THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TU IK TY -FIK B T YEAH HPKINUFIKLlJ, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1934 HOBE 1DMI HALF “ « > '» o«„ F ill IO BÍLLO1 Spri"‘ c“ " " " DELEGATES NAMED 16627084 NO. 19 Free Cooking School In Springfieid June 5-6 _____ Madrigal Club, Instrumental-1 Martin - Mahonay Poll Same And Soloists To Be Committee Needs Mors Trout, Heard in Program Vote In Springfield; Dunne Boy Scout Croup Enlarged, Gathers Large Majority H. S. Croups Sing The lulled choir of lb« Methodist 15666111 S I B UNDER WAT GIRL SCOUTS PLAN Cooking Expert to Be Brought FOR FUN CARNIVAL Here by The News for Two Hamlin To Head City-Wida Day« at Taylor's Hall Planning Commission; Will One-Act Comedy, S id e s h o w By Brownlee, Booths and Stands Investigate Relief Work A free cooking school under the church will ba hoard In (hair (Inal A ll Planned For Event FAVOR THREE MEASURES j appearance of the neaaon In a Three past presidents of the direction of las Marlon Allen, na­ tionally known cooking expert, will ARMORY WORK RESUMED I spring concert to ba given at the Bprlngfleld Lions club. W F. Walk­ Plana for a fun carnival lu be er, C. F. Barber, and F. B Flanery be conducted in Springfield Jane 6 Less Than S00 Ballots Cast In t-su.-eh thia coming Bunday evening, «Iven al an early date In Juue are i and «. The school will he held In Working« Of Naw Satup Ex- City Precinots; Many May >7. at 7: ¡IO p m Mra Buford »ere named delegate» to the d is­ how being made by Ihe Bprlngfleld | Taytor., r>d plainad to Lions Club Friday Roach, director of the choir, will ba trict convention of Lion» clubs to Contests Very Close Girl Scout troop under the convene In Eugene on June 3-4-6, at By Five Lana Employaaa In charge of the program tlonof Mlaa Eunice Gerber. | the meeting Friday noon. G irl, of the troop are alr«uly at I T,,,a ’’ the ,,rat cookln« •ch° o1! wha. T Z T - . . rll . . . . Mure than o n e half of the voters Theae aeaconal concerts have be- Reports from the flah fry com­ „ » ca rl ,-nmedv -Mr. *’ er to ** held ,n Springfield and J u ,t wkal rel*, f work wln be In aacb of Ibe major political par com» very popular with tsprlngdeld work on a one-act comedy. "Mrs. < one-act comedy. M rs.. the „ News ---- , Is ----- . NICE: • • . Robert W Service, patting It on as ao I carried *,rr,ea on in >n Bprlngfleld »pnngtieiu during llaa were content to remain at music lovera and capacity audiences m ittee Indicated that more flab (sbeve) aew la kle middle Xftlm, Apple and Her Corp»,” which will I boma and not cast their ballots la usually greet the program». The were needed and every member of Ute Kipliag of the K load Ike whose be presented as a feature of the experiment to see if the women of i tke ’ u®mer months and what the the May primaries Friday. Records program thia time ha« been divided the club w u urged to bring In at * * Shooting ef Daa McGrew ’ ' started carnival. Myrna Nott will have the thia community will attend a n d ; n*ture ot tke Projects will be has suddenly become the topic of major least 10 flah for the event. The parlor orators apoatlag sad tha gold of tbs election show that leas than Into IS grouping» ua follow»: leading role and la the only one of lake an interest in this work. discussion In thia city. flab are to be left at the Bprlng flowtag to him, aew raatdaa, a retired Towns and communities all over "Take Our Heart». O Father"— half the registered voters went to ten characters chosen at thia time literary mas, la Frasea The naming of an 8ERA planning the polls. The Republican» with Macy. M etaocontratio nolo by Mlaa field creamery or with E. C. Htuart Mra. Lee Putman la directing the I the country have had great success with thalr cooking schools. They: commission headed by F. B. Hamlin 11,107 registered voter», cast only (Hyde Dilley; and “Like aa tli al Ihe Independent Meat Market play and Miss Doris Girard and The comm ittee also asked permis­ 7.ISS