THURSDAY. MAY 24t l M j . TILE SPRINGFIELD NEW8 PAGE TWO —- T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S Fubllshrd Every Thursday al Sprlncfleld. Lane County, Oreeun by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H K MAXEY. Editor EtUureJ a« second via»« matter. February S«. I»«». •» the uoatotUce. Springfield. Oregon MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE d ue Year In Advance »1 50 81« Monlba T w Years m advance »2 50 _ Three Month. _ »I Od SOc THURSDAY. MAY 2«. l»34 THE BEST MEN WON The Republican and Democratic parties in Oregon will both be led for governor by steady reliable men in the cam- paUtn before the November election. Oregon is returning to sanitv as is many other parts of the country. Those who made extravagant or radical promises or had other reforms to air were turned down flatly throughout the state joe Dunne the Republican nominee, while a step higher as a progressive than General Martin. Democrat. Is not a reformer but a man who believes that we should build firmlv on the foundations we already have. The bogey of free power is forgotten and "Joseph's shoes never wen> filled. All that will vanish with Go’ eraor Meier. The sales tax turned down for the second time has left the schools in a bad plight. But perhaps Uncle Sam can spare us more money this next term which w ll allow for a few more weeks of school than otherwise. All that is left in this respect is hope. As we see it Democratic chances for any victories in the election this fall are rather slim with the possible excep­ tion of governor. The Republican party which was in the dumps a few months back seems to be coming back strong so far as Oregon Is concerned. Oregon never had a better chance to gain three Republican congressmen with strong men running in each district. The overwhelming vote of confidence given Congressman Mott indicates he will win this fall. Mott Is the type of progressive Republican that will no doubt lead the party in the near future. His recog­ nition as assistant floor leader and his admittance into con­ ference with the heads of the party nationally all indicate this course. The Republican party is quietly being brought up-to- date. It should profit by the mistakes of the new deal and know what experiments not to try when once it again re­ turns to power IMPROVING THE NRA We think the National Recovery Administration is tak­ ing a wise course in deciding to abandon the effort to place everv kind of business, down to the smallest one-man tailor shop, under some sort of a code. We can see where the codes of fair competition may prove in the long run to be of the greatest value to producers and consumers alike, as well as to wage-earners. In the large competitive industries. We understand that control of operations under the codes is being gradually transferred to the industries them- seles and that the expectation is that before long the hand of the Government will be entirely removed, except as it may serve as a mediator in disputes between industries or within an industry. But we have never quite understood how the Govern­ ment expected to be able to police the whole country to see to it that no cobbler half-soled a pair of shoes for a nickel or a dime less than some other cobbler wanted for the Job or that every filling station lived up strictly to the rule of the forty-hour week for employees. Local businesses deal­ ing only with local customers, particularly when they are small concerns operated by the owner and a few helpers, must consider the service to their trade first of all. whether it means conforming to the customs or rules imposed for some other line of business in some other community, or not. We agree in principle with the idea of keeping unfair competition from outside of the trade territory of indepen­ dent local merchants. We have not seen much of that so far, however, in the operations under the NRA. It was our understanding, and the President’s declared purpose, to put the small business man on an equality with the big business men. From all we hear, big business is well pleased with the results under the codes so far, but many small business men are not. Therefore, as we have said, we welcome the news that these small, local businesses are not to be included in the new set-up of the NRA. MEMORIAL DAY It is now nearly seventy years since the last shot was fired in that tremendous conflict between the North and South which history records as the American Civil War The pitiful little handful of survivors of that great struggle are now old, old men. Whatever hatred or bitter­ ness they felt for each other has long since been resolved by the kindly, soothing hand of time. It is not necessary here to go into the causes of that titantic struggle. Leave that to the historians and inter­ prétera, who will not have finished in another seventy years, nor in seventy times seventy, their efforts to make the events of the 1860’s prove this, that or the other theory. The fact remains that the survivors and the descendants of both sides have equal cause for pride. Visits In Psrtlsnd — Onrdon Lee spent Ihe week end vlsllln« In Port •ar«; for the first time In h»r Ilfs, 0. S. C. COMMENCEMENT too, her father terrified her He ANNOUNCED FOR JUNE 3-4 - wheeled now and came