THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THIRTY-FIRST YEAR SPRINGFIELD, U N K COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1934 ------ -"I L FUND IS 0UÎRIGHT GRANT I A Rov'"^R oosevelt j FERA Will Pay Teacher« Sal- ariee Prom April 2 Until End Of Term In June WILL BE PAID l i « . m » ■ I» I .................................. I H H I E M S 1“ School SECflHD IN MEET S. H. S. Athlet»» Win Point» In Nina Events; Roseburg Winner Of District NO. 18 —■ I » ■ n I » ELECTION BOARDS Contest FOR CITY READY VOTERS 10 NAME WINNERS FRIDAY 3arber Declaree Self For Re- Election As Clerk; Friends Several Changes Are Made In Push Dr. Dow As Director Croupe Since First Report; To Use Double Boards Two additional name« were In­ Republicans Present Party In Contssta For Stats; Nation­ al And County Offices jected Into (be dlatrlct achool elec­ IN CASH THREE IN STATE FINALS tion contest Ihla week when Clay­ Heveral change« In the personnel ‘ of the election boards for the four ton F. Barber announced that be Coach Hall To Take Hanson, wan a candidate to succeed himself Hprlngfleld precincts made since Hartman, and Smith To aa clerk, and friend» of Dr. W. N. the boards were flrat announced early In February were given oat Corvallis For State Meet Dow filed a petition nominating today i.t the office of the county Teacher» Muet Refund Three Week» Salary Already Paid By Dietrict Say» Clerk Unless some than«»« In present plana are mad«, and non« ara con­ templated al thia time. Hprln» field’» I hr»« public acheol» will con­ tinue In session until Jun» 16 The »»Ira mouth of acbool la mad« po« albl« by a FERA »rant of |6<7S.7k approval of which waa announced laat week-end. i l SEVEN FOR GOVERNOR Tow Contests On Judiciary Ballot, Measure« Occupy Same Sheet As Judges blm an candidate for director to Hprlngfleld high athletes stepped I aocceed Dr W H. Pollard Dr. Pol­ clerk. NEW YORK . . . Ideila Roosevelt Thia year e^ch precinct In the (abova), distant kla of the Praat forward Monday In tbe din trlct: lard haa already announuel hl» In city will have a double board and Voters going to their respective BOSTON , . . Williaui Larda«« (above), «eat from here aad aew polling places tomorrow will be Seat, I» home agaia, havlag eom track and field meet at Hayward i tendon of becoming a candidate. banded two ballots on which to In­ the poll- vlll be open from eight serving a short term at Lcaveaworth pleted aa 18,000 mila automobile trip field In Eugene to win necond place, Heveral other names are being In the morning until eight In tb ej Federal Prison, bad ia hla poaseaatoa, dicate favorite candidates and around the world In one year Bhe mining out Eugene and ( ottagc p,„ forward an ponalble candidates It has been learned, a piece of Jew­ stand on political measure« Tbe aroeaed the Arabian daaert and Grove school who tied with 26 and B |IM)gH now UH |f more Inter- evening. Persons must report at elry purchased in Paris with «aaw : moat Interesting ballot, to the large toured Aata and Auatralia point» agalnal 28 for Hprlngfleld. ag, w,„ M ,ahen thr dtatrl<., the precinct where they arc r«gla- - of the Lindbergh ranaon number of candidates, at least, will tered If they wish to vote. Roseburg students won tbe meet g(.hoo| to b„ ( .„ j June lg be tbe party ballot. Republican or Th« polling place and the mem i with 60'A points, also Inking home lh)a y„ar thatl haa bw. () , bown for Democratic depending on the party hers of the boards are aa follows: : the diree trophies offered to the aome time past. All petitions must : with whom the voters la registered. To clear up much apparent ml»- First precinct, high scoool; board' winning school, the high point In­ be filed with the clerk by June 8. understanding regarding the clr- The second ballot will be tbe non- 1. Elsie C. Htewart. Cora M Hln dividual, and relay winner. I partisan Judiciary ballot and the i uinatancea undvr which th» fed Amoug those being urged to en­ sob . Flora Huntly. Olive M Nice, i Marlon Hall waa well pleased ter tbe race la Marlon R. Adam«, ' rneaaurea ballot combined. -1 Dillard, county clerk. of funda to pay teacher«' aalarlea Heveral minor matter» were meet. Mae Ogilvie; (second board). Hazel Republican Candidates Five measures, one a constitu­ In the dietrict during a part of taken up