PAOB TW O TH U R SD A Y. MAY 17. 1934 TllK SPRINGFIELD NEWS mand from actual dairymen farm­ tha president end all thu members er« ba b»«n somewhat reetrleted □I hla cabinet, to that tha Admin­ b> the Io* market (or their pro­ istration could funotlon as a unit ducts These districts, however, are without balng scattered all over th* Published Kvery Thursday «1 In moat Instances located near the District of Columbia. Springfield. Lane County. Oregon by large cities and this effect has bean The theory of the cabinet Is that T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS offset somewhat by .the »ale of its members are secretarle» Io the I H K. MAXEY. Editor these farms to Investors anil city president Instead, they have he Overproduction Of Softwood: come managers of government ile | Larger Cnah Down Payments people returning to the land” Entered second das» matter. February 24. 1*03. at the postoftlee. Increasing Number Of Mills Springfield. Oregon partment». itlilng work which skill­ Reported By Credit Bank; ed undersecretaries could do bet­ Operating Are Factors Range Land In Demand MAIL. S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E EUGENE OLEEM EN OFFER ter, and they have no time to take $1 00 One Year in Advance $1 50 Six Months It is announced by the West A better trend In the real salats much of the load off the preal- CONCERT T H IS WEEK Me Two Years In advance $2.50 Three Months Coast Lumbenaen's Association, deut'a shoulders. If they were all market Is evidenced this year than acting as Administrative agency of The Eugene Uleamen Will Ire In one building, with the preaid ill, to 1933 In the four Pacific north UNCLE SAM TG THE RESCUE the Lumber Code In the Pacific B I B L E .......................... and accuracy he could unload a lot of visitors weal atates. according to a report pre out al In their annual spring New proofs of the accuracy of Northwest, that some curtailment and details on them which he now I mude by Ward K Newcomb, vice eoacert to night this week,' tonight School d is tric t 1» should hotter its finance m ore than the historical books of the Old Tes has to carry himself; he could call j president and head of the land de and Friday Both cuucerta will bu $4000 as well as have three more weeks o f school as the in the production of West Coast lumber is due In the near future. lament com« to light eery little any or all of them Into consultation lartinent of the Federal Land bsnk glen at the Music bulldlBg aiull result o f the federal relief grant made last week. The g ift Notices will shortly be sent to all while. They are not mere tradl nn a moment's notice and he could of Spokane There were 169 sales torlum tui the cuinpus They start iro n t Uncle Sam dates fro m A p ril 2 and includes eight tlons, handed down by word of weeks o f school that the d is tric t would otherw ise have to Douglas fir mills of their revised give hla whole time to the conald lu the first quarter of 1*33 (or a at 1:15. mouth, but ancient Inacrlptlona allotments of production for the Jack Carpenter, will be soloist eratlon of Important things. In dead total of $663.828. In the first quar pay fo r as w ell as three extra weeks. i urrent quarter year, comprising found in burled cities prove that of the trlvlaltles with which any ter of 1934. 1*9 sales were made for singing. "I'll Sing Thee Hongs of written records were not unknown School was contracted to run e ight m onths hut due the months of April. May and June president la expected to occupy $646.937. showing an Increase of Araby." Delbert M oore, violinist, to holidays an extra week w ould have been necessary to The mills were previously assigned In the days of Mines. over $83.000 of this quarter over and George Bishop, vocalist, will much of his attention. get the 160 days to q u a lify fo r the elem entary school fund provisional allotments for April Not long ago airmen (lying over s e e last. provide other special numbers. and high school fund w hich furnishes about a th ird of the and May only. the Ariblan desert discovered th* L I B E R A L I S M .................... tha Idea Larger cash down payments are John Htark Evans will direct, and revenue fo r the d is tric t. A ctu a lly only three more weeks The 700 sawmills registered with ruins of the Queen of Sheba’s cap I hear a lot of loose talk about mails thia year on sales than a Cora Moore will be Ihe sreompau o f school w ill now be ta u g h t but pay w ill be draw n fo r the Association for production Ital city. A little later explorer» Communism. Hoclallant, Fascism year ago Most of the land In the 1st. Several men In this Vicinity eleven weeks, w ith o u t o th e r arrangem ents are made. quotas manufactured approximately discovered Klug Solomon's mines and other newfangled "lama" by twelfth district la selling