THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS NO 20 HPRIN(iFIKU). LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 31, 11»34 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR Sladenlj » o ri [flUNGlE WORK Ä|LL sum 50011 SIM E MEETING 07066365 ; All School to Unite in Pro­ Springfield Group Sponsor« gram June 8, Marion Hall Portland Firm Has Contract Manager of Stage Show For Beautification; Hardy Annual Fl«h Fry A« Con­ Shrubs, Curbing Planned vention Faatura Tuesday A Gadget Queen A? YOUNG PEOPLE IS HAVE C. E. OUTING >F .......... Nearly 20 Sign Up For Four- Day Camping Trip On Blue River Starting Monday . TOWN BALL TEAM fo r h.b. Listed TIKES NEW STIRI Final Two Weak« Of School Brings any Activitiaa For 1 Players Win Camas After Bill Senior Student Member« Davis Take« Over Manage- < merit Of Local Club A revlMHl program of activities a Detail» uf lb» Carnival to ba for tbe balance of the school year _ ~ _ Q ponsored In lha high irhool audl Young people of the Christian has been drawn at tbe high school u t A o U N Improvement and beautification Io rlA L r W B .K UNUSUAL MUSIC PLANNED lor,un, and c|aM rooms by the of the triangle at the Intersection church Endeavor society will leave following tbe one-montb extension1 ~ ~~ —— Hprlngflald high school student of the Pacific and McKensle high­ Monday morning of next week for Of whicn just two week, remain. Players Co To Cottage Grove Picnic Lunch Sunday, “ an’ ^i,ody ,,B June a. were announced ways will be started the latter part their annual outing to be held Just M a' Under present plans the student Sunday for Final In First quet, Ball Monday; Public today. Marlon Hall will bo general or Ibis week by Parker. Parker and above the Boy Scout camp Lucky Series; Hove Two Wine body will sponsor tbelr carnival on May Attend Stunt Night manager or the carnival end will Parker, Portland contractors, who Boy on Blue river Tbe group will ■fa* Ä bo aeeleted by Krerett luiJole. pro- lisve a contract with the Btate leave Monday morning and plan June 8 at the high school. Final Imbued with a new spirit follow­ peities; Morgan t'handler, adver­ Highway commission for this work. to return Thursday evening. The examinations will be held tbe first ing tbe acquisition of a new man­ of ihe following week on June 11 tising. and DeKtta Handgathe. Funds for the Improvement work time will be devoted to recreation CONVENTION EVENTS and 12, with Senior day exercises ager. tbe Springfield baseball team business manager and Bible study. are provided under the relief setup has suddenly become a factor In OPEN TO PUBLIC More than 18 have already sign! set for Wednesday at the school. tbe Independent Cascade ball lea­ I Each class and organisation will of (be present Washington admin­ Keport cards will be given out on fled their Intentions of attending. c. rsenl two sideshows which are istration. gue as has been shown during the Bunday * P M.—Free t on Final plans for the outing will be Friday. Vig prepared under the direction Hurvayori for the »late highway , . , . . __ . past two games. McArthur Court. Î. The annual school picnic, one of made this evening at a meeting of Tthe following: Wendell Hart ho- department mapped out the area to A little more than a week ago Bunday I P M — Llo»« Fro ç ® the Endeavor society to be held the most interesting events of the yw. freshman; Barbara Barnell. be Improved this week and staked LOB ANGELE* . . . Miss DovW at Willamette Park. school year, will be bold at Swim­ Bill Davis resumed his position aa e> |omore; Edna Heverson, junior; the curbing line. Tbe area Is to be MacMahos* (above), has besa wie» after the church night service. Rev Velde Pruitt, pastor of the mers’ Delight park on Thursday, coach and manager of the team Tueeday a P M,—Blunt Nlgl (f Echo Tomseth. senior; DeKtta reduced to at least two-thlrds of Its lt d to rule as "Gadget Qeeru" at church. Is general chairman of the June 18. At this time tbe two con­ which he directed to victory last at Koi Theatre. £ lathe. Girls League; Alya present slse snd this will be en­ the aaaeal ceaveatiea ef outing. Mrs. Walter Taylor. Mina tending teams in the