T l IVKHDAY, MAY 17. 1934 THB 8PR1NOPIELD NBWfi CALIFORNIA HOP MEN OREGON COUNTY AGENTS FACE MILDEW FIGHT EXPERIENCE BUSY YEAR TOWN AND VICINITY PAOS T H R U SUMMER TERMS SET FOR SCHOOL period will bo given at all three normal schools, la art. «duration, economics. English. geography, health education, history, maths malic«, music, penmanship, physl cal education, psychology, science and sociology. 1 orvallla— Reporta of a serious Federal Agricultural P ro g ra m Adda outbreak of hup mildew In the Ini Some More Work to Offices portant producing region around Of Farm Agenta Fortlander Here—Jack Hewea of Mareóla Man Here— Henry Baker Hanta Rosa. Cal., have been con : uf Marcóla waa a bualneee visitor Portland Is a vlrltor at the O. L. Í tinned by an In paction mode by' ()r-gon county agent« put In the Education Board Announces Clement home. <1 It lloernnr. federal pathologie! bualc l year In hlelory during 1933 here Saturday. FRANK A. OK FUK Opening Of Summer Term Attorney at Law V is itin g Here— Mr». Pearl Adam« IIK I.I’ W A N T K I) Aulo mill Fir« »tatlonad at Oregon M ate college when emergeney work wan added Burna Arm—Pete Lewis «uetaln Stanley Bldg.. Springfield, Ore. Inauiatcw Milani for Nprlngfleld Tbl« I« Iha first time the diivaa» to their regular project«, according ■ ed painful burn» on h l»4arm Moo i.f Juni Don City la here vieltlag . June 18 On Each Campus NOTICK TO CRKDITORS anil I. miip county Call 69 W aul lia» been found In California. In to III« annual report Juat submitted ’ day when some gasoline caught with Mr. and M s. George Carson. | Eugene. May 17— Summer »•«- llromlway. office No t, M 31 ' lagon tba i||»ea«e I« comparative by F L. Bullard, state county agent fire near him while at work. Notice Is hereby given that the Ruth- «tons of the University of Oregon ly eerloua again Ihl« year, but ba" | leader. The number of office calls WendDng Resident Here— Mrs. manifested no new eburuetcrietire. by farm r« and other» »eeklng spe­ : S t a l e college at Corvallis, and the L. McPheraon, deceaaad. and aay RADIO SOLOI8T HERE W F Ramsey of Wendllng waa a Hprlngfleld Saturday. llni'rimr cific «ssbtance exceeded 100,000 Normal school« at Monmouth. La- and all persons having claims baalnees visitor In Hprlngfleld Hat-1 FOR WEEK-END OUTING for Gin year, a new high mark Vlaita In Portland Mr» Louise Qran4j e an(j Ashland will open Mon- against the said estate are hereby urday. since the county agent aervlce was H. I. SLATTERY Hhlpley spent the week end In dajr Junf> „ at a„ ,oati , | t required to present aald claims, Mr. aud Mr» Clareuce Tohnaii of Attorney at Law established In 1913.' wa, announ<(Ml here by A,fred duly verified aa by law required, at To Fertland—Mrs. Isobel Isaac Portland vleltlng with friends. B e c k w ith Bldg., Eugene, O regon the office of Frank A. DaPue, at­ l'o r I la nil wore tiara over U dì week Advent of the agricultural ad­ son left Halurday morning (or Port Medford Man Here— J O. Fowler Howere. dean and director of the torney for the estate at Hprlngfleld, and and warn gu»«t» of Mr and justment act and the other emer­ land to spend some time visiting NOTICK ol Medford was a business visitor ««"««1 ««tension division. tn Oregon. In Lane County, Oregon, Mr» Il II Hcbaffeuherg Ml mii out OF FINAL ACCOUNT gency relief program» gave the with relatives. wlthtn sl> months from the date o( In Hprlngfleld T u c d a y . »< »ummer school work. The D im oil the Upper M«'Ki-uzl<- this notice. IN T IIR COUNTY CO URT OF T H B agents the added tn»k of explaining sessions will open simultaneously Dated and first published. May Desrhom Folk Here— Mr. and Mr. Tolmmi I» «ololal on iha HTATK OF OREGON IN AND the wheal adJUNtment program, the Oregon City Folk Hera—Mr. and |D a|| cities, and will continue for 17. 