I HIG H W A Y WORK STA R TS AT BRIDGE APPROACHES Sidew alk«, Pavem ent W idening, And Reeurfaclng Included In Local Project THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1M4 T H E SPR IN G FIE LD N W S PACK POUR Best D ressed Visits Father—Miss Msrv Wae , Vlntlng m Portland—Mis Hurry hter of Portland vtslted with her M. Stewart Is visiting with her : father here Sunday. He Is III daughter In Portland and la expec- led Io return the end of thia we-h. Visits Parent«—Fred Ituell spent the week end here with his parents Has Operation— Velma Lindsay, He Is employed at Tillamook. six years old. underwxnt an opera lion for appendicitis at the Pacific C orvallis People H e r * — M r and hospital In Eugene Sunday Mrs. Everett Wilkinson of Corval­ lis were visitors here Saturday Catch Salmon — Marlou Adams and Frank Ftaher »pent Wedtioa Portland Man Haro— W. H Staf­ day afternoon fishing for salmon ford of Portland was a bualumta on the McKciiile river. PHILADELPHIA . . . lfcbert visitor in Springfield Saturday. Freeman t above 1 of Waahiagtdn, D. Oakridge Man Visits- LaVerue C. is 6 ft. 4 la. tall He is rap tats ' Has Pneumonia—Laurie Dowuvs Hoffman of Oakridge was here elect aad basketball champion at la reported to be 1 1 1 al her home the Valveraity of Pennsylvania So oer (he weekend Isltlug with re what was more natural than that- here with pneumonia lalives. the fair co-eda, ta a vouag coateet Creswell Man Here—F M Peeb conducted by the college paper, Visits Schoolmate— Herman l*e( should crowa him tha "Graak God” le- of Creawell was a business ers of Willamette spent Saturday ef tha campon visitor In Springfield Saturday here visiting with H O. Dibble« A craw of me» began work al the Kaet approach of the Spilng field bridge over the Willamette river doing Improvement work pro­ vided for laet winter In a contract eigned bv the Highway Coin ml» eion. Some flUe have already been made and workmen are now pre paring tor the pouring of a con-1 crate aldewalk from the bridge to | the city sidewalk at Mill street. A curb will also be poured, the pave­ ment widened to meet the sidewalk and a new top layer placed on the eullre roadway from the bridge to Mill street. At the East end of the city the workmen will put In sidewalks and resur'ace the portion of the high Marcola Resident Hare — Mra. The two were school students way which was rebuilt a tew years Earl Hall of Marcola was a visitor together. ago when the Job In the highway M E TH O D IS TS PLAN FOR 1 in Springfield Saturday Laavaa for Salem — Donald was removed. M O TH ER S DAY SERVICE Fish Monday— R L. Burnett aad I Hawke left Monday for Salem TW O ARE HOSTESSES FOR The message for Mothers' Day at I Al Pohl spent Monday fishing on 1 where he will attend a few days. Later he plana lo vtatt with his the eleven o'clock hour In the the McKenxte river. BRIDGE M EETIN G FRIDAY brother at Dallas. Methodist church will be: ‘"Behold Visit on Coast—Ralph Gillett and Among the larger social func­ Thy Mother,” Rev. Dean C. Poln Parents of Daughter— Mr and Ixiuie Tuhy spent the week-end tion« of the past week was the des­ dexter will preach. The Sunday Mrs. Harold Ills« of Oakridge are ¡siting at Lakeside. sert bridge party given by Mra. W. Church school meets at 9:46 a m the parents of a baby daughter N. Gossler and Mrs. C. F. Barber The League meetings will be post­ Visit at Corvallis—Mr. and Mrs. horn to them at the Eugene hos­ at the home of the lattel Friday. poned becauae of the baccalaureate Fred Ixiuk and three daughters. pital on Tuesdav. May 8. 1934. Prises were won by Mrs. I. D. Lari­ service which will be held In the Mary Ann. Eva and Jean, spent G RACE H A N N E F O R D mer. Mrs. William Curtis and Mrs. church at 7:30. Sunday visiting in Corvallis. W OODCRAFT CROUP HAS Grace Hanueford. one of the shin W. N. Long. The musical program which the Fracturas Collarbon»— Mrs. A N M O TH E R S DAY PARTY mg stars of the famous Hanueford Guests for the afternoon were choir has been preparing for music family of bareback riders. Is said Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Lati­ week will be given Sunday even­ Fisher received a fractured collar mer, Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. John ing May 27. The high school has bone Iasi Thursday evening wheui Mothers were honored at the re­ to be the best dressed equestrian gular meet lag of Ptne Circle. N In all spunglelaud Her costumes are D. Pyle, Mrs. I. M Peterson. Mrs. decided to go ahead with the bac- she fell at her borne here. O. W. here last night Mrs Bernice (lie envy of her feminine udtulrer« Margaret Kenyon. Mrs. Abbie . calaureate service and the next Breaks Ankle— Virgil Edwards of