THURSDAY, M A Y j K J M j PAO« FOUR O.5.C. MEN STUDY DROUGHT RESULT LEGION CIRCUS BRINGS DARING STUNT ARTIST MISS CARLTON RANKS HIOH IN EDUCATION •SADIE McKEE" C0M E8 to M c D onald screen Cals Fun Events to Ba Augmented I'NIVKItSITY OF i It Kill N. Ml' UENK, May 24 Ruth Ma« Carlton. I’nlverslty of Oregon student from Springfield, was given honorable mention as the ««cord ranking stu deni In the sophomore class who has completed lower division work with the most outstanding schol.i. tic achievement, Her grade point average was 2 69. Fir t prise of $36 worth of books was awarded to Andy J Newhouse. Ilroadbert. whose university grade polut average was 2.73 This prise houorlng Ih- sppho- inors with "the highest scholarship. i>ersonnllty. and promise" was first mud« In 1930 and wa won by lot Wanda Claire Fenlason No prize i was g|ven III 1931 ad,deine (111 t*ert. present editor of the Oreguna. and John llogl won the set of books i In 1932 slid 1933 respective!. -Sadi« McKee." Joan Crawford , new slarrlng vehicle opening al the Mi lkmaid Bunday Is one of thorn- rare plcturee that will please every one. The men will »el their usual thrill out of watching Ihs fa clitel- Irg Joan; the women will get a kick out of her stunning nsw wardrobe, tu say nothing of the perfect to»» arenes betwe»» the star and Fran- chol Tone, who In this picture m»r- rl • hwr In lb» «nd By Automobile »how In Eugene Arm ory June 4-9 Due of the s, nsstlullul slid thrill lug atliaetious to be seeu at the Americau Legion Indoor circus to i be held at the Eugeue armory Juue , 4 to 9 inclusive Is petit« Uladys Le i Tourneau who Is the only woman on Rainfall so far in 1934 Is the tlis American continent dolug the lowest ever recorded In some of the death defying forward somersault central and north central state« heel catch In mld-alr Diving for­ and drought has become serious ward head first from a swinging ►'United on ii la*l»b «cal* tor grain crop«, hay. pastures, tin pete, when It looks as though tore bused on a Vina Delmar novel, and dairy production, according to WASHINGTON: . . The«« two wives of former Presidents of the she will crash head first Into the duplet» the rise of a servant girl a -eview of the agricultural atlua- Vailed Staten, Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, left, sad Mrs. William alage. she deftly turns a forward who ultimately becomes Ihs wife of tlon Just released by the Oregon Howard Taft, right, still romaia active is aatloaal affairs show» soincrsalt In mid air. hooks her « multi millionaire. Gene Raymond, above as the, attended a meeting of thn Nntionnl Volunteor Service Oenz- State college extension service. heels into the trapeze aud swings •uittee of the American Red Com Edward Arnold and Tone «re the gracefully backwards hanging by R ainfall Low««t In Year« men whom »he meets oh her way her heels. A gasp from the aud­ t recipltatton from January 1 to LOUDELLE WILLIAMS and between whom she has to make ience. a shriek from the timid May 1 waa the lowest ever record a final choice The plnysrs men GIVEN SHOWER FRIDAY ones, then g sigh of relief—aud it's ed by the weather bureau in the Honed are excellently cast and good Dakotas. Minnesota, aud Illinois; «nrk Is don.- by Esther Ralston. M rs. W. E. Busll and Daughter all over. This in <■•»» ii lu j- bit of fem­ 02712114 inity at one time did this without second lowest ever recorded tor Jean Dixon. Leo Carroll. Karl Ox­ E n tertain for B ride-Elect of INTEREST RATES CUT a net. but the powers that l>e do Indiana. Missouri and Ohio; third ford and Oene Austin. And It's an Fred Buell: Plans Told PAHA HEN A: . . . Mias Tvsvs creed that she must use a net for lowest for Kansas; fourth lowest ON PRODUCTION LOANS other triumph for that ace of di­ Scott, Iff, Junior (Miaga ’ co sd. «aa tor Iowa and Nebraaka, and fifth rectors. Clarence Brown Miss Loudelle Wllliem.