1934 'Friendly I ’h al’ program nt radio FOR T H R CO UNTY OF LANE i oru bog plan, und aaalstlng with Mrs. Herbert Platt of Deerhorn Mr». L. McBee of Oregon City spent , | X weeks A post session of four Date of laat publication. June 16, IN PROBATE NO 6086 «lai Ion KUW Ml Portland and on ■ecd loans, farm mortgage adjust­ were visitors In Hprlngfldd Satur­ the week-end here at the home of weeks at Eugene will offer courses 1934. In ra Retain of Frank M Varnum, day. Monday M r Tolmmi « mum "Out LEBTER McPHERHON. Execu­ ment. and state and federal relief deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McBee , nr ahlverslty and state college stu­ tor of the estate of Mary L. Mc­ Where Th« Weal lleglii«,“ dedicai Nolle« 1« hereby given that on aitlvllles. Ballard points out. Toledo Folk Here— Mr. and Mrs. dents, and a similar fire weeks' Pherson. deceased. Vielt From Lebanon — Mr. and log U Io Mr. rirliMfl* nbnrg. May 2. 1(34. the undersigned ae the Valley Alfalfa Gain« It A. Htrawn of Toledo are here session will be held at Monmouth FRANK A DE PUB, Attorney ttdtnlnl«l rater of the Estate of Despite this added elhergency visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mrs. Vernon Tucker of Lebam u for normal schrM/l students for estate. L. L. RAY Frank M Varnum. deceased, filed were visitors In Hprlngfleld Tues­ (M 17-24 31— Je 7-14) Attorney at Law Ills final account In the above an work, marked progreas waa made Meaklns. County Sup'ts to Study day. Minar Bid*.. Eugene, Oregon tilled probata proceedings; ami during the year In the niuJdF pro­ Faculties of both the university Cuts Hand — Itcury ('aaslty of ■ hut on said date the County Court ject These Included furthering C A. WINTKRMEIKR H arr from Grants Paso— Mr. and and state college sessions will In N O T IC I OF HEARING of luino County. Oregon, made an Ih - expansion of alfalfa acreage In Hlar route, cut a bad ga»h in hl» Attorney at Law Mrs. J E Bartlett of Grants Paas I elude leading educators of the Ore- * ON F IN A L ACCOUNT order setting the time for the bear­ Eugene. Oregon N O TIt'K IH IIK R K IIY G IVKN: ing of the said final account to ba the W illamette vallFy, »eeklng new left hand Just above the thumb were here over the week-end to gon Institutions and a number of 734 Willamette Thai I ba undersigned. a« ezacutor bail before the »aid Court at thej disease resistant varieties of al­ Monday. visit with his mother. Mrs. Net'le nationally known authorities ln NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Ih« I .a»I W ill and T«atainrnt hour of 10 on o'clock, A. M June falfa In eastern Oregon, promoting various fields A number of new In the County Court of the State Barber Horn«— W. H. Whitney Bartlett. of Mary K llryanl. deceased. ba« I. 1»34. and directing all having any j of Oregon for Lane County. Iliad bla arrount for Iha final «al objection« thereto to file the sume the development of the small seed spent th« week-end here from Port­ and interesting courses that will be Visiting Fargota— Mr. and Mrs of special value will also be offered In the M atter of the Estate of llaniaut uf «aid darndanl*« aitata In , In writing In said proceeding« on Industry, and Introducing Improved land where he Is serving on the Clella McAlpIn also known as C. Hugh Cowart are here from Call- Iha County Court for l,ana County. or before the time a«t for the said varieties of forage crops and fruits. A special course for county sup- McAlpIn. deceased. federal Jury. Oragon. and that Saturday Iha lotti hearing, fornla spending the w eek visiting ; erlIlten(, tnt(, , o held July lg Marketing assistance constituted _ „ ___ _ _ Notice Is hereby given that the day of May. I »31, at Iha Court AHIIKR M