PAOK TWO THURSDAY. MAY 17, 1984 THE BPRINOTTELP NEWS CAKE SHOP MOVESI [ 10 LOCAL BAKERTI Springfield Bakery Install* Large Oven, Big Volume Of Business Handled PIANO STUDENTS WIN SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN IN NATIONAL CONTEST JOINT MEET IN EUGENE Hotly Jarrett, daughter uf Mr < 1‘rlucipals of elementary aud and Mrs. O. II. Jarrett of Spring high school* met together Satur­ field, and Jane Alice Peiigr*. da ugh ! day night iu Eugene for a Jolut ler of Mr. aud Mrs. Norton I’engra meeting of ihe two association* of Garden Way won national bou- Hoy Quliiey. principal of the LU- o n lu a field of 22 piano students colu school lu Springfield presided iu a pisuo play ing tournament spun at the dluner aud Julsl session of sored at the university last Satur- the two groups. day by the National Muatc Guild. Entertainment waa furnished by Requirement* for the houor are the student* from Oakridge under the playing of Id or more »elections direction of Mias Dorothy Thomp­ without an error. son. O .E Crowe, county commis State honors tor playing from 7 Stoner, outlined his rural life re to 10 perfect selections were won habilitation plan and discussed his by Nadyne Neet. daughter of Mr. findings during his connection with and Mrs. Levi H. Neet. Joy Rebhan. the relief work In Lane county and daughter of Mrs. Olive J Rebhan. ; offered suggestions to the grind-! was glven a go»nl ratina pals for their work In this regard All are students of Mrs. John James Burgess, assistant superln Stehn. tendent of public Instruction, came down from Salem especially to at­ tend the meeting and address the METHODISTS ANNOUNCE group PENTECOST SERVICES At the sectional meetings mem­ bers of the elementary association \\ hen The Holy Spirit ts Come, considered committee reports while Is the theme for the eleven o'clock | , h<. high school group held election message on this Sunday which Is (lf „nicer*, naming Orren Palmer Pentecost, at ihe Methodist church. ,,f n im|rB, „„ president; Janies Rev Dean C. Poindexter »HI Evans. Crow, secretary; and Pern preach. The Sunday Church school I Price. Pleasant Hill, treasurer meets at 9 43 a m The Junior l.ea Next meeting of the high school | gue meets at 5 p m and the older association has been set for Wad Leagues at 6:30 Because of the nesday. ay 34. This will be the final County Conference and Mata meet , meeting of the group for the spring Ing in Eugene there will be n o ; _________________ evening service here 1 BALL TEAM DROPS FINAL CONTESTS Samuel Insult’s Return Hill Billies nnd Eugene Eneily Conquer Lethargy Of Local High School Ball Players Muting of the McKee Cake 'hop from Eugene to the plant of the Springfield Bakery, also owned by Carl J. McKee. was completed thia week. Much of the detail work of adjusting the new department into the local bakery still remains to be completed, but is being carried C H IC A G O . . . Miss M artha S tull forward a* rapidly as possible with­ (a b o v e), blue-eyed blonde beauty out delaying production in any de­ o f Northwestern U niversity returned here aa honored Queen o f the Brake partment. Included in the department being Relay G u d m a t DeaMoiaes, where she waa crowned and preaided over opened here are all the various the classic games. sixes and flavors of cakes including angel food and such bakery speci­ COUNTY MASS MEET OF alties as butter horns, doughnuts maple bars, and a large assortment DRYS IN EUGENE SUNDAY of cookie*. The usual array of cln A large mass meeting at which namon rolls and other dough foods N EW YORK The iiioat rectal pieture Isken u f Hamurl Insull are being made In the bread de­ all phases and problems of the pre­ (s b o v e), form er Chicago " c « s r " o f Publie U tilities , as lie boarded the partment along with an ever in sent liquor situation will be dis­ S. H. Exilons for the rrtu rn to the United States under the w atrh fu l eve creasing amount of white, wheat cussed by temperance workers will o f V . H. Federal A u th o n tira be held st the Christian church in half and half, and raisin bread. Included in the full equipment of Eugene Sunday" morning at 8 cake making machinery moved o'clock Many churches in the coun­ here ia a large master baker oven, ty will not hold services that even­ gas operated and with a rapacity ing. encouraging their members to for 180 large or ISO small loaves attend the rally meeting. Dr. H. J. Maulbtsch. moderator of bread. This oven is one of the of the Raptist Church association Coburg Methodist Church most modern of Its kind Three I McKenzie Valley Dean C. Poindexter. Minister. CARL H Q 6T Z smaller ovens are also in use at and trustee of Linfield college, will the the first speaker on the pro­ "Pentecost and the Church." will the bakery. Events of general Interest in the Many a uild-town tenement kid The volume of the local bakery gram. He is un actle worker amoug be the theme of the 9 45 message past week