 8 o'clock lu u ceremony two of his present team. Mattison read at the home of Mr. and Mr*. and Fr-emao Bqulres. who will Dalla, II Murphy Preceding the ceremony which leave Tuesday for two weeks In the win read by Rev. Veltle Pruitt, National duard ramp One bright aspect of the situation pastor of the Springfield Christian Is the signing of Robert Chatterton. church. Mrs. Murphy sang. "I Love ace It. O. plaver and former mem­ You Truly." Mrs. Roland Moshler ber of the Kugene Townies to play accompanied her at the piano Mrs. with the local team He will get a Murphy pluyed the Lohengrin wed place In the Infield, probably at ding march. Shirley Drew of Kugene and shortstop and will make hla first appearance In a Springfield suit Rlenhart Patterson of Junction City were the only attendants The Hunday. During the guard camp period the bride wore a white taffeta dress Hprlugfleld team meets the Modern and carried a hoquet of rosebuds Woodmen team from Kugene. and and «weet peas Ml»« Drew wore a the Hills Creek nine, both of which gown of pale blue silk boast stronger teams then when Following the ceremony an In­ they first met. formal reception was held at the l.lneups for the game at Cottage Murphy home during which Miss Kssel Adams, Kvelyn Harris and drove were as follows: Jewel Helterlirand assisted Springfield Ab H • Mrs Koepp«] Is the daughter of .6 Sword . Mrs Klva Adam-, a graduate of D Wright < a F Squires < a the Springfield high school, and an active worker In the Springfield 4 l D Taylor Christian church. 4 3 Mulligan 5 Mr Koeppel la the son of Mr and a Mattlaon Mrs. Frank Koeppel of Peoria. 1111 Thatcher i 4 nols. He has lived In Kugene 6 l G Wright « where he maintains a dental labora­ 3 Shull tory for the paat few years. 0 .a P. Taylor Mr and Mrs. Koeppel will make their horn*' at 470 Van Buren street H Cottage Grove Ab In Kugene. Hubbell ............. b • 0 Swanson 1 0 6 Rrlcker .............. PASSENGER TRAIN HITS 1 Cox 5 TRUCK AT CROSSING Shockley • 4 6 Knickerbocker W. K Barnell and his daughter, 6 0 Shofstall Barbara, narrowly escaped possible • 3 dates death at about 8:30 thia morning a Cochran 4 when the light truck In which they AOAN.'jiiOEPPEL CEREMONY HELD Cooper ..4 l 0 • Minton Short ridge 0 0 Newton MnttDon made a homerun hit for Springfield F. Squires hit a triple, nnd Mattison and Mulligan doubles. LIONS SPONSOR QUEEN FOR H. 8. FUN CARNIVAL were riding north was struck by the westbound Cascade passenger train of the Southern Pacific at the south end of Fifth street. Barnell escaped without Injury. His daughter sustained a few cuts about her face, none of which are expected to be serious, and an in­ jured eye. all resulting from break­ ing of the glass In the right hand door ns the truck careened down the grade Into the wooden crossing sign Rve witnesses contend that the train was traveling very fast and that the whistle on the locomotive did not blow for the crossing. Only the box on the back end of the truck nnd onp pane of glass were dnmngpd on the truck Springfield Lions have named Miss Barbara Barnell as their can­ didate for queen of the high school fun carnival to be held at the high school Friday evening. F. It Ham­ lin and F. B Flanery are managing the campaign for Miss Barnoll and votes which cost one cent each may he purchased at the Flanery drug store. Dr. d. A. Brown was a guest at CHILDREN’S PROGRAM the meeting of the club Friday at AT M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY which time the entire period was The Sunday Church School of the devoted to plans for the annual fish fry nt Cascade resort. Methodist church will assemble at the u-'ual hour of 9:46. The Chil­ dren's Day program will begin at H. S. COMMENCEMENT eleven o'clock II will be held In PROGRAM BEING MADE the sanctuary of the church. The parents and friends of the children Plans for the annual commence­ are cordially Invited. The pastor. ment program at Springfield high Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, will give school are now being completed a short message to the children. according to W. K. Buell, principal Parents wishing their children to The aenlor class of nearly 60 stu­ he baptized please communicate dents will be graduated at the with the pastor. Methodist church In one week, on The Leagues will meet In their Friday evening. June 16, at R re pectlve rooms nt 7 o’clock. The o’clock. message for the R o'clock hour will Mr. Buell has not announced the he: "Why n Heavenly Vision.” commencement speaker. Members Coburg Mathodlat of the senior class and others In At 9:46 the pastor. Dean C. Poin­ the school will he heard In musical dexter. will preaeh from the text: numbers on the program which will "We Know In Part." The Church Include the orchestra. school will meet at 10:30. SILKWORMS SPINNING IUKA CIRCLE MEETING COCOONS AT FEED STORE TO BE AT EGGIMANN'S The Japanese silkworms which were placed on exhibition at the Adams