THURSDAY, MAY 10. 1084 PAG H T H R U COHN HOO CO NTRACT STATIC- CA: '83. ft; '»I, I; Coat. A. 9; Lire A. 8; Ltrs: S3. 3- 32, 4; HPM: '83. I In Southern Oregon— Mrs. D. B T R E A S U R E R W A N T S O LD R E D U C T IO N C O N T R O L MKNTH (IP MKMRKRH OF T H E ’l l . I ; 'l l . 9; HPM ' l l . «6. IX. 3d; 17; M. 36; FHB 31. 1; ’l l . 1. M urphy. D eltw rt MItob«U» Hasel W A R R A N T S R E T U R N E D A C R E 8 FOR R E L IE F W O RK CORN HOC CONTROL A88OCI F IIB : '31, 0; '31. «. 140; CA: 83. 0. 33. 0; Cont A. I Murph’' Oo‘dl* ATIO N O F LANE COUNTY, W V. a to n e ,-T A . 116; CA; ' l l . A call for all general fund war Gsvernmeot Would Put Pamille» O; Lira: ’83. 4- ’33, 4; HPM : '33.1 »P«»1 the week end vleltlng with HTATE O F ORBUON. 4; ’31. 4; Cunt. A. 0; U n : '33. 7; | relatlvee at Ashland and Medford. J runt» laaued on Lau« county up toj On Contracted Acreages and 'l l , I ; HPM 33. Id; '32, 58; FHB: 38; '32 33; F H ^ : S3. 8; '32,0. The following I» a statement of I^ewls E Weel. Trent— TA. 4«; ......................................... I January I. 1934 1» eontalned In thl« Provide Cows the basic Information on corn acre­ 13. 9; 11. ». CA: -83. 0; '33. 1; Cont. A. 0; U rs : , Issue of lb« Nnwa Urui M Hrhlaka. j Hundred« of thousand» of rural age and hog production submitted W illiam Strunk, R. 2—TA. 384. '38. 4; 32. <; HPM '32. 32; '32. 33; county treaaurer. 1» anxious to I funilllea In the nation who are on by Individual producers of Hprlog CA: '33. 28; '31.7; Cont A. 0. FHB '83. 0; « . 8 Lira '33. 8; -32. 4; HPM '38, 72; cow. and ***•<* “ tid Pleasant H ill Communi­ C. C. Williams. Dexter—TA. 23«; I have tksae warrant» paid a« th»y relief roll» are without '32.44, FHB: 33. • ; 11. 16. CA: '23. 6; '32. 6; Cont. A. 0; Ltrs: I do not draw Interest after Friday, that la one of the reaona. authorl ties who have signed contracts un­ J. M Taliaferro, R. 1—T A 23«; ’33. 3* '32, 5; HPM '33. 17; '32. 34 der tin- 1934 Corn Ilog Production and only cause extra work to carry tie» «ay. that they are "on relief." Adjustment Program of the Agri­ CA: '33. 0; 32. 0; Cont. A, 0; Lira: C A L L FOR LA N K C O U N T Y FHB '33. 2; -32, 0. GENERAL FUND W ARRANT« llmni In her office. Although the FERA I» moving to cultural Adjustment Administra -33. 4; 32, 8 HPM : '33. 32; *32, 44; Nolles I» herehy glven thut Lau» FHB '33. 0; '32, 0. tlon. inuke cows available to these fami- County Geuerul Fund wnrrant« up Ira A. Vance, Leaburg— TA , 98; 1934 C H IC K S F E W E R , Any person may make a con fid ile», probably half of them are not Io and Incluillug Iteglatered No. Returns to California — Mrs entlal report, oral nr written, to th e ! CA: '83, 0; '32, 4; Cont. A, • ; Lira: now In position to receive a cow. H A T C H E R IE S R E P O R T <1714. ilalml thru lleceinlier 30, 1*33. county allotment comarlttee or to S3, 3; '33. 8; HPM : '33. 21; '32, «8; Urace McClure left Huurday for um herehy callml für payment Frl b cause they have no pasture or the community committee If he, F IIB : '33,8; '32. 0. Mai rumente after viali Ilia here for ; day. May I I . 