FEB* FUNDS FOR Ci. AGENT AIDE Ou* group vail plaque ha» boon The Indoor cirrus of the Ameri­ can Lsglon at the Eugene armory awarded b y a national commute* June 4 to * tndustv* will have no to iimpluyeea Uf the Soul b e l l i Call local talent as all of the 18 big ferula Telephone C o, and another circus acts will be supplied by the to employees of (he Associated Woat States Circus. which In the Telephone Co., of Long Reach, ac­ past three years Ineludlug both cording to word receive«! by Mrs. summer and winter have covered Zella Cantrell, local telephone the entire western state from Can­ manager. Many telephone girls mid men ada to Mexico, playing for frater­ nal organisations and are known stuck to their poets continuously us America's premiere fraternal at- 24 to 48 hours and longer, refusing | traction which name waa given to leave, during the earthquake in i them by the Spokane Review when Southei n California last year. i they playe«! Ihai city under th ■ The impossibility of singling out nusplces of the Spokane Shrtuers Individual« fur personal medals re­ The old saying, “that the circus quired conntlng all the employees take* all of the money out of town'' of each company as winners of the 1» a fallacy, the management »ay» gioup plaques This is the first There are 711 people with the »how lim e such a citation has been made Putting the living expaaaea of each In the history of the National Vail individual al the lowest possible medals, memorials Io Theo. N Vail, minimum at 81.1 a week, that alone pioneer llell System president. would mean that the circus per­ sonnel will sp ud around »1300 In SCHOOL BOARD RACE the city fur hoi el» and meal» aa LAGGING IN INTEREST ' the circus doe» not carry any With no new development in the sleeping car» or cook-house. This of course In addition Io hall campaign for school director dur­ rent, electricity, hill posting, newa- ing the past two weeks. Interest In Itaper advertising, hauling and one contests has been lugging with but hundred other incidental» will little concern being displayed Dr W H Pollard, firs! to an­ mean that the show will »pend nounce his candidacy, has not yet around $2500 In addition Io the circus there ill d his petition for renominatlon will be exhibits on the main floor Petitions nominating Dr W N of the armory »uch a» radios, sew ­ Dow as director and renominating ing machine«, washing machines, 4’. F. Ilarber as clerk have been tiled and frlgldalres. Relief Funds Availvable For Assistants Doing Rehabili­ tation Work in Relief Field A ssistants io county agent», either men or women, muy be ent ployed with emergency relief fund» Io devote their entire time to rural rehabilitation phase» of the relief program. according to statement» front the Agricultural Extension Service and Federal Em-rgencv Relief Administration “Although county extension agent» are very busy with their regular and emergency projects, . they can usually find time to help county relief committee». In parti cular they can couduct county wide demonstration meetings and short courses in work which relief fami­ lies might do outside of time spent on their small food and feed tracts.' ' according to H. W. Gilbertson, sen­ ior extension agriculturalist. Mr. Gilbertson said instructions might be given In: “Carpentry, painting, plastering, papering, and cement work to pre­ pare Individuals to assist with work of this kind In rural communities; "Running levels, laying out ter­ races. and dainage ditches; "Itnstalling water supply and sewage disposal system s In farm homes; “Clothing construction and re­ modeling for those who are to help make up or renovate clothing for relief fam ilies; Furniture and home equipment repairing, and repairing farm tna chinerv. Mr Gilbertson pointe»! out that county agents and vocational teach­ ers are expected to act “only in an advisory capacity.” and will not serve as members of the county or rural committees. They should, however, attend ail meetings of county committees, he stated. The statem ent suggested that that county rehabilitation commit­ tees include five to seven "public spirited home makers, farmers and other citixens in full sympathy with the program." This committee should include. It was said, the president of a women's organization or some other leader among rural women. In addition to the county committee, it was suggested that there be a committee of three to five members in each community. TWO WIN OFFICES III P .U . COUNCIL Mr». 