by the City Council at Adrian. Elizabeth Page. Sadie Lax- tional amendment, three referred Malcolm llanson. Carter Hart I Those persons registered ae Re­ April. May and June In other their meeting Monday. The record­ ton, Melhorn Bartlett. Elisabeth to the people by the legislature, publicans will find the following word» the Federal emergency re­ er waa Instructed to make arrange man. and Dlnque Hmlth will reprea-| Gerlach. and one. the Sales Tax bill, refer­ candidates names on their ballot: lief fundi under the rural achool menta to reopen tbe room» In tbo «til Hprlngfleld In tbe meet. Han »on la booked for the mile and 880 Congress, first district—James W. Third precinct. Lincoln School; red by referendum of tbe people, project are not loaned to the die Meacham building aa headquarters Hartman will run the 880, and; board 1. Hattie B. Drury. Alice L. will be Included on the ballot to be Mott and J. M Devers. trlct. hut th»«<> funda are an out for the local relief work They will , Smith In the high hurdles. They Governor—Ulysses O. McAlexan Thompson. Blanche May, Lillian presented sir voters at tbe primary right grant to the district with be occupied next week. are the only three student» who' der. Sam H. Brown. Joe E. Dunne, Black. Arthur C. Clark; (second election tomorrow. which to pay teaching aalarlea and The at reel com ill it tee waa alao qualified under the rules of th e, Rufus C. Holman. Frank J. Loner- board). John Parker. Oenevleve thereby giving etudenta an oppor­ authorised to enter Into negotia­ The purpose of each measure as dlatrlct meet where only first and I Pre-School Clinic To Be Tues­ Louk. Grace Henderer. Civility 8. gan. tunity for a normal length acbool tions with a local resident to estab­ will be found on the ballot la as second place winners can partlcl-, day, May 22; County Meet McKlin. Alma Whitney. Secretary of State—Earl Snell. term, auch aa Ik given In moat lish a supervisor for the city dump follows: Further information on Here Next Thursday , pate In the state meet. These state : Carle Abrams. Fourth precinct. Brattaln school; other high achool dlalrlcta which grounds.The man to have complete each measure will have to be found meets are held III Eugene and Cor- { Superintendent of Public Instruc­ board 1. Clara Snodgrasa, Abbie F. ran qualify The district Itaelf 1» charge of tbe grounds keeping them Mrs. H. H. Church was chosen Wheaton. Lena Fraederlck. Frank by reading the voter pamphlet: vallls on alternate years. tion—Charles A. Howard. under no obligation to pay thia c leaned up aa much aa possible and County Indebtedness and Fund­ Htudents winning points for: president of the Hprlngfleld P. T. Gordon. Elma Halsey; (second Commissioner of Labor—C. H. money back and for that reaaoa shall be given exclu«lve permission Hprlngfleld In the Monday m eet: A. al tbe final meeting of the year board). Marian Maxey. Bernice Van ing Bond Constitutional Amend­ Gram. Gust Anderson will not Incur an Increaaed tax load lo salvage what he can aa hla re­ were: Htewart, third 1n the 100. 2, Friday at the Lincoln acbool. Hhe Valzah. Bertha Rouse. Severt Jacob­ ment— Purpose: Requiring two- Senator, third district—H. C. for the dlatrlct. imbursement thirds vote In authorize W’heeler. points; Hartman, first in the 880/ succeeds Mrs. W. C. Wright In tbe son. Elizabeth Olson. Will Receive Check» Final vacation of the Hadley I 6 point»; Hanson, second in the 880. j office Roy Qulney was named vloe Senator, fourth district. Jointly— All election officials will be paid county Indebtedness exceeding »6.- According to Information re­ streets and alleys In Braltaln ad­ : 3 points Hanson, first In the m ile.; president; Ulena B. Wood, «acre In cash for their work this elec- 000 tor roads; authorizing counties Elwln A. McCornack. ceived by Clayton F. Barber, dla­ dition east of Tenth atreet waa 5 points; Hmlth, second in the high! tary; and Mr«. H. H. Hchaffenberg. tlon. Orace Schlska. county treaa-1 to issue warrants evidencing llabi- Representative, fourteenth dis- trlct clerk, the money will be paid ordered after the third reading and hurdles, 3 points; also third In the treasurer. urer has drawn a warrant to cover llttea imposed by law and which trlct—(three to be elected)—Ken- the teacher» by mean« of check« absence of proteala or objection». low hurdles. 