ballot» or 43 per cent Demo­ Heart"— Young, by the choir. Mia» Maxine Snodgrass are assist-j have proved highly educational »»d containing the following rapre- and beneficial to the housewives aentatlvea: Dr. W. N. Dow, Lloaa "Ini Herbal" —- Fran*. Evelyn sion to provide some form of a crat» with S.7SI registered, ceat ing with the carnival plan». who have attended In very la r g e 1 club; W. E. Buell, school«; Dallas souvenir for the visitors which waa I. 110 bellota Indicating that only Buell contralto. The carnival will he held at the granted. numbers. Murphy, churches; Mrs. D. O. Flah "Allah"» Holiday." Frlml; "In 10 per cent of their membership Methodist church. A number of The Boy Scout comm ittee re- voted Over the county there are the L .etnbourg Garden»," and booths and sideshow s will be ar- > Mlaa Allen will demonstrate the; , r - C!tU c,u k : w c Wright, Cham the Wlap,” all by the Mad ported lhal It had added new mem­ I I , 140 registered voters and only "Will ranged for ihe affair, and a »pedal *'*•* methods In cooking, give lec- ber of Commerce, and Al Pohl, ber« and now Includede besides Dr. dem onstrate the latest latest 1 A“ «rlcau Legion, la expected to 11.>70 or «0 per cent voted These rlgal dub. aide »bow will be operated by the I lur** • nd d dem onstrate the Brownies pack. Junior member» o f ! hoaehold appliances. The session» f*rret OBt the deelrea of all on .Member» of the club are Mra. W W. N Dow, I'. F. Barber, and John figures were compiled at the office will be from 2 anti) 4 in the after- “nd Individuals in relief K. liarnell and June Dank», flrat D. Pyle, Ihe following member»: E. Hartman Trip» At Start, But Ihe »cout troop. of the county clerk. noon each day and from 7:10 to j work and to h e ,r r««iueata for pro- soprano»; Mra. Gertrude Hotter and <’. Stuart, Harry M Stewart, and Recovers And Place« Fifth Mett Wine Nemlnatlen Jects to be submitted to the SERA. Mary Kllanbeth Whitney, aecond so­ F. H. Hamlin. They have eetab- In 880; Smith Out COUNTY P.T.A. CONVENES »:30 on Tuesday evening, June 5. In Ike state election Jame» Mott prano»; Ulyde Dilley and Velda llxhed the troop In rooms over the This local committee, named by FOR ALL-DAY SESSION piled up a Urge lead for remonlna Bartholomew, flrat altoa, and Mrc, old Bell theatre where their equip ’ W. P. Tyson, mayor, has as its Malcolm Hanoon, Bprlngfleld high Hon aa republican congressman, A. H Van Valaah and Evelyn Buell ment can be aet up und left on the ! principal purpose the study ot local school student from the Walter- Bprlngfleld P. T. A. member» are walls between meetings. They have vllle vicinity, ran a mile In 4:38 to and he will contest thia seat with aecond altoa. conditions and to approve or dia- acting as bosta today to the Lane R R Turner who defeated both W , approve of local work before the “Ave Marla"—Schubert, Haul Hot provided merit badge cards and win second place In the event at county P. T. A. association m eet­ will furnish at least some of the A Delaell and John D Go»« for tha ter. tenor. request reaches the hands of the the state track and field meet held ing here for an all-day session at merit badge» It waa also reported democratic nomination In tha fall county committee. The county com "How Excellent la Thy Name," at Corvallis Saturday. He waa Just the Methodist church. The pro­ election. . mittee then acta on the requests choir with Incidental aolo by Haul that the American Legion offered three acconda slower than the win­ gram opened with a meeting of the Joe E Dunne of Hurt land did Holler the boys the use of their co lo n for ner who reached the (ape In 4:16. _______ before they reach the final author executive com m ittee at 10 o'clock marching purpose« not win a majority of the repub­ "Legende" — Wenlawakl. Kachel Rain squalls and a cold raw day and was followed by a aeries of In Trent Resident 1« Bride Of “ ’ • ,he gtate rruup lican votes for governor, but did K o k e n , accompanied by Edith District Engineer Sinclair. Tom worked effectively In preventing Eugene Man In Sunday Provision» Explained »tractive talks at 10:30 and a bus I Sheridan. Bayard T. Welch. O. E poll a larger vote than either of hla Paris. any encroachment on the present ■was xeoslon at 11:46. Ceremony; Take Trip / per’ ° " from four opponents Charlea Martin "Love-» Old Hweel Bong."