for up are members of this singing organl ot copper near the shores of the people who don't always know wlint proxlmately the aame price (hla gallon. The teacher payroll in S pringfield is now about $626 a 417.080.000 feet of lumber during Bed Sea. The latest of these finds they are talking about What most year except In wheat areas, where April It la expected that approxi­ week aud a ll but $80 o f th is am ount w ill be met by the is I he discovery of the city of Inch people really think they are speak the price reflected a belter demand mately the same rate of production federal checks. (M arried women teachers cannot be q u a li­ Ish. whose ruler was oue of the log ot I n nothing more or less than In the fall of '33 and the early fied to draw federal pay aud men teachers draw ing in ex­ I will be continued during May. ‘A ND D O N "I F O R G E T five kings who fought against Joah Liberalism. hut Liberalism cannot, spring of '34. Softwood Cut High cess o f $100 a m onth w ill have to be paid the added am ount TO BUY A L A N O F ua In the Valley of AJalon when The output assigned to the West exist under their Communism. So­ •h a s p Land W anted by the d is tric t.) ‘A c m e e n a m e l no te Coast Division by the Lumber Code the sun and (he moon stood still cialism or Eaaelsm Itunge lands adapted for sheep D istrict 19 cut the operating side o f its budget nearly Authority for the three months of FOR OUR BRF AREALI SET* Some dav the human race wilt Liberalism la the orderly system grating which were practically un­ $13,000 last year but even w ith th is slash outstanding w a r­ April. May and June is 1.285 mil learn not to discard old truths of government under which minor saleable during the past two years, rants rem ain at nearly as high a figure as a year ago— $17,- lion feet, which Is 36 per cent of merely hecauae they are old Then Itles are tolerated and permitted to have been In demand during tha 000. H ig h e r bond paym ents and 50 per cent delinquent the entire softwood lumber quota Is a tendency today to believe tha' express themseleva. even though oast few months, which Is almost taxes makes it nearly impossible to balance expense and of the I’nlttd States To keep the the Creation was about day before the main rules are laid down by tha altogether due to the better price receipts even w ith the c u rta ilm e n t th is year. The w in d fa ll output of West Coast lumber with yesterday; that nothing good ex­ majority. Suppress the minorities now quoted for wool and lambs. fro m Uncle Sam should make it possible to take up about in this allowable volume for the isted until the young people of to- and you have the opposite of Lib­ Demand tor wheat ranches fluctu­ $4,000 o f these old w arrants. quarter. It will be necessary to dav Invented It eralism which Is tyrraey. And I ates to some extent In harmony e • • am not sure which la the more with the wheat market and at the S pringfield faces another eight m onths school term somewhat reduce the rate of pro­ and continued low pay fo r teachers unless one o f three duction durlnt the mouth of June B E A V E R S ...............need protection tyrannical. Communism or Its op­ preeent time la at a lower ebb than The curious, lutereattug aud posite. Fascism during the previous 80 days. things happen next year: (1) the sales tax passes. (2) pro­ or to .spread the reduction over June sud the lust half of May—as harmless little native American ani­ I am only sure that neither I nor "There la no part ot the states of perty taxes are paid up in fu ll or (31 the federal govern­ mal. the beaver, has been coming moat of the people of America want Washington. Montana. Oregon and individual milla may prefer. ment makes another donation. A similar situation now exist* In back Into Its ancient streams lu the either Idaho served by the Hpokane hank the textile Industry of the country. East In the past few years Prospects fo r any of the above situations to be fu lfille d which has not produced an Increas Most state have extended com seems to be none to good. It appears that the children of ! All mills have agreed to close ed volume nf sales during that per LIONS M EET FRIDAY ] down for a week or longer to allow plete protection to these pleasing the depression m ay have to s u ffe r along w ith the adults. lod. the Irrigation sections. dry TO NAME DELEGATES land wheal districts and localities -------------- • -------------- : the country to absorb the surplus little beaats. but Pennsylanla thia i now on hand rather than>hbve this past winter permitted farmers to Members ot Sprlnvflelil Lions adapted to livestock have all en­ G ET OUT AN D VO TE on the market at a price below trap them If they were damaging tub will meet Friday noon for joyed some measure of prosperity their lund by their dams As a re­ Seven candidates are ru n n in g fo r the nom ination of I production cost. their regular luncheon inerting and returning confidence Io the governor, five fo r secretary o f state. 