2 points. Plans were made for the pre­ all election board expense« and has they are powerless to prevent; au- ueth Nielsen. F. C. Heftron. Earl which are Immediately convertible Hugh Cowart, night watchman Chet wood. third In the shot put. school clinic to he held May 22 at sold it making the cash payment ihorizing any county, upon ap- H. Hill. Emmett Howard. Charles Into caah for the pant three years without I 2 points; also fourth In the discus. which time Dr. Melville H Jones possible. Otherwise the election proval by two-thirds vote of elec- A. Huntington. James K. King, The grant became effective aa of one night of vacation, was granted II point; Stewart, third In the and Dr Milton V. Walker will con workers would have to take war- tors voting there»«, to issue bonds Howard 8. Merriam, April t. and applied to all tearhing three nights freedom thia week and broad Jump. 2 points; and Hartman duct the eamlnations of children up rants. in amount equal to amount of Its County Commissioner—G. W. Me- aalarlea and the auma of the «al­ three within the next month. Coun- j lied with two others for third in to six years. These examinations -------------------------- outstanding warrants December 31, Farland. O. E. Crowe. ly but doea not Include aalarlea of colmnn alao took step« seeking > the pole vault. 1 point. 1933, with interest there on to elec- County treasurer—Grace Schlska. are free and are held fo> the pur married womeu teacher« These few some method whereby the night t(on date, but not exceeding 2<4 Pearle Schantol. Hprlngfleld easily led the field pose of locating defects which may CIVIC CLUB MEMBERS aalarlea and the aumae of the aal- police can have regular nights of I In the distance events. Hanson. be cured or overcome before the ' SET ROSE SHOW JUNE 7 percent of assessed valuation of all Precinct committeemen— W. N. arlea above 1100 will be paid by the freedom each week ----------- property In such county; supersed-, Dow. first precinct; W. K. Barnell. : tunning the mile first, had no serl- child starts school. dlatrlct. Group Honors Mrs. Petars With ing existing special constitutional second precinct; F. B. Hamlin. | oua compeiltlon. Ills time was Details of the county P. T. A. Shower Monday Afternoon At debt funding provisions for Benton, third precinct; C. A. Hwarta. fourth All of the«« aalarlea have already t 36.7. In the half or 880 Hartman meeting to be held here May 24 Home of M rs. Saltaman Clackamas, Crook. Curry. Klamath precloct. been paid with warrant« for three* ENGAGEMENT TOLD OF | proved the surprise of the after- were also completed at the Friday AT SHOWER ON FRIDAY «on when he trailed Hanson Into ----------- and Linn counties; but not releas- week« of the period covered by the Democratic Candidates gathering. The Hprlngfleld Unit Hpringfleld's annual rose and ;ng any existing liabilities, Democrat voters will have fewer grant Thia 1» an aggregate aum of ■ be stretch anti then they attempt- will play host to the visitors and flower show sponsored by membe'rs about »1700 which the dlatrlct ac-j Miss Barbara Adams T ails Of * d to tie at the tape but the Judge« Criminal Trial Without Jury andï ' t OlCM to Thelr of c*n' committees were named as follows; i Coming M arriage Friday At tually gain« Other aalarlea for th«| , ave Hartman flrat position Both i ^|rg <)Ilv«» J. Rebhan. program; .' of the Civic club will be held June Non-Unanimous Verdict Constitu­ didates whose names appear on Shower Honoring H er 7 it was announced Monday by balance of the original term from tional Amendment— Purpose: To the democratic party ballot are: runners drew poor starting P«»l-1 Mrs. Lee Putman, kitchen She will I Congress, first district—William April 20 to May J» wilt alao be a llou» In thels race nnd had to sprint be UHa|ated by Mrg w ,„ to Bertsch ' Mrs. D. O. Fisher, rose show chair-1 provide by constitutional amend­ Mi«« Barbara Adam«, daughter A. Delxell. John th Goss. R. R. direct benefit to the dlatrlct On io take their poaltlonn leading the Mrg ,>>nalt) To,,mb Mrg F B man. ment that in criminal trials any ac­ Turner. The announcement was made at lb« other hand expenditure» for of Mr». Elva Adam*, announced her race. Bunners from none of t h e , ,Un,„ n Members of the reception cused person, in other