1034. al tln- offl< >• of tillable land on which to raise feed finds any statemen here which be W alter Wallace, R. I — TA. 46; N ew England States Only Region a few days with her «later. Ann tti« County Treuaurer. Showing Incroooo In Hatoh- believe» to be Inaccurate CA: '38. 16; '32, 1«; Cont. A. 6; Yet many farmer« have much lut»re»t will ceua« on thut dato lildwell. Signed— Ltr«: -33. 2; 32. 2; H PM . '32. 17; • Inga For Fryora more land lylug Idle than la neces OHACK HCHIHKA, County. O. A THOMPSON, '32.14; FHB: '33. 8; -32,0. Treaaurer M Ul M. I . « L A T T K R Y ary to supply to these landlaea 'C hairm an County Allot W illiam Whlte. K. 1—TA. 160 «; Indications are that the number Beckwith Bldg., lugana, Oregon relief families Many of these grow ment Committee UÀ: 33. 20; '82. 19; Cont A. 0; Home from Hospital— Mr». U. H. BART JOHNSTON, NOTICK * r’ * ou*d allow relief families to Lira '33. 14; '32. 18; HPM ‘33. 80; of saleable chicks hatched In the J a rre tt relurtied tu ber botti» bere RA LPH W ILLO U G H BY '32. 121; FHB: *33. 0; ’32. 12. United States la running leas than OF F IN A L ACCOUNT use the acres they have taken out Seltner M W icks. K 1—TA . 8; a year ago, although future book­ Munday from ih - Kugeue hoapltal | N T H K OOCNTY COURT O F T H B of cash crop» under government Key to abbrevlatlons TA refers to HTATK OF OKKOON IN AND where she hud uudergoue medical total acreage In farming unit; CA CA: -33, 0; -32. 0; Cont. A. 0; Lira: ings might »uggc-i »on»« Increase, •83. 1; 32, 2; HPM : 33. 8; 32. 18; FOR P N T O H B E A T CO N TY OF LANK . P , » » ' w . n ereu . y . m . e . .» . « » ru . a o v , care for several days IN K U NO r.fiKH « A corn Planted; Cont say» a summary of the government plan whereby the federal gov- IN I K O H A T K NO. 60»« . A means number of contracted FHB '33. 0; '32. 0 hatchery report Ju»t releaaed by P L K A S A N T H IL L lu re Estate of Frank M Vurnurn. • rnmenl will take over as a rental ut,r e - . b tr, number of lit L. L. RAY Community Commlttee: Bert the O. 8. C. extension service. deceased proposition all lands lu the country j i^rH owned by producer when tar- Attorney a t Law Notice la hereby glveu that ou „bleb have been dimlgiiated us rowed; HPM means number of Fegte», Chairman; Emery K Galil­ M iner Bldg., Eugene, Oregon Saleable chicks batched by com­ eo«. Vice Chalrman; and Lewis E. May 2. 1834, the undersigned as the ................... , la now h ou p u ro rod u cer cer fo I k . |,>_1„.„ ..I . le neflt reduction acreage ,loa" du lo r r m m a u rk r a et- e i, r F n H n B mercial hatcheries of the United administrator of me r.aiaie oi N O T IC K OF H E A R IN G ; means number of feeder and stock- West. Jame» T. Awbrey. R. 1—TA . 131; State» during March were 6 3 per Frank M, Vernum, deceased, filed le-big m m ldered by the FEKA I f boB, b()„gh, ON F IN A L A C C O U N T ! CA: '33. 10; '32. 0; Cont. A. 0; cent fewer than to March 1933. The NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN : Ills filial accouut In the above en- according to Harry Hopkins, ad ' _____ Ltrs: '83, 16; '32. 1«; HPM '33. 