THURSDAY, MAY »1, 1914 In South Lane _ W P. Tyson I made a business trip to Cottage drove Friday TOWN AND VICINITY W E L L * A W IL L * Attorney« at Law Bank of Cemmerea Bldg.. Eugene E sp edid Heme — Mr. and Mrs. Movs to Csnary— Mr aud Mrs NOTICB OP t H IR IF F ’B BALE i A W Scott have moved to Canary Riley Mnodgraaa are expected to re­ REAL PROPERTY where they will make their home. turn home this week-end from a NO TICB la hereby given that by I short vaca I loo trip to California. virtue of an execution and order! From Camp Crook — Kenneth of sale Issued of the Circuit C ourt! Chase was a business visitor from Oueet et Hotel— F Grant of Port­ POH BALE CHKAI* POH CASH * M5 ioti HcrMi, 3-rouin hum», of the Htato of Oregon for Lane) Camp Creek Haturday. land was registered aa a guest at Cotwlp HUB Jlid day of May. 1*34,1 burn, chli'keii huuse, ««liar, smuke the Hprlngfleld hotel Munday even­ upon and pursuant to a decree duly 1 hnu*s, won dallad, row. chicken», Moves to Coburg— Miss H artle (rult. nuil garden All In crup John given and marie by said Court the Olson has moved to Coburg where ing 30 duy of February. 1*34. In a suit | L Vaughn. I^iwell, Oregon. It pending therein In which L. II. Mul­ Wendllng People Here — W J she Is Mow employed. key was plaintiff and Melvin Han­ Lloyd, U. 0 . Warford and A. J l-a Fish at Lake— At J'ohl, Joel Cow- sen and Ethel llansen. his wife, H K LI* W ANTED- Auto u»d Ptre Ihrop were all vleltuFs to Spring aud Alex Rodner and Catherine Inxuratice agent for Hprlngfleld liodoer, his wife, were defendants, dsn. snd Rodney Vest rosde good field from Wendllng Haturday. and Lane county. Call till West which execution aud order of sale catches of trout In Hidden lake Grove Folk Hero—Mr and Mrs. tlruadway. office No. t>. M 31 was to me directed and command last week-end cd me to sell the real property Virgil Clover were visitors In hereinafter described to satisfy ! Mohawk Resident Her»— Mrs. J Hprlngfleld from Cottage Grove F ri­ certain liens and charges In said M. Kennedy of Mohawk was a busi­ C. A. W IN T IR M IIK R decree specified. I will on Haturday' ness visitor In Hprlngfleld Hatur­ day. Attorney at Law 734 W illamette gugene. Oregon the 33rd day of June. 1*34. at th e 1 Juror Homo — Harry Whltnoy, hour of 11:00 o'clock A M , at the! day. federal court Juror returned from southwest door of the County Court N O T IC I TO CREDITOR* Father Visits— Mr snd Mrs. W il­ Portland last week end for a abort In the County Court of the Btatn House In Eugene, Ijin e County. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at bur Lloyd have as their guest Mr. vacation of Oregon for I-aue County, lu the M atter of the Estate of imblii mu Huh Tor caah, eubji-« t la Lloyd's father from Oakland. Cali­ Olella McAlplu also known as C. I redemption as provided by law. all fornia. Visitor from Wendllng — Mrs of the right, title and Interest of McAlpla, deceased Beryl Crow of Wendllng was a Notlre la hereby given that the j th e defendants In said ault and of Business Visitors— A W Tldd. H. undersigned has been appointed as ; all parties claiming by. through or 11 Peterson and J H. Markham business visitor In Hprlngfleld Hat­ under them or uny of them. In or urday. administrator In the above entitled matter All persous having claims to the following deacrlbed real were buslmixa visitors In Spring Picnic Postponed— The Christian field Haturday from Wendllng. against said estate are required to property, to-wlt: present said claims duly verified Io Endeavor picnic scheduled for Prl Beginning at a point 310 feet Collect Bounties—John Yarnell. the undersigned administrator at West of a point on the North day evening was postponed because his office In Eugene. Oregon with­ line of the L. E Davis 1). L. 0. Vida, L E Mutthews. Dexter; and of the Inclement weather. in six months from this 10th day No. 43 at a point 13 0* chains Pon-at Hchultx. Blue Iver; each col­ of May. 1334 East of a point 8 *8 Chains To Start Vacation— Miss Nellie lected 14 bounty on coyotes at the C. A W IN T K ItM K lE lt. Admin­ Houth 4 feet Mouth of s point 35* Fishing on Coast— 11. O. Dlbblee IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT OP T H E feet Weet of a point on tbe HTATE OP OREGON IN ANO and his father-in-law left Haturday daughter of Mrs. J. A Manwarlng North line of tbe L. E Davis FOR T H E CO UN TY OP LANE sflttrnoon for the beach at Yachats underwent a major operation at the D I. C. No 43 at a point 18.09 IN PROBATE NO. 603« where they plan to spend several I Pacific hospital In Eugene Tues­ chains East of a point 8 *8 In re Estate of Prank M Vernum. days fishing. Mrs. Roy Lae of Stay- , day morning. chains Hnuth of the tg lsrler deceased. Hectlon Corner on the line be­ ton Is assisting at the store h ere: N otlre Is hereby given that on Portland Folk Here — Mr and tween Sections 23 and 34 of May 3. 