— Mol- Crowe, and Bid Ward were guests state records. The state record for J ” the Eugene SERA office were here A potluck luncheon waa held at led tha democratic field and the lay; "Clrtblrlbln"; and "Barcolle* at the meeting. Mr. Crowe made the milo waa 4:1«. noon. The afternoon will be given Mias Arah Nell Arnold, daugh­ Friday attending the Lions lunch­ two will oppo»e each other In the from "Tale« of Hoffman"—Offen a short talk on the subject of the Carter Hartman. 880 runner on over to special speaker» Including ter of Mr. and Mrs William Arnold eon meeting and explaining the set­ taU bach. Springfield high school boys national relief program raising the Marion Hall's Springfield team up under which the SERA will func­ Other winner» are Earl Snell, re trio. Jack William», flrat tenor, question. "Where Are We Drift­ went off on a bad start when a run Mra. E E. DeCou. Mr». W aller E. of Trent became the bride of Emer­ tion . They alao urged local cltl- Robertson, and Mrs. O. H. Good, son Brfckey, son of P. E. Brtckey, publican, sad Horace E Walter, Robert Brown, aecond tenor. Morrla ing r ner ahead of him fell causing Hart­ of Crow Stage, Sunday afternoon at lo submit projects and to re- democrat, for secretary of state; Stewart, baa« Entertainment was furnished by man to tumble over him. Hartman state vice-president New officers a quiet service held at the home ot R“**1 City Council to appro will be installed at 2:30 and O. H Oram, republican, who "The Sliver Ring.“— Chaminade Ibe double quartet from the high Jumped up and went on la the race, ___ _____________ _ the bride's parents. Rev. E. V. priate funds with which to pay erbool with songs by the boys, by dafealed Oust A ad arson of Fort June Dank», anpranu Blready delayed several seconds. LODGE DELEGATES AT Stivers read the ceremony In a compensation insurance. land for rannmlnatlon aa labor com- •T rust In the Lord" (I«argoi — the entire group, and by the girls. and after passing many runners suc­ Included In the group of visitors STATE CONVENTIONS nower hanked room at 3:30 before Ringers were Jack Williams. Morris ceeded In coming In fifth. Hanson mlaaloner Oram will m e e t Wal Handel by the choir. were Mr. Sinclair, district engineer _______ a gathering of 30 friends and rela- (red Bhuholm. democrat "Serenade"— Drlgo. "La Oolond Rtewart, Donald Brown. Irving waa tired after the mile and did not for Linn. Lane and Benton coun­ Delegates from both Juanita Re- J. W. Leonhardt defeated For rlna" — Sgdrella. string quartet; Davis, Pearl Olin. Ruth Pollard, enter the 880 event. Eighteen run­ ties; Tom Sheridan, placement of­ bekab lodge and I. O. O. F. lodge The bride wore a long white silk Lucille Dr.vla, and Juanita Beamon. rest K Dunton la a close race for Rachel Koken. Betty Hendershott, ners were entered In each of then« number 70 are at Tillamook thia ficer; Bayard T. Welch, auditor; ere pa dress and carried a bouquet the office of state auperlntendeol Lola Koppe. June Warren, violin»; Mlaa Clyde Dilley wtd accompanist events. week attending sessions of the of Talisman roees. Her maid of O. E. Crowe, co u n t/ commissioner of public Instruction Ha will op­ Betty Byrne. ‘cello; Edith Parts, Dlaque Smith was eliminated In stata Rebekah aaaembly hnd of the and former head of the CWA. and honor. Mlaa Mabel Anderson of pose Charle» A. Howard In the fall accompanist. tha pre'.lmlatgry try-outs In the high grand lodge Sid Ward, front the office staff. REBEKAH LODGE MAKES Portland, wore green georgette Roe» Matthew» defeated Jeea- "O Divine Redeemer“— Oounod. hurdles but made a