-i was non even then It carries much risk. the Skipper Queea, .elected to rele Interest rate on new loans made lowest tor Montana, says the re­ Inmates Number 6016, Culti- or guest at a surprl-e miscellan­ This Is only one of the 18 big out­ over the Heven Seas Pageant at the ate 3,276 Acres; Per Capita port. eous show.r given Friday evening door circus acts that will be seen Annual Tournameat of Boss« aa by the 31 production credit asso­ New Year Day ciations In the four Pacific north Cost of Croup Is $30-23 by Mrs. W. E. Buell and her daugh at the American Legion circus to Except In the northwest, hay west states lias been reduced to be seeu at the armory June 4 to 9 ter. Miss Evelyn, at the Buell home crops have had a poor start and Many interesting tacts regarding 6 per cent effective May 16. II was the condition on May 1 for the the population. actlvtUse and ex­ During the evening Miss Williams After the circus at night the chairs STARTS SUNDAY country as a whole was substan­ penses of state institutions are announced plaus tor her weddiug will be removed from the main Lincoln School Notes announced today by John A Sekoonovar, president of the Pro­ tially lower than on the same date contained In a tabulation released on June 9. at which time she will floor and free dancing will take Studeuta In the Junior high school duction Credit corporation of Spo­ become the bride of Fred Buell. place for everybody. la any of the past SO years, ac­ this week by P J Stadelman, sec­ at Uucoln building spent Friday at kane. There will also be an auto show The wedding is to be held at the cording to the circular. retary of state. The reduction came as a result of MethodDt church Saturday evening onslsting of the new 1934 automo­ Coburg where they participated In Plenty of Hay Here Land under cultivation by the 11 the Federal Intermediate Credit the annual avbtevcineut day exer biles which the different automo­ Carryover of hay In Oregon is state Institutions totals 3.27» acres at 8 p. m Miss Annette Williams bile concerns In the city of Eugene else« The day was divided between bank of Hpokane lowering Its In­ will be bridesmaid, and Haul F above average, but In the dairy and total value of farm and garden Alley, brother-In law of Mr Buell, *»« participate In The athletic contests, baseball games terest rate one-half of 1 per cent. sections of the north central states products raised on it for the month will be his best man. ) sutouibobiles dill be pluced on the and other sport . and exhtblta of The Credit hank's reduction, which holdoer stocks are less than half of April was 14.421.64. according to Quests assembled at the Buell floor of the lyrmory on the sides i work beiug carried forward In the la the second In two months, was of a year ago. The situation In sev­ reports of superintendents filed brought about when Its nsw Issues home early In the even lug aud a aud this part of the program will be different schools. eral of these north central states Is with the Oregon State Board of lu line wltb some of the big suto Among the most Interesting ex­ of debentures were heavily over- telephone call brought Miss Wll scute. Control. llama - > the Buell home where lie shows which have been held In the hibits of tbe day were those by subscribed In a few hours after Institutional population at- the was showered with pink rose petals different cities. There will also be schools al Coburg. River Road, being offered In the New York Pastures are the poorest In 60 end of March, but an Increase of as she stepped into the room. rooni 1,1 there for exhibits such as Pleasuhd HUI. Springfield. and a market The production credit sys­ years and with practically no hay 122 over April of the previous year A short program during the w e radios, frigldaires, aud other u»e- few others in some sections, cows are being Fiber work, cedar tem secures Its loanable funds by when 5.894 persons were wards of ning included two piano solos by | fu' household articles. chests, trays, uul bowels, luuguzllic