include closing exercises will lalsa.tbe sheep (hat used to young people, and familiar with The Church school follows the j has grown to such proportions of tlrt> Vida grade school last Fri­ graxe in Central Park. And since since the bakery was first estab­ problems they encounter every­ morning service. day, Mis Ituple Ross nnd Miss Car they’ve sent them over to Prospect where. He is a director of the Ore­ lished as a home bakery by McKee ter were the teachers Park there U lie many a kid who'll gon State Baptist convention and CHURCH TO HEAR OF that he now employs 13 people and The regular community dance grow up. live and die In Manhattan a member of the National Council has a fleet of three modern trucks PENTECOSTAL STANDARD will he held at Vida next Satur- without ever knowlug how a Iumb to make his deliveries. One new of Men of bis church. ¡day night. < looks in real life—gamboling on the Charles Haffke. lawyer who has route Is now being opened which Rev Veltle Pruitt will take as ■ Putnam. Paul Putnam *r,-rn F,‘r ‘h,,r* ,r e •*•“«*» of Mrs. 8. II recently completed serving three will serve all of the surrounding his subject for his sermon Sunday . New Yorkers who never leave the area on the Mohawk. McKenxIe and years with the Federal Bureau of morning “Pentecostal Standard." and Mike O'dell came over from city of seven million. The window Willamette highways. The route Prohibition, in charge of legal acti­ The evening service will be on the Bend early this week to stay a washer in our office building is one truck will also make tripe weet of vity in the Northwest, associated subject. “The Object of Christian short time while Mr Putnam Is put lh,'m "Forty-two years In New Eugene to Crow. Veneta and with the Anti-Saloon League of Am­ Faith.” There will be special music ting in crops at Bend where they York." he boasts. "And never been plan to make their home erica. and superintendent of the Elmira at both services. out of It yet!" . And probably Arthur Irvin has exchanged Ills Other new additions added to the Oregon Anti-Liquor league, will be he didn’t even know that there the second speaker of the evening property at Walterville to Clareuce bakery include a special room for I. O. O. F. Rename* Delegate* were sheep In Central Park! The meeting Is sponsored by the At the regular meettug of the Potter for his twenty acre (arm lu J handling cakes. Icing or frosting • * * Lane County Ministerial associa­ the Deerhuru district. Springfield Odd Fellows lodge num them, and enclosed room for rais­ There's still niouey in New York tion. TUCSON, Aril. . . Above as ing the bread ber 70. held last night. M J Me- ' . . A friend was telling of her Juae Robles, 6, daughter of a A special county conference at Klin and Elmer Pvne were elected BAPTIST MISSION GROUP Mr. McKee Is planning to hold an I sister’s wedding reception "Mother wealthy Ariiosa family, who was open house In the near future after which time a more Informal discus­ delegates to represent the local HAS MEETING TUESDAY was n little startled. ' she said, "for kidnapped ns she left school and sion of the problems will be taken he has his various departments ar­ group at the Urand Lodge session the bill for the champagne punch held for 915,00»' ransom It was la up will be held at the church dur- In Tillamook, on Wednesday and ranged Japan was the study subject for alone, was $248 . . And poor Bis this town that John Dilliager aud Ing the afternoon starting at :3d. Thursday of next week. May 23-34 gang were raptured last year and It the regular tueetlug uf the Baptist she could do with a little of that is thought by some thia was a Dll VlUta Daughter—Lawrence Prlne These men replace Roland Moshler. Missionary society at the Baptist money!" . . . Our friend didn't men linger planned re'rage on local and Ernest Black who were elected church Tuesday evening. Speakers Hon the luxurious wedding gifts, police. of Saginaw is here visiting with his MRS. LONC HOSTESS son-in-law and daughter. Mr and but were unable to make the trip on ,|,e vai-jOUg subjects taken up however, TO NEEDLECRAFT CLUB Mrs. Elmer Robblna. were Mrs. Hoy Carlton. Mrs. E. A. Scratched varnish on furniture Mr, Brerett Griffith Look! lie hold* that cane oddly Members of the Needlecraft club should be wiped down well with Upper Willamette An alcohol stain on finished fur­ Mrs. Wilfred Cook, Mrs. Harry . . . Oh—-he's blind . . . "Going will he guests of Mrs. W. N. Long turpentine cloth and then repol­ niture can be removed by cleaning across?" I asked. Il was up at Chase, and Mrs. Homer Chase. at her home this afternoon at a ished. If scratches go through var the stain with turpentine, down to Columbus Circle—southwest corner I'lensuut Hill cemetery clean up 1:30 dessert party. Mrs. Walter N. nish. take off varnish to the wood the bare wood, then with finger-tip of Central Park . . "I don't have day will he May 19 Women are Gossler will be the assistant