0. C. Ogilvi» Chosen Secretary; Mrs. V. H. Davit Of Garden Way Treneurer Mis. II A. Sims of Suuta Clara uuit was re-elected president of the Lane county I*. T. A. in their fluul meeting of the summer here last Thursday Mrs. J P. Wray of River Roud unit Is (he vice-president and Mrs. 1*. C. Ogilvie. Sprlugfleld le ecretary. Mrs V »1 huvls of Garden Way is Ihe new treasurer. The silver teapot given Ihe school making ihe best record lu Ihe membership contest was won uguln fur Ihe second year by Ihe River Rtuid unit Ituslueu« reports of Ihe Council showed dial the county has now 11 active units with u combined uietn bershlp of 750 members Huppurt of ihe Courtly Cull System for schools wus urged by Mrs Itulph Crowe in an address. Mrs. G. II. Good, stale vice-president from Ku gone, gave reports on (he etate and national meetings W illamette Press Te Print High School Year Beek; Many Picture* Are Includsd Prlutina of the Hprlngfleld high school annual "Muple Ixsf’ 1» now under way ut the W illamette Pres»* shop and distribution of (he com pleled book* will be made by the end of th« school term. Jun« IB. All material 1 for th« book have ben turned In io Ihe printers and all Illustration plate* have been compleled. Morgan CVhandler Is ihe editor- in-chief of the year book Others working on ihe book a re Robert Mi Lagan. l.a in AT H rstials and Mor gun chandler, advertising; class hlalnrlea. social chairman of each class; cover design. Iktrolhy Hob In on. faculty. Elizabeth Vail; sen lor will and prophecy. Alys Thai iher; associated students. Mary Hmltsoii; student activities. Jack Williams; sports. Carter Hartman, pictures. Lamar Bratlaln; dedica­ tion. Theda Bayles. NEW BUN BREAD 18 INTRODUCED IN CITY The new Bun Broad loaf la now Entertainment for the day tea being Introduced to customer» of lured the toy orchestra from the Ihe Hprlngfleld Bakery wherever liraltain school, the boys and girls (be bakery sella bread In Lane quartets from Ihe high school, and county by Carl J. McKee proprie­ a shit. “You're My Raggedy Anu.' tor. This new loaf consists uf four written by Mrs, H. H. Scbaffeu berg and presented by sm aller cbll seel Ions of brand dough cut aud Portland Man Mere—-J W Lari- MOLALLA BUCKEROO TO placed in a baking pan tn such a dren of Ihe Hrattaln school sou of Purtlaud la visiting with manner that whan the bread has FEATURE WILD HORESE friends in Ibis rumiuunlty. been baked and sliced It la cut with Vieits Brother— Mrs Ruby Smith HAPPY EVENING CLUB Ihe grain Instead of acroea the Molalla. May 31—The lllh an­ of Portland Is here visiting with nual Molalla Ruckeroo to be held ENTERTAINED TUESDAY grain as In must loaves. Il I» being her brother. Curl Seuseitey. made In both whole wheat and July 1. 2. 3. and 4 la planning a M a rs h fie ld M a n H e re — P M Can Members of the Mudrlgsl club white and Is wrapped in an entire­ better entertainment this year than any of Its »ucce»»ful history. The non of Murshfleld was a visitor In under the direction of Mrs. Buford ly new and more attractive double Roach presented a program of wrapper. horses are being furnished by Springfield Wednesday. Mr McKee haa been experiment P o rtla n d F o lk H e re — Mr and t-hiyal music Tuesday evening al Hughet and Crow and are being WASHINGTON . . (Top), President Booaevalt passes along his driven overland In easy stages Mrs. A. Aallon of Portland are her« th«s Guest Night program of the Ing with the new loaf for several birthday present from, the nation, a «heck for »1,003,036.08 to Arthur llapy Hour club held at Ihe home months seeking some method <>f from the Rums country which