discounting farmers' notes wltb the maintained on straw and such the state. The Oregon State Hos­ racks aud packboards. were dis Credit hank feeds as are supplied by relief Miss Betty Jarrett, two vocal duet- i pital had the greatest population played. Springfield s t u d e n t s agencies. with 2,235 patients, and the Eastern by Miss Clyde Dilley and Ml»» U. OF O. MAN TO WRITE This situation has already af­ brought packbourd». nut bowels, POLICE OFFICERS HAVE Mary Whitney, and two piano solos ' Oregon State hospital at Pendleton HISTORY OF FLORENCE stand magazine racks, broom hold fected the production of milk ad­ by Miss Dorothe Mae l’otter. LIQUOR VIOLATIONS was second, with 1,306. These two versely says the circular, so that Miss Jarrette acted as u her for A complete history of the port of ers, and uecktle racks. All were hospitals had 137 more on their production per cow averaged near­ An unulysls of liquor control leg­ Miss Williams as site opened her Florence. Lone county's outlet tu flubbed. many of them slulned and ly 2 pounds per day less than on rolls than a year ago. islation. carefully condensed and many gifts which she exhibited the sea. will soon be wrltteu by Al­ varnished. The other Institutions reported the corresponding date of the last about the room. The butterfly collections of Co­ armuged In a handy pocket site fred E. Lomax, professor of bust- the following number of inmates: five years. Assisting Mrs. Buell were Mrs. ness administration at the Univer­ burg students won the admiration cardboard leaflet has been pre­ Oregon Fairview home (for the Eugene McElbany and Mrs. J P. sity of Oregon. Preliminary work of most of the visitors There wen- pared by the League of Oregon It'a Riotous! feeble-minded». 901; Oregon State F ru it Conditions Hscs Good Robley. on the project Is already under way five of these, two of which were of Cites and sent to all city marshulls In commenting on the fruit sit­ Penitentiary. 767; State Tubercu­ The Misses Evelyn Robley aud * 1 The first part of the history will tllunlcul specimens They varied and i-oilce officers. The booklet ha, •PRIVATE uation. the circular aays prospects losis hospital. 261; Eastern Oregon been prepared by Herman Kehrll. SCANDAL* Evelyn Buell assisted Mrs. W N. K , , ht> h„ torl,.„ phaaM 0, from one-fourth to three Inches In are for fair production of fruits in Tuberculosis hospital at The Dalles, executive secretary of the league Williams In seyvinr the refre h |h t fotlndln|! of comlnunjty und size, and were all mounted the northwest, which should find a 134; State School for the Deaf. 115; 2ASU FITTS Cnpl.s of the booklet received The noon meal was served by the the port, and with its various com- better outlet owing to the reduc­ Oregon Slate Training school at nient’’' h< re list 15 possible violations un Oul-of-town guests were Mrs. Me ; niervlH, >nd ,ndl|atrlBl d, vHop. Coburg P T. A. tion in the eastern crop and antici­ Woodburn. 108; State Industrial The aetond ('»burg boy» anil girls won both dec the slate liquor control act. two pated Improvement In purchasing school for girls. 70; Oregon Blind Elmnrry and daughter. Nellie, and |bentB Ur u>lAax tri illations of the state liquor com part will deal with the port itself. buseball gumes front the Spring power of the public. Trades school at Portland. 62; Mrs. Buford Roach, all of Eugene mis rk ionlp|et<.d work contem. Everyone was attracted by the ap­ somewhat less than last year bat Per capita cost, averaged for the , or pearance of the Coburg school some time ago by the b- gue and the apple crop in excess of the entire group, was $30.23 for April, Mr Buell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. pIWed an(, ro,um<, o | W E. Buell They will make their 1 |hp pBg, an(, ,„ p preBen, building which houses both the high whb b has since been odopted by a light output of 1933. The Pacific as compared to $30.40 in April. 