82; Tliat the undersigned, as executor , titled probate proceedings; and mlulstrator. total output for January. Febru­ S P R IN O F IK L O -32. 106; FH B : '33. 1; -32. 0. of the Last W ill and Testament : that on said date the County Court Ilopkln's plun would have the ary and March la about 8 per cent Frank Blair, lorwell—TA. 146; Corutnunlty Commlttee: Wllltam of Mary E Bryaut, deceased, has of lame County, Oregon, inude au filed hl» acrouut for the final set , order setting the time for the hear government become the reuter of Whlte. Chalrman; K. O. Kennle. CA: ’83. 11; '82. 8; Cont. A. 0; 1«»» than for the » a m e mouth» la»t U r i : 38. 8; '33. 3; H PM : '33. 24; year. Decreases In March a» com­ llement of said decedent*« estate In lug of the »aid flnul »(-count to be lauds kept out of production and Vire Chalrman; Oeorge Platt. the County Court for Lane County had before the said Court at the | b„ government would In turn per Florence 8. Alien. Vida—TA . 130; '32. 24; FHB: '33. 0; '32, 0. O. A Brown. R 1—TA. 98; CA: pared with a year ago occurred In Oregon, and that Saturday the 20th hour of 10:00 o’clock, A M June . . l . CA: '33. 12; '32. 8; Cont A. 2; day of May. 1934 at the Court 1. 1834. and directing all having any ,o °»®r Lira '38. 5; ’32. 6; Cont. A. 0; Lira: (be middle and south Atlantic 33, 1; 32, 3; HPM '33. 8; '33. 8; '32. 8; HPM : '33, 13; '32. states and In tbe northeast central I Room of »aid Court In the County I objections thereto to file the same i“ u<8 and raise foodstuffs and '32. 21; FHB: '33. 0. '32 0. Roseburg, Oregon 4«. FHB: -33, 0; -32. 0. and south central state«. The Pad I Court House, In Eugene at ten In writing In said proceedings on teed crop» for themselves only, W. A. Balley, R. 2—TA. 106; CA: Emery E. Calltson. Fall Creek— fie coast, mountain and New Eng-1 o'clock lu the forenoon, has been or before the time set for the said j without a surplus for sale for The iV ^82 U 2HPM ‘ -s ì Ì Ì * - » »V TA> 344 = CA: S3. 1«; '32. 0; Cont. fixed by said Court as the tim e ' hearing , owner of the land cannot then i l i o land states reported Increases | 10° ' 32 *• L tr,: 33- «: 32 5 : HPM sud place for hearing objections I AH IIEK M VEACH. Admlnls trator of the Batate of Frank ! chMr« * Pt”-«“ »» rent as the FHB: '33. 0. '32. 0. 33. 31; '32. 35; FHB: '33. 0; 32 0. However, tbe only section in which ' thereto, and for the settlem ent, Merton A Nellie Y Brown. Walt- B. J Clark. Oakridge—TA. 620; M Vernum , deceased government Is the actual renter thereof Second Judicial District erv llle - TA, 10«; CA: '33. 14; '32. CA: '33. 10; '32. 12; Cont. A. 3.3; the (SBmmerctal production of baby AR TH U R BRYANT. Executor , H E H LA TTEH Y. Attorney for at.d Is paying cash rentals chicks Is showing a consistent ex- I 14 Coot. A. 6; Ltrx: '33. 6; *32. 6; of the lasst W ill and Testament ' the Administrator, Ltrs: 'S3. 8; '32. 8; HPM : '33. 38; W hich Includes Lane County. HPM : '33 28; 32. 29; FHB '33. ' 32. 52; EHB 'S3. 0; '32. 