than capital Governor—Willis Mahoney. Chas. a shower which members of the married women teacher» and ex­ engagement to Carl Koepp«l of Eu­ ether achoola entered ever became I li(tee are Mrg „ p Ogilvie. cases, and with the consent of tbe H. Martin. club held that afternoon at the cess payment» over »100 together gene here Friday evening at a a threat to the two ninnerà, trial Judge, may elect to waive trial1 T”»” Mr». I. K Page. Mr» Pratt Hoi- home of Mrs. D. O. Saltsman in Secretary of State Everett Logan. with «uppllea. etc., will have to be shower given In her honor by Mrs. fur this event was 2:08. verson, Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, honor of Mrs. Emily Peters, mother by jury and consent to be tried by | Jos. E. Shelton. Horace E. Walter. borne by the dlatrlct. Thia will D. It Murphy and ‘ Mr«. M. R the Judge of the count alone, such and Mrs. Everett Griffith. Superintendent of Public Instruc­ of Mrs. W. O. Burch. amount to but a small part of the Adam« at the home of the former. election to bo In writing; provided.! INTERCLASS BALL GAMES The meeting here next Thursday Present for the shower were Mrs. however, that in the circuit court I tion—Forrest E. Dun ton. J. W. money which the dlatrlct will eave About 36 person« were Invited tor START AT HIGH SCHOOL will -all day gathering with a Paul Brattaln. Mrs. L. K. Page.: , . , Leonhardt. In aalarlea over the period from the evening. ten members of the Jury may ren- The wedding ha» been set for covered dish dinner at noon. Commissioner of. Labor— Wal- Mrs. D. O. Fisher. Mrs. J Fulop, April 2 to May 18. It will not Hchedule of the interclass base-! ï « : i e d T c ^ ^ . Mra. I. A. v'a‘i--der ‘ ' T ” *' amount to more than the aum early June according to Ml»« bull games to be played at Spring-1 entlne. Mrs. Bern.ce Van Valzah. “ 7 8,Bd, a Z erd‘Ct Senator, third d istrlct-L . L. Ray. which the dlatrlct would have had Adams field high achool was posted this | Mrs C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. Saltsman £ f"-"' «'«r«( murder, which shall genator fourth A Mias Adams graduated from the to pay out to continue the achool» week The games this year will be . „ _ . be found only by a unanimous ver- and Mrs. Peters. ,, , . . .. . . Schooling. open another week, until May 26. Hprlngfleld high school In 1931 Mr played in series of two games with' diet, and not otherwise. „ . . . -------------------------- Representatives, three to he elec- which would have been compulaory Koeppel came to Eugene from the ¡the boys playing the first evening^ mid-west some time ago and is en­ Bill Authorizing a State Tuber-[led. Frank Carll. C. F. Hyde. Belle In order for the achoola to benefit i and the girls (he second evening. LIONS TO ASSIST IN culoals Hospital In Multnomah, Lydlck. from the elementary nnd high gaged In business In that city They The schedule follows: May 17 and | BOY SCOUT WORK HERE County—Purpose: To authorise the County Commissioner—Walter J. achool tuition funda. Aa haa been plan to make their home In Eu­ I 18 sophomores and Juniors; May I _______ location, construction, operation Holland. (minted out the teacher« have al­ gene. 21 and 22 freshmen and Juniors: i Members of the Lions club com- ard maintenance by the State of County Treasurer—Jesse F. In- ready received «alary warrant» for May 23 and 24 Juniors and seniors; I Barnell Named Vice-president three week» of the period covered REBEKAH LODGE STARTS May 26 and 28 freshmen and sopho­ And Hamlin Secretary Of mittee named to investigate th e, Oregon of a tuberculosis hospital in man. Ross Mathews, possibility of assisting In the work Multnomah county. Oregon, when Judiciary and Measures by the grant Their first check« Lane Chamber Body OFFICER NOMINATIONS mores; May 27 and 30 juniors and of the Boy Scouts In Springfield fundi are available therefor. The Judicial and measure ba I will Include their «alarlea for thia | sophomores; and June 1 nnd 4 sen­ Bt„ Authorllln< a state IngailP I k t will be the same for both par- earn« period and they will have to O. E. Crowe was elected presl have decided to work together with First nominations* fur offices In iors and freshmen. refund the three week» «alary to the Methodist Brotherhood in the Hosp,ta| in Multnomah C o u n ty -: tie" Johli L Ranrt ,nd O*,°rse