Visit In Salem— Mr. and Mrs W II Adrian »p-nt Sunday with rela Uvea In Salem. FUR BALK CH EAP FOIt CAHH— ■ H6-100 acres. 6-room hous«. barn. chtekeu house. cellar, amok« house, woo.l J J -■ ■ — - iii Business Directory Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathie Phyalelaa Phecu 01-J Urtlca Hours: 1 to 0 P. M. 400 Fourth Street Edward C. Privat Watchmaker and Jawalar S P R IN G FIE LD Ba. Pacific Welsh Inspector First Class Work at Reasonable Prices. Urn arai Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attoraey-et-Law City Hall BnlMlng Springfield. Orhgon Reliance Life Insurance Co. at Pittsburgh. Pa. Represented By E. H. TURNER •40 A BL Springfield. Ore. PAGE T HRBK T H S SrW NO FIBLD NBWS THURSDAY, MAY 14,1»«4 Center of New Food and Drug Mcaaurc Jlumpuij 1 * kA W IL L S A W IL L S Attorneys at Law Sank ef Commerce Bldg., Eugene ; NOTICE OP PINAL S E T T L E M E N T NO TIC E la hereby given (bat the underalgned. J. A. Gibson. Admin latrelor of the Kntate of Knute O. I lluaby. deceased, baa filed hie Final Report and Account aa such Ad- ; m lnlatralor with the Clerk of the County Court of l,ane County. Ore i von; and that Saturday, the 2nd j day of June 1134 at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. In the County Court Hoorn of »aid County, In the Court House al Eugene, ha» tieon set by Hon Fred Fl«k. Judge of said Court, aa the time and place for hearing objections to the »ame ■ and for the final settlement of said ealate J A. GIBBON, Administrator. W E L L S A W KI.LH Attorney« (M 11017-1431) I H IN C T O » 4 a who think tho drought Is ii,other piece of "Roosevelt luck." which has come to he an everyday expres­ sion at the capital. They say. la eff«r’ “LookH! The President was trying to raise the price of wheat and corn and wasn't getting away Ith It. Hie gold policy didn't do the trick, end he's been bunting everywhere for »ome other way to do tt. when along coman Old Man Drought and does It for him That's pure Roosevelt lin k, for It won't be long how before everybody will for­ get that II was tbe drought that did Ik They'll give Roosevelt all the credit, because It happened In bis Administration. Ceevallls Foia Here — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broadwater of Corval­ lis visited friend» In Springfield Sunday. They were dinner guaeU at the Robert Drury home at noon, and later were »upper gneeta at the home of Mr and Mrs. E G. Privat. The Privat and Broadwater fam­ ine« were formerly neighbors In Minnesota. HA R R I», S M ITH A BRYSON W ASHING TON. May 2«.— (Auto Attorneys i caetrr. < nrloualy enough, the Miner Bldg., lugene. Ore. | most In te rfilin g political event NOTICE . under dlar-uselon In Washington at OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T Ib is writing Is nothing that the NO TIC E Is hereby given that tbe ; Adniinla'ratlcn or Congress or any- undersigned as executrix of the W A S H IN G T O N ; . . . H e rr are three principals who w ill be la tk r estata of James T Moore, deceased, __ rumpua ______ eeoter e f the a» tb r ro a tro w rte d YwgweB-Gapeiand bill, ike murk 1 one elcu had anything to do with. drug, food and ru.metic measure, coruse before the a«» coegree« | It la tbr drought In the wheat and There may be something In that. has filed In the county court for Lane County. Oregon, her final ac­ They are, left to right. Ileniy A Wellaee. Secretary of Agrbulture, i corn bolts. , Human nature la funny. J( It likes count aa such executrix and said Seaator Royel Copeland, »bo latrodueed the bill, sad Raiford Tugwell, man— and everybody likes Mr. conrt has appointed Saturday the The drought la political In Its ef- Assistant Secretary of Agri, ulture, author of the hill, which le latrodueed «» —>i,uiaal the &7 . “I* — -r e food and drug act ! fuels. Iiecaua« It has apparently Roosevelt— It will give