Peery. Mrs. W. R. Dawson. Mrs. > Sunday we are uniting with the Fall Creek receive«! a broken an Van Valxah was given the honor wherever she goes. In (ad, the cos William Curtis. Mrs Gertrude Wil­ | other churches of Lane county In kle last week when an automobile seal during (he business session turning, (or the wernon In the act. after which the drill team present­ Is said to have coat a small fortune. son. Mrs. W. H. Riddell. Mrs. Long. a county wide survey and study of rolled over his foot. ed a riag drill and gave each Miss Edna Swarts. Mrs. A. R the liquor question. There are three female members mother a rose. The team sang and Dexter People Here — Mr and Sneed. Mrs. Olive J. Rebhan. and In the troupe. Grace, pictured the guard captain presented a skit The choir, under the leadership Mrs. W. B Mauney of Dexter were Mrs. John Henderer. above, the wife of "poodles." world of Mrs. Buford Roach Is preparing business visitors In Springfield Theda Baylea. presented a tap famous riding clown; Elizabeth. Jr., a fine program as the closing num­ Saturday. dance, and Don Nelson. Verlln and Mrs Elizabeth, tha mother of PAST M ATRONS TO HAVE ber of the season. Other numbers Posey. LaMar Brattaln. Morgan Elizabeth, and "Poodlea.” and their Leaves for Spokane— Mrs. Wm. CHARGE OF O. E. S. M EET will include the Springfield Mad­ Chandler. Robert McLagan did ' ring clothes, which are all original Knox has gone to Spokane where rigal club and instrumental num Members of the Past Matrons here by students of Mrs. Roach she will spend some time visiting tumbling, and Paul Potter sang creations, and made from the best "Thai Little Mother of Mine" lie of fabrics, denote the very latest club of Springfield will be in chage The complete program will he an­ with relatives. was accompanied by his sister. In ring attire. of the next meeting of Cascade nounced later. Dorothea Mae Potter. Returns Home— Mrs. Al Flora of The famous Hanneford family, chapter here Tuesday of next week. Medford returned to her home with "Poodlea" Hanneford. dean of Mrs. Pearl Schantol will occupy the The refreshments were served In Week-end A t Horse Creek .Monday evening after vlaltlng w ith, the dining room about a targe table riding downs, head the Hat of many chair of the worthy matron for this Mr. and Mrs Donald Meaklns for on which the word Mother was noted ««questrlan acts with the meeting and other offices will be A number of Springfield people filled by other past matron«. Plans were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lar­ I a week. spelled nut with red roses on a Great Al U. Barnes Circus, coming to Eugene for one performance for 'he meeting were made here son Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ W yom ing Folk Here— Mr and, white tablecloth as a background only on Sunday. May 20. for per­ Tuesday evening when the past ford Wlleon at their cabins on : .Mrs. B. A. Schark of Casper, Wyo- formance at 3 p m. Siatj«ns met at the home of Mrs. Horse Creek the past week end. - mlng. are here visiting at the W. C H R IS T IA N CHURCH HAS Clifford Wilson. Thoee in the party were Mr. and j J. Scott home Mrs. Schark Is a M O TH ER SERVICE PLAN MRS. COLE E N T E R T A IN S - Mrs. W. N. Gossler. Mr and Mrs. niece of Mrs. Scott MASONIC M O N TH LY C. F. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Donald FOR KOZY KORNER KLUB A special mothers day service Returns from Hospital— Mrs SOCIAL CANCELLED Toomb, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fan- will be held at the Christian church drem. Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Dow. i Laurence C. Moffitt was brought Members of the Kogy Korner Sunday morning with Rev. Veltie ! home from the Pacific hospital In The monthly social of the Ma­ and the hosts and hostesses. Pruitt, pastor, speaking on the sub Klub were entertained by Mrs. : Eugene Saturday where she had sonic lodge scheduled for tonight Ject, "Jesus and Motherhood. " George Cole at her home In Gar underrun- u major operation. has been cancelled until further There will be special music (or the den Way Tueaday afternoon. Sew ing was the diversion of the after­ notice according to a notice issued Visit at Roseburg—Mr. and Mrs service. There will be no evening noon. Refreshments were served by this morning by I. M. Peterson, W. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer service, the pastor speaking at the secretary of Liberty lodge. the hostess to the following mem­ Pyne and son. and Mrs. Nellie Methodist church. bers. Ml-s Doris Myers. Faye Par Jordan spent 9unday at Roseburg sons. Dorothea Mae Potter. Evelyn HOM EM AKERS CONVENE visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Buell. Ila Bartholomew. Velda Bar­ Radabaugh. former Springfield FOR ANNUAL SESSION tholomew. Mrs. Ralph Fullerton, residents. und Mrs Kavniond Jack who was a Fourth annual meeting of the gueat. To Visit Father — Mrs. W. P Lane County Homemakers associa­ tion le being held at the First Con­ Tyson left Monday for Lincoln. gregational church In Eugene to­ Nebraska for an extended visit For Busy Mornings day. Sessions started at 9:46 and Pattern 8183 — Every woman with her father. Charles Rlvett. will continue until 3:30 o'clock. knows how to look neat, attractive Her father has been failing In Several specialists from O. S. C„ and ready for work In the morning health for some time. He is well- Including Miss Gertrude Skow and by wearing a dress like the one known In Springfield by the older Lucy A. Case are on the program. sketched above. residents. She makes It In printed percale, Return from Medford— Mr and with a blue ground and white fig­ MRS. LONG HOSTESS TO Mrs. A. J. Schnetzky, Mrs. M A. CO NTRACT BRIDGE CLUB ure and has the waist part in Pohl and Mrs. John Patrick re­ turned Monday from a weeks visit Members of the Contract bridge at the R. P. Mortensen home at club will be guests this afternoon Medford. Mr. Patrick was here at a dessert bridge party at the from Carlton over the week-end home of Mrs. W. N Long. and they returned to their home Tuesday. MARY MARSHALL Thurston Oakridge high school baseball team defeated Thurston high teams Friday afternoon on the local dia­ mond. Thurston's baa-ball team motor­ ed to Elmira last Sunday and de­ feated the Elmira team in a game Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart and daughter. Norma, motored to Camp Creek last Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. George Willian. The Thurston high school is stag­ ing a play entitled "Moon Shy.” at the ThurstofT" hall next Friday evening. McKenzie Valley guest Awards in sewing division I, In­ cluded Iilah Wearin, first; Connie Stang. second; Ada Currant, third. Division II. Carolyn Stacy. Cook­ ing, Marvena Holmes, first; Mar­ theda Odell, second, Division 1. Division V, Metta O’dell. Demon­ strations In cooking were given by Martheda and Marvlna, and In sew­ ing by Connla and Carolyn. A neighborhood dance was given at the home of W. R. White Satur­ day evening In the Deerhorn dis­ trict. Mrs. J II. Decor’s 76th birthday was celebrated Saturday evening when her daughter. Mrs. Everett Wearin. Invited a group of friends to a party at her home Miss Jeanette Smith gave a party at the home of her sister. Mrs. L. 8 Brown, Leaburg Saturday night. The Leaburg C. E. society meets Friday night with John and Eliza beth Bittle. TRUCK O W NERS M EET TO TALK CODE CALLED A meeting of all Lana county Local Couple Flan Wadding In truck men has been called for Ku June, Will Make Thair Horn« gene on May 18. next Wednesday A t Tillamook al which time member« of lha Ore Miss Loudolle Williams, daugh , gon Trucking Code authority will lor of Mr. and Mrs W N Williams, spend the entire evening explain announced her engagement to Fred Ing how lha trucking code will be Buell, son of Mr and Mr W E applied locally Registration of all truck owners Buell, at the monthly meeting of the Happy Evening club at her Is r-qulfed under the code. Farm­ home Tuesday evening The wed ers and others who haul Ihalr own ding will be an «vent of early June. produce exclusively are not affect- Both of the young persons are ■'d by the code. well known here having taken an All truck operatore will aoon re- active purl lu school and church « elva forma on which (hay will affairs. Mr. Buell Is now employed bava to Hat a schedule of minimum with a funeral home al Tillamook chargee on which they propone to where they plan to tnuke their operale Thaaa minima must be home. above lha coat of operation. In­ For the program Mlsa Margaret cluding NHA labor provision», Hubbard, of the book department whether lha truck la ownerdrlven al McMorran and Waahburne In or ha» an employed man at lha Eugene reviewed several hooka wheel, according lo the code au­ Mlsa Glyde Dilley and MHs Mary thority Elizabeth Whitney sang two duets The club will have a guest day F in g e r A m p u ta te d program May 29 al the home of Mra. Leola Rodenbough Little Hoy Uregory. agad 1. ion of Mr and Mra C J. Gregory of W A TER W O R K S MEN IN Fall Creek had the second finger D IS T R IC T C O N VEN TIO N on hli left hand amputated Wed­ nesday al the office of a local phy­ ' Members of the Norlhweat Divi­ sician The boy'» brother cut the sion of the American Waterworks linger almost off with an axe Aa oclatlon began a three-day con Bakery Gate Screen» ventkm al (he Eugene hotel today. A program