lnter-c-lass season, and has already won both ** tier. Dramatice club; Jack closed by s conrrete curbing eight­ lavaator» at their O m aha, Nah. Final arrangement» for Bprlu, Peterson snd Lets Peterson have baseball games, both boys and games played since that time. He uis. Boys league; and Bruce een Inches te-low tbe ground level I tog ea Jans «. has made a few changes In the field s participation In the eleven!, charge of enrollment. LeRoy In­ girls, will play. t. Boy» Letterman club. and six Inches above tbe dirt. team and may make a few more enoual »late convention of Uom man. Pearl Helterbrand. and Elva Tbe annual Girls League break­ ire of the carnival plans Is Inside of the triangle some poor j alterations in the lineup before Club» of Oregon to be held In Eu _ Moyer have charge of transporta­ fast will be held Friday morning. COOKING SCHOOL .4 contest being sponsored dirt snd rocks will be excavated «eno neat Bunday. Monday and tion. and William Cox. Mary Had­ June 16. at which time tbe winner many more games. among the students with tbs fol­ and some good dirt filled In Then IS POSTPONED Tuesday are being completed now M u llig a n Serves Team ley. Irene Anderson. Beulah Thur­ of tbe Civic club cup ariU be an­ lowing five candidates each backed large boles will be dug snd good by the Springfield fleh fry commit During bis absence, ’Ding’ Mulli­ man. and Altie Manning have nounced. by one group: Dorothy Robinson, oil filled In them and the shrub­ The free cooking school sche­ to.- The annual fl«h fry to be held gan has acted a manager and with chrage of provisions. senior; Edna Heverson. Junior; La- bery and plants started Tbe final assembly of tbe year duled for June 6 and 8 by the nt Cascade Herort 86 mile» up (bn Tbe program activities will be will be held Friday morning at a few assistants succeeded tn or­ Moyne Black, sophomore; Lillian McKensle river will be the contri­ No provlalon Is made for water­ Springfield New» sad announ­ directed by Uldlne Gartln ganising the team this year. Al­ Butler, freshman; and Echo Tom which time all awards not yet ced last week has been Indefi­ bution of the local club to the con ing the shrubbery, but only the though the boys did not win any ot aeth. dramatics. Votas are being given will be presented, music stu­ moat hardy of pianta will be start­ nitely postponed. Mia» Marlon ventton program. the earlier games neither did they ADAMS-KOEPPEL SET sold at the school for one cent each dents working for credit will be lose them by any easy score. In Allen Is unable to he bere on Thl» la scheduled for Tueeday snd winners of the contest will be ed and It la expected that they will WEDDING FOR FRIDAY presented and other entertainment most contests the score was de­ Ibe dates originally scheduled survive the summer mouths. afternoon and automobile* will announced on next Thursday wBI be given. for her. The change In the pres­ rided by only one or two points leave Eugene nt l:SO with conven­ Miss Barbara Adams, daughter A minstrel show, two glee club», ent plane was unavoidable. An Seniors will receive their dip­ and In one Instance an overtime tion visitors for the river reeorl GOOD FISH CATCHES of Mrs. Elva Adams, and Carl Koe- and lbs home economics depart­ lomas Friday evening at Commen­ period was required. The boys attempt will be mads to conduct where the afternoon will he spent. ment under the direction of Miss MADE DURING WEEK the cooking school taler In the ppel. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank cement exercises to be held at the seemed to play good ball, but lack­ They will be brought bark to Eu­ Koeppel of Peoria. Illinois, will be Methodist church. Glydr Dilley will have prominent summer. ed the confidence or final punch, gene tn tlm> for the Blunt Night married here Friday evening at the parts In the program C. Stu art and W a lte r Drury or whatever it is that a team ac­ program nt the R ei theatre start­ home of Mr. and Mrs. D B. Murphy WATER RESERVOIR IS ■ rin g In O utstanding Display Ttie carnival Idea was started quires when working smoothly un­ ing at 8:39. They will make tbelr home In Eu MISS SANDCATHE HONOR O f T ro ut For Week-end last year at the high school and a BEING REPAIRED HERE der tbe capable direction of an Have Many Fish gene. Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor of OUEST AT SUNDAY PARTY large throng of people milled their experienced manager. Several hundred flah will be the Christian chnrch will read the One of the nicest catches of trout Work on the water reservoir of way about (be building viewing the Sunday Victory F irs t needed for tbU event and member« Miss De Etta Sandgsthe was to be exhibited here this year was the Mountain States Power com­ oeremony. About 35 guests have exhibits. The Benton-Lane game Sunday of the club and their friends have honor guest at a surprise birthday- been Invited for the wedding and shown In the window of the Inde­ pany has been almost completed on Brattaln field was the first vic­ already nearly 300 flah on hand pendent market Monday by E. C. with tba exception of a few con reception to follow later in the party given tn her honor Sunday tory for the team this season and and plan to catch more during the evening at the home of Mr. and evening. Stuart and Walter Drury of Coburg. sections and repairing of tbe fence was token 8-1 by Sword and Ever balance of the wank. M B Huntly Mrs. Harry Hill. Cards and re­ Included In tbelr catch which they around the tank. ett Squires pitching for Springfield, ha» been retained aa chef for the freshments were enjoyed by those took from the Willamette a few During the past few weeks work “MISSIONARY LOVE” present. Mist Sandgathe received for seven hits compared with six club, and details for the flah fry miles above lxiwell were a large men have repaired the old reservoir SUBJECT OF SERMON many desirable gifts. Those present for Benton-Lane. They also had one am being handled by members of pan of trout, another pan of white- which has not been'uaed for some were James Davis, Elwtn Davis, error during the afternoon com­ the committee. D. B. Murphy. W fish. and one Jack salmon time, and have rellnsd the entire Rev. Veltle Pruitt will preach on Raymond Davt». Lpater Anderson, pared with four for their rivals K Barnell and John D. Pyle. Mu Another party consisting of Lar­ Inside walls and floor with six the subject. “Missionary Love,” at Clyde Hill. Wanda HUI. Evalyn Squires struck» out four batters, ale for the afternoon will be fur­ son Wright. Dr. W. N. Dow and H. loches of concrete. When the con the morning service at the Christ­ Installation Of Newly Chosen Robley. Phyllis Moore. Hugh. Jack. and Sword 10. for Springfield. nished by the blind orchestra from Group Set for Monday, July E Maxey caught a nice string of nections have been made and the ian church Sunday. There will be and Edwin Sandgathe. James Thuneman 1. and Sinclair 3 for Portland, smaller flah In the McKensle above fence completed thia storage bastn special music. His evening sermon Baker, Eunice Rhfnevault. and Mrs Benton-Lwwe — 2 ; D elegates Report Borne last minute changes In the MrKeasle bridge. will be on the subject. “Christ's will again be put Into use here. Mattison connected with one ball Anna Sandgathe. convention program have been an Clayton F. Barber. W. N. Ooaaler, With the recommissioning of this Transforming Influence." There Eunice Gerber was chosen noble for a home run and Gordon Wright nounced First of these la the fact John Henderer. and John Anderson reservoir the Power company will , will be a special program by the a two-base hit. that Rev W Murray Allen, Orand grand of Juanita Rebekah lodge for were among the other fishermen have two water storage centers, a children. ENTIRE H. S. QUARTET An unscheduled game with Mar- Porks. North Dakota, chairman of the econd half of the year at the who spent the day on tbe McKensle large wooden tank having been In I The Bible school meets at 8:85 IN JUNIOR OLEEMEN cola ball team was the second vic­ election meeting held Monday even­ the Board of Governors of Lions use for several years. I ««>d the Christian Endeavor at 8:30. and turned In fish for the Lions fish tory for Springfield players. The International, will ba unable to be ing Other officers elected are Max­ i Inner