Heed and Feed Store here last week are now entering the co- < non stage and about half of them have already spun n case of silk about themselves. The larva will eat Itself out of the cocoon even- lually and become a butterfly. Scout Troop, Brownie* Plan; Program, Carnival at M. E. Indebtedness Actually Held Church Tuesday Evening Down $5.827 Below Eight- Month Term Under Grant Members of the Hprlugfleld Girl Mrs. C. F. Kgglmnnn will be hostess nt her home this evening for the regular meeting of Iuka circle 37. members. Plans for the convention to he held at Astoria on June 18 will be completed at the session. Several Springfield people are planning to attend the Attoria gathering. will he a one-act comedy presented by 10 girls. Theh title of the play being "Mrs. Apple and Her Corps.” The role of Mrs Apple la being taken by Myrna Noll. Other charac­ ters In the play are Anabelle Alder by, Gloria Grown; Bwlluilorea Blink, i’oggy Wright; Bertha Buttonbuat, Ruth Keeler; Nellie Nlbbleblt. Ethel Ruth Fulop, Fat In* Stubble, Inez Oram; Leenora Stubble, L»- oria Ware; Agatha Almshoot. Fran­ ces Oram; lor* Dumbly, Roberta Putman; Klactou« Emmaus. Mary Alice Bartholomew. Besides thia play the Brownie troop will have a side show and there will be several conceaatons such as fish ponds, fortune telling, home made Ice cream, candy, pop corn, balloons, and hot dog*. The public la invited to attend A general admission of 10 cents Is being charged, and admission to the other events will vary from 1 to 6 cents. Miss Eunice Gerber, captain of the troop, la general chairman for the fun carnival. MANY PRIZES DONATED Hall Arrange* Three Wrestl­ ing and Five Boxing Bouts At Gym Friday At 7:15 H. Pollard, chairman of the school Student* at the high school are board in a statement Issued today about to transform the building In­ In an effort to clear up much ap­ to one of the largest carnival cen­ parent misunderstanding In that re­ ter* ever created In thl* city as gard. Despite th- lengthy explana­ tion made in the columns of the KAN HAS CITY , . . Former U. 8. they prepare for the annual Stu­ News a few week« ago. the accusa­ Senator Jainea A. Reed (abova), is dent Body Fun Carnival to be held tions of Increasing the district in­ of the opinion that he is needed in Friday evening starting at 7:15 p. debtedness continue, be declared. Washington again to curb Bolahevik ni. The carnival la so extensive trends and is reported aa being la that it cannot all be boused within In the first place. Dr Pollard re­ the race to regain his Senate seat the school, and the first two events minds. the FKRA funds are an out­ are scheduled for the gymnasium. right gift to the district and will Promptly at 7:15 Marion Hall, amount to approximately »8.074 : who la directing the show, will pres­ covering the lime from April 2 until , ent «lx wrestlers in short matches. June 16. They will be matched as follows: Actual figures show that the en­ Woody Ware versus Robert Toby, tire payroll of the teaching stafr l-amar Brat tain versus Randall amounts to »816 per week. Of thio Ray. and Verlln Posey versa* Jack amount approximately (81 la paid Williams. married women and for excess sal­ Immediately following the wrsstl Favor State Aid Miss Loudelle Williams To aries over »100 monthly. This ing Hall will present five boxing The convention went on record Become Bride of Fred Buell bouts with Malcolm Hanson of Wal- leaves a balance of »734 weekly favoring the adoption of some legls which the district receives from . At M. E. Church Saturday terville matched against Randall of 1st Ion providing state compensa­ the FKRA above what they actually Eugene In the main event. Others tion for the blind who are without The marriage of Miss Loudelle' expend. • matched are Wayne Crabtree and means of support. A model law WilltaSLX to Fred Buell at the Meth-! Figuring the expenditure from Mervin Mulligan, Kenneth Cox and was prepared and copies given dele- April 2 until May 26 when the dis j odist church here Saturday evening : Don McArthur. Everett Chetwood gates from each club The law If at 8 o'clock promises to be one of j trict would Have concluded the and Ruff of Eugene high school; passed In tlregou would be admin school year without the grant, the the largest weddings of the season I and Bobby Calkins and Harold Han­ Istered by the board of control and in Sprts'Tteld. All friends of both total saved amounts to »6.872. This would carry a tax levy of one-fifth son. amount antually reverts back to the of these ropular young people are The audience will then be In­ of one mill on real estate. It would district In the nature of reduced Invited to attend the ceremony vited Into the high school audi­ exempt property of blind people which will be one of utmost simpli-, warrant Indebtedness which would | torium where a stage show will be from taxation up to a value of city. otherwise have been Increasing. »1.000 Miss Margaret