0. pension over a year ago la the New |M 3 10 17 24 31) uf Mary E Ilryant. deceaaed. England group and here most of W illiam A. Copeland. R 1—TA. There are three clrcnlt Judges to L L. HAY. Attorney for Estate. F U L L G O SPEL M E M B E R S FRKD K. S M ITH PLA N M A N Y S E R V IC E S a T i ^ m ™: 100; CA: 'S3, 12; '32. 30; ConL A. tbe Increase la believed to be (or be elected'in this district this year, (A 18 26 M 3 in 17) A ttorney at Law 6.7; Ltrs: '33. 3; '32. 7; H PM : '33. broiler production. Official reports Mr. Wimberly is a candidate for ------------ , 33. 4; '82. 8; H PM : S3. 28; '32, 2«; 10; '32. 2«; FHB '33. 0; '32. 0. M in e r Bldg., Eugsns, Orsgon A schedule of the services at the ( FHB '33, 0; ’32. 6. C. A. W IN T K R M K IK R Bert Fegles. R. 1—TA. 66; CA: on farm hatchings are not avail­ the position made vacant by the N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Attorney a t Law ; death of Judge Hamilton In July. '33. 1; '32. 8; Cont. A. 0; Ltrs: '33. able. Full Gpepel Ope pel assembly has been ' ° - j?' * A: 734 W illamette Cugens, Oregon S3. 12; '32. 4; Cont. A. 0; Ltra; 7; '32. 16; HPM : '33, 54; '32. 100; Notice Is herehy given that Km Bookings by commercial batcher-1 1*33. Pending the election of his announced by L. D Hoffman, pa» •33, 2; -32. 1; HPM S3. 11; -32. 7; FHB '33. 0; '32, 2. est It Endicott has been appoint­ ies In the whole country for April , IUccessor by the people, the office N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G ed by the order of the County tor. Regular services will be held j FHB •33. 0; '32. 9. Ellis Gulley, Trent— TA. 116; James W. Cooley. R. 1—TA. 100; CA: '33, 3; '32. 7; Cont. A. 0; Ltrs: or later delivery were nearly 6 is occupied by B. L. Eddy, an ap- Judge In and for lame County, every Sunday morning and evening In the County Court of the tttate of Oregon, as the Executor of the at the hall. 321 Main street, at 11 CA: '33. 8; '32. 0; Cont. A, 0; Ltrs- ■33. 5; '32. 2; HPM : '33. 41; '32. 18; per cent greater than a year ago polntee of Gov. Meier. Oregon for Lune County •33. 17; '32. 20; HPM : '33. 137; '32. FHB: S3. 0; '32. 0. Lust W ill of Reason P. Endicott, In spite of a decrease of 14 to 15 and 7:30. ITayer meetings will be 180; EHB: '33. 0; '32. 0 In the M atter of the Estate of deceased. All persons having Carl E. Wimberly Is 44 years of Carl A. Haugen. Goshen—TA. 74; per cent In the pacific coast and Herbert Cadby. deceased every Tuesday and Friday j Veda J Crocker, R 2—TA. 146: claims against said estate are here- i "*■*“ age and for the past 22 years has Notice Is hereby given that the by notified to present the same, i afternoon at 1:30 and In the even CA: '33. 33; '32. 0; Cont. A. 0; CA: S3. 0. '32. 0; Cont. A. 0. mountain dates. This Is a greater Jasepr W. Hnberd. Trent— TA, undersigned administrator has filed Ltrs: '33. 14; '32. 19; HPM : '33. 99; 100; CA: '33. 5; '32. 8; ConL A. 0; Increase than was reported on been actively engaged In the gen­ with the proper vouchers, to said |ng at 7:30 his final account In the above en­ Executor, at the office of Fred '82. «6: FHB: '33. 0; '32. 0. Ltrs: '33. 6; '32. 