Is visiting with relatives. Caroontar Bemden» Trustee of the Georgia Warm 8prmgs Foundation NT**W YORK * . t Center) Youthful C. H. Johnson, o f Cranberry still untamed by modern life They At Junction City — Mrs Frank of Mrs Leota Rodenb«>ugh Misses eliminating the usual air hole* In j c^oacisg the liBe a winner of the annual Albany-New \ ork are used tn I.akeview and other l.ogan spent Wednesday visiting Doris and Dorothy Girard were as the loaf of bread asd also provldlug Q tv Outboard Motorboat race to the time of 2 hrs., 5» mins., J ot the 132 slstant hostesses at this. Ihe final a loaf which will keep longer with famous round-ups They are the at Junction City. - FOBT HUNT, Va., . . . (Bottom), A general scene of the meeting of Ihe summer which fas out drying out. wildest of the wild These untamed ' ’ ' the Bonus Army of 1934 io congregating to mak' >'• Medford People Mere— Mr. and huckers will test the skill of some Mrs. Frank Martin of Medford attended by 34 members and guests — of the worlds best cowboys who spent Wednesday here as guests Miss Loudell* Williams, who le to SILK WORMS DISPLAYED he married to Fred Buell on June are coming from every stock een- of Mr and Mrs C. F Kgglmann AT FEED STORE HERE MANY SONG HITS HEARD 9. waa honored and presented with ! ter of the northwest including N a tro n ° < o p le H e ro — M r and a gift at the meeting. Canada. IN SWEETHEART' FILM A box of silk worm*, som e of Mrs. W A Sunders and daughter. The fame of the Molalla Buck- (hem ready to go Into the cocoon Avu. of Natron were visitors In The old days when audiences eroo has reached all over America stage, was exhibited at the Adams Springfield Sunday. M. E. CHURCH HISTORY lett a theatre whistling and hum­ and many come from a great d is­ Heed and Feed »tore this week Th* Picnic Cancelled — The District TO BE TALKED SUNDAY worm* were Imported by J. Fulop ming will return when the First tance to enjoy a few days In the Hrotherhood picnic of the Metho­ National picture. "Twenty Million atmosphere of the romantic west and have to be fed on th* leaves of dist church scheduled for last Fri­ "The Trail Breaker,” will be the Sweethearts " is shown at the Me- / 7 .- ... 4 A A D C -M A I I day was anretled because of the them e of a sermor i- >neldnrlng the Mulberry tree Donald theatre starting Sunday. 1 C(y M A R Y A LX- weather. Musical hits to be heard in the I ® ___________________ Jason Lee. at the Me' ir< list church production are “The Man on the- Top; Designed In sixes 2. 4 and ' Th(, p |eaJ,an, „ m h)max of the Dean C Poindexter, pastor of the ina service at 8 p m we will have be held at the meeting this coming numbers heard include “I’ll String S u m m e r P lay Frocks Methodist churches at Springfield die Installation of the officers of I has Just beep pu * ii^nd Universllv of Oregon delivered the Sunday. n Pattern 8229: Mothers will choose address. Diploma« were presented and Coburg, delivered Ihe baccate-i the Epworth League. The theme I Metropolitan I ress Along With You.” "Fair' and War­ Officers chosen are as follows; mer,” "Howm I Doin’.’’ and “What this frock for their small daughter hy Bert Beaver Those who grartn ureate «dress for the Coburg high of the m essage will be: "Old Fires The book 1« written or y Wayne Kendall, president; Charl­ Are Your Intentions.” to wear on long summer after­ ated were Emma Ixiu Baughman. school graduates Sunday morning, on New Alters." | persons. ene Fish, first vice-president; De- noons after the nap. Made in a Helen Settle. Elva Brabham. Joe Ted Fir, Rlto and his orchestra, lores Casteel, second vice-presi­ material which launders well. It Oarmlre Dwight Brown Howard in their appearance as the music- dent; Alwin Johnson, third vice- will look as crisp and fresh a Ihe masters In a Long Island inn. de­ Parks Everett Holstrom: Edward president; Florence Fish, fourth small beanty it adorns. Jacoby. William Copeland. Richard liver a marvelous recording of the vice-president; Dorothy Robinson, It is simple and easy to make. Noble Lawrence Lord. Lester