him credit 2nd day of June. 1*34 at ten o'clock A M as the time and tbe county ; doni wt,at the Administration has for everything good and put all tbe Judge’s office In the county court­ ! been attempting lo do by political blame for whatever 1s bad on some­ house In Eugene, la n e Connty. : methods; that la, reduce the supply one Its doeen t like, like Mr. Hoov­ Oregon, as the place for bearing PRANK A. DB PUB of grain to avert a surplus and er or W all Street or the Japanese objections. If any. to »aid final ac-. Attorney at Law count and the settlement thereof raise the price. Instead of oper­ Mnnace or something. •tan ley Bldg., Springfield, Ore. j All persons Interested and desiring Flaw In Argument ating through the political machln- to object to said final account are NOTICE TO CREDITO RS “ _ . But the Washington observer»— hereby notified to file their objec­ Jasper Man Hare— A. R. Ruthven ery of the AAA, Nature took a band Return« Home — Blaine Fisher Notice la hereby given that the r„turnw| from Oakridge where of Jasper, was a business visitor and brought about a crop shortage and there are some pretty wise tions thereto In writing with the undersigned ha» been duly appoint­ lo Springfield over the week-end. hy (he old reliable abort-cut meth- ones among them—point out the Clerk of said Court prior to aald vl«lt»d friend» time and appear at said time and ' ed Executor of the eetate of Mary In _ „ od. Physical evidence of the flaw In that line of argument thia place. L. McPhereon, deceased, and any way: Maroola Man Here - Carl Lan Medferd an ue rv u drought was brought to President Date of the first publication nt and ell persona having claim », by >ly "Grant that tbe drought has done this notice Is May 3, 1*34 against th» »aid »state ar» hereby: d«r. of Marcola was a business via- Burgee, of Medford wa. a , »ret at (b * Muring field hol*l Monday . a.a a. * a. A N N IE L. MOORE. As execu­ required to preaer» »aid claims. I |t»r In Springfield Saturday ' ulgbt. • duit Mtorm which darkened the nun what the AAA has so far failed to trix of the estate of James T. duly verified bn by lew >«^slred. at do; that Is, It has put up tbe price Visits In Portland— Ml»» Crystal on the Atlantic Coaat. with grains Moore, deceased Ihe office of Frank A DcPue. at III at Home Mr». A. B Van Val of wheat. It sure did that. Wheat ( M 3-10-17-24-31) tornay for the estate at Springfield. , ah wa, m a, her hum« here the Male spent tbe week-end In Port- of grit from North Dakota and the jump« from 7» cents In Chicago la„4 rest of the prairie states forming a Oregon In Lane County. Oregon. .. . . . NOTICE TO CREDITORB within six months from the date of ■ i cloud over the East, left plenty of on May 1 to *3 cents on May 11 NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IV E N : And grant, furthermore, that that ‘ h D . E d ‘11 d first published, May H « ,th “ R , r « E Assisting at Eggimann a Mias d|rt OI1 j^e roof and porticoes of Health Improved — Rev That the County Court of the State la Just wbat the Administration of Oregon foy I-ane County haa ap­ Rolen», pastor of the Springfield Eva Ixiuk la'now assisting at (be tbe White House itself. 17, 1134 pointed Flora Stearmer a t Admin­ has been trying to accomplish. Date of last publication. June 14, Baptist church, la now able to be Kgglmann Fountain and Kandy par Two Views of Duet Cloud istratrix of the Estate of W. H. lora. "But did the drought pay the I»84 out after a two weeks Illness There ere two ways of looking at Stearmer. Deceared All persons LESTER M cPHERSDN. Execu farmers any bonuses of benefit having claims against said Estate Redmond Folk Her»— O F. E nte- this dust cloud and what It may tor of the eetate of Mery L. Me ; Move to Washington— Mrs. C. H payments? Not a cent. Do they are hereby notified to present the Pberson. deceased. Dowell