hack, June » and 4 are Ihe dates an thrusting hla face close to his son's. • NOT A 8 A P I P E A 'What d'you mean by II? Did you uoutsced for the «fttlt annual com- TO ÛBT THE H O U X forget the family honor your own mencement at Oregon Stale college THOROUGHLY. when d o se to 400 seniors and grad- good name? Who taught you to his arms on his breast In a boyish t Con t luuetl from Kirnt I “age) J uate students will b> given degrees PAI N T E P / steal? My God In heaven. I never ly tragic attitude, ills hair was d is­ This will be the fir I oommencu- thought tuy boy'd be a felon! he Natn Virginia?' he asked Impali heveled. too, one long lock hung 1 ment at which President George between his bloodshot »yea. Hta raped. •ally . W I’eavy will preside. President Hla eno faced hliu sullenly, he She gav * him a »l«iei«.:'.R hv>k. her startler! family, gradually taking In Peavy has Invited Chancellor W ■lurk lash » »hading tior blue eye* these details, discovered, too, that felt like a man with his back to softly. without >.«sting darkness his necktie was untied and his the wall, but the sting of his | J. Kerr to tabs an a d lv e part In father's ln»ulte was turning his the csrem onles, as he has done into them collar willed, shame Into rage, he returned his every year since Ills first com "What do I ee In I’nae?” »he Mr. Gordon suddenly sat bolt up mencement here In ISOS. look with rising fury. smiled provoklngly. «hewing a fug, right In his chair. I didn't take It for myself," he live dimple In one cheek. "I'm sure “What's the matter with you Bishop Titus Lows, head of Ihe I don't know, pupa lh> yos think bov?" he demanded sharply "Have crlvd bitterly. "I morrowed 1» hit Methodist church In the northw eitl by bit—to help someone else, some­ people do usually? Do von suppose you been drinking?" one In distress. I swear I meant to states, will preach the haccalaur | old Major Lomax know» what he The young fellow steadied him cate sermon Bunday morning. June »aw in that poor Diana Aylett? self, white to his lips, his haggard return It; she- he promised to re­ S. Dr. Herman Frank Swarls. | He's Mourned her for forty year«, eyes I tim in g slowly from one to an turn II to me— thing» went wrong. prealdent of the Pacific Hchuol of J can't put It hack In time— I alert­ hasn’t he? Or— or do you know- other In the little group. ed for Brasil—I—I fam e here be Religion and head of the Berkeley, realty what you sav first In mama, "No," he said thickly. “I'm not cause—I w asted to see mother, Cal., chamber of commerce, will papa?" drunk—I’m » thief," give the oommettcemenl address "I suppose thevnajor and I fell In No one spoke; his mother drop- first'" “ 'Bhe'?" Mr Gordon pounced on Monday forenoon love. Nancy." Mr. Gordon retorted led Into th e1 nearest chair and his the pronoun. 'You've been giving “Do I understand (hat you’re In father stared at him with his mouth money to a woman that » what love with Page?" he added dryty CARO OF THANK» N r » I ' •> open. Only Nancy drew a W ile Nancy moved easily across the nearer, searching his face, her eyes you've bee» doing! Borne painted We wish to thank those who ex hussy's been playing you for B a la n c e d F o r m u la room and looked out of the window, Intent and wide. She caught at pressed their sympathy and gave money!" her small slight figure and the up­ his sleeve. floral offerings on our bereave is the paint to use "She's not a painted hussy!" msnt Especially do we thank Ihe lift of her defiant little head show "Rod! Whet do you mean?" cried his son pas-lonately. “she's Order of the Eastern Btar. mg plainly again: l the square of He shook her hand off. "You'd Let us tell you about the loveliest woman In the world MR and MRB. BEVKRT darkness better not touch me. Nance. I'm JACOBSON and family Triple Check v / • Plan "That'a Just what I'd like to thief—that's what I came home to I love her. I'd steal for her, I'd die for her— I'm going to Jsll for her know, papu." she replied, and laugh tell you all." lielote you buy House Paint now!" ed a little tremulously. The repetition was too much. It STOCK "Going to Jail for her now. are Mrs. Gordon stirred uneasily. forced belief. Mr. Gordon pushed "Papa. Il's time to go to bed," she him elf forward In hl» chair, grip­ you*" his father shouted. “A pretty warned him. trying to catch his ping Ihe arm» with such force that story stealing (or a Jade, a hussy. eye. hl» knuckles whitened "Oh. papa, hush!" shrieked Mrs Hardware — Furnitur« at But he Iguored her. reaching for "What d'you mean?" he demand a pair of old heellees leather slip­ ed hoarsely ; ."what are you talklug Gordon, »patching at his sleeve, SCOTT’S DRUG STORE Radios — Paint pers and thrusting his feet Into about anyhow? Explain yourself" hush!" Bhe was In tears. Hut her husband shook her oft them. Roddy turned a startled look Io “If you're ao keen ubout falling ward him. which had lu It some "You keep out of II!" he said fierce­ In love. Nancy." he remarked calm thing of hts boyish fllucblng from ly "You lei me a lo n e - I know whal tn talking about Here's this—this ly. "It's a pity you couldn't have the paternal wrath, but he faced young Jackass been stealing for a managed It with Richard Morgan " them all desperately hussy! D'you hear me. sir?" he Nancy flashed