host­ and refinish entire piece. or small cotton pad apply stain in a complete mental picture of the asked Io bring basket dinners and ess. very thin coots until the correct streets.” he replied to my question. hot coffee will he served A torsi tone has been attained. Finish with I "Just certain landmarks . . . I ran ueas meeting of the cemetery board One of the best fabric bleaches white shellac. Seniors on Píenlo— Thirty mem- right Into a traffic marker on the will Io- held al 1 p. in according Io • • • , bers of the senior class held their is a chlorine bleach which can be sidewalk this morning Hit It pretty Mrs Zelmii Williams, secretary To soften hard water In sm all1 annual picnic at Los Creek rauch had at almost any grocery store. Its hard. But you have to expect ac­ Sunday night. May 20 the bar lots add a little borax, or trlsdlum 1 Saturday. Glen Martin and Miss technical name is Javelle water, cidents like that If you go outside ralaureute sermon for the senior phosphate, which will cut the hard-1 Marguerite Millhollen accompanied but more often ia sold under some at all. If you haven't Ihe courage dasH of the Pleasant Hili high trade name. ening salts. the students. to meet them—you stay cooped up school will he given at Ihe Christ­ In thp house." . . Just another ar­ ian church Graduation will be Popular Cotton Plaid Pattern 8186. The popularity of gument for "The Seeing Eye.’’ that May 25. The Pleasant lllll woman's club plaids In cotton materials continues New Jersey Institution that trains unabated. Cat ring to the demand German Shepherds — erroneously had un all day quilting meeting for an attractive and simple design called "Police Dogs"— to lead the nt the home of Mrs. Andy Olson . for general usefulness is this one- hllnd Intelligently, avoiding Just Wednesday, May 16. A pot luck din­ i piece frock. The flaring raglan such accidents my chance acquain­ ner wns served at noon. Commencement exerclsi-e) were sleeves are slashed ar.d pleats In­ tance mentioned. held Friday evening at the Zion serted giving width and a finished New York telephone calls aver­ public school fur seven students I look «bout them and the Inverted graduating from Ihe eighth grade. pleats in the front and back of the age 7.500.000 s a e day! e Perry Price, principal of the Pleas kirt are simple to make and very The cops in this town are brave ant Hill high school gave the ad­ effective The costume is completed lads, ordinarily But they're camera dress Graduates are Rosamond shy; General O'Ryan, you see, Bedding r. Lorene Tilton. Y’lrglnlu who'« head of "New York's Finest". Mlnney. Mildred Nyalron. Frances haR Issued orders that blue coats Mathews. Cletus Dro shouser. and must not pose for news camera Chris Pederson. Mrs. Harriet Bax men "It's undignified." says Ihe ter la teacher of the school. General. Floyd Msuney and Veda Daley • • • have been elected as teachers of Walk along Park Avenue or the the Trent public school next year residential parts of Fifth at mid­ Both are graduates of the Pleasant night and you're bound Io see peo­ Mill high school and are graduating ple "taking the dog for a walk.” from normal thl spring. . . . They haven't trained their dogs The Pleasant Hill public school (or don't own very smart ones) will hold Ila graduation exercises the way to take care of themselves. Friday night. May 18 nt the school For there are dogs In town that house Erwin Barnum will give Ihe will wait patiently for an flevator valedictory Mrs C. E Jordan will to stop at their floor, get aboard, give the graduating address nnd wait for the doorman to open Ihe Erneat fhhrenk will give out the outside door on the ground floor, diplomas. take themselves for a walk, wait Fire Monday afternoon destroyed for Ihe outer door to open, get a barn belonging In Handy Jacobs aboard the elevator and get off al who operates a filling station he their very own floor Then they tween Trent and Dexter. The wind scratch at their apartment door (III carried burning timbers setting fire Ih • master lets them In. to the covered bridge Just east of the filling station. One side of the To bleach wooden kitchen drain roof was hndlv burned hut the hoards Gist have become stained bridge was saved hy n bucket bri­ and dirty looking apply a hot sat­ gade of Pleasant Hill high school urated solution of oxalic acid and girl nnd hoys. The Eugene fire de­ Id II stand overnight. Wash well partment sent a truck hut the fire and when boards are thoroughly In the bridge was under control The function») of advertising are to search out buyers and inform them dry. Hoak them with a mixture of when It arrived, of new m erchandise styles, explain values and tell where and at what Honoring the sixteenth anniver­ three parts lln-eed oil and one part prices they may be had. Getting these business messages delivered in as turpentine. When the wood has ab­ sary of her daughter, Elizabeth's an efficient and