and children left Saturday ma n and F. A. Gullck. both of Red­ signify politically. To one group of get anything for not raising the same, duly verified, to the under FRANK A DE PVE. Attorney political thinkers It la tbe “cloud mond. weie vlsltore tu Springfield signed Administratrix at the Law for Aberdeen. Washington, to make for estate. no bigger than a man's hand." such wheat that the drought killed? Office of Harris. Smith A Bryson. Sunday. tlielr home (M 17-14 31—Je 7-14) as Elijah saw of old. To those so Nary a dollar. Under the Admin Miner Building Lane County, Ore­ Visita at Roseburg — Miss Jean minded. It signifies tbe beginning iatration's plans they may not have gon within six months from the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Visits Relatives Mrs Verne J. Notice Is hereby given that the Daniels has been visiting relatives nine Withers spent the week-end of tbe end of the Agricultural Ad­ got much higher price« for their date of this notice. underalgned has been duly ap­ Dated this 26th day of April, 1*34. visiting with relatives ar.d friends ministration program. To be sure, wheat, at least not as much as they pointed Administrator of the es­ at Independence and Woodburn for FLORA STEARM ER. AdminH- thought they ought to have had. or al Roseburg. the wish Is doubtless In great mea­ tate of John W Stevens, deceased aeveral days tratrix of the Estate of W. H. believed that they had been prom­ and any and all persons having sure the father of tbe thought, but Stearmer. Deceased. Oo to Miaeourl— O. E. Burkhart claims against the state »state are Former Resident Here — Wtllla thove who do not like the principle ised. But under tbe AAA they don't HARRIS. 8 M IT H A BRYSON. and fam ily left tbe first of tbe week hereby required to present said W alker called on hla old frie n d s have to raise wheat to get paid; Attorneys for Administratrix. claims duly verlflwl as by law re , h#rjt d He „ , formar re„ . (or Missouri where they will spend of tbe AAA are not all of them, by they only have to cease raising It (A 26 — M 3-10-17-24) any means, (he President's polit­ qulred al Ihe office of Frank A. tbe summer. DePue. In Springfield. Oregon, Ihe (dent of Ihl city. ical enemies. Many of them think by contract and agreement with OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Altom ev for the estate. In Ijtn e | _ „ _ . _ . Tuesday Visitor»—Albert Cos of u was a program wished on him by the Government. Under the drought NOTICE County. Oregon, wlihlu six months Collect» Bounty Bad Klntsley they have ceased raising It, all from the date of thle notice. I of Dexter collected the county boun- Death Valley In California slopped enthusiasts. These people believe N O TIC E 18 HER EBY G IVEN : right, but they haven't any con­ Dateil and first published. May | (y ,,n ( Wu cougars Tuesday at tbe here Tuesday (or a abort visit with that the President now, after a That Bessie F. Howard as Execu­ tract with tbe elements, at leaat Vern J. Daniels while enroute year In office and experience with trix of the Estate and Laat W ill and 24. 1*34 . . . . „ 1 county courthouse Dale of Iasi pu hl leal Ion June 21. Testament of Jessie B. Howard. De every known variety of planners, none th«t they can collect on. north. 1W4 ceased, has filed her Final Account At Harvest Time Soe la Bom — Mr. and Mrs. Al schemers and meddler*, to say FRANK COGILL. Administra­ as such Executrix and the County VIeit Brother— Mrs Flora Limm- Delerlng of Coburg are the parents nothing of tbe trickery, chicanery tor of Ihe estate of John W “And will that make the farm ert Court of the State of Oregon for of a baby son born to them at tbe vllle. of Klamath F ^ls. and Mrs. and skulduggery of national pol­ Stevens, deceased sore? Whole states have been feel­ Lane County has fixed Monday, Address: Springfield. Oregon Pacific hospital In Eugene on Sat­ Julia Seale of Reel). California, itics as It Is played here. Is not so the 28th day of May. 1*34. at the ing prosperous with the flow of FRANK A. DePVE. are here visiting at the home of hour of 10.00 o’clock In the fore­ urday. May 1«. 