good showing. Mrs. Sarah Johns, Mrs. Glenn The men outlined the types of Victor Switzer of Eugene was best F. Inman for treasurer In the only Mra. W K. Barnell. aoprano. NO NEW NOMINATIONS The state meet Saturday con­ Stone and Mrs. Bertha Rouse are I man. projects most likely to be favored Lane county democratic contest "Venetian Suite"—Nevln. "Morn," cluded track events for the high attending as reprelentatlves of the during the summer months, calling Monday night was final uutulna- "In The Gondola.” "Love Song.” school this season. Some very Rebekah lodge, and M J. McKlin A re<*P“ ° n w“s held « “ >• *«■ attention _________________________ _ Legislator« Named to the fact that the 9ERA lion night for Juanita Rebekah The Hill ■ Huntington Merriam and "Farewell" by the Madrigal lodge but there were no new nom­ promising material ha.: been devel­ and Elmer Pyne are delegatee from n° W hOme fonowJngthe ceremony 1 w„ , p . , wa«. thereby making projects re- Men presided during the social of Eugene, waa honor guest at a Members of the National Honor * Power?” The subject for the eve- taught school at the Glenwood quirlng this type of labor harder to cuit Judges. hour at which lim e six men dressed miscellaneous shower given her complete, will be paid proportion­ Society at the high achol with their ning service at 7:30 will be Tl,e i school In W est Springfield. young boys with short panta­ The salea ta i waa defeated by a last Thursday evening by Mra. ately higher wages. There are now heavy margin aa In the prevloua Lewis Mills, Mias Evelyn Harris, loons, short sox and large bow ties advlnor. Mias May H ewes. visited Old Gospel for the New Deal." The 36 workers eligible for employment the Murray-Warner museum of were assisted by six ladles likewise Sunday school m eets at » 45 and SCHOOL FINANCES SHOW election. The county funding bond and Mra. George Perkins at the attired In the gurraents of their Oriental Art at the University the eve ¿ g 1* ° amendment was also defeated home of Miss Harris. " * 30 IMPROVEMENT ALREADY under the SERA in thia city and many are now working In Eugene youth In an old fashioned May pole Wednesday afternoon. Three of the measure* the two Feature of the evening waa a because no project hne been ap­ party. They also initiated the hospital bill» and the criminal trial mock wedding with little Belly School district 19 financial status proved here. without Jury were approved by the MacManlman and Charles Mac- younger members of the lodge. 1« already showing Improvement The evening was concluded with Project voter» of the state although they Manlman aa bride and groom. B el­ and further gains are expected aa The only project aab altted from refreshments In the dining room. were defeated In Lane county. a result of the FERA grant gtran ly Lou Delph and Rex Stratton the district. C. F. Barber, district Bprlngfleld to one prepared by the An analysis of the Springfield were attendants and Jackie Per > Icrk. I this week issuing a call school board calling for painting, kina, minister. TEACHERS TO GET vote la Interesting; i for all warrants now outstanding kalsomlnlng and other Improve FIRST FERA CHECKS ni tuber 3342 written December 21, ment» to th e school building» here. Republican BIBLE STUDENTS HOLD Thia project has been approved by I »33. Precinct» Hirlngfield teacher» are anxious I SESSIONS IN CITY The oldest warrant now outatand- the county com m ittee and Is now « I t « Tot. ly awaiting the arrival of their i Inc Is only a few days more than awaiting action by the state body Congreaa- Meetings of workers Interested In first FERA salary checks promised I A meeting of the local planning five months old. 14 » JO 10— 87 Devara ....... the International Bible Students thia week under the grant approved commission will be held thia week Moll .......... . 