1*34. the undersigned as the during th absence of Mr. Dlbblee. Township 17 8 II Pour West Mrs. W illiam Parrelley of Portland administrator of the Estate of of the W illam ette Merktlan. Prank M Vernum. deceased, filed Relief Workers Psld — Twenty cume down Friday to spend tbe and running thence Houth 200 his final account In the above en Hprlngfleld HERA workers received ■ week end with her parents. Mr and feet, thence West 141.742 feet, titled probate proceedlnga; and a total of *172.34 for their weeks ; Mrs Harvey Eaton. that on said date the County Court - thence North 200 feet and thence East 141.742 feet to the work here Saturday. There Is no I of I.ane County. Oregon, made an Return to California — Mr. and place of beginning, all In Ijin e order setting the time for the bear project In Hprlngfleld and tbe men County. Oregon Mrs. Steve Manylk have returned Ing of the said final account Io be Dated this 23rd day of May. 1*34. have to go to Eugene to work on to their home In California after had before the said Court at the C A SW ARTS. Sheriff the airport project. hour of 10 00 o'clock. A. M June spending a week here visiting with By A E HULEG AARD. Deputy. I. 1*34. and directing all having any her mother. Mrs. Walby 8tevena. IM 24 31—J 7-14 31) Delegates Return— Delegatee to objections thereto to file the same the grand lodge of the I. O. O. P. In writing In said proceedings oo On Picnics—Mrs. Rosa Montgom­ NOTICE or before tue time set for the said and to the Rebekah state assembly ery accompanied her daughter aud OF FINAL SETTLEMENT hearing returned last week-end from T ills r.oB-ln-law. Mr. and Mra. Herbert AHHEK M VEACH. Adminis­ NO TIC E Is hereby given that the M J. Mi Klin and Elmer E. ! trator of the Estate of Prank 1 undersigned. J. A. Olbson. Admin­ mook Hmeed and (amity on a picnic out­ Pyne represented the Hprlngfleld j M Vernum, deceased istrator of the Estate of Knute O. ing near Coburg Sunday. 111! S LA TTE R Y , Attorney for Itusby, deceased, has filed his Pinal Odd Follow» lodge and Mrs. Lynn 1 the Administrator. Report and Account as such Ad­ Stone. Mrs. W illiam Rouse and Mrs j Picnic on Mohawk— Mr. and Mrs. IM 3 1017 34 31) ministrator with the Clerk of tbe Harsh Johns were sent as delegates O. H. Jarrett and two daughters. 1 .................... ...... — County Court of I-ane County. Ore­ gon; and that Haturday the 2nd from Juanita Rebekah lodge. Mrs. Margaret and Betty, end Miss Lou- day of June 1*34 at 10:00 o'clock Kalb- Brummelte also went from delle W illiams, spent Sunday on In the forenoon of said day. In the Hprlngfleld. the Mohawk near Mabel. County Court Room of said County. In the Court House a) Eugene, has California Folk Her» — Mr. and been set by Hon. Fred Ptsk. Judge GUARANTEE TREATM ENT Mrs. Paul Scott and daughter of Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN bf said Court, as the time and place I FOR TENDER STOMACH Berkeley. California are here visit­ Naturopathic Physician for lo-arlng objections to the same, Dr Emil's Adis Tablets bring ing with her mother. Mrs. Nettle and for the final settlement of said I'boae »1J quick relief from stomach pains be- Dartlett and other relatives estate. J A GIBSON. Administrator. iween meals due to acidity. Indi­ Office Hours: 1 to 5 P. M gestión snd heartburn. If not your W E I.L 8 A W ELLS Attorneys Returns from Washington — Mr. money Is refunded. Planery’s Drug 408 Fourth Street (M 3 10 17-24-311 and Mra. Paul Cottonware returned Store. the first of the week from W in­ FRANK A. DE PUE FRED I . 8M ITH Attorney et Lew lock. Washington where they have Attorney at Law Stanley Bldg.. Springfield, Ore. Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon been visiting relatives for two Watchmaker and JewBlar weeks. NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITOR# Business Directory Edward C. Privât HPRINUPIELD Be. Pacific Watch Inspecter First Class W ork at Reasonable Prices. Ornarsi Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney at-Law City Hall Building Hprlngfleld, Dragon Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa Represented By E. H. TURNER A BL Hprlngfleld. Ore. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole I-I O E N B — l lt h H P R IN U PIELD suit Cbarnelton, Telephone 733 338 Main Phone BI-J ■ PROTECT YOUR E Y E S IG H T ! Your eyes are your most pre­ cious possession. Protect them as you would your life! . . Now that the brilliant aun la likely to be trying on your eyes, you owe It to yourself to be sure that you are not straining your eyea. perhaps with permanent dam­ age. . . . Come In for un examl nation today! DR. ELLA MEADE Optematrlst 41 w est Bth Eugene PAOB THRXK THX SnUNOrOBLD NSWB OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the Freshmen Have Píenlo— Mem­ Notice Is hereby given by the, undersigned has been duly appoint­ undersigned that he has as Execu­ bers of the Freeh man class at the ed Executor of the estal^ of Mary tor of the Ijis t W ill of George W high school held their picnic at L. McPherson, deceased, snd any Irvin, deceased, filed his final ac­ Swimmers Delight Saturday. Mr. and all persons having claims count, and that Hon. Fred Ptsk. against the said estate are hereby Judge of the County Court In and I and Mrs. Marion R. Hall accompan­ required to present said claims, for Lane County. Oregon, has fixed ied the group. duly verified as by law required, at •he hour of ten o’clock A. M. of the office of Prank A. DePue, at- j June 1st.. 1*34. at the cham bers, Return to Roseburg — Dr. and torney for the estate at Hprlngfleld, - f said Court In the Lane County ¡ Mrs. C. O. Van Valxah and small Oregon. In Lane County, Oregon, Court House. Eugene. Oregon, as within six months from the date of the time and place of hearing ob­ daughter returned to thetr home at Roseburg Bunday. Mrs. Van V a l­ this notice. jections to such account and the Dated and first published. May xah had spent the week here visit­ settlement thereof. 17. 1*34. W II.L IA M G. IR VIN . Executor. ing with relatives and her husband Date of last publication. June 14, PH E D E S M IT H , Attorney for came here for the week-end. 1*34 Executor. LESTER McPHERHON. Execu­ Mother la Visitor—Mrs. Sarah A. (M 3-10-17-24-31) tor of the estate of Mary L. Mc­ Peterson arrived here last week Pherson. deceased NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE from Akron. Ohio to spend some PRANK A DE PUE. Attorney OF REAL PROPERTY for estate. On the 30th day of June 1*34 at time visiting with her son and (M 17-24-31—Je 7-14» the hour of 10 A. M. at the front daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. door of the Court House In Eugene. Peterson. Mrs. Peterson's home 1s NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lane County. Oregon. I will sell at at Croaavllle, Tenneasee. Notice Is hereby given that the nuctlon to the highest bidder for undersigned has been duly ap- cash the following described reap Visiting Daughter— Mrs. W alter polntrd Administrator of the es­ property located In U n s County.' McPherson left Haturday for a few tate of John W. Stevens, deceased, and any and nil persons having Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 80 rods days visit with her daughter. Aud­ claims against the state eatnte are South of the Northeast corner of 1 rey McPherson, teacher at Klamath hereby required to present said the J. B. Southworth Donation Palls. Miss McPherson's school claims, duly verified as by law re­ lj»nd Claim No. 60. running closed last week and she w ill re­ quired. at the offlre of Prank A. thence Houth 80 rods, thence DePue. In Hprlngfleld. Oregon, the West 80 rods, thence North 80 turn to Springfield for the summer Attorney for the estate. In Lane rods, and thence East 80 rods with her mother. County. Oregon, within six months to the place of beginning. In Sec­ from the date of this notice. tion Twenty-one (21) Township Dated and first published. May Sixteen (18) Houth of Range Five DOUGLAS FIR SPARS 24. 1934 (5) West ¿>f the W illam ette FOR BYRD SHIP MAST Date of last publication. June 21. Meridian, tn Lane County. Ore­ 1834 gon, together with the tenements. FRANK COGILL, Administra­ Seattle. Wash.