5; H PM : '33, 42; March 1. It does not necessarily eral practice of law in Roseburg. Cottage prayer meeting» will be titled matter That the abov» en- E Suillli, Attorney at Law. 40« W E. Ebbert. R. 2— TA. 40; CA: '32. 46; FHB: '33.0; '82.0. He la essentially a lawyer and mean, however, that more chicks illhul court him appointed Friday Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon. held at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon,. 33. 2; '32. 6: Cont. A. 0; Ltrs. S3, W alter W Keeney. Dexter— TA, the l»th day uf May 1834 at ten within six months from the date and evangelistic services Thursday I 8: '32. 10; H PM : 'S3. 53; 32. 88; will he hatched, aa the close ad­ not a politician. 498; CA: '33, 0; '32. 8: Cont. A. 0; o'clock In the forenoon aa the time of this notice. evenings at 7:30 The children's FHB 'S3. 0; '32. 0. Ltrx: '33. 4: '32. 4; H PM : '32. 20; herence of hatcheries to their code for (he hearing of objections to said His election will Insure lawyers Dated April 19lb. 1934 Henry W Evler. R. 2— TA. 77: la encouraging buyers to place '32. 26: FHB: '33. 0; '32. 0. church Saturday afternoons at 2 final account and the settlement and litigants of courteous and fair- ERN EST It END IC OTT. Exe­ CA 32. 0; '32.0; Cont A. 0: Ltrs: W illiam F. Kelsey. Dexter— TA. orders earlier than last year. thereof All persona Interested may 1 o'clock Is for all children under 12. cutor '33 3; '32. 5: HPM '32. 13; '32. 31; 80; CA: '33. 0; '32, 0; Cont. A. 0; minded consideration and will pro­ file objections thereto If auy they FRKD E. S M ITH . Attorney for Everyone Is welcome to these ser- FH B: '33. 0; '32. 0 Ltra: '33. 4; '32. 4; HPM : '33, 33; mote prompt and impartial Judi­ have. Executor. 8. J. Godard. W altervllle— TA. '32. 29: FH B : '33. 0; '32.0. i vices. Jasper Man H a re — A. R. R uth­ Dated April 19th. 1934 cial decisions. (A 19 26 — M 3 10 171 127. CA: '33. 4: 'S3. 4: Cont. A. 0; P. N. I.alrd R. 1— TA. 178: CA: ven of Jasper was a Sunday visitor (Paid Adv.) W W CADBY. administrator. Ltrs. '33. 6: '32. 3; H PM : '33. 41: W ELLS A W ELLS S3. 0; '32. 0; Cont. A, 0; Ltrs: '33, In Springfield. C A. W IN IT E H M K IB R . attorney ", N O T IC E •32. 24 FHB: 'S3. 1: '32.0. A tto m eye at L aw 3: '32. 2; H PM : '33. 24; '32. 23; (A 18 2# —- M 3 10 17) O F H E A R IN G F IN A L A C C O U N T C. I Oorrle. Jr.. R. 1—TA. 145; FH B : '33. 0; '32. 0. Bank of Commarca Bldg.. Eugene Notice is hereby given by the CA: S3 8: '32. 16. Cont A. 2; F C. Lord. R. 1—TA. 80; CA: 'S3, N O T IC E undersigned that he has us Execu­ Ltrs: 'S3. 10; '32. 10; H PM : '33. 87; 12; '32. 12; Cont. A. 3; Ltrs: '33. 4; O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T tor of the Last W ill of George W. '32 «9: FHB 'S3. 0: '32. 0 '32. 4; HPM : '33. 24; '32. 20; FHB: NO TIC E Is hereby given that the Irvin, dec,-used, filed his final ac­ L. D Gossler. R.2—TA . 91; CA: '33. 0; '32. 0. You are cordially invited to a special showing of the new count. and that Hon Fred Ftsk. undersigned. J A. Gibson. Admin­ '33. 12; '32. 10- Cont. A. 0; Ltrs: E E McClary. R 1— TA. 76; CA: Garden Court Totletrtee at our store during the coming week. Judge of the County Court la and istrator of the Estate of Knute O. •S3 0; '32. 