Jarrett will play I presented featuring first the coro­ in addition the teachers are be-, nation of the queen whose name Without using the words. Rev. the wedding march and will ac-I will be announced when final rotes Ing paid a total sum of »2.446 for William Murray Alien, director of company Mrs. Buford Roach who’ are counted Friday morning. The the additional three weeks of j Lions Intenatlonal fom Grand will sing two songs. “Because,” and ; Dramatics club will present a short Forks. N. Dakota, made a strong Robert Chatterton To Join school. This money, together with "O. Promise Me.” skit, and students will preaent In the »6.872 saved the district. Is plea for a return to the rugged In­ Faculty In Fall; Election Miss Williams will be attended i pantomime, a playlet entitled “An actually being paid workers in the dividual! m of the earlier Ameri­ Plans Made By Board Songs and musical community in real cash and not in by her slater. Miss Annette, and ( Operation." cans In his address at the annual warrants which are still discounted, Paul F. Alley of Moro. brother-In-' numbers will complete the stage banquet Monday evening. law of Mr Buell, will be his best Robert Chatterton. graduate of show. , In later seaalons the problem of the University of Oregon, was em­ says Dr. Pollard. man. Following this the audience w‘11 youthful delinquents wan discussed ployed by the Springfield school Members of the immediate fami­ and the great need of finding use­ hoard last night to teach in the lies and relatives will meet at the be invited to visit the various side­ ful activities to occupy the people high school. He will devote most Williams home following the cere­ shows and concessions located In nearly every room of the building. of the country durtng their ever In­ of his time to teaching in the high . mony for an Informal reception. A public address system in front creasing amount of leisure time school. He will devote most of his I Mias Williams la the daughter hall will inform the crowds cf the was stressed. The need Is especial­ time to teaching? hut will also as-1 of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Williams. • location of various booths and of ly great among the young persons «1st M'-rlon Hall with the athletic I She received her education In j the activities of certain people. who are unable to find employment work, taking over most of the has-' Springfield graduating from th e 1 Names of the organisations or and who drift Into crime so easily ketball and baseball coaching work , Springfield high school. classes and the concessions they declared Rev. Allen. Chatterton received his high , Entire Springfield Company Mr. Buell is the son of Mr. and school training In Bellingham., Of 19 Persons To Leave Mrs. W. E. Buell. He also gradu-1 will offer are as follows: seniors, To Buy Four Radios "Monte Carlo.” and “Kiss in the ated from Springfield high school.' The convention voted to purchase Washington, and came to Oregon ; Tuesday for Two Weeks Dark”; Juniors. “Fish Pond” and from th» University of Michigan attended the University of Oregon, “Fortune Telling"; sophomores, four new radios for the children's Annual exodus of the Springfield and completed a course at the Los farm home cottages at Corvallis 11« has won letters In baseball, "Shooting Gallery” and "Chemical National Guard unit. Headquarters' Angeles School of Embalming.1 nd to have the othera rebuilt and basketball, football and track, at Magic”; freshman. “Calmret" and Company. First Battalion. 162nd In- ■ passing his state examination In Improved. The radios in each of the University of Oregon and has “Hawaiian.” fantry. for summer training and had considerable experience in re- Oregon this spring. Both of the the cottages were donated by the demonstration at Camp Clatsop on The Girls League will offer young people have been active in Lions clubs of the district and are feree'ng baseball and basketball the north I’aclflc coast will take the Methodist church of this city. • Freaks of Nature” and “Hodern maintained by the Corvallis and games. He Is also highly recommended place here Tuesday morning at Salem clubs. Following the ceremony the cou­ Orchestra"; Boys League. "Nigger by faculty members of the Univer­ 5:15. Members of the local com­ ple will leave to make their home Baby” ; domestic science, “Pirates An offer by Dr. Sten’II of Port­ sity where he won scholastic hon­ pany will be taken to Eugene on a at Tillamook where Mr Buell Is Du gout”. bus and there they will be taken land to donate several acres of his ors in his studies. Candidates for the honor of queen associated with the Henkle Funeral golf course tract near Newport to The school board also purchased on a special train direct to the t and the groups sponsoring them are home. the clubs of the district to be used four new typewriters for the com­ summer camp. Visitors from out-of-town expec-1 Lillian Butler sponsored