1»»4 Inclined to listen to upllfters or Government money coming In aa noon of said day at the County Attorney for Estate. their brother. W E. Stacey natlon-aaers or other folk who have benefit payments to the farmers. Conrt House In Eugene. Lane Coun­ IM 24 31—J 7 14 211 California Folk Here— Mra. C. H. Parents of Son — Mr. and Mrs sure-fire remedies for all that ails Now, it seems likely, tbe drought ty. Oregon as the time and place Hutton and Mra. W P Wallace of NOTICE for hearing objections to said Final will have the effect of changing all OF HBARINO F IN A L ACCOUNT Los Angeles are here for a few Harold Green of Coburg are the us. Account. All persona having ob­ parent, of a baby son born to them The folk who talk that way are that. They will have to wait till Notice Is hereby given by the days lo visit al Ih e W W Porcher jection? to said Final Account must undersigned that he has as Execu­ home. at the Pacific hospital In Eugene perfectly willing to agree that the harvest time for their money, and file the same on or before said tor of the Last W ill of George W. on Monday. May 21. 1*34. United States was producing much they will have to grow and deliver date. Irvin, deceased, filed his final ac­ Dated this 26th day of April. 1*34. „ . more wheat and corn than we could actual wheat to get It. Even though Visit From Yachats — Mr. and count. and that Hon. Fred Fisk. BESSIE F. HO W ARD. Execu­ Son Born Hare — Mr. and Mrs.: . . . , , oun sum a market for In the present re- Mrs Frank Casteel of Yachats It comes to a lot more per bushel, Judge of the County Court In and trix of the Estate and Laat Reynolds Briggs are the parents of I . . . . . . , ,, _ ’ "" " strlcted state of world commerce, we opine they won't like IL for laine County. Oregon, has fixed spent the week-end here at the W ill and Testament of Jeaale the hour of ten o'clock A. M of home of his mother. Mrs. J. H. an Infant non born to them at their They are In agreement in principle B. Howard. Deceased. home here Monday monrlng. May "Human nature being what tt la. HARRIS. S M IT H A BRYSON. June 1st.. 1»34. at the chambers with the theorem that marginal of said Court In the Lane County Casteel. Indignation at having the flow of 21. 1»34. Attorneys for Executrix. lands ought to be taken out of cul­ Court House. Eugene, Oregon, as (A 26 — M 3-10-17-24) easy money stopped always more Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. J. tivation. so as to reduce the annual the time and place of hearing ob- Visit Grandparents— Mr. and Mrs. Jectlons lo such account and the j.; Tilton of Dexter are the parents Koy W eaver of Crockett, California, surplus to reasonable bounds. And than overbalances any gratitude settlement thereof ol a baby daughter born to them are here visiting at tbe home of they are all glad to see a chance foa having had a whack at the easy COOPER W IL L IA M O. IR V IN . Executor. I at 1392 Villard street in Eugene on their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Al for tbe farmer to get more for hla money while it was running free." FRED E S M ITH . Attorney for Saturday. Muy 1». 