— Coming to the herecMtnnxpiits and appurtenan­ tor of the estate of John W. aid of Admiral Byrd, the West ces thereunto belonging, or In Htpvens. deceased Coast Lumbermen's association has anywise appertaining: Address: Hprlngfleld. Oregon Snld sale Is made under execu­ donated two Douglas fir spars for FRANK A DePUE. tion Issued out of the Circuit Court use In replacing one mast and a Attorney for Eatnte of the State of Oregon for the (M 24 31—J 7-14-21) County of Lane, to me directed In jib boom on the ship "Bear.” In the case of Htate Land Board of service of the Byrd Antarctic Ex FORECLOSURE SALE N otlre Is hereby given that by Oregon, etc., vs. Effie L. Rankins, pedltton. The ship was damaged re­ virtue of an execution and order for et at. cently during a severe storm. One C. A. SW ARTS. Sheriff of sale lseued out of the Circuit Court spar Is to be 75 feet long and 25 Lane County, Oregon. In and for Ij»ne County, Oregon, tn By A. E. HU LEG AA RD. Deputy. Inches In diameter, the other 45 a xult wherein Ole O. Haugen was plaintiff and A. J. McKy and others feet long and 15 Inches Inches In HARRIS, S M IT H A BRYSON were defendants, to enforce a Judg­ diameter. The timbers w ill be cut Attorneys ment entered and docketed tn said Eugene, Ore. at a Puget Hound sawmill soon and ault and court on the 24th day of Miner Bldg., shipped to the Expedition's base at May. 1*34. I have levied upon the NOTICE following real property mentioned OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT Dunedin, New Zeland. In said order of sale, vlx: Thia gift of spars for the “Bear" N O TIC E Is hereby given that the Beginning at a point on the east line of lot 1 block 18. In I undersigned as executrix of the marks the second time during re­ estate of James T. Moore, deceased, cent years that the West Coast Fairmount, according to the has filed In the county court for lumber Industry has donated Doug­ original plat thereof, which Is Lane County, Oregon, her final ac­ 133 2 feet south of the north­ las fir. the beat wood for masts count aa such executrix and aald east corner of aald lot and run available, to aid In repairing famous court has appointed Haturday the thence aouth 50 feet, thence 2nd day of June, 1*34 at ten o'clock ships. In 1929, national Interest was west 180 feet, thence north 50 A. M. aa the time and the county aroused In the shipment of huge feet, thence east 180 feet to the judge’s office In the county court­ place of beginning, being a part timbers sent to Boston by the In­ house In Eugene, ta n e County. of said lot and situated In Lane dustry for use In making niaata for Oregon, as the place for hearing Cohnty, Oregon; and will sell the same on Haturday objections. If any. to said final ac­ "Old Ironsides." the famoua frigate the 23rd day of June, 1*34, at 1:30 count and the settlement thereof. Constitution. Pour of the timbers o'clock P. M. at the front door of All persons Interested and (tanking In this shipment of 77.000 feet were the Lane County Courthouse In Eu- to object to said final account are gene.Oregon, to the highest bidder hereby notified to file their objec­ each 109 feet long and 18 Inches for cash, to satisfy the Judgment tions thereto In writing with the square. entered In said ault, vlx, 1600 with Clerk of aald Court prior to aald Interest theron at 8 per cent from tim e and appear at said time and When cleaning any wood-work April 10, 1933. *50 ax attorney's place. Date of the ftrat publication of with water for reftnlshing be sure fee and *25.70 costa of aald suit. that the wood has had sufficient Said sale will he subject to redemp­ thia notice la May 3, 1134. A N N IE L. MOORE. As execu­ time to dry. Hhellac or varnish on tion as allowed by law. trix of the estate of Jamea T. damp wood will turn white tn spots C. A. 8W A R T8, Moore, deceased. Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. after drying. (M 3-10-17-34-31) (JE 24-31—J 7-14-11) that the Administration has kept BORROWER TO PAY Ita promUe to keep the Federal ex INSPECTION COSTS pandit urea for the rest of the prss- ' eat fiscal year and the estimates Inspection to ils In extending, re­ I for the year that begin» next July newing or tocreasiug Regional Agri­ 1. within the limits of probable tax cultural Credit corporation loans Income. will bs borne by the borrower after June 1. on the same rate and ache- dule as that charged by the produc­ U. OF 0. TO CONDUCT CHILDREN’S CLINIC tion credit associations, according to a dispatch received at Spokane Eugene May 31—Clinic work In headquarters from the division di­ remedial teaching, which has for rector of the . A. C. C. In Washing­ Its purpose not only training of ton. D C. The Inspection costa will bs In teachers for handling atypical chil­ P O P U L A R ITY waves addition to the 6'4 per cent rate of Popularity la