around upou him. "Ire been taking money bonds thundered, facing his son again In summertime Egglmann's Is easily the must popular her blue eyes wld open. aud cash,” he repeated It like a les place In the country. Wt* have nearly every klud of lee "I hate that man!" she said son he had learned by rote "I've "You've (orgotteu the family honor, you've forgotten you're u Gordon, Cream. Soft Drink or Candy you can think of. Every­ quickly been a messenger and go-between thing we sell Is first quality und has our personal “Holty h olty!" said her father, in the Trust company. Mr. Green you've broken your mother's heart, guarantee backed by many years experience lu thia rising, "you'd better go to bed; It's ough sent ule oer to the banks you've disgraced your father and your sister — your young slater! huslneaa time you got a little sense and—" sometimes hlinself. I've carried a But Nancy Interrupted him with lot of money Millions. I reckon Look at her. a girl In the morning We uliit to keep up-to-date both In equipment und In of life- with ii thief for a brother." a little startled. Joyous cry. her I didn't mean to keep any of It making the latest and dalntleBt tee Cream and Con­ "I'm sorry, father," Roddy hurst eyes fixed on the space outside the meant to return It all. but—” he fections. open window Then she ran temp­ stopped, gasped, and went of harsh­ out hoarsely, "but It's not true— about her. the lady. I mean, who estuously to the front door. ly—"| can’t, that's all. When you who------'■ Mrs. Gordon looked blank "It can't you're a thief." “Lady?" mocked lil< father, : can't be that Roemer boy back HI» mother, staring at him with "lady? By rum! You fool, you turd I again!" she exclaimed terrified Incredulous eyes, uttered young fool, ycu've ruined yourself, "Wbais Uie Hervtoe is UMfstent Mr. Gordon, whose ears were r cry of angttlsb. you’ve ruined us all—I'm loo poor i sharper than hers, pushed back his "You meant to return It?" his to hall you out. you’ll go to lall chair, looking toward the door father shouted with sudden viol You're a felou. a disgrace Io your "It's Roddy." ence "You meant to return money people, your name, your family "Roddy?" Mrs. Gordon sprang to you'd stolen? My God. do you mean honor, yourself and you've done II her feet, flushed and eager. "It to stand up there— my only son all for som e worthless, painted ¡can't be— why. Roddy darling!" and admit you’re a thief?" trollop—d'you hear me. sir?—for a For Nancy appeared, driving her Roddy choked, his smooth young painted trollop!" ; brother before her. The reading- face darkening with shame HI« son stared at him for a tno- lamp on the center table made a "I meant to return It!" he -tn .« j m#B, spee(.h,w ,. He w s . not quit, Hot weather demundH Ice for your refrigerator. We i «-oft Illumination which showed gled with hlm Ilion* fu apply fur. over 30 during the flr-l five day« I wun enrolled Ao lllloolii Teacher. SC H O O L OF F IC I ALS: —-W e can put you in touch w ith the very finest teachers. Our service le free to you. We believe we are right in saying that all the rancor, all the sectional bitterness that that great struggle engen­ dered, and which hung for so long like a funeral pall over the reunited Nation, vanished long since. It began to dis­ appear when the sons of men who had worn the Northern blue marched in the ranks of ’98 with those whose fathers had worn the Southern grap; its last trace disappeared when the boys from Texas and Mississippi swung into ac­ tion at Chateau-Thiery alongside their khaki-clad brothers from Vermout and Minnesota. On the 30th day of this month, all over the North and in many of the States of the South, the Nation will again pay its annual tribute of remembrance to the brave men who fought for their native laud in three great wars. In some states there have been or are yet to be held special memorial services for those who fought for the Confed­ eracy. But tiie tears that are shed and the wreaths that are laid are, all or them, a nation’s tribute to what we must still regard as the highest possible expression of the nobility of the human character, which does not hesitate to risk dear life itself, not for any possible selfish gain but for the sake of others. “Under the sod and the dew. waiting the Judgment D a y - Tears and love for the Blue, love and tears for the Gray.’’ — — A Glorious, Glittering Gathering of Big Top Stars A M E R IC A N LEG IO N Indoor CIRCUS BENEFIT RELIEF FUND Eugene Arm ory Monday, June 4th to June 9th Inclusive 6 - BIG NIGHTS - 6 MATINEE, SAT., JUNE 9TH All over the country men who are receiving 75c to $1.25 an hour are striking for recognition of this or that union, which may or may not represent the majority of the workers. We who live in the country cannot comprehend the meaning of such conduct in the cities. We wonder if the administration’s real purpose in planning for more peo­ ple to live in the country is so they may think straight. There seems to be doubt as to whether the judiciary voting was a primary or a general election. That is the way with most non-partisan tickets. — General Admission 25c 20 High Class Professional Circus Acts — Circus Novelty Syncopated Orchestra— FREE DANCING EVERY NIGHT Circus Office: 131 E. Broadway, Phone 2811 r m n u t i -------