4» 61 56 73—22» association were held here during for an extended school year In this i end or early next w eek with Mr Governor— CHÎLDREN EXAMINED the week-end at Taylor hall A din­ city. The check» will cover the Sinclair at which time projects will 7 1« 10 IS— 5» Browne ner for Ihe local members and ihe »alary dating back to April 2. but , IN PRE-SCHOOL CLINIC be studied. One project, the play- J« 1» 34 40—13» Dunne visitors wa» held Sunday noon at three week» »alary will have to be' ----------- ground, has been mentioned sev 14 10 11 10—4« Holman the hall. Among those here for the refunded to the district a» warrant» I A total of 17 sm all children who prB, time* and It la understood that 7 7 10 14— 38 I^rnergan will enter school next fall wer>- funds for the completion of this m e-tlnga were C. C. Berts. A. B. already i»»ued the teacher» Include j MacAlexander 12 » 14 68— 88 given com plete physical examina­ are available when the city Is pre­ D avli, J. H. William», and Janie» D three week» of thl» period. Bee. of State— tions Tuesday nt the free clinic pared to provide the necessary com­ Lansing, all of Salem. Mr and Mra. The receipt of the check» here 32 35 4» 14— 160 Abrams ®a«xc.i». __________ aumcMW« «name« i . qn held by the P. T. A. Mrs. Walter pensation Insurance and approve E B. Miller of Dallaa. and O. H will mark the flrat time that Spring Rnell ............... 34 37 41 63— 166 Laxton waa In charge and was the project. Newman of Mill City. field teachers have received vouch­ INSTALLMENT ONE 's Com. of Labor— assisted by Mrs. Della Fitagerald er:; for thflr salary which they Mrs. Uordon peered anxiously out why we're so late, an—oh, papa, I Juat what other projects can be Andaraon ...... 21 17 16 17— 108 Non-Partisan Ballot could cash at par during the ppea- of the window met old Major Lomax there; he Dr. Milton V. Walker and Dr. Mel taken up at this time la uncertain. Oram .............. .14 4» 10 4»— 102 Supreme Court— vllle 8. Jones were the examiners em school year. Members of the Council do not feel Legislature— Bagley "Papa." she said nervously "I do slopped me to ask. quite pointedly, 37 40 37 32— 148 that they are justified In spending Heffron ..............10 34 1« 11— >1 Rand wish you'd put on your shoes. about Roddy. He said: 'Tell me. 61 «6 74 77—267 MARCOLA COUPLE WED money which they do not have for HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Hill ...................... 1« 17 6S 4«— 166 Circuit C o u r t- There you are In your stocking feet child. Is he doing well?” "Of course you said he was!" her: Howard 34 18 21 IS— 118 Brand HERE ON SATURDAY either insurance or materials. No 68 71 87 88—306 ENTERTAIN MOTHERS and I believe Nancy's going lo mother exclaimed. “Why. I thought ■ funds were Included in the last Eddy Huntington 26 11 41 61— 140 bring young Roemer In!” 34 85 «4 67—2201 the major knew that Roddy was In budget for these purposes ar;l al­ Stephen Hendrickson and Dolly King ................. 38 28 37 41— 134 Sklpworth M c m h e r I of the Domestic 6« »6 106 106 372 Mr. Gordon glanced up from his the Greenough Tru t Company In Hood, both of Marcóla were mar ready the city has expended nearly Merriam 3« 44 66 28— 184 Wimberly 62 57 64 6»—232 Science classes at the high school newspa per. New York." she nodded proudly. ried here Saturday morning at 11 $800 for m aterials used ln the CWA Neilsen ....... 16 38 16 17— 10« entertained their mothers at lunch­ Measures “Papa, 1 think Nancy—" There Nancy, who was looking at her o’clock at a sim ple service road by work, drawing from every possible County D e b t - Commlaalonsr— eon W ednesday afternoon. One was a pause. father, nodded thoughtfully. Rev. H ollister at hla home here. fund. More projects now means Crows ..................15 87 43 40— 146 Yea 2« 42 56 56— 178 group was invited for 3 o'clock, and Bite did not finish, tor the door "He knew all that, of course, but Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tuttle of Mar­ Increasing the warrant debt, a McFarland 43 37 4« 61—17» No 66 64 60 58—212 aonther at 6 o ’clock. Mias Glyde opened and Nancy came in. She he was very pointed. I din’t know cóla were the only attendants. The larger budget next year, and higher Treasurer— Trial By Judge— Dilley. Instructor, was In charge. closed It behind her and stood look- just what he meant." couple will make their home In taxes, say councilman. Bchantol 64 14 66 ««— 140 Ye» 33 64 «6 43— 1 »6 ing at them, luughter In her eyea. I "He's getting old." remarked Mr. Mareóla. 