1*34. product. They Just don't like some Executor. There you have both sides of the Weaver. f KugetlP T hey spent the day i ........... Visits Daughter— Chris Hansen •VjL returned Monday from Medford Oregon: and. Rufus Holman. Treasurer of Oregon, Plaintiff, House Guest» Here — Mrs. Ella where he spent a week visiting —va— Lombard and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. with his son-in-law and daughter. Effie L Rankins, a widow; Cora Uoaa,er had as their houseguests Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Giles Barton. Oeorge W. Barton, her husband; Rena Rhelp. Bert Bhelp. | ov* r week-end Mra. A. J. Bu Return« to Portland — Harry her husband; H attie Cook. P. F chan ut Tacoma. Waahlngton. Mias Whitney returned to Portland Mon­ Cook, her husband; M errill Ran u Fneva Bean of Portland, and Miss kina. Jane Doe Rankins, his Maurlne Lombard of Vancouver, day where he Is a member of the federal court Jury. He spent the wife; John Ranklna. Pearl Ran kins, his wife: Ruth Gtbblna. i " ashtngton. week-end here with bis family. (sometimes spelled Gibbons). Roy Glbblea. (sometime» spelled Return to Home Herw—Mrs. Wm. Teachers at Home— Ml»» Clara Gibbons), her husband; Louie q Hughe and son. Donald, re- bel Wagner and Miss Marguerite [ Ranklns. Lucy Ranklna. hla wife; |urn<>d pr, from California Orville Rankins. Jane Doe Ran with Mlllhollen spent the week-end at > kina, hla wife; iJtne County, a where she has been visiting with, their homes at Corvallis. Both bodv corporal < and politic In and her sons. Evan. Howard, and teach In the local high school. of the State of Oregon; School Ra| ph Evan has been III for some District No. 10. a body corporate ((m(> bu( lg now improving Hera From Rossburg— Mrs. C. G. In and of fjin e County, Oregon, i _________________ Van Valxah and small daughter are Road District No. 40. a body cor- here from Roseburg to visit rets i porate and politic In and of Lane MILLION FARMERS tlves this week Dr. Van Valxah [ TOWN AND VICINITY SHEEP D IP e^£ am e+iVialekebde eiWi h ä lt t T S J i K . ’S i S w Bar- SIGN HOG CONTRACTS will Join the family here this week ton. her husband. Rena 8help. Bert ------------ end. Shelp. her husband; Hattie Cook. Approximately 1.200.000 farmers Burna Hand»-—Joe‘ Mitchell suf-j P. F. Cook, her husband; M errill i o][ tbe united States, representing w?fek and Rut"h a?b°blnsHsomeilmJ" 'he hulk of the nation's commercial fered painful burns to his arms and spelled Olbbons) and Roy Olbblns production of corn and hogs, have legs Monday when gasoline which (sometimes spelled Gibbons), her signed reduction contracts and will he was using to clean the floor of i husband. Defendant»: IN T H E ,,art(C|pate In the 1»34 program. hit, service station South of Spring- GUN STA The O'"®80" E* ' en8lon ■•«’»le« re" Formerly Walker-Poole field caught fire. You. and each of you are hereby ports that contracts In Oregon total Drive to Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs EUGENE— 11th SPR IN G FIELD summoned and required to appear right around 6600 The board of and answer the complaint filed review la now working on the Fred Louk and fam ily and Mrs. and Charaelton. I l l Mala against you In the above entitled Mary Howe drove to Roseburg Sun Tslepnona 711 Phone ll-J suit within four weeks from the day county reports. day. Mrs. Howe continued on to of the first publication of this sum­ mons; and If you fall to answer, Furniture that has been polished M yrtle Point to visit with her sis­ for want thereof, plaintiff will ap­ often and has become "amoky" ter. Mrs. Arthur Chase. ply to the Court for the relief there­ in demanded, towlt. for the fore­ should be wiped thoroughly with Go To Frisco— Mr. and Mra. Riley closure of that certain mortgage turpentine cloth which w ill take oft owned and held by plaintiff, execu­ the accumulation of oil front the old Snodgra s left Wednesday for San ted and delivered by C. W. Ran­ polish. Then repollsh with any Francisco. California,' to spend a kins. now deceased, and Effie L. week visiting with Mrs. Snodgrass' Rankins, as his wife, recorded In tood furniture polish. son. Kenneth DeLassps. They will Book 63 page 61» of the mortgage also stop at Montague. California, records of Lane County. Oregon, TODAY’S NEWS FOR being a Hen