VEACH. Admlnbi an Important part of the work In with h i. parents. Mr. and Mrs A. ” 2, a the | undersigned baa been appointed a . Fish on McKenxie— Mr and Mra. Room of «aid Court In tba County trator of tba Ratate of Frank J Cowart They arrived Bunday. , , ,,, ' administrator In the above entitled many counties, while additional Kay Nutt and Al Pohl spent the Court House, In Ragan« al ton M Varnutu. dacauHad. Portland session. Of major interest i matt-17-34-21)________I rluh agents. Ballard’» report »how». geant of Heceta lighthouse spent which will extend Its term from the undersigned administrator at thereto, and fur the Battlement Visit at Brldg»— Mr. and Mr». his office ln Eugene. Oregon wlth­ More county agent» and a»»l»t (h e re o f June 18 to August 31. Both pre- tn six months from this 10th day John Heuderer »pent the week-end Bunday here at the home of Mrs FRED E. 8MITH ants are now employed In Oregon A R TH U R BRYANT. Kiecutor uurslng courses and those tn public- of May. 1934. Attorney at Law visiting with Mr. and Mr». J. R Elya Adams. of the luwt W ill mid T»«taii>«-ni C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Admin­ Miner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon than ever before, «very county ex- health nursing will be offered by of Mary K. Bryant, deceased pt Harney ...d Josephine either M' u h e " al McKenaU- bridge istrator. Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Ben experts In the department of nurs­ I. 1. KAT. Attorney for Relate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (M 10-17-24-31—J 7) have an agent of Its own or a co w »ndllng People In— Mr«. Kale Hast and daughter, Marie, of Stay- ing education of the medical school (A 1» 26 M 3 1017 1 Notice la hereby given that Ern operative agreement with a neigh Hloom. Joe Littrell sad B. Kincaid ton, were Sunday isltors here at Other Portland courses Include " n R. Endicott haa linen appoint NOTICK OF FIN A L HKARINO • d by the order of the County lairing county for the service of a j aU of wendllng were bualness vlol- the home of her parents. Mr. and English. German, health education, In the County Ooart of the «tale of Judge In and for Lane County. Jolnt agent ,or, ln Hprlngfteld Saturday Mrs. O. L. Clement. history. Journalism, music, philoso­ Oregon for l-ana County. Oregon, aa the Rxncutnr of the phy. physical education, physiology, In Ih a Mailer of th e Relate of I.aet W ill of Houson I* Endicott Portland People H ire — Mr. and MCPHERSON ACTIVE IN Daughter Born— Mr and Mrs Ho Herbert Cadby, dacaaeed deceased All persons having Mrs. Russell Olson of Portland political science, psychology, public TURNER CAMPAIGN ward A K,n* of the speaking and romance languages. Notlre 1« hereby given that the claim» again«! «aid eatatn are here _______ parents of a baby daughter born spent the week-end here visiting undersigned administrator ha« filed by notified to present the same, Portland sessions w ill be held ln with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Carl Virgil L. McPherson of Dallas, to them at the Pacific hospital In hl« final account In the above en­ with the proper voucher«, to «aid the Lincoln high school. Olson. titled matter Thai the above en­ Executor. at the office of Fred chairman of the membership com- Eugene on Friday. May 11. 