secretary-treasurer; Edna Vest, song hit. Clear Instructions rarytng along W heel“r. Rav WinteY. George Jame­ Toward the end of the picture, song leader; Frances Stiles, piano; the making step by step are given. when Dick is trying to make a son. Wilbur Cox and Bailey Bar­ and Rodney Vest, sergeant-at-arms. One idea for making it is cross- comeback after proving a failure nett. barred dimity in white with plain in his radio career, he sings ‘'I’ll The annual Pleasant Hill picnic white collar. MASONS PUT ON WORK String Along With You.” later be­ will he given June 2 under the aus­ P in a fo re F ro c k pices of the cemetery board AT EUGENE WEDNESDAY ing accompanied by Ginger Rogers. Pattern 8205: Little girls are The cast includes Dick Powell. Mrs. J. A Phelpa. daughter. never too young to like pretty Officers of Liberty Masonic lodge Ginger Rogers, Pat O'Brien, Allen Evelyn, and son. Robert. Mr and things to wear, and this little frock went to Eugene Wednesday even­ Jenkins. Joe Cawthorne. Joan Mr« r r Kilpatrick and two chil­ is so easy to make and to launder ing to confer the Master's degree Wheeler, Grant Mitchell. Henry dren were down from Philomath that mothers and small daughters for Eugene Lodge A F. and A. M. O'Neill. JohDny Arthur, the Four to attend the Pleasant Hill gradu­ will agree on choosing this style Officers of the local lodge are Mills Brothers. Ted Fio Rito and ating exercises. The ide pleats with bows below Arthur Baugh, wor hipful master; his orchestra, and others. Mr and Mrs E B Tinker re­ the kimono sleeves are attractive Harold Stewart, senior warden, points In this little dress and the turned from a weeks tonr of north Severt Jacobson. Junior warden; ern California Iasi Thursday They pinafore effect is very appealing Ira Peterson, senior deacon; Les­ OWL PACKS DIVIDE FOR Printed and plain percale would found many places whene the roads j WE ARE OFFERING HERE BARGAINS TO SAVE YOU MONEY ter Huffstader, junior deacon; Ivan NATURE STUDY HIKES he sweet in blue or pink and also are under construction, curves he Male, senior Stewart; and A. K tug straightened and roads widen ON ALL YOUR WANTS! very durable and color fast. Members of the Brownie Owl iidgell, junior stewart. For Pattern, send 15 cents In ed Monday evening about 10 mem­ Pack were divided into two groups All Wool Camp Blankets, single coin (for each pattern desired), B.-aitilfiil A bh I. of VoU«, Floral Pat- bers of Liberty lodge drove to Monday for their hikes One group your name, address, style number ipniB yard, Creswell to attend a meeting at led by Mrs Donald Meakins hiked Double and size to Patricia Dow, Spring which Leslie M Scott, grand mas­ to Willamette heights, and the 50', Litifii Toweling . yard. ft Id 'Oregon) News. Pattern Dept 80x105 Cotton Bed Spread ter. wa- present. other group led by Mrs. Edgar The manv events which mark the 115 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Broad Cloth In all h I iik I i b , yard Men’s Swenter ( ’out or Slipover Louk and Miss Evelyn Buell, hiked clnslne of th ■ school vear have Mx'.ift MarBliall Fields Bleac-lted to Emerald heights. Both groups provided numerous engagements Men’s Summer Union Suits, short hunted for wild flowers which they Sheeting the past w e e k and the next few sleeves, long legs use in their nature study. days. SlxiiO Light Weight Sheeting Men’s Flannel Pants Rev Ralph Clark preached the High Grade Creton in big variety of 8. D. A L L E N Men’s Heavy Bib Overalls baccalaureate sermon at Leaburg Attorney at Law patteriiH, yard, Sunday night Services were held Men’s and Izidh's’ Garden Strnw 877 Willamette. St Eugene. Ore- for hoth the leab u rg high end Curtain MarquiBette, yard. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Hats, elchth grade graduating classes. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Dalny (lilting Flannel, yard .Men’s (ienulne Fur Felt Hats THE COUNTY OF LANE Graduates from Leaburg high this Genuine KngllHh Broadcloth, yd. in the Matter of the Guardianship year are John Blttle and Bruce Men’s Handkerchiefs, good grade, ea. of Virgil J Hills, and Arlene T. Ladle« Summer Night Grown» Currie. Thursday evening com­ Hills, Minors. li for .......................... Ladle« Cotton Vest mencement exerciser will be held CITATION To Vida O. Ray. Amos A. Hills, Boys’ Mile Broadcloth Wash Suits at Leahurr with Professor Wavne !41 die«' Silk Slip« Darrllla Trine. Melha Trine. Zella I, Morse delivering the address. La France Full Fashion Silk Hone Men’s All Wool Coat Sweaters Urick. Delia Kincaid, next of kin of Tn-sday evening a community said minors, and all other persons Rayon Hose Silk Plated Men’s Rayon Dress Sox, pair reeeetlon given at Ixtabiirg com j Interested in the estate of said Houne Dres«e«, 80 square Minors, GREETING: pllmented their teachers. Hazel de Men’s B. V. D. Union ............ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Sheer Voile Dresses lying and Elmer Halstead. Next | OF OREGON. Yon are hereby cited All Ladles White Shoes to close Monday evening »he young people Ladles’ Slacks, pair and required to appear In County of the commnnitv plan a party a t , Court of the State of Oregon, for Ladles’ Aprons Fast Color, each Old Ladles’ Strap Comfort Shoes the County of Lane, at the Court th‘- I. F Blttle home romnltment- Ladles’ Taffeta Rayon Blips Room thereof, at Eugene, In* the Ladle«* Heavy Work S h o e s ---- Ine the seniors, Countv of Lane, on Saturday, the Ladles’ Bummer BlouHe Sweaters 30th day of June, 1934. at 10:00 Men’s Scout Work Shoes Ladles’ All-Wool Skirts ......... NOTICE o’clock In the forenoon of that day ¿jeEznsxEf O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T then and there to show cause, If la d les’ Mercerized Ilose, p a ir......... Men’s Heavy Work ShoeB ..... Notice Is hereby given Ihat the any you have, why J S. Hills, Ladles’ All-Wool latest style Bath­ nnderslgned. Dorothy Bradbtirn guardian of said minors, should not Men’s White or Black and White ing Suits ......... tlcnrlerHon. Admlnlstratrix of the be licensed to sell the following Shoes ................................. Estate of Esther L. Vernon. de- EASY TO APRLY property of said minors or mort­ Beautiful Asst. Ladies’ Cotton ceas'-d, ha» flled her Final Report gage the same, viz: an undivided DRIES IN 4 HOURS Children’s Shoes and Shirtwaists to and Account as such Admlnlstra­ one fourth part of lot 7 in block trix wlth Ihe Clerk of the Countv 7. in- Skinner’s Donation to Lane M A K E S L IN O L E U M Court of lainp County, Oregon and county, in said county and state BEAR IT ON YOUR MIND, THIS MERCHANDISE IS NOT SPECIALLY PUR­ LAST, L O N G E R Ihat Baturdav. »he 30th day of of Oregon to protect the ownership June. 1934 at 10:00 o'rlock In Ihe CHASED, “SALE MERCHANDISE" BUT ALL STAPLE. HIGH GRADE GOODS AND of said minors therein and of their TA K ES,TH E JW B forenoon of sald day. In the Countv Interest therein. QUANTITY IS LIMITED. Court Room at Ihp Court House OUT OF SÛRUÔBING WITNESS, the Hon. Fred Fisk. nt Eugene. Oregon, has heen «et hv Judge of the County Court of the the Hon. Fr' d Flak. Judge of sald State of Oregon, for the County of QUARTS *1.19 PINT* 6 9 s Court, as the time and place of Lane, and the S-al of said Court Top. Designed in Sizes: 2, 4 and hearlng ohjecllotis Io the nnme. If herpfo affixed, this 31st day of May. 6. Size 4 requires 1% yard oi 35 nny. and for the final selGemnrt 1934 inch material «nth M of sald estate. (Seal County A T T E S T : traat. DOROTHY BRADBURN HEN- Court) W B DILLARD. Below; w : Designed te Stets- i, i, Springfield, Oregon J. FULOP, Prop. DERHON Admlniatratrix. Clerk 4 an(J 334 Main St. Hardware — Furniture 5. Stee 4 requires 1H 9^* By SIBYL WESTFALL.! 35 inch msmrtel v te X r H WELLS A WELLS. Attorney». (M 31—Je 7-14-21 28) Deputy. I Radios — Paint (M 31—Je 7-14-21- Upper WillametteT Sale on Now F ulop’s Store Sale on f t Now of Springfield Mid-Summer Sale of High-Grade Seasonable Merchandise 5 1 .4 8 5 2 .7 5 98c 98c 19c 12c 12c I McKenzie Valiev f ♦ PcCGCc/i/n 8229 39c 22c 69c 57 98 89c 1 7c 10c 15c 12c 39c 9c