1933. home at Tillamook following their B ___________________________ « ■ school and grades It Is a two- majority of the elites of (he state. Coast dried prune crop is expected I Lowest cost per patient wag that of •tory and basement structure fac­ Springfield has not adopted the to be less than normal. Carryover the Eastern Oregon State hospital marriage. McKenzie Valley | ing south with a large lawn und a ordinance. of 1933 crop prunes is also less with $12.62. while the Oregon State than normal. hospital ranked second with $12.90, ANALYSIS OF CHURCH Several parties have enlivened hedge of white roses on each side of the main walk. and the Oregon Fairview home, SUBJECT FOR SERMON J thia section the past week. Another Interesting feature of third, with $13.71. The peniten­ Of particular Interest was the CREAT SCALE-DOWN Rev. Veltie Pruitt, pastor of the frienahip shower given at the home the afternoon was a demonstration tiary's cost per Inmate was $21.64. IN FARMERS' DEBTS and the institutions with smaller Christian church will preach on the of Mrs. Edwin Hansen In compli­ o' distillation of water and sugar, subject. The Church Analyzed" at ment to Mrs. Henry Hansen Sat­ sand, tea and salt In the liquid. S'armera' debts have been scaled populations ranged as follows: the morning service in his church urday afternoop State Tuberculosis hospital. $40.51; Monday the seventh grade tioys down In connection with approxi Sunday. His evening subject will The birthday party given for Cleo defeated the Coast Fork school mately 37.4 out of every 100 Land Eastern Oregon Tuberculosis hos­ be. "Manifestations of Faith." The Carter at the home of his parents. 29-8 Earl Pederson was the star Bank Commissioner's loans and 28.4 pital. $46.31; State Training school, choir will sing. "Savior Lead Me." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter $36.34; Industrial school. $81.86; of the gam". out of every 100 Federal land bank A charivart was given Tuesday The Eighth grade boys and girls loans and about 5 cents on the dol­ Blind school. $39.84; Deaf school. ersi Land Bank district over a nine- ' $42.88: and Blind Trades school. BENTON-LANE BALL CLUB night for Mr. and Mrs. Cedi Chase are getting ready to play Pleasant month period, according to the $33.91. Certain hospitalization ex TO PLAY GAME HERE Mrs. Chase was Irma Shanander. Hill teams there on May 28. The Portland. boys defeated Goshen 41-1 and the Farm Credit administration of that penses and special treatment re- A very large attendance was im­ freshman hoys 9-8 in a gum,- which Springfield Town baseball team city. This district comprises Mon­ quirments for Inmates result In In­ tana. Idaho, Washington, and Ore­ creases in per capita costs at home and the Benton-Lane teams will ported Saturday night at the Vida required 10 Innings. of the institutions. cross bats on the Brattain field dance. gon. Leaburg high and grade schools IUKA ELECTS CHAPLAIN Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. A In rases of loans In which scale- small admission charge will be plan Joint commencement exercises downs occurred, the average reduc- : M A R R IA G E L IC E N S E S IS S U E D AT BUSINESS MEETING The baccalaureate sermon will be tlon in each farmer's indebtedness ' During the past week the county made for the game. next Sunday evening bv Rev Ralph was about 1.8 cents on the dollar in clerk has granted marriage licenses Mr Myrtle Kgglman was elected W ELLS A W ELLS Clark. connection wltb Commissioner's to the following: Cecil England and chaplain of Iuka circle Number 37. Attorneys at Law Frank Mamn. aged McKenxIe loans and about .6 cents on the dol­ Verna Davis, both of Eugene; Bank of Commerce Bldg., Eugene to fill a vacancy caused by a reslg Valley pioneer who has been ser­ lar In connection wltb land bank Charles Michel Eula. and Nellie nation at the regular meeting held N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S 8 A L E Leep. Mapleton; Harry Zimmer­ iously III at Pacific hospital. Is re­ loans REAL PROPERTY last Tuesday evening al the borne NOTICE Is hereby given that by ported improving slowly. The amount of Individual scale- man, Forest Grove, and Ollie Bemis of Mrs. Egglmann. virtue of an execution and order Cottage Orove; Harold Phillips and Waltervllle grade school closes downs varied from a few dollars to of sale Issued of the Circuit Court several thousand dollars, depending Josie Bemis, both of Cottage Grove; of the State of Oregon for I-ane Friday, May 26. A picnic will fea C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S upon the amounts by which the William Peters and Marion Karthen County this 23rd day of May. 1934 lure the last day The morning Notice Is hereby given that total debts of applicants for loans both of Eug?ne; Palmer Brlckley, upon and pursuant to a decree duly will be devoted to a program and School District No. 19, In Lane given and made by said Court the 4 H Health club achievement Eugene, and Arah Nell Arnold. exceeded the maximum amounts 20 Mr ™<' Mrs L. R. Millican have county. Oregon, will pay at the of­ which could be loaned by the land Trent pending therein In which L. H Mul- key was plaintiff and Melvin Han-1 word that their daughter. Luclle. fice of the clerk of said district, all bank and the commissioner sen and Ethel Han.wn. his wife, came through an appendectomy warrants to and Including 3342, CONTEST GROUPS HAVE and Alex Bodner and Catherine »afely Tuesday moj-ntng. Luclle la dated December 22. 1933. Interest | STUNTS AT MEETING AAA ADDS TO FARM Bodner, hla wife, were defendants, ntte-dlng Ashland Normal school ceases after May 24. 1934, which execution and order of sale INCOME; NEED SCIENCE C. F BARBER. Clerk Members of the two membership was to me directed and command­ Her family are leaving Friday to team:,Redsldes. led by Mrs. Ray ed me to sell the real property be with her a few days Cash income of American agri­ Stevens, and Shamrocks, led by A1 hereinafter described to satisfy Zula Kickbush, nur* -In-training, ' YES, I DID IT ALL culture increased more than 39 per Pohl, presented stunts at the regu certain Hens and charges In said at the Good Samaritan hospital. W IT H A CAN O F decree specified. I will on Saturday; cent during the first year of the lar N. O. W. meeting held last the 23rd day of June. 1934. at the| Po'land. cam. home this week for operation of the AAA. according to ’ACME ENAMEL KOTE night. National Organizer Mrs hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M , at the her two week’s vacation, figures compiled at Washington. Davis and her husband were guests . outhwest door of the County Court ...A N D DOE5NT IT The AAA reported that rental and at the meeting Refreshments were House in Eugene, Lane County. LOOK WONDERFUL? Thurston benefit payments to farmers who Oregon, offer for salp and sell at erved after the program . . . . ___ . . . . public auction for cash, subject to cooperated accounted for more Adelegatlon of 15 were present redemption as provided by law. all Mr. mid Mrs. Roy Weaver from than 12 per cent of the 1*4 billion of the right, title and Interest of Crockett, California, arc here on from Eugene. dollars of increase. the defendants In said suit and of Ilieir honey moon trip, visiting his all parties claiming by. through or F O R E C L O S U R E SA LE Notice Is hereby given that by under them or any of them. In or grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W DULL HEADACHES GONE virtue of an execution and order for to the following described real Weaver. They were married in SIMPLE REMEDY DOES IT sale Issued out of the Circuit Court property, to-wlt: Reno. Nevada, a few days ago. Mr. Beginning al a point 210 feet Headaches caused by constipa­ In and for Lane County. Oregon. In Weaver is employ d in the sugar re­ West of a point on the North tion. are gone after one dose of a suit wherein Ole O. Haugen was finery in and Ihey will T