1934. O .8. C. Work Listed titled court ha» appointed Friday E Hnitth. Attorney at Law, 406 mlttee of the R. R. Turner-For-Con-' ,, Observe Birthdays— Friends and Courses of special Interest at the ih. tilth day of May 1934 at ten Miner Building. Rugime. Oregon, 1 Go to W a s h in g to n — Mr. and Mrs. ... o'clock In Un fo renoo n ae Iha time within six month« from the date gress club who la on _ a campaign . Paul Cottonware left Saturday relatives of Mrs. Meda Catching state college at Corvallis w ill be for the hearing of object Ion» to aald of this notice tour In the Interest of Turner . can f w W luloi.k WM. hlogton end Sam Bettis. Glenwood, were offered In home economics, educa- Dated April 19th. 1934. final gjrcount and the eetllement d.dary. report, strong Turner .up w(1) tw<> weekB hi re last week-end to observe the tlon and Industrial arta and indus­ ERN EST H END IC O TT. Exe thereof All perenne Interested may pert In each point contacted. He 1« birthdays of the two and to attend trial education. Visiting experts file objection« thereto If any they cutor visiting with friend» visiting Laue. Benton and Douglas bave. FRED E S M ITH . Attorney for a reunion. specializing in these fields w ill be counties on his tour. E x e c u to r. Daiad April 19th, 1934 V is it» from Arizona — Mr. and added to the regular staffs, and stu­ (A 19 26 - M 3 10 17) At Junction City— Mr and Mrs. W. W CADBY. admlnletrator Mr». W hite of Arizona are here dents Interested in the fields will C A. W IN IT K R M E IE R . attorney. WELLS A WELLS from Phoenix to »pend the summer M R. Adams and son. Bob. and Mr. find the courses especially stimulat­ NOTICE (A 1» 28 — M 3-10-17) Attorneys at Law . . . . ... . - and Mrs. W alter Laxton and son. OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene visiting with Mr and Mrs. J. C ing. Other courses to be offered at Junior, spent Sunday at Jnnctlon Notlre Is hereby given by the Welty. Corvallis include bacteriology, bot­ NOTICE City visiting with Mr. Adam's undersigned that he ha« as Execu­ any, business administration, chem­ OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Astoria Folk Horo — Mrs. Anna mother. Mrs. Sarah Adams. tor of the Last W ill of Ueorgn W NO TIC E ts hereby given that the p d Mr M r„ Adr,an and istry. drama, economics, education. trvtn. deceased, filed hts final nr count, and that Hon Fred Flak. underilgned. J. A. Gibson. Admin- Portland Folk Here — M r and agricultural education. English, en- Istrator of the Estate of Knute O. Mlss Dollle McCrea all of Astoria Judge of the County Court In nnd llusby. d. ceased, has filed hts Final were guests last week-end at the Mrs. S H. Humphrey, brother-ln tomology. geology, history. Journal- Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN for lame County, Oregon, has fixed Report and Account as such Ad home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly. law and sister of C. A. Wyman, hl» Ism. mathematics, music, physical Republican Candidate tor ’ he hour of ton o’clock A. M of Naturopathie Physicien Lane County Treasurer niece, Mrs. Arthur Zerbe. Jr., and education, physics, political ad- J iiih - I t . 1934, nt the chambers inlnlstrator with the Clerk of the Falla on Glass— Louise Davis o f j M r a„ of Portland spent ence,. psychology, sociology and of said Court In tho Ijin e County , County Court of I.ane County. Ore­ Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Phone »1-J gon; and that Saturday, the 2nd Court House. Eugene. Oregon, a« Jasper cut a serious gash In« her , he weei|.elld bere visiting with Mr. zoology. The Junior short course Oldham of West Springfield. A the time and place of hearing ob day of June 1934 at 10:00 o'clock left hand last Thursday when she Office Honra: 1 Io ( P. M and Mrs. Wyman. for members of Four-H clubs will widow with a family of four chil­ In the forenoon of said day. In the JactIon» to such account and the County Court Room of said County, fell breaking a bottle which she be held In Corvallis June 11 to 22. dren at home. 406 Fourth Street settlement thereof. Many V is ito re -M rs J. E. Scott tu#ene Faaturaa Art W IL L IA M <1. IR V IN . Executor In the Court House at Eugene, has