to be held next Tuesday. An unusual honor for Springfield game was played Wednesday after­ ine Hmxlgrasa. vice-grand; Doris present aa had been planned high school. Miss Clyde Dilley, and noon on Brattaln field with a score Girard, recording secretary ; and Dallas Murphy aud Erank Fisher All Invited to Free Concert ethers associated with music there, of 6-3. Features of this game Marie Pohl, treasurer They will | went out early Sunday morning and The official program will open lake over their new duties the first each had landed a nice salmon be­ was the selection of each member which was pitched by Sword and Bunday with registration at the Eu­ Monday In July. of the boys’ quartet for member-, for SprIngfleM were a dou fore nine o'clock. gene hotel and Individual golf play ship in the Eugene Junior Oleemen. w <> p)ay Md p Mrs. Rosa Montgomery, Mrs. Jim Laxtou and A. N. Fisher each at 1: SO. Starting at four o’clock Individual voice tests were given base hit by Chetwood. Hall for Alice Doane, and Mrs. Wills Mc- caught two large salmon on the will be the first highlight of the 8. 1888 The book is kept In week by John Stark Evans, di- Ma*rcoja alao connected for a run Klln were named members of the ! McKensle Saturday George Orr Exhibits Interest­ roll but Is gettttng badly frayed last convention when member» of the rector, with the assistance of sev­ to third. June entertalnmeot committee ing Historical Collection; and Mr. Orr plans to have it bound eral senior Oleemen as Judges and Cottage Orove Ballsdeer». McMinn Schedule Turn Is Near Delegates to the state assembly STREET RESURFACING vllle Msle Chorus. Roeeburg Men’s A peculiar Item was an apple they selected Jack Williams. Mor Was Former Jeweler . Sundav Davis takes his team to meeting at Tillamook. Mrs. Lynn, Oles club. Eugene Oleemen. snd which Mr. Orr says was given to ria Stewart. Irving Davla and Bob ; CotUge QroTe f(jr tfcen h>ndp<| d#w1| from Cottage Grove. Entertainment at MISSION WORKERS HEAR Among the other Items which down the largest pert of tbe Mo-1 local organlxatlon. She la comhln- this luncheon will he provided by SPEAKER FROM AFRICA living In Eugene. They are Dr. L. eratlons In his family. He also has were shown was a bleeding tooth shier strawberry bed. Ing the convention trip with her L. Baker and W F Walker Mr. I an ornate pipe carved from Laurel shell, given to Mr. Orr by a mis­ the American Legion Circus troupe An investigation was made by annual vacation and will visit In The afternoon will be gtvso over Members of ihe Christian Mis-; Walker was elected to the office root. The pipe was started by his sionary worker. The shell is said Portland and Forest Grove before to finals In golf for which many sionary society were hostesses at while In Ihe funeral business In i j uncle while a prleoner In Anderson­ to be found only In the Red Sea. i Lum F. Anderson, police chief. returning to Springfield. prises are to be given, and visits to their church Tuesday at a Joint ^nrtngfteld ville prison, a southelrn prison. He Several whale teeth about five MRS. BARNELL W I N N E R ----------------------- the Eugene power plant. University meeting of the Christian. Baptist, i did not complete It there fearing Inches In length, and two sea lion AT AFTERNOON BRIDGE MRS- W RICHT HOSTESS of Oregon and Murry-Warner Art and Methodist societies at which EWELER SHOWS OLD the guards would take It away from teeth carved with ornate designs Museum. The day will conclude time Miss Goldie W ills. returned --------- FOR AENEAS ON FRIDAY and fitted together to make a Jewel hl’ . It was completed after the re­ FAMILY RELIC WATCH with the annual banquet and gov meeslonary worker from Africa. • High score tn the Contract bridge -------- -- lease of Ihe prisoners In Washing- case by the Alaskan Indians were club play of last Thursday after-' Members of th - Aeneas club were ernor’s ball at the Osburn hotel was the speaker. Miss Uldlne Gar­ An old style key wind watch ton. D. C. On the bowl of the pipe among the oth&r Interesting Items noon was won by Mrs. W. K. Bar- guests of Mrs. 8. C. Wright at her starting at 8: SO. tln led the devotional* and a short