14 fo r the legislature, j The mills registered with the sult. more than a third of the beav­ New officers of the club headed by future." Mr Newcomb explained FOR fo u r fo r county treasurer, three fo r com m issioner, five fo r I West Coast Lumbermen's associa ers In the state have been killed Dairy Income Lower There Is nothing sporting about K. C. Stuart will have charge for FURNITURE BRF AHI AST S IT S . congress, and others fo r o th e r offices. Surely you are not tion for June allocations have a "I am certain that a ten to fifteen lie first time. K U C H IN C A B IN IIS so hard to suit th a t you can not pick a suitable candidate total hourly capacity, at normal trapping beavers The only excuse cent raise In the wheat market Mr. Stuart and I .arson Wright running, of 4.242.000 board feet. Ac­ tor It at any time was that thetr fro m this array. So get out and vote Friday. would produce an unprecedented. y o u r s k i l l * i t h i o l o i a n d b r u s h are member» of the program com­ In the long ru n under a dem ocracy the people get just cording to present estimates, there pelt* were valuabl- as fur That mittee for the meeting. volume of salea on wheat ,ands In i m i l l .«m u/«- y o u the kind o f governm ent they vote fo r and really th a t is all will tie approximately 345 million value has almost vanished since every part of our district and that Reports from the Boy Scout com­ silk and felt replaced beaver fur for | feet of national quota left to pro- they are entitled to. W ith a long s trin g o f offices to be IH P O P U L A R C O I O H S mittee and election of three dele­ thl i combined with a better market filled and a num ber o f measures to be voted on it is most ' dues in the four weeks of June. hats They ought to be protected gates to the state convention sche­ for beef cattle, would add an Im TO C H O O S I I R O M This amount Is approximately 17 everywhere for the amusement and im p o rta n t th a t everyone vote. petua to the sale of pasture lands duled for Kugene on June 3. 4 and C ertain obligations fa ll upon men and women in a dem ­ per cent less than was produced entertainment of children. If for no which have been helped already to will be held other reason. And. as a matter of ocracy and one is to exercise the voting franchise. If you in the four weeks of April. a considerable extent by the proa To make these ends meet, the fact, their dams arr often Import­ do not vote you are a “ slacker” ju st the same as i f you re­ perlty of the sheepman. LEGION MAKES PLANS fused to go to w ar in defense o f y o u r co u n try o r dodge your West Coast Code Agencies have ant measures of flood control. "Quite a volume of our lands are authorized an allotment computed taxes. The rig h t to vote is already paid fo r— use it! FOR SIGN R E P A IN T IN G I located In territories In which the Hardware — Furniture at 82 hours operation for each reg- R E G IM E N T A T IO N . . Its meaning ----------- | Income Is mostly from the sale of ; istered mill during June. I notice a hot discussion going on F. II Hamlin was named chair | dairy produce and the local de- Radios — Paint VO TE TO R E T A IN M O TT Mills Set Own Hours all around over the meaning of the man of a group to undertake the, This volume of lumber will be In word "regimentation" To me. as repainting ot the Legion signboard Voters tom orrow w ill have before them the choice of I addition to the footage previously to most people, it means compelling next to Taylor's grocery store at re -n o m in a tin g Congressman James W. M o tt o r voting fo r allocated for April and May; and people, more of less against their the l^-glon meeting held last Thurs­ his opponent on the Republican ticke t. So fa r as we know every mill will be at liberty to pro- will, to march in line and submit day evening al the Hamlin home. his opponent is an honorable and capable gentlem an. H o w ­ > -id A*k your dealer in Eugene or Springfield for Maid O' Cream Butter Do You suppose T hey are GETTING FASTER.-OR. ,S pop S lowing up a bit ? S p rin g fie ld Creamery Co. Meat for Breakfast Builds fo r an e ffic ie n t d a y’s w ork. No food keeps up a w o rk in g m a n ’s energy quite so well as meat. Science says. "Even a little meat Improves the d ie t.” F o r h e a lth ’s sake meat is the one food th a t you should not eco­ nom ize too much on. x Savory sausage, c r isp appetizing bacon, delicious ham o r a sm all breakfast steak w ill s»*nd you o ff in the m orning w ith that "U p and At 'E m ” spirit. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Independent Meat Co. C. BTUART, Frog. 4th and Main ate — Phone 6$