8chlaka ............18 1» 41 81— 10» State Finishes A rm ory No 48 68 56 78—234 RESIDENT'S UNCLE "You dear old things," she said Gordon grudgingly. "Lomax must T. B. Hospital— Demoeratle The armory project, largest un­ PASSES IN PORTLAND I Kayly. "I thought you'd gone t o ! h<* rio w to eighty— that's all. He LEGION MEETING AT Congress— Ye» ......................81 3» 23 38— 129 dertaking here under the CWA re- probably forgot that Roddy was bed; I know I'm late!" » 13 « »— 37 Delxell ..... rtme is now being completed with No ....................63 78 »0 80—2»» WALTERVILLE TO NIG HT J. C. Kaegl, uncle ot Mr*. W. E. _ 8 10 • 6— 32 Insane Hospital— O o m ......... "We aat up for you, dear, but 1 grown up. I thought h ' waa get­ state funds. Major Hamilton of the Buel. died suddenly and unexpect­ was afraid you'd bring Page Roe- ting dotty when he li t Huddon buy Yea Turner .... • 1» 17 11— 68 23 S3 22 30—108 Regular semi-monthly meeting of Vterans State Aid Commission was edly In Portland Monday, according liter In, and find papa here In his that racer— Polestar Third—out of No .............. Governor— 58 80 »0 83—811 the Bprlngfleld American Legion here the first of the week and his stablei. Did he keep you?" he • to news received by Mra. Buell. Mr. stocking feet.” Mahoney 20 21 16 11—48 Bales Tax— po t Dumber 40 will be held at Wal- authorized the completion of the added grimly. "It's eleven o'clock. 10 >1 IB 17—«8 Martin ..... Yes 26 46 42 48— 166 Kaegl lived at Ashland where fu­ Nancy laughtod. “PM* wouldn't tervllle tonight at the W O. W. entire building. Two carpenters I’ll wager the squawking was over 8ec. of Btate- No 70 81 89 8 2 -3 2 2 neral services were held W ednes­ mind.” ahe said, taking off her hat hall. The meeting will start at 8 are now doing the final work on at ten-thirty; you und that Roemer Logan Republicans elected Dr. W. N. day afternoon. and tossing It upon a chair. She boy must have found the w alk in g' 0 clock- the lower floor and will soon start 2 6 4 • — 17 14 15 12 8— 48 Dow. W. K. Barnell. F. B. Hamlin Shelton had glorious hair; the tints of au on Ihe upper story which Is to eon- good." burn In It glinted lik e sunshine .11 21 I I 18— 63 and C. A. Swarts committeemen In MRS. OLSON HOSTESS Walter tali’ many office room», kitchen, SERA CHECKS GIVEN His daughter laughed. “H's a Supt. Pub. Inatructlon- their respective precincts. Harry TO CONTRACT MEMBERS cau’ hl knd held ln brown lovely nl-ht," she said archly. First salary checks to be distrib­ and rest rooms. Dunton 12 21 16 1 0 - 68 Stewart was elected Democratic _______ i shadows. She swept a rumpled lock When this building la completed Her father laid hla newspaper uted In Bprlngfleld under the SERA Leonhardt . 13 16 13 11— 64 leader In the first precinct and Mra. Carl Olson will be hostess In place now with a deft little regime were handed out Saturday It will house the National Guard across h it knee. Glenn Wood In the third. None at her home today at a 1 o'clock touch, abaantly unconadous of the Treasurer— "What d'you see In that fellow, morning at the City Hall to 80 company. Boy Scouts, American Inman .... 1 16 18 7— 48 were elected In the other two pre­ dessert party for member* of the grace of It. workers. Their checks amounted Legion, and other similar organisa .....17 1« 16 1 0 - 1» cincts. Mathawa . "It wa* lovely— th e music, I contract bridge club. (Continued on Page 3) to 3223. tlonx. IN STATE MEET WEDDING HELD STARTING THIS WEEK! A NEW SERIAL STORY Bride AUrtj Imlaij Tailor