was playing with. W ell qualified by education and been set by Hon. Fred Fisk. Judge FRED K. S M ITH . Attorney for and Mrs. H. W. Scott of Salem. A, Euy;ene un|Terslty will business experience for the office. of »« d Court, ns the time and place i come From Corvallis— Mr. and Mrs. Isabel Bcotl and Mias Mildred Executor. gerTe >g the wegterB training A member of the Order of Eastern for hearing objections to the same . Mr8 Montgomerwy of Corral (M 3 10 17 24 311 and for the final settlement of said , „ . , ... Scotto of Ingersoll, t r.nada. and center for the art teachers, under Star and the Rebekah Lodge of Watchmaker and Jawaler j Ils were here Sunday to vlalt with Mrs. W inkler of Vancouver. Was.i- a grant from the Carnegie Corpor- ALIAS SUMMONS Springfield. SPRINOFIBLD J A. GIBBON. Administrator Mr. Montgomery’s mother. Mrs ington were here Monday Ti.slllog at|on of New York. Coruses offered IN T IIR C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E So. Paelflo Watch Inspector M y Platform; Efficiency and eco­ W I.I.L S 6 W E I.L 8 Attorneys. : Roaa Montgomery at the prlngfleld with Mr» Norman Anderson and ,n , h|g fh,ld not on,y tra,n artlgtg, STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE First Ctaea W ork at Reasonable nomy. with courtesy to all. (M 3-10-17-24-31) CO UN TY hotel. Prices. Mrs. W. H. Adrian. but are of special value to those As the bead of a family I solicit T H E STATE LAND BOARD OF HARRIS, SMITH A BRYSON OREGON, composed of Jultun L. who instruct in art appreciation your support. Parants — M r. and Mrs. ■ (paid Adv.) Attorneys Vlalt Meier. Governor of Oragon, P. J. Miner Bldg., I and allied subjects. The program Oeneral Law ITactlce Eugene, Ore. Wayne Hawke of Dalian spent the CITY HAVING TALL Stadelman. Secretary of State of w ill also serve those who plan to NO TIC E week-end here visiting with their Oregon; and. Rufus Holman. I. M. PETERSON GRASS CUT ON LOTS enter the university to study archl- YOUR CONGRESSMAN Treasurer of Oregon. Plaintiff. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Attorneyat-lmw —vs— ------------ lecture, painting or. other arts. NO TIC E Is hereby given that the Hawke. Donald Hawke accompan- j Tall grass and weeds on vacant j Thp coachlng gchool for hlgh City Hall Building Effie L. Rankins, a widow; Cora undersigned ns executrix of the |pnia and Eugene o p u s e s Orville Rankins. Jane Doe Ran count and the settlement thereof their premises. U. O. Courses Listed kins, his wife; Lane County, a All persons Interested and desiring In Oregon. Outstanding courses on the uni- body corpornt' and politic In nnd to object to said final account are of the State of Oregon; School hereby notified to file their objec­ eralty campus w ill be offered ln District No. 10, a body corporate tions thereto tn writing with the education. Germcn, and library Represented By In and of Lane County. Oregon; Clerk of said Court prior to aald | training, with experts from other Rond District No. 40. a body cor- time and appear at said time and E. H. TURNER institutions added to the regular porate and politic In and of lotne place. County. Oregon. Defendants staff of experts. Other courses Date of the first publication of 846 A 8L Hprlngfleld. Ora. JAMES W. M O n To Cor« Barton. Oeorge W. Bar­ this notice Is May 3, 1934. available will Include art. archltec- ton. her husband. Benn Shelp. Bert H e ha» placed (he P i n t O rag o a A N N IE L. MOORE. As execu­ ' ture. drama, economics. Engllsn. Shelp. her husband; H attie Cook. D L t r ic t ¡a th e « m t ««cure and BOLIVAR trix of the estate of James T. Get ready! history. Journalism. Latin, mathe- im p o rta n t position 1« ha« a»»» oc­ P. F. Cook, her husband; M errill Moore, deceased. POOLE - GRAY