upon the following on their return trip land, towlt: — Beginning at a point 60 rods Attends Convention — Mr. and south of the northeast corner of the J B. Southworth donation Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew and family Keep Cool and Peppy AU Summer land claim No 60. running thence pent tbs week-end 111 Porlland Long W hile Losing Fat the Safe south 60 rod», thence west SO W ay— The Right Way where Mr. Bartholomew attended rods, thence north 60 rods, thence Ihe state convention of Oregon east SO rods to place of begin­ Out of the thousands of letters Funeral Directors on Friday and ning. In section 21. township 18 received we give you this one froth south range 6 west of W illam ette Saturday. They reftirned home I Meridian. In Lane County. Ore n grateful young man. “I ain 23 years old. I weighed 210 Home Sunday morning. gon. together with the tenements, Your EyeB are the guard hereditaments, and appurtenances, pounds about one year ago when I and for such other and further re­ started to take Kruachen Salta off Ians of precious human lives, Many Guests Here—eMr and Mrs. lief aa the Court shall deem Just and on for nine months. I lost passengers, pedestrians. You nnd proper, together with attorney weight alright so 1 began to take H. H. Schaffenberg entertained for may need glasses and not know fees, costs and disbursements. It regular for the last 3 months. I many guests at their home during This summons Is published pur- now weigh 146. I feel better, look the week-end. Among thoae here It. Whether you drive or walk, suant to an order of Hon J. T. better and I am O. K. In every Orthogon Wide Vision Lenses were her parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Brand, a Judge of said Court, dated wny. I also eat anything I wnfK give clear vision. George Crites of Newberg, her April 24th. 1934. and requiring the — Mr. J. C. Record. Miami. Fla. Prices are Reasonable and Ex­ publication hereof for not leas than W hile loalng unalghtly fat with brother-in-law and slater. Mr. and Krusrhen ybu gain In health for Mrs. O. D. Singletary of Oarden aminations are Free. once a week for four weeks. Date of first publication April Kruachen acta on liver, kidneys Home, an uncle and aunt, Mr. and and bowel» and helpa keep body 26th. 1834. Mrs. W. H. Copeland of New Or­ DR. ELLA MEADE FRED E. S M ITH . Attorney for free from poisons and acid. Keep cool and full of pep this leans. Louisiana, and gnother uncle Plaintiff. Res. — P. O Ad­ Optomatrlat dress 406 Miner Building. Eu­ summer by taking one-half tea­ and aunt. M r and Mra. Ed W illard spoon In a glass of hot water every gene. Oregon. Bufan* 41 W M * Bth of Salem. morning. Get It nt any druggist. POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors FAT FOLKS r II Your Tw o G u a rd ia n s (A 16 — M 1-10-17-14) T s r t style ead brilliant beauty «4 deuign that wBI instantly win yoar adaairatioa. We helieew dmae aew da luxe models are the most attractive ra M g e ra to rt ever presented. T h e ir gleam iag w hite eahiwett, gracefcl simplicity of line and modern styling w*B add a prcmd aew aote to your kitcheo. Ba tore you too theee aew 19*4 G - l models before you Mdaat your aew refrigerator. They ere bow oo display » Q e i « ia operadoe. » l ) « l I m i curr«o>. » lewdy A ll-S teel cubiaet» w ith jd eam io f porraUAa b o * ¿aside and out. • Sliding «helve«, a d iu m b le in '» n b « r .t . t. • Stainless steel freesing chamfc chip o r n u t, frees«« m ore ice falter. • Coevem ent f t « o» slow freeetng, tempera ed w hen defrosting è refrigera ¡eration uni nt* ______________ _ g. • A u xilia ry foofr g i di i d o o r opener. • N « w modern hardware. • D e lu x e M o n ito r T o p model« com pletely equipped w ith covered gl««« fo o d container», ch iller tray, vege­ ta ble pan. etc. MOUNTAIN STATES JÎ?L POWER COMPANY