a curious thing. ' dren. but definite aids for children Interest now charged by the R. A. Few people can predict In advance j with learning difficulties, will again . C. C. be a part of tbe summer session whether a man Is going Io be popu-I I _________________ lar with tbe great mass of tbe pub-1 of the University of Oregon at Eu- lit or not But once let h l. popul here tod,y POPPY SALE BRINGS B. W DeBusk, who with arlty be estahllabed. and he can do I t,y LARGE RETURN HERE Miss Lilian Raynor of Los Angeles no wrong—for a white. Every one of the 200 red popples w ill be In charge of the classes. I am thinking of President House ! made by the disabled veterans The clinic will open at the same veil especially He Is riding the which the Springfield American time as summer school. June 1*. top wave of popularity right now. I I region Auxiliary received thin year The clinic has been held here Whatever comes out of Washing­ were sold Friday and Haturday ac­ annually for several years, and ton that the public likes Is credited cording to Mrs P. J Bartholomew, hundreds of children who have han to him; whatever la done by tbe sale chairman Returns of approxi­ difficulties In reading, spelling and Administration that la not popular mately *20 were received A few of arithmetic have been helped so that la blamed on some subordinate the popples were sent to Walter- many of them hare gone back to Postmaster General Farley takes »tile where Mrs. Verne Caldwell public school and made excellent all the blame for tbe alr-inall blun­ sold them scholastic records. der. Attorney General Cummings is No Prodding Offered the goat In the effort to Indict Mr. The clinic w ill not accept chil­ Mellon dren who merely need "coaching" I have seen the crowd turn oo or who are backward io all learn­ their popular idols and destroy ing. If possible those desiring to en­ 12:30 C O N T I N U O U S 11:30 them so often that I would begin ter children are asked to bring to get a little bit nervous, if I were them In before June 18 for exami­ Starts S U N D A Y Mr. Roosevelt. nation and diagnosis. s e e The clinic w ill be kept small this M E L L O N .................... high wealth year so that work may be planned I hold no brief for Mr. Mellon. to ault each Individual child. Pull I never thought be was "the great­ information may be obtained from est Secretary of the Treasury since the extension division offloe or tbe Alexander Hamilton.'' On the con­ school of education at the univer­ trary. I think that la a post for a sity. DICK POWELL statesman and not for a banker, and Mr. Mellon Is essentially a SERVICE REQUIREMENTS GINGER ROGERS banker, who brought a banker's OF MARINE CORPS GIVEN point of view to his Job. Nor am I In a position to know whether M r PAT O’BRIEN The United States marine corps Mellon earned all of his millions desires young men for enlistment by methods which I would approve. TED FIO RITO to fill vacancies which will occur But whether Mr. Mellon Is a during the months of June. July AND HIS BAND m m of honor or not. It Is poor and August. 1*34. reasoning to Imagine that he ts not Requirements for enlistment pro­ 4 MILLS BROS. a careful man. Therefore, it was vide that accepted applicants must poor judgment for tbe Treasury be American citizens, unmarried, at Department to believe that he had 3 RADIO ROGUES least eighteen (18) years of age, of left any proof lying around loose good habits and character, sixty six that he had defrauded the Govern­ Inches tall or over, and able to fur­ ment out of some millions of In­ nish at least three letters of ref­ ’ N o t a p a p i p c a come taxes. erence from reputable people. T O G E T THE H O U S E The Federal Grand Jury threw Information, literature and appli­ THO KO UÚHLY the charges out as not being sup­ cation blanks may be obtained from p a in t e d / ported by any evidence. The only the postmaster or from tbe United motive for the accusation, that I States marine corps recruiting sta­ can see. was to try to punish a man tion. 2*8 U. 8. court house. SW for being wealthy, which Is always Broadway and Main street. Port­ popular with those who regard land. Oregon. wealth as a crime. Applicants residing at remote dis­ • • • tances from Portland, Oregon, will P O L IT IC S ........... today’s situation be given preference in filling exist­ There ts only one national poli­ ing vacancies. tical party In the United State« to­ day. There ts not likely to be an­ NOTED SOCIOLOGIST TO other