5: HPM 'S3. 0; '32. 32; '33. 0: '32. 0: Cont. A. 0: Ltra; '33. It will be a Garden Court Beauty Week, and with the pur­ for lame County. Oregon, has fixed Ilusby. deceaaed. ha» filed his Final FHB '33. 0; '32. 0. 7; '32. 8; H P M : '33. 50; '32. 55; the hour of ton o'clock A. M of Report and Account as such Ad­ chase of any Garden Court product at the regular price, which F J O ray. R 2— TA 290; CA: FHB: '33. 0- '32. 0 June 1st., 1934. at the chamber» ministrator with the Clerk of the 'S3, m : '32. 0; Cont A. 0: Ltrs: Is 55 cents, you will be privileged to »elect any other Garden Charley C. McPeek. R. 1— TA. County Court of lame County. Ore- of said Court In the lame County 'S3. 10: '32 14: H PM : 'S3. 44; '32. 54: CA: '33. 3; '32. 0; Cont. A. 0: Court product of the same value, and It will be given to you Coart House. Eugene. Oregon, as rou; and that Saturday, the 2nd 66: FHB 'S3. 0: 32. 0 Ltra: '33. 11; '32, 18; H P M : '33. without charge, a t a compliment of the manufacturer. the time and place of hearing ob day of June 1934 at 10:00 o'clock Albert E. Harper. R. 1—TA. 49: 64: '32. 140; FHB: '33. 0; '32. 0. Jectlons to such account and the In the forenoon of said day. In the CA: 'S3. 2: '32. 2: Cont. A. 0: Ltra: The line consists of many items for the dally care of the L. D. Miller. Dexter— TA. 212: County Court Room of said County. •S3. 10- '32. 10: H P M : 'S3. 69; '32. CA: '33. 0: '32. 0; Cont. A. 0: Ltra: e tfle in e n t thereof skin, such as creams. loGons, astringents, face powder, etc., and W IL L IA M G IR V IN . Executor In the Court House at Eugene, has 79: FHB: '33.0 '32.0. '33. 11: '32. 18; H PM : '33, 25; 32. all are reasonably priced at 55 cents each. been set by Hon Fred Fish. Judge FRED E S M IT H . Attorney for O W Hart. R 2—TA. 116; CA: 126; FHB: '33. 0; '32. 0. of said Court, as the time and place S3. 11U; ' l l . 30: Cont A. 5%: Executor. Tom Morae. R. 1— TA. 58; CA: l o y a l e . s c o t t , prop. f< i hearing objections to the same, Ltrs: 'S3. 0 '32 7: H P M : 'S3. 0: '33. 1«; '32. 10: Cont. A. 4.2; Ltra: COUNTY •32. 129 FHB: '33. 0; 'S3. 9 'S3. 7: '32. 4; HPM : 'S3, 3«; '32. 14; T H E STATE LAND BOARD OF FHB: '33. 0 : '32. 0. H A R R IS . S M IT H A B R Y SO N 3 ® R. T * ,? 5' OKKOON, composed of Julin» L A ttorneys S3- 8: 33- 0: r ° n’ *• ° : Lt.r ,: 38 H A. Pontlua. R. 1. Box 129— Meier, Governor of Oregon. P. J TA. 232. CA: '33. 12; '32. 10; Cont. Stadelman. Secretary of State of M |n«r Bldg., Eugene, O re.; J , ® o ^ ' ^ o "''' A. 4.6; Ltra: '33. 6; '32. 9; HPM : Oregon; and. Rufus Holman. NOTICE Ben Lefever. W altervllle— TA. '38. 41; 32. 62; FHB: '33, 0; '82. 0. Treaaurer of Oregon. Plaintiff. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 65; CA: '33. 1; 32, 1; Cont. A. Clair Quinn. R. 1—TA. 125; CA: —v s— N O TIC E Is hereby given that th e , 0; Lira: 'S3, 3; '32, 2; H P M : 'S3, '33, 4: '32. 0: Cont. A. 0; Ltra: '33. Effie L. Rankins, a widow; Cora undersigned a» executrix of the 18; '32. 12; FHB: 'S3, 0; '33,0 You can earn several hundred dollars thia summer, 0: '32. 