here’s a real Having! But the New Air-Cooled line of the L. E. Davis D. L. C. Adlerlka. This cleans poisons out plaintiff and A. J. McKy and others No. 42 at a point 18.09 chains of BuTH upper and lower bowels. were defendants, to enforce a Judg­ make their home there. Electrolux offers you even more. It haH no moving East of a point 6.9« Chains Ends bad sleep, nervousness. Flan- ment entered and docketed In said Norma Hart, m a ll daughter of parts to make noise or wear. It frees you from costly South of the Quarter Section cry's Drug 8tore. suit and court on the 24th day of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Hart, under repair billH. - Corner on the line between May. 1934. I have levied upon the went an operation (or appendicitis Sertlors 23 and 24 of Township following real property mentioned Furtherm ore, Electrolux is equipped with all the HOUSEHOLD 17 8. R. Four West of the in said order of sale, viz: at the hospital In Eugene a few m odern convenience» any woman could aHk. We Willamette Meridian, and run­ Beginning at a point on the days ago. She Is recovering satis­ simply c a n ’t list them here, hut we'll be more than ning thence South 234 94 feet, east line of lot 1 block 18, In FLY SPRAY factorily. glad to dem onstrate them thence West 150.74 feet, thence Fairmount, according to the The baccalaur ate sermon for the North 234.94 feet, and thence original plat thereof, which Is 25c a Pint QUICK FACTS - - . East 160.74 feet to the place of 133.2 feet south of the north­ high school will be preached at tin beginning; east corner of said lot and rbn No Moving Parts church next Sunday evening. The SCOTT'S DRUG STORE Also, Beginning at a point thence south 50 feet, thence Trigger Tray Release commencement exercises will be FOR 234.94 feet South of a point 359 west 160 feet, thence north 50 Non-Stop Defrosting h-Id at the hall on the following feet West of a point on the feet, thence east 160 feet to the FURNITURE. BREAKFAST SETS, North line of the b E. Davis place of beginning, being a part Ixiwest Operating Cost Friday evening. KITCHEN CABINETS D. I„ C No 42 at a point 18.09 of said lot and situated In Lane Perm anently Silent The grade school d oses next Fri­ chains East of a point 6 96 Cohnty. Oregon; Tw o-Tem perature Chilling Unit Y o u r s k iff w it h c o lo r j n d b ru s h day. They are to have a picnic al chains South of the Quarter and will sell the same on Saturday will a m a ic you Skinner butte In Eugene. Ml s Section Corner on the line be­ the 23rd day of June, 1934. at 1:30 We Join the Entire Gas Industry in tween Sections 23 and 24 of o'clock P. M. at the front door of Marjorie Grant has taught the past Recommending Electrolux to You. 1» POPULAR COLORS Township 17 8 R. Four West the Lane County Courthouse In Eu year, but Is employed to teach nl of the Willamette Meridian, i gene .Oregon, to the highest bidder TO CHOOSE FROM | Marshfield the next year, and Miss Sold on Easy Term« and running thence South 200 for cash, to satisfy the Judgment feet, thence West 141.742 feet, lluple Ross from Irvin has been entered In said suit, viz. $800 with thence North 200 feet and Interest (heron at 8 per cent from employed to teach here. She has April 10. 1933, $50 as attorney's thence East 141.742 feet to the taught nl Vida the past year. place of beginning, all In Lane fee and $26.70 costs of said suit, Miss Mildred Price who bus i Raid sale wjl I be subject to redemp­ County. Oregon. W-J-ll Hardware — Furniture tion as allowed by law Dated this 23rd dav of May. 1934. taught at The Dalles the past year, Eugene, Springfield C. A 8WART8. C A SWARTS. Sheriff. has returned to her home here. The « í 77ie New» Office Radio» — Paint Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon Bv A E HVLEGAARD, Deputy. school closed laat Friday there. (M 24 31—J 7-14 21) (M 24-31— J 7-14-21) H*y Crop». Pasture» in North Central State» Poor; Milk Production Tumbles STATE HAS tM