R dent of the Lane County Chamber Juanita Rebekah lodge were made sponsorship of the local troop A Purpoge: To authorlae the location. Ba*lev “re the candld»tee for posi- the dlatrlct. of-Commerce for the next yeur at at the weekly meeting Monday PAST MATRONS GIVEN the monthly meeting held at Oak-1 meeting of the committee. ~ Dr. W i construction, operation and maln- tlon number 4. Judge of the Sup Rafunda Explained night. More nominations are ex­ HONORS AT MEETING ridge Wednesday *sdav night. He sue-1 N. Dow. John D. Pyle, and F. B. i tenunce by the State of Oregon of reme Court. Two method» of doing thia are pected nt the next meeting and Hamlin was held last week-end and i an Irsane hospital In Multnomah Four candidates seek posts as open to the teacher» »uya Barber. election will be held on May 28. Howard 9. Merriam Of reeds Past Matrons of Cascade chapter they decided to secure more leader­ county, Oregon, when funds are fudge of the circuit court la the Either they may caah their check« Elections are held seml-nnnunlly. (). E. 8. were honored at the semi­ shen. ship. To carry this out they have available therefor. second J.idhlal district, three of and turn In three week« »alary to W. K. Burnell. president of Candidates nominated for office monthly meeting of the local chap­ whom will be elected. They are him, at clerk, or they may. If. fin­ Monday were: Eunice Gerber, ter Tuesday evening.. Pant matrons Springfield Chamber of Commerce.: already secured the assistance of School Relief Sales Tax Bill— G. F. Skipwortfc. Lane county. Carl ancially convenient to do ao, go to noble grand; Crystal Bryan. Max­ of the chapter occupied the chairs was elected vice-president, and F. William Cox and Mr. Manley of Purpose: To provide for relief of R. Wimberly nnd B. L. Eddy, Oou<- the Flrat National bank In Eugene ine Snodgrass, nnd Eleanor Hmlth. during the evening and were later B. Hamlin, prominent Hprlngfleld Garden Way to serve as assistant scoutma ters. helping Glann Martin the existing serious financial condl ¡:.s rounty. and James T. Brand of and redeem a warrant held there vice-grand; Doris Girard, recording presented with corsages by Mrs. resident, was nHtned secretary. tlon of the public schools, due to <’oos coitniy. with his work. with the check. The bank will re- secretary; and l.lla Rearlck and Clifford Wilson, active past matron. Cottage Grove will entertain the, The committee will also under- unusual tax delinquency, hy collect- Measures to he voted are outlined tmhurae the teacher with a refund Marie Pohl, treasurer. Mrs. Pearl Schnntol was elected County chamber at their next meet- : take to s e that the troop Is pro­ ing a tax of one and one-half per-, in another stoiy In this Issue of (he for the amount dlacounled. Thia Monthly social meeting of the ecretary of the chapter succeeding lug June 21. vided with the necessary equlp- cent of gross receipts from retail warrant will then be preaented to lodge will be held next Monday at Mrs. Irfna Fraederlck who hus re­ Election measures and candì-j menl to properly carry out the sales of tangible personal p r o p e r t y _________________ the clerk for cancellation In full which Mrs. Elva Arinins. Mr». Clara signed. and utility service, such tax to be SCOUTMASTER MARTIN dates were the subjects of discus­ work. or a new warrant will he laaued Taylor and Ellen Bnrker will have paid by the seller nnd by him col sion at the meeting last night. Wil-1 for the difference. charge. lected from the purchaser; ex-| GIVEN CAMP POSITION CARD CLUB PLANS FOR Ham Tugman. inunagtng editor of ! Juat how the extra month of Lee Putman nnd Roland Mushier SURPRISE IS GIVEN ON emptlng gross receipts of each per .. ~ „ ,, »chool will effect the high achool directed games following the meet­ SEVERAL SOCIAL EVENTS the Eugene Register-Guard, was .. all „ net . rev Glen Springfield teacher son _ up , to »60 a month; . „ Martin. „ ; ? the principal speaker. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY haa not been determined yet. It ing this week. , , , , . . , ■ and Boy Scout leader, has been enues derived from such tax to be . Members of the O-No bridge club Four attended from Hprlngfleld. will eliminate the neceaalty of „„„ j . v , : chosen to direct the handicraft . u 11 be guests this evening of Miss They were Barnell. H. E. Maxey, Miss Colene Cornell was honor apportioned to schools districts and graduating student« taking three ÇLASSES ELECT LEAGUE . .. . . j . j • work at the . annual Scout „ camp . „ v at Doris Gerber Hi her home for the Hamlin, and E. H. Turner. guest al her home at surprise party the amount thereof deducted from , . _ extra hour» of work without credit . u__ . . . . . . . . Lucky Boy this summer. H. B. 8al- school taxes on property; this law , _ ; , . legiilnr semimonthly meeting of In her honor Monday evening, the COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP wh«n entering the university. Many lee. Scout executiev. will be camp the group. occasion being her sixteenth birth of the atudenta declare they will director. He will be assisted by Saturday night the membership BALL TEAM TO PLAY day. Francis Stiles was elected re­ he deprived of an opportunity of j Carl Merryman of Corvallis. Ed- presentative on the Girls League will hold their banquet nt Mc­ The party was sponsored by ARPPRECIATION SHOWN j ward Christie of Eugene will be of­ working. To overcome thia each HILLS CREEK THERE council at the high school Tue: day Cready’s cafe in Eugene and dance Myrna McKinnon. Delores Casteel, atudent who dealrea to work and UNIVERSITY BANDSMEN fice director. morning Jean Louk Is the Junior nt Willamette park afterwards. Members of the town baseball: and Wayne Kendall. About 20 who can find employment will be Much repair and Improvement class representative, and Bernice A large gathering of Springfield work Is now being undertaken at team will meet the strong Hills' young people attended. permitted to leave achool after hav­ Smith represents the sophomore BROWNIES GROUP TAKEN Creek nine at Jasper Sunday. A people demonstrated their appre­ the scout camp by members of the ing a form algned by hla parent», class. The freshman class will elect PRISCILLA MEMBERS ciation of the hand conoert given camp committee and parents of large attendance Is expected at this employer and the principal. It will ON PICNIC TRIP MONDAY their representative next fall. game as both teams are develop­ be neceaaary to return to achool PLAN ANNUAL PICNIC by the University of Oregon bands scouts. men at the Methodist church Tues­ Twenty-four members of the ing quite a following. for final examination», however. To The Hprlngfleld boys who started Brownies. Junior Olrl Scout group, Plans for the annual picnic for day evening under the dlroctlon of CEMETERY CI.EAN-UP date only twelve atudenta have IUKA CIRCLE MEMBERS taken out the work blanka and only MEET AT EGGIMANN'S hiked to the Eugene-Springfield out somewhat of the underdog In members of the Priscilla club to John Stehr SET FOR PLEASANT HILL Continued applause followed the auto camp Monday evening for tbe series surprised their followers be held on Pall (’reek, Tuesday, a few have returned them. Regular meeting of Iuka Circle. their :cheduled weiner roast and Sunday when they forced the M June 19 were discussed at the conclusion of each number and Annual clean-up of the Pleasant Graduation' exerclaea scheduled for Friday of thia week have been Ladles Auxiliary of the G. A. R. picnic. They were areompanled W. A. team of Eugene Into an 11 meeting of the club held last Thurs­ Alvin Templar, trombone soloist, Hill cemetery will he held Satur­ will be held at Eggltnann's parlors by their lender. Mrs. Donald Mea- Inning gume. The Woodmen final­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. and tbe band each responded with day. A basket dinner will be held postponed. In the church at noon and tbe an- Very little disturbance seems to tonight with Mrs. Egglmann as kins. Miss Evelyn Buell, assistant, ly won the eonteat 8.6 after the John Parker. The meeting laat encore numbers. The free concert was sponsored , tiual business meeting will be held have been caused at the grade hoatess. Reports on the food sale and Mrs. Olive J. Rebhan. Miss Flo­ game had stood 4-4 at the first of week began with a potluck (Ifnner rence Vail mil Miss Elizabeth Vail. the eleventh. at noon. held Saturday will be given. by the Springfield Lions club. at one o’clock. achoola over the «xtanaktn. COi’ "IL TO MOVE RELcF AGENCY FIVE MEASURES BEFORE VOTERS NEW OFFICERS < ELECTED BY P.T.A. CHAMBER ELECTS TWO LOCAL MEN