one unless the young voters TALK TO U. O. GRADUATES organise It. They cannot organise Prank Bane, director of the Am­ It unless they first agree upon a groundwork of principles Mere erican Public W elfare association, opposition never got any party any­ for many years prominenUy identi­ fied with leading sociological and where. Q U A L IT Y AH that the old leaders of the welfare movements in the United Republican party have to offer so States, w ill deliver the commence­ far Is opposition to everything the ment address for tbe University of Democrats do. and a desire to re­ Oregon graduating class June 11. N ew F ra ,. tain their personal hold upon the Mr. Bane was one of the principal party machinery I am not at all speakers here last March at the B a la n c e d F o r m u l a ^ sure that any good end can be Commonwealth conference, and was gained by trying to reorganise the so well received that university of­ is the p ain t to use party. It looks to me as If the ficials invited him to return for the situation were parallel to that tn i graduation exercises. Members of , 1856 when a group of young men ,he Eu* ene Oleomen w ill also sing - L e t 11$ tell you «b o u t Triple Check /✓ . Plan with principles met under a tree for the commencement program. M<»OSAU) 20 Million Sweet hearts H O U > E P A IN T and organized the Republican party. They didn't get anywhere that year, but they elected Lincoln four years later. I wish I were 30 again! e a e S to One m dose a of c ADLERIKA h Gas quick A R T ................................ and utility To me there Is something en­ couraging as well as something rather disheartening In the revival of Interest In home-made furniture, fabrics and kitchen pots. All over the country little shops and groups are turning out hand-made articles which are being sold in the city shops, mostly at fancy prices, and offered under the plea of patriotism as well as because they are hand­ made. There Is no merit whatever at­ taching to the fact that anything was made by hand. Unless It Is more beautiful, more durable, or less expensive than a similar object made by machinery. It ts not worth any more. Home of the hand made furniture I have seen Is distinctly beautiful; most of It Is decidedly ugly. And my observation of house­ wives Is that they would rather clean a smooth, machine-made ket­ tle than one of hand-hammered cop­ per. all full of dents for the dirt to attek In. • • • C! d l e r i k a D O U G LAS............ a capable man J We don't hear as much about Lew Douglas, as we did. He does­ n't care much about personal pub­ licity. But the Director of the budget Is «ticking to his Job In Washington and making good at It. It's a tough Job. The man who holds It has to be the buffer be­ tween all of the folks who would like to spend money and the few who really wan» to run the Gov­ ernment economically. He has to be the "root" upon whom the TYesI dent and the Secretary of th? Tren sury can lay the blnme when poli­ ticians complain that they are not being given a large enough slice of the nubile funds for their pet projects. ' Lew Douglas served In Congress long en -ugh to know how to handle politicians. He knows Government finances as few others ever knew them And he ought to be given a slice of the credit tor th * fact A — ly relieves gas bloating, clear- out SOTH upper and lowei bowels, allows you to eat ant sleep good. Quick, thorough ac tion yet gentle and er.t safe before you buy House Paint Wright & Sons Flanery's Drug Store. Hardware — Furniture Radios — Paint EARN M ORE M ONEY 'V ' OU can learn Bookkeeping, Banking. Shorthand and ® Typewriting a t home in half the time, and a t one-fiftli the cost of attending a business college. You can com ­ plete the course in bookkeeping or banking, and receive your diploma in two month#. You can learn to write over 100 words a m inute in shorthand in less than two months, and you can become an expert, rapid typist in six weeks. A small dow n-paym ent and easy m onthly term s will get you started immediately. Complete satisfaction and a good position guaranteed, or your tuition will b- refunded in full. Send ten cents in coin or stam ps for complete deecriotive literature of-the course in which you are interested. Do it today. A M E R IC A N CO RRESPO NDENCE SCHOOL 1850 Downing St., Denver, Colo Covers the ENTIRE United S ta te s Starts Monday Night - June 4th A m erican Legion Indoor Circus EUGENE ARMORY June 4th to 9th, Inclusive. Admission 25c