by the Every member of the unit, seven as a camp and meeting place for mercial department at the high first- )ear students; I-a Moyne Lions when visiting on the coast school, and named members of the teen enlisted men and two officers, ted here for the ceremony will in -, Black, sophomores; Edna Severson. elude Mr and Mrs. Paul F. Alley, are expecting to attend the camp was received and the project will school election board. These are Juniors; Dorothy Robinson, sen­ be Investigated by a committee to John Ketels. Frank Gordon, and this summer for the two weeks, of Moro; and Mrs. Chari.s D. Fer iors; Echo Tomseth. Fulop’s store; guson and daughter. Katherine of period. The troopers will return! he named by T. R. Gtllenwater*. Rev. Frank 8. Clemo. and Barbara Barnell. Lions club. All petitions for director and to the city sometime Tuesday. June, Bellingham. Washington; Mr. ami new district governor from Klam­ A valuable door prise and many Mrs. E. E. Barzee of Moro; Mr. and 24. ath Falls. Frank Tate was re­ clerk mu't he filed with the dis­ The complete personnel of theI Mrs. Albert Woodard and children script prixes hare been donated by elected as district secretary. The trict clerk not later than Friday Newport Lions have offered to pro­ evening for the election to be held . local company will he as follows: , of Cottage Grove; Mrs. Carletia local merenants to be given away First Lieutenant. Charles A : Buell, grandmother of Mr. Buell, during the evening. These prixes vide maintenance for the site If i June 18. Only two petitions have restrooms and a cottage are built. I been filed at this time. They are Swarts; Second Lieutenant. Walter and Mr. and Mrs. R Buell, and Include such merchandise as an | those of C. F. Barber for clerk and N. Gossler; Staff Sergeant Nell H. Mr and Mrs. S. L. Buell, uncles Eastman Kodak. Golf Problem Settled Gillons; Sergeants Orval A. Cant­ all of Dallas; Helen Newby of Dr. W N. Dow for director. Assisting Hall is Miss DeEtta The golf trophy set up by the I-a A petition nominating Dr. W. H. rell. Lloyd W. Mattison. Verrol N Salem. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Allen, Sandgathe. business manager, apd Grande dub for Individual play Pollard for director has been signed McFarland. Freeman C. Squires. and Kent Munroe, cousins of Miss Morgan Chandler, advertising. will h ■ returned to Individual play and will be filed soon. Another Corporals—William G. Cox. Ivan Williams, all of Eugene. next year when the convention petition has been circulated nomin­ C. Starmer, Hersey F. Tomseth, ■ meey* at The Dalles It wa« decided ating Severt Jacobson as clerk, Kverett T. Squires. LOCAL MEN GET PARTY Another cup for team play winners but Mr. Jocabson has not decided Private:—Lloyd F. Frese. Joe D. NEW SCHEDULE FOR LEGISLATIVE POSTS will be provided. DEPOT IS ANNOUNCED yet whether he will enter the race. Gerber, Leroy B. Inman. Robert D Richardson. Arlan N. Schantol. Two Springfield men. Dr. W. N. Attending the business sessions Hours (luring which the Southern Bruce O. Squires. Dalton (). Thur Dow. dentist, and Glen B. Wood, from Springfield were W. F. Walk­ EVANGELISTIC SERMON Pacific depot Is now open were an- > man. Jack E. Williams. principal at the Brattaln school, er. F. B Hamlin, F. B. Flanery. and AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH nounced this week by Carl Olson, were named congressional commit­ Thelmer J. Nelson. Walker pre­ ' i ■»■■ u s e | agent. Effective from last Thursday teemen of the republican and demo­ sided at the banquet and was a Rev. Veltle Pruitt will preach an­ SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Mr. Olson Is stationed at the depot member of the International con­ other of his evangelistic sermons at HONORS BRIDE-ELECT from 8 a. m. until' 4:00 p. m. The cratic parties re pectively Satur­ day at meetings of the two party vention committee. Flanery war* the Christian church Sunday even­ depot is then closed until midnight ' placed on the resolutions body, ing. Other details of his services Member of the Sunday school; when E. A. Runimel. recently of product committeemen. J)r. Dow was reelected to his post. Nelson headed the major activities are unavailable ns he la out of the class of Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah were Cascade Summit, keeps it open Fred Stickles will head the coun­ group, nnd Hamlin and Karl Mills city with the young people on Blue entertained at a party given Friday until 8:00 a. m. ty republican organization, and Ed­ mug by Miss Margaret Gorrle of Cottage Grove campaigned for River. A large number of trains are now -------------------_ _ r _ | at her home east of Springfield. ward F. Bailey will lead the demo- the return- of the La Grande golf being moved over the railroad says ( ratlc forces during the next year. During the evenln: members of the trophy to individual play. BIRTHDAY DINNER HELD Mr. Olson. Some increases in