Rankins. Jnne Doe Rankins, his Th1> Circus Is coming! | mattes, music, philosophy, physical cupied in tho N a tio n a l H ouea a f J M 3-1047-24-31)________ wife, and Ruth Glbbtns. (sometimes The Al G. Barnes show, one of education, physics, political science, R a p ro M a ta ti« « » . BARTHOLO M EW spelled Gibbons) and Roy Glbblns NOTICE TO CREDITORS H a i« a m om bar o f tho tw o the world's largest, w ill exhibit In psychology. Romance languages, •la n d in g co m m ittee« o f th e Hnu«o (sometimes spelled Gibbons), her NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N ; Eugene, one performance only, at and sociology. The gchool of law husband. Defendants: IN T H E That the County Court of the 8tate (P n b lic Land» and R o a d «) w h ich to g e th e r co n tro l m ore th a n h a lf N A M E O F T H E S T A T E OF ORE of Oregon fop Lane County has ap­ 3 pZln.. Sunday. May 20. w ill offer courses both ln regular Formerly Walker-Poole n f a ll the leg isla tio n w hich d ire c tly (ION: pointed Flora Stearmer as Admin­ Three special trains are used this session, and in post session, thus You, and each of you are hereby istratrix of the Estate of W. H. affect« tho d le tric t ho rep ro M B t«. season to transport thia great or­ enabling students to gain approxi­ H U w orh in C o n g r m a t thia KUUKNB— U th HPR IN UFIK LD summoned and required to appear Btearmer, Deceased. All persons ganization from city to city. Travel­ mately a complete term of work. ao««ion ha« b««o d ire c tly in « tru - and answer the complaint filed having claims against said Estate and (haruultou, 228 Main m a n ta l in b rin g in g m orn fe d e ra l against you In the above entitled are hereby notified to present the ing with the great organization are At all three of the normal Telcpiion« 723 Phone 62-J m oney to O regon th an ha« a e r r suit within four weeks from the day same, duly verified, to the under 1,080 employees In addition to 108 schools. In addition to regular work, haan g ra n te d in any • • • • io n a f of the first publication of this sum­ signed Administratrix at the Law advance men. Twenty-two tentB special sessions of two weeks will mons; and If you fall to answer, Office of Harris. Smith A Brysoh, C a a g ro u . R o d DigMl ot Record, V ottie Pempbl«« be held from June 18 to 29. Regu­ 'for want thereof, plaintiff will ap­ Miner Building Lane County. Ore­ covering twelve acres of ground Pd. A d Mot« foe CooftcM Com. ply to the Court for the relief there­ house the transient city ln the day­ lar courees during the six weeks' gon within six months from the in demanded, towtt. for the fore­ time. The circus has Its own doctor, closure of that certain mortgage dsle of this notice. Dated thin 26th day of April, 1924 lawyer, dentist. U. S. postman, de­ owned and held by plaintiff, execu­ FLORA STEARM ER . Adminis­ tectives. blacksmith, carpenters and ted and delivered by C. W. Ran­ tratrix of the Estate of W. H. kins, now derensed. and Effie L. In fact, every artisan In the aver­ Stearmer. Deceased. Rankins, as his wife, recorded In age small city. HARRIS. SMITH & BRYSON, Book f>3 page 619 of the mortgage The famous Al G. Barnes men­ Attorney« for Administratrix. records of Lane County. Oregon, being a lien upon the following (A 26 — M 3-10-17 24) agerie, declared to be the finest land, towlt: — und most complete traveling soo In OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Beginning at a point 60 rods the world. Is s part of the show. NOTICE south of the northeast corner of Many new, rare and costly sped the J. n. Southworth donation You can earn several hundred dollar?, this summer, NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : mens of the wild animal kingdom land claim No. BO. running