inexpensive m anner, as is consistent with good taste, and, sorbed all It will take, wipe off the birthday. Mrs. Del Holcomb enter­ tained nt dinner Saturday night. through a medium that insures attention and acceptance, is a merchand* surplus and polish. « • • Those present were Mr and Mra. ising problem th at was solved years ago by the establishm ent of the good, Designed in Rises: 34, 36, 88, 40, Moth flakes are powdered cloves O Htutz. R px Htutz nnd Shelton reliable and dependable newspapers. . . . The Springfield News is a good 42, nnd 44. Bite 38 requires 4*4 scattered at spots where ants are Stutc, Mins Nine MePe»k. Mr. and yards of 33 inch material with yt new spaper . . . .It will get your sales message, Mr. Merchant and Business yaid cuntrasking. frequently will drive them away, Mrs. Halcomb and daughter. LITTLE OLD _ EWVORK — » » THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Springfield high school ball play­ ers lost their stride during thwlr ulvslng Manic* of their schedule and were defeated Friday hy Pleasant HUI 104 and Tuesday by Eugene high, is o The i»*.'a! t-«ui usd al­ ready defeated these team* In pre- yloua games, having established a record of 9 straight vh lories before Friday's game. Both of Ihe wlnnlug teams easily out played Ihe local learn, both on the field nnd al Ihe hat Likewise Initli team* hnd exceptional slreiigth In their pitching staff. Park* for the Hill Billies, and Dunn for Eu­ gene high, nnd they were given al­ most perfect support The Spring field players failed Io give I heir pitchers, Bussell nnd Carson the support they have been accustomed to. and lb-' pitchers were hit morn times thun usual. Johnny Dunn drew the admira­ tion of supporters of both teams In ihe cool, almost tantlllalng manner In which he kept up hl* pitching lor Eugene high Those who re nmlned for Ills filial period of the game saw Dunn exhibit more speed nnd drive with hl* hull than he had used In any previous Inning, prov­ ing that his arm waa allll strong. The Eugene game ejosed the see son for Bprltigf'.id Thev have play­ ed and "T-. ii games from every near hv town except Junction City where they have been unable to secure an open date Whether Ihe boys play anv more gnmes before the school term ends la doubtful Thurston «— - ...-I ------------------------ « than 50 friends aud neigh hors met with Mr and Mrs. Ira Gray Tuesday evening In honor of M r and Mrs. lairen Kdmlston from Eugene Miss Mildred Price who la leech­ ing at The Dalles spent IbV past weekend with her parents here. Mr and Mrs John Price. Mr and Mrs. John Lucy from Me Mltinvllle spent the week-end with Mrs Lucy's parents, Mr and Mrs. Walter Edmlttaa, Miss Hasel Rdiulston motored to Monmouth last Haturday aa a dele­ gate from lame county to the state Intermediate Teacher Council More E LE C T JOE E. DUNNE GOVERNOR A Governor for All the People F ath er of $5.00 Auto License Fas Dunne for Governor Committee F, M Plummer. Herrelary. Portland, Oregon —Paid Adv. 'A n d WHEN You PAINT USE THE BEST PAINT- THAT MEANS ’ acme Q uality ’, OF COURSE..' Gets the Business Message Into the Homes of Buyers Man, into the homes of this community. Advertising display space in the Springfield News is the most economical method of parading your m er­ chandising offerings before an attentive audience who are the home news­ paper readers of this community. Complete Advertising Service The Springfield News is equipped to supply a cemplete advertising service to Spring field busineaa and merchant advertisers. This includes fine merchandise illustrations, attention-compelling layouts and merchandise moving copy. A phone call will bring a representative to explain all detail and assist with sales promotions, If desired. Simply Phone 2. Ijy Hi addition of the large while lie trimmed with rick rack braid. The delightful colors in coltous, whether checked, plaids or mono- | tones, make choosing a difficult thought Interesting task. Designed in size , 34. 36, 38. 40, 42, and 44 Site 38 requires 4% yards of 36 Inch material with % yard contrasting. For Paheril, semi 15 cents In coin (for each pattern desired), your name, address, style number and size to Patricia Dow, Spring- field (Oregon) News Pattern Dep't., 116 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. because they do not like the odor of either. There Is also a thalate ant. trap, now on general sale, which should he used for hnd In festatlons. * * * When stippling a wall with flat paint do not attempt to work en­ tirely across either the Ifpper or lower half of Ihe wall before doing the other half. To prevent over­ laps of paint from showing, five foot squares Is about as large area as should be worked, catching the edges before the paint has time to start setting. ACMEQUAl/TY HOUSE PAINT New Era B a la n c e d F o r m u la C O S T S LE S S P E R JOB P E R Y E A R Wright & Sons Î1H.1I a t The Newt Office Hardware — Furnitur« Radios — Paint