2; H PM : '33. 0; '32. 18; Barton, (leorge W Barton, her e tnte of James T Moore, deceased, I A. B. Mathew». R. 3— TA. 109; FHB: '33. 0; '32. 0. and you can secure a better position and a larger salary hunhand; Bena Shelp. Bert Shelp. has filed In the county court for CA: '33. 0; '32. 0; Cont. A, 0; Ltra; W illiam T. Rousch. Star R t , for the coming year. Complete information will be mailed her husband: H attie Cook. P. F lame County, Oregon, her final ac- 33. 9; '32, 10; H PM : '33, 52; '32. D e x te r-T A . 53; CA: 'S3. 0; '32. 0; Cook. her husband M errill Ran „„ on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for it to-day. . , , count as »uch executrix and said 56; FHB: S3. 0; 32, 0. Cont A. 0; Ltra: '33. 4; '82. 4; kins. Jane Doe Rankins, his court ha» appointed Saturday the M errit McPherson, R. 1 — TA, PHM : 'S3. 30; '32. 30; FHB: '33. 5; wife; John Rankin». Pearl Ran Rural Schools and City Schools 2nd day of June. 1934 at ten o'clock 366 CA: '33. 9; '32. 0; Cont. A, 0; •32. 0 kin», hl» wife; Ruth Glbblns. Summer Work and School Year Positions Frank Shelley. R. 1—TA . 110; „ » eiiuv A. M. aa the time and the county Ltrs: '33, 4; '32. 6; H P M : 'S3. 33; <"»metlmes spelled Gibbon»). , d .„ f„ , t . '32. 38; FHB: 'S3. 0; '32, 0. CA: '38. 0; ’32. 0; Cont. A. 0: Ltra: , a' ‘ ’ T k 7 7 " ? house In Eugene, lame County. Otto M. Mennes. Box 38— TA. •33. 9; '32. 16; H P M : 'S3. 39; '32. Gibbons) her husband: U » » « | Oregon, a . the place for hearing I 183; CA: '33. 0; '32. 16; Cont. A. C O N T IN E N T A L 76; FHB: S3. 0; '32. 0. Rankins Lucy Rankins, his w lfe ; „ bJp,.,|on9i (f any to gal)1 flnal ac. 0; U r a : -33 14; -32_ | | . H PM : 'S3, W. H Shelley. R. 1—TA . 310; TEA C H E R S A G E N C Y , IN C . CA: S3. 0- '32. 0; Cont. A. 0; Ltra: “ n<1 settlement thereof 131; 32, 115; FHB: '33 .0 ; 32,0. Kins, his wire, i.ane t < uniy. a IM,raona interested and desiring George Momb. W altervllle— TA, '33. 24; '32. 26: H PM : '33. 140; 32. 1850 Downing S t„ Denver, Colo. of' t h l T a ’t o of" O r e m »° o h l ‘*C‘ ,O f ln a ' ‘ CCOUn' ‘ re 1 3 # - 3 3 ' 11 32' C o n t' A ' 96; FHB: '32. 0; '22, 2. tT h * , 0 f .° h ^ fy n rm w itl hereby notified to file their objec u; Ltrs: '33. 4; 13. 10; ilP M : S3. W illiam A. Simon. Fall Creek— Covers the E N T IR E United States in in d o f* . n . C .m ntv O r e m n »h e r e ‘o ln *«»> the I f ; S3. 82; FHB: 3 3 .0 ; 32.0. TA. 146; CA; '33, 0; '32. 0; Cont. R md n N o «8 7 ' h iilv 7 o r' , ’,''rk of s,,ld Cour* prlor to ’ “ ld Annie L. Moore. R. 2— TA. 484; A. 0; Ltrs: '33. 3- '32. 13; HPM : "Thanks for sending me so mauy good positions to apply for. Road District No. 40. a body cor- M , CA: '33. 3; '32. 15; Cont. A. 0: '33. 20; '32, 104; FHB: '33. 0; over 30 during the first five days I was enrolled.”— An Illinois Teacher. pornte and politic ln and of lame . K County. Oregon. Defendant«. " ((f , h<> pub„ catloll of Lira; '33. ¡3; '32. 31; H PM : '33. '32. 0. Grover O. W alker, Fall Creek— 95; '32. 224; FHB: '33. 0; '32. 0. To Cora Barton. Oeorge W Bar­ llila notice Is Mny 3. 