of addreasea and dis New »crean» and screen door» cuaalona are to be held at the hnlel and Inapectlon visits will be are being fitted Ml the Springfield made to the Leaburg dam. the Bakery thia weak Tha bakery haa power houae. the atand-by plant. recently added a naw Dodge de­ ((Iteration plant and reservoirs of livery truck to It» fleet of ratXor the Eugene water system, accord delivery vehicle» ing to Geo. M King manager of (he hotel. J W. McArthur la chairman of the arrangements committee. A 12:30 C O N T IN U O U S 11:90 golf tournament ta also planned for the visitors. :: STA R TS SATURDAY ss MWMÎALD LIONS CAST PRESENTS COMEDY FOR P. T . A. AID A successful second performance of "Auntie Up." threeact comedy play of the Springfield M ods club was given Friday night by the ori­ ginal cast al Wlllakenzle grange hall for the benefit of the Garden Way P. T. A. Considerable work was necessary In moriug the production to a new setting, and a truck load of furnish­ ings had to be taken to the hall to complete the stage setting and fur­ nishings T h e audience nearly filled the auditorium at the Grange hall. All pro« >-eds above gapeneea were turn­ ed over to the P. T A. organisa­ tion. MRS. POLLARD HOSTESS FOR SISTER H O O D CROUP Member» of P. E O. Sisterhood, chapter A-Y were entertained at Ihelr regular monthly meeting Weduesdaf afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. II. Pollard. The chapter le composed largely of Eugene members. Catches Unusual Fish—H. O. Dib­ bles caught a Loch Laven trout at Linton lake Sunday where he was fishing with W K. Barnell and H. E. Maxey. The fish were planted In the lake some years ago hut are seldom caught. This one was about 20 inches long. CHESTER, } ' » . . . . Charles Fritt (above), 6 years old, 5 ft., 4 ia.h Mil, and weighing 120 pounds, en -■red school last Fall nod advanced tram the first grade to the fifth ia -. month» Tear hers aar hr Is exrcp (tonal in all studies and has the mentality of the average high school 'reafaraan. Neither of his pur«uils Entertains Aid Group—Mrs. E. O. rtUodsd college. Privat entertained members of the econd division of the Ladies’ Aid of the Eugene First Methodist Methodist church at her home here Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Privat was active In the affairs of the Eugene church before the family moved to Springfield. About 25 were present here Tuesday. Attorney at Law 734 Willamette Eugene, Oregon N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County. In the Matter of the Estate of Clella McAlpin also known as C. McAlpin, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed as administrator in the above entitled matter. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present said claims duly verified to the undersigned administrator at white, repeating the color contrast. his office In Eugene. Oregon with­ six months from this 10th day Or she chooses a checked gingham in of May. 1934. in green, blue or pink and white C. A. WINTERMEIER, Admin­ istrator. and makes it all of one color, with (M 10-17 24-31— J 7) collar mid sleevp rufles in white. I A Lovely Frock Pattern 8162— When we go to parties we f«-el very party-lsh dress­ ed in this pretty dress of dotted swlss, with a sasb of turquoise blue. But we have a variety of ma­ terials we could use, muslin, bat­ iste and It would be sweet in pale blue organdy. For Pattern, send 16 cents In coin (for each pattern desired), your Name, Address, Style Number and 81ze to Patricia Dow, Spring- field (Oregon! New» Pattern Dep’t. at Tha Afewa Office 116 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. T. One thing on w h ich y o u ca n n o t lo se - C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R Two Deerhorn 4-H clubs, the "Busy Bees" Sewing and "Happy Friars” Cooking clubs. Cora Wear- in, leader, held their achievement «lay exercises at the school house Friday with County School Super­ intendent Moffitt as their special LOUDELLE W ILLIA M S TELLS OF ENGAGEMENT a good Electric Refrigerator ACME QUALITY HOUSE E PAINT ra 4 B a la n c e d F o r m u la COSTS LESS PER JOB PER YEAR Wright & Sons Hardware — Furnitur» Radio« — Paint A n Electric Refrigerator is one investment in which you cannot lose. Every day the whole year around it pays dividends in good health, food saving and convenience. I t actually costs L ess money in the long run to own an E le c tric R e frig e ra to r than to "get alo n g ” without one. Electric Refrigerators are cheaper today than they have ever been or are ever likely to be again. Prices are going up, why not purchase yours on easy terms at today’s bar­ gain prices. See your dealer now. M O U N T A IN STATES POW ER COMPANY