thence That Bessie F. Howard as Execu­ and you can secure a better position and a larger salary south 60 rods, thence west 80 have been gathered from all parts for the coming year. Complete information will be mailed rods, thence north 60 rods, thence trix of the Estate and Last W ill and of the globe. Tapirs, gnus. Vlaak ca((t 80 roda to place of begin­ Testament of Jessie B. Howard, De on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for It to-day. ning. In section 21, township 16 censed, has filed her Final Account Varks. lions, tigers, camels, drome south range B west of W illamette as such Executrix and the County darles, zebras, leopards, panthers, Rural Schools and City Schools Meridian, In Lane County. Ore­ Court of the State of Oregon for yaks. emus. Jaguars, elands, seals. Summer Work and School Year Positions gon, together with the tenements, Lane County has fixed Monday, AND DIXIE WHITAKER the 28th day of May, 1(84. at the and three herds of elephants are Your Eyes are the guard hereditaments, nnd appurtenance», hour of 10.00 o’clock ln the fore- but a part of the traveling unlver- nnd for such other and further re­ inns of precious human llvea. C O N T IN E N T A L said day at the County „ o( natura| history. dally greet the magnificent produc­ lie f B i the Court shall deem Just noon I of f ..,,.* IM zt I n e a s x f ’ r x ls Y l. S «« paaaenRera, pedestrians. You nnd proper, together with attorney Court House In Eugene, I „me Coun The wonder spectacle of all time. tion are among the largest that T E A C H E R S A G E N C Y , IN C . may need glasses and not know ty, Oregon uh the time and place fees, costs and dlsbursementn, have ever been drawn together ln for hearing bbjectlons to said Final the “Fiesta of the Rio Grande, n It. Whether you drive or wnlk, Thia summons Is published pur­ 1850 Downing St., Denver, Colo. All persons having ob- gorgeous processional fiesta of old the history of the amusement suant to an order of Hon J. T Account. Orthogon Wide Vision Lenses Brand, a Judge of said Court, dated Jertlons to snld Final Account must a „a|n |„ U1)ed this season as a pre- world. Covers the ENTIRE United States give clear vision. April 24th. 1934. nnd requiring the file the same on or before said lude to the circus proper. More One performance only ln Eugene Prices are Reasonable and Ex- d a te . “Thanks for sending me so many good po itlons to apply for, publication hereof for not less than Dated this 26th day of April. 1984. than 1,000 men, women, horses, beginning ut 3 p. m.( Doors w ill be aminations are Free. once a w w k for four weeks. over 30 during the flret five days I was enrolled.”— An Illinois Teacher. opened , an hour earlier to permit BESSIE F. HOW ARD. Execu­ camels and elephants take part In Dnte of first publication April --------------- g--------------- trix of the Estate and Last thia never-to-be-forgotten panto­ an Inspection of the soo or to enjoy 26th, 1934. W ill und Testament of Jessie SCHOOL OFFICIALS:— We can put you In touch with the very DR. ELLA MEADE FRED E. S M ITH . Attorney for mime of enchantment. Upwards of a concert ot popular and operatic * B. Hownrd. Deceased. finest teachers. Our service Is free to you. Plntntlff Ren. — P. O. Ad­ Optomstrlst music by Prof. Redrlck and hl« 270,000 was expended on the ward­ dress 406 Miner Building. Eu HARRIS. S M IT H ft BRYSON. m ilitary band. robe. The mighty audiences which Attorneys for Executrix. gene, Oregon. «1 Watt 8th Bug*»* (A 26 — M 2 10-17-34) (A 26 — M 3-10-17 24) „ T lS /S ? wee- o,«- Ä S ? Ä S « 5 Business Directory Pearle Schantol Edward C. Privat Reliance Life Insurance Co. Glamor of Circus Posters Seizes Kiddies Imagination Funeral Directors T e a c h e rs Y our T w o G u a r d ia n s