1934 S C H O O L O F F IC IA L S :— W a can put you in touch w ith the vary H. C. Page * Soil. R. 1— TA. 144; TA. 257; CA: '33, 9; '82. 0; Cont. ton. her husband. Rena Shelp. Berti A N N IE L MOORE. As execu- CA: '33. 8; '32. 8; Cont. A. 0; Ltrs: A. 0; Ltra: '33. 2; '32. 6; HPM : finest taachars. O ur service Is free to you. Shelp. her husband; Hattie Cook. '33. 16; '32. 31; FHB: '33. 0; '32. 0. | trlx of the estate of James T 33, J ; 32, 11; HPM : '33, 14; '32, P. F. Cook, her hushnnd; M errill Moore, deceaaed Henry E. W alker. Fall Creek— ; 69; EHB: '33. 0; '32.0. Rankins. Jane Doe Rankins, his iM 3-10-17-24-31) ’ Charlotte Parre». J a sp er — TA, TA. 112; CA: '33, 7; '32. 0; Cont. wife, and Ruth Glbblns. (sometimes 384; CA: '33. 5; '32. 6; Cont. A. 0; »pelimi Gibbons) and Roy Glbblns N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Ltra: '33. 4; '32. 5; H PM : 'S3. 34; (Hornetlines »polled Gibbons), her N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN : '32, 16; FHB: '33, 0; '32. 0. husband. Defendants: IN T H E . hut the County Court of the State H. E. Phetteplace. Star Rt.— TA, NAM E OF T H E STATE OF ORE ,,f Oregon foy Lane County ha» ap- DO N: pointed Flora Steamier a» Admin 12£: CA: '33, 20; '32, 12; Cont. A. You. and each of you are herehy tRtrntrlx of the E»tnte of W H. S'; Ltrs: 'S3. 7; '32. 8; H PM : '33. »uninion. il and required to appear steam ier. Deceased All per»ons 41; '32. 60; FHB: '33. 0; '32, 0. George W. Platt. R. 2— TA, 80; and answer the complaint filed having claim» against said Estate! „5*.' against st yon von In ln the above entitled ar(> bereby notified to present the A ' 33. 2 H ; '32. 0; Cont. A. 0; »nit within four weeks from the day same, duly verified, to the under­ Ltrs: '33. 8; '32. 8; H PM : '33, 62; of the first publication of this sum­ signed Administratrix at the Law '32. 67; FHB: '33. 0; '22. 4. W. L. Rauch. R 2—TA , 62; CA: mon»; and If you fall to answer. Office of Harris. Smith A Bryson, for want thereof plaintiff will ap- . Bul,d| i,an„ County Ore.' 'S3. 9; '32. 9; Cont. A, 0; Ltrs: '33, 5; '32. 13 HPM : '33. 40; '32. 96; oly to the Court for the relief there­ in demanded, towlt, for the fore- K °n within six months from the FHB: '38, 0; '32. 0 R. O. Rennie. R. 2— TA. 164.6; closure of that certain mortgage ar»d. lubniitwd aad pai» tar kg I Date of first publication April 10; '32. 13; H PM : 'S3. 70; '32. 83; trix of the Estate and Last FHB: 'S3. 0; '32. 0. tlutuMM IUW S Proparty Taa Raduatioa Laagas, Faol T Ski 28th. 1934. W ill and Testament of Jessie Ckairauui. F H. Ye FRED E S M IT H . Attorney for O. L. Stacey, R. 2— TA. 80; CA: B. Howard. Deceased, Portland Plaintiff. Res. — P. O Ad­ '38, 2; '32. 8.6; Cont. A. 0; Ltrs: dress 406 Miner Building. Eu­ i HARRIS. S M IT H A BRYSON. ■38. 2; 32. 1; H P M : ’31. U ; ’31, 8; A ttorneys for Executrix. gene, Oregon. FHB: '38. 0; '81. 0. (A 28 — M 319-17-14) (A 2« — M 8-10-17 24) W elby S tev en s, R. ft—TA , 188; Carl E. Wimberly C irc u it J u d g e Garden Court Week Business Directory Scott*» Drag Store T e a c h e rs ---------- » LO W ER PROPERTY TAXES VO TE THE SALES TAX 3 0 8 X YES