which has been In the family for |R carved Company A 88th Ohio shown Tuesday morning Key members musical program and social hour more than 100 years was received Volunteers Infantry 17th A. C.. his net Mrs. Carl Olson was hostess home 'Friday for their May social will breakfast at 7 and the final followed the meeting Now that the varl-shaptM and 1 «• a dessert party held at her home meeting Mrs. Maude Bryan. Mrs. here recently by E. O. Prlvat, Jew- service connection business session will start st 9:30 and had Mrs. C. E. Wheaton and I>an C. Poindexter, and Mr». Ada eler. from his brother In Chicago. colored liquor bottle» are with ua He also showed a large assort with committee reports, election of demy band. University of Oregon. The watch was sent her^ for re­ Mt WIIHani Moyer as xueet» of Porter were gue«tR of the club for »gain, unusual Interest la lent to a oftcers snd selection of convention Eugene High school and I. O. O. F. pairs. It has a porcelain face and ment of Confederate and other sm.H gia^ltosk'ow^l'^ Mr O « rlub * hich 0,h,‘r th* »«•«•noon MrtL C E Swart» elty for 1988, and model luncheon bands will all play during the con­ the heavy pure gold case around money Including coins of India and snd which was used during th e ,* * * “’ * " ’ “nt<“r ,Or ‘he C'Ub “ ‘M 'r solid silver plecee from Germany vention. Other music will be fur­ by the Eugene club. ’ "ni me* ’**' __________ the watch Is worth 888 alone at the which had tarnished almost black, revolutionary period. Another In- nished by the Blind Orchestra and Fleh Fry Featured A n i m iv v Trt nDAlAf current prices of the metal. and a 26 cent California gold coin. terestlng bottle looks more like a BOY SCOUTS PLAN HIKE The fish fry will feature the by the Boy Bcout drum and bugle flower vase, It contained liquor AND OUTDOOR COOKINGi LANE COUNTY IO DRAW An Interesting coin was a 10 cent afternoon and the convention will corpi from Portland. FROM FAIR MILLAGE FUND DRILL TEAM PUTS ON avos piece with the United States brought to Chicago by Queen WU- A special program for wives of close with a large stunt night pro Springfield Boy Scouts will meet ----------- DECREE AT CRESWELL print on one side and the Filipino hemlna when she visited the pre grsm at the Re« theatre starting at Hons has also been prepared for P. J. Sladelman, recretary of design on the reverse. A sabre vloit. World’s Fair. It was left at at their rooms In the Meacham Ihe entire convention. 8:80. Several cluha are bringing A delegation of 36 members of made of Chinese coins tied together a hotel where Mr. Orr's future wife building thia evening and will then state, will distribute the state mill- Registration fees of delegates their stunts to the convention end Pine Circle. Neighbors of Wood-) with strings Is also very Interest was staying while conducting a hike to the city park to practice age tax for county fair purposes and visiting Lions will Include the Portland club Is bringing a pro fire making and outdoor cooking, to the counties Friday and will booth In the fair. craft went to Creswell Saturday j feaalonal act but are not competing tickets for all events excepting the This will be the regular weekly send 32.363.22 to Lane county. Addl- Many of these curios have not evening to attend a meeting of the Copy Book Is Old Sunday welcome frolic. Spectators for prises. They are bringing meetlng of the troop, the meeting tlonal receipts from racing events been taken from their wrappings lodge of that city. During the even-i Perhaps the oldest of his collec Clarence Toleman and other KOW will be admitted to the stunt night for teveral years. There are still ( having been delayed one day be- held In Oregon will not be ready for Ing the Springfield drill team put j tlon Is an old English copy book program st the Rex for bii admis­ radio stars hers for the evening cause of Ihe holiday Wednesday. dlstglbullon until August. on degree work for the host lodge, printed by Roger I,estrange on May others which were not exhibited. Four bands. Hills Military Aca sion of 86 cents. B p V J jr, g if ■ REBEKAHS ELECT LODGE OFFICERS Blacksmith Possesses Collection of Curios 1 ■ V A